Juice WRLD | The Lyrical Lemonade Interview

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yo is juice world you rockin with Luke eliminate shout out cold Bennet takin over I was wondering to do is where I really feel comfortable like advancing some people about [ __ ] and like expressing what was going on so I know I wasn't the only negative feel that way so I made music for other people to like like a therapy session bro pretty much and uh I mean I was going through hella like relationship [ __ ] and I was to a point where I'm not gonna make a bias and a statement like you know I'm saying cuz obviously all girls aren't the same like I get that a lot people in my DMS all girls aren't the same I'm different and you know sad like [ __ ] on that [ __ ] I'll go the same way but now all [ __ ] aside it was just really expressing my feelings at that moment like I made that song in the moment and I kept it and dropped it because it was how I was feeling like it was like pure emotion like you know some people get pushed to a certain point where they live like they make a bias tape me and they stick with that [ __ ] so that's pretty much what I did with that song so I think the one major thing is um studio being able to use the studio whenever I want to like I used to have to scramble for money to get like two hours at the studio and I go from that to like getting 12 hour blocks like every night and this is like it's a blessing bro this [ __ ] crazy and everything else I try not to dwell on it as much because I don't want to just be like I don't want to let myself get overwhelmed and just kind of have like you know just kind of break down about the [ __ ] so I just keep it moving I try not to dwell on much but like my life is like a hundred percent faster and just flashy you know I'm saying like everything's in my face all the time I don't know it's gonna take some adjusting but I'm with it like this is what I want to do so in a way cuz you know I went literally from a fan standpoint to like being who I was like you know like a person I was a fan huh so in a way but certain things are different but most of it is what I thought it was going to Cardo is the go me and Cardo got a lot of [ __ ] Oh Benny Blanco was cool as [ __ ] me haven't got a couple songs coming out che ski me a ski got some [ __ ] change smokers like eggs juice on the way so it's gonna be interested in I'm gonna [ __ ] with that heavy duck I'm so light bro I got some [ __ ] on the Pierre [ __ ] some Pierre [ __ ] that's hard I'm trying to reach out to more people me FK I felt like it when I get back to LA so he's one like my dream producers to locking away like I remember I first heard his name his tag I'm like a post song and that's she like that was when post Malone was like had 10k followers on my histogram like I was on him early it's like I was like probably this producer hard and then he was on loveis rage like three or four songs I'm like bro he's like he's heart so I'm lucky with him oh no bro so high it's a lot - it's a lot coming I wants a lot to look forward to so I mean I'm gonna keep it completely a hundred with you like I'll be having my home knees and my friends in there like every now and then this [ __ ] but I rather it be as few people in there as possible just cause of the environment is more peaceful less distractions there's certain people that I would like to be in there and all times but like two or three people I [ __ ] with like you know to be in there and that's like no offense to the homies are none of my friends to be there but it's just like that's not sure I have in this fear you know you can't go to a studio and act like you at a bar or at a party get some shitty smell it's work to be done you know I'm saying so that's how I feel about that I don't like necessarily going in there like completely so long up like sometimes it's just you know you can feed off the energy of others you know and the vibes in the room so it's two or three people I like to have in there all times but besides that not so many I would tell myself to stay as far away from drugs as possible make sure to stay grounded with your family and just don't give up cuz a year ago I was going to quit this [ __ ] like I wasn't for the quit this [ __ ] but I was from the stop taking this seriously like it was gonna be like a hobby instead of a passion you know cuz I mean I feel like after a certain point and the artist whether they want to admit it or not if they're not seeing results they're gonna start doubting themselves and I took that [ __ ] to the max so it was it was kind of all bad but I'm glad I kept going cuz look now like she's paying off so I think the main advice I'd give myself is just to not give up and keep keep striving stay sober don't get me wrong they have but at the same time you gotta let like it's like a fine line between having an influence and like letting the drugs like do you instead of you doing the trials like because it's so easy to get over consumed and [ __ ] and I don't care what nobody says it so it's easy to get over consumed in weed I know people that were like hard-working ass [ __ ] they started smoking at a sit on a couch in every $10 or $5 they get is going to the next you know like gram or 0.5 whatever the [ __ ] so it's so easy to get over consumed in this [ __ ] but I mean I kind of lucked out cuz I didn't know the fine line between like you know just taking some to come up with some ideas of getting the vibe versus that being a lifestyle and I just so happened to kind of edge my way out of that little mindset but a lot of people don't so I don't know it's a it's a balance to the [ __ ] pretty much I mean she's like I'm the one the proudest people have her like she's like been my biggest supporter and cheerleader since birth so I love her to death for that and I mean I'm trying to give her the world that's part of the reason why I'm doing this [ __ ] but um yeah she's always been a strong contributor it's just my success and just making sure nice school to go to and food on my plate we're not always on the same page I'm more of a free spirit she's kind of conservative but she's starting to see like she's starting to just let me be me you know and um but yeah she's always been there always been helping me and she's so happy for me now she calls me all the time I play your songs for my friends at work and stuff like that it's cute where she's most definitely like she's like I don't know she's like the biggest supporter for sure for sure I mean I went through a lot of phases I think I started exploring more music when I was in fourth grade maybe fifth grade I went through anything from the Beatles to like Skrillex like literally every genre I don't think I was too much in the country like that but everything goes I pretty much was into it like heavy metal stuff too like The Devil Wears Prada all the way back like Fall Out Boy you know just different things and I think I was because when I first started recording and making music I was rapping and I was just kind of trying to stick to his hip-hop and rap or whatever you know whatever was I and I just decided like that's not gonna give me anywhere so I just took a step back and walked into the [ __ ] as being myself and that's just like a part of me like it's like subconscious you know so it's a blessing that I was you know as a kid I was looking through all the genres and listening all this [ __ ] was it's cool and I like putting people on this [ __ ] like some of my friends that I never would have thought would [ __ ] with like Green Day and [ __ ] I'll be putting a guess on every T gonna be snaps and she didn't listening to this [ __ ] it was so funny the main reason was to have more of a power push behind me you know honestly I feel like I could either way it went it would have been good but um I feel like this was like the smartest choice in just some of the stuff that was presented to me during like the label meetings and stuff it was certain things that I couldn't really refuse or not because it was like a hundred percent of real and I Felton it will help me the best way so that's why I took the label route but yeah at the end of the day I like to make people happy you know like I like to I like to spread joy I like to make people happy I like to like create connections with music and no vibes and bring people together and I think that's the main thing that's why like you've seen me like my plans you have to be looking because I'll be like I like seeing joy because they bring me joy you know I'm not necessarily the most joyful person in the world but that's one thing that does make me happy making music especially that other people could relate to and that makes them see that makes them happy it's like good energy it's almost like the UH like a lot of universe type [ __ ] you know you reciprocate this [ __ ] so yeah that's pretty much that's that's the history behind that [ __ ] the lowest point I was at like emotionally mentally all that was when I was having like relationship troubles at the same time it felt like my music wasn't going to where I wanted it to go and my grades were [ __ ] up in high school and it was time like you know for colleges to start looking at [ __ ] and I wasn't on any like sports teams and none of that so I'm like no what the [ __ ] am I gonna do after high school like you know and I was just I'd be sitting in my room just going crazy over this [ __ ] and it's weird because it's not like I didn't understand this [ __ ] like I used to like my AC T squared was high yeah like a 24 is some [ __ ] so like I was smart as hell I just being in school just wasn't for me and my music and my head wasn't where I thought it should be so it was just like what the [ __ ] do I do and I didn't want to work no regular job but none of that [ __ ] so I was literally just walking around and living my life in confusing trying to figure out what was the next move and something just told me to keep pushing music just keep making music keep making music and that's kind of when Lance and me getting out of that hole and getting where right now so my first piece of like I gots piece of music I'm dropping it's gonna be like like a love tragedy I guess I'm about to do like a whole lot of pressure on for the [ __ ] and just get everything put together but it's gonna be I think is probably one of the best things I put together I got a lot of music coming after that tapes already pre-planned like I've been recording a lot non-stop I don't like the party I don't like to really go to clubs and [ __ ] like I like to perform that's like my party but besides that I'm in the studio or asleep so and most of the time I'd be in a studio it was on sleep like that so I have a lot of songs like pre-planned a lot of like mixtapes EPS just pre-planned out and I'm just you know strategically waiting for the right moment and stuff so be honest and the South suburb was where I was living it was the studio in VR entertainment I think Entertainment hang like Country Club Hills the main the owner of there and like he's like money he was my engineer too he pushed me through so much [ __ ] and helped me with so much and just really just kind of helped me set the pace for my [ __ ] and even from the start he was he was [ __ ] with me heavy so he saw potential and all that like I'll [ __ ] with him forever for that [ __ ] no [ __ ] so if I had to name somebody that played their roles most definitely oh it's funny because no matter like my first performance I was not nervous I wasn't like completely confident but I wasn't nervous it's almost as if I like blacked out and then I came back when the performance was over with like it was just like adrenaline pumping and not just you know I try not to tense up and I just I just ran it like it was weird it felt natural as [ __ ] though so I don't know a lot of people say that some people have to practice like stage presidents and like studio presents and stuff like all that stuff has come natural like to me it's like a blessing like oh no I was it was fun as [ __ ] though most definitely from under a cork tree by fellow boy that was the first album I ever bought I remember the first five loci from under a clerk tree then do keep our Green Day and then I switched completely over it was like thank me later hydrate and then I think it was some Foo Fighters [ __ ] and I'm the last one was escaped of fate dying is your latest fashion that's my [ __ ] I stood up in a bump that I thought leave no [ __ ] bro I want to work with Billy Idol so bad in Ozzy so I wish I had a time machine broke I will open for Black Sabbath for like oh my mom I swear to God and just it's so many of them Billy Idol yeah Billy Idol Ozzy I want to do all the little punk bands I listen to like Senses Fail all the shit's bro like [ __ ] Fall Out Boy I'm gonna make that happening I have to make that happen so that will happen soon as [ __ ] I have something happen I wish I can go back and work with like the Beatles issues just so you know so many different like shits bro this is indie band I don't know how big they are I know they have a presence on soundcloud I don't know if you heard from de wave have you heard of them they're so [ __ ] hard that music sounds like California in a song like just a sunny ass palm tree and state like they're hard as [ __ ] Escape the Fate like Ronnie like the least angry hardest [ __ ] bro so many YouTube Glee singer he cool I never really I liked a couple of their songs but his voice is like very is beautiful so I will [ __ ] with him young thought that has to happen a future that has to happen that's another big influence bro future is so [ __ ] hard I listen the future for the first time when I was in sixth grade and I remember asking my friends like you've heard of this artist named future and they were like [ __ ] you mean hot future and I'm like maybe I'm saying the name wrong I go back to the crib I'm like ah future some whole different [ __ ] from future and I end up liking that [ __ ] anyways I ain't no [ __ ] with that [ __ ] like sixth grade like I was on a hellish it early bro no [ __ ] but there's so many people I want to work with Tyler the Creator - hell yeah for sure success is me waking up everyday and for me to do like me being able to do whatever the [ __ ] I want comfortably without having to worry about anything if I want to wake up and donate ten billion dollars to a charity I can't without having to feel like them just hurt my pockets you know I'm saying if I wanted to take if I want to live in [ __ ] France for like six months and you know just being able to literally do whatever the [ __ ] I want comfortably and I have a worry make sure my family and all my close ones are taken care of that's that success in my eyes ten years I want to wake up in London right and then go back to like LA the same day and then pull off and like I McLaren and then go home and ride dirt bikes I'm gonna wake up I didn't go back to London and then repeat no [ __ ] and then those were studio time and then I'll be straight it's like the perfect life but wherever I'm at there has to be a chick-fil-a that's like but what chick-fil-a is the best [ __ ] ever invented bro it's so far it's so far no [ __ ] that's perfect life though chick-fil-a dirtbikes London studio LA perfect life
Channel: Lyrical Lemonade
Views: 1,969,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juice wrld, interview, lyrical lemonade, cole bennett, juice interview, juice wrld interview, episode 4, the lyrical lemonade interview', green day, jucie wrld lyrical lemonade, juice wrld 2018, juice wrld music, juice wrld official, juice wrld official interview, juice wrld lyrical lemonade interview, lyrical lemonade official, lyrical lemonade official interview, lyrical lemonade 2018, cole bennett official, cole bennett 2018, cole bennet interview
Id: 5DAwY85_gYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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