Lil Baby Talks Drake, The Industry & Tekashi 6ix9Ine

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man you're busy out here little baby came through how are you doing you're so busy okay so you got your album coming out definitely street gossip that's coming out november 30th friday it's friday friday's gonna be a big day for you but you put out so many mixtapes you're out here working are you already working on your next project i have a feeling in my heart that you're already focused on what to do next exactly i'll be working yeah i'll be working that's all i do yeah you know that's for me to do though and life could be worse so this is like a great time for you to be out here working you just started rapping like two years ago though right remember i'm like a whole two years no definitely this is crazy to me when i saw that i was just thinking about and i promise i swear it's no shade i'm thinking about a lot of other you know artists out there who've been doing this for such a long time and they're not getting you know the look that they think that they should get why do you think it's been so good for you and it's been so successful for you i don't know i truly just take it as a blessing i'm saying and i see the same thing you know i know a lot of people personally that i don't know i see the same thing and like if somebody asked me i couldn't even give them no insight on how to do it or what to do you know so it's just like and all the blessings right i feel like elena's always been supportive like artists from atlanta have always been supportive of one another i do think that plays a factor i think he plays a major fan of definitely right definitely that plays a major feat i feel like everybody looks out for each other like even when you're coming up i saw that you were kicking it around the studio you you beat gucci mane gambling well he won first two hundred thousand dollars and then you got it back the next day that's crazy to me do you still gamble out here just big numbers like that no not like that but you know if i do i do though you know if i gamble i'm a gambler but like i'd be so busy now i really don't even have time to get them so yeah kind of cool now day and you're saving your money i saw that as well i'm on today why is that important i think that it's really good to hear that from you money is everything to me you know what i'm saying like without money a lot of stuff won't go go home yeah a lot of stuff so with that being said you know i got to get it and when you get in a certain position you can't go back to a certain position i 100 understand that one and you're having your second baby right congratulations this is exciting that's another reason to save your money yeah definitely kids are expensive how has fatherhood changed your life like now fatherhood changed me like all the way because like i used to be saying like i don't got nothing to live for like like not nothing to live for i used to say i don't got nothing to lose facts you know i'm like it's me if something you know right all i got is me i ain't tripping right like now you know i got somebody to be there for and who depend on me look so he's like get me out and then now with another chat like so you know two on and on this is so beautiful another boy right right another little boy do you have any worries about you know life for them like if you had to think about one thing you want them to you know always have in their hearts with them and carry with them for the rest of their life what would you say is the most important advice you could share with them how to conduct myself what i'm saying in any situation right like no matter whether if it's at a job in college in the streets whatever right how to conduct they said when i'm saying like my dad showed me how to do this and this so you know yeah they should be good what would you say is the hardest point in your life a lot of things been hard but like the hardest part of my life you know of course would be like going to jail right that's just because you know you're away from absolutely other than that you know i i always take it like it is what it is so whatever happened kind of like meant to happen so i kind of try to like fight through it when it happened yeah i want to go back a little bit your childhood do you think that's when that all developed where you know you got to have a thick skin because you know someone hearing this now might not fully understand they see you out here shining they don't understand the rejections the hard life that you really went through you know i go i went through i still go to like everything everybody else go through on like on the regular that's why i kind of put that in my music too i'm saying not just like it's just the flashing light sure exactly so it's like they struggle real definitely and i come from there like right and i'm still around there like i got people who's still in it yeah that must be so hard though do you feel indebted to do something for everyone though yeah you you'll get caught up in it but over a period of time you know you have to understand like you can't help everybody and everybody don't want to be tough no i'm saying but it'd be like that especially because you're young and you're out when you're successful that's young to understand that you can't help everybody exactly and a lot of people don't understand it won't understand but like i didn't been through that i'm helping everybody going broke not like since i've been rapping right but like just in life period exactly you know what i'm saying so like when i start rapping i just put all my life lessons into this so now you know i stand afloat i was reading up a couple articles and they were saying that you know a lot of folks feel that you and gonna have an outcast vibe that's a big title i was like damn that's a great time i never i never heard it though yeah no if you go online they feel like the vibe that you two have is a very because you both have your own style i can see that though yeah i can see like i can see where that would come from no definitely okay it's not going to add pressure to you right no no no no no like andre 3 000 that's my favorite though ever yeah like i'm out here have you ever had to run in with him have you i've seen him like you know before i was rapping like in atlanta right but like i ain't never like since i've been rapping i ain't brought into him though that i i heard he's out here all the time just walking chilling just i see i was rapping like this just chilling restaurant elevator i've seen them a lot of times but yeah since i've been rapping though i ain't ran into them yeah i love that when i read that i was like that must be a really big compliment to hear that to hear an outcast you know comparison what other artists are in your top five favorites it's your favorite it doesn't have to be top greatest and get all complicated but you're i love music right no i'm saying so i kind of listen to everybody right like but like kevin gates like drake right right yo gotti nice okay that's three and we got andre on there yeah fuji that's nice list and working with drake how was that how did that even happen i mentioned drake like yeah you're a cool dude you know what i'm saying right he real observant you know what i'm saying he said a lot so you know i i already messed with him for a minute got it was this year 2008 in 2017. oh okay so this has been in a long time like 2018 we're gonna make it happen but we made it happen for you did you think it was gonna be that successful no i never you know i know i don't know nothing about this so you know i can't even think this far like that yeah so you know oh yeah i thought about like this successful no i'm saying yeah one you know one of the best lines that we've heard in such a long time is i'm a baby wait so how did you come up with that actually man i said it was just in the studio so jay sent me the song so i mean they're trying to get this to again we're just going back and forth you know like a lot of times before i go in the booth you know like you got some bros in the studio yeah i'll just rap out loud to each other you know like right that's where you're gonna go yeah like yeah we gotta go that way i love it but i thought i just had to wait for a way to put it in there yeah it worked what other artists do you really really want to work with like if you if you could look at your career right now and you're just like you know you're just starting out this is just the very beginnings who else would you really hope to get in the studio with i hang on i really only had no hopes like cause i kind of didn't been in the studio everybody already almost like the people that i wanted to get in the studio with what i'm saying so i kind of like and then like in the game and then like at my level i kind of be brushing shoulders with everybody yeah so you know certain people we normally changing them but i'd be so busy it'd kind of be hard yeah was there anyone that you came across that you know let's go back two years ago when you're doing your thing coming up and not where you are at this point but they knew you and you're like damn i didn't know that they yeah like even now at this point you know what i'm saying like oh you know i i know how big i am to a certain extent right i still don't know like who know me who don't know me some people be knowing me i'm like okay you know i am not saying yeah i don't mean i still don't know do you remember a certain moment where you're just like damn i think i did make it i still ain't at that level i still tell the bros i don't be feeling like i just made it mm-hmm you're a hard worker i like this this is this is great you already now have a documentary preacher man right what made you want to do this so early on in your career see and then like it's just more like a uh to give a feel like who i am yeah so he don't even got nothing to do with like my music like nothing really right so it's like a pre-documentary or just like can you prepare the right where i'm coming from right so then maybe like three four five more years then you'll have a new documentary right and i can add all this type of stuff it's a journey exactly but that's like the start of my journey like the end of one journey to open up a new journey yeah yeah what would you say has been the hardest part for you in the industry like people telling me what to do kind of what i'm saying being on certain schedules and people like now i ain't really into that [Laughter] yeah do you feel like though it's a transition into being a businessman because i feel like that's part of it right you got all these meetings you got to show up you got to be here you got to do these interviews i mean it's i think it's good aspect but what that ain't the kind of business i'm going to be running right i ain't gonna have to be noah yeah but you know welcome to that though yeah yeah yeah no for sure now you are going to be performing at hot for the holidays which is exciting this is going to be really good have you already thought about what you're going to do yet or is it like going to be a surprise because you know i feel like when i'm talking to our listeners they're very excited for you exactly so i you know i didn't know it was going to be this kind of excitement but they're very it's very like hype for you have you thought about anything that you want to do when you come to new york i really just was freestyling yeah i just go with the flow living your life exactly that's probably why your fans love you so much i just freestyle just go yeah [Music] so your song with takashi 69 obviously leaked because it was on the album and it came out tick-tock right i heard that i heard it it leaked so it's uh you know how that goes so how did you win six nine link up more so than anything because i know you brought him out at a show out here in new york actually now we kind of been cool for a minute really okay he like like when i first first started rapping right he was already popping but he was on my music you know what i'm saying yeah yeah i don't know i think me and maybe on the same label we are on the same level god i think he got my number whatever we always chopped it up you know what i'm saying and if it happens it happens see i'm on it like if it happened to happen i like it when you taste like bro let's go to the studio and right you know i'm really you know if it happened to happen yeah and then it just it it shows and it sounds through the music that if it's organic and if it's not and have you talked to him since he's been away no i'm gonna be talking to nobody in jail yeah i mean look especially those calls uh you know we know the calls what those calls are and who's listening to the calls we do hope he gets that figured out and gets out hopefully soon so what would you like you know people who are watching right now who have seen your success which is why i keep going back to i i don't think people realize how much work you've put in right and you're putting out non-stop music someone who wants to come up someone who admires you what would you say is the first thing that they should do best piece of advice you can leave them with very best pieces of advice like keep grinding and know what you're grinding for and know who you're talking to like if rapping just don't be rapping like know who your audience is what would you say is your biggest motivation in life money but besides i don't believe it 100 i think your family is man i think like but i can't even take care of my family without no money right i'm saying like i won't even go around my own family if i was broke because i feel like i'm the provider so it's like i come back when i get some money yeah so family definitely but like the money first like god first because you know he keep me healthy and well to get the money then i get the money then i take care of the family exactly it makes sense and anything else that you know we can look forward to for the album because you know this is exciting right well mostly that's the most thing but it's like a whole little weekend thing because my birthday is december 3rd nice okay happy early birthday thank you mm-hmm so like it concerned like a thursday right now we'll come out that friday and my birthday monday so that whole little weekend will it's a celebration well congratulations can't wait to see you back in new york and safe travels back home have fun at your concert please yeah it's coming up december 13th yeah we in brooklyn so we'll see you back here have fun i'm sure the album's gonna do great definitely and continued love and success and health i thank you for having me most different absolutely you
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 566,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NY, hot97app, hip hop, hot97, US,, United States, New York
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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