Lightning vs U-2 and Concorde!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 773,873
Rating: 4.95295 out of 5
Keywords: Concorde, English Electric Lighting, U-2, Mark Felton Productions
Id: 8DdUwIhI-ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
When I first started work back in the 1970's I worked at RAF Manston and got to see just how fast one of the Lightenings could climb out of sight.
Brilliant engineering.
From memory they are both true stories, but pushing the bounds. The U2 intercept was only done because the did a zoom climb and were basically slung up there, I don’t think they flew and properly intercepted.
The Concorde intercept had similar limitations. There as a TV programme recently where an interceptor, probably a Tornado, intercepted Concorde but could only stay with it for a minute because of fuel burn. Concorde continued across the Atlantic.
Yes, they both were intercepted and could have shot them down but the Lightning was at the edges of it’s performance and the others were just having a normal day at work.
I love the Lightning, it’s a fantastic plane especially for its time and I also love these stories. I used to see them flying a lot when I was a kid, they were just brilliant. This is one of my favourite pictures though.
A bit more reading
Taffy Holden: Accidental Fighter Pilot
Fascinating, thank you.