Light the Fuse with Tom Cruise and the Cast & Crew of the New "Mission: Impossible" Movie

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five four like you hello this is Drew Taylor joined as always by Charles Hood and we are the hosts of Life the official now the official congratulations thank you Mission Impossible podcast and we are so excited [Laughter] [Music] it's like a choir we are so excited writer director Christopher McCrory allegedly allegedly hell yeah well great to see you Vanessa Kirby how are you Greg Tarzan Davis what up and last but not least the incomparable Mr Tom Cruise good to see you all again it's great to see you good to see you thank you for everything we thought since Mission Impossible is known for its globetrotting Adventures we'd go around the world with the cast and crew of Mission Impossible dead reckoning part one you got your passports all right let's do it let's start in Norway so let's talk about this motorcycle Joe uh where was everybody when this happened I mean I know where you two were but where where did you go and watch it did you hear about it did you see it later on tell me where where you were like yeah under the bridge watching as he oh my gosh parachute and it was a crazy thing because we don't have a monitor so we're all just like are we working tomorrow this could be the shortest job I assure this job I've ever had do we work tomorrow are we working tomorrow are we giving testimony yes well it was formerly last how many times did you watch him do it he wouldn't stop why why wouldn't you stop that's the question why wouldn't you because you could always do it better sometimes day one day one two times the next day two times had to get the shot Tarzan had to get the shot I came back day two he's doing it again yes nobody said hey don't I think we got it I don't know we do that all the time every time she's like no I could do it a little I can do it a little better yeah that was quite a day I didn't know where you guys were I remember I landed a helicopter right on the side of the Rocks before the ramp and the thing is McHugh and I you know we basically lived together so we're travel to work together every day on days like that when we're doing things it's not like he's looking at me going oh my God oh my God don't do it yeah it's very uh it's just very calm very chill you don't listen to anything on the way no I'm just kind of more focused I'm looking I'm just going through performance we talk about lenses we talk about you know the shot and timing of things and it's just very casual we'll talk about sometimes we just talk about different things in story and we also got there in the morning and everything we rehearsed didn't work so we had to completely start again from the ground up if they won can I ask a question at what point did you decide that you were going to say I'm trying to get away from this mountain and have a close-up during the fall when was that it's kind of blurry did it happen well the we knew we knew we were gonna yeah that knew we were gonna film you in free fall we didn't we were there and then we were improvising different ideas of what you could be saying while in freaking out the the the the thing about the sequence is you that whole argument that he has with Benji before he goes off the cliff we are educating the audience as to the many many difficulties of a base jump because the presumption is simply oh you just drive the motorcycle and open the parachute there's all of these dangers that justify the reason why he's doing it and that's all to set up something like you were in free fall trying to get away from the mountain it was the idea that Ethan couldn't just deploy his parachute it actually you had to Free Fall long enough to get far enough away from the mountain so you wouldn't hit it when you opened the parachute and that whole you're asking a very good question yes thank you Haley that was thanks yeah thank you thank you for doing this thank you for doing their job I have a different version of that day I didn't know these cats this is our first day of filming we don't know each other and I see him he can say that he you know it was very quiet but I see him go screaming by on the side hanging off the side of the helicopter with total relaxation waving to us all before the stunt even happened and I thought to myself the relaxation that he has before this and it was I mean because we didn't know any we didn't know each other very well we were learning and it's him so we don't know what it's like that's There's Tom oh man and everybody else knows that I'm going oh my God we might lose there's a chance that was actually oddly freakier I'm glad you reminded me of that because to rehearse the jump into the canyon he he flew in a helicopter right over the ramp and jumped off into the canyon to test the wind to test the wind conditions inside the bowl well when he's jumping out he's he's jumping out just above the ramp so I was just standing there and I had I was so busy rigging cameras and doing all the stuff I heard this helicopter I looked out there was this helicopter goes flying on with Tom on it and no one told me he was doing the test jump so Tom just falls out of the helicopter that right what's so freaky is it's he's falling out of the helicopter but he's only about 80 feet above what was for me the ground you forget there's a cliff there so it literally looked like Tom just fell out of the helicopter I've just committed suicide and this looks like Tom was gonna bounce off the ramp and then it looked like he was going to hit the ground and then he just disappeared and no one had prepared me for that so I was that was uh thank you for reminding me that that's Tom Cruise that's another memory I get to and I remember going into that bowl though here's one when I tested that bowl I went in on that jump and you can kind of see it in the EPK when I opened the parachute the parachute because here's there's so many things to think about my even just my shoelaces not the the bike being destabilized in any way should we do this is a bad idea where do we start so I go in the bowl and I'm testing the wind and I I open the parachute and I have to go kind of deep into the boat and when I open the parachute there's a bit of a cross when my shoulder was up the parachute opens and it turns me right into the mountain so I'm my parachute's out here now if it touches a rock at all it's gonna it's gonna depressurize my shoot and I'm gonna it's gonna be a bad moment also if you touch that that will also be bad yeah that would be bad be touching the rock don't touch that we're going into a tumble which could have happened like we didn't know what was going to happen when the bike went off that I don't know what that airflow is going to be and and if I got entangled in it in any manner if I look down and I do one tumble my recovery is going to be very chancy very iffy but I go and once I open a parachute it's going to turn me into the mountain and you can see you just see me turned into the mountain at a certain point I was able to get it out and fly out of the mountain and land down there so there was a lot of things going on and thinking about performance and thinking about you had changed the you and I talked about I was like you want that helicopter to go across and we were looking at it and the timing on that helicopter wasn't going to blow me off the ramp yes so when we said action I had to go at that point otherwise I could have been under that the helicopter and there's a go no-go point on that ramp and it was ice on the ramp in the morning remember this and I'm going where's that go no-go point because at that point I I realized if I stop the bike if I'm if I'm even a wheel base past that go no-go I now am I try to stop I'm not going to make it off the ram so I have to that's it I have to go that's it I'm committed I'm committed to going no matter what happens I have to go full throttle off that ramp Vanessa you hadn't started work yet you just you get the set and you go what about what did I miss who's there everybody's telling me I did I watched I watched him do it once and what I couldn't believe was he was the calmest person by far on set I mean I was you know my heart rate was through the roof but he was just so chill like he was just taking the bins out this is so chill I can believe it I said you know what seriously it's like that's how I put the bins out it's how he's going on he's like so calm and I remember saying to you after God I think it's with Tom always always strikes me as his presence he's so present to the to the moment it's almost like um watching someone do something spiritual somehow because he's just sorry to wake you in third person is that right next thank you very old let me tell you about that um but it I get and I guess I remember saying to you after oh my God you have to be so present second by second millisecond bicy because even if you're thinking about the last second or the one coming up stuff can go wrong but for him to do it eight times I don't know something miraculous about that presence I mean we're always trying to find it in acting and it's so hard to do but he just I have a question yes please Haley Tarzan how many donuts do you think you ate that day that's a way of dealing with the anxiety of just watching Tom do that yeah have you ever seen that footage yeah were you eating a lot of donuts I was I was stress eating I was very tired emotional eating yes Tarzan Donuts I also went up there with the wrong attire not realizing it's cold on top of mountains and I had to stay warm and McCue was like yeah your toes are gonna fall off and I was like ah let me eat more Donuts to keep me warm what's with you and whether you showed up in can wearing like the a winter sweater I never know listen I never know where I am what time of day it is you to call me beforehand I told you okay [Music]
Channel: LightTheFuse-TheOfficialMission:ImpossiblePodcast
Views: 406,296
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Id: 5b0qojOj8GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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