Lift Less Weight Gain More Muscle (TRICON TRAINING WORKOUT!)

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[Music] hey what's up man Gary Walker here with live anabolic calm all right got a really cool video for you today how to lift less weight and build more muscle most people tell you it can't be done that's basically what you've been told I've been told most of my life growing up to build muscle you have to be extremely strong you have to lift as heavy as possible however that is only when you first start weight training alright because here's what happens when you get older you got natural wear and tear on your joints you don't need to lift really heavy alright you never really need to lift heavy it kind of depends on what your goals are if your goal is to be the strongest man in the world be a power lifter and guess what you need a lift a lot of heavy weight and that's gonna take its toll on your body though your body is gonna be broken down beaten up and it's hard to recover from those workouts especially when you get older I've been working out since 1987 so I've been doing this a long time and so I started out heavy started out lighter started out experimenting with this and that learning reading studying learning about hypertrophy how it is completely opposite completely different from strength alright and as I got older I still continued to Eagle list unfortunately I've been personal training since 1992 so I've been training clients for years and I've been one of those over time that do what I say not what I do because I've been guilty of being an ego lifter in my 20s and even early 30s man you people get fascinated when they see you lifting heavy weight as a trainer as someone that studies this constantly and have had tons of years of studying all the way up until my 30s alright I'm thirty 32 years old I'm at the gym and I've been studying like I said since 87 I started working out 92 I started training studied at university that had a lot of certifications I've got a lot of education but that doesn't matter your mentality as a man is to prove to other people yet that you're strong that you can lift a lot of heavy ass weight no need to do it however is just proving a point alright so I used to do that a lot and guess what my shoulders took a beating my back by hips my knees my elbows I mean I've had so many different inflammations so many different injuries across my joints never broke a bone never anything like that never tore a muscle so I've been fortunate because although I'm ego lifting I'm smart about what I do and I know to listen to my body which is something I want you to get used to as well learn to listen to your body and not necessarily just the muscle because muscle guess what it's gonna get full of lactic acid it's gonna burn man it's gonna hurt like hell when you're working out especially some of the hypertrophy training however listen to your joints if something doesn't feel right then don't do it there's something you're probably doing wrong with that lip alright so basically all that being said doing all of that in my early 30s mid 30s led to a lot of injuries led to me developing my Tricon training so I utilized a lot of what I learned over the years with certain clients of mine that basically either rehab from injuries or clients that wanted to just put on a lot of mass for bodybuilding competitions when you're training to be a bodybuilder it's completely opposite from those training to be a strongman competitor alright same with the if you look at the Olympic weightlifters there are some really tiny dudes that are extremely strong because at the end of the day their goal is to build strength and they can't gain any weight they don't need to gain weight because that's gonna put them into a tougher category a heavier category so they trained specifically for strength so that shows you heavy strength training doesn't equate to hypertrophy or building muscle alright so going back to my trike on training triple contraction training the eccentric is the stretching phase of the muscle for instance taking a benchpress you're starting up here when you're lowering the weight you're stretching your chest that's the eccentric contraction when you push the weight up you're shortening the pecs that's the concentric contraction all right now the contraction within a split cific range of motion without movement basically meaning if you're just holding the weight here you've got all the weight and you're just holding it at the mid-range you're not shortening the pecs you're not lengthening the pecs with the stretch you're just maintaining the status quo with the pecs that's an isometric contraction isometric contractions are great for strength for injury rehabilitation and time under tension which is one of the vital components of building muscle so I developed my Tricon training by utilizing all three different contractions and it took a while it took a while took a few years to actually figure out exactly how I wanted to do it and I did it with different clients I did it all myself tested a few different numbers a to different a few different rep schemes and I finally came up with my Tricon system so basically all that being said man Tricon is great for older men because you still want to build muscle but you don't want to damage your joint your joints are already damaged naturally from just years of wear and tear you may not feel any of the damage yet but there's a lot of wear and tear there there are no longer extremely healthy joints so basically what I wanted to do is allow you to build muscle without requiring a ton of weight because the more weight you lift the more you're putting on your joints your shoulders your elbows your wrists your hips your all of those things alright your knees anytime you're doing heavy weights then joints are getting the brunt of all of the weight so basically all that being said I didn't want this video to be that long man but basically what we're gonna do is I'm gonna give you a workout full body workout that you can do to build muscle build muscle and using light weight so basically what we're doing with this workout it's straight up dumbbells man you don't need barbells if you have access to barbells you can do a lot of these same things with barbells I've developed Tricon training to be done with machines to be done with barbells to be done with actual bands resistance bands and dumbbells so even bodyweight Tricon sets so I developed it to where you can build muscle without injuring your shoulders without injuring your knees and your back all right all that being said man let's get into the first exercise first exercise let me explain this real quick trike on set is nine reps alright there's three different rep Cadence's within that nine reps the first three reps in the trike on set it's always gonna be the same three explosive so you're gonna control the eccentric phase of the lift and you explode the weight up whether that be a squat a benchpress a shoulder press you're exploding a weight up it's explosive that is designed to activate your central nervous system get those muscles firing and get everything primed and ready to go alright so you're doing three sets like or three reps that are explosive the next three are where the isometrics come in so you're gonna do three ten-second holds here's the thing you're basically wanting to hold most of these with dumbbells are gonna be at the mid range of the movement so you'll see throughout these exercises where the holds are gonna be most optimized okay so that's the next three next three reps are ten-second isometric holds and then your last three are full range of motion super slow rip when I say super slow I basically mean four second cadence on the way down four seconds on the way up that's one four seconds down four seconds up that's two it's not super slow but it's a slow and controlled cadence and when your muscles are already on fire man it's enough to really get that lactic acid in that blood flow going alright so first exercise we're doing a squat exercise and for this workout you're gonna be utilizing a goblet squat I like the goblet squat when you're doing Tricon sets one of the other benefits other than just working your your actual legs and your glutes and your hips is you're working your core as well you're having to stabilize that weight so a couple things to notice I'm keeping the weight as close to my body as possible you can use a dumbbell I've got dumbbells that you're gonna be seeing throughout these videos or you can use a medicine ball or a kettlebell just some form of resistance alright but the main thing with the resistance keep it close to your body you'll notice wide stance and rotating my toes out slightly and hinging at the hips that's how you're always going to drop when you're getting into a squat position you break it the hips first get your glutes back and then you start sinking down into your squat all right from there maintain as upright of a torso as possible that being said we all have different mobilities in our ankles that are gonna lead to a lot more forward posture for some also lack of mobility in the hips and long femurs for really tall people all right so we're all built different and we have different mobilities and flexibility issues so that being said the main thing I want you to focus on is keeping your core extremely tight keep your abs tight keep your core engaged and keep your spine and neck rigid and the weight close to your body doing that sink down explode up sink again explode up so you saw the three explosive reps then you're gonna get into the mid-range isometric hold so the mid-range may be a little different for you I can get pretty deep with my squats so I'm taking these pretty much close to a 90 degree angle with my knees that's my mid-range all right if you can't get that lows and don't worry about it get as low as you can without dropping all the way at the bottom look to where you lose tension I'm not sinking ass to grass because if I do that then I'm basically resting at the bottom with the isometric holds you want to be to where your quads are firing constantly so you should be filling the quadriceps quite a bit when you're in the isometric hold position ten seconds come back up to the top another isometric hold for ten seconds come back to the top another isometric hold so doing your three isometric holds and then your three super slow reps to finish all right once you're done with your goblet squat now we're gonna do a back exercise I actually like the chest supported back row especially when you're doing try concepts I like the chest supported portion of this because it's gonna help support your lower back so I like a with an incline setting about a 45-degree incline setting and when you're working your back you always want to lead with the elbows so basically I like to relax my grip slightly I don't want to crush the dumbbells when I'm doing this it's more of a relaxed grip and allow my lats to do all the work so by doing that you basically get your elbows and your elbows are the drivers all the way back as far as possible and explosively splode the first rip nice and slow on the way down allowing the lats to stretch explode again allow the lats to stretch and explode a third time after your three explosive what I like to do with this version of the chest supported row I like to hold this a little more than mid-range you'll notice I'm guy I've got my elbows driven all the way back and I'm really focusing on contracting my lats squeeze at mid back together as hard as possible for all ten seconds thousand 1000 2000 3000 4000 five ten seconds alright then you're going to slowly lower back to the stretched position and same vein man drive it back again and then hold in that top position thousand one thousand two thousand three so make sure you're doing your three ten second isometric holds here and then you're gonna go into your three super slow full range of motion reps all right for second cadence going down in the stretch position and then all the way four seconds back as high as you can possibly drive those elbows up focus on that contraction so that's your nine reps with the chest supported row from there we're doing some chest work alright so we're gonna do a dumbbell chest press dumbbell bench press basically what you're doing here all of this you should be using weight that is as heavy as possible I'm demonstrating with some fairly light weight because I still want to be able to show you how to execute everything perfectly alright but use heavy weight as you can do all of these sets with alright so basically what you're gonna do here nice full stretch and then explode that weight up to the top nice full stretch nice and slow explode it back up to the top again and then you do your third explosive rep after that you'll notice this is a true mid-range for me so you want the dumbbells to actually be out wider okay focus on stretching your chest stretch your chest get those scapula squeezed together your shoulder blades by doing that it's gonna help open up that chest a little bit and then hold right at the mid range here thousand one thousand two if you take it too deep then it's gonna be placing a lot more stress on your shoulders all right so you want to make sure you're about mid range here ten full seconds take that weight back up to the top and don't just push the weight up contract the weight up meaning fill your chest flexing on the way up each time you do this all right once it's flexed at the top stretch back down again to that mid range and hold for another 10 seconds thousand one thousand two thousand three alright so once again just like all of the Tricon sets you're gonna do your 3 10 second isometric holds and then go back to the top and then you get into your full range of motion super slow reps again alright 4 seconds all the way down stretch as much as you can comfortably stretch that being said going back to the mobility again you may have really tight shoulders and if you go too deep with the dumbbells then you may feel it more in your shoulder so if that's the case don't take it that low down to the ground alright just go within your comfortable mobility so basically get a good chest stretch as deep as you can and then drive back up in 4 seconds 4 seconds down 4 seconds up alright now that you've done your chest exercise we've hit legs we've hit back we've hit chest now we're going shoulders I like to do the seated overhead shoulder press so you can do these standing but you'll notice one thing with the Tricon sets especially being new to these if you haven't done things before is I like you to support your lower back when you can which is why we did the chest supported back row now we're doing a supported a seated overhead press the seat is going to allow you to support your lower back and just focus on using your delts for the dumbbells alright so once again explode the dumbbells up to the top bring them down nice and slow nice full stretch explode back to the top again all the way nice stretch down and explode back for that third rep alright from here you're gonna notice I'm gonna sink down into the mid range again mid range and really focus on keeping these wide as well alright if you keep the dumbbells too close to your body then you're actually gonna be using your triceps a little bit more than you want to so by extending out wide to the side of your body that's actually gonna place more stress on your shoulders the shoulder muscle not the joint so that's the goal here you want to really focus on building these deltoids or your shoulders so since that could hold all the way back to the top you know they're 10 second hold back to the top and then do your third 10 second hold all right from there then you're gonna do your three full range of motion all the way to the top four seconds all the way down full stretch for four seconds do that two more times and then you are done with your shoulders from here you're almost done man from here we're going into a bicep curl so dumbbell bicep curls these are really cool exercises for your biceps I like Tricon dumbbell curls so basically same thing keep your shoulders back though a lot of people tend to round their shoulders forward keep the chest out shoulders back keep the elbows pinned to your side all right explode the weight up drop it down slow explode it back up nice full stretch of the biceps on the way down and explode the third time then I'm getting down into the 90 degree mid-range position you can see my 90 degree position that is perfect for this basically you want to make sure your elbows are right into your side's though if they're too far in front of your body that's gonna take a little bit more tension off of your biceps actually gonna place it on your front delt your anterior delts and your shoulders are gonna start burning so again keep those shoulder those shoulders back chest out that's gonna take those shoulders out of the movement and place all the stress and tension on your biceps so since I can hold then you're gonna do your second ten second hold and maybe then your third ten second hold and then you're gonna do your three full range of motion super slow grips all right four seconds down full stretch for second it's up full contraction really contract those biceps as hard as possible all right the last exercise man and this workout I know this is a long video but the workout itself isn't quite as long and it's a tremendous workout man but the last one is going to annihilate we're gonna really place a lot of tension on your triceps but you got to do it right okay this is a close grip dumbbell press what I mean by doing it right is don't stretch your chest at the bottom of the lift basically you'll notice I've got some dumbbells close to my body and I'm rotating my elbows in towards my body they're not out away which is what you're gonna do in a benchpress that's going to stretch your chest when you rotate those in rotate those elbows in keep them tight to your body then you're basically just bending at the elbow when you lower okay your focus is on bending at the elbow when you're bringing the dumbbells towards your chest as opposed to bending and stretching the shoulder joint it's a more elbow stretch okay then shoulder stretch doing that is going to create stress and tension in your tricep which is the goal with this close grip dumbbell press all right so nice good stretch and from that stretch position explode the weight back up almost like you're doing an extension you're not pushing it up like you would be doing a bicep or a bench press you're extending it up like you would be doing more of a skull crusher or something like that all right and then again nice stretch and nice explosive contraction again three explosive contractions and then you're going to get into your hold here so the hold here the mid-range is a little bit tricky because again it depends on your shoulder mobility because you don't want to fill any of this stress in your chest it should be all triceps so again really focus on stretching the triceps by bending at the elbow when you're doing this and once you're bent about mid range position hold that for 10 seconds then fully contract hold that again for another 10 seconds at the mid range do that three times after your third then you're doing your last three reps man which is the full range of motion for seconds up or seconds down or seconds up or seconds down all right all right man that is the actual workout basically what you want to do these are nine reps my Tricon sets are gonna be nine reps so I'd like you to shoot for three sets so you can do these either way depending on if you're doing them at the gym or if you're doing them at your house if you're at home then I would recommend you do this as a giant set meaning go straight from the goblet squat to the chest supported row to the dumbbell bench press alright go back to back to back go through all of those without resting in between and then you'll repeat that a couple times to do your three sets that's a little bit more difficult if you're doing this at the gym I realize that because you're going to be moving all over the place so if you're working out at the gym the way I recommend these is do your goblet squat rest sixty Seconds do your second set of goblet squats rest another 60 seconds do your third set of goblet squats alright once you're done with goblet squats then you're gonna move on to your next exercise so I recommend that at the gym it makes more sense that's more convenient it allows you to get through quicker and not having to work around a lot of different people also when I say 60 second rest if you're struggling with that then it's okay to bump it up to 90 seconds especially if you're new to this it's still not gonna be a long workout it's a full body workout and you will get tremendous results and again you're gonna be lifting a lot less weight you're gonna realize it's not gonna take a lot man if you've never done Tricon training you're gonna be shocked at how little weight you're gonna be lifting but you're going to be amazed at how big a pump you have how much stress you're placing within that muscle which is what you want that's gonna help with that muscular stress that muscular damage so it's gonna help build more muscle all right that time under attention all those things that are optimal for building more muscle but you're gonna be doing it with less weight so you're gonna be saving your joints so you go to workout a lot longer which is gonna be a lot better you've got to work out longer without feeling like prep because the last thing I want you to do is work out for years but can barely move all right because you've worked out the wrong way you've lifted too heavy you've damaged your joints and you don't feel good ever I want you to feel great I want your joints to feel great I want you to feel younger and more vibrant and youthful which is what you're going to do if you work out this way but all right man that being said if you got any questions about any of these exercises comment below let me know also if you got any questions about my track on training man comment about that as well other than that if you haven't already to my channel please subscribe to my channel and man get busy get after it god bless
Channel: Live Anabolic
Views: 600,001
Rating: 4.8830409 out of 5
Keywords: Lift less weight gain more muscle, gain more muscle, lift less weight, lift less weight to gain more muscle, tricon training, tricon training for men, how to gain more muscle, how to lift less weight to gain muscle, is it better to lift lighter weight, gain muscle, how to gain muscle, how to build muscle, how to build muscle with light weight, can you build muscle with light weight, workout, workout to build more muscle, workout to gain more muscle, Gary Walker Live Anabolic
Id: JcDySxe9qSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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