Life Through Intuition And 'Bending' Reality | Vishen Lakhiani with Gerard Adams

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[Music] and we're back with a new season of leaders crate leaders season six i'm excited we're getting ready this is episode one to meet up with one of the greatest minds we've ever had on the show he's a conscious leader and has created a global movement that is completely shifting the way that we think about education he is one of the greatest curators of thought leaders that i have ever seen his company mindvalley has now over 12 million people and he's on track to hit 1 billion by 2038 he's someone that stands for unity he is an activist a philanthropist a new york times bestseller of the book the code of the extraordinary mind and now his new book the buddha and the badass we're going to be diving into the science around the one thing that can activate your purpose so that you can live your dream life we're also going to be diving into how he built this global movement and how you can build a movement around your business and around your message and then we're going to hop into what does it mean to be a conscious leader how he built his team and how leadership has changed so i'm excited let's get ready to sit down with the one and the only vishen likayani mine valley for those young entrepreneurs welcome back to leaders create leaders season six i am so excited about this episode because we have with us one of the most remarkable conscious leaders uh in the world right now someone who's been such a huge inspiration for me uh vishen thank you so much for coming and being able to take some time to share with the leaders great leaders community in the world thank you so much for being here today it's an honor to be here yeah wow so uh just recently i saw you put up a video that had gone viral talking about the vision before the vision that we know today that's reached tens of millions of lives a business that's been around for well over a decade and on track to go to hitting a billion people by 2038 and i was so inspired by that because a lot of times especially the millennial generation we get to see the highlight reel on social media but we don't actually get to see what it took to get there so before we get into you know how mind valley became the movement it is today talk to me a little bit about what it was like when you first were growing up in that moment when you decided at microsoft to quit and not even shake bill gates's hands that makes it sound like like i had a thing against bill gates yeah what what happened was that um growing up in an asian family yeah such there's this focus on becoming an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer yeah and if you don't then you're option four which is family failure right and so i grew up with the idea that to truly be successful in life i had to fit into one of these boxes so the box i picked was engineer so i worked really hard i went to computer engineering school racked up this massive like like tuition bill and finally i got a job at microsoft and that was the end goal you see in 1998 working at microsoft would be like working at apple or google today so it was every young engineer's dream but what happened was within 11 weeks of working at microsoft i realized that it just wasn't my dream i was bored i i had no passion for the job the company treated people so great i remember bill gates invited all the interns to his home he was cooking burgers for us i don't think they do that right now anymore but that was the way it was in 1998 i remember being at bill gates home and i couldn't shake his hand all the other interns were lining up to shake his hand because i knew that i didn't belong there i knew my heart wasn't there but i was too chicken to quit so i decided to get my job fired by deliberately playing computer games and again this i was 21 years old i was an idiot right i decided to deliberately play computer games all day in my office i had a private office at microsoft till my manager caught me and i wanted to be fired and so i got fired and now i didn't have to tell my dad and my mom that i quit i could just say i got fired which in my again 21 year old brain seemed like a more rational choice so i quit microsoft i had no idea what i was doing and that started possibly well one ten years of trying to figure stuff out 10 years bouncing back and forth experimenting it was only 10 years later in 2008 that things began to click wow and for that 10 years i always felt like i was behind all my other friends who were who had the successful jobs who were climbing up the corporate ladder now what tends to happen is when you are able to step away from what i call the culturescape which is the preset notion of rules and society's beliefs and rituals and how we need to function in life what often happens is that your acceleration may be a little bit slower but in that time in that journey in the wilderness you might find that thing that clicks and when you find that thing that clicks and you find the thing that's different from everyone else you now have an edge because you're different and that edge could take you really really really far so for that 10 years from 1998 to 2008 i was way behind almost everyone i graduated with in 2008 because i was i've been i had 10 years of experimenting as an entrepreneur first company failed second company failed third company failed in 2008 something clicked and then boom everything took off but it took 10 years for that rocket ship to take off [Music] it didn't happen overnight and i think that's the main lesson over here right elon musk one said entrepreneurship is like crawling into a dark abbess and chewing glass i don't think it was that bad but it still was 10 years of insecurity yeah of self-doubt of seeing your first company fail then your second company fail of being in a car accident not having enough insurance of um being literally homeless because i couldn't pay rent of so many so much yeah i remember things start taking off i remember reading in the book you had like even at one point you were living with your buddies as well and you had like a girlfriend come over and we're insecure that you know that this wasn't even your place yeah i lived i lived in an apartment in new york yeah i couldn't afford my own place so it was an apartment we had a we had a curtain separating my side of the apartment with the other guy his name was james good roommate but his side we couldn't afford normal curtains so it was a pink shower curtain the cheapest curtain we could buy so i remember when my girlfriend who whom i ended up marrying came over like that was the wall that separated our privacy from the guy next door so that that was part of that 10 years of trying to figure stuff out i was in new york living below the poverty line but you got to go through that sometimes right success not everyone is going to be mark zuckerberg not everyone is going to find success at 25. you know a study showed that most people finally figure it out can you guess at what age 38. 38 38 is when it starts making sense wow why is that do you believe that it a lot of it does because i know you talk about the culture escape but it's a lot of this conditioning right so how do we uncondition to find our true purpose right okay so so there are a couple of things which i figured out so the first thing is the word culturescape is what i coined in my first book the code of the extraordinary mind culturescape is defined as the tangled web of beliefs rituals ideas that come that that surround us and like a fish swimming in water a fish doesn't know it's in a substance called water we don't know that as human beings we are living in two worlds just a physical world like this chair then there's the world of beliefs ideas rituals human beings are not rational we are irrational we imitate in a in face of a complex world we imitate most people are imitations of what other people are doing and so most people tend to live ordinary lives what i suggest in my book is that we can we can we can get ourselves rather than be imitators to become true artists of our life i remember once speaking to don miguel ruiz he wrote the amazing book mastery of love and he wrote the four agreements so he's one of the greatest spiritual authors of our time and all his books are based on this concept called toltec wisdom the tall texts were a people who in ancient mexican culture so i asked him what is this what what is tall tech wisdom and he said look the tall text belief the toltecs were artists and they believe that we all need to be artists of our own life most people however never become an artist of their own life they never decide that this is a canvas and you want to put the red here and you want to put the yellow here and you want to smear around the blue and you want to put a giant white stripe most people are simply photocopies and so you're living a life that's photocopied from your dad from your grandparents from people around you from what media tells you from what the politicians tell you from what the education system tells you and there's nothing wrong with that but you can do so much more and the people who are doing things as a true masterpiece those are the people who it might take a little bit longer but you end up with a far more fulfilling life you don't wake up one day at the age of 40 going what the hell happened to me so me giving up my job at microsoft when i was 21 years old in 1998 was me basically saying screw the photocopy that was what my my my culture wanted me to do it was what the education system told me i needed to do i needed to discover myself what i wanted to do and so all the jobs i took thereafter were all irrational i joined a non-profit working on world peace i was paid below the poverty line traveled around the world meeting people of different cultures that's why i met the woman i would end up in a relationship with for 19 years two kids if i hadn't taken that job and worked on the poverty line i wouldn't have my children today i became a meditation instructor if i hadn't become a meditation instructor earning really money i wouldn't have learned how to use my mind the way it is i became a photographer i went to bosnia to photograph bosnia after the war um if i hadn't become a photographer mindvalley wouldn't have the visual style that made us the company we were in our space you know it's like steve jobs said you cannot connect the dots looking forward you can only connect the dots looking backwards what i found is that when you free yourself from the culturescape and you follow your heart your soul will put you at exactly the right places you need to be so that you discover why you are here on this planet in my newest book i call it your soul print i suggest that every individual is a soul first having a human experience and your soul has a plan for you and your soul is going to put you in circumstances that will give you like hints of this plan most people decide rather than listen to the soul they're just going to photocopy their life but if you can screw the photocopy machine and get to your soul print and trust your gut you'll more likely discover what really makes you you so i was in silicon valley and my timing sucked and the dot-com bubble burst i lost thirty thousand dollars i bought it from my father to start a software company and i was homeless literally a friend gave me a sofa to sleep on i found a job um where i was i was basically selling technology to lawyers picking up the phone and just dialing lawyers and having lawyers tell me every single day to off because i was interrupting them in the middle of a busy day under so much stress i took meditation to alleviate that stress i didn't know that that meditation class would lead to lead me to starting a massive meditation company that will soon be worth a billion dollars i joined a non-profit traveled around the world i didn't know that because of that travel i would meet the woman whom i would have two kids with and my two children hayden and eve are the most important things in my life i didn't know that deciding to become a photojournalist and going to bosnia to photograph that country after the war to raise awareness of what was going on would lead me to become really into art i didn't know that that art would later cause me to to to to create the world's most elegant design uh in terms of meditation apps and personal growth that would give us our edge i didn't know how any of those thoughts were going to connect i simply was following what i thought my heart needed me to be and i think people have to get this you do not have as much control over your life as you think you do spiritual philosophers say your life is about half intention it's half destiny or what your soul wants you to be and where your soul wants you to be and when you can trust that and listen to your heart and listen to your intuition you're more likely to follow the right breadcrumbs to who you're really meant to be wow that's so profound and i believe in that i genuinely i really do that and i feel like it's it's sometimes it's getting out of your head and really tapping into your heart and a lot of people don't know necessarily how to be able to do that and i think that i've you know over these last i would say maybe three four years and i've really tried to build a relationship with my gut my intuition you know like because it all it all tells us it always says like but like a lot of times we don't listen because that that fear that ego kind of steps in so you know how have you built a relationship with your intuition and look what's your what are your thoughts on ego right well firstly ego is is a is a is a construct that doesn't exist in in my world i'll come to that in a moment let's go to the first one intuition intuition is one of the most important things we need to learn but our schooling system completely beats it out of us but if you if you truly look at men and women who are making a massive impact in the world intuition is always there i remember speaking to a guy actually i think i can say his name richard branson and i remember being in a meeting with richard branson once it was a mastermind of entrepreneurs and he shared something really interesting the host of that mastermind asked him richard you have something like 300 different projects and companies all with different partners how do you know who to trust and richard said something interesting he said within 60 seconds of shaking someone's hand i just know i can't explain it but i just know right and then i remember reading walter isaacson's book on steve jobs and isaacson said jobs believed in intuition or prana he went to india he backpacked through india he believed in in a different intuitive way of understanding the world jobs was called a magician genius he came up with ideas that was so mind-blowing they didn't exist in the world he invented radical new things not incremental innovations but things that were completely new like what was the incremental innovation before the iphone or the ipod these were huge leaps of the imagination again intuition and in the stanford address he did say listen to your heart and intuition they somehow know who you are meant to become again you can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future you have to trust in something your gut destiny life karma whatever because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will make all the difference so again behind closed doors there is this talk of intuition that so many successful people i know don't actually mention it in public because they don't want to be judged now the world is changing today we know intuition is real there were studies at newark college of engineering by professor john mihalaski who showed that ceos who score high in intuition tests actually create more profitable companies right we know intuition is real what was your intuition that made you set up elite daily how did you know it was going to take off yeah you know i did it i just i i followed my heart i felt that you know any great idea a lot of times stems from something that we wish existed in the world so why not us exactly and why not believe that we can't you know have the opportunity to to create that and be that person right exactly so for me that's what it was it was like i wish this existed i wish there was a publication that spoke to millennials four millennials like why not us and um and you're it was it was being a little naive and it was stepping into the unknown and stepping into the uncertainty that you know it's okay to not necessarily have all the answers or have all the plan in fact most of the times when you do plan it never ends up being that plan anyways um you know and that's really true there was a study on intuition that showed that so they did two they took two groups of people one group of people researched for around six to eight hours the car that they were gonna buy the others were forced to make a quick decision they intuitively just decided in the car they're going to buy now after 30 days or so in the study i don't remember the exact time period but they found that the people who made the quick decision were happier with their purchase than the people who put in hours of research now i'm not saying don't research but i'm saying that there is a value in listening to that gut right yeah 100 and i think i feel that my rituals and the meditation um sound there's so many different modalities now and what i love is that you you talked about the shift that is happening around the world the shift of consciousness that's becoming you know that's that's really becoming a conversation all around the world even some of the biggest executives around the world because i feel some you know there's still some people out there that talk about it as if it's just woo-woo you know that it's not real but now there's like real science behind it well today if you say this stuff is wubu you're the one in the minority right that the world has changed dramatically fast yeah do you feel that a lot of this is directly correlated to happiness and success in the fact that you are following this intuition yeah yeah so so firstly there is a correlation right and it's not just intuition there are two emerging human qualities which are going to take the world by storm and we're only just starting to to study these qualities intuition is the first one and intuition is not just a gut feeling i just got back from india where where i visited an ashram and i saw some crazy things gerrard i saw kids who had been trained to use their intuition to such a degree that they could perceive color with their fingers i saw a child blindfolded solve a rubik's cube they then gave me a piece of paper and they gave me magic markers and they said write a sentence down in this paper using a different color for each word so i wrote down a sentence the rainbow is a slide for unicorns to come down to earth that was it just a random sentence the blindfolded girl then using her intuition wrote down exactly what i had written down with the exact same color for the exact same word whoa so they're using this to teach blind kids to read now i heard about this type of thing i thought it was a scam i thought it was baloney until i witnessed it right this was this is how deep intuition can go now we're going to start seeing that more and more and more and more and more more and more schooling systems are starting to teach in tuition in japan there are now kindergartens that you can enroll your children in i think it's called the shashida method where they teach children intuition and it's it's remarkable it's a gut thing so this is one emerging human quality there's a second one and that second one is the idea that our mind can influence reality we can create synchronicities coincidences we can accelerate movement towards goals again if we go back to steve jobs i'm using as an example because he's probably the greatest ceo the world has ever had he built the biggest company in the world in the book steve jobs for walter isaacson isaacson doesn't just talk about intuition he talks about steve jobs ability to bend reality the word bend reality is used three times in that book i believe this is what jobs was doing and it's not just steve jobs like so many remarkable men i know and women they report that life gets really easy for them they move into these states of flow these states where they just they just know and everything appears easy and i believe we can train people to get to these states well we're like the beginning steps for someone that's like watching right now that feels lost that feels confused that feels like they're not living out their soul's purpose they're not tapping into that soul print you know and they crave that they know they're meant for more they want to make a difference in the world they just don't know how to get out of their own way because that's usually a lot of times where what it is and that's why i talked about ego before because i feel like a lot of times ego is the thing that kind of gets us in our own way of telling us we're not good enough or that's where the fear lies or that's what the uncertainty is or the doubts or the conditioning from our parents and our ancestors so how do you get out of your own way and and not allow the ego to make those decisions and start to really tap into what that soul said okay so the first thing is the first thing is you have to have a meditation practice and again there are now so many studies on meditation and the positive benefits of meditation right if you aren't meditating you don't know what you're missing it's like today not meditating is like living life with no exercise it's just not good for you but when you meditate that's when you start being able to grow your intuition that's when these intuitive impulses come now the problem is most people meditate wrong they think it's about clearing your mind they think it's about focusing on your breath not necessarily those things help but ultimately you can meditate you can meditate to go within to listen and to have ideas emerge i remember being on tom bill you show impact theory right which is a popular youtube show and tom bill you so we were talking about meditation and tom bill you said it's really interesting what you said vision because i don't clear my mind when i meditate rather ideas come to me and i said tom that's really interesting how what percentage of your ideas come to you during during this clearing of your mind during of meditation and he said eighty percent well he says he's even given it a name thinkitation and remember tom bilyeu is a guy who came up with a billion dollar company quest nutrition yeah so he didn't say he comes up with ideas in the boardroom with a group of strategy consultants he says it's true meditation and these thoughts flowing now it's the same with me when i'm meditating that's when the best ideas come to me the question is where are these ideas coming from so edison there's a famous story about him where he had 2 300 patents something like that but there's a story where he would sit down and hold a metal ball in his hand and drift off to sleep edison was famous for his snaps and when he'd fall asleep yeah as the hand would drop the ball would hit a metal plate creating a loud clang that would jolt him awake now what edison was doing was he was dipping into altered states of mind right there's a label for this it's called it's the data frequency he was dipping into the theta frequency which is what you go into when you're doing an afternoon nap to get ideas this is why so many people have insights in their dreams so so edison was doing that now that is intuition so many great scientists and and inventors and artists and creators talk about that the idea is already there they are simply able to access something to to extract the idea that is what we are talking about that is what we need to be teaching in our schools that is true creativity and originality and that when you do that that's when you're following your soul that's when you start living a life which is an alignment with why you are here because your soul isn't going to misguide you you don't end up with a midlife crisis because you ended up in the wrong career so that's probably the most important key have a meditation practice right yeah no i it's meditation has changed my life you know the the i think the thing that's interesting to me is that you know so i've been an entrepreneur for 18 years at this point um and for the first i would say at least the first 12 years i never had meditation but i built two eight-figure companies and so like the hustle works and but what ended up happening was that like although the hustle had worked and i was making money and i was building these big businesses like no matter what i i was i was unhappy and then when it was gone and sold the company and i no longer had the company i just i was like i didn't i didn't know that something was missing i didn't know what my purpose really was and that's where you know i hit this moment of like okay i can continue to hustle through life but like that will never get me to truly being fulfilled and wanting to make it you know feel like i'm making a difference in the in the world and it was uh so like what's your thoughts i know you talk about like the hustle culture what do you what are your thoughts around the house is culture okay yeah this whole idea this whole stupid idea that hard work is necessary is kindergarten personal growth now i know that there are teachers out there who talk about hard work and hustle and and there's a place for that if you are a kid and all you're doing is being on computer games all day yeah you probably need a kick in the butt to go out and hustle and work hard right but that's but that's not the way the real pros do it yeah the rails pro the real pros do it by finding something to intuit through intuition or some other technique that obsesses them something that they know they want to create in the world and they are obsessed with making that real and that obsession is not work that obsession is what they would do even if there were never being paid for it so that is where you want to be you want to find that thing that you're obsessed about now where people get it wrong is that rather than find their obsession they imitate and when you imitate when you're doing something because you feel that that is the safe route or that's what everyone is doing or that's what you're expected to do that's when it starts to feel like the grind that's when it starts to feel like work right but if you find your obsession and you can only find that from listening within you never have to work a day in your life yeah so that is the nuance up guys so check it out just got to kuala lumpur you know got to be careful that coronavirus we are here um episode 1 leaders create leaders i'm about to head over to the office world office of vision and mindvalley's headquarters i'm so excited uh he designed this office and i think it's the coolest office to work from that i've ever seen and it's been that's something that's so important to me after building my last company elite daily 200 employees like the culture we built around our office was everything that that that is what helped us to really truly build and just scale our business because people loved and enjoyed had so much fun working at our office i mean our first office was literally my apartment then we upgraded and got into an incubator that was a firehouse that was gutted really really cool and then we finally got our own big office that we designed artists came into graffiti we had buddhas people skateboard through the office pizza fridays you know we did so many great things so i'm so excited let's get over there and go meet up with vision and see the uh the whole mind valley team and what they've created let's go [Music] all right guys so just got here check it out when i first got to the mine valley headquarters i immediately got inspired you can feel the vibe as soon as you get into the office it was if you had this perfect balance between creativity and autonomy yet focus and execution it almost felt not as a office it just felt like this jungle gym or this temple of light and it just was unbelievable how throughout the day as the sun would set the light that would come in through all of the different you know reflections of the painted glass it would just change the way that you would feel throughout the day one thing i noticed was the diversity and talent from all different ethnicities throughout the office and throughout the day you would see them just take these midday breaks to stretch to do meditation and even breath work the one thing that i love about the culture at mind valley is the fact that it is based off of just happiness vision talks about how happiness is the new productivity vishen greeted me with open arms and i was able to get a tour from him and his team and it was just one of the most remarkable experiences because it brought me back to my days at elite daily just having 200 employees and everybody just being able to be themselves in this unbelievable culture you really owe all of the success that you build to your team and the office and culture that you create as i walked around i completely was reminded that elite daily all of our success becoming an eight-figure company selling to a billion dollar company having 200 employees it all came down to the culture that we created so i couldn't help but think how did vishen create this thriving culture and build his team [Music] so i believe that it's all a plot i believe that all the we go through in life every everything that breaks us down everything that abuses us every damn failure is there to instill in us a value your values come from your peaks from your successes but your values can also come from the moments that break you down because then you understand what are the gifts you want to give the world so other people don't get broken down so when you understand that your peaks and your your failures are simply infusing you with values when you discover these values and all of us will have between two to five or so and when you make those values your model of living you become unstoppable [Music] and i just couldn't help but think about how vishen has created such a movement i mean he's completely hacked word of mouth people are raving fans of mine valley from all over the world how do you actually create a movement that matters and turn it into a 100 million plus company [Music] if you want to turn your business into a movement you got to understand some really interesting things about how humanity functions so in among human beings there are the stated beliefs and then they are they are the beliefs which are in people's heads that no one actually speaks out because they fear being judged okay so stated beliefs uh oh need to go to college because that's that's the responsible thing to do you need to work hard to be successful um these are all common stated beliefs it's what the media it's what it's what it's what governments it's what advertising amplifies and they have to amplify that because you know the media wants an audience so the media will always go with stated beliefs but as human beings evolve unstated beliefs emerge people are just afraid to speak them out now leaders according to tim urban who writes this this incredible book called uh well he writes an incredible blog called wait but y and on his blog he publishes his book so he has a book out called the story of us and it's about the beliefs of americans right he says that true leadership is being able to to understand what people are thinking but afraid to say and then to say it for them and when you time that right when you time that exactly right you're certainly giving people's unstated beliefs a voice and they follow you and that's how you start a movement so for example when bill clinton was running for i think it was bill clinton who was running for president and someone asked him or he was president and someone asked him did you ever smoke marijuana and he goes yeah but i didn't inhale right because so so that was a stupid response he just got slammed for that now when they asked that to obama in 2008 did you inhale he said yes that was the point right what obama did was he took a belief that people already had in the back of their mind like marijuana was becoming more acceptable and he stated it and all of a sudden people started following him he became a fresh a breath of fresh air i mean today marijuana is legal in like 30 different states but obama was one of the first people to help accelerate that by taking what was an internal belief and giving it a voice that is leadership but you got to time that now you can use that for good or you can use that for evil okay but if you time that well people follow you so what i'm doing is i'm taking what i'm predicting is going to be a common belief and i'm publicly stating it and that is intuition is real and that this is the most valuable skill we can teach people and so that that is one of several beliefs that i'm jumping on to the the other thing which i'm observing right now is that people are becoming aware of how big food companies are lying to the public right and so i'm producing a lot of videos exposing these companies whether it is ferrero rocher or coke or nestle and these videos are going massively viral across the world i'm taking what was an unstated belief and giving it a voice wow powerful really powerful and um it's yeah it's it's like so much so much of of our culture has been filled with lies you know and no one wants to call it out everyone's scared so uh i love that and uh i want to talk to you about leadership because we're talking about that a little bit but like how do you feel leadership is shifting and does that relate to the new book the buddha and the badass before we go any further i wanted to just show a clip that i found the vishen answering the same question over 10 years ago when he first started mindvalley sure what is your view of leadership you know what what what do you think leadership constitutes and and you know what's your take on leadership now before i actually started running a company and before a company started getting successful my definition of leadership was basically this it came from eisenhower a leader is someone who makes people do things you want done because they want to do it okay right now i see this as a rather primitive idea of leadership to me leadership is far more than that it's recognizing that every individual has within them the power to be as powerful influential brilliant uh and magnificent as you as the leader your job as the leader is to simply remind them of this power and show them that ability that they have within them and that's how i've changed my definition of leadership right now in my company what i do is i empower people i think leadership is basically the act of moving people's belief system towards beliefs which are more aligned with unity so what i mean by that is bringing the world closer and closer and closer together to to each other to basically bridging bridging the world across cultures religions nationalities ethnicities and if you're doing that well you're moving the human race forward if you're not doing that if you're creating division you're still you can still be a leader look at what that idiot boris johnson has done with britain or what trump has done to america they are still leaders but they are not necessarily the best leaders they are creating division right now i'm always i don't believe in being political i believe in stating the truth right right mind valley stands for unity we are 100 at all times going to be against politicians which use division to win votes right that's just how we roll if you don't like that don't buy from us don't enroll in our programs but when the next election is coming up we're going to do everything we can to ensure that americans wake up and that trump and what and we get to cause trump as many votes as possible because he's bad for the planet bad for the world likewise brexit was one of the stupidest things the nation could do to itself we work completely against that i'm 100 pro-european union and i'm a and i'm an eu resident so i fight for unity unity needs spiders too and leaders to me real leaders are leaders who are moving the world towards unity not division because think about it what kind of world is a better world a world where we are not judging each other because of the color of our skin or our sexual orientation a world where we respect each other or a world where we are told to fear other people and to build walls how can every single person become a leader the biggest thing is you must have the right compass right you must be able to know what are ideas which are which which are good for the human species and which what are ideas which are not necessarily good and if you start to expand your levels of compassion to encompass larger and larger segments of humanity what happens is you inevitably move towards more conscious ideas so we tend to toss around this word conscious quite a bit what does that really mean most people can't say there is a definition and the definition is that our compassion extends to wider and wider and wider circles of humanity so there are a lot of people who are trump supporters who are kind and compassionate but all of a sudden when they are told to think of mexicans or people who are non-americans they become slightly judgmental but that's not them they were trained to fear they were trained to hate so if you want to truly get conscious you expand your compassion beyond any artificial barrier beyond your race beyond your nationality beyond your religion you expand beyond these barriers and you encompass as large a segment of humanity as possible now this is not something that's woowoo or something that's new age this was first predicted in 1872 by charles darwin so think about that charles darwin the man who came up with the theory of evolution who told us how we evolved as a species in 1872 he also predicted where we're going to go as a species and he said in an essay he introduced a concept called diffusion of sympathy he says as man's sympathy for other man becomes more finely defused we find that our compassion grows into wider and wider and wider circles tribes become nations and nations will become unions of nations and these circles will continue to grow until we are one planet and our sympathy extends to all sentient beings he actually used those words and he says and once this becomes the norm the younger generation will just take it as it is and they will never remember a past where we were divided wow that's unbelievable so what i what i stand for and what consciousness is is diffusion of sympathy in 1872 the word sympathy could be replaced with the word compassion today right it's the fusion of compassion if you want to see that world stop voting for leaders who are going to tap into your fear-based reptilian brain and tell you to fear other people how do you build a great team well a couple of ways now in my book the buddha and the badass which is coming out soon i i break it down but one of the first things i did is i wrote a manifesto about my beliefs when i first started the office i wrote a manifesto of 10 things i believed about work and what work should be like and that manifesto was weird it was different but it attracted other weirdos to come and work for me because they have similar beliefs yeah right and i do the same thing today if you go to and you click on careers you'll see there's a manifesto and it talks about what we believe in point number one of the manifesto is we are not an american company we are an earth company we see ourselves as allied allied with the entire human species and not just a single country that immediately attracts other people who want to who who want to adopt earth identity that's so cool so so i list down seven things i fundamentally believe about the world um another belief in that manifesto was we will always put our stand before prophets and so that again attracts people who are who are activists and so when you can take your beliefs and you can articulate them and you can say okay this is what i believe this is what i'm gonna do you will get the right people yeah has that evolved over the last 10 years that manifesto yeah it's it's definitely evolved um um the early manifesto had things such as work should be fun i don't believe in that anymore sometimes i believe you know work doesn't have to be fun because you have you you have something but it can it can be an obsession like work isn't always fun for me but i'm obsessed by what i do i i refuse to stop working because i i love it it's not always fun because sometimes they are really tight deadlines yeah but it's an obsession because i'm fighting for unity for the planet right and so the manifesto can change but you're always attracting the people who are aligned with you and that's a really important thing wow listen i'd love to get some advice from you you know as a as a founder and a ceo one of the things that i've struggled with recently is being willing to kind of really tap into like what my what my gifts are right what my zone of genius is my superpower and being willing to kind of step away and trusting the team that they can do you know they they have their role within the team and being able to kind of take a step back as a leader trusting them and just doing what i'm great at doing you know sometimes i've caught myself like trying to do too much you know and um i don't know if many of you that are watching this feel this way right you're just you're get your hands in every aspect of the business and i've i've always been that way where i'm like wanting to you know have my finger on the pulse of everything product operations marketing you know finding like every single division and now i'm starting to realize like i really should just kind of pull back a little bit and let let my team kind of that's the wrong advice my advice okay so yeah i'm trying to wonder like that that's the wrong advice it's actually really bad advice okay because okay subtraction is where i read this right recently so firstly the people who give that advice are speaking to entrepreneurs who don't like what they're doing okay okay so for example if you're an old school entrepreneur um and you're you created a business really just to generate cash flow generate income it's about getting a product or service out you know to generate cash flow income then automate it as much as you can have other people do it step back and collect that cash flow that's fine but if you're doing a business because you have a gift that you want to give to the world because you want to change the world you want to be obsessed with it yeah it's your business for sure but you want to do what you enjoy doing and outsource the stuff that you're not good at or that you do not enjoy doing right so for example i enjoy creating products so i actually create the products of mindvalley yeah right um but i don't enjoy advertising yeah so i have a team that does advertising and they understand how to use facebook and youtube and google adwords and i don't that's not my thing they do that and they're an award-winning team they have their case studies everywhere but i create the products i lead my technology team right so you want to be able to to play at what is your genius zone and what is your obsession that's why you're the founder of the company right now i had a manager on tech who says uh leave it to the engineers right you just go and and and and um be a ceo i'm like why firstly i'm the most most of my great products came from my mind because i'm tapped into intuition that is my gift yeah that's like telling me to curl up in a corner and die because i am in this business to create remember my value is envisioning right so that that manager completely missed the point and then so but i did i did do that i stepped away from my engineering team for for a year and things slowed down when i dive back in things accelerated 5x so you want to be able you don't want to completely step back why would you do that you are taking away your talents and your gifts from your business yeah so i don't mean like step away in the sense of like step away from the whole entire company but i mean like step in stepping into like energy management and putting my energy and focus to where i feel i can i can be the best at exactly you know and i feel sometimes i i've i felt overwhelmed because i'm doing too much and i've been too many aspects of the business i'm like okay you know what let me focus in on what am i great and what am i great at doing like how did you figure out what are the great the best parts of the business that you know that you can that you should fully be focused on i mean steve jobs would talk about like that you know first ten percent he's the best at creating the innovation then 80 he would have his team building and he would come in for the last 10 percent to like launch it you know like how did you figure out what you know how to manage your i do in my business whatever makes me feel radiantly alive that word radiantly alive comes from srikumarao the famous mba professor he's a he's a mentor of mine and he says you want to do the stuff that lights you up that makes you feel radiantly alive so in my business i focus on what keeps me radiantly alive i delegate to other people the stuff that does not keep me radiantly alive and what keeps you radiantly alive is often what you're really good at yeah yeah great well i think that's what i've been definitely thinking about and meditating on and tapping into that intuition and then you know starting to journal and write out like what have i kind of analyzing over the last 18 years how i've evolved and like okay what do i what makes me radiantly alive so it's something that i'll i'll be thinking about tonight um as i meditate and journal even more um as we're building the leadership leaders movement because i'm so obsessed you know with leaders great leaders and the movement in the community that's like i want to be involved in everything but now i'm recognizing it's time for me to to trust the team and you know still be obsessed and still be involved in everything but really figure out what are the things like this that i love doing that i need to be doing more of right you know and for me that's relationships and that's something i admire about you so much because you're like the ultimate connector and the way that you build such unbelievable relationships because that connecting with people makes me feel radiant yeah so which is why i do that yeah that's really special um and i look up to you for that you know there's a lot that i can learn from you vision today i've already learned so much everybody you know you've even really have been um just so kind and compassionate and uh and generous in allowing me to come into your world and see and learn from you so thank you so much for sharing with us i guess um i have one last question and everyone answers this a little different jay shetty our friend answered it different than tom biliu um then our friend louis and i guess i would ask you when you think about legacy and you think about you know you every day giving it your all but when you do you ever think about legacy or do you think about what the legacy of vision will be yes okay i would love to like hear like what your take is on legacy and what is the legacy that you want to to uh leave behind well legacy is not something that you instantly get right it's something that you slowly start building up at one point 12 years ago when i was still teaching meditation classes i thought my legacy was maybe i'll train a million people to meditate through books or apps or audios or whatever now i know that legacy is different my my idea my game has evolved getting a million people to meditate i've already done that now i'm looking at the next thing which i want to leave to the world and that's bigger that's significantly bigger so what i'm working on next is a new method of gamifying the human experience so that education real education the education that truly makes us happy becomes as addictive as a computer game as a real world computer game and in the process of creating this education we create a more compassionate unified kinder human species so my legacy what i want my legacy to be is to re-engineer how human beings interact with each other [Music] to so to bring more kindness compassion and wisdom into the world for at least a billion people i love that so much fishing uh you're 100 doing that i am behind you i want you to know that i am an advocate i would love to get more involved with mindvalley and be someone that can continue to take your message and share that even more with the world and i'm grateful that you gave us the opportunity to do that today so thank you for being a part of leaders create leader's mission and it's an honor awesome thank you gerard [Music] and that's a wrap thank you so much for watching this episode i learned so much about the science of intuition there's one thing you take from this episode it's that right tap into listening to your heart you have a soul set so it's time for you to start uncovering that and following what's meant for you following those breadcrumbs tapping into your gift tapping into your superpower living a life that you love that makes you come radiantly alive and then remember it's about being a conscious leader it's about you know spreading that mentality of compassion and helping to create a better world for earth for humanity right like what is your movement and really understanding that it takes you to stand for something even if that means you won't be liked i mean there were so many nuggets and i can't believe that mission literally started mind valley after 10 years of overcoming adversity and failure with just 700 with a pink curtain and a laptop and was able to turn it into this unbelievable movement that's reaching tens of millions of lives so i can't wait to see what's next for vision thank you for watching make sure to subscribe share this with a friend comment and let us know what was the biggest takeaway for you and we appreciate you being a part of the leaders create leaders community definitely head to to see how you can be more involved and it's your host gerard adams peace you
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 50,672
Rating: 4.9063463 out of 5
Keywords: what is intuition, developing intuition exercises, intuition meditation, how to unlock the full potential of your mind, leaders create leaders, power of thought, flow state, mindfulness meditation for anxiety, mindfulness meditation, becoming supernatural, meditation practice, What is your Type of Intuition?, Meditation Is Easier Than You Think, 5-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere, How To Develop Your Intuition | Bob Proctor
Id: l56L6O0sNbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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