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so for those of you who watch the channel regularly you may have noticed that tina hasn't been around as much as normal and there's a reason for that it's because of what happened on the trip that you're about to watch now now this is from several months ago put together the video but didn't release it until now because of well you have to watch and see why is it a good sign that the hikers on the thing have bullet holes in their heads this is literally a bad sign that's pretty intimidating [Music] [Music] what do you think i think it'll be cool yeah it's a recurring theme for us but we're on time i think that's a first [Music] so we are at haunted canyon trail in the superstitions we're actually hiking a road to get to haunted canyon trail easy walking about a mile and a half and then we'll be at the trailhead and then we're going to tony's cabin that's it never know yeah here's end it end it no you just repeat what i say so [Applause] so [Music] uh [Music] tina and i came out we got about four miles on a five and a half mile hike go to tony's cabin and she wasn't feeling well so we decided to go back down the trail a little bit to a campsite set up camp for the night let her lay down and take a nap see if she felt better which is what she's doing now not gonna get to the cabin um but it's much smarter to stick with somebody in your party if they're not doing well than to i could have gone on she's like go ahead go on without me i don't think that would be wise so yeah i don't know if this is going to be a video or not if it is just realize if somebody in your party is not doing well don't get stuck on that destination stop make sure that the people you're with are taken care of do the right thing and yeah stay safe out there all right why don't you explain what happened today um obviously i'm still really weak and slow i got a new trail name today from my husband it used to be turtle and now i'm eeyore [Laughter] i think i like you or better yeah um so yeah i pretty much suck at hiking right now but we stopped for snacks and um and i rest and then when we got up and started hiking again i just kept having these just kind of stomach cramps almost like when you try to go jogging after you eat or something so maybe it was just because i exercised so shortly after i ate um so yeah that kept happening and then it almost felt like it was getting into my heart and then i probably got a little into my head but i just was not feeling good i got kind of nauseous and everything and then we started climbing up this huge mountain that was really steep i couldn't do it i was like there's no way i was just too weak so in short you didn't feel good i didn't feel good yeah definitely didn't feel good that night was about two two and a half months ago now we're back on another hike and tina's gonna explain a little more in detail of what happened because she was trying really hard to be a trooper and make it downplay what happened during that trip so i felt a lot worse than i let on while i was hiking first had the stomach kind of cramps and then it radiated into my chest and my heart and it kind of went around the side and then up my shoulder blade and i was nauseous and i wanted to lay down in the middle of a trail which is a nurse she knows that most of those are signs of a heart attack yeah especially for women so i was feeling a little concerned jerry was concerned obviously and we just got to a place where we could camp as soon as we could it would have been better if we'd hiked out that day but i did not have that in me at all we got there set up camp and i laid down for like two hours and i felt better after that next day i felt okay and we got home and everything was fine but it did concern me enough that i actually made an appointment with my doctor i went to the doctor he noticed that my blood pressure and my pulse were high and referred me to a cardiologist went to the cardiologist had a bunch of tests run but i continued to have high blood pressure and a high pulse rate and i would just get periodic bouts of chest pain that would last usually two three hours but i'd had a couple of days where it lasted all day and it was a tough thing knowing scary yeah should i be at the ed right now but they always seem to go away there was one time when my i my blood pressure was really high and i did go to the ed which they were able to run some labs that that was a fun night no it was not yeah it's always fun going to the university department with chest pains yeah so lots of tests cts stress echoes all that kind of stuff the short version is there are no blockages no blood clots anything like that i am now on two different blood pressure meds to control my blood pressure and heart rate um it's just kind of odd because i've never had any issues at all with my blood pressure it has been checked regularly i have always had a clean bill of health i don't have any health problems it was just weird i mean at the beginning of the year as a nurse i had to be vaccinated to work and i got vaccinated pretty much the same day that you tested positive for coping exactly the same day yes within probably like i got it 15 minutes later you said you were positive and then i subsequently two days later got covered so i had the double whammy of getting covered and being vaccinated at the same time so i don't i mean it seems that that is probably what happened because i had been fine up until then yeah i mean you're fine until you're not fine and you're not sick until you're sick but blood pressure high blood pressure and pretty much every other kind of heart condition or cardiovascular condition is cleared high blood pressure typically does not happen in a two-week period and that's basically how this happened but yeah things happen so yeah at least it's not worse yes and i am now cleared to hike and exercise it was kind of scary so we're gonna take this opportunity to kind of focus more on health eat a little better exercise more regularly we're still going to have mexican food yes this is going to happen once a week i mean yeah everything in moderation exactly i'm very weak and i it's going to take me a while to build back up the stamina and energy and endurance that i had yeah and we've got to get the blood pressure leveled out too yeah yep so i mean even today we did this hike and it's a relatively benign height it's flat but i struggled so yeah it's gonna take a while so i may not be in as many videos until i get back there back get my strength back or we'll be doing mellower stuff too yeah which is cool because it doesn't always have to be climbing a mountain yeah yeah it is nice to be back outside again i'll say that for sure yeah it's nice having you especially well i was thinking because it's going to be like really cold tonight but it's going to have me around yeah that's my bubbly personality and witty sense of humor so that's it she's fine but it was scary and got a couple of things to work out and she'll be around just not every video yeah yeah that's it i know you guys will miss me but what else i'll cut that part out now i'll have to leave it out all right we're done we're just babbling on and on yeah that's it thanks for watching
Channel: Jerry Arizona
Views: 22,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eHb4dq03WcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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