LiDAR LAStools with QGIS. Create DEM and Contour lines ✔️✔️✔️

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i'm a hydrogeologist my model in life is think out of the box my name marcel my experience ground water and soil contaminations i'm the creator of jlrgb a channel of geographic information systems gis geology hydrogeology and contamination the purpose the objective the goal the intention the target the desire share my experience and acknowledge to create eight points of discussion the jail rtb community promote the use of free and open source software a free digital society provide technical advice to environmental companies an opportunity for professional growth google earth vs slider digital elevation model dem and content alliance about this tutorial this mini course consists in three video tutorials in the first one you are going to learn how to create a digital elevation model dem with quantum gis using data from google earth in the second one you are going to learn how to use last tool to process lidar data to create a dem with quantum gis also you are going to see how to get the contour lines from both models the third one is going to be a comparison between the two models and we will have a discussion about the currency of the ground elevation from google earth data this is the second part of the mini course related to google earth versus slider and the topic for today is going to be lidar what we are going to learn in part 2 we are downloading the last tools setting up last tools in quantum gis 3.10 acurunya download lidar data and checking the metadata analyzing lighter data with less info visualizing lighter data 3d with last view creating a digital elevation model we are going to see two different ways to do it with last students and also a blast to them also we are going to visualize the digital elevation model in three dimensions we are going to extract the contour lines and at the end we are going to be working with labeling and symbology let's go to do it what do you need to know if you miss part one google earth at the previous video we saw how to create a kmc file with the data elevation from google earth then we made a series of conversions to open the data in quantum gis in a proper referent coordinate systems from kmc to shape file after that we learn how to create a digital elevation model with a triangulated irregular network tin interpolation [Music] at the end we extracted the contour lines and labeled them remember that if you miss that video and you want to watch it you can hit the car located at the top right corner of your screen this is the main website to download the last tool it's known as a rapid lasso gmbh and the link i'm going to leave the link at the video description just press this button here to download the last version of last tools okay and leave the process to be completed then click over here right button on your mouse open containing folder cut and paste wherever you want i'm going to create a new folder over here new folder and it's going to be last tools and i'm going to paste over here [Music] then click right on your mouse and extract here in order to synchronize uh last tools with quantum gis what you are going to do is copy this folder and paste where you have installed quantum gis in my case i have quantum gis installed at the this c and i'm going to paste that folder over here then yes paste i did already and i have the folder here in this way you are going to avoid a lot of errors when using last tools with quantum dis the next step is setup last tools in quantum gis i open already a new session now what we are going to do is install the plugin related to last tools then go to plugin manage uninstall plugins remember that if you want to install a plugin you need internet connection then right here last tools last tools is this one over here and install the plugin and then make sure you have the box mark then you can close and then go to processing if you cannot see processing at the toolbars then go again to plugin manage and install plugins and in this case what we want to look for is processing go down and make sure you have the box mark also [Music] now you we can see here processing and close go to processing tool box then we can see here last tool okay then what we want to do is click this option here [Music] go to providers last tool and then select this one here and click here and select the folder where you save the folder last tool then select that folder and okay i did already and i have the folder over here then close and now we are ready to use last tools this is the website that we are going to use to download the lidar data this website is from the company of grand prix this is a small city at the province of albera in canada as you can see you go down i'm going to leave the link at the video description then if you press over here you are going to have access to the lidar data just read the instructions and the license and go here and as you can see all these small squares are related with uh like that data here you have the legend and according to the caller you are going to see that this uh lighter data was collected in a different dates or even different years also you can access to that data throw the rgis online just go here i'm going to leave also the the link at the video description yes then liver ground prayer [Music] so i make a mistake over here [Music] right right there then as you can see we have the same option over here and you also can access through our gis okay and it is the same then over here i'm going to show you what information i downloaded is this area over here where we have the tributary that connects with the big river over here i decided to take this area because we have some topography here and it could be very nice for the contour lines and to see other kind of geomorphology structures related with the geology in this area to download the file just click right on your mouse sorry click left on your mouse and then select the election sets full feature download this one here and okay and leave the software download all the package then open the folder container copy i am going to paste in this folder that i created then paste here and i'm going to extract in this folder and as you can see we have a couple of files one is uh last extension the other one is lux x extension and we have the metadata we have the license and we have this extra document now let's go to see what the metadata says and we can see the information related with this file the horizontal dial the vertical darum the gi model the utm sum and the projected coordinate systems in this case is utm sum 11 not 83 also we can see some information relating with the calibration of the methodology the accuracy for the horizontal accuracy and also for the vertical accuracy um some more information ready with the dates of the data collecting the credits the limitations of the use and it is in this video tutorial for today we are going to be very focused on the creation of the digital elevation model and also on extracting the contour lines but if you want to go deeper on the understanding of quantum gis you can check my youtube video channel and i have one video that it's very popular is this video over here lesson 10.1 lidar last tools 3d models and you have almost here one hour of content related to how to use last tools this video it's pretty popular as you can see it almost has 8 000 of views and it is still pretty good you know even i created this video more than two years ago and i'm going to leave a card at the top right corner of your screen if you want to watch it just hit that card now let's go to what the data on quantum gis let's go to quantum gis here right info double clicks on this one and now let's go to the last file then click here go to the folder you save the information [Music] open the last extension and we don't have to add anything more here then just run and we can see the information related with this file it is an information related with the metadata also we have here where the file is safe also we have here the maximum and minimum utm coordinates information related with the returns the number of the returns [Music] also here the software they use to process the information it was server scan also the creation the day and the year for this file [Music] and also here the points we have for the ground and also the points we have for low medium and high vegetation and all these information indicates that the lidar file is already processed right sometimes you can have uh like that information where the points were not processed in this case the the points were processed and you know what is the ground and the low vegetation medium and high vegetation okay let's go to close this one and let's go to open last view then go here and write last view and double click in last view and here look for the last extension this one open and we don't have to do anything more just run [Music] now we can move the 3d model with the mouse [Music] and if you press the right button of your mouse you can open all these options and we can classify the points according to the division for example for different colors in this case we have the ground and also the vegetation as you can see the trees over here also there are different colors by intensity and also we can render just the ground for example if we go to render only ground that's the power we are going to work on just with the ground but if you want to render just the vegetation for example go here only vegetation and you are going to have the lighter just for the vegetation but i'm going to explain all the options we have here because it is explained already at the other video and if you want to learn more you can you can watch that video i mean the video i say previously then let's go to close this one close this one and let's go to open last to them last two of them double click here and let's go to create the digital elevation model with this option then press this option here select the last extension open and here filter we are going to select class 2 keep class 2 and for the rest of the parameters it's okay we are not going to save anything yet just run the software and the the digital elevation model is going to be safe at the same folder that you have the the last file it means in this folder i'm not going to use this option because it doesn't work then just run wait until the algorithm is finished the processing algorithm it takes a little bit of time okay now it's completed we can close this one and we can open the model then press this option here go to raster click here and select this extension asc that's the extension for the digital elevation model open close sorry i don't know what i did wrong this one open and add then to see the panel for the layers just right button on your mouse over here and select layer panels and you can see here the panel and as you can see we don't have any coordinate reference systems as ignited to this [Music] digital elevation model just click here and as we saw at the metadata that is the coordinating systems we want for the glider information then we are going to use the same then go here is this one and okay and also we are going to do the same over here for the project select this one apply and okay now we can load the satellite imagery to see if the if the lighter information match with the satellite information and as you can see it matched perfectly then if you want we can edit here the color [Music] to see better just go here properties go here single single band see the color and here linear is good equal interval and we can select 10 intervals and apply and close now even we can save this uh digital elevation model in a different format then go to export save as it's going to be a jlt then select the folder i'm going to save sorry here a new folder and i'm going to save as a digital elevation model from lidar save the reference coordinate systems is good the extension is good everything is good then press ok and now we have the digital elevation model in a geotiff format then if you want we can close this one remove layer okay and now we can work with this one we can change the color for the digital elevation model as we did before but now i'm going to use this one and 10 intervals also and apply and okay then if we want to see the 3d model we can use this tool here quantum gis 2. you can install this plugin just go to [Music] plugins manage and install plugins and just right here quantum gis 2 and is this plugin you can install and check the box and then you can use it then it's this one here web going to open i'm going to bring to this screen over here and just check the box and this is the digital elevation model in 3d as you can see we have this line here that is because we are using the the free version of glass tools and there is some limitations and that's something related with the license if the number of points in your lidar file for the ground is less than 1 million this line is not going to appear the limitation is graded with the number of the lidar points but also we can avoid this line using a different algorithm the one we are going to use now is blast to them and this organism is for a big number of points and we don't have when we created the digital elevation model we don't have that line let's go to c then i'm going to add here this one open filter keep a second class elevation and now i'm going to try to save just to avoid to have the same name as this one let's see if it works i'm going to save us and this folder new folder and i'm going to put here okay i have to save with tiff and it's going to be last to them let's see if it works now save okay no it doesn't work then what i'm going to do is remove this file over here delayed i have the then because i export it with a different format [Music] and i'm going to run like this okay then run [Music] looks the process is complete i'm going to open to see what happened raster it's going to be this one open at and close okay as you can see now we don't have the line as we have before there is other technique that you can use last to them using last split it algorithm helps you to to the buy you do lidar information in less than 1 000 in less than 1 million of points then you are going to create different digital elevation models and each digital elevation model is going to have less than one million of points then you can merge all the digital elevation models in one and you are going to have the same result but i believe to use blast to them it's even more efficient at the moment there is no no limitations with the the line here at the middle but you have to be aware that uh last tool it's no uh uh free software there is some limitations with the license and you have to read the license okay and i believe this algorithm it's no it's not free i mean is free is you are using for an educational propose but if you want to use for a project i believe you have to pay the license now let's go to see how it looks like let's go to add the coordinate reference distance this one okay and let's go to see how looks like the 3d model okay you need to close this one and i'm going to open again and it's going to be this one all the modifications that you are doing over here is going to be reflected over here right let's go to see i'm going to move this one over here at the moment and what i'm going to do is move this one to the top and now as you can see now we have the satellite imagery on the top there is some parameters that you can play over here if you play right on your mouse properties you can make here some modifications apply to have for example a better resolution over here apply but it's going to take a little bit of time okay that's the result with the maximum resolution and also let's go to change some things here let's go to close this one and let's go to meet this one down over here and let's go to change the color properties here set the color the same 10 [Music] apply and okay and let's go to take this one out this one and this one and as you can see the the resolution it's it's really really good you you can see a lot of the tiles over here right that's the river and that's the tributary it looks very very good then the last thing that we are going to see today is the extraction of the contour lines to do that one yeah just go to raster i'm going to save this one export save as jlt and then live there blast [Music] save everything is okay okay and i'm going to remove this one okay and i'm going to use this one to extract the contour lines then go raster extraction contour lines is this one is good contour lines every 10 meters that's that's good and even you can decrease the interval even for one meter because the resolution for this one for the vertical resolution horizontal is 20 centimeters right then even you can make the contour lines for a 0.5 meters or even less because the resolution is really high but 10 meters is good then we can compare the results with the results we get with google earth just to to keep in the same conditions we want the elevation this one it's okay okay okay okay and here we are going to save save and we are going to save in this folder and new folder i'm going to keep here contour and i'm going to leave this format save and let's go to run something happens but we have the contour lines right yes and now let's go to label these contour lines properties go here to symbology let's go to change the color for a black color and also here for number three and apply i'm going to close this one and let's go to add some labels properties labels here single label and it's going to be the elevation and let's go to apply a buffer of 2 and for the placement online and this one is going to be bold apply to see how it looks like that's not bad i have to close this one okay [Music] we have the contour lines every 10 meters what happen if we put now the satellite image as we did the contour nice in a black color you cannot see well right then properties symbology in a white color apply okay something like that that's pretty weird right okay guys that's the final result thank you very much for watching and see you on the next video where we are going to compare both models the one we created with the data from google earth and the one we created with lidar information and we are going to see that they are very different we are going to see the adventist disadvantage and we are going to talk a little bit about more things to the comparison okay see you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Geo RGB
Views: 1,428
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: lasview, blast2dem, las2dem, lasinfo, LAStools, LiDAR DEM QGIS, QGID and GOOgle Earth, Extraction Contour QGIS, DEM QGIS and LiDAR, QGIS and LiDAR, QGIS and LAStools, Digital Elevation Model DEM, Triangulated Irregular Network TIN, Visualizing DEM 3D, Coordinte Reference System LiDAR, Topography Model 3D, free download LiDAR, Visualizing LiDAR data in QGIS, Topographic profile LiDAR, Google Earth LiDAR, Google Earth Contour Lines, Google Earth Elevation Extraction
Id: YlwoS106JeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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