Liberty's Kids 107 - Green Mountain Boys

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the clear baton the great patriotic never give up here are some exciting seeds from today's episode of Liberty's kids it's never been clearer to me than right now we have got to separate from England at Lexington and Concord the British fired on Americans it's time for them to get as good as they give it's time for the first American attack on the Redcoats who's this I'm a journalist not a workmen you're whatever I need you to be in order to get the Gazette to the people of Philadelphia yes James be a proper Patriot and stop complaining oh please is there anything addressed to Miss Sarah Phillips Oh Monsieur Lefevre I am expecting a loud shipment of gold doubloons from off the coast of Virginia a small shipment ah perhaps news from the continent thank you my boy Franklin Franklin Franklin there's no word from my father I'm afraid letters from Ohio or a few and far between Sarah this separation cannot continue I will make a home with him in the colonies I vow it nothing for me neither nothing for you either however I did receive these out-of-town newspapers finally my doubloons perhaps the next mail look at this forced from their homes where the New Hampshire grants will set up between New York and Canada beautiful country they call the hills up there the Green Mountains fine logging in the grants fine maple syrup to me Petula glisten ejectment coming thick and fast her woman's sobbing and lamenting children crying and men pierced to the heart was sorrow and indignation at the approaching tyranny now that's newspaper right it's by someone named Ethan Allen it sounds to me like mr. Allen is hyperbolized in an effort to inflame the emotions are potential traitors to the crown what did she say she said something I wouldn't lower myself by repeating she said onry that this man Alan is a liar he sounds to me like a patriot he sounds to me like a loudmouth as does someone else I know Jane Sarah Allen might be exaggerating but he's not lying allowing people's land to be taken out from under them the Redcoats aren't using muskets this time but they're firing a broadside at us nonetheless I've been wondering where the next hostilities with the crown might take place this could be our answer you have as much chance of filing a better story than me as a man has of walking on the moon your mother sure of yourself for someone with a chunk of venison stuck between his teeth oh thanks that was scary can we do it again this would be an absolutely lovely place to my family to make a home please let me do the talking I do not need you to take care of me thank you I will talk with these afternoon youngsters can we search them now Tom can we search him that won't be necessary Luke my friends here will be happy to show us anything interesting they might be carrying about their persons won't you kids a ways back we passed a guy who looked real rich you can probably catch him if you hurry come on Tom let's go get him you're a clever pup ain't you tell old Tom what you're really doing up in these parts I am a journalist and a man safe passage in the name of King George the third I demand to meet your leader and I demand to meet your cook you boys trap game in the woods and don't invite me to the feast may I assume that you are the leader of this vile band of kidnappers and thieves some of the boys might take offense at your characterization yes I'm their leader my name's Ethan Allen Ethan Allen all I did was ask you whether finest land is to be found in the grants you Tories come here and expect us to just hand over our land and property are you mad or stupid or you're just a thief I can answer that ah you called me a thief you're the one who had me bound and gagged and dragged here against my will my men were doing their duty in any way you're free now aren't you if you won't show me the land or go see it myself you'll do nothing of the kind my little red coat and sad to say no more can we fight your tyranny peaceably so often of the pleas and arguments of our lawful committees been ignored by your king ethan on our way here we saw man riding a gilded chariot hendricks back table you boys hendricks back pendrake you sure young scout mr. Hill I saw it miss Phillips it looks like you'll get to see a fine branch home after all leave my property immediately we cannot leave your property because we are not on your property you are the pendrake are a snake infesting our Eden we ask you one more time to leave this place peaceably in the name of the Governor of New York and the King of England I will not budge sir what would he do better get down take it boys anyone else in the house no Ethan set the horse free this isn't right it isn't fair I'm glad you're here little red coat you're about to learn something about fairness arthur pendrick we the people of the New Hampshire grants have resolved to offer a burnt sacrifice to the gods of the world time to burn now this is barbaric if you're intent on driving this good man out why don't you simply let the earlier occupant move back in let's ask the earlier occupant huh if I did that they'd just throw me and my family out again that thief would be back right back inside a house I built for my wife and children maybe this'll show them we mean business Ethan give me the torch sorry Tom no am i I built this house for freedom now I burn it for freedom go your way now to the devil with your governor laws King Council and assembly people have three and alienable rights James writes that they cannot be denied and those are the rights to life liberty and property if the government fails to protect those rights it's the people's right to revolt and form a new government it's never been clearer to me than right now that's exactly what we have to do we have got to separate from England at Lexington and Concord the British fired on Americans it's time for them to get as good as they give it's time for the first American attack on the Redcoats finally you wouldn't dare no more burning houses no more Arthur pendrick's the Green Mountain Boys are gonna take Fort Ticonderoga in New York violence Colonel Allen is never justified it's the people's right to revolt just where did you get your outrageous excuse for a political philosophy anyway well let me think yeah I remember now that's right mr. John Locke from Pennsbury England oops am i addressing Colonel Allen you are I am Colonel Benedict Arnold Colonel I have been commissioned by the Massachusetts Committee of Safety to raise the regiment which I have done to attack Fort Ticonderoga through that end I hereby order you to turn over to me complete and utter command of the Green Mountain Boys well Colonel with all the respect due a man of your high rank and obvious importance I formed this battalion these are my men and I'll be darned if some little red peacock is gonna strut in here and start giving them orders this is not a request colonel this is an order if you will not obey it I will force you to obey you and every single one of your so-called soldiers how are you gonna do that go back to your Committee of Safety the Green Mountain Boys are serving under Ethan Allen or the Green Mountain Boys are going home this attack is too important to jeopardize by sniping between fellow Patriots so I'll make you a deal I'll let you share command to the boys here and ride with me in front of them if you agree not to cause any trouble for us back in Massachusetts but remember no one gives orders to these men but me ever we agree he'll never do it he must do it agreed all right good writing this way on the white horse with a bright red jacket he was a trim but he did you spot the British soldier to was you I decided to attack for Ticonderoga for two reasons first its cannon if we can capture the British cannon with all due respect you miss we can transport them to Boston and send those redcoats halfway back to England with their own artillery second if we control Ticonderoga we control the main waterway to the colonies from Canada and then my boy nothing goes on in or out of that water unless we American say it does now our spies tell us there are only 50 or so British soldiers defending the fort but we're expecting a heck of a fight anyway and let me say one thing to the good people of Philadelphia brothers and sisters there ain't one Green Mountain Boy on God's green earth who ain't prepared to meet his maker up there in that fort because miss Phillips every man here no matter how uncouth how rough how rude is profoundly committed to fighting for America's freedom to the last beat of his heart Colonel Arnold I wonder if I might ask you a favor yes miss Phillips Colonel I request permission to join you in the Green Mountain Boys in your attack on Fort Ticonderoga might I be permitted to accompany you on your attack hmm I'm afraid that's out of the question son what you're asking is highly irregular sir with respect as the people of Philadelphia need to know the story of the colony's first attack on the crown sir the people of Philadelphia need to know the story of America's first attacked on the tyrannous mullions of King George the third that's minions well I suppose in their way the Green Mountain Boys are highly irregular too you'll stay as much out of harm's way as possible yes sir I don't doubt that the Pennsylvanians need news of our attack miss Phillips but I'm afraid they'll have to get it from someone less qualified than yourself I simply cannot permit a proper young lady to accompany troops into combat you didn't really think you'd be the only one getting this story did you misfire mercy sir mercy take me to your commanding officer all right all right in the name of God and the Continental Congress I demand that you surrender this fort come on out you'll rat by salsa our weapons artillery and ammunition order the horn boys and find the rest of these redcoats Heather they are tolerate collect the cannonballs and musket shot outside an inch to the left and you'd be heading for a court-martial in Boston oh so sorry sir I noticed you got your story after all miss Phillips I do hope we meet again under more favourable circumstances I believe you would like my father major Phillips retired I understand he was a fine soldier please send him my best regards I shall do so colonel I had dreamed that he might join me in the grants someday but I have recently learned that the New Hampshire grants are no place for our family to make a home no wonder the Redcoats didn't fight us they were too fat and happy from all this jerky all this without firing a shot we're gonna whip those redcoats in no time don't get cocky son we have a long way to go before we win our freedom hold on there Edward wasn't that little French weasel trying to drum up some of this stuff back in the green mountains dr. Frank gonna put my story on the front page he'll put mine on the front page dr. Franklin is many things but he is not insane papers ready you both did I never thanked you for not giving me away on the boat that night I had to let you write that story how else could I prove the mine was superior spell superior gee these flapjacks look good oh I imagine they are
Channel: Liberty's Kids - WildBrain
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Keywords: liberty kids, liberty kids full episodes, boston tea party, liberty kids boston tea party, george washington for kids, liberty kids we the people, liberty kids constitution, liberty kids paul revere's ride, liberty kids bunker hill, liberty kids shot heard round the world, liberty kids declaration of independence, liberty kids midnight ride, declaration of independence for kids, george washington, liberty kids green mountain boys, the boston tea party, Hamilton, Hamilton Musical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
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