LGBTQ+ tiktoks that are the reason the frogs are gay

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mocha caramel latte chino made with skim milk no whipped cream please put that in a grande cup but use the same amount of coffee that you'd put into a towel that way there's about an inch of extra room on top to stir in my own nutmeg without spilling any coffee at all what do you want into you but you technically don't classify yourself as a guy classify yourself as they therefore my sexuality isn't gay or straight it's yes [Music] crying i low-key kind of like this i i don't care if it's a lesbian song like this song actually goes hard all right hurry up we were sitting down [Music] i'm gonna have you put on the straight jacket now everyone else has done it this is a straight jacket [ __ ] i'm gay i mean i can try what up i got dressed to go to a pride party and the only option was to parallel park you know to get in so i turned around and left arguably the gayest thing that i've ever done if we exclude the stuff that i do with your dad i am just i am [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh coming out of the closet [Music] where you get your grills from i got them from uh johnny dang you lying yeah where you ready to get them from i got them from my jewels i like you man you lie a lot i got my [Music] then are you gay you had a good high school experience that's cool they're bottomless could be gayer yeah life and death and love and birth and peace in war on the planet earth is there anything that's worth more than peace and love on the planet earth woe i'm getting ripped tonight [Applause] [Music] [Music] transgender and non-binary so prank who said that my parents are super supportive which is awesome but they're in their 70s so uh using gender neutral words is not it doesn't come easily to them my mom will still buy birthday cards that are meant for moms to give to their daughters but recently she started doing this thing where she'll cross out the word daughter defiantly it's like the sweetest sentiment with the worst delivery like some sweet freelance bisexual graphic designer made this gorgeous card and then my mom is just vandalizing their calligraphy like happy birthday to my beautiful child my dad is the same way i was visiting home recently and he took me to a starbucks to introduce me to his favorite barista which is the whitest sentence ever side note it's a drive-through starbucks but he always parks and goes inside he's like i just want to see what they have and then gets a black coffee every day for 50 years so he brings me into this starbucks and he pulls aside this barista only he panics last minute about using gender-neutral words so he says i want you to meet my big kid thanks tall father [Music] i asked him later i was like why big kid why were those the words that we went with and he said i wanted them to know i was your dad but i didn't want them to think you were a child i was like i hope they can tell just by looking [Music] one two three you're really joking at a time like this [Music] [Music] i am a woman in the same way that 57 is divisible by 19. like it's technically true but like this is part two of texts between me and my girlfriend's mom want to come sleep over i wish i could but my parents won't let me ello how come no idea maybe it's because they don't want us banging erica and she says poo which is the only appropriate response first you take the mi gay quizzes then you take them i depressed quizzes and then you take lexapro you can't [ __ ] with the flow of the universe it's like it's like the law of attraction no this is gay science in today's episode why do gay men run like that the gay run it's a restrained jog with a low center of gravity and a little bit of drama so why do homosexuals look like they're being chased by the blair witch in a library what's the biological reason for gay men running like they have to catch a train and just got a bbl the gay run has two evolutionary advantages first it deceives predators gay men have survived for ages by employing a theatrical run that's surprisingly quick confusing predators into believing this would be easy prey based on body language while being deceptively fast it's why dementors can't catch dumbledore and how elton john got away from eminem after their 2001 grammy awards performance second it's a form of nonverbal communication as to not scare off potential female besties it says though i am running full speed at you no need to be alarmed i am a homosexual and this is a safe space however there's probably a good reason why i'm running and you better grab your [ __ ] mama [Applause] [Music] brotherhood [Music] one two three i can't talk right now i'm doing hot heavy [ __ ] [Music] listen it's a good joke it's a great joke even but i need you to stop anyway this is how two fruity [ __ ] who are best friends um greet each other hey bestie hey castaways we are castaways i was finding it hard to worry then finding it hard to find the feeling when my heart was burst like the glass balloon and let it fly too high [Music] i let go i don't know you i don't have the answer to all of your questions but i can answer one question right now cis people don't cry over their gender cis people don't cry over their gender hey everybody happy pride i have my iced coffee i got my prep prescription refill and i'm just gonna be chilling hi i'm so sorry excuse me um is that adderall oh no no it's it's it's prep oh prop what's it like like molly no no it's like um a drug so i don't get hiv when i have sex hiv you're gay oh my gosh oh thank you um [Music] does anyone else remember that one day of 8th grade science when your teacher was just sitting at her desk soaking her hand in a weird beaker of clear liquid and all said ma'am what are you doing and she wouldn't respond so you just had a free day you made a day that you played heads up seven up until the last five minutes of class whenever she stood up didn't say anything took her hand out of the beaker got a piece of paper walked over to the board slammed the paper on the board slammed her hand onto the paper with all her might peeled it away and there's just a bloody hand print we all said ma'am what and she said ah the chemicals and sat down in the bell ring and that was that also unrelated in the same class there's a fish tank that i set next to and there's a fish in there i named his spike he only had one eye everyone always stuck pencils into his tank and that made me so sad because he was my only friend in that school year also unrelated one time there's this kid sitting in front of me who's wearing a button-up shirt he said hey patty i said hey what and so he shifted the gap in his button up shirt so i could see his nipple and shift to the back and said ah just turn around and act like nothing happened i think that's why i'm asexual i hope everybody's having a great pride month shout out to the gays [Music] so my partner and i get our underwear from a company where you like pick out the pattern and then they send it but we never remember to pick out the pattern so they always just send random underwear so my partner he opened his today and it was the bisexual pride flag because it's pride month and they're sending that out i guess and he was like cool creepy that they know but like yeah i'm bisexual awesome and i was like uh maybe they know my gender sexuality so i'll maybe i'll open a underwear with the bisexual pride flag or a like non-binary flag so now we're gonna see alligators hey pooh how are you [Music] they took my [ __ ] eye not hard to tell i was on my first birthday [Music] [Music] so i'm non-binary and my pronouns are they them but sometimes it is just so tempting to change my pronouns to any pronouns but in a way that is so specific and context-based he him is like a weird lizard she her is like the moon they them is like whoever the [ __ ] conspiracy theorists are talking about when they say they and so i am tempted sometimes to tell people uh use he him for me when you see nothing behind these eyes use she her for me when you worship and revere me and use they them when you could not possibly understand me and seeing is how that's far too complicated for cis people they'd have to default to they them anyway i haven't done it yet because i'm a coward but it's something i'm thinking a little bit of about you met me at the perfect time you have nothing i don't have to tell you anything at all [Music] you don't understand we can't just let transgender children use whatever locker room they want yeah okay but why because what are they supposed to do when the children have to shower what you know when the children shower what are the trans kids gonna do i'm sorry take it back a few steps what the [ __ ] are you talking about you know when the children they go out for pe they come back in they get naked they shower they go to the next class i'm sorry so you're telling me children at your school go out for pe come back into the school get naked and shower in front of their peers oh no it's not like that there's also a supervising teacher of course a [ __ ] teacher yeah an adult of course it's an adult all teachers are adults right right teachers clothes kids are naked obviously right then the teacher's got a key to the locker room yeah the one that locks and unlocks it yeah and the only problem you can see with that system is trans children uh funny story i came out to my boyfriend who's not in binary and he goes am i still straight i don't even know what [ __ ] gender i am bro am i supposed to answer that which race are you african-american asian disabled hispanic lgbt veteran or woman think of the night in the park it was getting dark and we stayed up [Music] this is my mom's reaction when i told her i was gay hey mom wake up [ __ ] sake what charlie i just lost my virginity oh god say charlie that's something you tell your friends not me but i lost it to my friend okay great but that's not what i wanted to wake you up for um i think i'm gay are you [ __ ] kidding me what no i like the kissing pop but i didn't like the sex part i like it better as a friend charlie baby you're not gay no i am do you remember how i told you i had that best friend at school um any sex when we always used to i don't hear it mom it's not a sad thing it's a happy thing let's call your sister oh my god yes let's tell her your brother's just come out as gay what'd you say what do you mean how did i not know um is she happy for me do you think it's because of what happened when he was in year six yeah okay fine you talked to him then thank you mom hello thank you there is nothing to explain black barbie pretty face perfect body paint sleep in aurora always welcome [Music] floating is listen listen listen i did not ask i did not ask to be called out like this i actually saw a straight proposal happen the other night and i said out of my own mouth during pride month a little too loud you
Channel: Homosexual Happenings
Views: 2,389,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok compilations, tiktok videos, gay tiktoks, gay vines, lgbtq+ tiktoks, lgbtq tiktoks, bi tiktoks, lesbian tiktoks, lgbt tiktoks, wlw tiktoks, mlm tiktoks, gay shit, cute wlw, cute mlm, gay memes, lgbtq memes, lgbtq+ memes, trans, transgender tiktoks, trans tiktoks, mtf tiktoks, ftm tiktoks, ftm, mtf, transgirl, transboy, im bored, stuff to watch when bored, asexual, pan tiktoks
Id: QeRNCW8lue8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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