FTM Transgender Tiktoks

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how hard did puberty get used to fix only [Music] is written on the doorway why can't everyone just go away [Music] looks at me [Music] random people you'll find in friend groups one the boring one who will become an average member of society two the quiet one who isn't quite sure how they ended up there three the two who are clearly way better friends than everyone else the obnoxious one who does wild and weird things no suburban teen could ever dream of such as jumping on and licking things five the 50 50 friend who will either be the life of the party or say something extremely cringy six the funny one someone should probably check up on and seven [ __ ] dylan okay so here's some tips for people who are trans or just aren't cis so the first thing that i suggest is getting this app called the refuge basically this is what it does you can pause and read that anyways it shows you bathrooms that accept trans people non-binary people are people that just bathrooms that are safe for gender non-conforming people another thing that's amazing is this thing called a pronoun change room and then you basically just enter your name and then pronouns and then it creates like a story like a boy named sam he is wonderful and just uses all the pronouns it's amazing and this isn't really like an app or something but you could get like use smells to help you feel more comfortable with your gender so say if you want to feel more feminine you could get like a girl deodorant it's so unnecessarily gendered but it can help you feel more feminine or you could use cologne or masculine scented deodorant [Music] my witness brings me how hard did puberty get used to fix only [Music] excuse me [Music] welcome to mcdonald's do you want a [ __ ] beast jerger please i just want to see my family [ __ ] and none get he want my number had to hit him fantasizing got him feeding for this [Music] talk to me boys [Music] i can't talk right now i'm doing trans guy [ __ ] [Music] i'll fake that [Music] tall and today strong we [Music] always six feet tall and [Music] please don't go please don't go i love you so i love you so please break my heart don't don't [Music] okay reasons why i can't buy a lesbian pride flag number one i already have one i'm clay and this is my voice one year on testosterone it's a great song this is my voice one month on see this is my voice uh six minutes on testosterone what up that's basketball two months since i started testosterone my hair is kind of a disaster right now i get something to get off my chest i just got top surgery my future music ceo breaking my voice keeps changing soap clothes can help chest dysphoria reporting live from planet basic we talk a lot but we all never say saying something that we truly feel but that's just not in the conversation i'm semi famous kinda ain't [ __ ] kinda sorta like almost made it and i was just a cold crazy [Music] why did you buy an extra extra large t-shirt you basically can fit in the medium oh thank you for asking it's because i suffer from a condition called titties [Music] what [Music] any other trans guy get top surgery and still don't feel flat enough [Music] hey guys so i wanted to give you um a list of not so obvious effects of testosterone just in case you're thinking about starting it these are just things that you won't really find online only like trans people who are on t could know so like first things first you're gonna get really [ __ ] sweaty whenever you do physical activity especially cardio and your sweat is also going to smell a lot worse sorry it's possible that your sexuality could change a little bit i definitely have become a little bit more fruity since starting testosterone for sure you are going through a second whole puberty so you're gonna go through so many [ __ ] clothes so don't drop too much money on clothing until like you're sure that you're done growing i gained weight on testosterone but that was only because i got more like wide and also muscle but yeah i hope this helps let me know if you guys want more [Music] i want you in my room [Music] [Music] why don't you introduce yourself to the class okay hi my name's dochi with two eyes i feel anxious when i'm high every trans guy i've ever met goes through like the same four phases of haircut phase number one the bieber cut your barbara doesn't want to give you the right haircut that you're asking for so she meets you in the middle and gives you a [ __ ] pixie cut but it looks like a girl's haircut so you do your best to style it and the only way to do it is bieber style phase number two the side shave you have your buddy in his garage shaved the sides of your head and you feel so [ __ ] good about it phase number three the mullet you keep the side shape but you grow out the mullet and of course phase number four you just let it all go and see what happens when you grow it out again [Music] are you a closeted trans boy do you need help passing here are some tips from your trans big brother i can't promise these will all help with your dysphoria but maybe they'll use it a little bit so if you can't cut your hair you can always pull it back into a ponytail flip it forward and then put a beanie on that way it looks like you have bangs baggy clothes are your best friend sweatshirts and baggy jeans hide almost everything curves breasts femininely shaped thighs everything if you're worried about there being a small bumper your chest is keep in mind that it's normal to have a slight curve don't go for board flat that's unrealistic do not bind with ace bandages that's very dangerous and don't do it if you're in a position where you can't get a binder there are some ways you can makeshift one with a tank top and you can also use tights there are some guides online but be careful i still strongly recommend trying to get a binder if you can for additional coverage of your chest look for things that have giant stitched logos the really really thick ones that don't bend very easily those are great i hope those helped i have a couple more let me know if you want to hear [Music] is gone the shadow in the corner just playing along [Music] you don't need a friend boy you're the man where are your titties
Channel: ellabella
Views: 687,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Transgender TikToks, FTM
Id: gJ_3oKsRKFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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