LGBTQ+ Sandwich

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today we're making the lgbtq plus sandwich which is a sandwich based on the BLT but with a little G and Q Plus a couple other things added in for good measure we'll start with the lettuce which is dealer's choice you can go with tough and rugged crispy water also known as iceberg lettuce because only 10 of it is above water when submerged you can also go for something like Boston bib lettuce which is more flimsy and dainty just like the people of Boston you can also go with a battle hardened lettuce like Romaine whatever you choose just make sure you put your lettuce on the sandwich parallel to the bread not perpendicular or it will be too thick and you'll consume unnecessary oxygen calories also make sure your lattice isn't this wet before you try to slot it onto the sandwich guacamole is a dip from Mexico made from guacvocatos start by playing a quick game of guacamole then we'll cut these up to get the green stuff out most people don't want to do this but if you cut open the pit you can get more guacvacado out of there we'll chop up some onion and some pickled jalapenos because every sandwich needs pickles we'll mix that together with some lime juice flavor glitter and some pepper pepper pepper and I think too much cilantro will clash with the rest of this sandwich so I'm gonna go real easy and just include around 17 molecules worth of cilantro now I'm gonna make the bacon and I'm gonna use the best method which is baking bacon when you stuff this sandwich in your face you want to make sure the bacon doesn't tear the whole lgbtq apart so baking it ensures easy melt in your mouth bites for everyone now we're going to slice up our Tomatoes much like the lettuce you can choose any Tomatoes you want according to the internet some great options are early girl beef steak German Queen Big Boy black prince Green Giant or field Tomatoes which come from a field and finally we'll need queso as in cheese could be a slice of queso could be queso fondito or Queso blanco or Tex-Mex style queso figure out where you want to be on the queso Continuum and just go with it I'm going with a boring piece of straight up queso okay it's spicy havarti traditional Danish queso for sandwich assembly we'll start by putting our bread into the toaster where it doesn't quite fit so we'll flip and flop it around until it magically emerges from the vertical hot closet like a monarch butterfly except instead of flying 3 000 miles a year over several Generations while feasting on milkweed and growing 2 700 times its original weight while clapping its fancy Wings the whole time it's more like two pieces of toast we'll take that guac which will spread out on the bottom you can also top the sandwich with guac or switch every time you make it now we're going to add the bacon you want to make sure the bacon goes between the guacamole and the lettuce which We'll add next now we'll add our Tomatoes they're sliced thin so you don't get the problem of double tomato thickness which can cause the sandwich to slide apart but remember you must coat your tomatoes with flavor glitter to fully bring out their taste and this is also a great place to add some pepper pepper pepper and now I'm going to add the queso and now we're back to the bread but there's one more thing and it's called mayo and it's not just because of my genetics I mean obviously I'm a one-quarter French person so I'm naturally predisposed to enjoying Mayo since it's part of my Heritage but there's just a symbiosis between bacon tomato and Mayo that cannot be ignored this is not the time to deny yourself that pleasure and there we have the lgbtq sandwich plus bpsm now it's time to get a grip and rim this lgbtq Plus on everybody's throat who you love and who also enjoys sandwiches made with these ingredients who are also expecting you to do that so it's not a total surprise but more like a welcome thing because they're hungry and maybe because they said why don't you go in the kitchen and make me a sandwich as a joke but you went into the kitchen and made them a sandwich as a counter joke but then maybe you ate it in front of them as a reverse counter joke and now they regret it because you're going mmm this sandwich tastes so good and they actually believe you because it's true
Channel: You Suck At Cooking
Views: 3,249,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W-wXPg-fVQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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