Pizza Pockets: calzones - You Suck at Cooking (episode 119)

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you suck at cooking yeah you totally suck pizza pockets they're pockets full of pizza also known as hot pockets also known as calzones that's the italian word for calorie zone the way i make dough is by starting with a packet of pizza yeast and following the instructions step one combine one cup of flour the undissolved yeast one and a half teaspoons of sugar and three quarters of a teaspoon of salt add two thirds a cup of very warm water and three tablespoons of oil i'm using olive you can use vegetable or motor mix until well blended dough a bread a flour based bread bowl a place to hold your dough spoon a thing to mix your dough i should really shut the up add in three quarters of a cup to a cup and a quarter more flour until you get a sticky dough ball knead on a floured surface about four minutes so it's longer than any workout i've done this year cheers adding additional flour if you need to until smooth and elastic i think the only way to test if this is smooth and elastic is to compare so cut an elastic now i will yeah i think that's good all right my strategy here is to try to go for thin pockets because i want the least amount of dough in the most amount of stuff possible now i need toppings which are not going to be toppings because they're going to be inside so we'll call them innards we'll shred up some of the fake americanized version of mozzarella okay now that that's shredded we'll put that piece inside the pocket and we're done great no okay just imagine for a second if you're a one millimeter high skateboarder how cool would this be i meditated earlier so if i sound a little more enlightened than usual that's probably why pepper pepper pepperoni we're not just gonna settle for disks we're gonna chop these up and we're gonna hope that nobody notices it's actually turkey pepperoni we're hitting this with pizza sauce that's probably already too much we're gonna learn from my mistakes or we won't and we'll overload it just like i do every time i make a burrito or taco we will put on some cheese too much cheese a little bit of green pepper and some real authentic pepperoni now you want to take this and fold it over press the edges oh look it ended up being perfect the only mistake i made was doubting myself except for that small leak which is not a mistake it's an imperfection that reminds us that i'm human a human who loves a lot of sauce don't forget to poke a hole in the center so it doesn't explode i guess boom sauce it's not sticking so instead let's fold it back on itself now it's just more of a pizza burrito it's wronger on more levels which will increase the enjoyment shout out to former catholics now let's smother this one with oh that's way too much we're gonna use the real mozzarella in this one does this even melt i assume it does let's throw on one green pepper and one piece of turkey pepperoni now we'll just fold that over we'll get these on here let's get this italian masterpiece on here boom welcome to italy i'm just gonna do an experiment and put oil on half of one and we'll see what side we like better we've got liquids leaking everywhere it's wonderful undoes on 420 fundo one viajo i cook these for around 14 minutes and another minute on broil to brown the tops and let's just focus on the positive meaning this pocket there's no need to pay attention to other things here that people might judge would a pizza pocket by any other shape not taste as delicious i'll buy you five italian dollars that this tastes really good oh my follower calling a dollar man these other calzone bastard children need to be sent to the wall anyone else still mad about game of thrones i really hope so so my second try went a lot better when you're pressing the dough around the edges like this make sure you haven't committed a crime recently because your fingerprints will be all over it and make sure you take any loose change or keys out of the pocket before eating the existence of pizza pockets implies the existence of pizza pants oh my god they're real um that's a zipper you perverts and these giant ass pockets are great because you'll never need to carry around a purse or a backpack ever again
Channel: You Suck At Cooking
Views: 2,687,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza pockets, hot pockets, calzones, pizza, dough, pizza burrito, ysac, you suck at cooking, recipe, chef, kitchen, how to, tutorial, how to:chef
Id: CRNg3EcomrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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