More Modified Ramen - You Suck at Cooking (episode 165)

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you suck at cooking yeah you totally suck instant ramen noodles were invented by Mama Fuko Ando in 1958 in his shed since then dozens of packets of instant Ramen have been consumed every year throughout the world for this modded Ramen we're going to start by adding an egg to already gently boiling water some people think boiling water will cause the egg to crack but that actually only happens if the water is overly angry boil the egg for 6 minutes then put it inside an ice bath to increase the eggs endorphins then after 10 to 15 minutes we'll use the power of kinetic vibration to loosen the shell and peel it off we're boiling water and we only want to cook these nudes for around a minute then we can drain them and let them sit there and think about what they've done don't let the eggs see how hot the noodles are or it might get jealous in a saucepan we're going to add some butter some milk in the seasoning pack make sure you don't accidentally have your heat turned up to 11 medium low is good then the nudes can go in there and soak up that sauce while it thickens like a stringy edible sponge and you you know what they say when the sauce starts to thicken in it's time to get interested in possibly eating it because it's ready to eat then we're going to add the nudes to our bowl and top with a slice of extremely melty cheese then we'll fold the nudes over to create a cheese furnace so that it melts and becomes part of the sauce we'll throw on a drizzle of chili oil a smattering of scallions then the egg can go on top and I also modified this bowl so that you can more easily manage your utensils by sticking them to the side with the power of magnets even though nobody knows how they work and whether or not they're bad for your skin and if you have trouble gripping an egg with chopsticks I modify these ones to more easily pick up the egg and also to more easily add injuries to the lips and or mouth region of the face ow that's so good here's a couple simple things you can add to almost any Ramen to make it way better the first is sesame oil made from sesame seeds which come from the Sesame tree the next is chili crisp which comes from the Chile kiles region of guza province in China and if you are not on the chili crisp train yet I highly suggest you get chugging and the next is crispy shallots which are made from soggy shallots which will slice very thinly then sprinkle on some salt then after a few minutes remove the excess moisture then we're putting them in this peanut oil which is on medium low and we'll cook them until all of that moisture bubbles away once they stop bubbling they're done and you can dry them out then the real challenge is not immediately stuffing them all into to your face for this next recipe I'm going to chop up some ginger and some scallion then get those into a pan with some neutral oil if you have a serious scallion problem you can chop up a concerning amount of scallions then put them in an airtight container and your molecule slower Downer that way you can add them to your Ramen your toast your ice cream or your wrist anytime you're having a scallion attack M we'll sauté the ginger and these scallions for a couple minutes on medium heat and make sure you don't accidentally add wrapped scallions because they always ruin the vibe now we'll add some sesame oil and around 1/3 of the flavoring pack so that it does and eclipse the ginger scallion sesame sauce we'll cook the noodles for a minute and then drain them and throw them in the pan now add them to a bowl and then realize the bowl is too big and move them to a different bowl with all of that oily sauce which is going to lubricate your entire body then hit that with some chili crisp and some crispy shallots and we're talking about a multi-dimensional flavor experience you might not ever fully recover from so be careful this is also a great Ramen to use my patent pending Precision Chopsticks so that you can enjoy a bite of scallion chili crisp crispy shallot or an individual noodle at a slow and relaxing Pace on the other hand you can use my 90° Chopsticks if you prefer to eat the entire Bowl in one bite if you're concerned about how many calories there are in ramen simply eat it with drumsticks which makes the portion look smaller and tricks your brain into processing fewer calories I'm so clumsy this last Ramen has very simple mods that involve cooking the noodles draining off most but not all of the water crack an egg straight in there then wangjangle it add in some butter and wangjangle that and then add the seasoning pack and some garlic powder and finally do some Wang jangling we'll sprinkle some scallions on top of that and if you have a hard time lifting as many noodles as you want you could try my Fork chops which have heavyduty noodle lifting power but if the long prongs scare you then you can try my miniature Spork chops instead which have moderate but reliable noodle clamp ability and if you find the noodles are just too long and heavy I modified these Chopsticks to allow you to cut the noodles down into smaller bites I call them Chopsticks if you enjoy slurping your noodles but leaning down to the Bowl makes you feel like a beta I invented this Ramen lift to help adjust the height of the bowl to perfect slurping altitude you can also control the angle of the bowl to easily access any specific noodle this is powered by an 18 GHz four Trin induction motor with fly train suspension and Triforce thruster and definitely isn't just my friend moving a pole up and down because Devon isn't my friend whoa how did America's number one ready to meal delivery service Factor get in my house with her nutritious flavorful meals that her Chef prepared looks like I'm skipping the meal prepping the planning the grocery shopping The Chopping the cleaning the arguments with Devon and I'm going to have fresh never frozen meals that are ready to eat in just a couple minutes I'm not actually in the microwave while it's running I'm just doing that with my hand also you can play it than give it to someone and be like oh I just made you this delicious meal from scratch I hope you enjoy it I'm a liar the holidays are super busy so you can save time with Factor's nutritious options including their smoothies and juices factor is now owned by hellofresh which I like when I want to cook but Factor's great when I want to do as close to literally nothing as possible which is most of the time I am lazy head to or click the link below and use code usuck 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box that's or click the link below and use code usuck 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box
Channel: You Suck At Cooking
Views: 591,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramen, instant ramen, modified ramen, ramen recipes, ramen with egg, cheese ramen, creamy ramen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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