LFL #37| More Photoshop Tips than you can count - How many did you know?

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hey guys we're going to be starting soon um good to see you all popping in here joining us we're going to be starting in 52 seconds let me know if you can hear me awesome you guys can hear me all right i've got 17 seconds to go count it down with me from 10 10 nine eight seven six five four three two one plaster [Music] and hello everybody good to see you welcome to live from lockdown episode number 37 and today is going to be a real special one we're going to do a ton of photoshop tips i've got a whole pile of them ready to go and we'll see how many we can knock out also we'll see how many of them you know so be kind of fun why don't you guys uh take a tally and add up the ones that you know and the ones you don't know and we'll see who's the biggest notable out of all of us so anyway guys hey welcome um this is going to be our last live from lockdown for the year 2020. the reason for that is next thursday is christmas and the thursday after that is new year's so we will be kicking off with part two of season two i guess that's what they do these days we could call it season three or whatever you want um but part two or season two b will begin on january the 7th 2021 so we're gonna put this nasty year behind us and we're gonna have a fresh new year and um that's what we're gonna be doing so anyway guys good to see you there a lot of regulars i'm glad you could all join us there um feel free to shout out there in the chats and if you're watching the replay you might not see those chats but just drop a comment underneath and be part of the community even if you can't make it live because i know the time zone is not always perfect for everybody but um we're gonna kick off i'm just not gonna keep chatting and we're just gonna kick off right now let me pop it in here all right great so what we'll do is we'll do questions and answers at the end um so save your questions and answers of course if you have you know really relevant questions during the time pop those in they'll be happy to do my best to answer them the same thing in the comments if you're watching afterwards i'll do my best to answer those i try to respond to the comments um and we have bruce in the house here say hi bruce bruce is our moderator and he's going to be taking care of you you know if you need any just hit the little button above you and he'll be happy to bring refreshments and a pillow and a sick bag if you need one so and we'll also have an afterglow at the end so after we wrap this up we'll hang out and i'll say hi to you guys and do all the shout outs because i see there's a lot of regulars in the house tracy russ everybody um so let's just kick off right now we've got a ton of photoshop tips for you and let me just look on here and see what the first one is all right let's get started all right so as a lot of you guys know we can make color adjustments inside of curves um so let's open up our curves right now there's a couple of different ways to go there you could hit the control m command m for mountains and that'll get us into curves but the preferred method of course is to go to our adjustment layer so under the layers panel at the very bottom you're going to see this little yin yang thing and if we open it up here's our adjustment layers and we're going to choose curves now a lot of you know that you can you know adjust these curves here to add contrast or adjust the tones some of you know we can go into the individual color channels here and we could adjust the reds or you know we could go into the blues you know we can do things like this and this is how you get this really high-end looking color in just a couple of moves now what we're going to do is we're going to reset this and we're just going to hit the little reset button there what a lot of you may not know is that we can add the points specific points to the color so if we grab this little finger and if you're in the regular curve you would just actually um just move over your image and you'll see this eyedropper now if i click with this eyedropper it's just going to add a point to the curve and it lets us know where we can adjust the tones but say we want to target something like this red if i hold the ctrl shift and that would be command shift on mac and click it adds points to that curve now you're not seeing those points are you so here's the thing if we go in here and we go under the color channels those points have been added to those specific color channels see the points there so that's how much red green and blue is in that particular image and that means now if i go into the reds and i make the adjustment now i'm re obviously it's going to affect all the image but we're targeting the reds and we're making the adjustment that way so this is a great way you know to get rid of color casts different things like that and notice now i'm just making those color adjustments sure it's affecting the entire image but those are based on this area now if i wanted to just target that area i could lock down that curve and let me just put that one back it's not necessarily the ideal way to change color i would use this more for color grade you know just to change color we've got other ways of doing that but if you click and add a couple more points in here then you could target that area more specific and when i say that area i mean anything within that color range but generally speaking it's uh you know it's a really useful little tip there now i did mention something there about changing the color why don't i just show you that quickly let me delete this so that was tip number one tip number two is changing the specific color on something it's a little bit harder because we've got a color cast on this image i could open another image but let's see if it works on here so what i want to do now is i'm just going to choose hue saturation and we'll see so if we go in here and we grab the little finger again i think it's called a selector or something and then we click on the reds notice we get the little selection here now it's clamping down the range in the reds and that means if i change the hue notice i can affect those reds without really affecting the rest of the image so now obviously when i move this these areas are going to move because there's red in them but let's change that to green and you can actually go in here get in there and modify these by moving these little sliders in here there we go so if you look at that what we're doing is we're getting rid of those other colors so now it's just starting to target those real reds and as i'm making that adjustment we're targeting that we can change the color so that saves doing a lot of selections and other stuff like that now of course you know if there was an area here that was the same color as this and it's being selected rather than trying to fiddle around in here you can just grab the mask i guess this is another tip we hit b for the brush and then notice that masks white we want to do something other than white so let's change it to black which is the opposite and then we just paint over here and now we're just masking out that so we can have red in the image at the same time and now we're just changing the red on this one particular what do you call those things on a ferris wheel there's little carts cabins whatever you call them all right so so far any of these new for you guys let me know how would the sky replacement work on this one that's a great question rick i'm gonna imagine probably not too well but it might let's try it so let's choose the file and we're going to go down to the image sky replacement you never know my surprises and we're waiting pretty good look at that wow okay the sky replacement never ceases to amaze me um so yeah works works pretty good all right and let me just check here i feel my watch buzzing which means that bruce is probably trying to tell me something no he just told me that same question so he's by the way when you guys ask the questions bruce is sending those to me as well to make sure i don't miss those hey linda glad you could join us from texas all right so how many of you use like to use the pen tool let me open up a different image because everyone's bored with this one by now i know how people are so let me just grab another image um something like actually really doesn't matter what image we use for this uh let's just grab i don't know this one okay well maybe not i don't have a problem with it but some people might so let's go here we're going to grab this one and what we're going to do here is we're going to grab the pen tool just grab the p for pen now this is just a simple i i don't know how many of you guys like to use the pen tool but when you're drawing with the pen tool you're kind of going around now what happens actually let me do something more specific so say we're drawing here and this is not a i have a tutorial on how to use the pen tool by the way so if you guys are looking for that i do have a tutorial so you're going here and you're just kind of following this with the pen tool for those of you who know how to use the pen tool and then you grab one up here and you're like oh boy this is not where i want it to be so the tip is if you hold down the space bar while you're drawing you can move that point and you know we could take it to you know maybe it's not going to work there oh yeah it's going to work there great and now we can continue drawing with that with that pen tool and by the way to close a path just look for that little circle and then you just tap there and that will close out the path when you're working with the pen tool all right so let's move on let's do okay here's a good one so sometimes you're working with layers and background so layers and backgrounds have different properties right so there's certain types of filters and adjustments let me just go back here just to give you an example so if i go to my properties panel here and and you look at you know quick actions some of these quick actions and things are available and there's certain things we can do to a background that we can't do to a regular layer now there's certain things that we can do to a layer that we can't do to a background so that's why we'll convert a layer to a background background to a layer and the quick way to do that is just click that little padlock and that will turn it into a regular layer but notice some of these properties are no longer there so we lose some of the ability to do other things so sometimes you want to take a layer and you want to turn this into a background so how do we do that how do we turn a layer into a background well what we do is we just go up under the layer menu and then choose new background from layer and notice now it puts that lock in there turns it back into a background and now we can use that as a background um let's have a look see what else we can do okay here's one actually let me give you two i'm just gonna do this one really fast a lot of you guys already know about this one some of you may not presentation mode when you're working in photoshop i can't change the position of this canvas i can zoom in and i can move it around when i zoom in but notice i can't move it there if i hit the f key this will bring me into a second mode which is the first mode in presentation mode but if i hit the space bar and i move my hand now i can change the position of where that image is on my canvas now i do a lot of tutorials and the reason i would do this is i've got a white canvas around here and now i can work in here and take screenshots that have a nice white background how did i get the back white background right click and you'll see i'm using custom for the background i can choose to select a custom color if i really dislike somebody i could give them a bright yellow background that's really good first thing in the morning after new year's of course if i right click i can go back to default and that's how it might look when you get it let me change that custom color to white and you can see how you can just go between these different colors which is nice now another thing about this that a lot of people might not be aware of let me do something here i'm going to fill this with a color so i'm just going to go here and let's do a gradient why don't we do a let's do a red just a bright red to a yellow just for fun yellowish a little bit of green in there so i'm just going to apply that gradient all right so we're looking at these particular colors right and see how those colors look it's very easy to see you know because we're working against a neutral background however if i change this watch what it does let me change it to a different one let's try a blue maybe let's change it to another color like just do a red see how it influences how these colors look do you see how green this looks now whereas before watch this if i change this to a yellow notice it doesn't look green anymore it looks very yellow but now it looks green up here look at this it looks like there's a gradient on the background going from green to yellow do you guys see that so this is this is really interesting in clients it's really hard to explain this to clients the color you're looking against influences the color you're working on so it's not just the color you're working on it's how that color reacts to the colors around it and that's why we like to work with a uh just a solid color and even here it looks darker up in the top left and it does the right so you want to work at those neutral colors on your wallpaper or your background because it does influence how you see the color so i just thought i would add that okay continue with the other tip that was a tip within a tip within a tip that was a inception tip okay so we're going to hit the f key once again and now this takes us into full screen mode uh and if i tap once again it takes us back to regular let me hide that because why would you want full screen because you want presentation so tap f twice control command 0 will fill the screen and now you can present your images while you're still live in photoshop now some of the time you might be working in here you might be painting you might be brushing you might be selecting you just want everything out of the way except for the area you're working on maybe you're dodging and burning you can also do this in the full screen mode no problem at all so you have a fully functional photoshop and the toggle ff all right so let's go to the second mode the reason i want to go here is because it's interesting because say i want to you know say i'm painting on this image and i want to just look at the image i want the tools out of the way tab key the tab key will hide all your tools and now you've just got your document and you can still move around because we're in that second one you can position it you can zoom you can paint you can do whatever you want and then the f key of course goes back to full screen and that's how you do it now another one shift tab shift tab will just hide the toolbar are the the tool panels but notice the toolbar will remain and by the way if you click this little arrow on the top you can go to single or double column so say where you're sitting here and you want access to your tools shift tab everything goes away now you just have your toolbar floating and of course the tab key will bring everything back or hide everything and then hit the f key once again okay so there's a ton of tips within a tip let's go back to there and uh to show the rulers ctrl r command r on mac why do you want to show the rulers well two reasons one obviously sometimes you need to measure things but the other reason is what if you want to change the unit of measurements like you want to go from pixels to inches to centimeters the easy way to do that is to right click on the uh rulers there now we're in inches now we're in pixels now we're in metric well we are almost there we go now we're in the rest of the world except for the united states does any other country use inches i'm curious let me know in the comment if you are using inches and you are not in the united states because i know the us uses inches all right so that's a couple more tips there so i'm just getting you guys have these hard and fast because i'm curious um i would very curious how many of you guys are learning new tips how many of these are new to you guys and how many of these are not um someone just called me a rock and roller um oh actually no no one called me a rock and roller i misread something but someone is a rock and roller ray l with too many gins and tonics all right why did i see that as too many girls in tonics i mean there are a lot in here that's uh because the tutorials i was doing um all right so let's move on let's find another tip here and let's see what else is good and by the way if you guys are getting some old guys like me in the uk use inches all right all new hello from ontario mostly new yeah i remember i'm gonna age myself now i remember when i was in new zealand when we switched from miles to kilometers per hour so i knew everything in miles and then all of a sudden everything i was changed kph or kilometers and they gave us these little stickers so we had these little stickers that we put on our dashboard and stick over the numbers so we would know what we were doing so how many of you guys remember that they tried it in the u.s and then i guess too many people were speeding so they put it back to miles per hour so fortunately i know both but i'm actually more used to miles at the moment all right let's see what else we've got here ah i'm gonna do this as a tip because everybody i just get this every single time okay so let me just reset my workspace by the way so if you just go up under here reset that's my workspace control r let's get rid of those and we're back in here and i'm just going to open another image just just so we can look at something different um i don't know let's look at the street there we go beautiful picture of a street sweet all right so one i get every single week and i'm not sure if it will work if i go in here let me try some of my older workspaces i might have fixed them yes i have a tick-tock workspace don't laugh yep that worked so i went to this workspace here photo editing minimum and notice my object selection tool is missing and so i get this from people every time people upgrade they go where is my object selection tool it's gone someone stole it this elf the object selection tool elf not only stole my socks they also stole my object selection tool so don't put your objectulation tool through the wash that's that's my advice okay my humor is really bad sorry guys um so what we're going to do is how do we get it back well let's go to our double column view and what you need to do is you need to reset your workspace oh interesting that the workspace thing is missing in here too okay that one is going to be a real problem so under our tools there hmm okay let me show you that's interesting i just discovered a bug because normally in here you're going to see three little dots and they're not there so let me just go back to one of these other presets there we go and there's those three dots so in order to get it back you click on these three dots and choose edit toolbar the customize toolbar is going to pop up and then you just simply choose to restore defaults and then click done and i just want to see edit toolbar there must be another way i can get into the edit toolbar will find that but this will put the object selection tool back in there so let me go to the one that didn't have that edit because that those little three dots should be there should be three dots at the bottom but they're not let's see if there's an edit toolbar option under here yes so this is your save if you don't see these three dots click edit toolbar watch here the three dots are missing as well as the object selection restore defaults done object selection quick selection everything's there now and our three dots that means that this workspace must i must have created this four or five versions of photoshop ago so the one thing you want to do though to make sure this never happens again notice i called this photo editing minimum so what we want to do now is we want to create a new workspace called photo editing photo editing minimum and do i want to include keyboard shortcut menus and everything yes do i already have it yes i do do you want to replace it yes i do and this is important this step because otherwise when we go into you know using something else and then we go back to our photo editing minimum and then we choose to reset you're going to lose these tools again because it's going to reset basically to a toolbar or a workspace that you had before those tools existed so those tools are not going to be loaded because they didn't exist before but by updating it which i have now those are always going to be there so when you switch those workspaces or you upgrade photoshop those tools are not going to disappear if you don't update this every single time you update photoshop those tools are going to disappear and you're going to have to go through this again and again and again all right all right let's have a look pixel layers all right let's do another one so say i'm working in here and i want to create something cool like some interesting shape and i want to do an overlay kind of thing all right so why don't i go down and i'm going to grab my custom shape tool and i'm just going to grab the rectangle tool and hit the d key to reset foreground background colors and i just want to create one with a white fill all right so we're just going to create a shape here and maybe we're going to put a caption or something in here now photoshop 2021 you want round corners you just simply go in there and you can just drag out the round corners so you don't have to guess you know the radius of your corners anymore you can just go in there and change them that's awesome and let's do something that looks kind of interesting i want to create a drop shadow on here so we're going to go under the effects and we're going to create a drop shadow okay here's the drop shadow nice in fact let me double click on there and uh here's another tip you can drag on your canvas to change the position you don't have to drag the distance and an angle let me turn the opacity up i'm going to make this quite high just so we can kind of see this a little bit better and in fact i'm going to set the distance to zero and we're just going to put a nice shadow around here now if you go up under your blending options here we've got styles blending options did you ever wonder the distance the difference between opacity which you see up here and fill opacity changes the opacity of everything notice that both the shadow and our object are reducing an opacity fill opacity on the other hand will just reduce the amount of the white of the object and notice that the shadow there doesn't change all right now notice here that the if i go down here notice that the shadow disappears inside uh and that's one of these settings in here probably be the last one there we go so that vector layer is going to hide that mask okay so let's so if you have a and you'll see well let me just apply this and you'll see exactly what i mean so let me turn this opacity back up and turn that off so one of the things i like to do sometimes when i'm doing something like this is to create a layer mask and i just want to kind of blend this so what we're going to do is grab the gradient tool we're going to be using the foreground to background gradient that would be the black to white gradient and just click and drag down to create this nice transition and then we can just go under the fill opacity and drop that down a little bit and what that does is it just gives us a nice little area you know where we want to add our text notice there's little dotted lines around there we can get rid of those just by selecting our tool let's go down to our creation tool there we go and just turn our stroke off so if we click on stroke turn it off those dotted lines will disappear and this is a nice way to add text on here and just kind of blend it in now if you don't like the mask like that we can invert it by control command i and that will give us that nice look now let me show you what i was showing you under here sometimes when you're in here it can look dirty in there and that is going to be there we go layer mask hides effects so see how we've got that shadows kind of blending in here and you want it nice and clean turn that on layer mask hides effects and notice now it's nice and clean in there and the mask is only uh the shadow is only showing on the outside not in the middle there where it starts to go transparent and at this point here i might turn the opacity down a little bit because it's a bit strong and then you can create a nice clean overlay where you can add text and do different types of things why would speaking of that why don't we do text so when we're working let's create a new layer i'm just going to drag a box around here and we want some placeholder text notice that it automatically does that now photoshop adds that placeholder text how we used to do i don't even know if it's available anymore under type we can paste lorem ipsum which will give us a lot more let me show you type paste lorem ipsum and that gives us more type placeholder text otherwise known as lorem ipsum because i don't know if anyone's ever tried to read it it says lorem ipsum and at first i thought it was german and i realized it was just made up all right so what we want to do is change the font so let's go from proxima nova to irregular and here's a little tip if you want to make text look nice and expensive you want to increase the leading that's the space between the lines so rather than having big text with close lines if you have smaller text with bigger lines bigger spaces in between it's going to look better ctrl a by the way and select everything and if you click this little tool there this will give us our type tool and we want to go under our which is kind of weird you think you'd go under the paragraph but for some reason a lot of the paragraph settings are under character i don't know why adobe did that so we're going to go here we're going to change it to a 40 point type notice it's a smaller type but now watch what happens if we go to a larger leading and i'm just dragging on the words there it looks more expensive now of course it's harder to read um when it's smaller but this is hard to read anyway magni dolores ias qui rationale it's like harry potter doing a spell um so it's it's hard to read anyway but as we increase that spacing in between the lines though it makes it much easier to read than it was before and if i change this to black maybe it might be easier at the top there and you can kind of see what we're doing now here let me just do something here just for fun ctrl j i'm gonna copy that ctrl t for free transform let's flip it around and put it on the bottom why did i do that because i'm going to invert that let me select that there hang on what i'm going to do is i'm going to fill this with black so notice i've got it selected but because it's a shape layer and nothing's happening choose the shape layer tool and now all of these will become active and you can change these adjustments so we can change the film now to a darker fill at the bottom and see what we're doing and if i hit the shift key now we're creating an interesting you know blend there and you can do the same thing with the type if i select the type ctrl j to copy it command i actually i'm filling okay that's another tip so i've got the type layer on top of the other type layer i could just mask this out and probably be the best way to do it but i want to put some white text on top so with the text tool i don't know if you guys knew this you don't have to go in and select the color here you can apply the foreground color to text if you hold down the alt delete and that would be option backspace on windows you can fill text so you don't even have to highlight that text you can easily fill it and now you might just put a mask on there and just kind of make it look a little bit more you know so we got the dark text on top with the white background the white text underneath with the dark background makes a little bit easier to uh to read but not just that it also gives me an excuse to show you another tip all right so another tip what number are we up to is anyone keeping count right now how many knows how many who knows how many tips we've done so far i'm just banging these out because i know that some people know some of these and some people don't so you know grab a hold of the stuff that's new and um how many anyone keeping track you might have to watch the replay and by the way if you just joined us we're doing rapid fire tips in photoshop we're just doing tip after tip after tip and uh don't worry you can always watch the replay on this all you need to do is just wait um about 10 minutes after we're finished youtube will put uh the replays i hope someone's counting like 20 213 i want to know because i want to change my title to outdo everybody else on youtube who does that you know 50 tips and 26 hours i want to do a thousand tips in three minutes um i'm kidding yes tracy of course we're supposed to count i said at the beginning i'm i'm kidding is that actually really 14 cynthia someone actually probably does know cynthia probably knows um actually i don't know i'm not counting but we're doing tons of tips and by the way if any of these are resonating or helping you um please hit that like button it helps us get discovered uh in the algorithm and it helps people know that we're here so that's a little thumbs up everybody heard it and if you are new here welcome to photoshop cafe um say hi in the chats there introduce yourself let everyone know your first timer and also um hit the subscribe button and you'll get notified when we go live which is every week um except for the next two weeks we're going to be off for the holidays but we'll be back on january the 7th all right let's keep going let's keep going guys um not counting the sub tips come on polka dot studio the sub tips are the best part sometimes uh so ken gets confused within tips of him tips within tips well inception is supposed to be confusing all right now how many of you go to add some type here um and you want to add some type over the top because i don't know that's what people do and you go to add the type and you click and instead of adding new type it selects the type underneath anyone had that show of hands it's so annoying right you're trying to add that text and you're like okay let me get back to the text and if i do it just here actually i got it that's pretty good but sometimes you just or if you've got layers of text everywhere um you know you're doing some text thing um let me do a text thing here really quickly and by the way you're not supposed to transform it that way um you're supposed to do it by dragging on here and by the way you get a preview if you roll over here you can see different types of type no i did not intend that pun the types of type but what i'm just trying to show you guys is you know sometimes you're working on something you've got type everywhere right you've got all this type everywhere and um let me change that font to something like that one i don't know all right so you've got all this type and then you want to add some more and then it selects the one underneath you're like okay let's go back to the type tool let's go go here go here and it selects that one again especially diagonal it's almost impossible not to select a diagonal how do you do that well this is how you do if you hold down the shift key you can force it to create new text no matter where you are um let's go down here and choose this one by the way that's why it's called loam ipsum okay so that's how you do it you want to put some more text on there hold down the shift key boom you're creating more text and by the way if you don't want it to say lorem ipsum all you need to do is just start typing and photoshop will type something else all right so i've got all these layers of text we've got a lot of text right so that was the end of that tip by the way so new tip if you want to change multiple layers of type and you want to make them all the same font how would you do that well let me see if i select all of these choose the top one hold down the shift key and click selects all the layers in between that was a sub tip continuing with the tip grab the type tool and if we go in the type tool here and then we use something like oh look at this all of them are changing so i could go in here and i can make them all abolition and i can make them all 30 point that makes them disappear let's make them 300 point make them real big all right so notice how we can do that so you want to change all the type together just simply do that all right so while we're there this is a great how many people knew that by the way let me know so here's another tip on working with layer styles so say i select this one here and i go under the effects and i want to create a layer style let's do a stroke so i'm under here and i'm gonna apply i don't know blue stroke let's make it a little thinner right there okay so now i've got that if i want to apply this to all the other layers before i do that let's do more let's double click and let's do a drop shadow as well okay there we go so now it looks more more like we're doing more than one thing so you can right click on effects and you can choose to copy the layer style so that means that everything we're doing right now is now saved in memory and if i want to apply it to the rest of these click shift click to select them we've got this layer style here saved right click and then choose paste layer style and boom it drops it onto all of these and now they all have their layer style so you don't have to apply them one at a time which can take forever you can just apply them all in one hit you can gang them up like we have here all right so if i want to change this double click on effects and maybe i'm just like you know what i don't like this blue anymore i want something like red what if i want red and blue did you know that you can click the little plus button here and get more than one stroke anything with a plus you can get one more than one off let me change the kettle of blue make the size bigger notice now we've got a double stroke now just one little idiosyncrasy with this that is always bothering me if there's anyone from adobe watching this i'd love to know the answer to this or anyone that wants to answer this question i'm curious so i have a question for you guys let me add one more stroke first i just want to do a white stroke so we can have a triple stroke all right boom all right now it looks kind of like a sticker okay so i can make more than one stroke because the little plus is there why can't i do more than one inner glow or more than one outer glow sometimes i want to create a double glow i have a tip around that but i'm curious why do i not have those and i have the ability to create more than one color overlay because i mean i can create a second color overlay right and just choose change the color of the one underneath it's not doing anything maybe i could go into a blend mode and try and get them to work but really why do i need more than one color overlay i have absolutely no idea if anybody knows the answer to that i'm curious because all it does is create a color so you know i could create multiple colors and i mean you know i get it like some of these you can move up or down if i click on stroke i can move these up or down in the list but the color overlay i can't move it up or down so to me having more than one service absolutely no purpose anyway now if we want to do more than one outer glow remember i said the outer glow so let's create an outer glow watching this one here if we go under the i don't know let's grab the blue again actually the blue the other blue they're blue all right so let me increase the opacity you're not going to see it yet because i need to make it bigger so let's increase the size here and the reason for that is because the glow is set to the size of the type not this whole ensemble and let me change the size now we've got a blue glow but what if i wanted a white glow above it so i want blue but i want white glowing around the edges there's only one outer glow so the way to get around that is to do with the drop shadow so what we need to do is go under the drop shadow let me hide that outer glow we're going to grab our drop shadow and with that drop shadow we're going to grab that blue color click ok and let's set it as distance to zero increase the spread till we get to the edge and then the size will soften it so essentially if i set the distance to zero on a drop shadow it does the same thing as an outer glow but now i can put the outer glow over the top change the color to white and now we've got a double outer glow all right so there was a few tips there within tips working with glows and different things like that and so we've done that so what if i want to apply this to all the different layers i'm going to right click and i'm going to copy layer style and i'm going to select all of these and then i'm going to paste the layer style and what that's going to do is it's going to replace all of these with that layer style now if i'm going to keep tweaking these layer styles this is not necessarily the best way to work so let me show you a better way i'm going to select all of these right click and then we're going to clear the layer style okay so the layer style is gone okay it's on that one that's okay the other way to do is just select that drag it to the trash we can delete it okay so we've still got that layer style on the top so here's what i'm going to show you guys i'm going to select all these layers ctrl g command g puts them inside a group now take that layer style where it says effects drag it up into the group and notice that now i can apply that layer style to the group so you can apply those to groups and everything within this group is now going to take on this layer style watch this so if i go and i create a rectangle and i'm going to do it within this group boom it's going to take on that layer style the minute i drag it out of the group of course it's not going to have that layer style anymore let's make the rounded corner drag it in so if you know you're going to be applying the same effect to a ton of things you know this is good for thumbnails different things like that put them inside that group okay now since we're talking about groups and this is another tip we're moving on um let me show you something here let's open a new photo here let me go to the library i love the libraries by the way do you guys like the libraries inside of photoshop alright so we've got the library here and i want to cut something out really quick let's cut out let's do this one here because everybody loves these action shots alright so i'm just going to select our object selection and you guys know this this is almost not even a a tip is that in layers interesting okay looks like i already cut it out great well that will work so i'm just going to take this and i'm just going to drag it in here that will work nicely all right whoa okay so the reason i've done all of this is i want to show you guys let me link that now it'll move together great i want to show you another thing but first of all let's get rid of these other layers how do we get rid of all these other layers you can just choose to under there's several ways of doing it but we can go under the layer menu and we can choose to should be a little delete menu there under the delete menu hidden layers so now all those layers are gone and we just got the layer we're working on okay so what i want to show you guys is how to create a multiple masks on one image and also multiple adjustments so if we select this and hit ctrl g for group go to unlock the background first so if we go in here we can create a layer mask in fact why don't i just make that one on there so i'm going to pull this out notice that blue line that's not in the group so now just this is in the group so i'm going to create a layer mask on the group and i'm going to apply a gradient to it so i'm just kind of fading it that way now if i want to create another group or another layer mask i can simply control g put that group within a group and then i can apply a layer mask to that group and then we can apply another one ctrl g once again so if you want to put multiple layer masks onto a layer all you need to do is keep nesting them into groups and you can keep applying the masks how many can we do i don't know let's hit ctrl g a few times 10 so you're allowed up to 10 groups within groups now if you really want to mess with somebody play the game of putting the single pixel inside one of these groups and let them try and figure out which one it is oh that could be mean especially if you collapse them all but it's unless you know this tip you know when you go to you know collapse them you can open them look at this you close them all down one at a time look at this and then so the file they're looking for is going to be way down the bottom there how many of you have worked with designers that don't name their layers or do stuff like that and it makes it really really hard to find things or select things that can be really nasty right it can be and let me see you can close all the other groups okay let me right click here and open it going to let me open all the groups nope that is just a nasty trick to play on someone all right ready for another tip guys um finally here anxious for the replay good to see you peace deal man um guys do me a favor if you just joined us hit the like button and uh and hit the subscribe button i hope you're enjoying these and by the way these replays will be available um when we're done you guys can watch the replay of these afterwards um oh i have another cool tip for you guys okay so let's say we're working on a multiple layered file which we are let me just create a bunch of layers and stuff just really quick okay so say you're working in here and you've got some type and let me duplicate some of these layers we're just gonna right now i'm just gonna create just a bunch of layers of type because i want you guys to see how this works uh let's go here now this might be something that you guys are doing often or not so have you ever worked in a document and you've got groups something like this okay so you've got images you've got type you've got shapes you've got all kinds of things throughout all the different layers and um and this happens to you know a lot of us it helps to the best of us you know you're working and you forgot to name the layers or you just got messy you got inspiration and you just started doing stuff like crazy without really thinking then you're like oh boy i've got to organize all of this now and usually what i run into is i want all the type on top because as i'm compositing and building it this type starts to go below and it gets confusing so i'm going to show you a quick way to get all the type on top you guys ready for this what we do is we choose the filtering that's what these do on the layers panel hit t and now it shows just the type layer so all the other layers are hidden and now we've just got the type so if i hit this that type hold down the shift key now it's selecting all of the type underneath right so we've got it all that's great so with those selected let's turn off the t and it shows all the layers so now we've selected all the type layers without having to go through and command click or control click each one and then if we just drag this to the very top all the type layers are now on top ctrl g for group and text done and instead if you want to show or hide the type you've got them all there in one group and they're all together here which makes them really easy to work on so that's that's a real useful time t saving tip for that come on one more like for 100 are we at 99 likes we are someone hit that like button we need 100 likes i don't know why but we do um actually to help us with the algorithm because that's going to help us um you know let people know let people know live from lockdown is happening all right what else have we got here oh you know what's kind of fun what i was telling you guys about the flattened images okay so we got a background layer here and um you know obviously this is the jpeg because i built this in layers but no one cares so if we hit the properties and we go down under the properties you've got some options here if you guys ever done this the properties panel has a lot of stuff that adobe has been sneaking in here and a lot of people are not aware of in fact the next few tips i'm going to show you is some of those sneaky things that and i say sneaky in a good way because these are so useful and let's use this train because we just change the scenery all right so with the train what if i want to change the size of this or set it to a specific size or something like that so we're looking at the canvas size here right now we're at 3700 pixels what if i want to work at 1920 and i definitely want to constrain the proportions because i don't want it to get out of shape but if i just hit enter proceed it's changed that canvas size now to that let me undo that that wasn't linked let's try it again linked this time 1920 so we're only changing the canvas size right now watch this link it apply it and now it crops it down to that size now it's not changing the image but it's giving us that size canvas now we can enlarge the canvas too if you want space around the outside um let's do 4200 and we'll just keep it constrained hit enter now we've got an outline we've got a frame and we're still working on a flattened background so if you just need a little space around there you want to frame it whatever you can do that let me undo this so that's one of the things we can do in here but we can do other things we can image size right here so if you want to make it half as big you want to do it 50 just click ok done what did i do let me slow down properties so we're on the background a properties panel these quick actions yeah we can change the size of this image right here without having to do anything else just by clicking on that quick action button 50 that was 26 now it's going to take it down to that click ok now we're just half the size of it without doing anything we can do other things we can trim which gets rid of you know like transparent pixels things like that we can crop and rotate now i don't know why trim is there because this won't work i believe on a layer so if i turn it into a layer trim is not available so oh you know it would work if you're on a on a gif or a png with transparency that's why that would be there okay we can also crop if we go in here on the background now we just brought up the crop tool and we hit enter and now we can crop it turns into new layer well if i use the crop tool i can do the same thing right yeah pretty much but it's available right here and of course this we can turn on rulers guides grids all of these are available right here from within this area so that's pretty useful now i did mention we were going to do more sneaky things that adobe had dropped in and let's do some of these sneaky things here let me grab the type tool and when i resize it she's asking uh tracy was asking what kind of resizing does it do is compression is it lossy is that for the resizing for the resizing you can choose it here whatever compression or not compression but whichever algorithm you want here for resizing this is interpolation and i have other tutorials where i talk about these and what the different interpolation does but the um best one it seems like the ai powered one which is preserve details 2 is the best one it's based on adobe sensei which is artificial intelligence and this does the best of resizing in fact you can really hard to tell that you changed it okay so let me show you a couple of things that have changed so to apply type as you know you type here and we type in a train now if i want to deselect normally you'll hit the check mark you hit the enter key whatever to deselect but here's something that has been in since photoshop 2019 a lot of people don't realize watch as i move away yeah that allows me to move it so here i type here i can move it see that you see the little hairs and i'm not holding down any modifier keys all i'm doing is just looking at the on-screen controls now if i go further watch these little four little arrows disappear and i just click it's applied so that is interesting right a lot of people don't know that and people are still control clicking command clicking clicking away on a different tool whatever to apply it when you don't need to do that you can do it on screen now i've got a type tool here i know if i click here of type it's going to select the type click away so if we're on the move tool we're moving this right and now i want to select the type what do people do they go to the type tool but you can just double click with the move tool and that will select type as well now i'm doing this with type but we could also be doing this with photographs let me say control j i'm going to make a copy of this ctrl t command t for free transform and let me make a smaller copy of this now i've got another tip i'm going to show you guys but here's the thing i just hit that apply you know so i can move that around now watch what happened ctrl t notice is constrained on previous versions of photoshop it was always unconstrained and to constrain our scaling we held down the shift key right so now if we hold down the shift key it will allow us to resize this unconstrained and then if i release it goes back to constrained what if you prefer the old behavior well here's something that's interesting this little chain link at the top is on if i turn this chain link off it's all i've done i've still got it selected but i just turned that off wow look at that i'm not holding down look no hands hold down the shift key to constrain so if you want to revert back to the old way of scaling quickly all you got to do is just go and click on here and if i hit that watch no hands now it's constrained so you can change that any time you want simply by doing that now i'm going to put that into the corner now let me put that way into the corner here now once again i'm not going to hit the enter key i'm not going to choose another tool or the check mark all i need to do is just click away and that applies it so that doesn't just apply to text it applies to photos it applies to all kinds of different things so anyway guys once again hit that like button if you're liking what you're seeing and if you haven't subscribed yet to photoshop cafe hit that subscribe button so what we're going to do now is we're just going to quickly uh we're going to go into our after glow after glows when we hang out we do chat and this happens live you don't necessarily get this afterwards in the replay but what i'm going to do is i'm just going to close out and [Music] so for those of you who um just came in for the quick tutorials and you've got to shoot and get by thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed these tips count them i'd love to know in the comments how many tips we did and how many of these tips are new to you let me know in the live chat or if you're watching the replay let me know in the comments and the person that gets closest to the amount of tips that we did is going to win a prize and that prize is going to be a hundred dollar gift certificate from photoshop cafe so those of you on the live stream if you want to count them later on or you have been drop that into the comments section of the replay and then i'm going to choose a winner from there and which means that bruce and i are going to have to go through and count these but anyway drop that in the comments guys and also let me know what you'd like to see at the next live from lockdown which is going to be january the 7th so we're not going to be having it next week because it's christmas day and the week after that it's new year's eve so you know two major holidays so we will continue next year uh uh january the 7th 2021. so anyway guys uh if you like this hit that like button and if you haven't yet subscribe to photoshopcafe hit the subscribe button turn on notifications and you'll get a new tutorial from me every week so hang out guys we're going to be hanging out and doing shout outs right now but until then for the rest of you i'll see you at the cafe all right and we're back and i've done all of that stuff and it's just those now yay so let's do a chat let's have a look oh thanks um all these thanks word girl stuart birthway good to see you everyone have a great festive season and stay safe yep ken good to see you again david good to see you uh nice to see you joyce cheryl pigeon river are you new um maybe not i don't know i um david morton good to see you tracy of course uh joe thanks see you next year smitik good to see you uh jane looking forward to the replay and all the details i know this is one you could probably watch the replay a few times a lot of stuff there um oh you've been to a bunch i'm sorry pigeon but i will remember you from now on um where are you from let us know happy holidays happy holidays to you guys too and you're welcome uh fsmedic i'm more than happy to do this always great to watch the tips is peter rick's thumbs up indiana alright well welcome are you guys getting that weather there's some weather how many of you are being affected by that right now there's uh what a year 2020 huh oh splash saw me on the amazing comment in on my kiss brownlee's uh video well thanks for thanks for dropping by yeah i was um i dropped a comment on marcus if you guys are not familiar with him um you definitely want to check out his videos um incredible tech reviewer um and you know i'll say yeah i'm a fan i'm a fan of his and i dropped a comment the year 17 000 likes on my comment i couldn't believe it um it's on youtube there um thank you bonnie daryl 15 inch of snow outside are you kidding me that's nuts um clinton does not have snow because he's in hawaii and a big island great good for you a severe sun 70 degrees um well we don't call 70 degrees severe here but i guess in oklahoma this time of the year it would be yeah just cold here in texas yeah sorry about that uh delaware home of our next president dana carr all right delaware um have you done the latest adobe update on mac any problems i did do it um and i haven't noticed any problems yet um anybody else had any problems just let us know um denmark jen good to see you no snow here in panama no i guess not 61 in tampa oh bruce i hope you got five jackets on um another floridian following the tips or thanks creator videos i'm gonna miss your birthday when's your birthday andrew a friend in new york fred says had 42 inches of snow you kidding me geez uh cheryl wet in the uk well stay dry um so happy birthday early i updated and lost nick and can't reinstall it um my suggestion oh is that the free neck if it's the free neck i don't know if it still works if it's the paid one if you just hit them up um they've got amazing technical support as dxo owns them now and i've actually been meaning to do a review on the latest nick at some point how would you guys like to see that let me know if that's something you're interested in um thank you colin ah you're welcome paul i love white great spot there i was there the day of the trifords or something that was an old tv series that was uh was filmed there i don't know if you're familiar that was based in isle of wight i don't know if it was actually filmed there but i remember that one it was a series i think was it the david triffids long time ago um i reply to many of them always appreciate your wonderful teaching well thanks julie 57 hitting the spring all right hinting of sprinkles uh my plane er your plane is leaving early in the morning okay well have a nice flight hannah and be safe wear a musk please stay safe basham thanks a lot colin can you do a session on sharpening and de-noise in the future yeah sure okay i have to admit i loved your tutorials at wmx thanks daryl susan wilson thank you for another great life from lockdown have a great christmas i'll see you next year and we will we'll see all your smiling faces or at least i'll imagine them jan very wet here too yes on nick tracy wants to do something on nick uh david every time i say it's cold here in monterey park my daughter in oregon laughs at me yeah i bet she does oregon get pretty chilly um all my friends laugh at me i've got friends in the northeast right now in massachusetts they're laughing at me when i say it's it's cold i'm actually wearing long sleeves you know it's a t-shirt though but all right six degrees in rain here in england yikes enjoy tips and that's six degrees um celsius of course which is what what is that 35 40 anyone mathematicians whatever that is in fahrenheit 6 degrees or 6 degrees above freezing in celsius 30 degrees is freezing in fahrenheit for those of you who are not familiar thanks uh gills and and chris uh thomas dxo review would be good all right uh you're talking about nick dxo or the dxo they still make the other plugin the lens one thank you uh merry christmas and happy new year yes tracy 2021 we are looking forward to saying goodbye to 2020 i'll tell you that um whoa no snow but it's three degrees there in norway oh that's cold 90 degrees fahrenheit and peripheral yeah it's always nice it's summertime in australia right now hope you guys enjoy it um yep so uh third off one off sixty i oh okay got it one off sixty all right uh dumb question can i still install adobe cs3 that i own for online editing sure if you're um offline editing sure if your computer supports it um so some versions of uh you know depends on your operating system if you have an early operating system sure it will still work um or better free alternative well what's free i'm sure there's photos uh you're on apple or windows um you know google photos probably is a good free alternative um what have we got 40 and anyone's got any other ideas just pop them in there in the chat there uh dave morton 4243 jeff experience a covered free christmas here in adelaide south australia yes congratulations on you guys uh beating coronavirus and um i hope you guys enjoy it there in australia with a beautiful warm weather and uh and lucky you guys can meet with family and uh and friends which not all of us can do uh andrew 3rd january 3rd 3rd january 3rd january is that the thursday is it the 3rd i thought it was the 7th oh 3rd of january is your birthday sorry happy birthday happy birthday andrew sir we'll be seeing you four days after your birthday sorry took me a second there sometimes when i'm live my brain works at half a speed uh it's the adrenaline yes nick collection uh gotta run okay bruce hey thanks for helping out and i will talk to bruce before christmas and new year but uh if you look forward to like from like down 100 it's coming it's coming uh andrew i'll fight zero degrees is freezing point in celsius there we go is another free one happy holidays andrew bonnie how's the vaccine rolling out where you are um well they actually here in orange county they got the first doses yesterday um to healthcare workers so healthcare workers are going to get them first and then elderly you're going to get them and then probably i don't know march or april or may is when peons like us will will be able to get them probably but at least they're rolling i see uh tracy uh where i'm streaming from orange county california weird girl and russ good to see you man i knew you were there um all right i said hi earlier this year's been brilliant uh thanks for the lfl uh compliment and uh everyone best yeah happy christmas to everybody and happy new year from russ and sent to you russ and everybody else and john all the best happy christmas prosperous new year see you on the 7th of january sure will see you next year hey andrew all right andrew's on the third too wow chris bacon gotta go see ya ciao all right so we've got andrew kevin smith you're welcome kevin uh okay offline editing us windows yeah the newest windows operating system i don't believe works with the uh cs3 and and because everything now is uh i believe 64-bit so i think there's 32-bit stuff in cs3 which could be a problem i'm not sure how that is on windows but on mac that you're pretty much done um hi fred yes i do faces in lightroom yes i do um my i'm not trying to sell you my course but in my course i do cover it i've got a course and lightroom is 14 hours and it covers absolutely everything in lightroom so yeah um what you're going to call if your lockdown is lifted oh what what am i gonna do when my lockdown is lifted oh i don't know i'm gonna definitely go to the beach and hang out go visit some friends um definitely gonna do that so looking forward to that uh thanks tom tom jay happy holidays great new year keith good to see you i'm still confused about what color space to set everything not printing at home um you're not printing at home so it's a live from oh okay then what are you gonna call it when you okay now i know what tom's saying now what are we gonna call it live from not unlocked down okay sorry time i got you um what are we gonna call life from lockdown rfl when we're lockdowns lifted i don't know photoshop cafe live maybe um got any suggestions drop them in there guys uh let me know i'm sorry as i say sometimes i'm a little slow i've been up since the crack of i don't know whenever the coffee pot was ready um photoshop 21 yes bugs yeah there's always bugs and i'll post videos too on how to work around some of those bugs as they come and also keep your eyes open for those updates uh to get around them yeah sorry no no tom you you're fine i was the one that was a little dense um yeah so i don't know live photoshop cafe live is what i'm thinking right now but i'm sure we'll think of something better before then um we'll see but we'll we'll keep going guys that's one thing we're we're not done we're going to keep going so anyway um i just want to oh color space sorry back to color space um sorry a shiny object there bonnie um so a lot of the time depending on your monitor and your settings a safe bet is to use adobe rgb um you can use pro photo rgb it gives you more colors but you may not see all those colors on your monitor if you're using adobe rgb and you have a you know something that's close to adobe rgb compliant or or the apple monitors on the p3 standard the adobe rgb is going to give more colors that you can reproduce on your screen so what you're going to see is going to be pretty accurate if you want things to reproduce very accurately but limit the amount of colors that you can use srgb i know some printers want that but i would um i would work with adobe rgb and uh and you should be fine um after lockdown session one yeah we're looking forward to that guys we really are um all right so julianne is mainly using a herbal suck supplement of you guys have to read it because i can't read that query i'm not even going to embarrass myself trying to say that but she's telling everyone all right guys and bio flavonoid flavonoid is that real it sounds like a very scared robot um queer chris senten quesentin and bromulin i'm not good with medical terms guys so oh try it out guys um yeah make sure it's safe of course if it's safe try it out um i have i'm not familiar with any of those um so adobe rgb on camera and monitor yes you want the um camera and your monitor to match it's uh it's a good idea so um adobe rgb would be great now i think adobe rgb is the biggest space on most cameras some cameras might have profoto but i don't think too many do yet ah thank you simple answer great okay glad it helped yep tracy see ya see you next year they sound like aliens from star trek yes it does how about cafe clutch [Laughter] uh all right guys uh cynthia meadows all right everyone so thank hey thanks for joining i'm gonna go now i'm gonna have some lunch and i'm not gonna have um paranoid aliens for lunch so once again guys i'll still be dropping weekly tutorials here at photoshop cafe so make sure you drop by for those um and check out my one yesterday where i had five tips and uh until then i'll see you at the cafe you
Channel: photoshopCAFE
Views: 6,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, tutorial, photoshop tutorial, learn photoshop, how to, photography, colin smith, photoshopcafe, colin smith tutorial, photoshopcafe tutorial, adobe photoshop, panorama, pano, live stream, live, have a panoramam in photoshop, small planet, tiny planet, fix photo, make photo better, photoshop tips, photoshop hacks, photoshop tricks, tips
Id: FmGw-iZft_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 24sec (4584 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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