Leverage | The Fairy Godparents Job | Season 2 Episode 4 | Official Episode

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help me somebody please help hey what the door please she can't breathe can't you see the sign pal hey unlock the damn door Asma yeah her inhaler is not working get out of my way call for an ambulance do I do set her on the ground but keep her upright this inhaler is going to relax her muscles okay while the epinephrine opens the airway [Music] oh there you oh thank God thank you yeah she could have died I mean she would have died well she she's very lucky you were there no luck shouldn't have anything to do with it you know the clinic never should have closed and it's all my fault well it's it's not your fault there's no way you could have seen this coming no I was the one that recommended Mr fer to our board of directors you know he told me that the fund would double our Clinic's money any here I believed him it's okay we all do stupid things sometimes no um how did you meet uh Daniel Fowler I only volunteer at the clinic on weekends my day job is at Dalton Academy it's at private school up near Brighton and I'm the on-site nurse there and fower stepson is a student there he's a sweet kid allergic to strawberries that's ironic why because he's sweet yeah uh a lot of the parents had money invested with him and I figured you know if they could trust him then we could too okay well here's the thing the government has frozen F's assets so you'll get the money back eventually no the clinic is out of time the board has put the property up for sale next week it's not going to happen I promise sorry um it's just really hard to trust people right now you know m it's okay we don't trust you either so no she didn't thank you for your time that one's super God where is Sophie the rich and Powerful they take what they want we steal it back for you and sometimes bad guys make the best good guys guys we provide leverage thanks for meeting me this morning sweetheart listen I know you're crazy busy it's final exam time and everything but I was thinking this weekend we should definitely definitely check out the ventian exhibit I don't think so I don't think that this is working out babe listen I know that you know I travel a lot with my job it's not that um listen we talk all the time but it never feels like you're actually sharing anything as great as you are there's always a mask I just don't know who you really are [Music] Catherine I got a class Sophie [Music] pardon or Alice I'm Karen Michelle [Music] Elizabeth hey this looks like an ordinary cell phone right it's not man it's a metal detector see uses pulse induction technology that sends out a current it generates a magnetic field and then are you even listening yeah what did I say you're explaining how you're still a virgin is a different kind of skill talking to clients you're supposed to sympathize I told you not to take her oh you were right where's Sophie I don't know well we're not waiting let's go let's start [Music] Daniel Fowler 61 CEO of FTP Fidelity now this is the largest private investment firm in the state up until about 3 weeks ago this whole thing was blown as a big Ponzi scheme and I'm not talking crooked Investments I mean Stone Cold con there was never any fund no trades no real accounts the clinic lost everything 10 years this guy wore all the right suits and filed all the right papers with the SEC nobody looked twice as soon as the FBI figured it out they slapped a little house arrest on them and they froze all his assets I'm talking corporate accounts personal accounts real estate holdings anything on planet Earth with this dude's name on it is on Ice FBI is very thorough huh extremely so what' they miss oh $20 million they moved it off the books right before the warrants came down yeah well he knew the end was near and he was getting ready to bolt tell me something where was Fowler arrested oh in his apartment packing for his business trip to the Mal Dives you see he needed light portable close at hand that 20 million is in his apartment yeah but this guy's on house arrest man I mean he's he's practically living with the FBI the problem is not getting into the apartment but getting them out where were you oh oh I was running an errand weren't you with the boyfriend so um what are the terms of his house arrest fow is confined to his $6 million Penthouse overlooking the Charles River yeah it's a rough punishment huh the whole place is outfitted with 24/7 surveillance o the Fest and keep an eye on them now we can too I pigy back on their Wireless feed still for us to get in and search the place we got to get rid of f now there are three General exceptions for house arrest there's personal safety death of a relative and family events personal safety we could burn the apartment down oh oh or death of a relative who who's that oh the kid May kids from a first marriage Woodmark lost well I'm sorry but Woodmark I thought it was my rich people man thought jeez oh can you uh punch in on that please do you have any respect for your personal property do you have any respect for me I bought you that cell phone Dan he said he was sorry yeah he's sorry all right I'd ground you but you don't have any friends to go out with anyway I'm going to talk to him I'll be right back wow okay what do we got on the kid with Mark Fowler age 10 no arrest no outstanding warrants Hardison he's a fifth grade student at dalon Academy academically exceptional no extracurriculars he's allergic to strawberries strawberry judges give out day passes for family events it's one of the three things right so Fowler is going to ask for one so he doesn't miss his kids big debut okay I'll bite we'll he debuting ass yeah I don't know but we're going to go steal his school and find out a Mr anando bhari is here I don't have any appointments I know do you want Oh Dr gerro Dr gerro come it's it's a pleasure I am bhari B special own I work for president Kama he's most impressed when he read your paper you wrote as a students how do you say your um the that the president of batswana read my grad school thesis yes all 600 glorious pages from which Insight drips like honey upon which bees of wisdom Feast the president is rebuilding the educational system from the grown up would you consider going to bwana to meet him all expense is paid of course yes everyone settle down I assure you everything is under control Mr Jared just took a leave of absence in the middle of the school year the school board has already sent over an interim head Master be quiet and after reading his file I can assure you we are in excellent hands Dr meler could T my name is Dr Mela and I presume that you are all familiar with the preeminent literature on the children's education my book The Mel method yeah in which case any further our introduction would be redundant I'd like to uh Begin by speaking about the changes we're going to be making in the curriculum excuse me yeah Mark Sanford I'm head of the concerned parents Association well that must be very exciting for you yes I'm sure why do we need any changes at all I mean this is the best private school in Boston Mel method involves the education of the whole child mind and body yeah when the child fails to is he just the brain that fails n no the body contains the failing brain and both are cast into a cruel world of darkness and despair and even worse Public School school D Inferno of medoc which is why I bring with me two of my most valued Associates uh we have mind uh and body yeah yeah Miss Donovan will horn your children's minds and Mr Brewer he will craft your children's bodies into the proper mind vessels through exercise and nutrition and then the [Music] questions [Music] open floor plan 3200 square ft uh panoramic views of the park and the Charles uh there's a fitness center a rooftop pool uh coner Service uh it's the perfect newly wet apartment oh it's the pl it's Fantastical what do you think Banky it's a little small the the apartment Binky what do you think of the apartment you we'll take it she just she loves air cartis and Parker are all set now all we got to do is uh give whitmark a Triumph worthy of a day pass a Triumph in what I mean in 5 years this kid hasn't joined a club he hasn't played a sport be honest with you I don't know how I feel about using a kid to get a Mark or not using him I mean every kid is good at something you know we just got to draw widm Mark out give him his moment to shine oh so we'd be like his very God Parents exactly and I mean come on look at this cushy private school you know Gun Runners mob bosses interpole this is this is a breeze we got uh one week before the clinic closes for good Athletics academics let's go get uh Woodmark the win right all right Woodmark get on the line you're up yeah you're up get on the line show them what you got man got this hey you take your helmet off what's your name Skyler Sanford Sky SK Skyler yeah that a boy's name don't do that again put your hat on you're up you're up against get out there man get out of here all right what are you doing man what are you doing what are you just don't laugh what are you doing there's girls here you're better than that turn your hat around all right here we go on guard fence next week is the state spelling be and we're going to be sending a representative from right here in Dalton now I've chosen the best spellers from every class to compete in the tryouts the winners will compete in a schoolwide competition next Friday your parents are going to be there it is going to be huge let's get started Woodmark food food f o o d food pseudo syllogism that's not fair he got food uhuhuh Skyler I can assure you that the order of these cards is entirely random pseudo syllogism um pseudo syllogism s i whatever kyus kyus c h y l o c a u l o u s hyalis that's impressive sunset sunset s ribonucleic ribo nucleic r i b o n u c l e i rib w i l Liberty jibet f l i BB e r t i g i b b e t Bic b i s i c l e bicycle anti- disestablishmentarianism n t i d i s e s t a b l i s h m e n t a r i a n i s m anti-is establishmentarianism up congratulations Miss Kim class dismissed hey with Mark good job I just got lucky with the words you gave me- be proud of yourself the important thing is you tried I try hard all the time but no matter how much I want something never happens oh s sweetie what what do you want I don't know I just I want someone to like me does that get easier when you're grown up um no I don't think it does you're nice but weird all right go on you're late for [Music] class stop moving look it don't have to be exact woman it's emotion detected just point it that [Music] [Music] way what the hell do you guys want we're having a problem with the signal from camera 2 [Music] again ah a hey FBI drop the [Music] gun special agent Hagen it's me mwen Todd from the mcone mob case last year oh I lost him you dropped this yeah I I didn't even real yes I dropped it agent Thomas good to see you again right back at you um tager from the Moscone case right right right so uh what y'all been up to well actually we've had a pretty good run of it lately close some big cases big muscone for one musone no mon we also shut down a huge meth ring in California during a bank robbery what are you guys doing here you I mean we we we on a cover man yeah yeah more man power on the Fowler case oh we weren't really noed secret backup well hey that's great that's good secret so me and you you I us we should resume surveillance fellas imagine having her for a partner what you want to see other partners oh I didn't say that yeah fine that's not what I meant let me just get get this straight okay all right you two you couldn't rig a gym class or a spelling be and you two you run into the only FBI agents on the planet to recognize you I got to be honest with you I think we broke the kid even more we are the worst Fairy God Parents in the world listen we still got to get Fowler out of the apartment so we can get in yeah except now when he leaves there'll be somebody waiting to kill him man one of his victims wants payback more than he wants to be paid back but one of you two can identify the gunman right oh yeah sure he stopped and let me take a picture of him as I was chasing hey you know what man I've been around little kids all day I don't need to come home and do all this CRA right man with all that I've been in his pink shirt he tight plaid pants These Old Webster loafers this girl walking on my back I don't need this man is this a guy mhm see wow I didn't know you could do that that's thought everybody could do that okay all right all right go we keep an eye on him in the meantime if they think you're real FBI be real FBI I mean use it to case the apartment all right so I'm out of this and I'm on FBI detail with Parker and AR actually no I need you to be coach Brewer so there's an armed gunman out there you want me in the gym with with with kids named Skyler and indigo where did Coach Brewer go I mean we already shut up shut up there is the as the the play is the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of a king Sophie how long would it take you to Stage a musical 6 weeks you have two days there can be no confusion that Powers a star did did did you just make that up on the spot yes ma'am huh you really are quite Relentless thank you ma'am Miss Donovan why are we singing at a science fair ah good point yes science knowledge what is knowledge without emotional context facts uh-uh empty meaningless we're taking left brain science and combining it with right brain creativity to engage the audience's entire brain now just just present your projects and we'll just set it to a little Melody who's next I can make a battery out of a potato thank you but I could turn on a light bulb mm- that won't be necessary Mr Fowler you might find this distasteful or call it just PL gross to sing in Praise of bread mold or wonder how it grows it even makes you crazy that mold devours your food I don't know what to say with Mark I I'm sorry no no no that was that was yes that was impressive it was it was understated it was it was potentially wonderful yes you whitmark are going to sing in the grand finale security system installed Five camera setup two in the living room entryway hallway kitchen could I take a look at your log for F's phone calls I mean if I put in a request at home office n it takes forever pencil pushers don't understand what it's like for us out in the field face to face with crime yeah nose to nose with evil I can hear that the files are in [Music] here [Music] who the hell are you FBI look there are cameras everywhere you people don't need to be in here out of every kid in the entire school she picks him for the showcase performance does she even know who he is a student whose father ripped off everyone in this school I'm a money manager I put millions of my clients accounts with him we lost everything and there is a parent in this school who doesn't have the same story yeah it's not a philosophy to punish the Kinder for the sins of their parents Mr Sanford and Miss Donovan she assures me that vidm Mark's darling role in the uh the science yeah science is uh B solely on Merit now you excuse me I have a lot of work to do please good afternoon nice to see you again goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye could you just please try to maybe not make this so difficult I can't take you seriously with that dead cat on your head Elliot had trouble adjusting right but he found a way to make his style work in this setting so hey pain honor strength all right come at me look it's the best I could manage under such short notice the props are made the kids have memorized their presentations I'm just setting it to a bit of music listen we I mean let's not forget why we're here let's not lose focus I mean the object is to get Fowler out of the apartment not what not not withm Mark right yeah I get it he's just the bait come on that's not fair what's not what fair is the way people see him his father sees him as a loser his mother sees him as his fragile little baby his schoolmates see him as the boy whose father Stole Christmas I just think he he he I just want people to see him as he really is he deserves that everybody does [Music] this is why we can't have nice things Rich guys in their crazy security systems Dam's got a takasi of 500 with redundant infrared Windows easier the window the window that's 20 stories up like I said easier I've done this a million times all I need is nomatic drill some Diamond bits get this hey hey what's oh uh thanks what's up oh that one's actually mine I just had my lips on that if just like give you a little coffee kiss I think your partner is sweet on MC Sweden what no I don't really talk about that kind of stuff anyway uh judge approved fers day pass you can go see some play his kid is doing in school final freaking Le man I I love the theater it's cats all right well see you downstairs in a couple of minutes um what your our backup you you're coming along with right yeah yeah got a back right we we we yo we we got your bag okay I got a coupon to Nate we got a prop over there straighten that one well so do we it's final rehearsal and so far wood Mark hasn't sung a note you hey [Laughter] hey the camera's charged right I don't want to miss a second sir I'm going to have to check that bag oh uh Hey guys can can we get a minute look um quick update one of us is going to have to stay upstairs with the surveillance equipment lucky me okay well we only really need two agents on Fowler so why don't we switch up yeah yeah that that's a good idea you know I could just stay here with Adrian Hagen yeah H you know what Hagen you go with the guys more manpower for the suspect I'll babysit the equipment okay ha what are you doing look agent mcart is going to go wherever you go so you you got to go to the school and I'm just just talking me through the Breakin talk you all that personal space just good luck uh Sophie we good to go uh uh no everything's going to be fine as soon as I find whitmark artison what's going on what's your status I just looped the FBI video feed so nobody will see me in the apartment assuming I get in the apartment please take a seat now hurry hurry along all right our man has arrived curtain goes up in 5 minutes one way or the other don't wait for Sophie [Music] with Mark please take your seat run along hurry hurry up hurry up yes yes find your seat please right away you sure you can handle this oh yeah what's the worst that can happen well you could tangle the lines believe they have a smoothie shop in this place what were you saying oh I was just worried about the play and the actors they crossed their lines they could really fall on their face I'm good I'm good with Mark you you you can't let them win you you can't show them that they're getting to you Sophie no no just just talk don't tell him what to do or who to be just talk [Music] with Mark I'm sorry for what for trying to con you into being brave and that's what I do I'm bloody con artist look I'm I'm not very good at being honest not even with my friends do you have a lot of friends no I never used to have any but um now yes I I do a few I used to have friends they don't talk to me anymore because of what my stepdad did that's got nothing to do with you you know that don't you then why did they make fun of me cuz when they look at you they see him they're not seeing you for who you really are how much time do I have left Parker do you believe in love at first sight I believe that when you meet someone you have 30 seconds before the bells and whistles go off don't be afraid to override your feelings don't be blue mhm mhm okay I got you um 30 seconds don't be blue override wait I'm wait does that mean cut the blue wire or don't cut the blue wire Parker that is that is so true I think you need to be honest 20 seconds it's I can't count in 20 seconds how many blue wires there are Parker help me out not following you just have to cut loose output your feelings snip that blue mood in the output output okay I got it got you out out out out come here you blue got it Daddy's [Music] home did you know I was an actress no are you good well others don't seem to think so maybe they just can't see you for who you are do you know what they say about acting they say it's about telling the truth about about sharing a little part of yourself that people don't normally see but if you don't if you don't really know yourself then they think you're lying and I think that's my problem I've been lying for so long that um I don't even know what the truth is anymore I don't want to lie to anybody no no you don't have to withm mark what you need to do is you just have to go out there and be with Mark just tell the truth be be who you really are if you can do that then I promise you people will believe in you sure it's taking them a long time to get everybody in there yes a lot longer than I thought EXC excuse me for interrupting Prime night with my annoying felony burglary just ungrateful just ungrateful Come to Papa Mark okay guess we're about to find [Music] out yeah hacking repelling whatever put me in the dress I can do all y'all's job it's empty what do you mean it's empty I mean it's empty like somebody cleaned it out I had to tell you this but that ain't our biggest problem right now we got company there are many types of clouds like Stratus cumulus and Nimbus Nimbus said to a glum looking Cloud please don't be so serious clouds are high yeah but how do you know Fowler was going to be here only ones that knew were Us in the FBI uh yeah and Fowler himself maybe we were wrong maybe Fowler isn't the target Ben who what thank you for this delicious smoothie agent [Music] oh his FBI handlers fowers arranged to have them killed he's about to run no man there's no way you could arrange that man he's under house arrest no phone calls no internet they're even reading his mail how could he arrange the hit man let's ask him what do you mean you lost it I thought it was in my room you thought do you have any respect for your personal property do you have any respect for me I bought you that cell phone Fez confiscated his cell phone they didn't take whid marks will F's getaway explains the MTC whatever cash he had on him he took with him and uh look I think I know where to look storm cloud wait didn't you search fer before he left of course nothing on except for that camera and some tapes yeah well there's something in that bag around those tapes thank you Sophie can you swipe it yes I'm a little bit busy here juliard for that wonderful rendition of how clouds are formed and now we have Milan with a ballad about photosynthesis [Applause] enjoy is anybody seem with Mark sopie the job's over what happens from near on is not our concern have other priorities the clinic isn't the only victim here Nate no I I didn't prop up this boy just to see him fail no way I'm not letting that [Music] happen yo what's [Music] up uh Nate this phone has sent a bunch of text messages in the last 48 hours to some guy named Skyler yeah yeah yeah Skyler is a kid at the school why would F be texting a middle schooler photosynthesis is the cause of this process that makes things [Music] bigger he wasn't texting Skyler he was texting Skyler's Dad sorry Mark Sanford's an accomplice he set up the gunman he just traded bags with [Music] Fowler no man why would sford help Fowler isn't he one of the guys who invested with him [Music] really sorry I'm late no no no H you're right on [Applause] time and now with growth factors in bread mold it's Widmark fow [Music] you might find this distasteful or call it just plank gross to sing in Praise of bread mold or wonder how it grows it even makes you crazy that mold deves your food until you find a changed your mind and you see that mold is [Music] good it's the mrooms on your pizza it's the yeast that makes the cross keep it off the stage going to ruin his big finale fungi that's good eaten don't look surprised long on the subject who Among Us would want the nasty job that fungus hasing down toxic waste go where they're needed so they find our stuff to feed in Ms just want to grow so they us for you know that a mold wants to thrive needs much more than to survive because molds like us just love being alive [Applause] he's is there oh I'm so proud of you hey I'll out there uh Haron are you on your computer yeah I need you to check a name for me go ahead Doug Fineman and first place goes to Mr whitmar Fowler Sanford is providing Fowler with a new identity and a new life waiting for him in Bogata oh come through it I'll take that ah yes I'm just saying you can't make the returns too consistent 10% growth every year no matter what the market does the SEC is going to ask questions let me worry about the SEC Mark but we have to be careful my job is to buy off The Regulators your job is to bring in new money now this whole thing goes off the rails when you stop doing your job where the heck do you think you're going yeah yeah he um he dropped this out of this I thought his name is fer I don't know thanks yeah yeah no stop it you can't play that now that there's no way to treat a lady come on hi hey got something for you well that is far more than we lost well you know the 20 million the feds couldn't find fer had it an overseas account using one of his aliases yeah he struck a deal with Sanford he traded the tapes for a new passport and two dead FBI guys and our friend Hardison well he liberated some of the cash so you could use it for your clinic wow hey okay hi Claudine she um needed a job after father went to jail good luck thank you well you know I this is interesting this must be a a first I mean it's the only time I can remember that the con depended solely on you telling the truth how'd it feel good don't get used to it oh no no uh-uh St telling the truth all day stop being Sophie Deo maybe that's uh a good [Music] thing [Music] [Music] w
Channel: ElectricNOW
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Keywords: electric entertainment, electricnow, electricnowtv, electric now, electric now tv, free tv series, full episodes, leverage, leverage series, leverage season, leverage episode 1, leverage tv show, leverage tv series, leverage show, leverage tv, christian kane, christian kane leverage, eliot spencer, christian kane eliot spencer, full episode, official episode, episode, leverage best episodes, show, leverage season 2, leverage season 2 episode 1, leverage season 2 full episodes
Id: kEObbRa7IjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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