Level1 News April 6 2021: Like Emails In the SolarWinds

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[Music] hello everybody today is april 6th and today we're doing government and security what else is new with you guys you had a good week 2021 is 25 gone and i'm really it's really triggering my existential crisis you know what sucks cold lawn care cold lawn care is not fun i had to turn the boiler back on today it's supposed to be warm again tomorrow it'll be back up in the 60s my radishes they'll be thriving i was uh because i came here to drop that stuff off yesterday and there's all those nice i don't know what kind of trees those are but they're the white petals on the flowers and it was just swirling around and i was like oh man this is so magical look at all these flower petals just swirling around and i was like wait a minute they're melting it was snowing yesterday yeah i didn't see it great for the old garden yeah so weird weather but that's nothing new for this year is it we're all we're talking about the weather we've got to talk about like other things well it's not going to get any hipper because when you talk about old people there's a lot of them in this organization and once in a while they do stuff this is one of those times they're like the cicada they crawl out from underground and they make decisions terrible terrible decisions the new york times reports that the supreme court has let the fcc relax its limits on media ownership well they already did it this is you know a jeep pies fcc it was just the supreme court challenge took a little while to get there like you were saying the cicada thing um the supreme court said yeah this is totally fine it's totally okay for just a couple of people to own literally all of the media uh now you know unrelated to that did you see that youtube tv added like cnbc and a lot of like the uh the contemporary tv channels and the dislike ratio is incredible oh you know what i forgot to add that story you know what they're doing in response to that getting rid of the dislike counter but it's not because of that it's because of the biden speech did you see the biden speech the ratio was crazy and the next day they made that announcement huh is that it's not good for creators mental health you know what there's a lot of things that are not good for creators mental health like changing the algorithm arbitrarily and not communicating and when the algorithm makes a mistake not ever fixing the mistake those things are the world dystopia we live in it's not good for anybody's floatplane floatplane.com slash level level one or patreon.com yeah yeah that's it's so transparent it really is doing there but what are you gonna do i mean we're in an age where it's all kind of out in the open you can't really be surprised by it anymore it does it does but hang on a second here because like okay blah blah blah pro capitalism doesn't it suggest that if the dislike ratio is so high that there is a market for something that is not so blatantly terrible you mean like our government replaced that with something that's not terrible just the media aspect of it it's the same thing at this point doesn't that mean that youtube is becoming less egalitarian and more just another apparatus of the machine no it's not becoming for a long time it is i just want to throw that out there just it's obvious what it is it's obvious what they are catering to store level one tax doc that is not the only decision the supreme court made that has to do with the tech world this one is a little bit weirder because i guess you did technically opt in no no this is one of those guys this guy had a shadow profile oh he wasn't even part of facebook no i didn't get that from it yeah supreme court says facebook text alerts aren't illegal robo calls so somehow this guy was on facebook but not really you know he said his his lawyer said that he didn't really have a facebook account so maybe he had more than really mean yeah so where'd they get the phone number that's the question well facebook did collect those i mean that was a thing that they did but if he typed it in you had to have a profile yeah i've never heard of them getting it without you making a profile i'm sure they get it but they probably don't use it he was getting an ungodly number of text messages because the bots were trying to break into his account and so he was getting text message alerts that's like hey somebody's trying to log into your facebook account and he couldn't stop it so this is not exactly the same i had that situation one time with blizzard because somebody tried to use my email address to create a wow account or something like that and when i finally got in touch with them i did a chat and then a call they're like angry at me i was like just delete everything about this email address from your service i'm never going to use your service and they're like well no you might be using that maliciously which i guess i could have um but yeah the facebook thing basically they're saying that and the ruling is even worse than just like i know it's okay because i already had the number the rule is it has to be a random or iterating phone number to be a quote unquote robo call if they're going from a list it doesn't count yeah that seems like that opens up the door for these terrible auto warranty scams don't you think that all those indian call centers are working off some kind of advertising list you would think yeah yeah if they're not they're stupid i mean that's going to improve your results amazingly if you start with that this is this is another story that makes what is it you say you want to hate nap we were just warming up oh yeah get ready for it you probably have to go all night with this one you have to this is your normal sleep cycle you can't nap long enough to get this hate out of you the full eight hours but on the other hand one of the best stock images i've ever seen yeah that's fantastic absolutely incredible and kristy you should start collecting snail shells and we should make these and sell them on the store because we buy them tell us yeah comments i absolutely would because i found some snails out in the garden the other day and i was like you little bastards we'll harvest them yeah they're really tiny but the this you know what we always get a lot of engagement and uh that way doesn't really hurt my feelings but i understand they are you know trying to poke us and we do deserve it whenever we talk about something about internet speeds in the u.s all the international people love to post what they're getting for what price we get it we get it we know att lobbies against nationwide fiber and it says 10 megabit uploads are good enough all right i'm fine with this if att retroactively refunds the tax breaks that they've taken since 1992 in order to wire a bunch of households with fiber they literally said in 1993 that they were going to att that they were going to wire 5.5 million i think it was homes with fiber by the year 2000 what year is it again that's the rub isn't it it's like fine if you don't want to do this but like give the money back yes because you're clearly not holding your end of the bargain up as of as of 2006 uh the average amount of money that the telecoms had benefited was over five thousand dollars per subscriber household that number is probably even more by now and those tax breaks were literally to run fiber they say the 10 megabit and copper is plenty good enough which as we know from our uh audience from all the rest of the world it is transformational to your economy if your internet isn't at garbage to your speeds it's true would you name it apache something to do with cat i'm naming the snail you name the snail chat and uh with that in mind this sounds really good now to be fair a lot of presidents make a lot of promises that sound really good but hey if he can deliver this i will certainly give him credit for it biden infrastructure plan promises broadband to all within eight years hopefully this will be like the moon landing where it was basically a done deal by the time the president that promised it left office but i have my doubts uh on the one hand some of this seems like copy paste from the clinton administration when they were like [Music] everybody's going to get this and that's the thing that we're always complaining about the thing i was just complaining about yeah well this is going to go toward municipal government-run broadband and normally when something when you say government run you vomit with fear of how bad it's going to be but it's already so bad they might actually do better the problem with this approach though is that there's not any legal infrastructure in place that prevents the incumbent telecoms from suing the state and local governments to prevent them from doing this because technically under u.s law that's the government competing with the business which is like one of those you know 17 deadly sins for example it's state level so they can fight at the state level but with this they couldn't fight it at the federal level that didn't really work at the federal level evil either for like the whole drug law thing yeah but presumably this would somehow change that so i think they should have preemptively passed laws to deal with it and then shoved it down states that states throats if they were going to take that approach so eight years is going to stretch into 20 years i don't think we should uh set the precedent of destroying states rights over this as important as this is to me i'm i'm operating under the assumption that they've already been destroyed by the war on drugs and [Laughter] and but yeah you're probably right this one is a little bit older but we we already talked about them having this but this just reiterated how difficult it was to get answers out of these people and basically they went through and just showcased that nobody nobody answered a question no matter how angry everybody else got and said yes or no no one nobody cared uh congress questioned big tech ceos for five hours without getting any good answers we did report on this last week but this article uh on engadget really stands out as summarizing what was actually said i mean it was a whole bunch of nothing but this is a good summary and just points out i mean they even went so far as to be like do you understand yes or no and they didn't give me yes or no answer so it's uh the problem is you benefit from just you know trying to fool everybody and not giving an answer that's way better than giving the true answer like this is one of those fights that you read about it's like wow i really dislike both sides of this issue like he uh he was tweeting dorsey was tweeting i guess during this and he was like why isn't anyone asking me about my other project and it's like dude come on they weren't even there for that maybe he thought it was a pr who cares about jack dorsey the problem with jack dorsey the problem with all of them and uh this gentleman here is that the cult worships them and that creates in their mind the idea that they should be worshipped it's all of your fault all of you elon musk idiots in the comments this is what you get so what you get when you raise people up like that weird nerds valid criticism i love that meme but this one you gotta wonder you know there's there's sometimes when you are instructed to do something and you know it's stupid and you know it might even be bad for the project or the company or just the world but people more powerful than you insist that you do it i have a feeling that the legal team felt that when they were trying to do this case apple loses bid to stop swatch using jobs as one more thank you what is swatch that's swiss watch i didn't know that swiss watch is saying just one more thing in their ads because you know it's a swiss timepiece that's versus the eyewash and and uh they've got the right to use just one more thing in the uk why would anybody have the right to use just one more thing it's just a phrase it's a phrase that people been using for a long time they point out if anybody should own it it should be the whoever wrote columbo because that was always colombo's thing he's like that is just one thing bothering me you turn around and then boom you were done you didn't want to hear columbo say that but uh jobs always used it as like oh we're not going to announce the new thing we're going to do the whole program and then right before it's all over i'm gonna drop it on you so they felt that like that was iconic enough that might be brainwashing i hate apple and uh in china they also have a contentious relationship with some of their corporations although it's not the isps they've got those all wrapped up it's these pesky western companies that love to do business over there but don't always get in line the way they're told to china is erasing h m from the internet amid zng backlash xinjiang sorry so h m when they say erase from the internet you might be thinking oh do they block their domains no if you are an h m product you are no longer on alibaba or any of those other big things the search results will not return for you they are literally erasing them because they're angry at something they did 1984 style which is amazing we have the technology and guess what western companies built that technology for china most of the mostly from h m are probably made in china as well so it's a global operation haven't they moved most of that to vietnam at this point i think most clothing's been there right well china keeps claiming vietnamese islands so well i think i think china they've got enough of a middle class now that a lot of people don't want to work in this factory so yeah a lot of it it's cheaper to get it done in like bangladesh excellent excellent segue krista because i think china is working hard to replace those people who aren't willing to work in factories anymore and they're doing it in one of the worst ways possible facebook is saying that chinese hackers use the platform to hack uyghurs abroad facebook's head of cyber espionage that said it found and removed fewer than 500 accounts and sent malicious links to weirs as part of an extremely targeted operation and this is on nbc news nbc news is picking up on this so what they do and this is smart i guess it's it's really really evil but it's smart they'll establish an account for some period of time so it'll stand up to a background check and this account will pretend to be a reporter who is very sympathetic to the uyghur plight and once they feel like it's got enough traction then that identity will contact a uyghur who's made it out of china and be like we need to talk but we need to be super careful install this oh and then it's all over not related at all but this guy's face masks has comic sans free my people with the tone of happy birthday to my three-year-old if it gets it noticed i guess yeah they probably didn't think too much about the font as they were thought was free i imagine so as they were weeping openly as they made the mask thinking of their disappeared and or dead family and or enslaved we talked about the chip fabs that may be coming to america not anytime soon because it takes a really long time to build those but hey be great if we got them right but we are not the only country who wants those delicious chip fabs and some are willing to pay big uh reuters reports that a billion for every chip maker who makes in india sources say india is offering 1 billion in cash to each semiconductor company that sets up manufacturing units in the country and seeks to build on smartphone assembly industry and it's a strength in its electronic supply chain so we know that the fabs here in arizona intel is going to spend 20 billion dollars tsmc is going to spend 100 billion foreshadowing for another another story uh a billion is kind of a drop in the bucket but maybe that's enough incentive to bring some fabs there yeah but that cheap flavor plus they're going to give you preferred pricing inside of india anybody buying locally will be and might be forced to use your stuff and there was something else they're going to give you that's in terms of uh oh interest-free loans well they've learned from the foxconn apple debacle where they just didn't pay anybody for months so i think they're going to be some some conditions before you get that payout we'll see why doesn't everybody just get a fat let's get too many chips make them cheap myanmar mine are they are still having their issues doesn't seem like you know that's one of those things where when it first happened i kind of thought hmm is anybody gonna do anything about this and it was like oh no they don't have oil yeah no one's interested to do anything so it seems like they're the new government and they're also not taking their boot off the neck of these people anytime soon myanmar orders wireless internet shutdown until further notice according to telecoms so that's pretty much all there is in this article that's all we know because that seems like it's been pretty effective with cutting off information coming out of the zone this article's really like just a paragraph long like it's barely an article and yet that would be massive news if you lived there yeah you'd be super bummed about that you wouldn't be able to do your job in our case if you don't have internet just think when they get internet back the quarantine will be over well it's just wireless at this point but that's still a huge part of your day yeah so unfortunate now when i saw this headline i thought that it was a story that we had already done but i looked at the date and i was like wait a minute no this is not that same story it happened again the feds say that man broke into public water system and shut down the safety process adoptment underscores the potential for remote intrusions that have fatal consequences so this has been an investigation that's been going on for a while but this is the first that you know the first wind of it that we've gotten so so this guy used to work there and after and everybody used the same team viewer password an account and an old they said it was a version of windows that was no longer secure i wonder how how which version you think that xp was xp or seven yeah almost certainly xp and uh they all use the same account to connect to it when he left the password was not changed so he was able to do whatever he want and much like the guy from before he went in there and messed around with the the filtration levels and like the added chemicals that probably would have been damaging to human health if i hadn't gotten caught that's crazy i don't know what you hope to gain from that is that just maybe he's like whoever works here after me will not have to deal with the same crap i do because they'll be so paranoid about someone doing what i just did that they'll actually fund this department i bet they'll fix that system yeah yeah i think that part of biden's thing is money for water districts and stuff that don't have any money to fix this kind of thing yeah infrastructure is the big it's the lion's share of all that stuff the bad thing is going to be though that there's going to be a bunch of snake oil salesmen that know how to play the game for the bureaucracy and the paperwork but don't actually really fix the problem as effectively as they could with the money well i think that's true of everything to do with the highway department and infrastructure so i mean we waste so much money getting that done i think how many times they've fixed the street behind the office how much money they've put into that and it still floods our interstates are really bad shape right now they're just chewed up from that window we had that ice storm and everything else so yeah let's let's get those fixed whatever it's better than the pork spending right overspend on something we need fine just stop giving it to other countries maybe in theory too that would give people jobs which would also be good yeah that's the big thing you know you got to put everybody back to work and maybe if you take the your local water company takes the money to secure their stuff they have to go with a company that's like in state or you know is not one of those companies that just siphons up government contracts and doesn't actually do much with them we'll see we've moved on to security and the google play store certainly not a paragon of security when you think about the most secure things on the internet that's not one of them it's literally unusable like you can't like the google play store might as well not exist it is so dangerous to install apps from it and they're trying to improve that image this is a baby step i would say but hey it's a step right google play limiting android 11 plus apps from seeing what's installed on devices this may no no never mind that java has all these amazing built-in wonderful sandbox protections we're not going to use that we're going to do our own thing so if you install an app right now that app can call a function that will tell you what other apps are on the phone there could be real uses for that there could be reasons you would need that it can scan the file system yeah there's a lot of just profile building probably going on from this and there's a lot of things that you can infer based on the apps that i have installed so this is probably a good move they're not happy about it the other app makers i mean but when you if you have a little bit of feel good in your heart for the evil empire that is google after that headline let me just take that back from you just stamp it out google collects 20 times more telemetry from android devices than the same apps on ios what does that tell you well it could be that they take more it could be that they're less efficient about it it could be that they uh just you know like their files that they use for telemetry are just bigger i guess i'll go to the efficiency one of the things in the article that i thought was disturbing was uh every four and a half minutes your android phone is constantly phoning home but it is worth noting that they did throw apple under the bus here a little bit as well because on even on an apple device as soon as you insert the sim card it not only will tell apple what uh the imei number the serial number is of the thing that was inserted it'll tell you it'll tell apple all of the mac addresses of all of the wireless devices around the phone so it's like you plug in your phone and it's like the phone can see all the wireless traffic whether it's encrypted or not it knows it's there and it's like oh i see all this stuff so do you do you really need to report that even before the phone has been registered to a human being that seems a little uh obsessive the first four minutes an android will cost you one megabyte so you boot your phone even for the first time one megabyte of data is being transacted to spy on you pretty impressive and based on them not the adjective i would have chosen but and you know think about how much text that is yeah that is a lot the collected works of shakespeare are 1.2 megabytes so that's uh that's something ubiquity had a little bit of a problem that is they said it was a little bit of a problem other people are saying perhaps more of a problem whistleblower ubiquity breach has catastrophic uh there's an article here from krebs on security it's really not super clear exactly the extent of the problem ubiquity says it was third party contracting system but out of an abundance of caution they're having everybody reset their password uh it says that they were you know they were threatened with extortion and all this other stuff so it's really anybody's guess as to what exactly made its way out um they apparently didn't have the appropriate logging setup in their infrastructure so it's possible the attackers could have downloaded source code at least according to the stuff in this article and some other stuff that that i read on the internet so if they've got the source code to all the stuff that runs this it seems like they would be in a good spot to find vulnerabilities or mistakes and the logging thing is one of the things that kind of nailed into the wall here because their response was something like we have found no indication of this but the truth is they weren't logging what would be the indication of that so the absence of it means nothing they weren't watching if you've been following this channel for a while i've sort of given ubiquity a hard time because of their lack of quality control and their other products it's nice to know that it extends to the entire company seems like and krebs is uh that's a name that has become somewhat synonymous with security yeah he certainly does a lot of work for it but when you are at the top of that pile you become a big name and perhaps a target yourself no i did not hack your ms exchange server new data suggests that someone has compromised more than 21 000 microsoft exchange email servers worldwide and infected them with malware that makes uh both krebs on security and yours truly uh by name uh no it was it wasn't him so well but what if it was wouldn't that be brilliant [Laughter] the antivirus makers are making the viruses ah that's not what that's not even what brian cribbs does he just you know it's he's basically a consultant i think so at this point if you're still analyst if you're not taking that exchange server stuff seriously uh you've got no hope no might as well just turn it off because uh it's gonna be it's already too late and this is the most disturbing trend perhaps in uh in the in the programming world especially web development because we have all of these libraries and it's very difficult to get anything started without loading a billion of these things it's really annoying and who can you trust more and more it seems like no one critical flaw found in widely used netmask open source module this is like a node.js thing it helps compute net masks if you need that in your project and it was a mistake i guess in the regular expression to figure this out which leads to a lot of problems it was uh this was the one with the ip address right yeah yeah yeah so zero one two seven should actually not result in dropping zero that's the error it does which can break it so bad move krista swap the next two stories please i don't know because you might think to yourself okay i get it libraries can be poison dangerous you know what i'm just gonna do it all from scratch i'm just going to choose a language and write everything myself and then i'll be sure right right php's gets over hacked to add backdoors to php source code i'm pretty sure that i saw one of the developers after this tweeting hey is there a way to make github uh only accept pgp signed commits and it turns out yes that's the check box that's all that is there's a check box there that's like signed commits except those but um this has not actually been deployed in any php version this wasn't there for months and then found somebody got access to somebody else's credentials added the back door and it was noticed immediately so it didn't make it into any actual distributed version of php but it does say that somebody that shouldn't have had access had access to php's get repository and that was their own git server they have now moved to github from their own because of that it's a coup for microsoft isn't it and this is uh this points out that as i have pointed out in the past the systems in your home are never secure if there are children in the home child tweets gibberish from u.s nuclear agency account no no it wasn't code to uh you know installed spies overseas there you go i saw this story and was like that looks like an excellent password i was just gonna say is anybody using that as a password now because that would be funny what's the nuclear launch code oh there you go so yeah if you're uh running a high-profile government twitter account when you go stand up to pee or get something to drink lock the screen that's insane that i mean i guess he's working from home but like why would you not like your who doesn't do that just well if you're the social media manager you're probably working kind of around the clock don't you think i've i've actually had a butt tweet or two really yeah i thought you didn't use the mobile on the mobile web like it somehow my phone woke up because usually usually my phone goes to sleep and requires a fingerprint or a code after about 30 seconds and somehow like i put my phone to sleep and i put it in my pocket and i must have gotten a notice or something at exactly the right time and then i i butt tweeted somehow i pressed it yeah it was like how does this even message like that from wendell you'll know maybe you can solve that problem by getting yourself a nice apple watch apple watch is like your phone is awake [Laughter] but that's not all it can do and i put this in the security section because just imagine what the healthcare industry would do with this information in the insurance industry it always comes back to that yeah yeah apple watch can accurately assess frailty let's find stanford study so basically it's got an accelerometer it's always on it's measuring your emotions instinctively whether you know it or not you're going to move a little bit slower a little bit more cautiously maybe after you get that first round of the vaccine it's like oh my head's swimming a little bit what's going on your apple watch knows and that's going in your permanent file well it needs six minutes of moderate activity to be able to set this but once it gets that based on all the things that it can measure it can supposedly give you a pretty good idea of your level of what they call frailty which i guess is kind of like okay if the caledaria went off today how likely are you to make it that's the way i look at that i like our distance from from yellowstone for that but oh yeah that wouldn't get us it'd be the ash yeah yeah that would be actually a lot easier to go in the lava i would think the lava or magma it's lava once it hits the top right yeah never can remember that the uh ministry of health it's always so dystopian to hear those names i know they've been around for a long time but uh this is new zealand it doesn't count they uh they had a little problem with their system i think we talked about that last week and now they've vowed they're going to clean it up yeah after getting all that negative publicity last week the headline this week is the mystery of health has launched a sweeping new review of how they're handling the uh the vaccine booking systems yeah new zealand it's like okay well you know we did a good job handling the lockdown but we didn't really do a good job so far of everything else has there is there any shining example of who did a good job with the vaccines yet i've only seen failures well not failures but it's just it's just a cluster it's like a big administrative task to try and distribute all that you ever see those uh those old uh black friday sale videos where like walmart opens up at like four o'clock in the morning and then the doors just explode off their hinges yeah of course we've all i love those it's like that but with the vaccine but it's not like that because a lot of people aren't interested at all well i guess that's true of black friday as well though isn't it the same people are like yeah you guys go get it and then keep keep me updated see what happens with you well have you gotten your second dose yet no uh my mom got it my mom got hers though she's she's been fine your time's not up yet right uh it's like a week left no it is but they give you an extra week or two for whatever reason so this would have been today would have been the second week that was her second round uh she slept all day the second day but is basically okay cool i don't want to lose a day she's like i have to have tylenol and then she's just like okay i took a nap it's fine i hate that if you are somebody who is saying to yourself man i just don't trust these vaccines and uh you know maybe you're one of those people who makes your own pet food makes your own baby food and you happen to have a really really state of the art lab in your house that no one actually has then maybe you could just use this instead stanford scientists reverse engineer the vaccine and post the code on github you know this might actually end up being used in in countries because they're i was reading that some countries are going to have to wait until 2022 which seems insane but it's great for the rest of the world do they have the manpower and the equipment to do this sometimes i mean think about like some of the south african nations so they were very clear they're like look we didn't waste any vaccine to do this there was some drops left and ones that we'd already administered we carefully collected all those until we had enough to run it through and figure out what it was we're not trying to undercut anybody but this is important the world should know about this so far github hasn't taken it down i imagine the modern lawyers are making some calls foaming at the mouth but that is real bad pr yeah you got to keep that in mind people are not going to like to hear that you are trying to what you're obviously trying to do is make billions of dollars off of this but you have to pretend you're not be careful because if something terrible were to happen that's when the backlash comes you have to worry you can let a terrible problem fester for years and years and years unless vice decides to do an article about it then you're in trouble then you have to take the minimal steps that you could have done all along to actually fix the problem t-mobile verizon 18t stop sms hijacks after a motherboard investigation so if you didn't see that story it turns out that for 16 you could have gone on a website and said i have the right to receive text messages from this phone number and they would happily turn that on and then motherboard was like this seems wrong and then 18t verizon and t-mobile said oh yeah that was totally unintentional i guess we'll turn that off we're committed to your privacy we're so sorry and you think about uh i've tried to get away from sms for my two factors but i do still have a couple you're so screwed if they get that yeah they're because okay they've got your account and then now they've got your email who do you call there's nobody you're gonna get on the phone with google literally doesn't care the algorithm is literally running our lives more and more every day and whatever the algorithm says goes because you just can't it's like it's like getting mad at a river and going out and just you know yelling at the river as it flows around you as you stand naked in the freezing water it's exactly like that and finally we keep finding out more and more about the solar winds hack gosh it was so out of fashion there for a while i mean the exchange hack was so much hotter but we still get these details leaking out about how bad solarwinds was then we never even knew the depth of it solarwinds hack got the emails of top dhs officials oh that's just the email addresses right that's not really a big deal no no sweet summer child no they got so much and they said that they have not yet estimated how bad these leaks were like did these people have a lot of really sensitive stuff in their emails but i imagine the answer is yes probably yeah so we probably won't hear more about that though between that and exchange it's just oh that's the one-two punch of what's gonna be what's gonna be number three for the trifecta well they almost got php that would have been a big one i think the commit was just so obvious though that uh it was the only thing in the commit what if that commit was just to cover up the real hack well there's a smoke screen there's like a double equal in there when it should be a triple equal or something crazy like that well that's all we got for today tomorrow uh we might just do all business i think we might sneak in another small section in there i don't actually know yet there wasn't really a lot of government news this week kind of a weird week for news the uh i think people work it gets like that you know like it swells up and then it is i think people were a little over saturated after the canal yeah yeah a little bit of a break well i mean you know that's all old news i mean that ship has sailed it's been waiting all episode to make that joke all right krista take us out all right bye you
Channel: Level1Techs
Views: 19,592
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Keywords: technology, science, design, ux, computers, hardware, software, programming, level1, l1, level one
Id: X4b6HUgbRI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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