LEVEL X Purge - WORTH IT? | Conan Exiles AOW Guide

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Age of War Chapter 3 recently released and they messed up a few things to say the least and The Purge was allegedly one of them I've been doing some testing since the release and it's not too bad I've done pretty much every Purge up until a tier 10 cuz I wanted to save that to experience it with you guys there are definitely annoying factors that go into the purge as The Purge focuses doorways on the way to your treasure Coffer occasionally they can take out stairs and that's going to make your Purge null and void no matter how many tears you've done thus far bar they will deem your base unraidable and pack up and leave same goes if you happen to have more than two doors in a row if I was to have a third door there they would just think my base is far too op and not do it so you best off not building a thing that you'd think makes sense to build for a purge base but in fact you're better off building a monstrosity like this straight on the ground as far as close as you can get it some form of maze this all can be tier one as well because they don't damage anything Bar the Door do in the current update every now and then there will be some throws in the per that throw fire ORS and you will get a little bit of damage but it's not too bad you could still survive with tier 2 but turns out you don't even need a roof you don't need walls or anything particularly you don't even need to build with fence foundations or any of this as long as it is slightly walled off and you have doorways they will focus that and they will pathway through my little maze of thrs and more than most likely not make it all the way in we also have a whole bunch of damaged sponges that are camels now we may not have them as mounts but they have all of the HP this one over here has almost 50k so uh yeah they go all right and uh they're going to enable uh these guys to do a lot of the beating up while the thrs in The Purge focus on killing these guys and they're pretty easy to buy and tame and you can tame out a whole bunch of them then with Samaran Berserkers they're just in spawned in Dragon hide armor they don't need to be wearing these God breaker hommes I was testing out stuff with gas didn't really work very well gas and Palisades and traps all pointless don't even bother but you do want to make sure they all have a whole bunch of food so I'll probably have to spawn in a bit more food and food them up this gives them a strength buff which is quite good for them but exotic stews or something like that pretty good too it's nice good healing and for the most part they just have weapons on them that's pretty easy to get in the unnamed City because all of the bosses are there now drop weapons every time you kill them so it's pretty easy to get up a whole bunch of these Berserkers and some various other Purge thrs that you can get from the cages from doing the lower level ones that's what a couple of these random dudes are I also have a couple of archers up here just with some health arrows it makes a little bit of a difference they've buffed Health arrows slightly they're not as good as when they first brought them out but they're definitely better than what they were recently then if you already happen to afford a few purges and seen the cell sword you may have bought yourself some mercenary banners they come come in incredibly handy so I'm going to place down a couple you can only place down one type at a time and I'm in admin mode so they won't disappear but if you're not they will they're a onetime use and as soon as the throlls die in them they'll disappear a bit like Golems you can't heal them it's also a good idea to have something like a skining knife and some type of godzil gathering weapon like a Zite ritual dagger and you can then use that to summ a god to do The Purge here at El Mariah get yourself up a little bit more coin but I'd highly advise checking out my how to get gold and silver for your purchese and your pockets guide It's there's definitely better ways than doing that raid then you want to build yourself a treasure Coffer located in the Treasure area of the decorations most of this stuff is crafted in an artisan table but it's visible to me because I am in god mode creative mode whatever but it all adds a little bit to your Coffer so if you don't happen to have any coins but you happen to have some of the stuff to make these things I do believe without any coins in my room this just here is enough to do a tier three Purge and if you're just looking for a barkeep I didn't bother doing a tier one or a tier 2 Purge but I've done a tier three to a tier 9 and I pretty much got a barkeep in every single one but the sell saw does show up a little less often and usually from a tier s or up but you could get them lower I haven't done a huge amount but I've definitely gotten very lucky with the barkeeps and I got one in the TS3 Purge so you can just keep doing those to get them really they're super easy they're super quick the higher leveled po the more waves at the moment we have enough for eight tier n I'll just add that in there that's given us over 100,000 and we have a 10 which is the max level currently I do wish they mixed it up a little bit with what attacked you rather than just people like some Frost Giants would be cool or some different animals or yeah something something a little bit different and definitely the rewards are not worthy at the moment the cheaper you can build your base the more worth it is going to be yeah you could definitely gather up a whole bunch of animals and use them instead of throws but it's quite easy to get up all the the Berserkers and all of that stuff like I said it's the leveling of them that sucks but there are some tips and tricks and I do have a separate thr leveling guide video if you'd like to check that out but enough with the technicalities let's summon this purge you can also talk to just your gold piles Proclaim your wealth if you got too many doors or not enough stairs to your rooms it will say it cannot spawn anywhere and that's very confusing because you'll be built somewhere like this and going oh what the [ __ ] I'm sure they can or they'll destroy your stairs and tap out and you also be confused like why did they just stop fighting me because the stairs were just too op and they couldn't possibly deal with that I tried to build a base that I thought would be poy and in fact that was just that was too crazy for them and this this is what must be oh there we are we're over there that's a good distance when I find The Purge is a bit too close um the guys tend to run in there which is not that great we have 20 Samaran Berserkers and maybe 10 or a little bit over 10 camels and you do want them kind of close together but not too close and definitely some wo off ones in case these ones out here all die or get distracted and some people sneak past and start going through the doors so far and they do tend to bug out a little bit which is kind of annoying so you can make them follow you and unfollow you again if you're not in admin mode they will also be attacking you and you can help out in the fight these guys have so much Health it's not really going to be a thing right now we are likely to lose maybe 10 or so thrs between the camels and the fighters but maybe less now that we have more camels that are fully healed I do feel like no yeah they've got they've got enough food on them still some of them could handle some more it's pure chaos I have filled a few more of them up with some food and I'm going to place down some of these banners to help out a little [Music] bit too close there we [Music] go if you are playing on official it's harder to get your thrs as close but there are definitely ways where you can drop them down to the level make sure these guys still see he was running out this guy I don't know what he's doing one my random rescues we have lost a Berserker and I can't remember if I ended up placing a door there on not but we may have lost it all sometimes you have to make them follow you and unfollow you and occasionally you got to move them around into the direction that they're actually going to be [Music] useful this guys trying to get in the camels do try to attack which is quite funny we still seem to have only lost the one guy every now and then you just got to like rescue these dudes cuz they're pretty stupid and even when they're following you they're not going to do like smart stuff like listen to your commands so we've just got camels all over the shop at the moment but it's good it's slowing these guys down in their race to try and get in and the more that these guys kind of take a long time the better cuz these guys can take them longer to kill stuff why is he so messed up can feed them potions usually won't let me I think you ate a potion you can also feed them other potion Buffs it doesn't have to be just the food buff oh we've got Isaiah the sellur just fighting for us Co I don't think we can talk to him though the leashing on these guys is [Music] crazy I would be able to place then maybe a combination Banner and if you want you can go around and like skin all these guys and get a whole bunch of skins up and if you hit them once and then hit them then and you have the double Harvest perk which I don't you can get two zal potentially so skin them once sometimes they disappear you can even get your own thrs these dudes you use sickles as well and that's less likely to skin the whole person but you're not going to get HED [Music] anyone else here dying no one that I know and these camels are like barely getting hurt Legend Bing these mercenaries to really end up doing a bunch of damage they love it so yeah The Purge isn't actually hard it's just dependent on how you build stuff and managing your throlls a bit because they're kind of stupid still to be expected go [Music] help these guys are definitely more Op with the little hats I don't think we've lost a single camel yet and still only really one door but and I may not even built that in the end I can't even remember the rewards are not worth it the amount of thrs have already lost it's not worth it for what will get back lower level teer purges definitely more worth doing up anything up until like maybe a seven sevens and onwards start getting pretty crazy and you're more likely to lose more throlls especially if they're not leveled up and with good armor even shitty thrs can take on shitty pures though this will be causing a little bit of damage oh we've gotten through a couple more doors which is why it's good to keep these guys in here in case some of these dudes slip by cuz the guys with the battering ram their goal is to just get to the doors they don't stop to fight some camels are getting a little bit more rail than others which is [Music] funny and we've lost a battle standard I've got captain and protectors I could put down Fighters all combination I believe that should help if you do happen to see Isaiah the sell stored in the cages you do not want to open the cage before you have your coins on you he'll just run away oh Father do you think it's possible I don't think I'm saying his name right well the salesold guy Isaac I know him just I just read everything how I want to read [Music] it if you had teammates Gathering all the race horses here would be really seamless they' just go around and Dodge all the guys fighting and you could also go around and help and all gather I don't like that they don't drop anything it kind of sucks I think even gold and silver maybe in their pocket something something to make this more worth it than just random hides it's definitely more worth going and taking on any form of thr Village you'd probably get better thrs from the end of it and more loot 100% chance this guy's trying to [Music] die Isa that's his name what did I call him Isaiah rip that's Wren out a [Music] bit oh no okay these guys are on to it they might kill him that is why it's good to have these throlls over here cuz that one ended would have ended up hopefully being onto it but it does seem like she's a little bugged out [Music] too you could definitely build this so it's at least a little bit pretty you could build it less than this you could build it so many different ways you could have a few traps in there even and it would work a little bit to your favor it's just not really worth it they tend to just destroy the traps I had uh this all surrounded with Palisades like that and then just and these gas traps did nothing nothing I'm so shook that this is like an ority page base that they cannot compete with and that was actually too op for them they couldn't even fight it this they're trying to and they can't compete oh we got a stuck camel have we lost anyone else you'll start seeing your loot bags pop up if you have there's another guy lost him these archers like to bug out too which is kind of annoying but once the cell sword appears after a million tear of [ __ ] these guys you then kill him he's usually up at the camp but sometimes he'll wander down here if you're not in admin mode and then once he's dead these guys will eventually disappear it just takes a few seconds this camel is getting ripped on nope you should not be trying to fight like are you actually stupid stop it he doesn't care he wants to die now we've lost some other the battle standards so I can play some more nope they probably not going to help we'll [Music] see I I was wondering if they were going to notice [Music] him it is pretty crazy that all this could be tier one and just these doors they don't they wouldn't even need to be two three to be fair they're not even getting far enough if you have enough thrs you could have even more [ __ ] throlls and just have them like not in a is good armor and it would be cheaper for you this armor is not too hard to gather definitely for a tier 10 Purge so you want to have a little bit of a bank of these mercenary banners up but to be fair you actually probably just would never bother there's there's zero point to this you're not going to get anything better Back Fighter wise you can get some pretty decent Fighters and they've bugged bearers now so you can only really get decent bearers from doing this but we've got camels so who cares I guess they the choices are definitely always a bit odd this hand of w can't be too far away we've gone through a fair few levels of purge probably about going to be 10 waves or so I'm not actually sure I've never counted but it seems to be about the level of Pur you summon that's how many waves he coping don't think yeah there we go another dude died we are losing people every now and then which does make it quite sad for what you you'll see what we get back loot Wise It's if you spend all this time leveling these throws and then what we get back is is just trash unless you get amazing RNG you might not get trash it's good times hey everyone's stuck but we're still doing things this thr needs to do better stuff to help protect she's from The Purge but she's broken so whatever they are slowly getting there but they're also pretty dumb and the corridors tend to [ __ ] them up a bit so that enables my throlls to get them especially cuz these guys aren't doing any attacking as long as all the thrs don't leave the room we're pretty good you have more doorways than this that would probably make it even better but it does make them get a little bit stuck like this on occasion got another little wave of these guys coming if you had tribe Maids as well you'd need a whole lot less THS or even yourself actually actively participating you build little Archer Towers about although I find them less effective than just having thrs running about everywhere to be fair but you could do that and have different Lots shooting these guys but yeah the I find maces and warhammers seem to be really good as well cuz it pushes them around a lot and takes out pretty decent groups of them now we got our hand land of War if we go up here finally we can kill him he's going to have the same health no matter what level although I think the lower levels he might have less but five and above he has this much at least and uh we got seven keys it is a random amount you might get less you might get more what did we get we got a barkeeper good you can usually tell the barkeeper cuz he's not carrying in the cage Luba the Luscious I mean sure she's a nice Bearer she's a nimer bearer so they used to have it so the different bearers didn't matter where you got them I make a video on it and they change it so my video is obsolete love that for me and thank you funcom for always having our back they didn't need to make them all different again like they were they could have just but yeah cool who else we get I mean we're getting some decent tier bearers from this follow me you [ __ ] did I level up that other one didn't even yeah you basically have to get higher level bearers now from um up in Samaria or new Asgard areas or from this thing uh one of our boxes is buried that's kind of annoying if we get this we'll see that we didn't get very much loot worth it we can find the Archer Post in here as well as some nice recipes strategy table armor elite armor building bids for something and occasionally you can find treasure just sit the big Treasures that you carry slowly on top of these tables I don't think I can even get rid of this Stone now with this is going to make me get a pick but you do get a fair bit of time before this whole place leaves and loot that was pretty not worth all of that effort and the loss of my thrs like what am I going to do with 25 Lance cores funcom thanks for my one obsidian composite anyway before you open his cage make sure you have coins on you because he'll will just run away otherwise and that's annoying Crush fighter three [ __ ] yes and a lean okay go lean he's the probably best one we got fight away so far I'll deck him out you know sort of crumb Le can end up with fairly decent Vitality also this guy he's going to try and run away pretty quickly so don't let that happen be prepared don't bother buying the battery Rams it's that's not worth it the explosive jars you get like 10 in there I think but it might be a random chance of getting more this stuff is maybe worth it but probably not to be fair none of this is worth it that's definitely not worth it and then he's going to just run away over here and then just poof in a moment in a moment now there but if you have the barkeep he has a chance of rocking up at your bar and we now have our bar keep wherever they ended up maybe they went poof in the end was it worth it [ __ ] no would I do it again probably not if I got my cell sword [ __ ] and my barkeep is it worth doing a 10er 10 only if you're bored and you want to lose half your things and if you're going to do it definitely build an ugly little maze base it seems to be the way Al camel I lost a couple of these guys nothing too crazy though did Lean end up joining me I don't even know in the end definitely not undoable they didn't get my treasure they still had to three do to go The Purge isn't as hard as people make out you just got to think outside the box occasionally and get your barkeep a different way I highly advise doing lower level purches though especially if you just want to harvest them for hides and Zeal you get like three or four waves in a tier three Purge you don't need that much gold it's like 3,000 get that from harvesting one stone yeah don't be afraid build yourself a maze get yourself up a whole bunch of random animals or THS and the more the area you don't have to Lev them they don't have to be in good clothes they will probably die though so make sure you don't give a [ __ ] about them and hopefully they actually fix all the stuff that they messed up in the update cuz that would be nice if they could ever Implement an update that worked or like I don't know have stuff be similar to how it is on the test live so then we could test it and it would be tested and then they would know instead of just getting us to test it and then implementing completely different random [ __ ] in the actual live version that doesn't make sense but you know they do what they do and they're not going to listen to me cuz I play PVP or something they I don't know stick around for one of these other helpful guides coming up featuring something else to do with this game no doubt and if you found this information informative smash that like button and consider subscribing if you're not already it means a bunch and until next time I hope you have an excellent day evening night morning whatever it may be wherever you may be have a good one
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Keywords: conan exiles gameplay, conan exiles 3.0, conan exiles, conan exiles 2023, conan exiles beginners guide, conan exiles age of war, conan exiles age of war review, conan exiles update, conan exiles pvp, conan exiles new update, illibet gaming, funcom, illibet conan, conan exiles age of war chapter 3, conan exiles purge base, conan exiles purge defense, conan exiles purge explained, conan exiles barkeep, conan exiles how to get purge faster, conan exiles tavern system
Id: Kw07IrXVFc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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