How To Get Easy Loot | Raiding For Loot Duo : Conan Exiles Age of War Raid & Pvp Chapter 3

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it's not open it's huge base what the [ __ ] is this we're going to raid it mhm let's go hello everyone in this video me and ped is raiding actually 06 temple in Jungle we have a little tier 2 raid base we are very poor on the building mats uh we find this base is pretty loaded but it's really bad build so we're going to try but they have the gates so they're going to sit inside and repair we're going to find a way to it somehow so P you ready on top let me see the time how much time we got we got 4 minutes okay I'm going to start climbing is it ready started yes should I bomb okay go back are you ready yes Bing let me see the clock yeah it's right time are you going to stay on the roof yeah yeah yeah okay repair hammers are activated he's down he's down put one bom he's climbing so you fight him I'm moming he will shoot he will shoot the bombs move move I'm moving come here on top drop me here bombs come here drop me 20 bombs I drop all you take 20 from it mhm boming careful oh oh I missed with the ORS okay rooftop is gone now I'm waiting for the fire cuz we are low on the healings need to play slow where is the guy down you're talking about I don't know he was down black armor I already hearing he's the Smashing repair Hammer so we need to play it clean okay who's punching me trying to see I'm placing here a lot of bombs why one shot we probably going to need to ra from two site okay let's see what going to happen should I bomb Oh my God has bomb why you not telling me you would kill me now Waring bom bom oh baby oh I can see the gates bomb bomb speed bomb no I can't I'm waiting for fire man stop when the fire go I bomb between Gates now I open the gates I think I blow the gates yeah he's coming to you cuz he he was on my side what the [ __ ] is this he's repairing my side P boom I think everything is gone my side is open is it yes we in I'm coming come my side he's too busy in my side what the [ __ ] idiot stop boming stop bombing it's open why are you jumping in fire P this guy [ __ ] up man big time I killing him he's Last Hand where are you killing you are in yeah he's dead he's dead come loot him the door I'm in yeah yeah come come come here turn turn see me see me come here loot him here here take the MS oh very good very good uh here is the door bomb the door I I will I I will pick up my door pick up my bombs on the other no no I I will let them also explode don't bomb I'm bom putting bombs I'm belowing run okay stay here stay here stay here nice nice stay in the corner don't waste uh uh we are in look yeah I know just wait up up I know P wait wait for fire we are still getting damage wait oh my God we need to go for for the beds yeah don't panic we can kill them inside couple of times first the beds uh I have Aro you just wait for the fire I have Aro from the Archer TR oh my God I'm dying to fire I'm telling you you panicking like a [ __ ] I'm not panicking you're making me nervous now don't climb to the Archer there is elevator he's here I don't see him he's invisible for me where is therei you're going to die oh my God going down what do you mean he's invisible kill him he's invisible for me I going to die run out jump down I can't buy him I I'm going down oh my God the [ __ ] T hit me are you good yeah yeah bomb here bomb here bomb here no no no I'm going for beds first oh he removed he removed okay now we need to bomb here can you bomb him here so he die oh my God climb on something jump down o man this this is very risky I'm going to wipe the [ __ ] out of here activate the bombki what are you doing I'm bombing there is a troll here let's kill 10,000 slowly ped come down come down kill this [ __ ] no no go go up bomb man bomb you kill [ __ ] the this TR is not important anymore look he's shooting you with arrows let's kill this this guy look all the TS fell down now go out go out completely or you climb it's fire it's fire wait okay he's on you nothing important down up here P you are alone down there buy me I F all the way I I F I fell all the way down I barely survive from the L do not die you alone there I'm I'm coming just bomb he going to panic wait I know what I'm going to do you need to climb on something and just wipe everything again maybe Loot and scoop oh I'm still down hooki all the way down on the Bott I died down I died down where we climbed I see I take 35 bombs from you protect me I'm coming be careful if they like uh moving loot or something where is the second guy huh I don't know did you climb I'm climbing now yeah probably moving loot how we didn't see him he's on top can you loot something now checking oh this is good loot T be careful blue ball yeah yeah I see I see don't worry let me put your bombs here put me okay move I can't now I'm going to bomb uh he's dead loot him you see he's body in front of you okay yeah he there is the bagsi it's gone the bags are all [ __ ] this is not good loot here they moved all on top my God is this back this all man now it's easier on top I'm booming big boom big boom he I'm down I'm down I'm safe he's jumped I need to heal I'm going this corner healing good don't forget I open the ceiling I open the ceiling mhm going up big loot bags here is the caloni oh [ __ ] down is the important invisible hitting me he go in the corner and heal I have the AR this go he's invisible okay he was also for me kill all this [ __ ] THS there's loot packs I need to check go go oh good good I need healings Whi I have left drop me down if you can oh my God wait wait wait he's looting this guy Feast off set down are the benches on the bottom okay I'm going to drop you heals are you fighting yeah yeah drop and feast off set I looted I'm fine ooh oh a lot of s oh he's on me let's destroy his bed this is down now I I hope he don't come he's looting he's looting on on me around me find him there are two uhuh he's down he's in V I'm climbing okay this back this spawn I looted the most important oh look how they build it oh I find the PVP room there who find the bit he's dead I bomb there's the other guy he's on top of the foron look kill him B's gone put one bomb down where I am okay look him look ready activate he's dead I pick up come loot them come loot them they they they no no no leave the leave the loot top is the PVP room there is I think one more bed okay go go I only destroy one bed and one bed rule where is the rest search take your maybe here down check the down down have station he was moving loot here there is nothing more up oh they have circle of summoning [ __ ] here wait wait I need to check this probably his bed is here they got summoning here okay nothing here yeah I think that's what the beds I'm going to destroy their PVP you investigate down maybe down is the stations yeah but it's the big like fun oh he's on me you should loot him no I told him to loot him go downlo those bodes be careful he's on you don't worry don't worry don't worry I put some bombs down activate I need to go up oh my God you almost killed me man I lose my last hand I don't know lot no no no I nine bombs left I'm going to bomb this chests on top bom he's one HP bomb he's dead huh nice yeah I kill him go him he's dead in the wait for fire wait for fire and there's a lot of trolls can you go Agro the trolls with your EGS yes yes I will go but uh first from where is he coming husi uh he I don't know from outside he looted some gear from ground and he was fighting inside he wasn't from inside oh there is some [ __ ] [ __ ] th Lo also the THS and go de or something if you a lot of hard bre building Ms not a lot youp yeah yeah four five stack shave Wood Go Depot I will stay here okay stay there I go Depot Lo the TR bodies they're looting from the TR okay loot all the bodies or have [ __ ] the have [ __ ] this is I'm looting this looting the TRS weapons and [ __ ] okay protect I'll be back he's opening I found from where he's coming keep keep in mind where is he I'm going to come he's dead should I bomb this chest I'm coming to loot don't there is the treasure chest on top top top till you come yeah yeah you want because he's here I see him I'm here now very Waring activate bomb next to him oh he's climbing this me he's climbing to you naked don't worry he destroy you you f i have the good weapon look I'm double jumping from where he find this weapon uh T sorry hit him he one dead I looted going up okay go on top now and put bomb those chests this is their gear and stuff uh make me light I will climb also to you till you placing bombs I will drop you my gear okay I'm dropping what I looted from him so you carry all those I'm take heals I'm fine now H jump activate it okay it wasn't that hard right I was thinking it was easy cuz they [ __ ] up the repairing they should have repaired both they're coming from Top man and he's coming what top the top is ended man it's a big loot back there I want to go check check if there is any loot back down kill those horses man and [ __ ] everything no no horses one of them have good saddle oh he's coming from these doors hki here is two doors and he's coming from this door but I think it's going all the way around I don't know yeah it's going around there is not behind those doors let's see what we got here 49 item heals good bow explosive [Music] Arrow this is heavy gear some some oh we didn't check log oh [ __ ] we are good no one is raing us it's kind of finish mhm we need to fast go next rate did you clear everything on top yeah did we find good stuff yeah kind of a little bit like some building M this hide here wait I'm checking around from the benches there is simple hide maybe we don't farm for for tar we say we are low on yeah I took four okay we done let's go in here on top nothing nothing on top yeah we finish GG it was a nice rate so you guys don't make this kind of mistakes if you have this case to repair from both sides you need to bomb I just distract them on p b this side and they get wiped was kind of an easy right we're going to go for the next one p where we raiding now I don't know maybe docks we here if they are online yeah we can go I'm going to arate the fence huh yeah feel I open I didn't check from the water side maybe it's open it's not open it's huge base what the [ __ ] is this we're going to raid it mhm let's go a 30 minutes raids guys the clock ticking we're going to raid this huge base on the dock you see where I'm aring yeah till you bomb the playground I Arrow this oh they build so bad like why are you building ducks like China Wall okay now it's good you see you can climb and put bombs there we got like 25 minutes I'm going to climb to bomb and me I have 10 bombs left you may be stay cuz there's nothing up here I'm going to Boom how I'm booming this this is three angle [ __ ] oh this is not good we need to go from front Okay you bomb from the other side I bomb from this side and we put try to put in the middle I'm bombing now don't climb oh how I didn't die it last oh it's fence Foundation oh my God they have fence foundation and everything it was easier to go from that corner P I should have bombed the corner man should I bomb the corner now huh bomb you bomb the middle huh yeah I will bomb the middle bomb the middle we have uh enough bombs fast we don't have time we have bombs okay I need to Rapid Fire are you ready yes I'm booming I destroyed that foundation and we put bomb okay now we bomb easy we need to stack as much as boom we can cuz the there chest on top I see but chest I'm all the way we need to stack as much as we can cuz it's going to Foundation going to blow and then we have nowhere to place bomb move move I can put I can put fast move I'm also helping you okay stack like very tight look your [ __ ] up somewhere imagine someone now shoot to these bombs yeah I move timer uh 15 minutes more 18 okay I will check him I'm bombing jump bomb I'm fine weig nice now we are talking I just blow this come on come on come on come on come on come on that's it I can put inside also this is going to be very strong oh you're going to die here m is he activate yeah I need to speed the bombing man it's impossible the base is building like that that you cannot going to sacrifice some heals baging I hear THS fighter THS inside is this sound 14 minutes I am trying to see what is inside but I cannot re build it wood don't worry now I'm going fast go go go now H is m that oh what happen almost oh something break I'm nothing careful but the fire just used 10 to heal and it didn't heal me what the [ __ ] I fell down again what is these temples man it's a bit glitchy this game is glitchy the best game okay I'm very close in we should have read this from a start what this from start he oh you don't have anything man he's not even online what do you mean he don't have anything no no I'm climbing we inside o what the [ __ ] bomb 10 minutes we go on top cor you bomb AR there is a loot bag two loot bags I don't have bombs anymore okay G it's open oh my God it's fine you don't need to climb I'm putting a lot of bomp I will protect the entrance I'm bombing what the [ __ ] how he built they open yeah how much bombs you have I have 77 it's enough uh uh 8 minutes should you drop me 50 bombs and I blow those vaults if you want it should be empty maybe it's the most viable stuff in those worlds why this [ __ ] is not uh blowing I hear fighter thrs these guys should have a stuff okay but you're not blowing anything what the [ __ ] oh I know what he did he using the foundations okay wait s minutes seven drop me bomb so I check the vaults fast uh you need to come up let me put this and when I'm waiting for fire I drop you so where you want to cor here okay this one uh take half 25 25 25 and how much Start 25 take half of 100 doesn't matter much take half of it I take did I open something no you open zero what is this unraidable this guy is a professional builder huh at the start I thought he buil very bad can you bomb both vaults no with 75 no I mean between them can you put bombs between them I'm putting between but uh it's impossible how much HP this [ __ ] have 100 you're you're only the pillars I I think it it's Tak damage I will destroy this Bas okay gone yeah loot loot loot loot 4 minutes come [Music] come oh my God these trolls I'm all dead you need to be here nothing in the bag in world was only farming tools coming uh 4 minutes oh my God this yeah a lot of Harden brick here th is going to end in 4 minutes yeah but I need to put as much as bomb as I can you need to blow the boxes I'm booming don't climb all the way on top I'm jumping down okay I open they dying the trolls o I'm taking damage here yeah yeah yeah don't do we have potions yeah no I have two potions me also how much timer timer timer uh 3 minutes okay it's enough I have 13 bomb anyway what where is his loot here is tar oh chests oh so much here the I all this chest is open how much timer uh 2 minutes take your time I have one bomb how much bomb to destroy ceiling I'm using all Bing you didn't destroy the chests chests are open okay want to destroy that ceiling to go upper I see horse up there I think we reach to the loot floor now I hope the chests are open they're not some are close now we need to arate what is this on top already what is open where is the chests look this guy is hiding something where is the loot it's over you didn't find the loot I didn't find it's uh on top is everything with Foundation ceiling walls he's hiding in in the walls oh a lot of shave wood here take that we couldn't find the loot man I'm sad event lock taking this loot here we have some fishes lot of food here nothing he was doing the purs a lot of tar here nice at least we bring something to base oh fishes this was expensive for nothing oh what is this loot bags coming down you see uhhuh what is this check oh it's troll gear all despawned what what's happening oh a lot of a stone consolid in here we need this was his gear I guess or okay we looted I think oh on top some chest also I'm going to loot some stuff since we're poor I'm taking everything nothing this was fail right yeah this was kind of fail when he build it very strong very very very very I'm done so this was for our raid day today I hope you guys enjoy it was like nothing special we are still looking for our loot in this [Music] server
Channel: Dark Cat Gaming
Views: 2,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles, conan exiles 2024, conan exiles gameplay, conan exiles raid, conan exiles pvp, conan exiles raid base, conan exiles raiding guide, conan exiles pvp tips, conan exiles age of war raid, conan exiles chapter 3, conan exiles raid pvp, dark cat gaming, survival games, conan exiles age of war, conan exiles raiding tips, conan exiles pvp base raid, conan exiles chapter 3 pvp, conan exiles beginners guide, conan exiles raiding bases, conan exiles pvp guide, pvp, raid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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