2.88 Ranged Damage Multiplier Archer ! The Best Archer Thrall In Exile Land :Conan Exiles Age Of War

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I think in Chapter 2 all of us need some kind of archers to defend our Coffer in the base from the new Purge system hello everyone my name is Jose but you can call me dark cat you're here with the new video that I'm gonna explain all kind of archers in Exile and what is the best Archer to use in the chapter 2 of age of War to defend your cover in your base so you can see I already played some pillars and that's my Coffer you're gonna place like archers pillars like this you're gonna you're gonna need to have the best archers in your base to defend against the max level of the porch and get the best loot in the game and we're gonna talk about all the archers in the game which Archer is the best to catch it and what is the range damage multiplier and what are more weapon bows arrows foods and stuff you need to give them so if you want to know all this stuff make sure you watch the video till the end to realize it and if this video helps you a little bit make sure you put a like on the video it will helps me a lot so let's start from left I catch all kind of trolls here and I put the damage multiplier on this board behind them so you can see which troll have what kind of multiplier with how much HP that's really important to know so I also I don't have the authority perk as you can see I'm gonna I'm gonna show you here so my attribute is normal like a string Vitality agility it's like PVP build I'm gonna follow them and I'm gonna put the this is the command for for checking the range damage multiplier from your Archer to see what is the damage you can see it says get follower stats damage modifier range so when you click on this you can see on top on the bottom it says 1.44 so as I typed here this really counter treasure Seeker have 1.44 range damage multiplier that is pretty bad after the hugely nerfed the rally counter treasure Seeker Archer they are not a good Archer anymore as you can see here they have pretty high agility 30 almost like 40 agility destroyal have but with that damage multiplier on the Range part of the Archer this is not really good Archer to you so this is pretty bad to use we're going for the next one it's the volcano archers Venom venomous something like that so the Archer have 40 strength and only 15 agility but when you follow it and you check the damage multiplier range you can see distal have 1.92 so there is a things over here there is some calculation that I don't know exactly you need to like combine or I don't know mix something between this agility with the damage multiplier with the weapon damage all kind of this stuff to check the result of the damage in total but as you can see here I only explaining the damage multiplier so you guys realize what Archer you need to massive catch for the next update and it's also depends like which Archer is the easiest ones to tame imagine if I explain okay this purge Archer is the best you need to take this Archer but you're not gonna get it because it's from Purge and you're gonna get it like pretty rare I mean maybe with the New Port system it's easier to catch it but it's still harder than for example go to tame a relic Hunter treasure Seekers that there is all of them over there on named City you can catch 10 thousands of them like just go every day catch eight this volcano troll is also a little bit easy to catch with 1.92 it's a pretty good troll to use but the the agility is down so we're gonna find a better troll to to tame the next one is the this is the interesting one we're gonna talk about it at the end so wait for this one with the 2.88 damage multiplier so this is gonna be the winner with this one so we're gonna talk about them at the end we're going for the famous peace Master tamus with 59 agility 100 girl chance on agility we're gonna check the damage multiplier here and this piece Master damage multiplier range is 1.8 so this is pretty still good troll to use as an Archer why this one have 1.9 why use 1.8 because this look at HP on this Troll and look at the HP on this Troll and on this troll 2000 eight four thousand so it's the HP on The Beastmaster is pretty valuable it's a double the normal like Archer and the damage multiplier is 1.8 it's not that bad I guess it's pretty good truck to do so it's one of my top three Archer trials that I recommend for you guys to use is still be smarter Thanos can be a really good Archer we go next one is Dino Master Huntress that you're gonna find it uh under the broken bridge here close to them in this location I'm gonna mark it uh here that I marked so you're gonna find four hundreds here 100 spawn chance that you're gonna find this Archer that I also needed to explain you guys these trolls where you're gonna get them so this master tamus is here where I'm standing here so you can find it on the North jungle over here and you're gonna find these volcano trolls all around the volcano it's random you need to search for them and Relic Hunter is gonna be on the red area it's gonna be like some areas here it's gonna be one area here it's gonna be one here it's gonna be one on the bridge it's gonna be one here this is many like these spots you cannot find these treasure Seekers and we was talking about the huntress so the hunter is gonna be the 3600 HP uh with the damage multiplier 1.5 so 1.584 this is pretty bad damage multiply from range so this troll will be removing it from the list this is not good at all if you also check the agilities element so completely trash do not use this Archer we're going for the Marcus the accuracy is the like kind of archers from mounts of the dead so if you go to the Mounds of the Dead cam you're gonna find some archers it's like this is the mail you're gonna find also female of them you're gonna find them on the mounts of the dead so I'm gonna check the 3400 decent I'm gonna check the damage multiplier it's gonna be 1.92 pretty decent so with 1.92 multiplier with four three hundred three thousand four hundred HP and only like 28 agility this is not pretty not bad you're gonna get you're gonna work on the stats of agility better maybe you're gonna give them an elixir of rivers to stay attributes and stuff so this can be also good Archer but getting it this Arch is pretty hard that I don't recommend to focus this Archer this is not good at all like how what is the chance I go on the mounts of the dead and find the tier for Archer it's pretty low chance so we're going for the next this is the one of the good ones the Marcus pain of the Beast so how you get this Archer you're going for the correct dungeon in here where I mark it so when you go to the correct dungeon You're Gonna Farm the blood crystals that have already dedicated video you can watch that how to get a lot of blood Crystal here you're gonna turn that blood Crystal to the coins ancient coins and you're gonna buy each 50 ancient cone you can't buy thralls and you can massive Farm These beasts you don't even need to tame this Orchard you can basically purchase it from Traders and look at this it's it's a very a little low HP but if you check the damage multiplier it's 1.92 so for a troll that you can purchase it from trade and you're not gonna go and tame it for hours this is pretty good I put this on number two on my list this is top two Archer you got a massive farm this imagine I can put 50 of these trolls on my base or I need to spend hours and hours to get two of distroll which one is better on your your opinion so this is pretty good troll we're gonna check the agility it's also 25 agility with high damage so this is also pretty good you can see the perks are not good you can work on the perks to get a much higher agility on this one so top two distro this is the warp near this is also art an orchard you purchase it with this one from kurak dungeon a pretty high value of the HP but not a good Archer if you check the damage multiplier it's gonna be 1.584 it's pretty low damage multiplier so you can also I mean when you're buying the trolls from Kura dun it's gives like five of these and five of these you can also use this Archer there is not they're not gonna harm you but they are they doing much lower damage than this one so you can also use this but as you wish you can use them the next one is Faria fario is the Archer you're gonna find it over here in the what is the location on H9 and the little Champion 100 spawn chance 3200 HP not pretty good value on the health bar damage multiplier 1.584 pretty trash remove this truck from the list do not use this this is even hundred percent spawn chance I don't recommend to use it when there is a lot more better uh stuff to use so this Persona Archer 4000 Health part this is a troll you're gonna get it from the black hand on the ship over here I'm gonna mark it you can see this is the ship on the sinkhole you can run from the sinkhole I'm gonna follow it and I'm gonna check the damage multiplier it's gonna be 1.8 so the bosuna also have a pretty good and high damage multiplier but I still don't recommend it because finding this gonna be pretty heart because you are pretty pretty much like one person to five percent chance to find this on black hand so this is this video is all about massive product or massive tame archers for defending the base against Purge I'm gonna open push over and over and try to get the best Loot on my base so I'm gonna need a lot of archers not like one Archer per week so we're going to the best Archer top one of the winner of the video It's Gonna Be Still The the 40 archers any tier 4 tafari Archer gonna have high damage multiplier you can see that this is one of the Arches I'll get it's a source shot I go there something like that's pretty hard name when you follow it you're gonna check the damage multiplier on this Archer it's gonna Amaze you it's 2.88 almost three damage multiplier on Range so this is kinda like my other video I made from cannibal brute cannibal brute also tier 4 dafari fighter that have like 2.8 or 3.2 I think it's 3.2 damage multiplier this is the Archer from the cannibal from the dafari that have this high amount of multiplier as you can see you can check the agilities 333 agility so it's also didn't get that much of agility perks so imagine you can get up to 40 agility to 50 agility that's gonna multiply with 2.88 it's gonna be crazy amount of damage if you use the legendary bows and the stuff that I'm gonna show it after this so this stuff for the Archer is gonna be insane this is is the next end call the cannibal this is another cannibal Archer these archers have damage multiplier 2.47 as you can see I I typed it on his name but we're gonna check the damage multiplier 2.4768 so a little bit lower our damage multiplier from these ones but you see all the cannibal archers have high range multipliers so this is gonna be the winner of the video top one the cannibal Archer so you're gonna go on the drags here on this marker that I Mark with the sword double sword this trick is gonna find Archer tier four you're gonna all the way in the noob River you're gonna find The Archers tier four you're gonna find it maybe on the summoning place you're gonna find it on the Azura cave you're gonna find it over here small cams on the New River it's gonna be all around the new area or the cannibal like there is also a lot of Canon behind the behind the summoning place like over here next to next to sinkhole so it's pretty a lot of locations to find the cannibal archers but this is also hard to catch this Archer so since it's pretty strong I recommend to go find this Archer to have some strong archers for you for PVP for base Stefan but I think the Archer is going to recommend for you to massive purchase it's gonna be these Marcus bane of the Beast 1.92 damage multiplier and you can buy it pretty much a lot of them so we're going for the armor we're gonna use for The Archers it's gonna be not many heavy armors out there to gives you the most amount of agility weapon damage but these two armored sets that I fixed here is the best armors we're gonna give the give to your archers so the first one is gonna be the perfected heavy sets that you're gonna find it from the journey steps from Master our armored so you can see here armored you need to complete this armor then you go the next armor then you go Master armor so you need to do three Journey steps from armor to be able to get the recipe from this perfected heavy gear set that each piece gives you five percent strength and five percent agility is pretty big value on the these stats and it's heavy so for the for the kit you put bulkit on the throttle kit that's gonna gives you more armor so you can see it's gonna be pretty good set and if you guys don't want to learn the journey steps or if you don't know how to learn this heavy perfected set you're going to go for the stygian armor the stigian full heavy gives you five percent of each piece and it's not DLC or it's not anything you're just going to the armor and you can learn the styjian from here so you can just unlock it and you're gonna just make it pretty cheap but I recommend use the the best set gonna be full perfected and you're gonna use only the godbreaker leggings that gives you more armor but the same value so for example I'm gonna wear this armor to this cannibal Troll and you can see that the armor value is 2013. this is look how this is how it looks like the armor on the troll it's pretty it's pretty ugly to be honest I don't like the like view of this armor but you can change it with the sorcery bench you can change the look of the armor of the troll so this is the armor how it looks like on the throttle you're gonna use this armor that gives the most amount of agility you can see this legging gives you five percent but this gives you 100 something more armor value than this one you can see this one is 380 but it's also five percent on agility the bows we're gonna use on the trolls the best legendary pool you're gonna give them it's gonna be the huntress why it's gonna be the hunters it's 31 damage 21 armor pretty decent damage and it gives bonus agility that's why I uh choose this bow because when you give this ball you can see on this Archer I'm checking the stats you can see on the FX there is nothing on the throttle but when I put this bow on the throttle hands when he's using the ball you can check the stats it gives 15 extra agility buff so when this Arch is shooting with this bow he adds 15 agility damage to his damage that is massive because three piece of armor is gives also 15 so imagine you get 15 percent extra more agility damage just with this bows and if you don't want to use that but it's fine the best craftable bow that you want to craft in your base is gonna be the curry ball that you're gonna learn it from Wine Cellar dungeon in the set City over here uh let me check it where is The Wine Cellar it's gonna be over here on the Water Somewhere so you're gonna go to The Wine Cellar John Don John learn the curry weaponry and make curry bows with the damage uh Carpenter's gonna be 36 damage and 21 armor pain it's gonna be a little bit more damage than the huntress but it doesn't have the actual agility weapon damage 15 next we're gonna talk about the arrows you're gonna give to your trots you know if you don't give the archers arrows they're gonna shoot a stone arrows like or Flint arrows automatically so they have infinite amount of arrows but if you want them to do more damage you need to give them like you need to put the arrow on their on their like inventory like this so they use this kind of arrows that you put inside so I'm gonna recommend to use a star metal arrows that's gonna be the most damage on the game for now this a this is like the client of the beta I'm testing this stuff so it's gonna be in the chapter two also all this stuff that I'm explaining so the black guys arrows hard near 15 damage 14 armor pen not recommended hardened is still 15 15 not recommended obsidian Arrow 16 17 maybe use obsidian arrows if you cannot make a star metal errors if you if you don't have enough star metal to craft but I still recommend the storm telaros 18 damage and 16 armor Penance much easier to farm star metal than obsidian for sure so we're gonna go for the star metal arrows and for the food of the troll to heal the troll fast as possible it's gonna be the Exotic Feast this is the 10 HP per second on the thrall you can see how you're gonna check the what is the best diet of the troll what is the best food and what is the best stuff to give your troll to heal I'm gonna show you an algorithm that kind of helps you on this food diet so you're gonna go from up here you can see it's a cooked pork from left to right each food gives you one Health per sec so cooked pork gonna give you one HP per second she this roasted this shredded roasted 2 Hp per second great grilled steak three HP per second four five six seven eight nine ten so we go from left to right like this so a gruel here easiest foot to craft on the game that gives you 6 hp per second and it have a stack of hundred so this is a pretty valuable food to give to the troll to heal and it also gives you 14 strength damage so this is not a growing on agility for agility food you need to give trolls something else to grow on the agility I think it's gonna be I don't remember pretty much what is the food for agility so you need to find the agility food I don't know if you guys can put it on there below on the comments because I don't have in mind what was the agility full food to level the trolls on it so you're gonna either go for gruel or if you are pretty rich if you are alpha and you have nothing else to form you're gonna go for exotic feast that gives 10 HP per second and it's gonna Heal The Archers pretty fast and also if you guys are wondering why we're using this helmet on archers you can also use godbreaker helmet to be gas protected with 400 something armor but I don't think anyone killing the trolls with gas anymore they are using maybe bombs or damage arrows imagine how you have a bow Curry bow and I'm using storm metal arrows and headshoting your archers so they're gonna die pretty fast so no need to use gas mask so this was pretty much all the information you needed to know about your archers in this game so you I hope you guys enjoyed this video and you can make your like towers and defenses like this for in the next update chapter 2 The Purge is waiting for you and they're gonna attack your base make sure you prepared with all these archers in your base thank you guys for watching I will see you all in the next video [Music] thank you
Channel: Dark Cat Gaming
Views: 16,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles, conan exiles age of war, conan exiles age of war chapter 2, conan exiles 2023, conan exiles gameplay, conan exiles archer, conan exiles archer thrall, conan exiles best archer thrall, conan exiles the best archer thrall 2023, conan exiles new purge system, conan exiles archer thrall guide, conan exiles best arrows for thralls, dark cat gaming, conan exiles coffers, conan exiles archer build, conan exiles food buffs for thralls, conan exiles tips and tricks 2023
Id: yXJ9JWw3YH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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