Cyber Punk Kit Bash Tutorial -- Marmoset Toolbag

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey guys it's Jamie here from 3D scan store so in this tutorial I just want to show you how I quickly kit bashed this sort of cyberpunk scene using my music tool bag and all the assets I've used are from 3D scan store there's no external or third-party textures and the hair the head the jacket they're all 3D scan store assets um here's just a few quick sort of renders of the scene itself so we've got a lot of detail in there and I want to begin just by showing you how I set up the initial alarms I've seen and we'll start off with loading in the assets and looking at the lighting so in order to make the scene we're going to need three items basically we're going to need the head obviously the hair and the jacket background object is just a cube that I've made in marmoset so if we have a look here on scan store the head that I'm going to use is this one a female head zero six um the clothes I'm going to use are essentially a man's jacket it's actually this one and so that's the jacket we're going to use and the hair is just um we've just started creating external hairstyles and this is the hairstyle that I'm going to use um so the first thing I want to do is get the scene set up in marmoset So when you buy one of the HD head scans it comes with the marmoset scene which has got everything all set up and working including all the shaders um eye shaders reflection in the eyes lashes all that sort of stuff it all just works straight out the box so what we want to do is just adapt the scene so we don't have to create any new skin shaders or anything like that so let's start by loading in the jacket so in the jacket model when you download it you get the choice you've got the fbx models you've got all the textures everything there so what we're actually going to use here is the decimated model and this is a decimated version of the high resolution sub dual subtle subdivision level six um model from zebrush so we'll just load that into the scene where is it there it is up there we'll just move that into position I'm just going to change the Pivot Point on this just click edit Pivot Point and then I'm just going to drag it into the sort of correct position for this head and it's a bit big but I quite like that and that's kind of the look that we're going for really as a sort of big comfortable kind of thing we're not going to see any of this area here we're only really focusing on the um the top half because this is just a sort of quick kit bash scene it's not meant to be um full final model I might just scale it down a little bit because I think it's a little bit big just have it about there actually let's just move it up a little bit so it's a little bit bigger so we're sort of covering our neck a bit kind of like that sort of oversized cyberpunk color thing that everybody loves so I think yeah we'll go for something like that and something I like to do quite early on is just actually frame the the scene a little bit just so we know what we can work on and what we don't have to work on so in the main camera options Environ set you just go to Safe frame and just click that on and then in the render settings just check your camera resolution so I'm just going to set it to 384 by 216. and now you can see we've got a um a safe frame here that shows us what the scene is going to look so we can sort of frame that a bit better we can't just move this jacket a little bit now because it looks a little bit maybe just scale it a bit smaller there we go something like that and for the textures we'll just load in the generic textures that come with this jacket just to start with just to get the scene set up so to do that we'll just make a new material we'll just call it jacket drag it onto the jacket and then we'll load in the normal map which is in jacket folder textures it's in the real-time folder normal map I'll start to add some detail to the jacket now we will add the Albedo map now we'll add the roughness and also the metalness map these all come with the model there you go so that's textured and the next thing we want to load in is the hair so I will just show you how that works in blender so here we are in blender and we've got our headscan loaded in I just uh file import fbx and just import the um the same obj or fbx that you're using in marmoset and now we're going to want to load in the alembic hair that was exported from the Maya xgen scene so we'll just go to file import alembic and then we'll just go into our space buttons which is the name of the hairstyle scenes and now you might notice that these have imported as at a different scale and that's to do with the Olympic export from there so what we want to do is scale them all to the same scale as the head so just ctrl-click all of the items you want to scale which is all the separate parts of the hair and then hold down alt and click the scale and holding down alt means it'll modify all of the objects at once so we're going to want to do 0.01 and then hold down and click the next one 0.01 and then alt again and 3.01 on the last one and there we go we have the hair loaded into the scene so in order to export this uh to render in marmoset what was that can't render Olympic guides we need to convert these to polygons so the simplest way to do this is really easy in blender basically they'll just do it on one strand to show you because I don't want to do all of them because it'll take forever well not forever but it'll take 20 minutes so let's take one of these um these spaces for example so all you do is select the hairstyle or the section of the hair you want to convert click object data properties tab which is this one here and then you've got a tab called geometry and in here you can set the profile the depth and the resolution of the geometry for the hair so we're going to set it to profile and we're going to set the depth to zero point one and then we're going to set the resolution to zero because we don't want to make huge huge files and if I zoom in there you'll be able to see that this has actually been converted into real geometry so that's no longer just a guide or one point poly it's actual geometry and then getting this out of um blender and into Amazon simply a case of export and just export that as a hair obj and you can see here I've already exported the um all of the different pieces of the hair ready to be loaded into marmoset this can take a little bit of time as well I should point out um I think exporting some of the larger pieces of hair like the um you know the top pieces here that took about five minutes for my machine to actually do that so just bear in mind that it can take a little bit of time okay so we're back in marmoset now and we just want to import that hair that we've just exported from blender so just go to import model select the hair that you want to import we'll just use that strand just as a quick example and there we have the hair imported directly from blender so you can see around this quite nicely as it is and because this character is going to have um you know sort of uh long white hair I don't think we really need to worry too much about the hair Shader um to be honest I think I'm just going to keep it as it is with the default Shader on I think adding some highlights of stuff to it maybe we'll look at a bit later but it don't think it particularly needs it because of the matte nature of the the color so we'll just import the rest of that hair and I'll do that quickly and pause this while I do it okay so here we have all the hair imported into marmoset and it's um it's a big model so it's going to slow miles that down quite a bit so you can see it's kind of chugging along there so what I'm actually going to do is just put it all into a folder so just select all the objects click the folder button and now I can just switch it off and you know we're back up on this one there is these little strands at the back where are they back strands and uh we can just turn it off so we don't need to have that on you know while we're setting up the lighting and stuff like that we'll sort of switch it on and off periodically just to check it so now we have more or less everything in the scene that we're going to use for the model so the next thing we need to look at is the lighting okay so in terms of lighting the first thing that we want to do is add the background object just so we can sort of frame everything up and then figure out what lights we need to do the rim um and sort of any you know uh lights are going to come from the background so the background is basically just a sort of little sci-fi image that I got off Google and it's nothing special it's just a little sort of do for a thing I don't really know what it is and to add that into the scene all I did was I went to plugins and generate Primitives and we're just going to click Cube and add and then we have a gigantic Cube so that cubes way way too big so we're just going to go into this sort of view here and we're going to find the gigantic Cube and scale it down just using the scale keyboard shortcut and sort of make it into a kind of a an oblong my computer is being a bit clunky here we're just going to position it behind her and then we're just going to add a surface to that we'll just make a new material we'll just call it background or BG nice and short and then we will drag that onto the surface and then we'll simply load in that little um image that I had earlier I think I just called it screen there you go and now what we want to do is make that emissive so we'll go to emissive add the emissive Shader there and again just add that on and then we can control the intensity of it and I might just change that color a little bit just give it a little bit of a sort of greeny kind of color there we go and now we've got the background in there I might just turn the um roughness down on it a little bit just so it's not so reflective you can see the light the key light is actually reflecting off it there all right so I'm just going to reposition the background a little bit just so it's kind of in the in the right place and maybe just scale it a little bit as well scale it down a little bit okay it's not particularly bright at the minute but we're going to add some lights in to simulate the glow from this so we will actually make that brighter with the the next light that we're going to add which is going to be the rim light which you'll see will affect um here like a and shine you know lighter hair from behind and her jacket as well just before we do that we're just going to change this um light here this is the main light that's in the scene when you get the marmoset tool bag scene open from the scan store scans there's two lights there's a studio in here which is currently enabled and there's this one which is just a a gray background with a light on it that you can move around so we're going to enable that scene um and then we're just going to position the light just a bit kind of like this and we're going to turn the brightness of the background down a bit we're going to turn the brightness of the child light up a little bit we can actually just move this child light around just by dragging and clicking it here so we can kind of position it wherever you want and I'm just going to put it about here just something you just want to glint in our eyes a little bit about there and just turn the child light brightness up a little bit and the child light also has a secondary light attached to it which is kind of like um what the adder one does is creates a sort of a larger kind of foam spec and the little one is kind of like the actual intensity of the bulb in the middle which creates a sharper highlight so I'm just going to change the color of that a little bit just make it a bit sort of a bit more orangey maybe see if that works maybe I'm not sure um might be a bit here I don't know I might just keep it a bit brighter anyway something like that and we'll just turn the brightness of this light up just a tiny bit just to actually quite like this sort of reflection that's going on here in the background so now we're just going to add our um rear Rim light that's going to simulate the lighting from the background so we're going to do that by creating a new light so just click the new light button there and you'll see it appear on your screen so at the minute it's a um it's a spotlight we don't want an omni light so we'll just change that to Omni and we'll just sort of move it into position that would probably work something like that and you can see here we're getting this really harsh kind of jaggedy Shadow so we want to increase the diameter of the area of the shape so we'll just drag that up a bit you can see that starts to soften off the Shadows quite a bit and we also want to make that the color of the background so we'll just click the color you can actually select um home screen which is pretty cool let's make that a bit more pink I think something like that and just have a look at that in the scene so I think that kind of works well maybe fiddle with that you know when we're doing some tweaking at the end and now I think I want to add something over here like a sort of blue light so you can see from the um the image here I've got quite a nice sort of blue light going coming in from this side so I'll just go ahead in here and create a blue light so again omnilite color it's going to make it sort of a Bluey blue kind of hue and then in the setup scene window set it to Omni and I'm just gonna set the diameter again a bit bigger so it doesn't create too much of a Sharp harsh angle and then I'm just going to turn the brightness up so we can start to see it on our face so I'm just going to position that about there I think for the meantime for a little bit again I quite like this what's doing to this sign here and but I might tweak that a bit so the next thing I want to do is just see how that looks for the hair so we'll just click the hair back on quickly just to see if it's working and I think it's looking pretty good so we've got that nice pink and light simulating the light from the um background and then I sort of blue blue kind of Rim here and I might just add another little light in just sort of up here a bit later on just to try and sort of help light the darker areas of her nose but one thing that we want to do here is we want to add um a sort of advanced card light maybe underneath here um just to bounce a bit light up onto her face and the way I'm going to do that is quite cheesy I'm not going to use a light I'm actually going to use another Cube so I'm just going to go to template or Plugin sorry and create generate primitive and I'm going to click Cube again you can use a plane if you want I just like cubes they're easier to sort of see what you're doing with wow that's quite cool that looks really cool anyway we'll scale this Cube down so it's the right size currently it's massive as usual and this is really chugging there when it's rendering because it's calculating all sorts of scattering and bounce light inside that Cube so I'm going to scale that down and I'm also going to flatten it a bit this is what's great about mom is that you know you can just do stuff in real time so quickly and see you know updated real time Ray tracing and maybe just move it up a little bit I'm just going to put it there like that and let's have a look and see the difference with the on and off so you can see it's kind of lighting up from below a bit it's creating a bit of a bounce which I think always helps um because now she's standing in a you know room with a completely black floor there's always going to be a bit of bad slight so I think that's working quite well underneath so I'm going to leave that Cube there again you know if you zoom out you'll see this horrible Cube but we're not actually focusing on that area we're just focusing on the the top half as it's just a quick sort of Kit Bash um so like I said I think I'll add a nice little orange kind of little fill light in here so again I'm just going to go to add a new light gonna make it Orange ish can make it into an omni light I'm going to turn that hair off because it's really slowing things down just go into my setup View and here's my little orange light here so I'm just going to move that up here a bit increase the diameter a little bit just something like that just a little bit of a fill nothing you know particularly strong and then I'm just going to check that with the hair on just to see how it looks cool okay so that's getting there she's actually missing a strand of hair here and I might have accidentally deleted it I've loaded two two of that one in so I'll just fix that okay so I've just loaded that um haircut that was sold hair geometry and that was missing so got the full hairstyle now so now we've done that we want to start looking at eyes eyebrows and the pose of the face so the eyebrows and the eyelashes they're really easy we're just going to make them white so what we'll do is we will select her eyebrows find the um Shader in here eyebrows and we'll just make them white like that maybe make the alphabet less and you can see her eyebrows and the texture underneath don't worry about that will actually remove that in the next stage because we haven't done our face texture yet and our lashes again we want those to be white so just change those cool so we're getting there so now we're going to do her eyes and her face texture because I have actually modified the face texture a little bit because you can see here she's got a full sort of human skin tone whereas in the final image we're going for a more sort of cyberpunky very very pale somebody that's never seen a daylight maybe they've lived in like the depths of a you know like a massive industrial city for their old lives but anyway we're going to desaturate the skin on the texture and paint out those eyebrows okay so here we have the skin texture for the mesh that we're using again this comes with the model and the first thing I'm going to do is actually just decrease the image size because it's 16k and we don't need that so I'm going to reduce it down to 8K um and now to create the uh sort of look that we've got here I want to desaturate this a bit so I'm just going to do um brightness contrast no sorry not brightness contrast um key saturation and I'm just going to turn the saturation down quite a bit to about there Maybe but I don't necessarily want to set desaturate all of her because even though she might be desaturated in terms of a skin color lips relatively full of blood so you know we want to keep them sort of a lip color so I'm just going to select the gray here select the mask and then I'm just going to paint out the um lips here on the mask maybe a bit more even just try and keep the color of the lips a little bit and then for the eyebrows let's just turn that layer off and do this on another layer as well I'm just going to select the um spot healing brush which is this one and to get rid of the eyebrows I'm just going to go splodge and spludge and I'm using the mouse here because my microphone's actually setting on my Wacom so please um don't make fun of me for my Photoshop skills at the moment but this will do this will literally do cool so then we've got desaturated version with slightly saturated lips so let's save that and see how it looks so I'm just going to save it in my folder so I have a point tutorial that I'm doing we'll just call it I'll say that's PSD so I can go back and modify it face Albedo and that will go into bomb set and swap out this Albedo map in the head texture there you go we're starting to get that sort of really pasty kind of look now that we have in the in the original image now maybe I'm just going to adjust the lighting a little bit because you can see here we've got quite a nice sort of Shadow on there on the face a bit more like this I think cool okay and now we want to modify the eyes as well because well they're brown and they don't look right we want these sort of blue kind of wolf eyes that she's got which I think look really cool so I'll just go into Photoshop and load up the eye texture okay so I've loaded up an eye texture so this eye texture is actually from a different one of the scans on the scan store it's somebody who actually has blue eyes the model that we chose had brown eyes so I'm using this woman's eye texture and all I'm going to do basically is cut out this section of the eye here placed it into a new layer which is what I've got here Layer Two and that is the um in the center of the eye and all I've done is just do a levels on it just to make it brighter so basically just cut out the eye center and then make it brighter and desaturate it a little bit and that gives us a kind of like bright blue sort of you know kind of cyberpunk wolf eye so I'm just going to save that in the same place yeah just call it I and here I'll simply select the eyeball Shader oh this saved it why not save a copy not that one hi here we go hi and that'll swap out the eyeball textures so now we've got this sort of kind of terrifyingly blue eye Almost White which looks pretty cool so now we've got the skin texture and the eyeballs done we can maybe play around with the lighting a little bit like for example think maybe the um key light is a bit too strong given how much we've desaturated her face so I'm just gonna knock it down a little bit just turn it down just a little bit and I think the rim light could be repositioned the blue one a little bit because I think it's creating too much of a highlight on that side of the face so we'll just reposition that maybe just turn it down a little bit there we go something like that okay now what we want to do is pose the eyes and because they are looking straight forward there's nothing characterful about somebody just staring straight forward just before that I might just knock the eyelash Alpha down a little bit because I think they're a bit strong so just in there eyelash Shader just turn that Alpha down a little bit and actually the um texture here you can see it's a bit dark so the in the diffuse here we had um looks like she had makeup on so I'm probably just to get rid of that Darkness I'm just going to do a really quick fix here because this you don't really want this because it kind of destroys a whole white eye thing I'm just going to select that color there and again don't laugh at me but I'm going to do this um and I know how hacky this is but trust me it'll look good smoothing on let me just turn that off and then we'll just save that texture again nope yeah now we start to get rid of that sort of black kind of line that was around her eye because it doesn't help it doesn't help at all right okay so we're going to go into posing the eyes now for this we're going to do this in zbrush because as you could possibly get mum's it but it's not a particularly great uh it's not particularly great at finding center points of objects so we're going to do all that into a brush now okay so here we have our character head in zbrush and what I want to do is create like the nice pose I had with her eyes so we want to make a look to her right um so you can just click on the eyeballs I'll just turn everything else off here first thing to do is get the center point of the eyeballs so we'll click on the eyeball layer we'll hold down alt and hit rotation to since the rotation I'm going to hold down alt and we'll click on this little D for it and that Center is the actual Loom the the Gizmo in the center of the object that you selected so when we rotate it now rotate the eyeball around it sort of pivot point so we could just sort of do that you know and just move the eyes um to wherever you want really do that on both sides um and that's sort of a quick way to do it I guess but there is slightly more accurate way to do it that I prefer so what we want to do is create some eye line models so if we just go to the mic there sorry my mic's in the way of my um black on again let me just breathe in so if we create some objects we're going to create some cylinders and just scale them down so they're nice and thin scale them down and then stretch them scale them in again get it nice and thin there we go and I just rotate those and what we want to do is position those dead center in the middle of each eye so I've got one there and then we'll just duplicate that object and we'll move it over to the other eye to zoom in to get it centered cool okay so now we've got two straight lines that kind of represent our eyeline and we want to use these then to sort of pick the focal point of the eyes so I'll rotate the first eye so the way to rotate all of this at once and basically you can turn the head off turn off everything you don't want to rotate so we'll just have this eye and its corresponding cylinder which is here for some reason it should be underneath it and we're just going to hit rotate and we're going to click this button here which is going to transpose all subtools but if we want to have the head on that'll also transpose the head if we rotate it so to stop that if we select the head and just mask the entire head off and now slip the eyeball and rotate you'll see it doesn't transpose the head so let's just give her a sort of sideways glance to that eye looking about there like that and then for the other eye we do exactly the same thing and we want to rotate but you'll notice if I try and rotate this so it rotates everything so basically we want to turn off this eye and we want to also mask this cylinder so it doesn't rotate that either and now we just rotate this and this and we've got a kind of an eye line so you kind of see where she's looking so if you want to be sort of looking at you at the camera which in the scene is you know about here sort of thing and do it to about there you can imagine that if they were longer um and then we just turn those off then you've kind of got some eyes looking to the side which I think it adds a lot more character than them the you know just looking straight forward always looks a bit rubbish so all we need to do now is just export these eyeballs replace the ones that we have got um and that should just update in the scene so I'm just going to export these just into my folder I'm working in cyberpunk tutorial let's call it I write make sure you turn off the um texture when you're exporting in obj otherwise it'll um export the texture as well which is always a pain so we'll just jump back into mum's it now and we'll see that update and here we are our memberset and you can see the eyes have now rotated um because we export we exported over the top of the other ones so we can turn on full quality now and here we have our scene I might just do a few little tweaks um I think these eyebrows look a little bit harsh Maybe so we'll just go into the eyebrow Shader browse and just drop the alpha down a little bit more in the scene I've actually moved the um blue Rim light a little bit because I think it was a bit too far around so I've sort of moved it back so it's a bit further back I'm actually desaturate that um face a little bit more I think maybe could go a little bit whiter so I'll just go into here find my Albedo and I'll just adjust this Hue saturation a little bit a little bit less saturation a little bit lighter and then I'll just save that foreign there we go and that's the final scene so it's very very quick I mean essentially all I did was bird in the head third in the hair load in the jacket add a background which is just a cube add another Cube just to do a bit of uplighting and then add three lights which is the purple light from behind blue uh Rim light and then a little orange kind of fill light that just sits up here and doesn't really do a lot it's just a little fill and then obviously the main scene light which comes with the um the actual scene itself so all we need to do now is just frame it so always a big fan of looking up at somebody I don't know something like this and then if you want to render that a high quality and marmoset if you go into the render settings we can adjust everything so we can turn the batches up we can I mean it's already quite High and we can turn the samples up and then you just set your output directory set your resolution let's do a big one and I haven't changed any other settings in this scene I haven't changed any of the um camera settings over and above the original moms that scene that you get from scan store so all the exposure all the tone mapping everything's exactly the same so I really haven't touched that so let's just do a quick render and see what it looks like fill quality okay so here is the final big render so yeah it looks pretty cool I think and we'll go in and we'll do a quick render of the so close-up of the eye as well so we can still see how that looks let's zoom in nice and close to about here and we'll just focus middle click and just hit F10 again to render okay here we are with the close-up of the eyeball so you can see all the nice skin texture and sort of detail you get from the HD head scans finally you'll just do a quick render of the sort of I don't know the lips Maybe just middle click on the mouse to focus the zoom and then hit F10 again great thing about this is when you hit F10 it automatically loads it into Photoshop for you here we are so yeah and it's very very easy to create scenes like this I think um this approach to sort of kick bashing characters with the Scandal models works really well um again you know you could do the same thing with a full body if you wanted to and you know we've got everything on here we've got red apologize body scans um you can easily you know dress up a full character add whatever sort of garments from the clothing section that you wanted and we're going to be adding more hair products soon we only have one at the moment but we are working on that so there'll be more coming soon um but thank you very much and um I hope it was useful and I hope you guys get something from it so if you have any questions just um feel free to put them in the comments uh on YouTube or in the blog or wherever you see this posted um or you can always email me um info at cheers guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: 3D Scan Store
Views: 12,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Tutorial, Marmoset, toolbag, Cyberpunk, Lighting, Rendering, Characters, Zbrush, Hair, Clothing
Id: 3hcyBnkqSHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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