Letting go hurts ( Masakit ang bumitaw )

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[Music] the countrymen of jesus were fuming angry at him why were they angry because jesus said destroy this temple what is so special about the temple [Music] long [Music] every jew is proud of these three things the land the temple [Music] all of these put together by one king king land temple why were the jews angry when jesus said destroy this temple because at the time the land was occupied by the romans because at the time the kingdom was divided and therefore they had only one reason for being proud the temple and our one reason for being proud the temple you are going to destroy [Music] that made them very angry in fact during the trial of jesus it would be one of the cases he said destroy this temple kasuyun now what is this saying to us before you judge the jews the countrymen of jesus for being so unreasonable i will ask you what do you do when something very precious to you is removed from you [Music] what will you do when somebody tells you about something very priceless very dear to you and then that person says [Music] what do you do and you will understand why the jews were angry because the temple was very precious to them the temple had their gold the temple heard their precious stones the temple had their love the temple had their devotion and this will be destroyed this precious building will be destroyed our pride will be destroyed now my dear brothers and sisters it is good to be reminded today that everything you love will be taken away from you everybody you love will be taken away from you [Music] the bible is clear spiritual literature is clear [Music] everything you love will be taken from you everything everybody you hold dear and very precious will be removed from you why there is only one answer [Music] why will all these things very dear to me be removed from me why will all these things very precious to me be removed from me why for only one answer they are not god [Music] they are not god and therefore they will be removed from us because at the end of it all only god will remain with us because when things become too special for us and we hold on to them very tightly or we cling to them very tightly they actually become our gods that is why they need to be removed because they become our idols the temple of jerusalem remains destroyed until now and our own little temples if not yet destroyed now will soon be destroyed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m and i say it again my dear brothers and sisters if you cling to tightly they will become idols and that is idolatry if you hold on too tightly they will become your gods more important than god with the capital g [Music] everything everybody you hold precious will be destroyed but the beautiful thing my dear brothers and sisters is this once they have been destroyed once they have been taken away from us they will return to us in a new form [Music] of [Music] yo [Music] but they come to us they return to us in another form and this time they return to our lives brought back by god and when god brings them persons and things back to us they return to us differently because we now see them as less precious than god [Music] my dear brothers and sisters the temple she hold here will soon be destroyed [Music] [Music] we will be standing on our bedrock solid rock it is the lord and now we understand we have not lost anything we have not lost anyone it is the lord who is with us destroy this temple destroy everything precious destroy everybody dear they are not gods but keep in mind everything will be destroyed except the lord and it is the lord who will return everything destroyed and gave us a new beginning a new life a new heaven a new earth thank you for listening thank you for watching please look for father sock on youtube and i hope you can subscribe to the channel there i can meet you with more reflections with more homilies and then we can interact and you can also tell me the questions in your heart the questions in your mind which i hope i can also answer in the same channel it is not technology that brings us together it is the lord it is not technology that has brought us together it is our love for the lord and our love for the church may the spirit continue to work in all of us god bless you
Channel: Sabins Studio
Views: 647,722
Rating: 4.9677114 out of 5
Keywords: #CatholicisiminthePhilippines #SabinsStudio #Homilies #CatholicSocialMedia #NewEvangelization
Id: Rpra7MX0agQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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