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[Music] we have been taught and it is correct time is gold we have been taught and it is right that time is money that is why lazy people are reprimanded for wasting their time [Music] [Applause] [Music] time not waste is we became slaves of our schedules but there is something more important than time [Music] there is something more precious than gold it is true that the face of your watch is important but do not forget that the face of the person seated to you is more important than the face of the watch it is true that time is gold and gold is precious but time and gold are not absolute there is something somebody more important than time and who is that our timeless god there is something more important than gold or silver or diamond and who is that god our treasure [Music] why are you always hurrying there are many reasons the slaves of the land owner in the gospel were hurrying they wanted to remove the weeds right away [Music] foreign [Music] many of our countrymen are in a hurry because the suffering is too much many of us are in a hurry because we are so concerned about the present because we are not sure if we will still see tomorrow [Music] we are not sure if the future will still welcome us that is why we are in a hurry because the mystery is too much the suffering is too much and my dear brothers and sisters when the poor are suffering please do not judge that the poor have no discipline no the poor are suffering but they are not less disciplined the poor are suffering and they're in a hurry because they might not see tomorrow anymore [Music] it is not because people are not disciplined it is because suffering is too much and that is why we feel that tomorrow might not come anymore do you remember the good thief you remember the bad thief the good if said remember me when you come into your kingdom the bad thief said if you are the son of god come down from the cross save yourself and us he was suffering nailed to the cross hands and feet can you blame him for mocking it is wrong to mock but it is understandable because suffering is too much do you remember martha and mary asking the lord to heal lazarus and prevent the death that is why when the lord went to bethany and lazarus had already died [Music] the first reason why we are in a hurry is because there is too much suffering if you are suffering from sickness in the hospital [Music] haunting little compassion for the sufferings of one another because that could be a reason why we are in a hurry [Music] then you're going to ask me but some people are not suffering why are they in a hurry [Music] indeed if i am always in a hurry with you it could be because love is gone or love has diminished because love and hurrying up are incompatible [Music] mahalo [Music] real love is patient real love is kind real love waits saint paul says love is patient if love is patient love can wait if love is absent we become impatient that is simple if we are always in a hurry if we are always rushing could it be because love is gone or love is diminished and that is why we no longer enjoy the presence of the loved one [Music] people who love will enjoy timelessness people who are in love will not look at the face of the watch because the face of the beloved is sweeter than the face of our wristwatch it is more pleasing to look at the face of your loved one than to look at the face of the clock if the face of the clock has become more attractive than the face of your wife or your husband or your parents or your children it could be because the clock is now more lovable than your husband than your wife than your children than your parents [Music] the second reason why people are in hurry is because we are lacking in love and the third reason why people are in a hurry is we do not believe in god anymore do you remember hearing [Music] do you remember those words those are godless words because if you believe in god you will understand that god has always been patient with us if you believe in god you would understand that god has always been merciful with us don't tell me this is politics this is scriptures this is the word of god god has been waiting for us and god does not like instant solutions because god does not rush us yes time is gold but god is timeless and he's going to wait yes gold is precious but love is more precious than gold and those who cannot understand god god who is patient god who waits will become impatient with god and some philosophers some experts say atheism is not the denial of god it is not about the denial of the existence of god atheism is simply impatience with god we are impatient with god because we want god to intervene and solve our frustrations and heal all sick people we want god to solve all our problems to solve all our hunger we want god to rush and when god does not answer us according to our time we say hindi um my dear brothers and sisters if we can create a god who will answer everything that you ask for that is not god you have become god because you are commanding god and telling god what to do when god does not always answer us and when god allows us to live in our helplessness in our weakness in our frustrations in our disappointments when god allows crucifixions to continue why it is not because god is purifying us no being [Music] because growth can only come from god and growth cannot be rushed growth has its own rhythm [Music] and the rhythm of growth is the rhythm of god and when we start to walk the rhythm of god when we start to walk the rhythm of love then we will not hurry anymore we will not be lazy we will not be complacent but we will walk in god's time and growth will continue because people who have forgotten how to wait will also get stunted [Music] are you still in a hurry because you're suffering too much put love into your suffering and then we can take up the rhythm of the lord are you still in a hurry and impatient with god ask god for the grace of patience even with him patience with him [Music] sometimes i think we are catholics by certificate but we have become atheists with our hopelessness we deny god because god does not answer us according to our time let god be god let the rhythm of god be our rhythm there is love let us live like the lord who is always with us in his timeless love for us
Channel: Sabins Studio
Views: 728,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #CatholicSocialMedia, #FilipinoFaith, #ProudCatholic
Id: vbN-FVnKKdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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