8 Sci-Fi Movies That Amazingly Predicted The Future

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just this week open aai and Google made huge announcements in the AI space we are edging closer to the world of science fiction every day and in this video we're going to delve into the eight Sci-Fi movies that have made accurate predictions turning their imagined Futures into our reality some of these films didn't necessarily intend to predict the future but rather to offer a glimpse into an alternative Universe yet the fact these Technologies exist today shows just how far we've come so now let's delve in and go through the movies in order of when they were made and the first item in this list is Metropolis from 1927 Metropolis directed by Fritz Lang is one of the earliest and most influential sci-fi films and introduced the world to Maria one of the first depictions of a humanoid robot this film's vision of a robot indistinguishable from humans laid the groundwork for modern Robotics and AI today humanoid Rob robots like Hansen robotics sopia not only mimic human appearance but also engage in conversations express emotions and perform complex tasks echoing the pioneering ideas presented in Metropolis the next one is the sci-fi classic 2001 A Space Odyssey stany Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey introduced us to Hal 9000 an advanced artificial intelligence capable of speech recog recogition natural language processing and autonomous decision making the 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made this film predicted the development of voice activated AI assistants like Siri and Alexa decades before they became a part of our everyday lives Hal's ability to interact with astronauts using natural conversation foreshadowed the sophisticated voice interfaces we now use to control our devices such the we web and manage our homes in addition the film depicted the concept of video calling which resembles modern day services like Skype FaceTime and zoom next we have Back to the Future Part Two which gave us a glimpse of 2015 Through The Eyes of Marty McFly complete with hoverboards and smart glasses while we may not have hoverboards exactly as depicted in the film similar technology does exist today in the form of hoverboards and mag left technology smart glasses like Google Glass and augmented reality headsets bring to life the film's vision of weable tech that can provide realtime information and enhance our interaction with the world around us the next one is the fifth element which envisions a futuristic world where Advanced Medical Technology can regenerate entire organs and in some cases entire life forms one memorable scene features the rapid reconstruction of the protagonist in its body using sophisticated machines today this concept is not far-fetched with the Advent of bioprinting technology which uses 3D printing to create human tissue and organs researchers are making significant strides towards printing functional organs potentially revolutionizing organ transplantation and Medical Treatments and the next one is The Truman Show in The Truman Show the character of Truman played by Jim KY lives an ordinary life unaware that his every move is being broadcast to the world as part of a massive reality TV show this film foresaw the explosion of reality television and the culture of surveillance that pervades our lives today reality TV shows have become a staple of modern entertainment and social media platforms have turned many aspects of our personal lives into public spectacles making Truman's fictional predicament strikingly relevant next we have iroot which portrays a future where autonomous robots are part of everyday life performing tasks ranging from household chores to complex problem solving the film also explores the implications of AI driven robots coexisting with humans and the ethical consequences within the film there exists the hard-coded three laws of robotics whether or not future AI systems will be programmed with such rigid constraints is anyone's guess but regulation is is inevitable also today self-driving cars from companies like Tesla are bringing this Vision closer to reality while AI powered robots are being developed for various applications from Healthcare to customer service embodying the futuristic Concepts presented in the movie the next one is the movie her in her we follow the story of Theodore a lonely writer who forms a deep emotional relationship with an AI operating system named Samantha this AI flirty girlfriend voiced by Scarlet Johansson showcases a sophisticated level of artificial intelligence capable of understanding interacting with and forming bonds with humans oh hi hi how you doing while Siri and Alexa might not be at this level the new realtime Voice Assistant recently announced by open AI is the closest that we've seen so far hey chat PT how are you doing I'm doing fantastic thanks for asking how about you the rapid advancements in AI suggest that emotionally intelligent and deeply interactive AI could soon become a reality transforming how we interact with technology on a daily basis and last but not least we have Ready Player 1 Ready Player 1 transports us to a dystopian future where people escape their harsh realities by immersing themselves in the Oasis a vast virtual reality Universe this film's portrayal of a digital and virtual landscape has become increasingly relevant as Tech giants like meta and others raised to develop expansive interconnected Virtual Worlds Apple have also released the Vision Pro fairly recently which I'm sure also aims to develop their own ecosystem to compete with the likes of meta these metaverses aim to provide spaces where people can work play and socialize in immersive digital environments blurring the lines between reality and virtual experiences much like the Oasis since the world is progressing so rapidly towards what was previously considered to be sci-fi it's hard to know for sure whether we'll one day live in a world similar to Terminator where we're engaged in a war against the machines or in a world similar to Star Trek where we're using machines and Technology to explore the Galaxy personally though I lean slightly towards the optimistic rout there's too much uncertainty to reliably predict catastrophe whereas the benefits are strikingly obvious and we'll continue to see them for years to come let me know though in the comments if you're excited about the future and AI or if it's something to be worried about anyway that's all for this one I hope you enjoyed if you did then feel free to like subscribe or let me know any suggestions in the comments otherwise I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Daniel Morgan
Views: 1,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi predicting the future, predicting the future, science fiction, science fiction movies, sci-fi films, 8 science fiction movies that predicted the future, OpenAI, ChatGPT 4, Google I/O, Google IO, Metaverse, virtual reality, robots, artificial intelligence, AI, machine learning, sci-fi movie predictions, movies that predicted the future, future predictions, accurate sci-fi movies, sci-fi classics, science fiction films, top sci-fi movies, movies about the future
Id: ZHXia4VoBeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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