Let's Talk UniFi w/Reilly from HostiFi

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[Music] all right welcome welcome welcome everybody to yet another crosstalk live stream hope you're all having a good day it's friday weekend time uh yeah i think there's a lot of people traveling this weekend because it's actually uh what holiday weekend this weekend so i am not traveling but i know a bunch of people that are so be careful if you're traveling anywhere make sure you're taking all precautions and all that sort of good stuff and uh yeah just a couple housekeeping items here at the top of the show uh follow us on twitter we are getting close to 10 000 twitter subscribers so i'm looking i'm looking forward to hitting that milestone and so it's at crosstalk sol if you're not following already and i tweet out a bunch of stuff i actually got banned this week for tweeting something goofy i got put in twitter jail for about 12 hours i'll tell you guys that story if you're interested in hearing it uh but on top of that we have a discord channel there's a lot of folks actually in chat here who are also members of the discord it's a pretty active community people answering questions and helping other people out we've got different categories for networking and starlink and phone system stuff and general chatting and all that sort of good stuff so go check out discord dot io crosstalk if you're interested in joining the crosstalk discord community i think we're only about 10 discord server boosts away from getting some sort of custom url or something i don't know andy's our moderator he is our discord guy and he knows a lot more about that stuff than i do so andy if you're in chat uh say hi to everyone and if you guys get out of line uh andy is an expert at swinging that band hammer so try to uh try to keep it cool all right so let's hop right into it uh we have a guest on the live stream today of course this week if you guys have been following you know ubiquity unify stuff this week has been quite a lot of news around especially the ubiquity breach i put a video out about it yesterday now in this live stream we're not going to spend the whole livestream on the breach we're not going to go over all of the details or anything like that we might have a little bit of discussion if you guys have questions and chat about it certainly pop those into chat and we will get around to answering them also if you have a question you absolutely need us to answer uh super chats are available as well so if you give me a super chat put a super chat in the chat we will definitely take the time to stop and answer those questions okay well without further ado let's bring in our guest he is the owner and operator of hostify which is a managed uh unifi hosting service do i have that right i mean is that what you would describe it as yeah it's pretty simple um you know the tagline launch unified cloud we manage the servers and provide uh support around it all right well this is uh riley chase uh riley is on twitter it's what at underscore r chase underscore yes unfortunately our chase was taken so someone understood like randall chase out there somewhere has that uh has that that's the good one that's funny so hostifi tell me about host by now you've been running hostify for i mean what a few years now i know i've been in contact with you about it for at least that long yeah so i started in um in 2018 and launched it in in may of 2018 so yeah it's coming up on uh three years and a couple months so very cool yeah and it's been uh it's been successful uh i'm sure it's been an uphill battle as with any startup company but uh you sort of turned the corner and and making it a profitable business at this point yeah it's doing really well um been hiring a lot of people recently and we have over 1500 customers and uh we're managing um yeah 1500 different uh unifi and uisp vps instances in the cloud it's a pretty pretty uh pretty big scale 100 000 ubiquity device is connected no way service oh wow yeah now are you um do you use like bare metal servers in a data center type thing or are you using some sort of like aws or like digital ocean vulture type platform we're using vulture actually and um each of our customers has their own vps instance and depending on how many devices they're connecting we've kind of made a couple of simple you know packages they can purchase and as they connect more devices obviously we need to buy a bigger server and we charge more money um for managing that but uh yeah it's pretty straightforward each customer has a vps and so our our uh our vulture bill now is over 120 000 per year yeah they're loving you that's funny yeah we actually use um a vulture for our back end of our free pbx hosting as well and i found them to be to be great honestly um there's been you know maybe i can count on one hand the number of like actual serious issues we've had over the past probably two to three years and they've always been very responsive very helpful uh and um the one thing i will say though is you know if you guys are going to be setting up any sort of vulture digital ocean line ode any of these types of hosting providers don't rely on their snapshots as your backup okay snapshots are not backups right if you're going to have backups make sure you are backing up to a separate location so we we take snapshots for all of our hosted servers but we also have completely separate off-site backups because you can you know the snapshots basically stored on the same host node as the virtual machine in most cases so i mean you guys i imagine i have you have uh snapshots as well as separate backups as well that's right and i just want to take a moment to talk about that because uh no pun intended a lot of people got burned with the uh the ovh fire where um they they had assumed that the snapshots were the backup and um while the snapshots are on hardware that's supposed to be redundant and stuff whereas the vps is literally just a physical disk that has a hardware failure um you know at least you have the snapshot but in that case with the ovh data center and i think it was in france they the backups like you're saying people who are relying on those snapshots those got burned up in the same data center as the bps instances even though they're on separate servers or separate hardware it's still in the same data center and so we are doing our backups where we're actually on a whole separate provider for backup so we're using digitalocean spaces and we're uh each night we have scripts that log in and copy the backups from the vulture servers over to digitalocean spaces and that way um even if all of vultures data centers burn down i guess or they went out of business or something happened to them we have everything on digital digitalocean we can spit up new droplets there and restore from those backups so um yeah definitely thinking through backup strategies and stuff like that it's really important are the vulture snapshots comp i mean can you take a vulture snapshot and upload it to digitalocean and fire up a droplet and and it works that easily or um i'm not really sure about that because we don't really use the snapshots what's interesting about vulture snapshots in particular is there's two different things you have the backups which you can just click to enable backups and those kind of create snapshots but the the frequency isn't very customizable and then you also have the concept of snapshots now on digitalocean when you take a snapshot of a server you're paying for the storage of that snapshot you can have as many snapshots as you want vulture's pricing law is a little bit different so when you take a snapshot of the server you only you it's free but you can only have 10 snapshots and so um yeah it's a little less customizable we also use a service though called snapshooter.com and it's a friend of mine that runs that company and that allows you to take as many snapshots as you want and you can change the frequency um with digitalocean you know you can only do like weekly or daily or something like that with snapchat you can do like hourly but we don't really rely on snapshots too much because that's kind of a waste of resources when you're backing up the whole entire server when we really just want the unified backup because we can take a unified backup restore to a new unifi install and then update dns and all the devices reconnect so um unified backups are much smaller than a snapshot and so it just makes more sense to you know use less space have you have you looked at docker for your um platform yeah so like interestingly uisp is natively inside of docker so i've had to get used to the docker commands like i personally don't know that much about like kubernetes docker and all that stuff i haven't spent that much time on it but i started to learn a few docker commands just from helping manage all these usb uisp servers we have about 100 of them are managing and so you know i might have to run some docker man commands to get into the command line or get into the database to do things on a uisp instance but um for me uh you know i questioned a lot it's like people are like you could save so much money if you use docker and kubernetes and you can share resources and all this stuff but um you know just the way i like to operate my business i like things being really simple and i like the fact that it's it's kind of distributed there's no single point of failure where if we mess something up it's gonna take all our customers offline so like it's a server messed up like that's one customer and all of our other customers are running just fine because they're all in separate rooms i kind of like that even though in theory kubernetes is all you know replicated and everything right um it just seems simpler to me to keep them on separate vpss yeah i um i'm not i'm a docker novice i i have just a brief understanding of how it all works but i did a docker unified video and it struck me as you were saying that you kind of back up the whole server that like you know with the docker unified stuff you create your docker container and then you have links you know outside of the docker container to the local file system where you're storing things like the you know the ubiquity config files and stuff or the unify config files and so it just seems like almost like it would be worth investigating it you know as you said people have already suggested that to you um but yeah i'm no expert in docker or kubernetes either it's just uh it's just something that like you know there's there's so much stuff in it that would be so fun to learn and play with and there's ju like time is the thing that yeah there's just not enough of you know um yeah i have enough trouble just trying to get two videos out on the channel every week we're like running a business and then trying to you know do like eight or ten hours worth of youtube videos and editing and production uh is just that's sort of what i've grown to understand in my later years here is that like time is the most valuable commodity that anyone has well let's bring in some uh let's bring in some of these folks here i'm gonna bring up the chat window there we go uh tom lawrence by the way making an appearance in chat hey tom also i saw brandon yarbrough from crosstalk is here uh one of your guys is here too oh the hookup is here as well boy this is uh how many people are on this thing right now 347 people watching holy moly thank you guys thanks everyone for being here that's absolutely awesome uh if you have questions for myself or riley regarding you know unify or the breach or anything like that pop them in the chat and we'll get to those as we can certainly as i said earlier super chats get priority now here's a question for you i'll start it off being sort of a unified expert i mean you guys go through i have so many questions about like your qa processes and stuff but like what in your opinion what is the stable version of unifi right now um currently we have all of our customers customers on 6.0.45 and so that's the one version behind the latest version which i think is 6.1.1 um we decided that we're going to skip 6.1.71 now we were originally going to treat it with a lot of extra caution we always treat new releases new major versions like we're going from 6.0 to 6.1 that's a somewhat major release since we always treat those with more caution than um just like 6.0.45 to 6.0.46 we'd be more ready to test that quickly and apply it quickly but with major release going from zero to one um you know we're looking more carefully at it we're gonna spend more time looking at it but in this case just based on what i'm seeing on the forums and the known issues that ubiqui's already kind of uh put in there is like hey this isn't working i can't remember what it was but like uh you know the client's page is slow on large installs well most of our installs are large installs so that's not gonna be a good thing so stuff like that um but you know that's part of one of the biggest values of our service is you know if you are hosting your own controller hopefully you're not just clicking update whenever an update comes out but you're probably spending hours reading forum posts and all this stuff like we're doing you know all of us are on the forums looking to see what other people are saying about a release when it comes out and so that's that's part of our process too as well as our own testing and stuff i'm in the background so what version did you say it was my version of unifi that i'm running on my host for my production customers is 6.0.45 is that what you said you're on right now that's correct that's what all of our customers are on currently and we're skipping the newest release which is 6.1.71 which just came out last week yeah i so i have you know and it's there's such a big difference between you know a test network and a production network um you know no matter what you could possibly think of to test you know something will be missed right so it's like what is your qa process you unify comes out with a new release how do you gauge whether that's a release that you're going to move all of your all of your uh you know hosted servers to yeah so we were really careful with it because like i said we have over 100 devices connected um 1500 servers we're managing and so if we were to push out a bad release um it would cause us a lot of pain you know on the support department having to roll people back and and people would be mad at us and so we're super we're super cautious and you know one thing we're doing is we like you said it's really hard you can't test every single thing so um you know early i don't remember if you remember but we we don't have this anymore but we used to have a free plan and we had thousands of people sign up for our free plan now what the free plan was is it's a shared server and so it's one gigantic unified controller with a few thousand devices on it and these are people's home networks where um you know you know if they are a business we've we've warned them we've told them you know you should probably upgrade to your own server and not be on a shared server so we've been pretty transparent about this but basically we have thousands of devices all kinds of different configurations um most of them are just people's home networks and stuff and so what we'll do is um we're not going to upgrade that right away but we we read the forum post and if it looks like this release is okay we're going to upgrade that server first and so that's our free plan users they're kind of our guinea pigs and um and so if they have issues we can roll it back right away so in in the case of like some of the early six releases that were really bad that's kind of how we were the first ones to find out about some of these vlan issues and stuff and so we uh you know we still helped those free plan customers they came to us like oh this messed up my network was you know apologized really sorry about it we we restored the server back to the previous version and helped everyone out of those problems but it saved us from blowing up our paid customers that are in businesses primarily so um that's that's our main part of our um process is testing on our free plan server and then once that test goes okay we've tested thousands of different devices and configurations on that server um then we'll start rolling out slowly to customers who request it a lot of customers are going to come to us requesting us to update right away because what they're trying to do is migrate a version that's already on the newer version and you can't migrate from a new version to an old version so like literally the day a release comes out we have customers asking us can you update our server why is our server not updated right and so people are mad at us you know and so we say well we don't recommend upgrading yet we haven't finished testing it but if you have to migrate the site today we can upgrade it for you so you know um we have those customers that uh start testing it out because they want to get it early and then when new customers sign up on our website they're getting the latest release and the reason that is is because um we don't want them to be stuck not able to migrate so we have um you know a very you know a dozen or so people on the day one that are already on the new version testing it and then if we find issues we start rolling them back and stuff but we wait and uh and then another thing is we don't upgrade all of our customers at once we have like a rolling release so we'll upgrade like batches of customers you know we'll do like 100 one day 100 the next day and so that gives us time to roll back if we need to and stuff and just feel it out for like potential issues right i mean because there's just there's stuff that you're not going to catch someone asked valor hart asked um how do they upgrade 1500 vpss to a specific release now is your upgrade path automated yeah it is automated we use python scripts um you know there's a lot of different ways that people manage this many servers like ansible is is something you might have heard of but there's ways to manage lots of servers um python is uh you know i write my own custom scripts and there's like an ssh library called parameco and in python and so basically ssh is into each server and it runs specific commands to do whatever we need it to do to upgrade the servers sure very cool so you just say hey i've got this set of servers we're going to go ahead and run the like i'm a little bit familiar with ansible and like an ansible you have an inventory file where you list all those qdns and you can group all those together into various groups and say hey i just want to run this command on these groups i assume it's pretty similar to that yeah i mean the script has um started off really simple and it's gotten quite complicated now like i told you we have literally like a dash b like it's a you know command line parameters that i programmed into it so like for batches i have like a dash b and then i can do a batch of 100 and it will like stop when it gets to 100 and then it's also keeping track of like um it keeps track of which ones it's already done and the way that it does that is it'll visit um you guys might not know know this but uh if you go to a unifi instance you go to colon8443 status it will tell you what version you're on and so we'll the script will like scrape that to see who's already been upgraded so it doesn't upgrade someone twice and and different things like that so yeah it's gotten complicated over over the years but um but in theory it's it's really simple it just logs into each server and upgrades them right right so uh uh secret squirrel asks uh any update restock release windows for the u6 light or six lr access points so i get asked this actually on a very regular basis hey do you know how i can get my hands on xyz product and i got to tell you right now there is no one that i know of outside of ubiquity and even a lot of people i know inside ubiquity that haven't the slightest idea when stock is gonna come in for any of that stuff so yeah we don't know um i don't have any sort of crystal ball or special insight into how it works with ubiquity i do know that product shipping globally is kind of a mess right now and very delayed i mean we're having delays not just on you know unified stuff like the new u6 access points and stuff but we're having delays on um like phones like you see these phones i've got over here you know this one in particular is the the model 270 it's the crosstalk 270. i'll throw in a plug for our own phones uh these were like delayed twice already this year where it's like we've got orders coming in but uh you know these are rebranded clearly iphones and clearly ip's just like we're just sitting here waiting for like pallets and pallets of phones that are just super super delayed so if you guys are looking for ubiquity equipment to come in and when's it going to get in stock especially some of the hot new items like the g3 instant camera and the u6 access points good luck man there's places you can set up like a watch list i think ubiquity has a notify me when these are in stock function um but i've heard that that is actually even too delayed there's also a ubiquity discord it's not an official ubiquity discord but it's run by folks who are you know ubiquity enthusiasts and they have some sort of automated mechanism for notifying when things are in stock as well so there's two sort of tips i can give you on how to maybe get notified when stuff's in stock but but that's it so we're getting to the uh the important questions here we got a super chat from uh cajoling technologies curious what hair gel riley uses on point i actually don't use hair gel hair is actually just stuck i wake up formation yeah yeah so when when covent hit i just started eventually shaking my hair got so long i just started shaving my head eventually and i do mine myself so yeah i don't use hair gel either all right so let's see the hookup is talking to lawrence systems look at these uh different youtubers talking to each other i think it's fair to say that all of unified's business practices are a mystery at this point yeah it's i wouldn't even say at this point i would say always i mean ubiquity has never been quite forthcoming about their uh their internal practices about their road map um you know we really never know what's coming there's often times you find out about new ubiquity products based on their like fcc filings and stuff which is which is interesting right but that's just the way it's always been now let me ask you this since you you run a company that i mean i guess ubiquity doesn't have their own paid unified hosting right they don't have a cloud hosted service that's similar to yours or did they used to so they did when we launched and um they uh the reason why it fails they really they provide like a terrible customer service you know how they are with support and then imagine that but your controller's there and you're waiting for them to reboot it or something urgently like their sports terrible and so um originally they came out with a program that was like really it was really well priced it was only like 200 a year for 100 devices and then um they started increasing their pricing uh when i launched host five they had just increased their pricing like 10x and they start her device and uh the you know what they're charging was kind of like for that elite service but i mean uh since like 2019 or it's been a while i can't remember i wrote a blog post when i found out like wouldn't it happen but uh they killed off the um cloud hosting and then they also as far as i know they don't do elite anymore either and that's what i've heard through the distributors even though that was never officially announced and um they don't do the elite or the or the cloud hosting and we're still we we pretty much absorbed all their customers i think at this point but i mean even as recently as last week we're still like some customers who had purchased the unifi cloud hosting from them and they haven't updated their controllers in years so like they're still running on 5.11.50 for their customers who are paying them lots of money like thousands of dollars per year they're not updating the servers they're doing anything i don't know if they do backups or what they do but all i know is they are like not reachable for support when things go wrong so now is there um i mean are you in any sort of open communication from ubiquity or have you heard from them at all about your service i mean i would be i would be nervous like if i had never heard from them like one day they're just going to send you a cease and desist or something has that are you like on good terms with them yeah we're on good terms um so i've i've talked to them a total of uh two times but you know always in my mind i always viewed us as a distributor of their software so similar how they have a hardware distributor we're kind of a partner with their business because it's something they don't want to do and we're looking for them in sales and like we're converting to people to unify all the time just like you are with your channel you know like i'm out there we're doing sales demos we're talking to people we're telling them the benefits of unifying all this stuff so we're kind of like an extension of their sales team that they don't have and that's kind of the whole model to begin with is the distributor business model so i always saw us as a partner of ubiquity not a competitor of ubiquity and we're out there um you know promoting their product doing marketing for them and so um that's the way that i always saw it and then um i was surprised in october of 2018 um you know so only a few months after i started notify we received a cease and desist letter from ubiquiti's legal team and i thought oh man this is it it's over and uh and so i was pretty upset about that and then i wrote them back and i said wait a minute you know i read through the cease and desist letter they said i said wait a minute what does this actually mean and so i sent them like what do you want me to do do you want me to shut the service down or like what does this mean basically they're saying we're infringing on their trademarks and uh uh the legal team wrote me back they said we just need you to remove the ubiquity logo from your website so okay i mean i'm pretty sure you have the you have the ubiquity logo on your website chris tom has it on his website everybody has the ubiquity logo on their website but they targeted our hostify told us to remove their logo okay whatever so we literally if you go to hospit.com right now we have uh we have cropped the ubiquity logo out of the unified screenshot and uh and that's all they wanted me to do so i sent their legal team an email back i said all right does this look good we cut the logo out of the unified screenshot and they said yep everything's good and then i didn't hear from them again until december of 2019 i received a letter from robert parra the ceo of ubiquity and he sent me a unified dream machine when it came out and he said thanks for your continued support of ubiquity and uh good luck on your future endeavors or something like that something really big that he probably said to all you guys but he probably said to you and tom lawrence but uh but yes it was kind of like all right cool now i think we're friends but those are the two times i've ever heard from uh ubiquity well that's i mean it's because like you think about um you know your business model is at least as far as hostify is concerned it's entirely dependent on ubiquity right so like absolutely you know you look at the the decisions that they've made in the past such as eliminating the ability to self-host unified video comes to mind right so like yeah yeah yeah i carry i yeah i just again i don't have a crystal ball or inside into ubiquity or anything like that uh but i can see this like thing kind of like tingling in the back of your brain saying like gosh what if they ever decided to eliminate self-hosting of unify in lieu of like the udm udm pro and cloud keys is that like are you are you all concerned about that oh yeah of course of course yeah so i mean you know my entire net worth is wrapped up in in the fact that uh hopefully they're gonna continue to allow me to do this business uh so so yeah it's stuff that keeps me up at night but you know actually over time i've actually become less worried about it just because um yeah i would say i'd probably i was probably most worried about it right when they killed off unified video and it looked like they're taking a new direction with things but um i don't know i don't know why i just i'm not that worried about it because i think they're they had maybe it's because they had such a backlash uh when they took unified video to protect and um and i just feel like uh they're they won't take away self-hosted controller and they i feel like they want to so bad but they know that like their their target market and their community is is gonna just be pissed and they're gonna go they're gonna leave but i don't know it's still you know and then you know my the last thing that happened was when they accidentally quote unquote who knows what happened they removed the multi-site feature from the cloud key firmware um and then i think that was a big community push once again that you know don't do this and so they actually backed off that and then they they actually made a statement for the first time ever saying that we we continue to support they didn't even say we continue i think they said we we still support i don't know what they said but it's basically saying they will support self-hosted they have no plans of killing it off and i think that was them kind of giving up that they're like they keep moving this direction but they're not going to do it but i don't know yeah i don't i i cannot imagine that they would kill off self-hosting because again they it's just there's too many self-hosted unifies out there um you know and it's just i don't know it would really be shooting themselves in the foot at that point um because exactly and that's why i'm not worried about it because it's it's shooting themselves in the front not me yeah i mean you think about the devices that can actually run unifi or the udm udm pro cloud key cloud key gen 2 plus right and obviously the older older cloud keys and whatnot but like think about those devices in comparison to the people that just have self-hosted unify and a ton of access points and switches you know it's it would be insane for them to do it and even if they did make that decision um it wouldn't be an overnight decision like even even unified radio took a year before they officially sort of you know closed the door on it so i think you'd have at least plenty of heads up if nothing else you know if they were ever going to make a change like that alex uh i missed a super chat alec dobler thank you for the five dollar super chat alec he says anyone from the unifi youtube crowd tom chris riley mac telecom the hookup talking to brian krebs i think we'd all like an interview oh yeah brian krebs might be a little uh i don't know he strikes me as the kind of guy who's a little bit more big time than would be on a small youtube channel but uh i would say if anyone should interview him it should be uh tom lawrence he's he's kind of in my opinion he's probably the the best out of everyone that was mentioned as far as like you know on on the ball about security and whatnot so so maybe tom tom reach out to brian krebs see if you can see if you can lock down an interview all right hook up uh he says riley i imagine that most of your clients are i.t providers with many sites within their controller question mark that's correct yeah so we're not targeting home users and so when people say host fi is really expensive why would you ever pay for that um for our customers they think it's really cheap because you know they're they're big it businesses and 50 bucks a month isn't anything to them but um yeah we our 90 of our customers are it service businesses you know like chris and tom you know they um the guys that i they know how to install the controller but they'd rather have you know one less thing to worry about and so um and i also have a partner that they can go to for support and stuff like that not that chris or tom would need our help with anything but um but yeah um mainly i.t service providers that are customers and i think that's a big disconnect with um ubik what like what ubiquity thinks is their target market also because um i mean it's always confusing when they're targeting kind of prosumers and then they're targeting like enterprise but really i think their market is i.t service providers who deliver their products to smbs i think that's their real market their markets not smbs or enterprises it's it service providers and i think there's a big misunderstanding with their marketing as far as i mean that's just what i'm seeing at least and maybe it's because because i used to be an i.t service provider that somehow i got all these i.t service providers as customers but i feel like that's the real market for them and i don't think they really understand that for some reason but that's just my my uh take on it now uh you know i'm looking at your web page here and it says the hostify advantage one of the things you have here is dedicated support now do you use do you support unifi included in the price or is that a separate like you charge people separately because believe me being a guy who's also in the support industry mostly on the pbx side uh i can tell you that people would most certainly be taking advantage of it if you if you had that bundled in how do you do your support yeah we we do actually it's very um in-depth and it's not just support related to the controller we actually help people with the network devices any kind of wireless or network switch issues um uh you know questions about how things are configured and anything to do with ubiquiti products we provide support for it and we don't have a service business so um you know we don't do any hourly uh any hourly work it's purely uh software as a service so 49 per month but that includes you know unlimited access for phone email and live chat support with our support team and um uh people would probably think we're pretty crazy i mean we are pretty busy but um but i mean it's uh we're we're still able to write people back within like five minutes like like we have really fast support we have two people on our support team and um and then we have a third person who's kind of half sales half i don't like to call him sales because he's a he's an i.t business owner as well and he helps people understand about our products so when you click book a demo that's vinnie in the uk and um and so there's three three guys total two support guys and one sales guy but between the three of them um they're able to help a lot with a lot of questions very cool we are up to by the way 522 concurrent viewers at this moment thanks everyone for being here uh we're talking to riley chase from hostify if you've just uh joined us if you're interested in hostify um the pricing is right here on the screen so it's 49 bucks a month for up to 500 unified devices or there's you know annual plans as well which brings it down a little bit cheaper than that and what i'll say is you can go sign up you'll go check out hostify.com and sign up for the plans but if you're super cool you would be using the crosstalk hostify affiliate code brand new brand sparkling new i just got it yesterday uh so if you're cool you would go down in the description this video and click on that link instead so if you like crosstalk uh and want us to get a couple bucks for a host of five for your hostify subscription you can use that link or i should say if you uh just want to see riley lose out on a bit of his margin uh you can go click on that link no please click click his link man yeah so uh tom lawrence man he's he's uh he's referred a lot of people with his link as well so it's a it'll be a competition safwan another 200 i don't know what currency that is what currency is that soft one uh he says say that again that's uh indian rupees rupees okay well 200 rupees thank you uh need riley tom lawrence mack telecom and chris together on youtube stream live that would be cool well i'll tell you what how about once uh covet is over we will all try to get together at a at a conference or something and and we can do a live stream that way i know like it's funny because i've only met tom lawrence in person one time oh really but the one thing that i took away from that is that i feel like tom and i we're both kind of talkers so like we could sit down and just probably talk and talk and talk and not stop like people would have to like tell us to quit and go to bed we we hung out at a bar one night at a restaurant or a bar or something in um pennsylvania and uh and yeah we were just chatting i think we closed the place down and they were like get the hell out of here already and tom and i are just talking about everything so another five dollar super chat from brandon redbeard boy your your beard game is strong too look at that thumbnail uh i'm a consumer with two isps i want to unify the two gateways on my home network with wan failover and load balancing is unify the right choice for me so what i will say to you is unify can be the right choice how i would put it is for everything except for the edge device right so everything except for your firewall when it comes to the unified firewalls they are still to this day unfortunately sorely lacking in some of the features that if you're at that advanced level of you know wan failover and load balancing you're going to be disappointed with a unified firewall what i would suggest in lieu of that is you could get away with their edge router stuff their edge router stuff is actually pretty good but even better would be something like a netgate pf sense type firewall but again even do your research there because i think people are pissed off at pf sense right now too because there was some wire guard debacle i'm actually not up on that news but i've sort of heard rumblings about some i think they had a version that came out that used wireguard for vpn and then they had to roll it back or something i'm not sure exactly what the story is i'm sure you guys will pop it into the chat but uh yeah that's uh just just do your research but again i would look into something closer to uh closer to pf sense for that kind of uh that kind of that kind of need i mean what about you you see obviously more probably unified firewalls than anyone else combined riley like what's your take on their other edge devices uh the edge router and specifically no no no no no i mean the network edge devices oh yeah yeah usg usg pro dream machine yeah udm uh pro so the udm udn pro we don't recommend for our customers to use them because you can't connect them to hostify and then you know outside of that you know for an i.t service provider with many sites um they're not a good solution because you have to manage them all individually but um with the usg pro it needs it needs a refresh because the hardware's you know getting where it can't support the features that they're pumping out into the unified controller so the uxg pro is what's supposed to come out of the early access store that's going to be you can connect it to hostify it's going to have better hardware so you can do dpi and stuff like that but at the end of the day um they're kind of all the same because the features are coming from the unified controller and um some of the problems are like you know if you need vpn it's really buggy because they bundle old versions of strong swan like the vpn components are super like unreliable and then um yeah i don't know you know you could do load balancing you can do failover um but it's not a great router um most of our customers you know they're using the usg in places where it makes sense so like a restaurant where they're not going to have like vpn or something and they just need like really places where they're small businesses that just need a really simple connection to the internet and they don't need vpn and dpi and web filtering and all this crazy stuff um that can make sense um but most of our customers i would say are using something else so whether it's untangle it's a really popular one for the iot service providers because you can um you can kind of add and remove features to it so if you need like web filtering you can just like buy a module for that or if you need vpn you can buy a module for that and then it's all cloud it all connects back to the cloud so you can cloud manage it um unfortunately it's a whole separate dashboard but but yeah um i mean personally at home i use pf sense um as uh as a what do you call consumer you know just at my house yeah but uh i think untangle makes a lot of sense for the service providers i see that one recommended a lot i would i would i mean listen you know we just went through this week this this the additional news about the unified breach the ubiquity breach you know so like people are very i guess people have always kind of been cloud skeptical but like especially with the with this you know all of these different cloud services that are becoming compromised um i mean i would i would question putting in an untangled firewall again i don't know untangle at all i've never looked at their solution i know tom's done a video on them uh but besides that video i have no experience with untangle whatsoever it sounds in theory like it's a great solution if you can just you know sort of puzzle piece on just the bits that you need uh onto the firewall but having your firewall which is the you know the the front door of your network from the big bad internet uh exposed and um you know connected to a cloud service uh just seems like i don't know to me it just seems like i wouldn't necessarily want that at this point but i don't know you know maybe maybe maybe they're maybe they're fine i don't know yeah it's always a mixture of convenience and security for sure i think um you know it is very convenient to be able to manage firewalls and not have to vpn into every customer network to make a change and stuff like that but yeah it always depends on your on your threat model and but in general i think like cloud is more secure because you have dedicated teams of people that are making sure that it's secure um but of course yeah there's always breaches and stuff that happens so yeah it's tough one bc tech super chat thank you crosstalk solutions lawrence systems mac telecom your videos are incredibly i'm gonna throw in the hookup too just because he didn't mention him uh your videos are incredibly helpful for small isps and msps for ourselves for all things unify well thank you so much for the 20 super chat uh bc tech i'd certainly appreciate that tom in regards to untangle firewall said the untangled price model is good and their cloud solution does not grant direct access to the firewall so that's interesting i did not know that um he says the two-factor authentication right so you i i have to assume that a lot of the people watching this live stream right now are aware of and actively use two-factor authentication just because you know this is a very niche technical youtube channel and i imagine that the people watching it aren't necessarily just you know people who don't know anything about networking or i.t but i always feel a need to say put two-factor authentication on absolutely everywhere that you possibly can um one of the things that's like disappointing about this ubiquity breach you know the video that came out yesterday we we recommend like look we don't know what was compromised from ubiquiti's cloud you know they have you know they're being very vague about it the whistleblower seems to think that it's you know quote-unquote catastrophic and one of the recommendations that we have to say unfortunately is well in that case disconnect your cloud access right disconnect the ability for your devices your ubiquity devices and unify itself to connect out to their cloud service but two-factor authentication is only available with ubiquiti's single sign-on right so again it's another sort of trade-off in terms of security you can go for local administration of your devices it's now up to you to figure out the best and most secure way to connect to those local devices but now you also no longer have the two-factor authentication option uh so it's sort of like man i'm disappointed to see that i wish they could build in two-factor authentication um you know just like they did with um what's their usb unms or uisp right uh you know they have that service where not only does they have built-in two-factor authentication native it has built-in let's encrypt encryption data as well that's right um so like that's like why can't you just take what you've done in that product and i'm sure that there's a reason i'm sure it's different development teams with inside ubiquity but i'm saying yeah take what you did with that and do that to unify as well so that you can have a self-hosted login local administrative credentials with two-factor authentication and let's encrypt let's start seeing some of that stuff roll out right ubik you want to get serious about security let's do it right yep yeah feature requests that have been in there for years and years uh you know for let's encrypt and 2fa native so i want to see those done too so chris kissler says maybe i missed it but is there a guide to set up pfsense to work in concert in my case with a uxg pro uxg pro is that their other firewall is that the new that's the that's supposed to be the refresh for the usg pro so it's going to be just like the usg pro but with the hardware of the udm so like the processor and the heart and like the memory and so it's like a it's like an update to the usg pro but it's not it's not released yes in early access so i'm not sure why you would want to use that with pfsense since they're both routers yeah sure it's really i mean just from a network infrastructure perspective you two firewalls is gonna be a super huge pain in the ass um there's really no reason to do that you're either gonna have the firewalls side by side where like one of them is the main firewall and the second one's there for just what like proxying and feature in some of the features who knows what right or you're going to have to have them in line in your network infrastructure and then you're you're creating a double net situation within your own network so i i wouldn't recommend there's no way to really make them work in concert with each other like i said my recommended solution is i like the netgate pfcent stuff as the head into my network and then basically everything inside my network is all unifi i shouldn't say that right now this very instant uh i'm running a edge router x as my firewall uh because i accidentally blew up my pfsense netgate router here i've actually got it sitting right here next to me turned off this is a 800 router this is the netgate xg7100dt dt meaning desktop form factor i accidentally blew up this router the other day and screwed up my whole network and like a really terrible i.t administrator the backup that i had for this was for when i originally set it up and it was nowhere near what the configuration that i had ultimately you know configured it to i didn't have a recent backup like an idiot um so what i did is i was trying to use one of these extra ports for um starlink i was trying to set up a secondary wan for starlink and i think all of my ports were in the same switch within pf sense and i just removed one of the ports from that switch and it completely borked the entire firewall i don't know how it happened i literally was just trying to take a one of the ports out of the the configured switch and yeah it it completely it completely blew up unrecoverable boot loop type blew up like it was just doing it i had to take i had to contact netgate they sent me the firmware for it i guess the only way to get firmware for netgate stuff is you have to contact their support and to their credit they were very fast to get it to me like within about 15 minutes uh on you know after hours on like a thursday or something but they sent it to me i had to put it on a usb stick uh reboot to the usb stick and reflash all the software now i just have to reconfigure it but lesson learned man i i you know i'm just not as good at psense as i wish i was we have a we have a guy that works for crosstalk um david barger i'll give him a plug he's out in pennsylvania he is a freaking wizard when it comes to like all of the high-end networking like our ospf bgp you know high-end pf sense type networking and he's the guy that i rely on for any of that sort of stuff so like i'm a dummy when it comes to a lot of the pf sense stuff but he's luckily i've got him as a tool in the tool belt so you know one of the things i've learned in business is just hire a lot of people that are smarter than you are and uh that really goes a long way to your business's success now how many people do you have working for you by the way riley i have six now and um the guy who sent in indian rupees earlier uh safwan he's my first hire my support employee and uh like you're saying hire people that are smarter than you he actually used to work for ubiquity so he had a lot of experience before um before joining hostify uh helping ubiquiti's customers and so uh yeah he was my first hire and he's been managing support and now he's has another uh another guy that works with him in the support department too very cool all right excellent and tom was just saying in here i saw a thing he said uh if you need help with your pdf sense i know a guy he also said you can use the console cable to log in and roll back to the last config which i wasn't able to do that tom because it was literally in a boot loop like i could not actually get anything um to come up it it got worked so poorly or so badly that it was uh it was literally unrecoverable i had to i had to completely restore so but yes no tom is a whiz on pfsense as well all right let's see if we got any questions here uh let's see i'm a huge fan of pfsense firewall and threat protection easy to set up unifi doesn't make it friendly now the so i guess the issues that i have personally with unifies firewalls there's a few things that i'd like to see that they don't have um there's the ability to have multiple like if you have a single static wan ip address that's fine but if you have a block of five static wan ip addresses like i do at least as far as i know that this hasn't changed yet you are unable to put multiple wan ip addresses on your external interface so that's right there a humongous limiting factor the vpn stuff to me is not great i don't like the way that they've implemented vpn again if you have a very vanilla network if you've got two sites that are both in unify using unifi firewalls and you can connect them together with the native unify software it works fine but if you're doing anything that's not just perfectly vanilla you're going to have trouble another thing that's sorely lacking is just the ability to view dhcp leases now i know that they have the clients section where you can go click on clients and you can see all the connected clients but what if you just want to see dhcp logs or dhcp leases like show me whose least dhcp uh you know ip address is out of the pool you know there's just no place to go do that and you'd have to sort of try to figure it out through clients or what i usually do is i'm trying to find an ip address for something i just like i just pop up um you know the the windows nmap gui real quick and just run a ping scan and try to find it so what else is there i mean you're an expert in unified what else are you seeing as far as the firewalls that you would like like how could they improve their firewalls to make them um you know make them much better besides what i said um for me like like you said the way in things a deal breaker and then like the biggest deal breaker for me though is their vpn support um they they don't support openvpn and then um the l2tp uh ipsec vpn that they do support it has a really old version of strong swan which is the open source um vpn thing they have bundled with it which is i figured this out because i was trying to tracking down this one bug about why you can't reconnect after you like if you if you connect to the vpn and then you don't turn if you turn off your computer without disconnecting you can't connect again because it thinks you're still active and there's just so there's just so many weird bugs like that so even the vpn they do support isn't uh reliable so yeah the vpn thing is a big one for me um i feel like if they just did a few little features like that it would make it such a better router um and then uh i don't i'm not a big fan of like their dpi or threat management and or a lot of the statistics in general i feel like they make really nice looking dashboards but the actual usefulness for troubleshooting or um i just feel like it's not there so i feel like they should kind of focus more on what they're trying to do and do good at it i feel like the dpi and threat management to me i don't see any value in it because it's it makes really nice dashboards but without like time series and different things like i don't know if you've ever tried to look at like for example something as simple as seeing how much bandwidth did each client use this month you can't answer that question in the client's uh section of unified because it's tracking bandwidth on a per session basis instead of like an overall aggregate and there's no time series where you can split out per week per month per year so there's a lot of little things like that that really annoy me where they've made it look nice but functionally it's not quite there the way you want it to be yeah so um yeah i think just like i don't know why they don't fix these things just kind of it seems obvious to me but maybe they need more people like us and less because you know got to think like a lot of these people are like designers and programmers and like they're not like us like network people they just need to like spend more time with the customer it seems like to me to really get a feel for like what features they need to work on yeah yeah no i would certainly agree with that um ready to ask how's the coffee coffee's good thank you reginald i appreciate it uh let's see what else we got with unifi so so let me so the unified breach ubiquity breach right um have you heard a lot from customers about that or gotten a lot of questions about that what's sort of your perspective from like someone who's managing so many instances of unify yeah people are worried like you know as soon as the news came out january 11th a bunch of people are hitting me up instantly about it i'm still getting people hitting me up sending the crabs article like every hour of the day have you read this have you seen this what do you think about this and just like i don't know anything that you guys don't know just look at what the article says it says okay they're breached you should probably reset your password and reset your 2fa and there's not much that we know about what what exactly happened um but yeah like like i said back in january and like you've said today um you know they were breached it looks pretty bad uh you should definitely reset your password and your 2fa and regenerate your 2fa backup codes i wish ubiquity like you said had pushed me you know forced everyone to reset passwords and i also think they were not clear in like handling um like they should have said like you should reset your 2fa they kept they a lot of people this is what bugs me is i see a lot of comments people are saying oh i have 2fa this is why i use 2fa and i'm secure because i use 2fa but in this case you know potentially they could get your 2face because they had access to the password hashes and two faces and and make 2fa they can get past your 2fa in this case so um yes you should have tfa but in this case you need to reset it and re-enable it to make sure that um that the hackers didn't get access to that so yeah 100 i mean so this i've got the article up on the screen now um the the krebs article um the the one quote that and i heard the exact same thing like this is why we use 2fa but it i've also heard why are you recommending that people reset their 2fa doesn't you know isn't the point of 2fa that you wouldn't have to do that um and really the bottom line is we just don't know exactly um it's more of a safety precaution than anything else because you look at what was said here from the whistleblower quote they were able to get cryptographic secrets for single sign-on cookies and remote access full source code control contents and signing keys exfiltration it says adam says the attacker had access to privileged privileged credentials that were previously stored in the lastpass account of a ubiquity it employee and gained root administrator access to all ubiquity adobs accounts including all s3 data buckets all application logs all databases all user database credentials and secrets required to forge single sign-on cookies so i think that's kind of like that's a lot like that is quote-unquote catastrophic in terms of a network security breach so resetting 2fa is just like a a pro like a big precaution that i need to strongly recommend just do it like don't don't question it just do it you know um yeah it's a really really bad issue and again ubiquity's response to this um didn't deny anything so yeah i thought that was an important point too is is you know not only what they say but what they don't say and um yeah i think just overall though um you know a lot of big companies have security breaches um people are used to you know having to deal with this and hearing about it but um what the real problem is is the lack of transparency and and um communication from ubiquity is is the real issue yeah and i mean i can't repeat it often enough but when you know companies are gonna get hacked companies are gonna get breached it's just a way of life uh these days you know and and you know as someone defending against breaches you have to basically find all of the holes and patch them up whereas an attacker just has to find one that's open yeah right and so it's it's very difficult to be on the defensive side and not to mention just in general someone who is working for a company like ubiquity and their job is to secure ubiquiti's network that's their job that's their day job they're showing up they're slogging into work every day to do the same old stuff every single day so take that mindset and i'm not saying that these people don't enjoy their jobs i'm just saying like that's kind of like the you know it's your work mindset versus the the hacker is someone who's doing something with a purpose right it's their it's their goal to hack you you know like they're they're really trying to get in and so their passion they're passionate about doing it versus you you're just showing up to work right as the i.t guy so they're just even that difference in sort of attitude makes a huge difference uh when it comes to these breaches cyborg delta one 10 pound super chat thank you so much for that i'm getting mixed messages on how to power ua hub dash hub eu that's the unifi access hub i think riley actually has one right behind him on the shelf back there uh one ui staff said only usw pro24 will work and another said you can use the ui poe 5-60 watt injector uh some have reported overheating using the wrong poe so as far as i know from my sort of deep dive into unify access is that that hub is 802.3bt powered and 802.3 bt compatible so if you have a 802.3bt switch or an 802.3bt power injector i mean as long as it follows the rfc standard i don't see why it wouldn't work do you have are you getting because you really don't deal with udms and udm pro so you're probably not uh i guess it would just be the udm pro is the only thing that that access is available on right now is that right um actually they brought it to the cloud key on the latest firmware that's right yeah yeah they did i remember that now so do you get any requests for support or a quest for people asking about unify access um it's not something we really deal with i don't think there's that many people that are installing it out there i haven't i don't really know that many people have installed it honestly in production but i mean i always buy every single product that ubiquity makes i mean i have at least one of every category of product they make and i like to just have them to learn more about it um i have uh yeah so i recently bought you know access i do have a udm pro even though i don't tell anyone to buy it i don't use it but i have it in case i want to check out stuff um but yeah i have i have like one of their products from like everything just so i can be on top of what they're working on and stuff i also have it for security um bug bounty stuff so um i submitted some bug bounty stuff that actually got actually won some money from their their hacker program that i needed to have the access equipment for so um yeah that's just something i do for fun see that's passion right that's having the passion to do that kind of stuff and you know i'm not this isn't a hiring discussion or you know a discussion about i.t career advice but like passion goes a very long way if i'm hiring someone i i try to seek out that kind of passion like i want the person that you know if they hit a roadblock they're up at night trying to figure it out outside of business hours you know like that's the type of people that you want to hire um 10 super chat from he's coming soon that's ominous uh as a cyber security professional you have to assume they got totally owned if a company is saying reset 2fa then you know from a security perspective is they got owned well i would agree with that except that ubiquity did not say reset 2fa ubiquity said they recommend enabling 2fa right so it was me saying myself as well as others such as riley and tom and whomever else has been blabbing about this uh that are saying reset your 2fa because again it just seems like it was such a catastrophic breach that that you just want to take all possible precautions what is with the fiddle faddle guy there's a guy in chat that all he does is he comes in our chat and he just says fiddle faddle over and over and over and he just put the band nice there's a weird uh there's a weird spam that hits um my youtube channel i don't know if tom or the other guys are seeing this too but it's some sort of like cryptocurrency thing where like i'll put out a video and like within 10 minutes there's like six or seven or eight um comments on that video they're like just from different people and different variations of the same thing like oh hey this is cool but have you seen the blah blah blah but it's some cryptocurrency coin i forget what it's actually called but like oh man i'm like what's the i guess it's just exposure like i don't understand that kind of skin i just don't understand it must it must work i guess if people are trying it i don't know i don't get spam it's a numbers game i guess uh stefan is one of our guys who is in the um discord chat quite often uh stefan says i do not get the advance of running a controller in the cloud when your use is in a house that you live in or work in yeah i mean listen that's a good point um you know we don't service home users as a business we are business to business only we made that decision a long time ago so i certainly can see it for a business but honestly uh and again i don't want to repeat my whole video from yesterday but but i we have unify controller uh self-hosted on digitalocean for for my clients i have a few clients i don't you know i don't offer unified hosting but over the years we have just gathered a number of clients that are on our controller and that is i i could disconnect cloud access for that unifi controller and still have basically full access to it because with digitalocean of course i can go in there and set the firewall to only allow access from my when i p address or the ip address of my employees what i would lose is if i was like on the road somewhere and i wanted to bring up the app that did not you know if i was connected to lte and it was some unknown when i p address i would lose the capability of managing it from that phone but even then you know there's vpn and stuff that you can do that would potentially enable that access so i agree with you for a home user you know for a home user whatever you probably don't need to have remote access to your to control your your network settings all over the place um it's convenient i agree with you but there's a trade-off right convenience versus security it's the the sort of ultimate battle so blue moon crosstalk solutions i wish you were my dad you seem like a good lad well thank you very much for that i played a joke on my uh my kids yesterday for april fools i went down to this local uh we have this uh cookie shop here in oregon called crumble cookie and they make like these really good like big ol cookies with like frosting and you know decorations on them and stuff and my kids absolutely love them and so i went down to crumble cookie and i got a four pack it's like this big box of cookies and then i went to the local safeway and got a bunch of broccoli and so i took all the cookies out and put a bunch of broccoli in the big pink box it's the crumble cookies and i told the kid that we had a you know we had a surprise for dessert and they went over and super excited and unfortunately i made my kindergartner cry with that one saw the broccoli started crying until i showed him that i actually did have the cookies but i thought that was it they were they were trying to play pranks on me all day so i felt that was a pretty good one all right questions for ryan you know i have questions for riley let's see um oh i think i missed another one up here let's see crosstalk solutions have you had issues with usg behind a setting up a usg uh i don't know why you would put a usg behind a nat i guess if you had to but no i have not experienced anything like that i have not had a problem that in fact my i have xfinity you know or comcast business and my router allows me to set a static ip address or use their equipment and get a nat at ip address so i can do either or and i have not had issues with uh with setting up equipment any equipment either way speaking of um i guess speaking of other equipment have you looked at any of the other equipment i know you're kind of standardized on unified but like like you know tp link omad is coming out which is a very close replica of unify and it almost looks like they just you know got unify from a year ago and just started building the same thing um have you looked at like other other vendors like that and maybe hosting hosting other stuff yeah we're definitely gonna get into it at some point um i mean i'm not saying we're gonna get into omada at some point we're definitely to expand beyond the unified stuff and so um a lot is not something it's something i'm keeping an eye on but it's not something i i feel like is is ready yet uh is for me from a business perspective i feel like the market is mostly home users and this is just from some research that i've done looking at who's talking about it on reddit and stuff it seems like a lot of people are saying yeah i love omada install that my home works great i'm not seeing a lot of chatter about i installed a thousand of these for a big business or 100 of these or even 10 of these for a small business or i'm just not seeing a lot of chatter from our customers or just online in general about people installing these in businesses so but believe me i would love to see um you know personally i would love if there were a bunch of ubiquity uh copycats that were following the same business model and kind of creating competition for them because i feel like they have no competition that's why they do these crazy things they get away with it everyone's going to keep buying their stuff because uh usually because they really have the market cornered and um you know for me for my business i would love to diversify i don't want to be completely attached to like this crazy person ubiquity that uh nobody knows what they're going to do next so i would love to diversify but i don't see a ubiquity alternative that i like yet but there's not um there's other things we could do we could do free pbx or 3cx hosting or we could do zabix is a server that we use internally for monitoring all of our other servers i think it could be a really good use for other i.t service businesses that want to monitor linux servers so there's a lot of things i have in mind but um but i'm also kind of sitting on my hands because that's the creator side of me that i want to go and like launch 10 products this month but at the same time we're doing extremely well with just these two products and it's it's got us quite busy uh and we're growing very fast in terms of you know number of customers and devices connected so it's keeping us very busy and i don't want to become distracted with something that uh might not work out you know so yeah it's a tough one for me but i'm definitely keeping an eye out and and you guys who are watching right now um reach out to me if you see an up-and-coming product that you like that you think would be a good fit for host divide to manage support and updates for you um yeah definitely keeping an eye out on stuff though and i did order some tp-link stuff some omada stuff and i haven't got out of the box yet but i noticed their security gateway was out of stock when i ordered it this is a few months ago so i was only able to get their access point and then their cloud key thing which i know they have the self-hosted version as well so i would obviously be interested in looking at that i did order a cloud key thingy and one of their cheap access points but i couldn't get my hands on a switch or a security gateway and i was a little bit confused with their marketing on whether which switches were because they make tp-link stuff and then some of it some of it's omada some of it's not omada and so i was a little confused with their marketing but yeah let me know what what have you ordered and have you seen their security gateway yeah so i won't um i won't get too far into it because i uh you know spoiler i have a full tp-link omada video coming out on tuesday um so yeah i've got their security gateway i've got their hardware controller for the yamada software i've got a couple of switches a couple of access points uh and i will i have put them through their paces so to speak and i will have my full opinion on them lauren's system says tp-link's confusing i would agree with that especially their uh their model numbers are confusing because who you know i'm sure there must be some rhyme or reason to how the model numbers work but it's very difficult to figure out and some of the devices like the firewall that i have seems to have two separate model numbers it seems like there's they change the model number so it's like model number and then in parentheses there's another model number so i'm not sure you know i'm not sure how all that works but also is it uh i don't want to blow up your video actually but i was i'm kind of curious i guess i'll see in your video if you've covered this or not but um i'm i to me it seems like some of the products are the way that like uisp works where there's like some functionality in the cloud but you still have to log in locally to do other stuff i don't know if it's a mixture though i like the unified model where it's 100 in the cloud you know and and there's nothing you log into the device to do but i feel like tp tv link's kind of doing a hybrid but i'm not sure i haven't looked at it too much i have so the uh that's a good question and i don't know nor did i look at that all of the work that i did for the video was 100 in their controller right and again i have the little hardware controller so it's not it's not the cloud-based controller it is connected to the tp and cloud but um yeah i did not notice anything like that the only thing that confused me for a little while is they sent me this 5 port 2.5 gigabit so a 5 port multi-gigabit switch and i had it plugged in and working and just trying to figure out why it wasn't adopting into the omada controller or showing up as a device you know i'm like rebooting it a few times finally i sat down to actually look at it it's an unmanaged switch so it's just a dumb switch it wasn't anything that like would ever actually show up in omada uh but i being that it was a 2.5 gigabit switch i was like oh well it must be it must be showing up in the interface no it does not not whatsoever it was completely unmanaged so um yeah but you know there are some other options out there and it seems like it seems to me and i'm not sure how long the mod has been around but it very much seems to me in looking at their stuff that they literally tried to copy as much of unifi's interface and features set as possible which when you start getting competitors in the industry that are directly copying your software i mean number one unifi must be doing something right because they're getting imitators but number two if ubiquity does not stay on top of their game someone will come out with a better unify at some point unfortunately though i think tp-link copied even the bad stuff with unifi it looks like just from looking at it quickly uh you know java database and all this goofy stuff i think i missed a super chat let me roll back here real quick uh yes so ronald with a five euro super chat uh what is your opinion on end of life products no longer being configurable is it good security measure from ubnt or are they forcing you to upgrade for profit so both yeah i would say a little bit of you know column a and a little bit of column b uh that what i have found though is you got to think about access points and and this sort of you know prosumer hardware really even almost enterprise hardware given it's like a five-year life span at least in my mind it's a five-year life span right so any access to good investors putting in to any location any business or any switch or anything like that once we're at the five year span even if it's still working perfectly fine i'm recommending that hey listen we should probably start making a plan to replace this this old switch or this old access point right so i think that ubiquity stuff i don't think they're end of lifeing stuff too early like the the stuff that i've got in my own unified controller that's showing end of life are like the the original uaps right like the 2.4 gig gigahertz with the green circle in them uaps like those ones are coming up on end of life they're not there yet but they've got the little notice that says end of life you know imminent um so to me like as long as it's not like two years after it was first released and they're end of lifeing it see that i think would be a cash grab uh or as they've done with some of their products they they put out a product that just didn't work very well i'm thinking of the um square uav the square no i don't know i think the square uaps were fine there was some sort of was it like an xg firewall or some sort of uh or maybe oh yeah server appliance like they had the unified unify application gateway unifi application server i think it was yeah or uas that's what it was yeah and i think they also had some sort of xg switch or xg firewall i forget exactly what it was but i know that there was like a time when we had a customer or two that had purchased them one of them like died and it was like less than two years after it was purchased we tried to rma it and they just they just didn't sell it or or have it anymore so like they had to i forget what the resolution of that was but i think that guy was kind of just out of luck but that's also why you see a lot of the stuff goes into the ubiquiti beta store if you if anyone has ubiquity beta store access the one thing you'll notice is that most of the stuff in there is constantly sold out even that like 1800 g4 ptz camera that i've got uh you know that i just did the video on is sold out in the early access store so people are buying all of the early access stuff and they're bot they're selling it out um but there's no promise that any of that equipment is actually going to make it to market as we've seen for some things that like just literally disappeared out of the early access store and never showed up generally available yeah i always tell people not to buy those i mean i wouldn't even buy them for home but definitely not for production but um but yeah it's you're gambling if they're going to be supported or not and uh and and also you're gambling that there could be a hardware review components and the firmware you know is different or something like that well another 10 super chat from mark lewis we're gonna wrap up this live stream pretty soon by the way so if you guys have questions get them in now we'll try to rapid fire some questions uh i know uh it's a little bit later out where uh where riley is then here on the west coast uh mark lewis says unify usg cloud key switch access points is there a way to use with at t gigabit fiber without double nat does not have true bridge or pass-through uh if i'm not mistaken because i used to have a t u-verse which was sort of their first i'm not sure if it's even still called u-verse it was like their first iteration of fiber um they they had on their modem a thing called like dmz mode and i think if you ran your stuff in dmz mode it like wasn't double natted or something there definitely was a way to do it what i would recommend is i mean that's a very common question for anyone who's got a modem from any isp so what i would say is search around google it right go search around or or if you want my preferred method is actually you go to bing.com when you get to bing.com in the search box type google.com and then you'll get to google then you can google it that's the way to do it if you have the problem someone else has the problem is the point all right so cyborg delta with another super chat five pound super chat forgot to ask any idea what's happening with ui talk and if when it comes out to other countries now that i don't know um listen i have purposely avoided getting into unified talk um i their generation one phones were really bad um they they had a number of issues that i've talked about before i'm not gonna rehash all that right now but yeah i i don't know i'm not confident in their abilities to pull off a phone system if that makes any sense right phone systems are so complicated there's so much you can do there's so much learning curve trying to just come up with your own phone system and it actually looks like their pricing for it is relatively competitive but yeah i'm just not into it like i said we have our own phone system solutions that are tried and true they're going to do everything that you could ever possibly want them to do and they're going to be as or more cost-effective than unified talk plus the phones work better again they're they're even their second generation of phones i have a few of them here unfortunately i have not even unboxed them i don't want to say that too i don't want to say that too loud in case someone's listening i have not even unboxed any of their phones yet uh because i'm just not interested in trying out unified talk maybe someday i will get around to it but right now i'm not i'm not interested all right grayson hey grayson how's it going man do you have any people hitting you up about unified talk at all or um yeah people ask me about it but i have to agree with you that on that i don't know why anyone would want to make their own phone system when there's so many great alternatives out there if i was ubiquity i would be making phones but i'd make a controller that controls the phones and the firmware on the phones and configures the phones and then you can you know kind of like endpoint manager and freepbx make something like that and then you can connect the phones to any any phone system you want and make it all sip and open protocol but instead they're trying to be they're trying to provide you the phone service the phone system the phone it's just like and like you said it might work fine but there's so many different features and you want to be reliable and what about soft phone app and it's just that's just so much development work that needs to be done for the next 10 years before that's gonna be a mature product i feel like yeah i would agree with that and and and there's always the i mean one of the big complaints that people have about ubiquity in general is that they spread themselves too thin right they they move into these different areas that are a little bit wacky that you're like why are you doing that you know why why are you coming out with led lighting panels like what's the you know i don't i don't get it you know um and i feel like expanding into becoming a complete phone system uh might be spreading themselves a little thin case in point like look at barracuda you know barracuda is a massive company with uh they had their own phone system that they shuttered after a while because it was just not profitable for them and so they just decided to pull back on it get rid of it completely and start focusing back on their you know their firewalls and spam filtering and stuff so all right so grayson says speaking of competitors i would like to have a dedicated rack mountable controller for network switches and wireless access points that do not require access to the cloud like have a dedicated rack mountable controller for network switches so i mean i guess you kind of can do that because you could get the uck gen 2 plus right the cloud key gen 2 plus don't connect it to the cloud and then there's a rack mount accessory for it right so i think you can pretty much get there right now as long as you don't actually connect that cloud key to the cloud is it then just called a key plus i have one i have a cloud key gen 2 plus with a rack mount actually above me i don't know if i just showed it with the camera it's a little delayed on the live stream it's a little dizzying but uh but uh yeah it it's pretty cool but um i don't know what it's called it's called the plus when you get the one with the hard drive yeah so yeah it would be you don't have to get the plus though if you just want to run the network software all right we got 55 knock what is knock there's all these currencies and again i'm just not a worldly kind of guy so i don't i'm not familiar with all these different currencies 55 knock from trolls zk thank you for the super chat my stupid isp only allows dmz it forwards all ports but it's still double net yeah that's a problem i mean in this day and age like people are disappointed that starlink is cgnet you know what i mean like everyone wants to be able to port forward directly through their devices and yeah it's just not always possible if you have an isp that's doing that only forces you into double net that's that's definitely a problem especially when it comes to um you know real-time communication stuff like like voiceover ip all right joshua velasquez with a 4.99 super chat with no comment so i will just say thank you joshua appreciate that uh nathan cook 10 super chat thank you riley and chris have a beer to kick off the weekend all right and actually we've gotten boy a hundred and forty dollars in super chats i think you know again i i appreciate all of that stuff you guys uh but what i think i will probably do let me bring up my screen here i'm gonna take i'm gonna donate a hundred dollars here uh to eff.org the electronic frontier foundation this is a really good organization that is out there fighting for digital rights okay they are sort of leading the charge against especially things like getting local municipalities to ban the use of facial recognition software which uh has proven to be um pretty unreliable in a lot of cases uh and so they're they're doing really good work out there i donate to them when i can um yeah i'll start doing this if i ever go over a hundred bucks in chat revenue on any particular live stream i'll i'll shoot the eff a hundred bucks so thank you guys so much uh you the money the rest of it i i will just straight up used to buy beer though uh so that's that's no problem but yeah so all right so i will make a donation to eff we got a couple other super chats here and then we're going to wrap this up uh thank you nathan cook by the way for the super chat uh mario brecken breakin a 5 euro 49 super chat what would you recommend as a stable vpn solution with an existing unifi network knowing unify has issues with their implementation of it so honestly and this is probably not the answer that you'd want to hear i will also let riley answer how he would answer i would replace the unifi firewall with a firewall that is much better at vpn because think about it this way for i mean what's the cost of a better firewall it's going to be what 300 or 400 bucks for something like the um you know netgate 3100 series or something which is going to be way more powerful than anything that ubiquity makes and more you know bigger feature set and all of that the vpn's going to work a lot better and you also have to factor in the cost of your time right your time and your effort has value right so taking time to spin your wheels trying to figure out how to get unifi uh unified which is a square peg and cram it into a round hole for something that is just not going to do well is just going to drive you crazy and it's going to drive up the bill for your customer or or your own company trying to spin your wheels to do that i don't know what would you say right i would completely agree with that and um if your time you know if you have a lot of time and you don't have any money though you could spin up an open vpn server some kind of vpn server behind it and port forward to it that would be my only other thing is if you don't have the money and you do have a vm or something you'd stick that behind it run the vpn on that port forward but i would not recommend running a vpn on the usg because it's really unreliable all right five dollar super chat from did i miss any hang on a second let me just make sure i didn't miss any nope i didn't okay five dollar super chat from guru meditation number 42 42 by the way the meaning of life i don't know if you guys know that or not uh no any fix for some devices not showing up as clients in ui both wired and wi-fi they show in quote show dhcp leases on usg they used to work so devices and as a matter of fact i have this exact problem right now i have one uap ac pro down in my garage that does not it used to show up in unify it no longer shows up in unifi uh and uh the switch it's connected to does show up in unify so again i i know what you're talking about i have this problem i personally have not looked at a solution to it but riley you support a thousand you know instances of unify have you seen this um i haven't really heard people talk about that too much i don't know if stefan's in the chat if he knows but uh yeah i'm not really sure i know you said uh earlier that you would you wish they had a dhcp lease section but i haven't had any problems with it personally on my network yeah so unfortunately i don't know of any fix again it'll be my best advice in that case is go to the ubiquiti forums and uh and just try to see if anyone there has any experience with that type of issue for me what i'm gonna do when i actually get around to it is i'm gonna take that uap ac pro i'm gonna bring it up here into my office instead of down in the garage i'm gonna factory reset it and try to re-adapt it to my unifi controller and oftentimes the factory reset will work and there's not too much danger in doing a factory reset because the configuration will push right back out to the device anyways of course anytime you're doing any sort of work on your unifi network make sure you take a backup backup backup backup always all right one dollar super chat from jesse dixon thank you so much for that super chat jesse and we've got a five dollar super chat from andre cannon andre says i have a client that got a quote for one gig symmetrical fiber for 150 a month that's really good that's actually a really good price for one gig symmetrical fiber i pay something like 350 for 600 by 40. uh they say it is a transparent sd-wan any thoughts i have not heard of that so when you're talking about sd-wan what you're talking about typically is a basically a mesh vpn topology between multiple wan endpoints like if you've got 10 locations in a geographic location and the sd-wan of that the sd is software defined right so the sd means there's a central wan controller somewhere in the cloud or at one of those sites on a hardware device or something like that so if someone's selling you transparent sd-wan i don't know what that means i mean for a single location that seems fishy to me does that mean they're like connecting you to other people or is it an sd-wan amongst multiple locations that are your customers right so that would be my first question is what the hell do they mean by transparent sd-wan and best thing to do is just ask them right you know talk to them about it say explain this to me like i'm a five-year-old what do you mean what are you talking about here what are you trying to sell me exactly and and see what they see where it goes and if you get if you get not feeling good feelings from them you know nope right out of there is what i would say all right let's see oh my gosh we're getting more and more super chats uh how's your time by the way you got time to hang out a little bit if we're until we get through all these super chats yeah i got time all right that's fine we're in 198 chat revenue right now if we cross over 200 i'm gonna now donate two hundred dollars to uh eff so anyone wanted that's awesome oh we just hit it 203 dollars and 16 cents all right now now ef eff just got 200 and i have three dollars and sixteen cents left uh to buy myself a beer that would be like uh what can you get for three dollars was that like a nat like maybe candy all right so joshua velasquez says i wanted to ask about the edge routers and if you think they're getting phased out they are really reliable and my favorite router i don't think they're getting phased out i think there is if you if you have beta store access there are um devices in the beta store that i believe are going to be replacing the edge routers uh they're i think they're called uisp routers or something i don't know i i used to be able to show beta store on live streams i can't anymore do you have you i mean do you have any insight into those those new ones have you checked them out at all yeah i actually have one behind me on my shelf that i've been um i haven't looked at it too much yet but i mean if it was me i wouldn't be investing heavily in in buying edge routers right now because i do think they are going to be phased out there's no announcement on on when that's going to happen but it's kind of like when protect came out we all knew what was going to happen next you know yeah um the usp routers will be replacing it and they're completely different than the edge routers so they're completely rewritten um and there's not not a lot in common between the two of them that's all i will say about it i shouldn't probably even say that we're not supposed to talk about early access stuff but no yeah sure that's good i think we can you know as long as we're not showing too much of it all right systemx technology comp 35 super chat wow thank you so much he says drinks on me so i appreciate that thank you so much uh systex and eff thanks you as well ben murphy five pound super chat do you see a future with uisp and the isp routers that are being built by ubiquity as i want to use them for my wisp but currently using pfsense so i again i don't know number one we're really like we just said we're not really allowed to talk about early access stuff in public um second of all i have not actually played with them myself anyways so i wouldn't be able to tell you anything about them unfortunately what i can tell you is we do a lot of wisp consulting and sort of our go-to devices for wireless isps aren't actually pfsense maybe you can use pfsense in a wireless isp for you know like your edge devices and stuff but for like cpe customer prem equipment um we like uh microtic so microtip works really well we also like peplink one thing that we don't like and have had trouble with unfortunately are the ubiquity air cubes those just don't seem to be a great product so i would steer away from the ubiquity air cubes but um yeah check out microtic you can do pf sense the problem with pfsense is like their their appliances are expensive they're not something that you would want to deploy widely at like in like a customer premise um situation right you'd be much better off doing like an edge router x or something or maybe one of these new uisps again i haven't really i'm not familiar with them but something that's like relatively inexpensive uh as opposed to as opposed to a pf sense which is going to be quite pricey i think the bottom of the line pf sense is the sg 1100 and it runs about 300 if i'm not mistaken yeah that's what i have at home not what you want to give to you to cbs that that are not going to know what to do with them yeah all right so techy techy is a a um a regular in the crosstalk discord he is always there talking to people chatting people up and helping people out with problems techy thank you for the 5 super chat kicking in for the beer what do you think of the cheap slash white label mini pcs for pfsense on amazon see protectly vault all right well let me pull that up here all right i'm gonna do this off camera here [Music] protect i mean i like i mean i don't know how much cheaper they are like you said the nike sg 1100 is kind of expensive by 300 bucks but the thing that's nice about netgate is that it's an officially support um appliance and when you use you know unofficial stuff you might run into more more bugs potentially so that would be my only uh comment on that that's why i got a netgate product yeah and i'm looking at these on screen here i'm not seeing any cheap ones dude like the cheapest one i'm seeing is this 229 maybe there's like a oh here's no see that's not a protectly yeah i see one for 229. it's got a lot of positive reviews four and a half stars uh 229 bucks four port firewall micro appliance mini pc so again as riley said you want to go with the devices that you know are going to be 100 compliant with the software they're installing right so in the case of pfsense you know a netgate sg 1100 is just you know 60 bucks more than this uh 70 bucks more than something like that although it only has two ports i will i will give it that but ah you know again your mileage may vary right let me know if you get one of these let me know how it works i'd love to hear about it but uh i would recommend i think billy's been making videos on that oh has he i think so yeah i think someone just mentioned the chat to you so check out his videos see what willie thinks uh fred oh boy freda ciaonet freda chownet says sorry for my new question can i use udm pro as a usg firewall so yes the answer is yes udm pro is uh your router firewall built in to the software um it's kind of an all-in-one combo box with like a little switch firewall router you know it's got the dpi stuff built in and it's got a unified controller uh natively integrated so that's that yeah you wouldn't have both a udm pro and a usg okay 235 boy we've been going for hour and something now uh i think we're gonna wrap this up any uh you want to plug your uh plug hostify a little bit riley and and uh and also plug-in very good yeah if anyone's been uh if anyone's watching who's an i.t service provider or you're managing multiple unified locations and uh you know hopefully you already have a controller in the cloud or if not you might have cloud keys or you might have uh worst case scenario if you see people installing the laptops you take your laptop to each location every time you gotta change something um any of those situations where you're managing multiple locations and it's becoming kind of a headache to keep all of your controllers updated and backed up and you'd like to partner with someone who can provide support via phone email live chat when you run into issues host file might be a great fit you can check out our website definitely um click on the referral code in the uh description here host by um and host my website a link is in the description of the live chat video here and uh yeah check us out you can book a demo with our vinnie on our team vinnie has installed dozens of different locations for unified stuff he's really experienced and he'd be happy to help you talk to you about how you can migrate your stuff you can use your own custom domain name and answer any questions you have about the process if you go to uh the referral code link and then you click book a demo you can uh schedule a time to meet with vinnie and um yeah he'll be happy to help you get started with host fight very cool all right so it looks like uh two things number one um i misspoke on the sg 1100 it's only 179. so the netgate sg 1100 oh is that right 79. not i thought it was 299 but i must be thinking of the next one up so quick correction there uh ben murphy two pound super chat he was uh continuing on with his last one the pf senses edge router here not cpe so 100 at netgate pf sense stuff is great even not neck it even if you just have your own uh you know your own box and you're installing pfsense onto it it's a great solution it can do everything that a wireless isp would need to do so definitely definitely check into that someone else said that i missed some super chats as well which i will go to now so let's see i missed evan and mvp super and my apologies to your wallet uh mvp also says iot v land for a four dollar four pound excuse me 99 uh what is it 99 pence is it 4 pound 99 pence is that how you say it in uk terminology correct me if i'm wrong and i'm not a worldly guy iot vlan do i need to set an id tag on my lan and wlan uh airplay one chromecast and hue won't work md s repeater and igmp proxy is set on usg uh per json uh so number one json file editing is a big no-no with anything ubiquity i would not if you if there's stuff that you're trying to do with unify where you have to edit json files to do it you're you're past the vanilla stage where unifi is uh most helpful um yeah plus one on that the vlan thing yes you would need to set your vlan id and tag on the main lan and wlan what i would do in the case of iot is i would have an iot vlan and then i would set that iot vlan onto a specific ssid right so have a specific ssid for your iot devices only in fact i did a video on just this subject called secure iot vlan or something like that if you look just search my channel for iot you'll find it and it's where i set up this exact thing and then as far as the md s repeater working or not working that's probably just something that can be overcome with firewall rules i would imagine um okay so let's see what else did i miss uh five dollar tech with alex t five dollar super chat thank you so much do you plan on doing any more micro tick videos maybe um maybe i i it's really the videos that i do quite honestly are just the stuff that i happen to have in my office at any given time and you guys cannot see this off camera but i literally have a pile of equipment over here that i need to do videos on and genius sent me another couple access points uh aruba sent me some access points i need to benchmark all of that sort of stuff i've got this audio codes mp114 ata device that i'm going to be doing a video on for like remote site survivability if your hosted phone system is unavailable um again all sorts of stuff i actually just got this too this is kind of neat uh this is the wonder stick i'm not doing a video on it but this is a little here it's a little tiny like kind of cool looking screwdriver forward and back with a little led ring on it and uh it comes with like it's like this straight up like unify packaging or like apple packaging comes like this magnetic case with all your bits and then the bits are like there's a thousand bits in here for this thing let's see if i can pull this out look at this look at they come in this like string of like all these tons of bits and then there's four of these tubes worth of bits so i've actually been having quite a bit of fun with this little wonder stick almost looks like a soldering gun or something and then it's got this little base uh that it just sits in on your desk so you can just sort of have it sitting there just like that doesn't take up a lot of space and it's always right at your hands so i'm getting stuff like that all the time and i just don't have time to do videos on everything so mick or tick again maybe i'll do some more stuff if i find an interesting product but by and large i find the mikrotik learning curve a little bit uh complicated and i just don't have the time to like sit down and really figure it out i'd rather figure out pf sense or go through more of the pf sense learning curve personally um all right so let's see who else we got here how come i can't scroll down anymore hang on a second technical difficulties all right last super chat that we received was from harry rickenbach five dollar super chat what can i do with a business that does a diath attack on my wi-fi network what can you do with a business so you mean there's a specific business that's de-offing your your wi-fi ah that is a good question what would you do in that case like if you're right next to a business and they're messing with your wi-fi or like putting up rogue access points i guess you could just make sure that you're really utilizing that rogue access point functionality and so that you can kind of be on top of when they're popping up rogue access points that might be helping in that dioth attack but no that's a really interesting question i i honestly don't know i'd have to be in that situation and look at the whole look at the whole thing have you had any um have you had any stuff like that where were you having to use the rogue ap functionality um yeah usually when we have rogue ap questions it's because someone plugged in a non-unified device and it's broadcasting the same ssid and then what we do is we show people how to market as known so that it stops alerting that there's a rogue ap because they're using a different vendor but they it's their actual equipment so i can't really think of a time where we actually had a security problem where someone was being attacked and they're like how do i stop this i mean the only way to stop this is you gotta go and you gotta go finding the guy like right i mean there's no way to uh to block wireless attacks um that i know of you know to you know it's a tough one now there's a couple people especially i mean we don't know uh well he's paying in u.s currency so i assume that he's in the u.s there's a couple of people that said that's technically illegal and call the law yeah but here's the thing yeah you can call the cops on something like that the cops are not technical they're not going to understand what the hell you're talking about in most cases and i don't want to blank put that blanket statement on all cops but but you know what i'm saying like it's one of those things where i find it hard to believe that they would take any interest in that case right they would just probably go over next door to who you think is doing it and just tell them to stop or something like that i don't think it would go any further than that so yeah i don't know that's a tough one that's a tough one all right well uh we're gonna wrap it up here we've been going for about an hour and 45 minutes riley thanks for being on the on the live stream it was a pleasure to talk with you um like i said if you guys are interested in hostify check out hostify.com or if you're interested in using my referral link for hostify you can find that down in the comments below uh other than that plenty more videos coming out on the channel if you guys have video suggestions uh we have recently we actually just had a chat about video suggestions on discord so if you want to suggest any videos to me discord's the way to do it and uh other than that i hope everyone has a safe weekend easter weekend i guess it's easter weekend everywhere it's not just a u.s holiday so have a safe weekend and if you are celebrating easter with family just make sure you're playing it safe wear a mask and all that sort of good stuff covet is not over yet we have turned the corner there's a light at the end of the tunnel but it's not quite there yet and i personally cannot wait to get my vaccination we're not eligible yet here in oregon but i will the second that i am available to do it so all right any last words riley uh that's it thanks for having me man we'll have to do this again sometime sounds good thanks everyone for watching too yeah enjoy your weekend and uh
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Views: 19,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crosstalk, crosstalk solutions
Id: Pt7ZHfFDqpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 48sec (6288 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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