Let's Talk Live with Yu Tsai : Jeannie Mai, Host, Entertainer, Producer

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[Music] let's and today I'm so excited I'm smiling I'm pretty because I get to talk to another Asian sister I'm a different mother and thank you for the introduction for my dear friend Miss J that I get to be here to speak to any wedding a host from the real as well as a woman that's broken so many glass ceilings a longer way paving rows for Asian Americans home in Hollywood industry and that's what we're going to talk about today so everyone this is none other than Jenny mine hi everybody oh I'm so excited to meet your community you say thank you for having me well thank you thank you thank you thank you for being here and my community is your I have to say your community is so refreshing because you have an audience of people that love to learn they want to be open-minded they want to understand perspectives I love your IG lives this is so cool well thank you so much and you know when this this IG live started Julie was about fashion and about beauty in a very early stage of the pandemic and it's just so my community as you said the creative people have outlets and after two weeks of doing lives with me every single one of our branch office started doing their own so they can commute and if that was something I really wanted everybody to do because my background marketing and advertising and I knew that outlet needs to happen for us we're going to be as Amit we need to to make friends digitally or whatever the hell it may be I'm so proud of all my friends were even for twirl makeup but yeah it's really important because even though um at this time everybody is obviously recommended or urged to socially distance that doesn't mean that we should emotionally distance you know I mean there's a big difference when you socially distance obviously the proximity of distance is important but when you emotionally distance yourself from people you can really bring yourself to a place of not just loneliness but a place of of disconnect from human beings that were not meant to do human beings are meant to what you're meant to have touch or you meant to exchange ideas you're meant for somebody to weigh do I pull you out of bed encourage you and so when you when you emotionally distance yourself you can put yourself in a dangerous place because you only have the voices up here to talk to and that's not always a good thing and you know what I'm so happy you said that because this is actually minority Mental Health Month and for you to touch up on that is so poignant because in the Asian culture we don't talk about mental health openly it's just not something that we do we kind of just bury and go that doesn't exist and growing up I know that you're you're born in San Jose and I moved out here when I was about 12 I felt like I was born in America Warmack even with them even growing up in America culturally we just don't discuss that and it is really hard for especially I think for community like Asian comedian Latino give me a black community that family is everything you get together all the time and we always I don't get to play mah-jongg crazy I could play mah-jongg with them and I don't get to do that because they're older and I have to really really respect their space and they shut up I'm not really supposed anything to them so it is a really really difficult time and through let's talk and through watching everybody jumping on and still producing shows like they're real and talking to people over at zoom and all those things I remember in the very beginning when I started doing this it was watch this who's going to zoom calls but guess what I loved peeking into people's bedrooms and up there their kitchens and fuzzy rooms ago whoa no that's real yes yes absolutely not real and I think for people out there for all your your community you say it's important to make sure that with all the inundated news we get about bad news video after video about Karen's out there right I'm just so much madness it's important yes to keep yourself abreast of the news but also fill yourself with positive conversations so that you're breaking the narrative you may have inside so your brain might be in repetition saying oh this is terrible I lost my job things are never gonna be the same I've never to find a relationship how am I gonna start dating my marriage sucks if your narrative is saying this and you're by yourself in the four corners of your walls that's always going to repeat so that is why it's important to log on to IG lives like your Zeus eyes or podcasts start empowering and just keep it on audio and just play it while you're doing your makeup while you're chopping your vegetables while you're sewing whatever it is while you're taking a walk around your block whatever it is you're doing listen to IG lives like yours and allow yourself to have different dialogues so that it's not just you in your head having the same negative thoughts sometimes guys this is why she is a lifestyle guru and that's why she's who she is today and I personally have been following your career and we cost time actually because I would know you went to Singapore to do a show couple years ago and we wanted cross packets we want the same production company that produce your show and the one that film but Asian things taught models the same production company I was working with you oh my god we have one week crossover would have been on the same Channel Oh first of all if I had met you at that time I would have dragged you to all my favorite um stop mucking stalls and all the favorite like you know all the the food courts in Singapore and then I would have just broke you down and I would have made you give me lessons in posey how to get the best lighting cuz I love your work you saw you power to make not just women but anybody feel beautiful like a photographer and an artist like yourself it's important to know that you have the item mix anything you capture the beauty and everything you know what I need and and that's that's a gift well what what a compliment thank you so much for the Asian American community and I I have to say is that doing this pandemic I have never felt more Asian American woman than ever I am I always tell people that oh I'm color blind when I shoot people I don't see their color I just photographs who they are and it was asking because the other day a I was then reeducate it being color planes not okay you have a color where you black person as there are black person and photographed them at the best a black person so my narrative had to change my paradigm had to be educated and it wasn't through someone who have who I have made irresponsible jokes and we all do cuz we get so close to people in our industry we live in a bubble we think it's okay to make jokes and I make those joke that has since apologized again and then and he remembered it was my doors and through this time his surface and I was I was given the opportunity to apologize which I'm very grateful that he allowed me to and and his name is Tommy so I hope you hear is this a it Tommy's such a huge lesson that doesn't matter how coach y'all with someone any kind of remark that can hurt people matters and and I know we see a lot of celebrities recording I apologize just in case I laugh at that joke apologize just in case well I think it's all you're responsible to apologize blind guilty so right right but I do I take this opportunity to say that I've learned so much in that conversation because I sit him but why would you think I'm racist I'm colorblind I hire everybody just that's the point you have to be aware when you thought about the asian person be aware is an Asian person in front of your end can I tell you what are the wakening as a photographer I thought no at all I thought I know my lighting I know how to photograph people they get everyone but when that paradigm changed it changed the way I'm casting for the next job that's coming up in a week and I used to wear that I'm going to process how I behave and how I can evoke feelings in a different way because like Miss J oprand I do things for reactive and captured the reaction from people and boy do I go so far that's irrelevant and appropriate and then we see so many celebrity didn't go out for it and we're learning my god are we not you know absolutely especially coming from an Asian American background I will say specific Asian people specific Asian cultures Taiwanese Cambodian obviously Chinese Vietnamese Thai all of our Asian cultures have some sort of racial prejudice inside them all of them I'm saying that to all my people out there I'm looking right at you in your households not only are there anti blackness in the households but there's also colorism there's also color I myself as a tan Vietnamese I was judged all the time from my from my Vietnamese side of like donating like obeying what I sell putting in Newcombe nail which means like you are so dark you look like you're poor dark people look poor right and I wouldn't I wouldn't even think he I would never have thought that was an inappropriate comment I just thought that that was you know law and then as I got older I was like that's just the old Asians not realizing that the entire time not only is that super colorist but it's also very racist and and we have that in our cultures all of our cultures you go into any country and it's all about skin brightening creams and how to like you know bounce the light make yourself look the lightest you can look so you're not wrong for noting that it's really bad that we would make jokes and and not really understand that it can be not only very hurtful but it's very irresponsible and that's why and that's why the day I am like you I really am proud of being asian-american because my American side is teaching me the the inappropriateness of a lot of our old-school ways and our cultured ways of thinking so even during this time even though I know a lot of people have canceled 20/20 I know everybody's like we've shutting it down no I actually think that 20/20 might be the hardest but the best year yet because 20/20 has called every single one of us to stand to attention and to recognize not only what kind of person you are and what kind of actions you take but also what kind of country you want and what kind of country you've been living in and so it's made us all really call ourselves to the to the table to say what do you have to say about this situation have you been standing up for your allies and even if you say oh no no it's cool I got my friends I'm great just having friends or just not being racist isn't enough you've got to be anti-racist what do you do to take steps to stop the conversation in your household when somebody says if somebody in your family says what are they all so angry about like oh my god get over it was a long time ago are you speaking up are you making yourself uncomfortable also if somebody brings up the word racial of gap do you take the time to go Google that are you going to learn what that means I know for me I've never watched you sigh I've never watched so many documentaries about black history because I realized I don't know I was not taught these things you're sorry I came from a time where in all of elementary school because I don't know if you went to elementary school here did you go back oh you did okay all my elementary school teachers were white all white women and I actually Ebates some of my textbooks from back in the day in 398 pages of my my history book in seventh grade every chapter was about Christopher Columbus and Benjamin Franklin and all these you know big figures which we all now know that Christopher Columbus actually didn't discover America but this is what I learned then and then there's two tiny pages of slavery two tiny ones slavery and Harriet Tubman and then moved right on to the next cluster doors and all the people that you know accomplished greatness when we didn't even recognize that entire foundation of America all of our structures and land and buildings I mean the way we we were built was built off the backs of black people like it's I never even understood that and so I really have been watching so many great documentaries to educate myself and and I'm I understand now and I too like you I'm understanding going back I'm like wow there are so many things I could have said different I've definitely said I don't see color before I've definitely say you know when I sing songs like some of my favorite songs I've definitely said the n-word because it's in the song I don't use it in regular day but using it in a song is the same I'm saying things I do that because of best friends are black and you say that right right right appropriately does this but yeah laughs my family make fun of my skin of course I I was like stop it whatever like that makes it okay right because we perpetuate that notion that if we make it seem like it's okay therefore it's okay and I'm good west laughing with us therefore I can use that joke houseware and I oh my god I'm the most uniform brilliant person and that's only reason I was able to make it onto television I was in the lifestyle guru I was just somebody my agent actually told everybody had Tourette's so I would get in trouble if it's truly trying to get a reaction from whether my crew or from the talent and when they when they shot over there laughing at my inappropriate shows and many of them are against myself that's first personal let's just say I make one myself first but all of it these people who work with about 15 20 years or all understand and what happened is that then when is somebody on an outside not people that you've been knowing for 20 years walking on that set the perception of who they think you are changes yeah that's what that's what happened with me and it became a reminder oh I am now a public figure I need to now go back and apologize it when needs it and I need to adjust as I move forward I think it's such incredible learning for me in a world it is so easy to actually go I know it all I send this I Know Who I am people are laughing and they're cooking the like so don't tell me how to be somebody else but through this conversation that we're having and truly every single day every single guest on the show has taught me so much more about what you need to be number em yet I'm still working on that but which we need to be and one of my many reasons I wanted you on the show because I interviewed mother Jill okay that time I actually was researching her podcast and that hurt you podcast with her it took me from the soul because it was all the voices I'm afraid to say before you were so passionate and I want to talk about that's what people note so you guys haven't heard that podcast please go there's no Margaret Podcast with this conversation you address one thing is XP can talk about ancient hating Asians Asian are helping agents burst people we can talk about solidarity about Asian for black might matter let's be honest that and that is still prevalent in our industry and I want to talk about that because yeah happen to have this love some people in Singapore we both get to work there because such a the most incredible melting pot yes you know if they embrace all different tones of culture and Muslims for those where is a Singapore yeah whose amazing culture is amazing as a cleanest place you would ever visit yes there was the first Asian country I felt embrace my skin tone because I'm not wrong Taiwan and it should be years for Taiwan vote to say oh you're Taiwanese but you don't look it I'm like I speak the language I'm gonna shoot with you guys they took me three years to even want me to understand how much I want to celebrate my skin and my would you not want to work with them and it's so crazy and that's the Asian on agent non-supportive matter and you an industry as you were climbing a ladder and you find a lot of fast so if you were going through this process did you encounter that as well in the industry in the network that you were working for your goal you're asking from Asians or from other races less about Asians versafine okay for Pacific Asian absolutely I always get the oh you you don't seem agen which immediately in that small statement I'm like you do realize you just drew a tiny little box around our people that they should all look what the same way and talked the same way and they all have an accent like that's so but again these people don't mean offense they only speak what they see and so somebody has to come by and say actually Asians come in a variety of shapes sizes and experiences dialects way styles of talking have you seen it like you got a girl from the bay so you're gonna have somebody who speaks a different way here but have you met and a you go from from the valley have you met an Asian girl that's coming from alas I mean they're all different I don't is your girls that live in Colombia and have a beautiful accent is because Pinole at the same time so it's like you know we have to broaden our horizon there and then I think the second thing is when I was starting out in my career if I met another Asian and because it's only what it's me Lucy Liu Lisa leave and now Aquafina like there's not many right right yes we love Aquafina but at the time there weren't any at all so if I met another Asian whose job was to cast for the Asian role they always wanted me to play the most Asian style of Asian possible which means I'd like my skin if I want the job I light my skin I lose maybe about 15 more pounds and I would dye my hair black and look very very like like actually publicly the Taiwanese version of Asian or maybe like the Chinese they may be making me like that you know like you know the shiny oriental fabrics and all that and I'm like man that's crazy because if you don't call on me you're gonna pass the role on to like a few other Asian girls and that's all we have because in Hollywood if you were an Asian woman that that was gonna take a role you have to look the stereotypical exotic by the way that's a whole another thing they want the one that looks sexy the one that like makes you know brings dollars to the box office because you may be a freak you know and so yeah so I think specific Asians I remember casting directors asking me okay you know is this only this is skin color only for summer are you willing to put on longer eyelashes can we yeah can we straighten your nose more because a really high nose is really desirable um dye my hair jet-black or wear a wig so things like that and then from non Asian people I would get more of well okay so this part if I'm going to really dive deep because I've thought about this and this is why I agree with you you say this time has been very reflective for me I remember that my first few jobs were based off of the set your version of me so for example there was this one job MTV I didn't audition it would have been the first on-camera job that would have allowed me to get to be a part of sag after if I took the job it was with a host I'm sorry an actor named Frankie Muniz and he did a show where he was basically a racecar driver and because he races cars and he needed two women beside him to just be his hosts right so one was a tall gorgeous Caucasian girl long legs bouncy boobs the whole thing and then they were like okay and you're gonna be our exotic oriental and I remember you Sai I had it I had admit of crossroads where I can either be the excuse me I'm not oriental and there's much more to me than just this body or am I gonna take the check and and make my way up and I did B now I'm gonna tell you this cuz cuz this I have IVA I'm a I've a love-hate relationship with that memory that was one of men of a few jobs thank God I never slept with anybody thank God I never I never went that route but I absolutely did agree to some of the stereotypes that I would be that were asked of me because number one I felt every audition room I walked in it was all white faces at the time this is like back in 2000 like maybe five right 2004 2007 2005 all white faces so I thought if somebody's gonna learn about what an Asian sisters like up in here it's gonna be me I'm not going to leave the room while these white girls get all these jobs when I know I could get the job because I am attractive I am smart I am well-spoken I am professional I am talented I could get the job just like these women but you're gonna actually see a different colored perspective when you when you get when you hire me so that's so that's one reason why I took the job so that's my love side of it is I represented you get to where I am now but then my hate side of it you side is that I realize that part of being Asian especially being asian-american is that there's something in my culture that has taught me maybe specifically my Vietnamese culture I feel I've been taught to just go with the flow don't don't don't argue don't don't be the ones that constantly write don't be difficult don't be difficult and I think it has to do with the fact that my parents immigrated here both of them had to escape Vietnam communist circumstances tiptoe into America to be like guys do you mind if I just squeeze in between you know you guys and let me just make a place and so my might yo use I honestly a might and when I was growing up I was always afraid of being deported I had this even though I was an I'm American I am I'm born on American soil but I my parents made me feel like don't let the cops come and take us don't don't let them make them make us go back because they're all refugees so the mentality is we don't belong here so we're just gonna do what we're supposed to do make our money take care of our family and don't make any noise don't get arrested don't get crazy with the law so that they don't make us go back and so somewhere that ingrained in me all the way till I was older and then when it came to jobs where somebody would offend me I was hustling so I I went one route but the other side where I felt offended I didn't speak up I didn't speak up and this led to many problems not just within race racism but I was sexually abused as a kid I definitely was offended and and um absolutely inappropriately approached when I was getting up in the business absolutely had my even run-ins with you know people like the Harvey Weinstein's cuz they're all over thankfully I never was placed in a is in a more dangerous circumstance than just the inappropriate behavior but even then I never said anything you say and so now today here's the crazy thing so now today as my black brothers and sisters out there are hurting and are over it hurting something you know hurting over it and just already for this country to make the necessary changes they need to make I'm furious and I'm angry and I'm like wow I'm fighting and standing up more for my black brothers and sisters then I even would my own race and I I have to tell you it's it's shocking to me too myth this but when I look at it I realize I don't well I I don't I don't have I realize that we don't have the same type of connection within all of our races I don't think Japanese people would stand up for Filipinos I don't think monk Mongolian would stand up for Chinese but we all kind of stick to our race and yes the dialects make it hard to kind of you know stand up for one another but we are all we have the Asian American race is beautiful and we worked so hard to get here and anybody knows about racism we understand what it's like to be oppressed and what it's like now I'm not saying it's the same experience of course never that but I'm just saying like we of all people should understand what it how we need to ally for each other how do we know how to do it outside I still appreciate you stare at this because this has been my my struggle for weeks after weeks you know in the beginning we have beautiful fun conversation let's talk and then as the black light movement happen as Asian for black my food is important I went through the same I'm still going through it I go through these horrible images of Asian people being beamed up just three four weeks ago wearing masks I was down the street with masks on people thought he spit on me and now in this day it's crazy and I had posted on Instagram before I try to do not perpetuate that the fear but try to educate and the DM that comes in are so insanely crazy I didn't know when to share how to share but when black life matter happened the movement started pushing when the agent starts standing up for the black life matters I had to take a pause I had to figure out where do I stand because whenever you went were the community that I value a love will have helped me build my career I always said black community built my career absolutely and I'll share some story with that you know and but I did not know how to be so I begin to call miss J I literally call my black friends it's all so ignorant I had to call my black friends and check in with them is it what do I do and it wasn't I talked to to Margaret Cho and Lisa link well as you respect and they just said they will but you got to do what you need to do what's right but they will be there this is the time for solidarity this is a time that we well we won't be there no other time better than now and and in ways too forgiving is a gift right and by the one is a get so I had to learn how to change myself yes my producer Trevor is listening now every day you have to remind me let it go this happens all the time you know industry and I hope the industry started changed I saw the open letter for Essence magazine I was within two and a half years so I have my own experience with them and I see that black on black hates to and and all that stuff I'm so happy that's coming to the surface a lot of it I want to come to the surface with it I'm inappropriate stuff that somebody's gonna bring out and I ask people to bring it to me so it allowed me to these apologize allowed me to to make it right but this is definitely the time I feel like it freaking to not be shaping to Ross machine for everybody to eat up to and I will have you come to chance it I'm okay with that I'm okay with yeah but the part of what your story you're telling me about Asians and and competing the business and I'll tell you a funny story because when I saw you on II and found Network you were doing makeover shows yeah and I was then at the time starting to hit the reality TV stream yet as a creative director so so I had many interviews with E and I want my goal is to be on the show with you because I find I find being next to Asian people is more powerful it's a complete Chinese restaurants you don't wanna take this one B so Chinese let's not open it and this is literally I was told we don't need another Asian person the hostess already Asian and it wasn't because of my it wasn't door lid and the people who said that no longer there so guys don't come for me ie cuz I love you guys and you guys always bring me to run serene as I get done and there's another one I'll tell you I referred for a college of hosts for show to them and I did all this readings and I got feedback and I went back in again they said to me can you do you know I'm chef Japan like literally I stood there Wow I walked away from that job picked up I never got picked up so you guys were wrong and then she went but and I don't know how many times people say well you're just not gay enough or you're not Asian enough again and that's why I love Singapore now I started them because I created a show constituted kitchen Asia because I want to start with the food I want to start with my the culture of Taiwan and and I went to Singapore and got the sponsorship out there that's the main it was on net geo is on sauces like you know it's and that's like the one my proudest moment because then I actually realized time pull my community is because growing up and I'm sure you've gone through it that you you hire your asian-ness right you're like oh maybe you were seniors why so I can be part of this opportunity that's out there and when there's an either Americanized and I went through this long period of time wondering okay I always gonna have this Taiwanese screwed up accent because I lived so many different places my grammar and then will be correct because I'm Dyslexic Irie teleprompters backwards and that's always been like my scare funny things what I learned is when you sing deport everybody has an accent they won't know time first and they swarm race all of them and I think you more proud that I needed to go back to Asia to learn you know and one of the words that journeys when I saw you went back to Asia to work I was blown away because you know how many people would become successful America was Asian as you would go back to Asia at work yeah not many not me not many so I thank you for that because you have been such inspiration to me not just in just teaching you actions you know your action what you're doing your your dating life you you appeared and that's why I really so so productive the real because you keep it real there's so much in and the diversity of conversation that you bring and the candidates that you are here today Israel Asian people can learn that we don't have to be in this yeah and this is major of you thank you for doing this part of this on IG ly but thank you for allowing us to have a window into experienced perspective because no Asian walk is the same which is why we need to always come with open ears always be open to listen I mean right now is the best time to learn the art of listening but the art of listening is truly dropping everything that you have ever thought or what you do in five minutes your schedule what an phone your tech your texting and checking out notes and drop everything to listen to a person's experience feel the way their eyes change when they tell you about the different moments of their failures and there come use you know make sure that you ask the right questions to get people to really open up and share what it is you want them to know about them and this means especially for people of color especially for black friends you need to as you did reach out and I think it's one thing to ask you know what can I be doing but it's also another justice yes how are you how are you doing and and and just check-in and and don't put any pressure already on black people to have to tell you the things that you should go do yourself you should go and learn yourself you don't ask your friends for book recommendations and what documentaries you need to watch your ass is grown you can go do that yourself these people are living this experience and you expect them to now like go relive it in order to teach your ass you know I mean it's crazy so so so it is really great to have social media right now like Instagram has been so helpful to you know post and share beautiful speeches by James Baldwin and you know the Angela rise in the world are so great shalini that God is doing an amazing job to help educate Amanda seals she's also wonderful in teaching us how to understand the times and and what we can doing out here and and add in some humor as well does this you you have to also laugh while we go and still fight for Brianna Taylor's family and you know so so yeah it's a lot going on so much to do nobody should be bored right now well I you know when you earlier you said that we had this this distance thing that we suppose keeps a spoon apart up and champion this over and over I said if you in six feet distance you can actually share its kindness and love and that's more meaningful than the six feet apart from each other and that goes from everywhere from the food industry to the fashion industry to a television industry I think this is definitely the time that I feel that I'm the most naive and I just think I'm most opened and then wanting to learn and yes at times I'm beating myself up but but God knows it's necessary it's it's painful it's necessary and and I hope and I said this over and over I hope the pendulum does mean so far that when I show up on every set I'm asked to shear a color person and I'm asking you code I said it's a black is a color because of all range of color and I know that internet chief in positions are me place what people with more diverse ideas I don't care about in what color she is I guess higher I care about the idea that's in behind those eyes and actually stop perpetuating the notion that that's only the light color celebrity can be uncover of magazines who happen to be black and I'm saying that yet you guys are listening what editors are letting you know it's a key what I'm talking about because we these discussions all the time and we have discussions about lining the skin a little bit when we do the cover we're talking to skin a little bit because you know we want to talk to this audience he won't be real let's get real seriously and getting it into this to point out how stop screaming because you know you know industry like you're passionate you are yeah we live in this bubble and then so cause somebody's bursting that bubble for me to say you know what if you don't like it say it are you wanting to lose job over it you better want to because that's what's gonna make a difference you know I was talking to Sir John what actually loves a makeup artist we did American Beauty star together with Ashley Graham and he's calling out his own company that he works with L'Oreal and and all these other brands he says because if I don't do that what good is that I'm standing here and being an activist I'm just getting the paycheck and I don't know he was doing I'm gonna look into that that's oh my god we did a talk last week and Wow is that not funny but we had a pre target hour before we both win full of tears he goes okay finally the cheers are out we can actually talk live but I'm gonna check it out how wrong we are and how passionate we are and I said this earlier and I'm gonna stand now is that I always said that the black community of giving me the opportunity in this industry because they never judge me Tyra Banks open the opportunity for me be on television being at the time Quay ssin right on the crazy Asian to be honest and and because of that it opened such amazing gateway for I'm here to grow and at the time I started shooting Essence magazine and for two years I shall so many covers for them and that was my education and and I said if there's not said again is that when I was shooting for this for Essence magazine how probably I'm being by Janet Jackson's and and all these amazing a list celebrities of color but I'm time the white publications Sean against me and will not work with me become Wow getting classes that better change you guys that needs a change that's what happens and that's what happened before and he's still happening that is people are still having that dialogue and that's yeah and I am using this platform to dance I'm using the problem hopefully make a change and I know that when I see aya that you know Asian American being a Marie Claire and I just oh yeah and she puts a black woman on the cover her first issue Wow that's what we like matters and that's why solidarity and that's what inclusion is so important it's so so important and I'm not saying because you're why you won't do the right things I'm just saying it's time for a change and you figure I agree with you 100% it's time for a change you got me all worked up this is something to get worked up about you should you should get emotional about this number one thing that you should check and recognize is your privileges you should absolutely know what your privileges are what are your advantages in this world and then how are you using them to help the black community how are you using it to help it's a fight for equality how are you using it helps ampion for all these families that need to fight for justice you know I tell women please yeah equal pay plays you know what you did this to Miss J and I were on the same show and this happened in Asia and we know that patient down an Asian wants to pay agent less what's all about you know you didn't pay more to me with doing the same thing you know that right he's like why is that happening I go because I'm Asian therefore they think I should get pay as much stop is crazy yeah it's it's devastating for me right now the focus is definitely black lives matter and it means I need to learn my privileges whether it's my platforms that I have or even friends that I have how to connect with across intersect these communities so people can serve other people I know that right now is a very difficult time and who are at the highest unemployment rates ever afforded the history of America and many people lost their jobs many people are lost don't know what to do but here's the thing you have the same talent no matter how many months this crunching is going on you still control you still can do cody's still keep the website so guess what you should be doing you should be reaching out to these families that are distressed and helping to hoping to create enough traction or attention and make them a video if you're a great video blog refer reach out to one of these organizations these grassroots organizations that are fighting for black roots matter but black lives matter and try to make them a website maybe make them a social media feed take some beautiful pictures for them so that these organizations can get the dry attention that they deserve I have a friend who's a makeup artist and she's obviously out of business right now she seems to do got the right now on the business I've been truly dead she reached out to a mod Audrey's mom and said hey I'd love to do your makeup for the CNN interviews are you doing not only did that lift the spirits of this woman but it also just let her blend with the community that really is needing support and needs a year sometimes it's just an emotional person to be there to treat you and pamper you and make you feel better and then my friend became more of an activist because she met Ahmad Audrey's mom and realized the injustice that's out there and how hard it is to just get one interview to talk about your son that's died in the most murderous way that's deplorable for us even you have to have watched that video you know so this is a type of thing that I'm saying everybody can help whether you can build a house build a website you can find something to do trust me so go and check out either the grassroots organizations that are out there trying to promote that black lives matter or check in with the n-double-a-cp Legal Defense and education fund they have a list of the families their lawyers the steps that have been taking for them to you know get out there vote I know that during the voting not during the elections for all these cities you saw what happened in Georgia Atlanta where all the lines were over three hours long and the voting booths closed early if you have a pizza restaurant bring a pizza out to these people who are waiting in lines you know if you if you have time to go stop and buy a couple crates of water get some cold water out to these people this over 92 degrees that day well people are waiting in line to vote so this is always something that you can do and and so besides sitting at home and watching documentaries or calling your friends you know to see how they're doing go out there and just take action the biggest action that we all can do especially the Asian community and the Hispanic community with the lowest turnout in the red states you don't like what you see now you have to be wanting to stand in line like the black community do and by always show up and win in life with that one book is they valued that one though and I can tell you we don't do enough and that's one of the initiative I want to make sure that I'm in Paul with adop estate that's read and promote vote for a minority because you were both that's a good one though it's so important and listen I'm in California I don't need to adopt this date well good you know you got it fine yeah but you're right we got a state that's in the red and do what you gotta do to make sure you help push that vote you were absolutely right you say that's a really good idea well thank you so much for today and one thing I want everybody with this app when you hear black life mattered it means you matter it really does and when I begin to understand that I can then stand there and say Asians for black mass matters and and we all go through a different time I completely understand and by watching you Jenny I think that's following you listen to your shows and how you are so open it just continue to shatter all of this for such a what we cannot do that we can do and I hope you could come back with me again because I know you're so inspiring to so many people there's so many stories we can share and I what a privilege to have you here with me and thank you so much for supporting a community of course Anza for yourselves thank you thank you for having me I'm here for you I'm here for your IG live you side community take care of each other thank you so much and I'll see you soon bye so guys that's why she is deep Emmy winning host I am so privileged to have her here today and and I have to say it is such a consulting feeling and an amazing moment to be able to breathe to speak to someone that lets go on doing a similar journey with me and that's the same notion why my life matters and why people out there protesting because they all have gone through these different journeys on their own but collectively I think justice is out there and I thank you guys out there for listening and allow me to be here to continue to learn allow me to make it right for you guys I have learned so much this week has been an incredible lesson for me because I cannot just be here and talk to talk and not walk and walk that is my purpose and my goal for myself and please you guys out there and keep me accountable and I will see you again tomorrow thank you so much for being here with me
Channel: With Yu Tsai
Views: 6,632
Rating: 4.992126 out of 5
Keywords: photography, fashion, design, clothing, makeup, hair stylist, talk show, talkshow, instagram, instagram live, facebook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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