Lets Talk About | The WORST Way To 'Rank' Men By Attractiveness

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hello and welcome so today i'm very excited to be doing this finally go around to it we're looking at ranking men by attractness uh the jubilee version and essentially i'm just gonna be giving my review of it my aesthetic knowledge i really wish i prepared my introductions a bit better i hate doing these reaction videos because i don't know what to say um but so i have to think of everything on top just off the top of my head but generally it's going to go fine all right let's begin fun fact i used to live in texas uh but i didn't like it i'm jorge i'm pursuing a degree in kinesiology i'm anthony i made like youtube videos that work out stuff like that sam i'm studying astrophysics and i'm an air force cadet i'm roy i'm a recent college graduate studying political science well she okay so just before the video goes on any further i want to give out my um my predictions of who i think would probably get ranked the most at least attractive so firstly jorge i think um he's doing well for himself he's got rounded shoulders uh it's quite broad generally his face is mostly proportionate quite masculine but in terms of these five men the thing that i'd be looking for firstly is their hairline one of the things that a lot of men neglect is the essentially how the hairline frames the face and if it's not congruent to how your face looks so your level of facial masculinity it's it just throws off the whole facial attractiveness a good example is sam so sam the aerospace dude aeronautical i think whatever um generally his hairline is quite sharp and uh he has a decent amount of fronto temporal recession so essentially this little you know triangle thing you see the triangle near his temples that type of recession is generally a maturing feature you see that on men as they get older because it's a sign of male pattern hair loss now i don't know about you but most men don't want male pattern hair loss it's a masculinizing yet maturing feature and so if your facial features are quite nice if they're quite juvenile if you look like a child um no disrespect to roy but he's a good example of very juvenile features uh look at his hairline just for instance absolutely zero temporal recession just from here to here and for that reason it gives this face a very boyish very charming yet young look and so that's kind of what you'd want if you facial masculinity is quite low you would want to look like i don't know like a handsome k-pop star they're very good examples of faces with lots of feminized features but also with a very juvenile hairline so the hairline to the facial feature relationship is actually very important and that's the first criteria i've been looking at if i was assessing these men from like a more objective standpoint obviously it sounds very technical in reality i think most people do this quite subconsciously uh because you try to assess their face as a whole more of a holistic interpretation but if i were to break it down that's what i'd be looking at so that's the first thing and have you guys seen his eyes what yeah look at him because you got blue eyes i like his eyes he got shiny eggs he's probably the most fit yeah oh you know he loved him walking up to the front i get a lot of compliments and even though i don't really take compliments well i guess there's been enough evidence to where i know all right he's a pretty good looking guy so anthony start him off very masculine features just look at his jaw width so if i could draw that correctly essentially from one corner to the other the jaw width is very strong and this is one of the reasons why he can pull off the buzz cut look so well again going back to that feature i talked about temple recession so front of temple recession if i can draw his hairline you can see the his temples go back quite far and it's generally not a big deal if you have very masculine features so like a type of one to one congruence so if i were to draw a line here down to his jaw well a straight line that's the best i could draw on my ipad if i were to draw a one-to-one line like that you can see that his face is basically a rectangle and for that reason it's very masculine it's very strong and he can pull it off he can pull off having a shaved head also his head is quite proportionate it's not doesn't have a very defined sagittal crest or it's not unshapely it's it's just basically the ideal shape for a uh a shaved look so you can pull off being bald you can pull a shaved look anything like that it's just very shapely if you want more tips on that you can look at our video on uh skull shapes i believe that that one was basically explaining all the different concepts and the morphologies that would influence how a man's head or a woman's head would look if it was shaved now another thing i'd be talking about in anthony's uh defense is his eyes they're quite masculine they're again quite short and narrow and for that reason again the whole of his aesthetic the whole of his look is very congruent to him as a person he's very uh he's quite a masculine dude he's got wide shoulders he's quite built he obviously goes to the gym and so that type of congruency is what people find attractive now realistically just keeping it real his biggest downfall would be that is short he is there was a very deliberate reason why jubilee picked these five characters oh shoot i guess first of all right off the bat i think i don't know you can see jubilee just think of it like this jubilee is a talent agency they've got a lot of people submitting their some applications to come in for a video and they probably paid them well so if i were to guess a talent agency of this size would probably or media company realistically would probably get around 80 applicants for every video and so they'll choose 5 out of those 80 or maybe 10 including the girls as well to you know participate for a video that being said there's a very deliberate reason why they chose uh one guy who's realistically less attractive one guy who's realistically more attractive realistically shorter realistically taller this is a very deliberate reason you see this a lot with casting directors who want to portray some kind of audience emotion there's a very specific reason for why this guy is you know put in the middle and he starts off in the middle and there's a specific reason for why he's shorter but if if everyone was the exact same height and they looked very similar they're all white men all white men of six foot two size and the same build there would be no video there would be no nothing to compare against each other so i think it's a very i think it's a good i think it's a good type of a good example of typecasting but for that reason it does help in this man's defense being shorter it's not that big of a deal as you see in a second it doesn't really affect his attractiveness that a whole much and i definitely agree with the rating that some of the women give him that being said let's move over to the front and have you guys seen his eyes what i would personally put myself a four or five yeah i'd say four or five i think you guys should duke it out and just say what you're a three i feel like i'm tall enough i'm the shortest guy bro i thought he was gonna be number one to be honest so for me he at least has to be a three or two i i don't want to be like rude or blunt but he kind of looks like a frat boy so i think he should be like a three can i put a word in for myself that i'm not a bad boy what is it like i mean that's right i disagree i think you're up there personally i'm content with being four four or five i stood at five you're a pretty good looking guy i think you're pretty cute too roy i think i'm a pretty attractive person overall but seeing them and learning more about their personalities i wasn't going to argue that they're least attractive than me i personally feel that you should rank higher yeah i feel like you should be two or three if you guys i don't know the cameras can pick it up i woke up with blemishes today i got a crooked nose i broke it a few years ago man i've always had problems with it i just love how all the guys are trying all the guys all the men are trying to explain why they should be lower whereas if you watch the video for the women they're all trying to explain why they should be higher yeah that seems like a big deal to you but none of us like even notice that you gotta be too though i just no no because you're bigger like you can't even tell man no i'm going to tell you guys here we go i got tattoos too all right let me i don't know maybe i have a thing for white boys from my opinion and from my experience he would be like higher on the the ranking i think he's number two we just say one two three [Music] that's true dude he put some more look at look at his you got the beanie and he's got we forgot about the jeans oh yeah that's like plus points you still gotta have more like yeah more appearance yeah i wish that was a little bit bigger a little a little bit stronger okay so we're like this guy's a tool i think it's basically just them switch where would you put me what happened yeah right here at school okay i still think they're wrong and i should be like here that's cause you're humble okay so here's my guess my guess is roy he's he's got a stale number five um sam sam would probably go maybe number two if i had to guess uh jorge would go number one uh anthony would go number three or four it'd be a toss-up between anthony and jeremy who would either go three or four so it's it's hard to say but definitely jorge would be number one and roy would be number five as harsh as that sounds you see in a second why i said that we noticed once we took the jacket off he moved up a couple spots i don't want to take out peer pressure to take off that jacket i remember i like this stuff i think this is very solid cool good those earbuds cannot stop anything that's it's not gonna work [Music] when i saw when the guys were ranking each other it's like a first impression type of thing so basing off how you look and the conversation that we heard for a little time i need to see their booties nothing nothing nothing nothing okay all right we need to get the tender little sweetheart that is that is wrong right now and i have to call this out i have to call this out this is this makes me really upset the the way that women talk about roy in this video it's very it's very pitying and it's very um condescending i feel because roy he granted he's not the best looking guy there's a very specific reason like i said that jubilee cast him in this position and the fact that the men put him at the bottom means that essentially the way that the women are rating the men as you see again in a second is that it's dependent on who they think can actually take the rating that they're given with so like who's most likely to go home and cry and who's least likely to go home and cry about their raiding uh and for that reason they pity roy for being lost yet they still put him at the end it just doesn't seem fair to me give you flowers like and go to your doorstep by far if i was sick i'd call him to take care of him that's it like flat out oh roy's a sweetheart oh i love him i wanted him to talk more i felt like all the boys talked over poor roy honestly i love little baby roy look if i as a guy i don't i wouldn't want to be called little baby roy that's all i'm saying i would not want to be referred to as little baby roy who needs protection from everyone else and i want to be ranked fourth out of fifth you know just to make me feel better i wouldn't take the pity points it's just it's frankly quite disrespectful just kind of shoved in the back of the line every single time and i was like this poor kid attractiveness for me and it isn't just do you see how they told you about roy yeah we were done after this went to be like why don't you go grab coffee my number one would be spill a tea kalin he looks like a bootleg michael b jordan so he would go first because we love michael b jordan but astrophysics yeah he has a nice haircut like his eyes i felt like i had a very friendly vibe from him just his like eyes and his smile i thought sam was the most attractive to me he wasn't striving to be number one he was just like place me where i am and i'll take that i feel like he's friends with his mom but i feel like he also might like cheat on you no yeah let's try to think of something drastic here be okay so here's my problem with how they actually made this video the way the women are writing them in which is perfectly fine it's a combination of physical attractiveness and emotional connection which is understandable because it's a comparison of the male gaze which is purely physical versus the female gaze which is more emotional based so generally ask yourself out of the five men which one would be able to elicit the greatest emotional response which is kind of why women you know there's a trope of nice girls nice guys versus bad boys i don't know i think it's just a stupid thing just in general but the idea goes that generally women prefer bad men and one of the reasons for that is because when you look at it from a female guest perspective it makes sense because bad men can elicit greater emotional responses they're more they're just fun in general and who doesn't want to have fun so in that comparison he probably has a bad temper he punches i don't like how they're projecting like he probably has a bad temper oh he's a trump supporter he looks like he'll treat you well and take you out to dates that's that's not really fair that's not a very good assessment drywall when he gets angry caitlyn gave her one who's your two three four five it was one two three four five one two three four [Laughter] four five just because i'm very big on height i would go one two three four five hey she get she gave the short guy immediately i like the guy in the green shirt who was shorter made eye contact and i was like okay cool like i think that's attractive is like connection one two three four five yay okay we're on the same i like the disparity i do i do enjoy seeing the disparity between the two women's ratings so firstly they gave anthony ranked number one and then in the second version they gave anthony ranked number four with the other girl so it does show that height isn't as big of a deal as you know you'd think it is important but anthony does carry himself very well so there is a very good anecdotal point there that um it's not as important that being said uh you have to remember that the women here who are raiding are going in front of a camera so they're not going to give you their true feelings because even if it was me even if it was a guy even in the video with the guys raiding the women they didn't give their honest at least i felt that way they didn't give the most honest opinion of what they really thought because you know we're always subject to social conditioning and so you know you may say that anthony's number one you may really prefer him but when push comes to shove you may coincidentally always um be find yourself attracted to blue eyed um blue eyed blondie sam over here so i i would take that one with the grain of salt three four five yay okay we're on the same boat i mean i feel like i like a guy who's not so skinny just because i like you know protection i don't want to break them i really like his eyes okay he's for sure one yeah you gotta come right here the blue it's like who me i think yeah yeah or two or three see i think jorge actually no jorge jorge jorge how dare you be adorable i don't really like anybody's outfits today i understand we're all comfortable i don't know i think dressing is important granted that the outfits aren't the best i mean they just look like regular dudes nothing special but that's also not a fair way of assessing any of the men because that's not something you can really judge based on like they can easily change into a suit if that's what you prefer they can easily change into something else if that's what you prefer so it's not really a very fair track fair termination of attractiveness because they're coming in for a studio shoot they probably didn't get instructions oh come in in a suit you know that's not what a normal person would do they come in whatever they find comfortable again that's not something i would consider as a very objective way of measuring attractiveness but that's just me that's just me yeah that's fair can't make me picture them naked that's weird pink shirt would go in seconds i just love the physical they're so visibly uncomfortable at that comment i want to picture them naked that is can you imagine the double standards there that's not fair i don't like that and then everyone would scooch is everyone like that let's see yeah let's do it okay right over there yeah yeah yeah i would just like to say what a little angel right what a little angel get somewhere not inside look at his little wings protect him i care more about those oh man how do i explain it these comments are so condescending what a little angel look at his little wings he should be anywhere but five really okay then where should he be four number four what the girls thought than the guys but that's just my own opinion wait so can he just move up because i he can't be there yeah can we put him in third third these are i kind of feel like maybe they should swim yeah i am 100 okay with this lineup i feel like i'm okay with this whatever okay here's here's my issue with it this is how i think they actually rated the men who can take the rating that they're given without getting upset the way they talked about uh roy was very degrading it was very condescending and quite frankly i found it quite rude the the idea is basically they feel like that roy wouldn't be able to take being ranked the least at least attract number five because for a number of reasons he just looks like a child right let's just be frank he has very juvenile features and for lack of a better term he has very feminized features for that reason they felt like he needs needs to be protected quote unquote and so they protected him by moving him from fifth place to fourth that doesn't seem like a very good um well hopefully roy didn't realize what happened but if it was me that i would take offense to that because that's it's i would much rather be number five where i should be rather than being pushed number four out of pity but that's just me now with uh i believe his name was jeremy with jeremy um essentially they just put him in five because he he looks the most like a grown man to be fair so they felt like he could take it whereas if he compared the results between the other women jeremy was in the top three so he was in the top three for a number of times and then right at the end they just felt like putting him at number five because where else who else could you put at number five that would generally not you know like without hurting anyone's feelings you gotta put somebody in number five so jeremy is in number five just by circumstance not necessarily because he's less attractive than any of the other men granted i actually think he's more attractive obviously if i would to have it if i would suggest something probably suggest that's what being roy and jeremy out obviously that's i mean like i'm saying i'd roy's it seems like a great dude but it's not a very fair rating and there's a lot of pity right and i hate that i hate that concept i felt like we did a pretty fair job most of us came to a consensus on it it did definitely feel a little degrading and a little uncomfortable don't get me wrong i don't want to be mean but i didn't find any of them attractive so it was kind of a lot harder than i anticipated outside of this i would not have looked at any of the guys i would walk past each one of them but being in the same room and seeing this don't find any one of these men attractive that kind of makes sense because um if you look at the dating statistics generally these men except for hawaii like i'm saying hawaii is very attractive i think he has a lot going for him and uh if anything he should be number one and so if you look at the dating statistics generally women do tend to prefer men who are above average and quite frankly speaking all of these men are average or around average like there there's a very deliberate reason like i said why jubilee chose this specific like the most specific group of men possible because they all come from different backgrounds and sizes and body builds but they're all more or less average except for maybe like the top two i guess they'll be like it's slightly above average or somewhere around that and i suppose roy would be slightly below average again i'm just keeping it real don't cancel me for saying what we're all thinking i'll we'll go to the comment section in just a second but that being said the fact that the women don't find any of them attractive isn't that surprising to me um just in general but it's it's kind of it's kind of it kind of sucks uh if you're a guy watching this uh yeah bad luck i don't know improve your looks a lot harder than i anticipated outside of this i would not have looked at any of the guys i would walk past each one of them but being in the same room and seeing this type of personalities that they have these are some nice guys to be friends with oh we are really different i think most of the girls are more personality based which is good that being said they all seem wonderful honestly these are these are the homies like if i had if i just met this random group i would probably become friends they all seem very nice and friendly and they seem like genuine dudes that being said that's not what we're rating men on the video is ranking men by attractiveness and as i gave you my reasons for it there's a number of reasons why this is completely flawed i don't think it's very accurate and people don't really want to acknowledge what's actually going on all right so let's look at the comments see if they agree or disagree with what i'm saying bootleg michael b jordan ranks him fifth by the end i think they're talking about jeremy and that's completely fair that being as that being said um that wasn't necessarily jeremy did get ranked first by the guild that actually said bootleg michael b jordan so i don't entirely agree with that i'm sure the girls had good intention but they sounded like they wanted to breastfeed roy rather than date him which is exactly what i've been saying these comments that they're making towards roy are very condescending and like again bro roy is a grown man maybe he's just less social than the others that doesn't make him a five-year-old i think roy is actually cute i don't know why they were acting like they felt bad for him exactly what i'm saying the way that the women were talking about a man who is less attractive granted he is less attractive than the average and there's a number of reasons for that we can go over them if you really want but for that reason they the the comments were so unnecessary it was quite um the fact that they gave him points out of pity has to be the greatest insult i could think of and it's such a backhanded compliment again men openly complimenting men is so wholesome i do agree the girls arguing with who's prettier the guys are hearing who's ugly that is such that's what i said i don't like anyone's outfit today that's like i explained that's not a very fair way to judge somebody because you can just as easily go home and change into whatever would impress you if that's what it took that's not what they're being judged on i think they all did a great job on their outfits always literally so cute and my heart smelled to me and said you're cute too roy was good looking and he just looks like he lacks confidence and it's true um he is very soft-spoken and in the video for being soft-spoken they all the other men spoke over him which is you know that's what happens in a group dynamic somebody will get left behind but the way that the women again felt like they had to protect him it's it's just unnecessary the way the girls treated roy makes me so angry i'd rather be ranked five than patronized that's what i'm saying let me leave a like on that that's what i'm saying i actually took the liberty of photoshopping anthony to be a bit taller and um yeah i don't know if it actually makes a big difference he's proportionately completely out of whack um his torso and his his feet basically there's there is no congruence there i've i haven't done the best job but i just wanted to point out does height really make a difference here i know a lot of men are concerned about being shorter than average but i think anthony actually carried himself well and he's a very good example of you know making as much of a difference as you think with men there are a lot of different options like shoes that you know generally give you a bit more height there are elevator shoes that are very sophisticatedly made and you know they can help hide if that's what you need just to give you a little bit of an inch or a boost that being said um i don't think it makes that big of a difference as you would think he's still raided behind above roy and jeremy although i don't think that's you know for a number of reasons i don't think that's entirely correct but in this case it doesn't really help it doesn't make him any more attractive and one of the reasons why i think the proportions are wrong here is because his head shape is not in proportion with his uh body so you know his head shape the width the actual width of his head should be a bit wider and i can probably correct that in photoshop but it doesn't really make much of a difference all right so that's the end of the video if you've learned something well why don't we talk about what we've learned what are we trying to recap basically the gist of it is roy is not unattractive he's just below average and part of that is because he has acne he has some asymmetries he has a number of he has a quite a weak jaw and it's quite feminized and his overall facial features are quite neotenous and the juvenile i mean generally that's why the women were describing him as a little boy they're describing as a kid i i would know as a grown man i would not want to be called a little boy or a kid because that's just so patronizing i i feel bad for him i genuinely do and for those reasons he they felt that they had to protect him by giving him points out of pity which i thought was very unnecessary it was it was just frankly quite rude but granted the rest of the men are also near around average maybe like a point or two above or below average but granted they do quite well for themselves like anthony he carries himself quite well despite being shorter uh jorge it's definitely got an unconventional look he's not entirely if you look at his facial features they're not entirely well balanced he's got a crooked nose as he pointed out himself his eyes are a bit misshapen and a bit biased towards the left but that being said he does have very masculine features like a strong jaw very broad shoulders he's quite tall so those things mask all of his other insecurities and he does well for himself he's rated as most attractive by the girls by the men and even by me so i definitely think he does well for himself that being said i feel like jeremy was a victim of circumstance realistically he was just put there because somebody has to go at the end right and so who could i put at the end without feeling like i'm actively making a decision the best way the way i'm thinking of it right now is if you've ever done the trolley problem where it's like would i want to intervene and save one person sorry save five people or would i want to not intervene and let one person on the track die right it's kind of the same thing with a lot of cognitive psychology where people generally don't want to be the reason for raiding somebody you know being less attractive so essentially they're just putting everybody in front of jeremy and pushing him back but they're not saying explicitly jeremy you you deserve to be at the end do you see how that's different you're not you don't feel as guilty because oh he's just there by circumstance he's relatively less attractive it's not that i said he's unattractive very big difference now with that being said i don't think that's a very fair assessment of jeremy he just definitely deserves to be higher the women should have actually put roy at the end um obviously it's it's their choice but i it was my choice i'd put roy at the end for a number of reasons but that being said it's very patronizing they feel like they had to protect roy and so they gave him points out of pity and put jeremy there instead so i don't think it's a very good assessment of ranking men by attractiveness quote unquote [Music] you
Channel: QOVES Studio
Views: 394,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instagram vs reality reaction, instagram vs reality expectations, facetune, instagram airbrush, facial aesthetics, attractive face subliminal, attractive face tips, how to get a beautiful face, rate my face, beautiful face affirmations, lookism, jaw exercise, modelling, modelling faces, vogue, Jubilee, Ranking Men's Attractiveness, Male Attractiveness Score, 10/10 Looks, Most Attractive Men, Rating Men's Attractiveness, Facial Attractiveness, Physically Attractive, Cut Attraction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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