Let's Talk About | AskReddit: "What Are Some Things You Can Do To Be More Attractive"

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hello and welcome back to the channel today we're looking at this ask reddit thread that a lot of you have been suggesting and we're just going to be going over the advice and i'm going to be giving you feedback on whether it's actually good advice to make you look more attractive or not let's begin the first one wear clothes that fit properly to add to that don't worry about what the size tag says if you need to go up a size for a good fit you should do it nobody's going to see your size tag but everybody will see that if you jam yourself into clothes that are too tight in other words just because you can put it on doesn't mean that it fits now regarding this type of advice wearing clothes that fits properly i do think it's not bad advice but not all clothes are made equal on people of different sizes what i mean by this is if you're shorter clothes in general are not going to look good on you in general that's just how it is because clothes are made to a certain standard and the average height i believe that they're made for is anywhere from 595 10 for men and maybe like five six and five five for women for that reason not all clothes fit the same just off the shelf you can get them tailored but there's a lot more especially if you're a shorter man there's a lot more that you need to understand in terms of how the silhouette looks on you and i spoke a lot about silhouettes and body shapes and body sizes uh in one of the previous videos i put that up on the screen but you need to understand that it's not going to look the same so just because it says to get it tailored you should get your clothes tailored if you can it's not that big of an investment and if you spend your money on quality clothes rather than a huge quantity of stuff that you don't really ever wear in your wardrobe then i think it's it's a decent advice to get them tailored first but you need to have a better knowledge of silhouettes and proportions rather than just getting something tailored and thinking it's going to look good on you because it doesn't work like that i'll give you some examples of what i mean with high-waisted pants often creating a better silhouette for a lot of men compared to regular styles of wearing clothes like those that end at the hips a good example would be maybe this guy from the modest man which makes clothes for shorter men not a sponsored segment or anything but you can see that when he's wearing his pants they just look a lot shorter and also shorter men have shorter well everything all of their body is in proportion and so the legs are a lot smaller and the hips are a lot narrower the waist is a lot narrower too and it just creates a much more frail silhouette so for shorter men i would advise against wearing really tight fitting clothes i know this may sound this may sound contradictory but i actually think that um a bit looser trousers create a much more pleasing silhouette because that way you don't really know how how thick or how narrow your legs are this is another example the guy is granted is he is an older model but he does look really frail and that's just because the jeans are short you can see his tibias they look really short in this image um and for all of these factors combined they just make a person look a lot more frail so personally i think wider legged trousers they are a bit more experimental and not for everyone obviously but pleated trousers wider leg trousers they they really do have a place in their own and i don't know why they went out of fashion um but nowadays i've seen them come back a lot and a lot of channels like um the gentleman's fashion what's his name jordan o'brien he is like five six or something but he styles his clothes in a very similar way and he makes them look really good so go to jordan o'brien's page um for that type of advice for taller guys you can wear just about anything you don't even have to wear uh high-waisted trousers generally i still do think that even with taller men high-waisted trousers look really good just because i think it's a very uh forward-thinking silhouette and compared to what your roadman friends tell you this is not the peak of fashion okay please for all the heterosexual men out there please try experimenting with things that may feel like they're out of your comfort zone but trust me there's a reason why all these fashion influences and these stylish men on youtube try different things and they look different because eventually you're gonna have to grow up and you're gonna have to wear things that are more timeless and more rudimentary too stuff like your grandparents would wear back in the day there's a reason why these clothes are timeless if you're shorter as a woman then i've already covered this on this episode in quite a lot of detail but generally the gist of what i was saying was your legs are shorter and so the muscle tends to uh curve out more the fascia has a less shapely slender shape right and for that reason you may want to wear more loose fitting clothes or even if you're going to wear pants um wear more loose fitting pants like a lot of the ones we see on xi'an um and just creates a more feminine contour you don't want to be wearing mom jeans that really highlight the shape of your legs if you're shorter because your legs are going to look a lot larger than they really are and that's just there's nothing you can do about that there's less space for your muscles to be spread out alright moving on i've completely forgotten what this video was about because anything to do with fashion gets me worked up anyway the next advice is to take care of your teeth which i completely agree with a good smile is worth a lot but when it says take care of your teeth i'm guessing it's this is from a very hygienic point of view right so dental hygiene is also important you know brushing your teeth uh using a pick i recently bought a water pick not a sponsored segment i'm not going to say which brand but it's done a lot of good it's it really helps i didn't notice how much plaque buildup i had and i'd brush my teeth twice a day maybe three times after a big meal and and still i didn't notice how much plaque i had and that was causing a lot of yellowing even though on from far away it looks white from close up there was a lot of yellowing that i didn't notice and after using a water pick it makes a big difference so i do recommend buying a cheap one at least just to get started and seeing how much of a difference that makes the second thing when it comes to dental aesthetics and we've made a video on this it's not enough to just brush your teeth and yada yada yada your into hygiene is important but the thing that actually makes a big difference in terms of aesthetics is your dental formation right your orthodontic alignment your maxillary arch these are factors that brushing isn't going to fix your teeth your smile isn't going to magically look better because you brush your teeth and they're two shades wider now when in reality you have missing teeth you have very big gaps between each teeth you have dark bugle corridors because your maxillary arch is very narrow these are factors that you have a very gummy smile as well that's another big one so these are factors that influence your smile aesthetic a lot more than simply saying take care of your teeth and get good hygiene and brush your teeth that's i don't think that's good advice the actual advice is if you if you think there are things that you want to correct with your smile from a orthodontic point of view then i think personally it's worth the money in getting your smile correct there are some things that dental hygiene can fix but there are much bigger things that you need orthodontic intervention for to actually fix and i feel like a lot of the advice that people are given when it comes to their teeth is is very superficial it's just like brush your teeth and everything is going to be dandy when in reality they need to be told that look you have these very big gaps between your frontal incisors that makes you look like cletus from the simpsons you have these very big gaps between your teeth that makes you look um like you're a meth addict you have missing teeth you have missing canines your your dental arch is very narrow these are things that you should get corrected and orthodontics and it may be expensive but it's going to be a lot better for your your self-esteem if if these are the things that people notice the next piece of advice is to dress for your body and not for current trends i do agree with this where if you remember back to the first comment where the advice was to wear clothes that fit you well a lot of the type of clothes that i was pointing towards are very timeless pieces for menswear particularly because i know menswear better than i know women's wear men's wear clothes especially timeless clothes they they really do stick around for a while because they're they they complement a masculine physique they complement what men ideally have looked like for a while now and and for that reason they they fit well right compared to trends today where you see streetwear trends they change over and over and streetwear is very contextual with examples of racing jackets during f1 seasons um concert jackets during a particular person's fame uh you see examples of converses high tops which are very popular because of basketball culture there's and skate culture too and there's so many examples like thrasher with skate culture streetwear is very contextual whereas menswear has generally been more timeless and so when they say dress for your body this is what i'm talking about with the idea of silhouettes and not for trends which is why i'm pointing you towards menswear rather than streetwear this is exactly what i'm trying to say right even in menswear there's a lot of um there's been a quite a big paradigm shift like for instance this was considered the peak menswear with nba basketballers wearing very loose baggy suits and nowadays menswear is very different with very sharp and well fitted well tailored suits so even in menswear there's slight paradigm shifts there's like contextual shifts but it's definitely not as big as the shifts that you see in streetwear but streetwear has its place but you have to understand that it's very contextual based it's very trendy it can be very good now not good at tomorrow but menswear always usually a very good staple to go with next up good posture i've talked about this a lot on i believe a lot of the podcast episodes i can't remember the exact one but what i didn't remember saying was the importance of not having your shoulders rounded now this is something that i mentioned because i have also had rounded shoulders for a while and still i started working out my back muscles doing face pulls with every back workout set and it's made a big difference having rounded shoulders does it reduce your posture it makes you kind of hunch forwards like the hunchback of notre dame and it's not the ideal look so posture is very important it can give you a couple of extra centimeters if you're shorter uh but in general you do want to practice good posture not just for looking better but also for your general locomotion and health so i there isn't much else to say they only posture advice i'd give you uh practice the wall angels i believe they're called i put videos up for all of this wool angels are found to be really good and stuff for round and shoulders right do do practices for rounded shoulders which generally includes face pulls and a lot of rhomboid and lat exercises groom your fingernails are pretty important too and one reason why i think grooming your fingernails is important but another thing that a lot of men don't realize is in the female gaze right what women find attractive on men versus what men think women find attractive on men so the female gets versus the male gaze women find hands to be very attractive and not everyone is genetically blessed with long hands long fingers nice cuticles nice hands in general right like a aesthetic palm to finger ratio and uh you're the size of your nails the shape of your nails too and so even if you don't have those things there shouldn't be any excuse to have dirty hands you know having dirt under your nails having long fingernails those are things that they're generally unattractive moving on really listen to the person they're having a conversation with this one is just it's not really a physical attractiveness thing i can't really comment on this it should be quite straightforward this is just a part of good conversation uh if you're not good at conversation if you're not a good conversationalist which is something that i was never really good at until i really worked and i really thought about it there are a lot of things you can do and i think i think the channel is charisma on command a lot of good advice actual good advice and i think you can start slowly implementing that to get better at it but the way i improved my conversational skills is really to slow down how i'm speaking in even even in this youtube video you can probably notice i speak quite fast and i do that because i want to get my ideas out before i forget them but generally when i'm speaking to a person in you know in front of me i really slow down the rate at which i'm speaking i would even drop my voice a little bit so that people have to listen a bit more intently to hear what i'm saying and you want to make sure you have something interesting that you're saying because if you're just commenting on the weather um just small talk small talk in general it's not interesting conversation so one of the things that really helped me with conversation is having interesting things to talk about even if i had have to make up stories which is what i did i faked it till i made it i'd you know just talk about stories and stuff and i'd skip the small talk entirely it just kind of like the uh uh you guys have watched peaky blinders i'm sure guess if you've noticed tommy shelby the the lead protagonist he always starts off by taking people in circles in conversations he he would point out like seemingly innocuous things or you'd completely steer the conversation in a different direction you can somebody would ask him a very serious question and he would uh talk about something seemingly innocuous like have you ever noticed the clock is like striking 12 every 30 seconds or something something like completely random and that would completely that would catch people off guard and i started doing that after watching the charisma on command video on that and it actually worked it really um it gave people it just skips the whole small talk section and that over time over time with practice you know just implementing one thing at a time every time i have a conversation with somebody it made me a lot better at conversations so which is why i can talk on youtube which is why i can do the narration thing that i do now because this is all do practice there's so much practice that goes into narration like right now like how i'm pronouncing words enunciation uh prosody so many things that you never think about but anyway next thing let's move on good posture self-care grooming spoken about that already drinking enough water um this should be a habit if you're not drinking enough water keep a bottle next to you i keep a what is this uh like a three or four liter bottle like one of those big gym bottles right next to my table um and then i just get that through the day drinking water really really really helps with weight loss if you're struggling with weight loss half the time that you think you're hungry you're not hungry just thirsty and so if i'm ever hungry or i think that i'm hungry i would drink water first and i'm still if i'm still hungry after that then that means i'm i'm actually hungry and i would probably get a meal or you know get some kind of snack or something like that it really helped with weight loss um i was never like fat i was never really high body fat but particularly when i was trying to diet down to like beach ready summer lean the water really helped so that's my advice with regards to water i don't think it's very helpful advice but i think it helps proper clothes do have you guys noticed a trend in the comments here nothing about surgical improvements nothing about actually making improvements that will help you all of these are very superficial things and this is my issue that i'm going to talk more about this towards the end of the video but this is my issue with the advice that we see online nowadays if you guys are still up to this point of the video if you're still paying attention the advice that we see online it's it's very well i like to call it buzzfeed mainstream but nobody talks about the actual factors that influence your physical aesthetic right with when i was talking about the smile aesthetic your teeth um dental hygiene is a very superficial thing that's something that you should be doing anyway wearing nice clothes wearing proper fitting clothes that's something you should be doing anyway the things that matter the things that actually make the bigger improvements um oftentimes very difficult to talk about because they imply that there's something inherently wrong with you or that they imply that you have some kind of flaw that should be corrected and people we we tend to walk on egg shells whenever we're trying to give our advice to people we give advice to other people that is what i would do um actually skip that train of thought let's go to the next point have a hobby that doesn't that you're passionate about okay i want to talk about this a lot i have a lot of hobbies there's a lot of things that i enjoy when i started this youtube channel right at the beginning one of the hobbies that i enjoyed was just working with software and making cool things like i i generally enjoy creative art like painting sculpting on youtube making videos using adobe after effects and all that stuff and that's how this youtube channel essentially started but what i'm trying to say is that not all hobbies are built the same okay and this is a very important thing you guys need to understand um i was speaking about this on the podcast as well but not all hobbies are built the same and what i mean by this is i have a lot of hobbies like building legos is my hobby that's that's something i generally enjoy um and i have a like a thousand dollar bugatti veyron um replica sitting next to my desk like the lego version um but i would never show anybody that hobby um because it's quite nerdy and it's something that i do for myself i don't do it to impress anyone or to show anyone but there are some hobbies that people think are attractive and then there are some hobbies that are neutral and then there are some hobbies that actually have a negative connotation to them and a negative connotation would be playing league of legends all right there's i don't know if you've seen it but on on tick tock it's there's like all these tick tock memes where it's like um if if your boyfriend plays league of legends girl leave him or something like that right there are some hobbies that have negative connotation if i told somebody oh my hobby is playing league of legends i'd have negative connotations i don't play league but that's an example um and then moving on there are neutral connotations to certain hobbies like building legos that's something i enjoy but it's not something i'd particularly like to share with somebody if i'm not close with them it's not something i'd lead with in a you know romantic potential romantic partner scenario another hobby that i have is you know playing the piano um playing the guitar those are things i could lead with those are things i could i wouldn't even mention it was something i'd show somebody if um the opportunity ever came up or whoever got to that topic but certain hobbies like rock climbing which is also something that i really enjoyed doing those are hobbies that you can bring other people into your hobby to begin with right i can invite people to come rock climbing with me i can invite people to um listen to me play the piano somewhere or those are things that you can share with other people but not all hobbies are built the same and in terms of attraction um and if this is your goal if you're learning a hobby to become more attractive as this question suggests you should understand that some hobbies do better than others right you should do what makes you happy but you should have multiple hobbies some for yourself and some for others they may sound superficial but this is this whole channel is in a way quite superficial and i give you the most realistic advice moving on smile and be friendly well no [ __ ] sherlock thank you for that i i just thought i have to just be upset all the time and and whenever people ask me questions i just bark back at them are you telling me that's not what you're meant to do confidence wow thank you confidence confidence is i don't have a whole lot to say for confidence i mean it comes a lot of confidence comes from your physical attractiveness if i have messed up teeth i'm not going to be smiling very often if i'm below average height i'm not going to feel very confident next to somebody who's seven foot tall right if i'm um i don't know what else uh if i have messed up skin if i have acne i'm not going to feel as confident compared to other people how do you fake those things i i think it's dis it's incongruent rather there are things that you should be working on improving and if you have messed up teeth go see an orthodontist if you're short go see the videos on how you can look taller where you can even wear elevator shoes if that's something you're really concerned about or there there is one other option i'm not gonna say what their last option is but it costs um seventy thousand to a hundred thousand um and and if you're if you have messed up skin go see a dermatologist get isotretinoin get retinoids there are options for that and those are the things that will actually boost your self-esteem rather than telling yourself that i am beautiful i am giving yourself these affirmations when your social experiences do not reflect what you're telling yourself and this this congruency this um what's a word for it this double think that you're experiencing is only going to ruin your confidence and your self-esteem further i've always said that effort is the most attractive quality people put put effort to bathe shave dress nicely then effort into hobbies work social life people are attracted to passion if you're passionate about something and it shows it does a lot more than people realize i agree with this passion more more correctly not passion but i think ambition is very attractive and i've there are very few people that i've met that are actually truly ambitious especially at my age demographic my friends the people that i surround myself with are all very successful they're all they're all doing something very successful with their lives uh high-end software engineers or um medical professionals or business owners um and then they're all doing something with their life so i i look for people with ambition and that's how i select the people i want to hang out with there are also friends from uh high school and primary school that i still hang out with they're all very passionate and they're all very driven even if it's in not in the most lucrative in industries there are people who are struggling musicians but they're very passionate and they're very good at what they do so that's how i choose who i want to spend my time with and it is an attractive quality you can do anything you want just be good at it and that's the piece of advice that i was given a long time ago by a former friend exercise sure exercise releases endorphins i can't deny that exercising is good if i'm ever feeling sad i go for a run or i go to the gym that's always worked for me drink lots of water i've already said that not the best advice this is rubbish advice this is such buzzfeed level advice okay now i'm getting sick of this it all starts with confidence um got a different opinion back it up blah blah own your nerdy hobbies you know so on and so forth so they're saying that self-confidence is what attracts people yeah i mean this is this is such shallow advice it's when i say shallow it's it has no depth to it it has no the advice that i like to give or i i tell everyone that the coup studio motto that our ethos the whole company ethos is to give advice that has depth to it and what i mean by that is there should be a superficial aspect to it so it identifies the problem there should be a causational aspect to it as in what that problem is leading to if you don't correct it or what it will lead to if um or if you do correct it what what the changes will be and and the last bit is how you can do that so there's three components to the type of advice we give from our aesthetic reports to uh consulting clients to even with other companies when we work with business to business relations our advice is very specific and the advice i give on this channel the advice i was giving you for the previous uh comments like on clothes and posture that they also follow that rule and i hate advice like this where it's like self-confidence um you know back it up and validate it for yourself um if you if you like nerdy things you should own it that's great and all but it doesn't really it doesn't really consider any other confounding factors like there are certain hobbies um that are very hard to own and um say say your hobby is um being an introvert and watching netflix is is that is that really the best are you really presenting yourself in the best light you're going to tell somebody that your hobby is staying in eating ice cream and watching netflix for seven hours is that really the best way you want to present yourself to a potential partner there are some hobbies that that you can't really own right and i i guess each to their own but you have to understand that not all hobbies are created equal like i was saying as with opinions there are some opinions that i would rather not share no matter how strongly i believed them right um and simply because there's not all things have to be said just because you think it doesn't mean you have to share with the whole the whole class right i think this is rubbish advice self-confidence is ridiculous self-confidence comes from and i strongly believe this it comes from your social experiences and if you have positive social experiences then that's good you'll get more confidence but those positive social experiences are more often than not correlated with your physical attractiveness so the advice would be to fix your physical attractiveness have a glow up use our services to have a grow up if you need to but that's where the attractiveness the confidence comes from all right so that brings us to the end of this video now i've gone through most of the comments on this thread and they're all very superficial advice i mean let's see breathe through your nose that's important actually that's not superficial advice it's pretty good advice uh breathing through your nose is important because it influences your facial development where if you have if you're a mouth breather and because of sinus issues your nose is blocked we've covered the the statistics and the research behind all of this in previous videos but if your mouth breather then your facial development goes downwards rather than forward and outwards and that's just because your jaw your your jaw is open all the time so it's not providing the right amount of forward upward support to have your face grow up and outwards right it's very simple stuff smile more work out where clothes that fit you properly change up your style change up your stuff what does that even mean no what does that mean how what changed up my style from what do you see nobody gives you any advice on how to actually do it they just these are just such general platitudes and if there's anything i hate my biggest pet peeve it's when people give you just general platitude just perfunctory platitudes it doesn't mean anything anyway i i tried my best to give you some good advice uh groom think positively think positively think positively what does that even mean what does that mean look for the sake of next week's video why don't you guys go to the our slash cool studio subreddit which if you haven't then i suggest you subscribe to it check it out at least once it's got some good stuff it's how i communicate with the audience because youtube comments is a cesspool sometimes if if you guys want to talk about your glow up advice tips tricks your looks maxing advice your self-improvement advice i want to discuss it on the channel and i want to give you some feedback on what i think about it is it effective what i know about it or even bring on some special guests to talk about it which i do plan to for next week's video then let's talk about it right so put it down here in this thread i've already created it and as always i'll catch you next week [Music]
Channel: QOVES Studio
Views: 359,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instagram vs reality expectations, facetune, instagram airbrush, facial aesthetics, attractive face subliminal, attractive face tips, how to get a beautiful face, rate my face, beautiful face affirmations, lookism, jaw exercise, modelling, modelling faces, vogue, askreddit, glowup, looksmax advice, glow up advice, celebrity glow ups, how to look more attractive, attractive advice, beauty tips and advice, beauty advice, dental hygiene, look attractive, glow up transformations
Id: eFPPo3bV0uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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