Lets Talk About the 2021 Corn & Soybean Harvest in Darke County Ohio

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if it's like everything else it's going to be fantastic [Music] hello and welcome to the mike less farmhand mike youtube channel bringing you some of the biggest and best variety and definitely the most versatile farming content on social media today you can find me on youtube instagram ticktalk and facebook at farmhandmite when you're running combine and have that view over there that's just pretty awesome that's almost as awesome as watching that mike less guy on youtube that is one good looking tractor in green court harvest 2021 has come and gone and here's how it all went overall we had a really good fall harvest here in dark county ohio the weather was really good the yields were really good uh no breakdowns to speak of i don't even think anybody really spilled any grain like running a truck over green card over combine that kind of stuff you might see a little bit of grain on the roof of the combine here and there but i think that's just kind of normal we got started with the corn and soybean harvest here around mid-september had everything wrapped up in early november also got quite a bit of fall tillage done ran the versatile fury high speed disc over quite a few acres disk ripped some and we all took turns i had a camera with me pretty much every day so i do have footage you know from uh the tractor and grain cart the combine the other combine we all take turns mixing things up doing different things so nobody gets bored just doing the same thing but anyway it's going to be a rather long video just because i did do an early fall harvest video in a live stream i'll put the links to that at the end of this video but this is pretty much six weeks worth of video wrapped up in probably 45 minutes or so the big bin is clear for soybeans so we got a couple smaller bits so we'll move the tractor drain auger over there get that set up before dark and hopefully get moved to another field get it opened up and everything before the sun sets it would be nearly impossible to take a 45-foot grain head down the road on the combine here got to move to another field about five miles away so here we go [Applause] so so the soybeans got pretty tough the night before we had to call it quits so here we are on saturday morning getting a good start they're calling for rain in the afternoon so we're going to try to get done what we can get done the farm that i help out on here ran an s670 for many years with a 40-foot head this year they upgraded to this s780 and a 45-foot flex draper head it's a rather impressive machine i must say so i know some people say running the tractor and grain cart during soybean harvest can be kind of boring because you're waiting on the combine more often than when you're doing corn but it does give you opportunity to do things like fly your drone you know social media stuff make instagram stories tick tocks that kind of thing [Music] [Music] got a little rain delay now so go find something else to do we had a couple pop-up showers it was enough that we had to quit doing soybeans in that field and since that was one of the last fields we didn't switch back to corn but just a few miles away it wasn't that wet so got the versatile fury high-speed disc out working down some harvested soybean ground running about three inches deep here around 11 mile an hour just doing a pretty nice job so this worked out pretty good last year we ran across a lot of the soybean stubble here at three inches deep and let this set all winter and planted corn right into it in the spring it worked out really well [Music] as i said in the soybean stubble we're running about three inches deep when we get into the corn stalks i set it at about four inches deep uh it just does a little better job in the corn stalks run a little deeper at three inches especially if the field has not weathered much since it's been harvested you don't knock all the root balls out and stuff like that it still does a pretty good job but just does a little better at four inches deep in the corn ground this machine is designed to run around two to five inches deep five inches don't really see that much more advantage other than it takes more horsepower this is a john deere 9410rt tractor with the synchro transmission in it it is turned up a little bit so about 11 mile an hour is all at once when i had the versatile 460 on this disc last year could pretty well pull it at any speed we wanted this disc is designed to run the speeds up to 12 miles per hour and now let's get on with some corn harvest corn harvest went really good this season we had no corn that got blew over by wind anything like that so that's always good and we really didn't get a lot of rain here where we was out of the field or had to track up any fields too bad so that's always a plus the john deere dealer out of coldwater ohio brought out this new 8r 340 tractor for us to try out i think i'd like to sell it to the farm as a planting tractor but this thing was fully loaded as far as i know with the signature cab the ios front suspension had the ivt transmission had about 100 hours on it when we got it we ran it off and on for about two days but very very nice tractor and then j m brought out this new grain cart this is the new rx1112 grain cart that has the unloading auger on the right hand side j m now offers grain carts with the unloading auger on the left hand or the right hand side so this is an option this is the same grain cart that was at the farm progress show in decatur illinois and at the ohio farm science review now the farm that i help out on just bought that new black grain cart a couple years ago so it wasn't really not in the market for another one but j m come out did some photos for themselves and of course we'd use this in one of my live streams and so forth but i do really like the concept of having the auger over on this side i mean all your tractor controls everything's on the right hand side you pull up to the truck and you're not looking back the wrong way while you're touching your control so it really is a nice option to have it took a little getting used to in the beginning yeah when you're used to running a great car with the auger on the left side i did pull up to the truck the first day the wrong way a couple times but it didn't take long to figure that out you just have to remember to fold your auger back every time when you're coming up on the combine so you guys don't smack augers technically you're supposed to fold your auger in every time you're not supposed to run across the field with the auger out but plenty of guys do they're built to take it but anyways uh just set the timer on your remotes and when you leave the truck fold it back in you have nothing to worry about in j m grain carts are built close by in fort recovery ohio of course this one here is the patriotic farmer edition has the flag stripe decals on the side very good looking grain cart i've also seen some j m green carts leaving the factory headed down the highway on a semi trailer with the canadian flag stripe on it so that's good for the canadian farmers and what's everybody think of the color black i'm seeing a lot of black j m grain carts so i think this color is doing very well for them as well of course they offer all kinds of different colors but hey now i can finally say it look at that tractor that is one good looking tractor and grain cart so we got this new versatile 315 tractor from wms ohio the versatile dealer in upper sandusky ohio and uh yeah i'll say it again that is one good looking tractor in green cart all right so we did some corn for a while it got fit we needed to get the soybeans finished up so we're going to jump back here and do some soybean harvest just try to get that wrapped up just had a couple more days left here so did get to run this grain cart in corn and soybeans after we got done with this cart there was another farm in the area that wanted to try it out and they ended up buying it the other thing i like about these grain carts is the j m ifarm app so the cart itself has scales on it and with the ifarm app i have a tablet inside the tractor you can put it on a tablet or your smartphone whatever and keep track of all your loads weights uh fields whatnot a lot of good information there but i just like it for the scales mostly so it gives you a good idea what you got on the cart because from the tractor you can't see if the cart's full or not and if the guy in the combines you know talking on his phone and can't yell on the radio you're full you can look at the scales and usually you got you know 65 to 70 000 pounds in the cart you know it's full i'm here with dusty from ohio eggnet and today i got picked to do their cab cam so dusty's going to be with me in the combine here in the tractor and we're going to show you some harvest here and they'll have a clip of it over on your facebook page is where we will find that so maybe if they have that out before i get this video done i'll put the link below or at the end of this video so stay tuned for that thanks thank you well he was just riding into combine with me so that's pretty exciting we're going to finish up this field of corn here hopefully switch over to soybeans and uh sun's out sorta wind but um compared to where we were yesterday getting moved up here the ground's a little wetter where we have to finish soybeans i think it's a little wetter yet so we're gonna have to run up there and check that but overall this corn is doing phenomenal this corn here is a little wetter than yesterday we were down in that 17 percent yesterday this field's about 21.22 this field was actually planted before but it's a different variety but it's yielding very good the yield monitors up over 300 a lot through this field so that's pretty exciting but [Music] so so the soybeans are a go so off to the next field uh another field done we finished up the one field of soybeans last night and it was gonna get close to dark so we didn't move there was a chance of rain last night we did get about a tenth of an inch of rain so it's cloudy this morning so we're going to run corn for a bit here starting a new field and see how it goes maybe switch to soybeans later today so [Music] we got moved up to the very last field of soybeans for the 2021 season they're just a little bit on the tough side so we're gonna let them get a little more sun and wind i'm gonna go back and jump in the tractor work some ground with the versatile fury we're gonna just open a spot up here so we can pull the tractor grain carton of semis in so we'll be back to this field in a little bit i packed my lunch for today but uh seed consultant fella dropped off some made right sandwiches so if you don't know much about made right sandwiches i think it's what put greenville ohio on the map people wait in line to get these things so let's check this out they're really good it's ground beef and i don't know what they have it's got a flavor like no other as far as i know this is the only one in ohio and i think you have to go clear to iowa to find another maid right but really good sandwich made locally so if you ever come to greenville ohio definitely check out made right well that sandwich had cheese on it so technically that's a cheese right but they also have egg salad sandwiches there now i don't go to restaurants to get an egg salad sandwich but they have really good egg salad sandwiches too so definitely like i said check it out made right greenville ohio the farmer on now has five different fields a couple of them are some smaller fields this one right here we've got to go under a power line here across the driveway so we've got to fold the extensions down on the combine and stuff to get under here but there's really nowhere to come down the road get into this field and put the head on so this is the way to do it but anyways i got all the small fields done we're going to move to the big field in the back it's kind of an odd shape field but um hopefully get all this done before it rains tonight [Music] so [Music] we finished this field of soybeans just in time it's just starting to sprinkle i don't think it's going to amount to much but we're done and i think we're done with soybeans um still have a few fields but the other guys are running the other combine in those so we should be done with them so we're going to go to corn we got a lot of corn to do a lot of corn to do and i'm going to move the header and stuff here across the creek and hank will be back with another semi i'll get the grain card unloaded we should get everything moved back to start on the corn tomorrow like i said i don't think it's going to rain it looks like it dissipated here's a look at the sky to the west and that is to the east i think we're good it's wednesday night next chance of rain is friday we'll see what happens they weren't even calling for this until just two hours ago so i'll get the truck back and do something else going mutton [Applause] and that's about gonna do it for another day we're back to corn for good now some of the other youtubers would be like whoa there's the clickbait and drama i needed for a video [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] 2021 corn harvest rode on just as good as one would want it to and i would just pop the drone up get the gopro out every now and then just to get different uh pictures videos from different fields with different backgrounds so so [Music] [Music] this is the very last field of corn we have down in the arcanum new madison ohio area then we'll be moving everything back up west of greenville we'll be running with the other combine at this farm run so who knows later on the video you might see me driving a red combine and that can mess a guy up a little bit because the controls are different between the red and the green combine for raisin and lower in the head another thing i did a couple times running this s780 combine is when i would go to fold the auger in my thumb would come down and hit the switch and kick the unload auger back on again i don't know if anyone else has ever done that but i probably did it about six times this year luckily i caught it every time and didn't spill very much corn and if you didn't notice we did do a lot of switching between tractors and grain carts this season more than i ever remember doing before [Applause] and that's the end of this field so now we got to move everything uh about 15 miles what not and got this done just in time because we got a pretty big rain after this and we was out of the field for several days [Applause] i told you you might see me driving a red combine later on in the video so we are just working a couple fields apart now both combines and this is the end of harvest right here so we're just getting down we're under 50 acres i think at this point so going really good you can see it's a little bit muddy some mud sticking to the tires but it's uh you know early november time to get done so now that was close [Music] it's lunch time uh we threw a turkey breast on the traeger this morning about 6 30 so this should be pretty good this is actually the first turkey breast we've uh had on our traeger i've done a lot of other things so if it's like everything else it's going to be fantastic what's that mom's worried there's not gonna be enough food oh no hey nice sweatshirt thank you what do we got here hash brown casserole [Music] smoked turkey and coleslaw thank you mrs les thank you miss les and brandon if you helped should be popping out now so and that's going to do it for harvest 2021 that is your last eight rows of corn here in dark county ohio i'm sure this won't be my last harvest video though you know cause there's still a lot of corn area i'm sure i got uh other people i can video so stay tuned out of here and that's a wrap for corn and soybean harvest here in dark county ohio we still got a little bit of harvest left to go we still got the ohio cotton and the ohio milo crop to go so let's have a look here so i have to get the cotton picker out now but the cotton's coming along as you can see here uh starting to open up so uh yep and then we got the milo right behind there so i have to get the draper head back on the combine and get that harvested and you know the barley barley's coming on pretty good too it's a pretty good looking crop of barley and now that harvest is over it's time to get everything cleaned up and try to get as much fall tillage done as we can we want to try to run the versatile high speed disc over every acre that we can this fall we had a pretty good run of some dry weather for several days was able to cover a lot of acres with it and then it rained couldn't go for a couple days then it froze we were actually coming out really early in the morning running on some frozen ground that worked out really good in about 10 11 o'clock it would get above freezing and then it get a little greasy on top and then we would stop come back the next day do it again like i said we did cover a lot of acres with this so that's good the plan is in a lot of these fields here with the soybean stubble is let this set all winter and just come right in the spring and plant corn right into this i really like coming out working ground real early in the morning coming out about 4 a.m when it's dark bring a thermos to coffee you got the radio no one's gonna bother you on the phone it's just a pretty peaceful time in my opinion and again in the soybean stubble here running this about three inches deep at about 11 mile an hour [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] we've got all these dead ash trees from that emerald ash borer and the trees have been dead for a couple years and then they just keep falling over in the field so we just got to keep after them and i think they're all dead now so you can see there's several more here and we'll just wait till they fall and we'll push them back too we did not get a lot of disc gripping done this fall we had some compacted end rose wanted to hit and i know this tractor might be a little big for this five shank ripper but it's what was available and was running fairly deep it was compacted so it pulled it no problem and did the job we wanted it to do running primary tillage such as a disc ripper chisel plow stuff like that is one of my favorite things to do in the fall however we just don't have a big window of opportunity after harvest to do a lot of it so just going to get the main stuff that we want to get and we're going to have to call it good we do occasionally get some opportunities throughout the winter where we'll have a little bit of a dry spell or it'll freeze just right at night where you can come out here early in the morning and do some more but usually once we get into december them chances are few and far between so and you can see it's just a little bit sticky here of course this is a wetter field but it was okay to disgrip it i guess but look at that shank there it broke the trip bolt and of course looking at the drone footage here i see that now so when i got to the end of the field i didn't have the bolts or the wrenches with me so i ran back to the barn and since it was muddy quit we had some snow so we had a little bit of a snow delay so we come back when the ground was froze here got hank to run the tractor a few rounds so i could fly the drone and get some better footage running equipment flying a drone at the same time is a lot easier if you have auto guidance but still it's just a lot better if you just got somebody else in the tractor doing it and i can stay at the end of the field fly the drone everything just goes so much easier and a lot less worried so so that's going to do it for this video and that is going to do it for the harvest 2021 season here in dark county ohio we had a great run as i said earlier in the video everything just went pretty darn good this fall so you got to be thankful for that no down corn good crops good weather all that good stuff anyways feel free to hit that like button and comment below if you are new to my youtube channel please go down there and hit that subscribe button and if you want to see more of what i'm doing you can find me on facebook instagram and tick tock at farmhand mike as always thanks for watching and supporting my social media and check back often i still have a ton of farming content from this fall from other farms coming my youtube channel so i'll try to get that done here over the winter before spring rolls around and it's time to plan again
Channel: Mike Less - Farmhand Mike
Views: 165,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harvest 2021, Corn Harvest, Soybean Harvest, J&M Grain Cart, Versatile Tractor, John Deere, Farmhand Mike, Mike Less, Ohio, Darke County, Fall Harvest, Combine Harvester, Farm Video, Working on a farm, How we farm, farm, farmer, farming, field work
Id: IxcYvNWspks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 34sec (3874 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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