Harvest 2021 Livestream with Farmhand Mike

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we are live okay good if you're watching this already excuse me i have not done this for a year so where's the thing that says how many people are on here okay guys hey well uh we'll wait a couple minutes here uh we're going to get started here a couple more people get on this was kind of last minute because we've had some pop-up showers and stuff so i didn't know if i'm gonna get to do this tonight or not but uh anyhow can't my daughter is going to help me this my daughter i'm farmhand mike as you know my daughter alexander she's done live streams with me before and um i'm going to be running the tractor and later the combine we're going to switch things around here and i gotta have my glasses on i can't drive the tractor and read the comments so we'll get some stuff going here and uh we'll be with you when a few more people get on so uh we just shut the combine down for whoa this gimbal here we just shut the combine down we had to add some def fluid to it and uh okay so to start out i have a new versatile 315 tractor here and uh we got this tractor from wms ohio up in upper sandusky ohio and we have a new j m grain cart here with the right hand unload has the unloading auger on the right hand side so that's something new for j m so i've been running it here a few days and that's pretty exciting uh what that does is that allows the operator to dump into the truck and your auger is on the same side as all your controls on the tractor and we're going to show you that here later so that's pretty nice uh one of the down things would be i've heard people say you have to fold your auger in every time or you'll hit the combine auger when you're unloading on the go well you're supposed to fold your auger in all the time anyway so that's not really a big deal because we do that and so i'll be running the 315 here and the j m grain cart we also have uh uh a john deere 8r 340 tractor hooked to our black j m grain cart and uh jordan from kenfeld equipment is here he's going to run in that tonight and later on in the video alexander is going to jump over in that tractor with him so if you have any questions on that i got to run that tractor a little bit and you know i love running farm equipment and um it's a nice tractor too and then i'm going to do a couple loads with this and then i'm going to jump into combine we're going to switch around so you're going to get to see a little bit of everything tonight going to go about an hour hour and a half here or so yields have been excellent here in dark county we had a pretty good growing season planting went good a lot of this corn was planted this field here too got snowed on when the corn was out of the ground frosted a couple times we had good rain maybe too much rain in june and july and august was a little dry and then harvest kind of got here and we took some fields off early and then everything was kind of at a standstill so we've been getting a lot of rain but i know indiana's been getting a lot of rain lately here and it's all dissipating when it gets here so last night we just finished soybeans last night and um and it's just showered a little bit right when we got done so that was perfect and we got a lot of corn to do we'll probably be doing corn for a few more weeks yet but i want to do this live stream here while the weather was good and before the days get shorter so anyways um i'm gonna hand the the camera over to alexandria we're gonna jump up in the tractor and you guys can ask questions and i will do my best to answer them and i hear the combine over there running so i think they're getting ready to get started here and uh we should be good to go yep you wanna we can spin that around and walk around the tractor can't we let's uh i'm gonna spin the camera around and i'll just show you the tractor here so because we're going to be in the cab so yeah versatile 315 315 horsepower tractor and uh here's the grain cart so right hand unload and it's the j m patriotic farmer edition and this is the model rx1112 so really nice uh really nice setup here yeah so i'm gonna say it now that is one good looking tractor and grain cart okay let's get in the tractor and let's get started i said i'm showing you all right i'll turn the radio off and um i uh get the air conditioner fired up here it's 81 degrees today is um today october 14th yeah so okay so four months till valentine's day it's october 14th it's 81 degrees here in ohio so quite warm it's supposed to cool down a little bit this weekend but we got to get this air conditioner fired up two of us in here so uh let's go with there make sure i got my radio on so i can communicate with everybody and i uh i just switched this around here so i got a tablet in i don't know what i do ah i need to switch this over i had to tablet on the other grain cart and uh the j m i farm app allows us to use the scales on the thing through an app here so let's uh let's see here i need to switch to that one and hopefully okay yep all right so i got my scales here on the tablet with the jmi farm talking to the grain cart and that's really nice i like that you can uh you know see your weight of the cart because it's hard to look back there and see when that carts full and i have a pretty good idea here but we can break this down field truck uh bins and stuff like that so there's a lot of nice features on here so we're gonna take off in the versatile here and again this is the versatile 315 from wms ohio dealer and upper sandusky and 315 horsepower 9-liter cummins engine 16-speed power shift transmission this tractor has the standard hydraulics uh at 55 gallons per minute total with four remotes so plenty for what we're doing here today largest cab in the industry too okay let's get after the combine and if you guys got questions once we get going here uh we'll try to reply the best we can alexandria is going to read them to me and i'll be with you so thanks again everybody for tuning in [Music] and if we missed your question uh feel free to uh ask again and if seriously guys we've had some bad incidents on these live streams if you put anything bad on here inappropriate we're gonna run you off i mean i'm not gonna answer it we're not gonna put up with that a lot of kids watch my youtube video let's let's keep it clean i don't know why there's always got to be a few but let's uh let's do our best here so we're going down an old railroad track here and uh this field drive here's an old railroad track and it's a it's a little rough here but the fields are a little soft in places so we can't really get the trucks out here so looks like they got the combine there and uh we're gonna head to it and uh yeah so and then there's the other tractor grain cart coming up over here so and we'll have that later in the video alexandria will ride in that tractor and uh that's probably when i'll be running the combine so okay okay so they got the def fluid in the combine well here we go so someone's first question is why do farmers harvest corn early sometimes well i mean it depends you want to beat the weather because you don't know how the fall is going to go we like to let the corn get down to that 25 percent you still have to dry it down but you got to get started because it you know you risk wind damage weather and stuff like that so we're pulling up under the combine now and uh here we go whoops his uh has already had a mishap guys it happens hopefully it don't happen when i'm running the combine i'm sure he did that on purpose for the camera that's the owner uh one of the owners of the farm i help on that's jeff over there in the combine uh that's a new s780 combine and he just bought that this year so a pretty nice combine i've got to run it a little bit and uh yep what's the moisture on the corn over there [Applause] we can really get some stuff done now if you got questions you can ask now too where are we harvesting in dark county we are about five miles west of arcanum and uh if you look over that way uh that next road is u.s route 127 and hollandsburg our cannon road uh right behind us so uh there's a grain elevator over there she could flip the camera over there and that used to be uh continental grain and i think cargill owned it at one time so that's a good landmark if you're from the area to know where we're at um how much in tons do you put in the green court um when i get this great card full of corn i got around 70 000 pounds so i guess that'd be 35 ton uh it's an eight row head it's a john deere uh it's it's an april let me see i'll get you the model number here in a second it's a 708 c [Music] that that head was new last year and uh when he got the new combine this year he did upgrade from a 40-foot flex draper to the 45-foot head i haven't not not went to a bigger corn head yet uh we plant with a 16-row planter so just running an eight-row heads pretty nice and an eight-row head we can kind of take down the road here too so i guess the next thing maybe next year i'll have a 16 row head who knows someone said the weather by me is supposed to have a cold front coming through and they were promised to ride in the combine but they're worried they're not going to get in do you think they'll still have some time yes yeah yeah it's supposed to i think it's supposed to rain tomorrow but uh we should i don't know how much we should be back in the field saturday and we've missed the last couple rings so what's the what's it yielding right now some people um i don't know about this field the last field we was just in was was over 300 bushels it was phenomenal just phenomenal when i get into combine uh in a little bit we'll be able to look at the yield monitor and see but uh we've had some good corn this was one of the first fields planted i know this fields has you know snow and frost early on but it all can come out of it so yep someone asked if you'll be working till the night yeah we are i don't know if i'm going to go to the live stream we will take the live stream up till dark because it's uh uh it'll probably get dark here around 7 30. and uh it's been cloudy all day but you can see the sun breaking through maybe we'll get a beautiful sky tonight and if you guys want to just comment where you're from where everybody's watching from i will go back later and watch this and read the comments we don't get them all so i always like that know where everybody's from because it amazes me how people from all over the world tune in to watch this stuff someone from france ah nice what time is it in france i'm guessing six or seven hours ahead of us right now someone said they love your foreign silent victims thanks i have a lot more corn silage videos to edit than i shot this fall but corn silage season's been over with but don't worry i'll have corn silage videos uh for the next several months once again editing it's midnight in france okay uh do you know chris schmidtmire uh yes i do okay is that the did i meet him i met his one son when we were doing that corn salad video his name was jace i probably shouldn't say that jared myers well that's who's watching okay how is the tractor going with the car is it smooth and powerful yeah i mean horsepower wise this is more tractor than you need probably but when you got that much weight you want a big tractor up front just to hold you up and you know if it gets wet or something you really want all this so yeah i'd rather have more horsepower than uh not enough we got we got 21 000 uh 900 pounds in the in the cart right now so he'll probably be able to dump on me two more times and thanks again everybody for tuning in i these live streams are a lot of fun they're a little difficult to do but i got a great helper here so let's give a shout out thank you to alex uh someone asked when this crop was planted um i think april 6 is the first day they planted corn and i'm guessing this was planted april 7th or 8th somewhere in there someone asked how you're liking the right side auger i really like it um it's nice having your tractor controls here and the other over there now the first day i ran it i did pull up to the semi the wrong way twice so i think i'm over that now but who knows i might screw up tonight now that i'm on on camera you never know yeah we got the sun poking through now so and look at that look at that tractor green card over there that'll be on the video later on give you a view behind the combine here [Music] um what is your favorite tractor transmission power shift manual i i can run them all but i'll tell you uh that's a that's a tough question but anybody that's trying to track me with a cvt or ibt i mean that is uh something else but i mean a power shift's nice but you know i grew up running standards so i mean i can run anything but i mean they're all good but well another crop be planted between now and then no no uh we're going to be going in the winter here now there's some guys that do cover crops around here uh cover crops are coming on but most likely this field will be soybeans next year and just depending uh this will probably just set like this all winter and we'll just no-till soybeans right into the corn stalks next spring that's pretty typical for this area we do have a versatile fury high-speed disc and we're running that we're trying to run that i've been working some ground with it and uh i've run it over some corn stalks does a real nice job but it does a better job if you let these weather a little bit so maybe in a couple weeks here we get done with harvest if the weather is good we might work some of this and then plant soybeans right into that all right here we go some more unloading on the go action for you how fast is the combine running dude we are running 5.1 mile an hour right now that is true radar speed we normally show corn around 15 mile an hour but uh we're slowing it up here for the live stream you know we don't want to get ahead of ourselves with that eight row head on that combine i mean it's easy to do what is your second favorite tractor well i mean versatile obviously uh i like white i like fords i mean i like them all i just like them all all right i'll stop here and we'll watch the combine go by look at that [Music] i'll just sit here until he goes by here and then i'll get turned around what's the capacity of the qualifier the capacity um the 780 is a class eight combine i don't know i think the green uh i think the bin holds like 400 bushel i'm not mistaken i know just the guy to ask hey combine you got a copy there [Music] they're ignoring us apparently they're too good to talk to the grain cart operator [Music] okay hey somebody wants to know the capacity of the combine and i figure you got the guy in there that knows the green bin and the horsepower about 450 bushels [Music] horsepower somewhere over 500 i'm so the grain bin capacitor that's around 450 and over 500 horsepower um do you prefer a john deere or kcih which i call mine um i mean i know both companies make a great combine but i uh i know i never get these guys to buy one but i i like leaner combines and lexions how i like them all i just like them all but i i don't know i i know people that have all the brands and and everybody you know likes them so apparently these guys had bad luck with the cleaner years ago like an r52 or something and uh and switched i i don't know i wasn't helping him then maybe if i would have been around it wouldn't have the trouble i mean you just don't know uh how many bushels is the j m green car 112 roughly yeah um how many hours is on the tractor in this one 83.90 does versatile make a combine uh versatility not personally or they don't make their own combine but one of the owners of versatile is a company named ross mcmaster makes combines overseas and there were some of those shipped over here and branded versatile and most of those were sold western canada montana and so forth but versatile does not offer them right now i ran one of the later ones the rt uh 520 with a 12 head and i really liked it do you run anything with tracks on it no just my snowmobiles air conditioners making it pretty chill in here how many acres do you farm um a lot a lot i'm not i can't say why do combines only unload on the left side that's just the way they were made i i kind of wonder with the grant card having a right hand unload if they won't put that on a combine someday or somebody will come up with a deal with an auger in the middle so you can swing swing both ways i guess you could say kind of like a forage harvester how many versatile tractors do you own um i have a bunch of 164th and a bunch of 130 seconds and a couple 116. that's all i can tell you [Music] i think they're watching the live stream in the component but i don't know that might be watching football or something too how many combines do you run this farm has two combines one red and one green but the other combine is uh probably running about 15 miles away can you compare the versatile 315 to other tractors of the same horsepower um i mean as far as specs uh or maybe even just like do you prefer it over other 315s or yeah another advantages too i don't really run any um other branded tractors this size to personally compare it to [Music] is versatile um having any plans to get a tractor with a higher horsepower than the 610 well the the model 620 the model 620 is available uh for 2022 so they do it they did have a little horsepower increase on all models um i got a full grain cart okay i'm gonna head back and fill a truck and try to get back here on time [Music] would you rather have machinery or cattle um both i i mean with my with my job and stuff it'd be hard for me to have livestock but when i was a kid i mean i wanted to be a dairy farmer that's all i talked about but i don't know if i want to be a dairy farmer now but i i'd love to raise some beef cattle for sure do you ever go to the races at aldora and i've never been to eldora and uh i know that just people find that crazy to live here and have the outdoor dirt track just probably 20 minutes from here and i've never been there someday maybe [Music] what will this corn be used for uh probably ethanol there's an ethanol plant in greenville just really about eight miles up the road from here but this will be stored in bins here on the farm and uh hold to the ethanol plant throughout the winter so we're gonna head back we gotta go down them railroad tracks to the semi and i should have enough to fill a truck here uh do you prefer running the combine or the great part um i really like running both but i i think probably the grain cart especially in corn because you do keep moving soybeans it can get a little boring unless you have two combines in the same field then it might be more entertaining so will the john deere strike affect you if it continues um not me personally but uh speaking of john deere strike i guess i heard they just went on strike yesterday i think so i i don't know enough about it to comment and so i'm not going to comment i mean i know it happens it's part of the deal i guess uh someone said stupid question but what's ethan ethanol will be uh where the corn is made into like an alcohol uh fuel like gasoline or blended with gas some of it's blended with gasoline or or actually just uh almost like a gas itself almost kind of moonshine too really but then they can take the uh i guess the corn gluten after they get the ethanol or the alcohol out of it the sugars out of it and then that can be used for livestock feed so so i mean it's it's uh not as wasteful as people think so we're gonna pull up to the semi here and uh i'm gonna fold the auger out here two semis are here hank is the hank is the the truck driver here at the farm uh hank does a little bit of everything but he's a truck driving son of a gun if you look truck driver up on google you'd see this guy right here i guarantee you that so we're gonna fold this auger out here [Laughter] i'll bet hank's even watching the live stream there in the semi i don't know that for sure but so we'll pull up here and fill this truck he's had a good break here he's been running this he's been running like a madman today and uh yeah he's watching the last year so this this has got a little bit of corn in it already so uh i'm just going to finish it off here so um i'll have to be careful here i don't spill any corn so i'm on camera so i'm going to be a little a little more cautious so we'll kick the old pto in open up the gate so so what i like here is right out the back window here i got my controls here and i can see the spout right there this is pretty nice so if you want i'm not a big i don't swivel my seat like a lot of guys do but if you want to swivel your seat you know i mean here you go i'm kind of i always keep the seat straight that's just me this thing can unload some corn too so i'm uh since i'm talking and stuff i'm going to just be able to cautious here not open it all the way so so i just put 17 000 pounds of corn on him [Music] and uh there's hank there's uh there's the old grain hauler hank he's gonna tarp it i was watching him and now i didn't back up straight so i'm gonna have to correct myself here so you know it's just part of it when you're on camera i kind of like it when when the trucks completely empty because this car will just fill a semi and uh works out pretty nice so we'll have to come back and uh i might just get a a dump off the combine and come back here and just finish this truck off then [Laughter] so [Music] and that's about gonna do it for that load so i always uh shut my gate i let the pto run a little bit speed it up kick the pto off and then i drive i'll drive away from the truck for a little bit and then any grain that's in the auger kind of slides down then when i fold the auger back you really don't lose lose any to speak all right we better get back out there [Music] if you ask the question just ask it again yeah we can miss questions so feel free to ask away um i'll go out and get one more dump from the combine and then i can i can top the truck off and then i'll head back and then we'll switch and i'll jump into combine for a little bit if they're okay with it out there uh what kind of transmission transmission is in the tractor this tractor has a 16 speed power shift uh why dump trailers over hopper um this farm does have a hopper bottom as well uh if you see the bin site um we have to back in and dump and then make these guys uh wholesome chicken manure and uh go down to the ethanol plant and get some gluten the dump trailer just works good here [Music] you can hold gravel too but there there is one on the farm the other guys are using that right now jeff's dad and uncle are using that someone said oh my son went to glacier national park this summer he said it was the most beautiful place ever does your daughter agree yes i agree it's my favorite place on earth and he loves it too yeah because she worked out there this summer um i was out there once a month yeah once i was out there four times and then and my wife was out there she couldn't go out every time but she was out there twice so we had a lot of fun we've been there two other times before alexandria was just uh i mean i think she was a year and a half the first time we were there so she don't remember that and then we were back what four or five years ago yeah and she always said she liked it and then she ended up getting a job there so the combine's waiting on us so i gotta get my stuff together here [Music] are j m green cards still made in fort recovery they are yup go ahead the j m guys were out the other day and did some video and stuff so yeah um have you ever traveled overseas for work i have i've been to uh europe a couple times in the uk i had a visa to go to russia twice and then i ended up never going and then now uh i have not been out of the country since this whole scam damage happened do you like to work in the day or at night um i prefer the day a little bit at night's okay but if i'm gonna do night stuff like working ground and stuff i like to do it really early in the morning but uh yeah i get i start getting tired around nine o'clock i'm usually in bed by 10 so but we might end up working late tonight so okay the combine's full so let's get under them and get some corn here i'll take this uh what you give me here should fill the semi and then i'll come back and then if you want to switch out we can do that trevor wants to know when the versatile is leaving because he wants to ride it um i don't know it just depends ask him why he's not here now now we'll get a minute where's your favorite place to ride snowmobiles um i the west definitely the rockies i've rode in wyoming utah and idaho and obviously utah the most because my son andrew lives out there so i plan on doing several uh rocky mountain snowmobile trips this winter so it should be pretty exciting uh of course i got a new snowmobile last year but uh um maybe i shouldn't yeah i don't think he cares but uh you might see a turbocharged sled mountain sled this year in some of my videos it won't be me but good chance you're gonna see one and it's a cat someone asks if i write snowmobiles i try when he lets me no i'm just kidding she had a good year last year ryan yeah no i got to ride in wyoming last year and it was cool i took over his sled if you guys remember the new one he got i got to ride that one last year it was cool she actually rode my i bought a brand new arctic cat riot last uh i got it last november and uh i was out of town when we got the first snow so she actually rode my snowmobile before i even got to but i i trust her he trusts me with his new razor too yeah she rode it over to the field tonight so we're just a few miles from home um what type of drone do you use um i use uh i i got five drones total two of them are wore out but i've got some dji phantoms and then i got a phantom 4 pro but right now i use a dji mavic uh pro and a mavic air pretty much for everything hey there's three deer over here in the field i don't you can see them over there they're like right yeah it looks like a doe and two yearlings over there yeah yeah so they blend in anyways that's the first deer i've actually seen since harvest has started but they're going into corn so maybe we'll chase them out later [Music] okay we're gonna go up on the railroad tracks again now um someone asked why can't the combine unload on the trailer well because then it has to stop yeah yeah the reason we use the grain cart is we can't get the trucks in the field that way with the grain cart the combine never has to stop um i can go up there get a load and haul it back to the trucks and it just keeps the combine moving if you had to stop and unload it in the trailer then the combine's not doing what it's supposed to so a grain cart really speeds up the operation i know i've been over to europe and stuff when they're harvested and they actually use dump trailers on their tractors and unload in the field right into the dump trailer and the tractor and that but um it's just different here in the us because the trucks are often traveling you know far away to the bin site or whatever do you have any plans on hunting this season um i might deer hunt i and i might coyote trap it just just depends how things work out i haven't found any signs of beaver in any of the drainage ditches i would i'd love to trap some beaver this winter but i don't know that we have any around here i mean i know they're around but i don't think where i can none of the ditches here on the on the farm as far as i know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna head out and then i'll jump into combine before it gets dark here so you can see uh the sun's went down so um someone asked if you grew up on a farm and how did you get enough machinery sales i i did grow up on a farm in uh in northeast ohio my family still farms over there i went to school for egg mechanics worked for a farm equipment dealer and uh helped out farming a little bit too and then i got a job with gail as a service rep and i had to move to western ohio and then i started helping some neighboring farms here so i can't drive five hours back to help my family so this works out pretty good and so i yeah between farm equipment farming i've been around it my entire life is there a tractor that you've never gotten to drive that you want to drive um [Music] i'm sure i'm sure there is but uh i'd like to get an old 1150 or 11 56 versatile just to play around with but i i have drove one before but not not a lot but i'll drive about anything that's out there if i get the opportunity so someone asked if they can get your hat anywhere um we gave these away at the farm progress show and uh there was limited no not really there's nothing left i i need i i did a thing where i was selling t-shirts and sweatshirts and i was gonna do hats but seriously for as many people that asked for merchandise the sales were very poor and i'm just afraid to venture into it it's uh it takes a lot of time i don't have to print the stuff off personally and ship it but it takes a lot of time and i don't have a lot of time and with the sales i had on t-shirts and stuff i just i don't know maybe maybe another time maybe this winter i'll look into it a little more when i'm not too busy so he's got the lights on on the combine so i might as well flip the tractor on here [Music] [Music] so you want to stop down here at the end then we'll switch around [Music] is jordan going to jump in the other tractor then yeah should i just shut this down or well i'll just leave a run the semi is full so um i guess we can top this off and then get the other track or whatever i don't care sounds good i'll just leave this radio in here [Music] all right so we're gonna i'm gonna get out of the versatile and jump into combine and uh i'll show you some different stuff here watch your foot alex i'm gonna get a drink of water here real quick all right let's take a look at the tractor here with the lights on anything i need to know just run it run like hell okay all right if you want to just finish filling that we can okay so we got this going on we got that going on got the control handle here and uh we'll get started in the combine so i'll kick in uh let's get this seat i guess it's back all the way i wish the seat went back a little farther but hey okay kick the separator on header on [Music] hit the rabbit button for full speed ahead let the dust clear out of the feeder house here when you fire this thing up you get that big dust cloud so [Music] spin around here [Music] then i hit the number two button that puts the header height control in come in a little crooked here once i get straight i hit the auto track button and i'm good to go so now since i got the header height control and the auto track i can just set the joystick and i can fly my drone now so that works out pretty good [Music] a little warm in here what's your position at versatile um i am uh i'm in dealer development for new dealers so i do training for new dealers on product parts ordering [Music] you know all the paperwork stuff that kind of stuff so [Music] i i was in service for him i was a service rep for him for a long time and then i took this position of dealer development there's no more question okay wow there's a lot of people watching though okay you guys can bring on the questions whatever we can talk you know we can talk farming uh farm equipment snowmobiling trapping um whatever are those 30 inch rows yes these are 30 inch rows i think normally um i think we plant around 34 000 population that's 34 000 plants per acre roughly [Music] and this this is all non-irrigated here um with my job i get to travel over the country and uh i know we talk about different farming practices and stuff and and i love it and i know when i get out west you know they they grow some dry land corn out there and uh a lot less population of plants per acre and then i talk about our field tile how we have drainage tile in our fields to get rid of water with out there they're doing everything they can to conserve water so i mean i that's one of my things i really like about my job is i get to travel all over the country and talk to so many farmers and learn so many different farming practices how everything's done and then guys out in different areas like to hear how we do it here too and that's really you know one of the reasons or things behind my youtube channel is i get to go so many places and see so many different things and and i think that's what makes my youtube channel unique is i i got such a good mix of everything and uh it's almost turning into a full-time job and i really don't have time but uh i have a lot of videos coming when i get time to edit this is just a busy time of the year for me to edit but i got lots of footage so this winter should be good what's your favorite uh park show to attend um i mean for for an indoor show the national farm machinery show and louis louisville kentucky is always a good one um outside shows i've been to a lot of them obviously farm progress show that bounces back and forth between iowa and illinois every other year is a nice show it's a big show but um the husker harvest show i went up there one time that was pretty neat because that's an irrigated show and a lot of cattle stuff i did like that and the ohio show is a nice show because i'm from ohio and of course a lot of these farm shows are not as big as they used to be so kind of sad but it's just the way it's going [Music] is the yield um this is saying uh dry yield of 212. do you know what the moisture is the moisture is 17.2 [Music] someone asked if you'll ever go to big iron in fargo uh yeah i could have went this year if i wanted to i didn't really have time because i had something else i had to do um maybe one of these days i i will for sure and i i was asked to go to the pennsylvania show this summer and it just didn't work out i was out west new york has a summer show the week before pennsylvania i mean there's farm shows about everywhere outdoor in indoor but there's just so many it's hard to go to all [Music] the grain bin is three quarters full [Music] and the tractor and grain carts waiting up here so we'll top that off and you get a look at the versatile from the combine and then once they get that full they'll jump into 8r and the other grand cart get a look at that and alex will jump in that tractor for a little bit and see if you got any questions there [Music] does your job require international travel um yes yes because uh yeah can you explain test weight in pounds per bushel with corn and beans um oh boy i can but test weight is uh hold on here so test weight in corn people ask about the test weight and we get a pretty good test weight here in ohio uh we can get up you know high 50 60. other areas when you get farther up north don't get that test weight but i think you're paid a premium on your core with the test weight so we can get a pretty decent test test weight here [Music] okay so we are dumping into the grain core [Music] and i'm to say it again that's a good looking tractor in green cart is the grain cart a single single auger yes [Music] so [Music] so do both of the grain carts that you have um unload on the right side uh no one's a left hand we've had this is the third year for the other cart [Music] so we just about got the cart full um [Music] just stay with me to the end i might be able to just about fail you there's a little room on the back there [Music] so [Music] you're not clear full but you're pretty full [Music] how many years have you been doing youtube i started my youtube channel in 2012. never imagined it would turn into what it did that i guess that wasn't my goal i just threw up a couple just started throwing up tractor clips different tractors combines implements and so forth and it it really took off and i'm just coming up on a hundred thousand subscribers so that's that's pretty awesome um there's a lot of farming channels out there for sure and some have done really good and passed me up but that's okay i i feel my channel is a little unique and different than most of the others [Music] how many videos have you shot i have uh i think i have like 1200 videos on my youtube channel i mean i have quite a few now some of my early videos that i started were you know just 30 40 seconds a minute and so forth but you know probably the last four or five years uh they've been quite long i got videos over an hour long you know anywhere from 10 minutes to 40 minutes especially the silage videos or my custom wheat harvest videos because there's so many different machines running together so they turn into a pretty long video [Music] does the fame ever go to your head no i i i laugh when people say i'm famous because i don't i don't look at it that way now my kids love to tease me if i get mad about something they're the first ones say oh the fame's going to dad's head but but no i don't look at it like that i don't think i'm famous but apparently people do and that's great but i know a few years ago somebody asked for my autograph and i i laughed because i was like really like i thought it was a joke but i've actually signed quite a few autographs i think someone did ask how to get your autograph earlier um how long have you been versatile uh 12 years it's been 12 years i worked for gail for just shy of 15 years and then i went to work for i left them to go work for versatile [Music] yeah 10-4 that truck's full i didn't tarp it because i was under the gun someone said the only autograph i want is on my paycheck yeah how come you don't have a versatile callback versatile doesn't offer person town no longer offers a combine most of the versatile combines that were were sold sold out in western canada and montana and so forth [Music] so this corn is a little dirty uh this corn is a little more beat up with the leaves and so forth and some of the other stuff it's not bad i mean it's all standard but the tops are starting to break off in places but a lot more dirt coming out of the the feeder house here than i've seen yet this year [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign one thing i've noticed this year too in some of the other fields the corn is yielding good but the kernel depth like size of the kernels has just been something else i thought the seed corn salesman was here today and i told him that and we talked about different things but uh all the corns had had fungicides sprayed on it uh you know after it was up and stuff and he thinks that really made the difference it helps they've been doing it here for several years so we've got the other tractor now be coming up beside us here with the other train car so um got something different here and we'll show you that and then once we show you that i don't know how long to go on these live streams we've been going a little over an hour we'll go a little bit longer probably 15-20 minutes so if you're just joining in hi this video will be available to watch here once i get home tonight and we get it get everything set up and uh but we'll probably go another 20 minutes so if you got any questions now's your time is that eight or a demo uh yes uh the john deere dealer in cold water uh ken felt equipment brought it down for us to demo and actually their salesman jordan is running it right now how do you like your new snowmobile um i like it a lot i did uh i did a couple videos on it last year so [Music] [Music] [Music] what part of ohio are we farming at we're in dark county ohio the closest town to us right now is our cannon ohio it's about five miles away from us right now kind of got a nice background there with the sky and stuff as we're doing this do you think grain pricing will stay high in the next couple years i i really don't know it's you never know it's it's hard to tell [Music] as long as there's demand [Music] which i wouldn't know why there wouldn't be [Music] so [Music] [Music] that's dirty but i just got a warning for i just got a warning for a low diesel exhaust fluid but he just put some in [Music] you want to jump in that tracker now or um that's fine will you explain to ask questions or are you going to walk out with me yeah i'll walk out with you okay will you hold this hey guys um this live stream has been going over an hour so alexander is going to jump in the 8r tractor with uh jordan who works for kenfeld equipment and if you've got any questions on that tractor he's going to be the guy to answer it so i'm going to step out of the combine give her the camera so we'll do that she'll ride around with him jump back into combine and that'll probably do it all right i'll take you over okay [Music] they're bright you got it thanks do you want to hand that to you yeah okay i'm gonna hand the camera off here [Music] okay if you want to introduce yourself you can i'm jordan collins with uh kenfield group i work out of the cold water store so if you guys have any questions for him um i'll ask them so just about the tractor or anything really john deere related just bring it on i was messing with these lies i wasn't sure if i was shining them right at you guys oh no it was good it's all good [Music] uh what model is the tractor it is a 8r 340. it's not a lot of questions does ivt mean anything dude does that mean okay they just said ibt question mark yes it's an ivt everyone's just giving you crap for john deere so you know that's fair you guys can ask any questions you want yeah this tractor actually has the 30 mile an hour ibt transmission so don't see a lot of that in the states uh it's more of a european thing but we're doing more and more of that selling the faster transmission makes it nicer for transportation how much horsepower for the green court uh you can run the cart comfortably the other 8r tractor that's here is a 235 horse this is a 340 340 horse but anything north of 200 usually handles these grain carts well as long as you got a heavy enough drawbar [Music] [Music] [Music] uh what do you think about the john deere union members being on strike i don't know if you can answer that that's uh that's interesting right now yeah i'm not uh hopefully this gets resolved quickly i don't know a lot of details or very little details about it but uh hopefully with the amount of business that's happening and the way that the markets are right now hopefully they can get that sorted out sooner rather than later [Music] um no it's okay just letting questions come in can i ask you something how long have you been with john deere i've been in the john air business almost 12 years now okay um a lot of people like these questions how did you get into looking for them did you have a background in farming i actually did not have an agricultural background in farming it was just started out as kind of a job while i was going to college something to do and i was going to college part-time and just kind of fell in love with agriculture and fell in love with helping the customers and being around the equipment it's a lot of fun so does john deere have a lot of overseas sales yes yeah john deere's worldwide company factories all over the all over the world stuff some of the stuff that we sell here in the states comes from overseas some of the tractors do a lot of big tractors and combines that we sell here are are built in the us but some of our mid-size tractors and stuff come from outside the country um do you think tracks are better than tires or does it depend on what like what tractor it's on yeah that's that's a great debate that's been going on definitely in the this part of the world selling more and more track tractors and there's even some track combines here and there so it just depends on on the operation a little bit smoother ride in the field it just all varies i do like tracks a lot but okay depends on the operation [Music] we'll flip it around and you can see farmhand mike coming down [Music] barely i'll be in here for until he gets to the end so if you guys have any questions just bring them on now about the tractor bye [Music] [Music] does the tractor you're driving have ils suspension yes it does you have prep tools and ios what's your favorite john deere tractor my favorite john deere tractor is a 9570rx the 4-wheel drive tillage tracker i just love that track what's your favorite combine favorite combine it doesn't have to be john deere it can be anything i know you boy these new s780s any of the new s700 combines have been have been really amazing the 780 or 770 is probably my favorite combined uh does it come with leather seats or is that an option the tractor yeah the tractor yeah so this tractor here is the the new john deere signature edition so that comes with the with the leather actually has massaging heated and cooled seats in it part of the signature edition so yeah that's really nice um why does the combine have yellow or why does the combine not have flashing yellow led lights do you know that it does it does okay maybe you just can't you probably just can't see it in the video it's kind of hard to pick up on camera um and then one last question what year is this tractor the tractor is a 21 20 21. okay and then how what year is the combine the combines of 2020. okay all right well um that was my ride with jordan and so uh thank you for everything yeah thanks for hanging out yep how do you get i got it yeah thank you okay all right so i'm going back to my dad [Applause] we'll wrap this up on this round now okay we're going to jump back in the combine and then we got some end rows we got a knockout and then we'll probably wrap this up but we'll talk about 10 more minutes or so you go ahead [Music] oops sorry all right [Music] okay we'll probably wrap this up on this round because uh we got some end rows to do and stuff we've been going about an hour and a half so [Music] if you guys have any last minute questions you want to get in bring them on [Music] what time do you usually stop harvesting um really this year it's been when the drying bin gets full and wheat the corn is dry so it's going through the dryer into the other bins really fast so we've we've done a lot today we had to finish a field we didn't get a real early start because it drizzled a little bit last night and i had to move some stuff around but um it just depends i mean we don't work real late here uh you know anywhere from eight to ten ten o'clock is usually as late as we go [Music] are you planning on any uh michigan snowmobile trips this year yeah i'll probably do one for sure in uh in the upper up as they call it yeah definitely what's your favorite old-time tractor um a lot of the older white tractors and uh the versatile 1150 is a cool one [Music] [Music] [Music] so we took it to the dark it's not pitch dark yet but it will be soon so the sky looks pretty open yeah it's a pretty sky so those are a lot of questions asked about that tractor uh there wasn't a lot i kind of came up with some questions for him right but yup they were just basically giving them crap for being a john deere wrap so yeah that's funny but it's good i mean this is a this is a cool live stream you know three different tractors uh three different machines running in the field and i was in the seat of two of them so yep uh do you have any plans to go to pennsylvania soon uh yeah i do i will probably be there in the next couple weeks i would say so i mean here we are it's mid-october already this year's flying by and before you know it um you know harvest will be over with be like where did uh 2021 go it'll be christmas time yeah yeah if you think about it i mean just about a month and i started putting on my christmas stuff for thanksgiving weekend i mean yeah like it's coming yeah five weeks it's crazy but before i go since it's winding down i just want to say this youtube thing's been awesome all my followers subscribers and stuff meeting all you guys at farm shows i mean that's what makes it fun when all this interaction and all the people i've met and getting to talk to all these different farmers and people about farming and stuff i never had any idea would turn into this and it's just it's just a great experience and uh i just want to thank everybody we're going to hit 100 000 subscribers here real soon i mean i just think that's pretty cool who would have ever thought so thank you everybody for that and we'll be there soon i'll have to try to think of some kind of special video for a hundred thousand subscribers maybe i don't know it should be happening right here in the next couple weeks if i had to guess if you're not following him and watching this video means please go do it and i think i got like i think i got like six videos now over a million views which is i mean that's that's crazy that's a lot i often wonder i mean there's so many youtube channels out there and very successful youtube channels very popular and you know i'm a one-man show but i mean there's people that put a lot more time and effort and acting and stuff in theirs i just wonder how much youtube now has taken over the tv market or the movie and stuff i mean it's had it's had to have a huge impact on it because you know you can go to youtube and find whatever you want i mean you're so limited with movies and tv shows but there is youtube channels on about everything you can think of i mean you know for outdoor stuff farming hunting trapping cars trucks just everything just great entertainment so this is just uh just a great thing in my opinion well guys a couple more questions and i think we are going to wrap it up before i don't really want to be doing this when i'm opening up androids and stuff down here at this corner just too much going on and it's dark so i need i really need to pay attention so you got a couple more questions okay um can you do a video from the factory do you think making a drive here yes that is in the works someday that is in the works and it was in the works and also uh i had one planned with somebody else that builds engines that might be in versatile trackers but then this whole uh coronavirus thing happened and it put halt on everything so i hope we get back to normal one of these days and i can do that so yes um it's just really a lot of people saying thank you for your content and they love it and they're glad to watch it and all of that okay so guys um let's let's wrap guys and girls kids everybody uh we're gonna wrap this up i'm gonna say goodbye so thank you everybody for tuning in uh big thanks to my daughter for helping me with this because i could not i better swing the auger out here what the heck am i slacking i have a full bin here uh but uh thank you thanks to alex and with that said we are gonna wrap this uh live stream up so guys uh you can go back and watch this video here probably either tonight um tomorrow or something i got to go home and i think there's a couple things i got to do to make sure it's viewable later on and uh if you watch it again hit that like button feel free to comment and thank you everybody and i don't know if i'll get another live stream off here for harvest but uh thanks for tuning in it's a lot of fun so we're gonna wrap her up so
Channel: Mike Less - Farmhand Mike
Views: 93,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3bzc5g7LWTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 1sec (5641 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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