let's talk about buzzfeed | Devin But Better

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okay so you guys might have noticed some things have changed around these parts [Music] is it the glasses that's new that's that's crazy you bitter bitter they're going to work I'm going to work no I love work work okay now first off before I start diving into everything I just kind of want to say that this isn't gonna be a video about ladylike I've read all your comments on my socials I see you and I hear you but I just kind of feel uncomfortable talking about ladylike stuff when not everyone from lay like its present so I promise you the dust is settling around that front and we'll be able to post something soon so just be patient with us please and thank you also I just want to address the fact that we are very much still friends we text literally all the time I plans this week with Jen Kristen and Chantal and Freddie and I are scheming to get husbands okay so don't be mad at me but I actually left BuzzFeed in November November 21st to be exact okay so let me just take you all back there the date was November 11 2019 and I had just had this weird surgery that was like three and one hi babe they just put an IV in my hand I'm gonna pretend it's not my hand anymore I just want to let you know should anything happen you're responsible for the cat's and I had to take a week off of work and during that week I was doing stuff like editing videos for this very YouTube channel that I hopefully you are subscribed to during this week off I got an official job offer to go work with my friend Allison over at the NBC digital labs as a consulting producer now if you're wondering what all those words mean let me unpack this for you allison is my friend who I actually met there Patrick and Heike she and I would make a much cuter couple on Instagram if I didn't have the straights the straights is like where my body reacts to things like crotchal bumps and gray sweatpants pictures of NBA players holding babies gez all against my better judgment anyways allison helped me land this job at NBC because she loves me the most i work in this department called the digital labs where we help develop digital content for NBC now if you're saying to yourself i didn't know that NBC made stuff for YouTube and other platforms well they do and I was hired help them expand out I'm here I'm one of those like Hollywood perma lamps situations and Hollywood a lot of times people hired freelance which means it's a full-time job still but you aren't staffed and you don't get health insurance and you just kind of work on projects on a contract basis after being staffed at BuzzFeed for almost five years it's a little scary but it's also really thrilling because it's like this [ __ ] can do anything I can work for anyone who exchanges goods for digital producing services I can go anywhere that make 2001 Toyota Corolla will take me but Devin y NBC into that I say open up a new tab no I'll wait I'll wait open up a new tab type in WWI ENCOM then look me up Devin Lydell is my LinkedIn updated he'll know but what you notice yeah cute little banner you want the woman pointing at Rockefeller Center you see I have always wanted to work for NBC I watched The Today Show every day of my childhood friends was on my TV every day when I came home from school and 30 rock is a very special show to me that helped me get through my eating disorder treatment I and if I manage oh that's like Hollywood thing I should have some Network experience right will I be here forever my dog I don't know is it cool for right now oh my god yeah in fact here number five I can see Hogwarts for my office window this is not a joke it's Hogwarts and it's in Universal City who does that number four I now work with people who are older than me at BuzzFeed I felt like I was the oldest grandma who would talk to anyone about how in hunts performance and the 90 sitcoms mad about you to a bunch of black faces do you have a second to talk about Helen Hunt's performance and the 90s sitcom mad about you yes do you know that's a column yeah about you you know it yeah yeah with Paul Reiser oh my god number three I have a telephone at my desk I don't know why once someone called me on it it was a wrong number but my heart dropped to my vagina for a second sometimes when I'm bored I like to pretend I'm leaving a sad voice mail to dr. Manhattan number two I work with men all of these men look him all of them men and around here I haven't worked with a bunch of men in legit never in my professional life like before BuzzFeed I taught at a pole dancing studio and worked freelance for killer films a company owned by women so far my favorite thing to do is to make these men feel uncomfortable by saying things like ha ha me ovaries do I have great right hey drew what do you think I should do if I feel like I'm ovulating do you know well the number one thing I love about my new job is that I work with development I get to come up with a billion shows and series ideas every day and that means I'm never bored so that's kind of what I'm working on stuff with BuzzFeed got a little sticky so this butch have to go let me be clear about my relationship with BuzzFeed it's a little complicated do I agree with every decision that they make and have made in the past no am I about to spill the tea on a situation awesome now at the end of the day BuzzFeed is a company and honestly I can't imagine what it's like to run a company that's entire business model is based off of the economics of the Internet think about that for a second the Internet the Internet is just a popularity contest that's changing all the time with all these silent rules and barely any jurisdiction it's the Wild West I am super grateful for my experience there but this little birdie had fly like a friend why don't you just commit to being a youtuber yourself great question and the answer is a bunch of fold number one I love producing I do I love being that boss [ __ ] who has the entire show concept and all its logistics in her head I like being the person that people go to to ask about creative decision making I don't know it's my King reason number two I have a butt ton I'm student loans that can be honest with y'all my mom is having some health issues right now and I need to have the means to be able to fly home whatever I want plus I mean I don't know how to tell you guys this but I think I'm really boring for really all when I'm not working or hanging out with friends my interests include taking hot baths listening a podcast developing new hot chocolate recipes that's about it jenna Marbles I believe said it best when she's saying I'm a 31 year old lady who likes pouring in domestic things don't worry I will be taking up space but right now I would love to devote my energy to uplifting voices that are underrepresented and media so they can make dope [ __ ] and you know what I can do that now because I work and develop it reason number three I am still youtubing what do you think you're doing right now you're watching a video of mine on YouTube I want these videos on Devin but better to be like longer investigative almost diary entries no because I have a full-time job I will probably only be posting twice a month all in all I intend to keep this channel alive and always striving to be better that's it did I answer all the questions oh I think so if I didn't please ask them respectfully in my comments below and I'll do my best to get to them lastly I just gotta say I love you all so very much you are all beautiful nerds and I just am so grateful that you're interested in me and my ideas and content that's so very nice that you spend your time watching my stuff like you could be doing anything else truly anything else and it is not lost on me how privileged I am you are giving me your attention and that is powerful all right I'll see you next time when I finally post this hair video I've been teasing you all about okay the TLDR of this video is I have found the secret to good hair I mean I mean good hair at least for me I mean like good Durer hair better hair better hair for me and I literally it's changed my life and I cannot wait to tell you guys about that until next time love you you beautiful nerds [Music]
Channel: Devin Lytle
Views: 1,817,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buzzfeed, Lady Like, Devin But Better, Frederica “Freddie” Ransome, Jennifer Jen Ruggirello, Kristin Chirico, LadyLike, Chantel Houston, Devin Lytle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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