Kristin's Wife Comes Out As Trans

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Oh wow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/washu42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Omg! I used to watch Ladylike all the time, I remember her being bisexual. Gonna watch this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elijaaaaah πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is really great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Objective-Tart-4395 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was so good. So happy for both these ladies!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tasareinspace πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awww for some reason this made my day! Kristin was always one of my favs on buzzfeed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sweetdeerie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved watching this this morning! My partner and I used to watch Ladylike together and all the suitcase vacations. I love how Kristen will fight meanies!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnooHamsters1273 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Literally my gf and I!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jujublackbean πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome to a very special kitchen and john show hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey i like you oh i like you too okay well as as some of you may notice i am not jorn no uh jordan is actually filming this today this episode of kitchen jordan show actually uh features only kitchen and i'd like to introduce you to my lovely wife yes hi i'm bree that's me yeah i like the cheese spelled spelt uh spelt that way yes um because that was the email address i could get on gmail this is your news and i would like you to tell everyone your news okay as you might be able to tell um i have been uh changing some things up about my gender presentation last year around june i came out as non-binary um as some of you might know you know i don't want to take anything away from our non-binary siblings um they are great and amazing and valid and wonderful um but that wasn't me it turns out one night kristen and i were together and just talking and i was able to uh tell you that i am and have always been a woman and this was in like april yes yeah so uh we've actually been i know it's actually been kind of like hard to give you know it's actually we've been we you you've had to kind of operate on two levels i know we have known about this for a while but brie was not ready to go buy a new name and new pronouns yet so we respected that and that's why when you see other videos on this channel we refer to her as her dead name and also with old pronouns yes with my express permission and uh uh honestly i wanted it that way i just i just i wasn't ready to make this kind of statement yet and now i feel like i'm i'm in a place you know where this is something i want to share with uh with everyone and for also whatever reason you see videos that come out after this that also will refer to her with their dead name and pronouns it's because we film these videos out of order yeah no need to get upset on my behalf once videos start coming out with uh with my correct uh name and pronouns um then when people mess up you can be upset on my behalf but until then no fighting i love fighting though you do love fighting we'll fight [Β __Β ] yeah terms your chosen name is actually very similar to your deadbody it is it is and that's not a direction that a lot of people go with i mean i was idly thinking like about about names and you know i stumbled upon just going from dead name to bree and i was like huh that's really cute maybe i should just stick with that be easier for people probably and i was at first i was kind of worried about that yeah because honestly i thought that you were going to not like how much it sounded like your dead name yeah i thought that you were making the choice because it was going to be convenient for others and not because you liked it and so i was just like are you sure and then you would be like don't worry and so we don't have to change monogrammed towels and i'm like we don't have monogram towels but it's been several months and you this is the name this is the name this is the name but people are using it i'm answering into it yeah you were able to secure all your socials yeah so don't try and squat you squat on those socials and fight you just squatting my wife's socials people might ask why make a video about this because this channel's about you and jen it's not about you and the beautiful woman who lives in your house uh to that i would say we wanted to find a way to disseminate this information as quickly and as cleanly as possible yeah like for example you can make tweets and instagrams and like announcements about a video but it's really hard to make a video about like a tweet so with this we can make a video we can kind of spread it against all channels at the same time and honestly that's easier for you it's easier for me yeah this is this is one of the reasons why i felt comfortable to come forward to to do this is because it's just efficient and as an engineer i just prize efficiency yeah because i'm a big nerd yeah that should be a stereotype but yeah the worst thing is to continually have to come out yeah and and to have to remind people and you're not sure who saw and who didn't but now you just point to the video and be like you didn't watch the video you didn't and that now i'm mad on your behalf yeah exactly yeah now you've hurt two people exactly i love fighting here's the thing about me and i think that's actually why we're like well suited together is like i love fighting and i do not i used to be not good at fighting and now oh now you're right you're really good at fighting i'd like it's generally speaking don't get in a fight with me because you know you will lose no it's sort of like you know i know this goes against common wisdom but early in his career the undertaker was not actually that great he was a great gimmick not the best in-ring performer until about like 2000 2001 and then he really stepped up his game and that's kind of where you're at now now you're now you're now you're a legend you're you've got your undefeated streak at wrestlemania we we can cut this because this is awful so you're like stone cold steve austin so basically what we've the great thing about this is that you are still the same person yes uh yes as i've just demonstrated i'm still making really dumb comparisons and no one cares about you're just pretty a lot of the reason why we wanted to make this video is we wanted to make a video that would answer some basic questions that we wanted to answer yes uh so that we didn't spend a lot of time answering them yeah i have a question what's your question chad what do you want to do for dinner probably the biggest one people are going to have is what does this mean for kristen and my relationship yeah are we still together are we still together the answer is yes yes this is we're very together we are here together i did her hair and her makeup yeah she's been she's been teaching me to lady it's been really sweet yes it's so strange people assume people assume this is like the end yeah and it's also why i've kind of been like gay and people are like you're not though and i'm like you don't know yes we are still together it's like we have no plans to not be together yeah if for whatever reason you know that changes i'm sure there'll be like another video where it's like badly lit and i'm looking at the camera and i'm like it's four in the morning i don't know where my socks are no one's done dishes in years no no you don't it's fine it's oh you wanna [Β __Β ] did you wanna fight no no i'm getting i'd never fight jen joe would win so the next question that people ask is uh how is your transition going which none of your business number one number two quite well yeah i think yeah you know i've been on hormones for a few months now and um you know starting vocal training uh as you can tell from the fact that i'm still speaking in this mollifluous baritone going well i think you know i feel i feel a lot better or happier in my own skin and i think that like for a long time you kind of felt like you just couldn't do it that you were like too old or too whatever right that's the transphobia built into society at once you get two messages you're you're too young to transition you don't know what you're you don't know what that this is what you want and then you're too old to transition you missed your you missed your window you have like a two-day period yeah just like if you don't transition at midnight on your 25th birthday yeah no point in that's not true if anyone takes anything away from this it's that if you are feeling like this is something that you need to do then it's something that you should do because you're it's just going to be better for you you're like a happier person you're a more comfortable person yeah i think so like you just feel i feel like your brain is like a less scary place to be yeah well i'm not i'm not having to do a lot of like work to present myself with something that i'm not right now sorry i'm fixing your hair this is actually the first day that bree's ever curled her hair by brandon i curled it yeah wow it looks so cute i know i've never seen you because like you have the same hair texture i do yeah and so i was just kind of like oh i know the thing i do to my hair where's your makeup from uh uh this my foundation is from covergirl um the blush is from okay i would do this faster yeah foundation blush and lip tint are all covergirl cruelty free yes covergirl uh eyeshadow is rare beauty and uh mascara is the bomb the first time i did makeup on you i was just like are you [Β __Β ] kidding me yeah if your skin is that nice well and you've been wanting me to wear lipstick or lip lip coloring of some sort for years i mean you have nice lips yeah it's just i just like i know you just have a really pretty face it's like i know even today when i was doing your makeup i was like now i gotta curl my stupid hair cuz it looks cute stupid hot wife i think it's harder for me i don't wanna i don't wanna do it i don't wanna do this i'm sorry no you're not sorry not really not so what other things oh um what how'd you get so cute well you just got to be born with it baby other questions people might ask us that we are actually willing to answer how did your family react my siblings and my mom have been incredibly supportive um you know it helps that you know my mom's from an incredibly queer family yeah you you literally have like the most gay people in your family per capita of any family i've ever encountered in the wild and my dad doesn't know uh because i truly don't care what he knows about oops yeah well shouldn't have done that todd how did my family react um fine fine your dad actually reacted quite well my dad reacted fine what are you like a big old les now i do not currently identify as a lesbian i would say i'm queer um because i am still unfortunately sometimes attracted to men it's really it's just you know every day a woman finds that she is unfortunately still attracted to men but you can make a difference you can't actually have there's nothing there's nothing you can do about that they've tried we've tried trust me i've tried i have always kind of been more lady-leaning anyway absolutely so honestly this kind of worked out how do you identify i'd say mostly attracted to women okay so you know i i think lesbian is just the most makes the most sense and also if you yell at her because that's not an accurate use of lesbian i will come after you i love i'd love to fight just leave her alone leave my wife alone literally leave my if you take away nothing else from this video it's that you better leave my wife alone i am a wife guy now understand my power we are in marriage of two wife guys yeah we're two wife guys do you share clothes um well i've inherited some clothes from you that you no longer wear yeah i think like you're actually smaller than me so we don't share clothes currently but sometimes if not available here's the thing also we have different styles yes um things that i like to wear are kind of not things that you necessarily like to wear right well i'm still developing my style yeah but by and large yeah that's right because this actually this is probably the most similar thing to my style that you yes but this or that christmas dress i have a christmas dress the one from modcloth it's plaid oh i was like i don't remember right i only think about me that hasn't changed wow one thing people might be wondering is uh i'm sorry i'm doing this when you're saying that yeah don't do that how about you sure no that no i shouldn't be like no no you shouldn't do that it shouldn't be like no okay well i gotta work out because anyway okay um one thing people might be wondering is how i feel about um the fact that you know since i'm in a relationship with you and i'm a peripheral character in this in the general christian jericho universe um kcu yep that uh you know this this is a little more public than it might be for others you've never pushed me to be to be in anything or you know share with anyone that anything that more than what i'm comfortable with i wanted to make this video uh for example i thought a lot about this because like i i feel really bad because i feel like the thing is if it weren't for me you would basically have come out to all relevant parties i mean obviously coming out is a continual process it lasts your entire life yeah you are always coming out to someone um but it's it's part of the heteronormativity of our society that you're even forced to come out that straightness and cisness are considered the default i am convincing oh you look so pretty i am cognizant of the fact that we are together means that there's like an extra step for you you know yeah well what you gonna do make a video about it yeah like and subscribe like please subscribe to our patreon so we can buy better tripods how do you feel now how are you feeling i feel great case i feel less like i'm wearing a costume every day yeah i think that's one something i've noticed is that it used to be that i feel like you spent so much time and energy with creating the personality that was your dead name yes and that didn't leave you with a lot of energy to do other things it did truly did not gotta be boy gotta be boy and uh now me girl now and um things are just better just so much better i'm much happier now i would say i'm happier now yeah you're definitely have i mean you seem happier now you see i gotta work on this thing i think it's because of this cowlick yeah yeah that count that's been there my entire life that's the bane of my existence well it's about it's supposed to be the bane of mine yeah carriage i know i was curling your hair today and i was just like you're gonna have to learn how to do this yourself i am i have to learn to do lots of stuff myself i still i still spend more days than i'd prefer in boy mode just because i just need to get girl basics it's a lot of work that is one thing that i will say it is a lot of work and uh it's a thing i'm just gonna have to do more i'm just gonna have to get in the habit of doing yeah i think also like you know you've been on hormones since august yes and there have been so many changes even since then yeah i've always been told that like hormones is like a year's long process yes and it is it is but even with even since august i'm just like wow you look very different you just are very you carry yourself very differently some of that is just you know a com you know a comfort thing and you know just me being more comfortable in my own skin but yeah some of that is the hormones and like you know it's not like there's zero effect yeah i mean also like you know i'm very jealous like you have a very pretty face it's like come on okay citation needed wow it's like no one will no one around here lets me be self-deprecating yeah no friend are not gonna call you ugly when it's first of all it's not true yeah i'm just not gonna call you ugly yeah yeah oh whatever i want a refund on this so how has it been like dealing with me with you um it's been it's been really good you know you've been you've been you say that while you're like you're literally physically taking off sorry this is this is how i tweet this is this is i i i it it's just a twiddling response i know all right let's do this again let's do it what was it like having to come out to me uh scary that was because you were the first person i came out you know they were you were the first person i came out to the first person you come out to is yourself that was scary yeah that took forever yeah it took a long time you know that took 32 and almost 33 years yeah because how long before you told me had you kind of come out to yourself maybe a few months it was scary because you're the most important person in my life i didn't want it to be a thing that got between us but at the end of the day it didn't matter if it got between us because it was something i needed to do that's true and that's what i finally realized and luckily it didn't this is what i've spent uh like quarantine doing really it's true it is funny because i feel like a lot of our friends haven't seen you they haven't since before no you kind of went into quarantine in boy mode and then you're going to emerge as the woman you have always been exactly the thing is your skin's so soft now too it's like the thing is i i to you need to get laser on my arms at some point i feel like every time it's like compliment you're just like but what about but what if it could be better yeah and it's like welcome to womanhood i guess yeah i mean you have been doing that for eight years yeah and uh it pisses me off to no end so uh turnabout is fair play it's true [Β __Β ] you know here's the thing is it there's so many ways in which you are kind of integrating yourself into the female experience you'll kind of look on instagram and be like i'll never be as hot as her and i'm just like listen just take your titty pills and calm down yeah i know it's only been three months it's been three months it's so amazing how different you are though like i think you know when we come out of quarantine people are going to be like what the heck who is this hot woman living in your house that's our video in which my wife comes out yeah we'll probably make more content about this but this was a sort of an informational seminar just in case you would like some knowledge just uh uh uh i had a pun isn't that here's the thing now we can both say my wow yeah give it a keep just just give it give it give it a try give it a try yeah yeah how do you like the mouth feel of that it's good my wife she's better than you yeah i know i've had practice she has more experience brie is here she's a part of this house and we're very happy that she is happy and if you get on the internet and you yell at her i will find you she will you know she'll just just insert the whole take end speech i will fight you if you are transphobic on this channel i swear to god yeah yeah there's there will be no the hammer's coming down there will be no toleration obviously there was never any toleration for transphobia but now that there's more things to talk about in relation to trans issues there really is no tolerance for transphobia just when you're typing be like would i want kristin to show up to my house with a ball-peen hammer and just and a sock full of nickels yeah yeah we do what i want kristen to show up while i'm sleeping with a sock full of nickels telling me that she knows all of my childhood fears and saying that she laundered all my money and now is gonna take it to buy a jet ski in cancun if the answer is no don't write it mostly just because jet ski maintenance is i don't want to do it yeah it's like a person doesn't want to do something it might still happen but if brie doesn't want to do something it's definitely not happening so be nice be cool this is a friendly zone yeah it's all girls it is it's all girl towers just just girly things just girls who like girls yeah kitchen and jordan now 50 percent gayer than it was before yes anyway bye bye love you bye [Music] oh that looks great yeah it's great [Music] you
Channel: The Kitchen & Jorn Show
Views: 2,127,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trans, coming out, coming out as trans, trans woman, trans women, brie, kristin and jen, kitchen and jorn, jen from buzzfeed, kristin from buzzfeed
Id: e4wajXk_cDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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