Let's cut these agates open!

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so recently I bought 359 lbs of Brazilian egots and I made a video unboxing all of them and showing them and it was so much fun but there was a couple people who were disappointed that I didn't cut any egots open in that video and you know what you're absolutely right I'm a little disappointed that I didn't do it either but I want you to know the reason I didn't cut any open is because out in my garage where I have my saw I was setting up a brand new table so I could fit more equipment on here and at the end of the video I have a little bit of a surprise for you to show you but we're going to be cutting open some of these Brazilian egas today I picked five chunky nodules from the 359 lb that I just bought oh boy I'm very excited to see inside these and happy to finally give you what we're all wanting is some cut chunky Brazilian OTS let me get my sauce set up and we'll get to cutting and we're going to be starting off with the smallest cut this guy right here but this husk right here looks kind of blue and I have high hopes that it's going to be awesome inside so let's dive into it let's cut it [Music] open so as you know I don't take any Peaks at these and if I do I tell you I haven't seen inside this beautiful little egg and I also want you to know too it is never a guarantee of what's inside these you can kind of know sometimes when you cut stuff like that that oh it's going to have bands it's going to be beautiful but with stuff like this this literally has no external bands just a beautiful husk so I'm excited to see how it played out it's a total mystery let's see oh boy it's a geod with water level bands and oh my gosh that is so pretty this is beautiful quartz bands all the way around it oh my gosh that is so awesome the yellow in there that's what's up you guys oh what a sweet sweet eggot oh my gosh you can't beat it OTS are so fun oh man I got a huge request for you guys if you are new here and these OTS are making you happy hit that subscribe or follow button so you can join Along on more fun egot cutting AED finding just all the rock hunting and Lapidary content that we put out here gosh I hope you enjoy it as much as I do it's so much fun so sweet all right let's see what's next I kind of want to cut this funky guy right here looks like there's some bands so what I'm going to do with this one it's going to be a long cut we're going to cut it right in through there and get a big long face let's do [Music] it this is going to be kind of an awkward one to show let's see oh let's do it like this oh my gosh look at those bands in there little tiny geod pocket holy moly look at that down there oh my gosh I think I see just one fra two fractures that's not too bad that is so beautiful the way it kind of calicos up in there oh my gosh that is so sweet holy moly so many colors in that that is so beautiful oh my gosh oh that reminds me oh I had a a comment earlier today somebody commented and asked why do you laugh when you show the reveals am I missing something it's was like I laugh when I'm happy that's just what what I do when I'm happy I laugh and these make me very very happy so it makes me laugh oh it's just a happiness thing there's so much joy in this unseen for however old this thing might be and boom we get to see it for the first time and it's phenomenal like that are you kidding me how can you not laugh at that it's so sweet all right folks we're going to tee this one up I'm a betting man in this one right here not typically but with this I'm a betting man there's going to be water level bands on the inside I'll be shocked if there's not [Music] oh boy that was a a full five minutes of fun oh so here's our our little sneak peek here oh you can see the water level bands down there I'm just going to throw this out there that was 5 minutes of standing there with mild pressure pushing on this if you're a lapidary person and you agree that lap der has helped you grow in patience comment the word patience or something about it and how it's helped you like this is unbelievable so I'm going to slide this down oh oh my gosh it is so pretty oh my gosh I love that just simple little orange band right there these water level bands at the bottom are nuts oh that is so sweet what a great piece oh it's awesome you guys so sweet oh this is so pretty had to look at it in real life GE pocket oh and like even right here there's like a little little itty bit of bands like right right in there just a little bit if it'll focus right there that single orange band oh my gosh how neat is that that is so so great we are three for three with beautiful chunky Brazilian OTS oh my gosh it is so awesome three down two to go and I just want you guys to know I am using my 10-in Hightech diamond saw with the thin Center blade it is my favorite kind of blade for the 10-in saw I also use the 6in saw and with this one I like using the thin centered and the thin notched both are really great and I love having this new workbench that fits both of my saws and something extra for the end of the video don't forget about it but I'm kind of debating on which one I want to cut last I have gosh I have high hopes for this guy because of that right there that looks so interesting and even like right in there looks kind of fun and this guy this this big chunky nodule I know it's going to have bands in there cuz you can see it in that window right there H I don't know does look like it has some fractures could be pretty fractured inside we'll find out when we cut it but I don't know we go big or do we go small let's do the one that we know has bands next and we'll let that one be a surprise so oh this guy's going to take probably longer than the last one I'll let you know how long it takes nice and slow probably about 6 minutes so we're going to cut it right right in through there like that because there's bands right there and we want those bands to run through and hopefully get sweet beautiful patterns like we've got with the last three woo [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'd say that was about 5 minutes again not a bad cut it was very very smooth didn't get any blowouts or anything oh looks like potential fractures let's check it out oh my God oh my gosh look at how beautiful that is are you kidding me oh I don't even mind those fractures I think that gives a decent character to be honest it's kind of kind of neat it's got that bleaching in there oh my gosh look at how phenomenal that is oh man man oh man that is so beautiful how are we getting so lucky with these this is one of the best one of the best batches of Brazilian egots I think I've ever had and honestly like it's probably not the best I have one that is just like perfect it's got beautiful bands like this in a huge J pocket but check that out oh my gosh it's so amazing so many bands So Many Colors so nice so nice cannot wait to get these polished more on that at the end of the video but oh boy oh boy what a stunner that is it just it just blows my mind mind to be able to see inside these after so long like these were meant for not just myself this is meant for all of us here on our channel it's so special it's it's so so special I I just can't can't say it enough it's it means so much to me I hope you guys are liking this fun cutting video so far if you are hit that like button and if you got friends that are into rock share these videos with them I appreciate all the support that you guys give for our Channel it means the world world we got one more cut and then a little fun thing I've been hinting at all video so let's cut this broken egg here and what a sweet husk on this guy let's cut it we'll go long right through [Music] there checking out the husk bits that were blowing off of this thing it's so interesting like that's just from like peeling off like right there so crazy so weird all right so that initially when I was cutting it right in through here it felt so fast I'm like oh no but then again it's super thin there so maybe that's why hopefully let's see if it's pretty or not gosh I don't know oh oh that is so sweet oh we just who we just barely caught it we caught it really well on this side and there's like hardly anything over here such beautiful bands I know there's a lot of surface fractures on there right now but we will get that fixed in the polishing process good grief that is so sweet really really good bands man these aots like each one is just a little bit different than the last I know they're all individually unique but you know what I'm saying the colors and everything holy moly man alive that is so awesome wow what a great way to end that cutting session so awesome so now I got to tell you a little bit about the thing that I've been hinting at for this entire video so all of these egots and a lot of them that I cut the ones that I don't keep in my Personal Collection I put on my Etsy store now none of these are going to be going on my Etsy store today they will be going on there someday and that's kind of what the little announcement is about so my cab King is so perfect for polishing smaller stuff like this right here it's perfect but when it comes to this bigger stuff it's just too big and I mean you probably could do it but it takes so much time and I don't have that time I don't know if you guys know this but I got a ton of kids and they're my main priorities so I am very very excited sorry I'm kind of cleaning up as I go here I'm very very excited to add a vibr laap to my Arsenal so this is brand new it has never been used I can't personally endorse this to if it's good or not you know what I mean I have to use it and use it for a while before I I let you know what I think about it but I think it's going to be really great for getting these bigger pieces throwing on there and we'll work out all the Kinks and all the howtos and the thises and the thats on how to make sure that we get great perfect polishes with our bigger pieces and can do it kind of passively while I'm working on polishing the smaller stuff and it'll just be a smooth running machine so after we use this for a long time I will be making a video on what I think about it whereas like with my high-tech diamond saw I've been using this for years I haven't strayed away from it I love it and I love the people over at Hightech they're phenomenal I love the saw you know it's not perfect these aren't polished after I cut it that would make it perfect I know some people think that's what happens it's just wet here's what it looks like when it dries not too bad and with these bigger pieces be able to just throw them on there and work out all those surface fractures and go from there so yeah that was a really fun cutting session I got my new table set up for all of my equipment out here and I'm very excited to get going with this it's going to be up and running very soon well I hope you're really happy that we finally got to cut into that huge cash of Brazilian aots it was worth the weight wasn't it oh my gosh some of the bands in those were mind-blowing I can't wait to see them Polished in the future and even though not going to be polishing those right now and it's probably going to be be a while till they up on my Etsy store I am going to get started polishing on some other projects right now so make sure you go follow my Etsy store it's going to be linked in the description box below thank you all so much for joining me on this very very fun Brazilian egot cutting Adventure I hope you had a blast I always do it's so much fun thank you for joining me we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Agate Dad
Views: 62,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agate dad, agate dad videos, agate dad youtube, agate dad lapidary, agate, agates, brazilian agate, brazilian agates, gem, gemstone, gemstone cutting, gem cutting, agate cutting, rock cutting, rock saw, agate saw, lapidary saw, vibra lap, how to cut agates
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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