Let's Play Minecraft: Ep. 114 - Megatower Part 2
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 2,072,057
Rating: 4.694942 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, adventure, achievement city, open world, minecraft multiplayer, Rooster, Teeth, Achievement, Hunter, ah, rt, lets, let's, play, lets play, let's play, letsplay, game, video, gaming, let's build, build, VS, vs, guides, the patch, trials files, game night, night, five facts, five, facts, AHWU, ahwu, Behind the Scenes, behind, the, scenes, This is, things to do in, shorts, RT Life, life, RTAA, RT Recap, recap, Rage Quit, rage, quit, podcast, red, blue, rwby, rvb, rvsb, fails, weak, HUNT, GO!
Id: ywfpVKSceZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 01 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Jesus, Gavin got fucked harder than Ray at Madison Square Garden.
Setting the tower on fire was a great idea.
"Does anyone else smell smoke?" "No, it's a video game"
For some reason, that interaction made me laugh incredibly hard
Ryan is just missing his opportunity to say "Consoles just work!"
Shenanigans and Technical difficulties aside, a theme I keep noticing when Geoff and Gavin build these games is that there is almost to not enough materials. Constantly in let's plays the guys are asking "I need more X" or "I don't have Y." Food is normally the main one they ask for more. It's a constant amount of around 4-8 steak. Especially with long winded, hardly any fighting LPs, I'd rather see them have food to be able to do more rather than them dying due to starvation. Say this LP was done with a double chest worth of the materials, Geoff wouldn't have to constantly give them more shears or torches when they died. You would think after so many of these, they would notice something like that.
Megatower X:
Fire charges set up around each part of the tower to be used after a certain amount of time (separate each level with obsidian instead of white wool)
Players can purchase items (armor, food, torches, weapons, mobs, w/e) with stacks of wool to allow them to catch up to the people who got their pieces quicker
Monsters and water should be placed in holes throughout the tower
I'm surprised they actually did this Let's Play with all the crashes they had
I like how this eventually turned into Cloud Down X
Michael with two gold visible on screen at 34:22. Looks at one of them a whole bunch of times without getting it too- it must have been so frustrating by that point- then Ray nicked it.
Edit: Pretty sure there is a creeper perched on a block of gold at 37:05 as well. I guess that's who Achievement City tapped to play for it.