Kerbal Space Program Xbox One: Mike vs Jane SPACE-OFF (RIP KERBALS)

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three two we have ignition night Oh No ignite hello welcome to Kerbal space program here on Xbox one and I'm Jane here's my calories Andi life welcome to space greetings yeah a space program that pool let me take you to my Vehicle Assembly Building sounds good yeah you don't want to read text you came here for space yeah an explosion yeah and if we're gonna get up there we're gonna need a rocket let's do it okay okay and any game no I'm not starting I'm not going first I'm not taking that here I've got you've got you've got the degree the relevant degree God relevant degree building spaceships I'd like to me yeah well I guess you're gonna need engines aren't we that's what we start with no I find it start with the pod live and die I'm gonna actually don't come at me with your unmanned space flight Mike I've got no time for your drones I'm gonna put an extra bit of pod there why not have another one it's connected somehow yeah now I need fuel tanks yeah you need solid fuel boosters I want solid please can i specify a for it I mean which is more explosive you want the stuff that looks like it fits together more than the stuff that doesn't look like it fits together yeah my that's a human spacecraft engineering that actually some of the fuels just poking out the top can't stop using these things together right now I need what I need literally stop you now as we were you need me I need a thing that I can attach a lot of engines to okay right okay I feel this is the time to interject the mic is not played Kerbal space before but he's I feel like I've got naturally amateur exposure yes and he's looked at a lot of rock yeah exactly yeah how do i oh I've done something you're in the advanced menu that matches my team at JPL banging rocks together yeah how do I scroll down to add things to the bottom you have to use the very funny camera controls I think it looks good so far you guys okay it's super pointy left hold left bumper right and use the stick to zoom in it okay if I put some marvelous gantries what if I put some couplings on yeah well deep decoupling couplings yeah so you like it yeah oh god I want stages you need stages or it all just blows up at once what do you mean ideally you want things to blow up in parts I'm gonna put some couplings here you can you what you probably want to do is turn on symmetry because then it will place things symmetrically on both sides that you need to come out of your dance menu yeah and press Y Y and then Jesus symmetry go down change symmetry okay and then change it to whatever radio symmetry you want six the biggest yeah eight well they are you going to attach eight yep I've got no I've got no budget to worry about so actually we're in sandbox mode like double space program well not ordinarily just let you you got seven now cuz you placed one before I know but details details symmetry is gonna cause catastrophic failure on the launch perhaps what are mathematician would say James is all much more embarrassingly just an abject failure to launch just just sit on the launch pad inner whoa boondoggle oh my God look look at this mounted to there yeah look at this okay okay again the game is like I can't stop you from doing this I would strongly we advise against it this is bad yeah is it okay I mean has someone connected the fuels alright glue together right yes okay yeah yeah we may look like they've got fuel to go so how do we launch it well you have to press Start yes save your craft save it return to the Space Center oh really oh yeah you can go straight to the [Laughter] without testing need I'll put a pod on it I don't know if that was a manned module ladies they're not gonna have any computer control or any astronauts how do I go I think you've just made a stick of dynamite a lawn yeah I mean I don't even think it's gonna launch because it doesn't have any brains it's a steep of dynamite on the launch pad say spaceship after my own heart well let's go back to space it aha and we'll just put things on it until it goes okay primarily funded by a cobalt Colonel Elon Musk so what pods right come on seat external come on cockpit this is a cockpit right yeah I need a command module as well I mean I would not use any of those I but I only know how to make very basic rockets okay give it a go if you want yeah could you fix my rockets and I'll fix that monstrosity Mike I can start from scratch I don't even know what you've done wrong I want to see this thing go up from all the obvious visual things that are wrong with it it should give you a little list of the things you've done aerodynamics oh come on a control I mean okay yeah you have to change the cursor mode which is get in there yes I'm gonna put you in the I mean you can go let's give this another because you haven't fit any sort of recovery vehicle there's no parachute oh how are they getting back to earth I have it well I haven't told them about that yeah I know it's because it's that asymmetrical extra coupling is shipping it slightly but look we're it we reach escape velocity yeah and look how much fuel we've got unless I could add okay I stopped I think I cut the engines I think you didn't cut engines oh boy rattling now they're off g-force this looked fast in the red zone all right we're leaving the atmosphere someone play that music what means in 2001 okay all right heading for the Sun yeah that's good undulating on a fast and furious car okay great you're in orbit it's an hour long so now what stage three there's no stage three mistakes you have our fuel and now we drift to our deaths but I'm getting two hundred thousand meters yeah oh but it's it's coming back oh sorry come back no you I know but but am I not still in the gravity well no you're not you're in orbit okay you're just in orbit you're just gonna orbit forever is that your altitude no that's good speed that I'll talk that's your vertical speed on the right so you're still gaining guys to death Cohen family heroes yeah I hope we act something really important on that spaceship for aliens to find in a million years so mission times 260 yeah should we see how long it takes me to get to 250,000 meters I mean you can try and beat my score okay which is whatever the score to 32 well you've done there like is you've murdered a fan in video so I will eventually smack slam back in years where am i on the ark on right the top of the I know I'm there oh that's my Play craft is yeah we can do walk speeds it's really important that you know how to write zoom back in thank you wait thank you what mood yeah I didn't really think about reentry somehow I stayed alive for very very long orbit and then blew up yeah yeah so they I mean they would have known that was gonna happen as well yeah every seen it coming a long time I'm sorry and careful command was like we're sorry we've done everything we tried to Apollo 13 it but we're sorry we did everything we could but actually so where's my mission report because I would say partners yeah Oh outcome catastrophic failure radial decoupling collided into launch pads okay right so highest altitude was 10 million meters yeah meters high speed achieve 3,000 meters second darling J nothing to do I just did that you told me study for 30 whole minutes yeah right thank you so we want to toriel's we want a little command pod nothing fancy workaday workaday command pod reusable spacious whole three cruise is it reasonable yeah well if you don't blow up it's all explosion coaster taxpayer your rocket so be reused as confetti a wedding your Rockets semi blew up on the Lord thank God oh wait all right we need a parachute to get them back yep I hope you didn't even give him a parachute okay that one said it was found lying by the side of the roads well it's economical that's what I'm thinking we want you are such a taxpayer yeah it's all economical commander control no why put laying there we go stick a coupler on it oh these ones you can like fire like that for the proper stages unlike two stages one of which was a big bang and then the other and then let's have a combi of like liquid solid yeah biggest best of all in the world every kind of fuel put some science I will eventually put some science on it hang on where am I where our fuel tanks and my engines at CeBIT Ron no we want hammer we want a liquid hammers at Pat are these yes these sound good nervous I'm gonna put that on the bottom of it so now I want a Speidel solid fuel booster yeah almost got found by the side of the road is pretty bits from my rocket wow that looks amazing cool I approve all right and now for added stability let's put some wings on it fins wings let's go for a classical retro futuristic looking like it I like it let's go for a radial four okay okay okay because when I put one of the booster on did eight of them okay how far up you I'm gonna line them up with that line should because it's not symmetric it's not a fully symmetrical you can work it out I hate space is very forgiving family hahaha so let's put a science module on it or something so we can gather some science while we're up there oh cool juice attach it to the side yeah like it gets a mystery goo are you gonna do some symmetrical mysteries otherwise it'll throw it off its yeah oh I'm a little pod yes I like the smooth jazz I seem that's been piped into the module as they launch Andy that was a terrible accident and was in no way intentional okay and maybe like a modestly sized solid engine yeah I feel if you can work out how to get those fuel tanks onto the couplings and then just stick the Boosters underneath right right Oh give it go why not yeah okay alright let's rename it to the deep space yeah deep space Jane that's the one great and then stuff it up oh did I kill the whole group that's good that one that one who else wants to come die yeah you guys you're all good oh it's more Commons oh really working through the campus yeah okay federal seats none of those are pilots right I mean that's fine fine I'm basically flies itself these days Nuka komen is the lucky one who gets to stay behind okay cross save let's do it go to the launch pad my favorite launch pad all right Mike you can be pilot then in that case yeah press the Go button you stole that blood on your hands all right give me the countdown t minus t minus ten nine eight seven six seven there's no four and three two one yeah three we have ignition night Oh No ignite so I just go to stage two all right okay we're gonna burn fuel modestly I want you to this is easy you want to use your navigable the stabilizing all right now Tony's all right Tony yourself yeah now there we go yeah okay that's good that helped that definitely helped I'm trying now upwards that's the exact opposite of what you do you have no idea how difficult this is can we go out of this angle yeah that's fine that's okay I'm gonna throttle down oh no no down all not down all the way sorry yeah did I did that as well I ended up just keeping it out into space looking looking good it's about to be very chilly can you roll down roll it's actually friction in the atmosphere yeah I think they may be dying a little bit yeah I think no okay the parachute is not suitable for opening now but I don't think it's it's not like should we just separate yeah go on sorry that didn't work where's my deformation in doing anything are you doing anything oh there's a tiny bit of atmosphere still maybe you Reno bit not enough to steer it properly okay all right what do we do now you try and bring him back to earth safely check out my gun and you do that thing I don't know oh yeah oh that's a very short orbit yes good a safe little bit bring you back down in the ocean you're barely out in space at all sorry you did very well you had a steerable rocket at least my mom wasn't even steerable strapped them to a bomb yeah they would in this space 10 million miles pretty much go EBA oh we don't do that what kill someone I mean Reagan give these people yeah so if we if it comes back down yep awesome first does that mean there's enough to burn through that they'll survive I guess we'll see honestly let's have a look at our orbit again yeah okay coming back down oh here we go entry oh let's forget about the science can you use the canals to to direct their pod away from there and stabilize back on yeah that you're pointing them at them yeah action what them away from the friction away from the friction yeah the guys are in the front all right okay you say so Mike I always get a dose straight I mean you first first no see you can't do parachutes red which means they'll blow off if they try and parachute right now I mean they may blow up anyway well I'm trying yeah glide in j3k up and still no sign of parachute come on tera CheY I can see our shadow come on is it gonna sink to the bottom of the ocean because it's a really heavy rock climb out climb out Oh climb out please let go that's a pretty bleak option isn't it all right back in the ship okay Jana I very impressed as I understood it you just send them up and you don't worry about yeah let's recover the vessel well it's up to you commenters to decide [Laughter] it was very far in space and they're all ready to go up again and we might meanwhile I have to go back to space University because that was a pretty poor mission collected no science while I was up there hey it took the Americans and the Russians like a decade to get that far well yes you've done it in Twitter yeah yeah if I was in the Cold War I don't I don't want that come to us well bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 141,158
Rating: 4.9443913 out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny moments, guide, outsidexbox, outside xbox, kerbal space program, ksp, kerbal space program xbox one, ksp xbox one, kerbal space program gameplay, ksp xbox one gameplay, rocket, spaceship, space, space ship, tips, how to, launch, blast off, landing, land, safely, parachute, orbit, take off, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, aliens, kerbals
Id: cB3ZbRxxDV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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