Cultist Simulator - Beginners Guide

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hey what is up awesome people this is Shady wags with got your back gaming and in this video I'm gonna go over the basic concepts of playing a game we'll call - simulator Cultus simulator does not include a tutorial and if you want the full experience and you have the time I highly recommend not using a tutorial because in my opinion learning to play the game even though that may mean ultimately failing and having to start over as part of this game's mystique but I do realize that not everyone has the patience or the time to devote to the high learning curve that this game requires so that's why I'm going to go ahead and release this guide because I feel this game deserves it when you start a game for the first time you're gonna start as an aspirant you will have one card on the board the menial employment card and you can click on that card to pull up more information you're also gonna start with one block the work block you can click on the block to open it up and you can get more information on what that block is for the work block will be used primarily to produce funds through employment but it's also going to be used to perform other tasks like painting fulfilling Commission's and upgrading your desire card blocks up spaces to drop cards and if a card is able to go into the empty spot all you have to do is drag it into the empty card slot you'll be able to tell if a card is suitable for an empty slot if the slot highlights when you drag the card when you drag the card to the empty card slot it will then update the dialogue also you can drag a card on top of a block and I'll place the card into the empty card slot once the card is in the slot go ahead and hit the start button to perform the task and the timer will begin to count down and any time you need to pause the game you can either click the pause button that is located down here or you can use the spacebar you're gonna be using pause a lot in this game now I'm gonna go ahead and pause and I'll let the task complete what's the task completes we've received two new cards and a new block so I'm gonna go ahead and hit the collect all button and those new cards are going to be added to the game board this is a health card and it's an ability card and this is basically your hip points you must always have at least one out card if you fall hello one health then you're gonna die and these cards are your available funds funds serve multiple purposes in the game use them for buying books use them for hiring people but their most important use is to sustain you we're gonna have another box pop up here and this is the time passes box and each minute of game time it will consume one fun card if you're unable to provide the timer with a fun card then you will starve to death this is the terrine box and we will use this box to gain entry to gates we will also use it to generate beneficial cards that we'll use to destroy negative cards I'm gonna go ahead and collect these cards and you'll see that we received two more cards now this is a passion card this is your second ability card the first one we received was the health card and the third one that we're gonna receive will be a reason card ability cards are used in two different boxes in a variety of ways they can start a task or they may be required as a secondary card to start the task they also may be added to a task that is already underway to further the progress we're going to talk more about ability cards after we get that reason card the contentment card is an influence card influence cards have a timer on them and they could be what I'd like to refer to as positive cards or negative cards once the timer expires on an influence card the card will fade from the board now some influence cards once they expire they will generate another card you'll notice that once the timer expired up the time passes it automatically picked up a fun card this card slot has a magnet on it so it will automatically pick up any card that is on the board that will fit into that card slot some of the boxes that we will encounter during our gameplay will automatically pick up negative cards so if we don't deal with those negative cards we could potentially lose the game the study box has now been unlocked so I will click on that and collect the cards we've now received the reason card along with eight more funds and abba quest card i'd like to keep the ability cards together the passion the health and the reason so i'm gonna drag them all right here underneath the work box we don't have a job yet and we need to keep making funds so I'm gonna take the reason card and drag that up to the work box to begin looking for employment we could drag our health card to the box to do manual labor or we could drag the passion card to the box to paint but I'm gonna go ahead and use the reason card to find clerical work now once the timer is up I'll receive my reason card back and I'll also get a junior position at Glover and Glover the Glover Glover card has a timer on it and if I don't play that card in the work box before that timer expires I will be demoted from my position so I'm going to go ahead and drag that card to the work box and hit the start button the dialog may request diligence or devotion and to fill those card slots you use your reason card it's not required but the more diligence and devotion you spend on the job the more funds you'll receive and possibly you'll receive a better position with more pay once the minute is up I'll click on the work box and I'll collect the funds the Glover and Glover card and the reason card the reason card is now grayed out and marked as dim so I'm not going to be able to use that card again until the timer expires the Glover Glover card again is now counting down and I'll have to use that card to work before the timer expires next up I'm gonna move the bequests card to the study box the quest card is filled in the study slot but I'm not able to start the action until I fill in the approach slot with the appropriate card to find out what cards this slot will accept I can either click on the box and read the dialogue and check the icons in the dialogue box or I can right click on the slide and any suitable and available card will have a glowing effect around them so right now the only card I can use is the passion card so I'll move that to the slot and then I'll hit the start button once that completes I'll go ahead and collect the cards the first card is the notes on a possible collaborator card this is a text card other types of text you could receive or books or manuscripts and these cards must be studied so I'm gonna go ahead and drag that card to the study box in the meantime you will notice that the work box now has a smaller empty box on top of it this means that the task is now expecting another card I can open up the box and then I can read the narrative to get a better idea what is going on so the task is now asking for my recent card and this is optional if I add the recent card I'll receive more funds or I can let the task complete without adding the card I can see here by these small icons right here that I've already earned two funds I'm gonna go ahead and move that reason card over and then I'll let the job complete now while we were dealing with the work tasks our study completed and we now have the talk box available the talk box is used to recruit cult members once we have established our cult I'll collect the cards and I'll receive the hanger-on card and we're gonna move this guy right over here for now we're gonna get back to him in a minute the next card we received is a Smith secret card this is a lore card there are nine different types of lore in the game Nach are the purple cards lantern the bright yellow cards forge the orange cards moth the gray cards Grail are the bright red cards edge the dark yellow cards winner the light blue cards heart are the light red cards and forgotten histories are the pink cards and each lore card will have a level we could check that level by clicking on the card so this is a level 2 card more cards of the same level and the same more can be studied to create more advanced cards so if we had to smith's secret cards we could place both of those cards in the study and it would attempt to combine them into a level 4 forge lore car higher level lower cards can be split back into lower level cards so if I had a level 4 forged card I can add it to the study along with a reason card to split that back into two level two cards and you can subvert cards to change a card into another card so if I place the level 2 Lantern card into the study box I can then add a level two forged card and it would attempt to change the Lantern card into a forged card only specific card pairs can be subverted you can't subvert a Lantern card with an edge card but you can subvert a forge card into an edge card now the reason that you're going to be upgrading cards is that throughout the course of a game it will require higher-level cards to open gates you'll need them to upgrade your desire and ultimately you need very high-level cards to perform rites each floor type has a desire tied to it this is our current desire power and that desire is connected to the forge lore there are two other desires there's knowledge and there sensation there are three lore desire combos that are easier to play with and that's power and forge knowledge and lantern and sensation and Grail so when we do start a call I recommend that you stick with one of these combos so if your desire is power you want to start your call with a forged lore card if your desires knowledge you would want to use Lantern and if your desire a sensation you would use Grail you can't change your desire by dreaming on it and then adding either reason health or a lower card to the dream to change the passion I'm gonna go ahead and keep my desires power so I'll go ahead and add the Smiths secret card to finalize my desire and that will upgrade the temptation to a dedication now we are finally ready to start our call so I'm going to take the hanger-on card and I'll move that card to the talk box and that will begin to form a mystical organization then another box is going to pop up and that will ask me to choose my founding principles this is where I need to choose a lower card to drop in and since I already decided that I was gonna stick with the desire of power I'm gonna go ahead and choose the forge lower card like a said before it is easier to keep your desire in line with the founding principles of your cult if your desire was knowledge you would want to found the call with the watchman's secret lore card and if your desire was sensation you would found it with the Grail lore card next while founding the cult it is going to require you to add one of your ability cards it seems they're going to ask you for your health your reason or your passion is asking for my health so I'll go ahead and drag that card over and I'll let that finish and for the final step it's asking for our first recruit so I'll drag the hanger-on card into the slot will now receive our cult card which is the unflinching order a temporary headquarters card and our first cult member and an injury we must deal with the injury now if this is left unattended - it could kill us and at any time you receive a negative effect to your health it can be treated by dreaming on it so I'll drag the injury card to the dream box and I'll also drag a fun card and that will heal us and turn the injury card back into a health card now that we have formed our cult and we have our first member we can now start recruiting more members and to do that all you have to do is drag any more card to the talkbox you're then going to go out and you're going to start speaking publicly about the invisible arts and trying to stir up interest if you're successful you're gonna gain either an acquaintance card a hanger-on card or one of the four cards that are individuals that want to commission you to write manuscripts you can only recruit acquaintances and hanger-ons to the call and in order to do that you drag your call card to the talk box you drag the person you wish to add to the call into the associate box then for ceremony you're gonna add the lure card of the principles of which you founded the call so in our case we're gonna add the forge card this person will now turn into a believer and if we click on the card we see that they have an aspect Dorothy has the aspect of heart and their power level is to each person that you recruit into the cult is going to have an aspect those aspects are either heart lamp knock edge winner moth or forge and those aspects will allow them to perform different tasks and it'll allow them to defeat different challenges as you begin to send them on expeditions you're going to need at least two followers with each of the different aspects before you begin to send your followers off on expeditions so continue recruiting more followers now in order to even send them out to locations we need to open explore to do that we're gonna study the last card we received from that last batch of cards that card is the directions to Merlin's card move that card to study and once that finishes we now have received a Morland shop card which is a location card go and drag that car to explore and we can drag a fund to purchase a book the books that we purchase from Orleans can then be studied to unlock language translation skills poetry and essays which can be studied to gain more reads and impassion cards lore cards and writes now the forgotten history lore cards that you're going to be receiving are different than the other lore cards yes they are lore and they can be used to recruit they can be used in rites and they can be combined split and subverted just like other lore carts but they can also be explored to reveal location I'm gonna go ahead and drag this a called scrap which is a level 2 forgotten histories lore card to explore now I lost the occult scrap card but I've now received a location that I can send an expedition to explore now don't send anyone on an expedition until you have at least two followers of each lore type or you're gonna run the risk of losing cult members because they may not be able to pass the challenges I'll talk more about this in another video where I'll show you the strategies I use on how to successfully complete expeditions now the next way we can explore and collect items and lore is through drain so I'll take the passion card and I'm gonna move that card to dream and hit start and it'll then present me with an empty lore slot I can drag any lower card I have here to this slot and the narrative will change now my goal here is to try to find a game if unsuccessful I'll receive my cards back and either a positive or negative influence car if successful I'll receive a way to a gate car now one have the way card then I can dream using that card but it's going to want me to provide a card for the path and this could be a specific lure card with a specific level and when I mean specific it could be a knock card but it will have to be a level 6 knock card or it could be an ability card in this case of the way to the wood it tells us right away in the narrative that all it's requesting is passion but it does say that we can go further with the correct knowledge so other cards can be used here in the path could have a different result now once the gate is open you're gonna be presented with three choices you can either accept the card that is revealed to you by moving it to the wood location and once you do that you'll return to the game board with that card or you can click on one of the other two hidden cards that card will be flipped over and reveal to you then you're gonna drag that card to the wood and you'll return to the game board with the card you chose this is why you want to keep purchasing and studying books from Orleans so you can unlock additional lore the digital lore that you discover could be the puzzle piece that you need to unlock additional gateways you also want to keep dreaming and entering into the gateways that you find the path to because that's the easiest way to find additional secret histories lore which can then be explored to unlock different locations that you can then send expeditions out to to discover even more lore now that is the basic concept of how the game works and flows there are more advanced features but I'm not going to go over these in this video but what I'm gonna do is I will go over how to deal with what I refer to as negative cards these are cards that could potentially lead you to losses in the game and as I've been explaining everything up until this point I've been dealing with those negative cards off screen view the first negative card you may receive is an affliction and that occurs when the sickness box pops up it's gonna automatically pull in a health card and it will turn that card into an affliction card if you don't remove the affliction card before the timer expires it will turn into decrepit and you'll lose the health card for good we can deal with the affliction card the same way that we dealt with the injury by dreamin on it and then either by spending funds or a vitality card to generate vitality all you need to do is study another health card and that will then generate a vitality card the next card you're going to encounter a lot in the beginning is restlessness a restlessness card will be generated when your desire hungers and it wants to be supplied with your obsession in the beginning you're not gonna have that card to provide so it's always going to give you a restlessness card the restlessness card is not a threat when it becomes trouble is when the timer expires it's then gonna become a dread card and dread can potentially end your game if you don't remove it from the board the easiest way to deal with this and remove the restlessness card before it turns into dread is by working on it with passion so I'll drag passion to work and then I'll supply it with the restlessness card and it will be removed easy enough but where the challenge is is that you also need to work to create funds so you're gonna be flip-flopping between working and dealing with restlessness there are times when you're gonna be demoted because the timer will run out on your Glover and Glover card and you're gonna have to take a turn pleading for your job back which doesn't generate at any income then there are gonna be times when you have the work box tied up when you're actually working and the restlessness card will turn into dread to remove dread you need to dream on it with contentment and to create contentment you need to dream with fun so first I'll dream of funds to create the contentment card then dream on dread with the contentment card to remove it now Dredd can potentially run through the entire timer and the card will disappear and you'll be fine the card is gone but there is a chance that Dredd can automatically be pulled into the Bleak thoughts box before you can dream on it and if that happens a timer will begin and continue running and it will automatically pick up any Dredd card that hits the board if three Dredd cards are collected then your game is over to counter this you need to have a contentment card on the board and if you have one of those it will automatically be pulled in and it'll destroy the Dredd card and you're gonna need to provide it with one contentment card for each Dredd card that has been picked up probably the worst card you can pick up is fascination just like Dredd this card can potentially run through the time or disappear but if it gets picked up by a trembling in the air then you're gonna have to counter it each fascination card that is on the board will then be picked up and if it reaches three fascination cards you'll lose and the only way to destroy it is by having a Dredd card and that's the problem there are three ways to get a direct card one is by letting restlessness turn to Dredd but you may not have a restlessness card on the board another way you can generate Dredd is by dreaming with reason but this is not guaranteed to create the card the third way is to talk to a hunter then as the subject you use a winter lure card this will always create a Dredd card but it will always create a notoriety card now once you have the Dredd card it will automatically be picked up by trembling in the air and the fascination card along with the Dredd will be destroyed now the next three cards that can potentially slip you up our mystique notoriety and evidence and I'm just gonna touch on these for now because these are very complex to deal with when an investigation box pops up it will begin pulling in any mystique on the board mystique is not necessarily a bad card as it can be used to your advantage but when enough mystique is built up in the investigation it will be converted to tentative evidence if you have a notoriety is on the board and it's pulled into the investigation it will always be converted to tentative evidence and if you have notoriety on the board when you have tentative evidence in an investigation it will be turned into damning evidence if damning evidence is available in the board and an investigation pops up then a trial is going to start the trial is completely random they could question one of your followers with the possibility of you losing that follower they could be focused on you but they may ask you to turn in a follower instead or they may find you guilty and if that happens there is a pretty good chance that your game is going to be over so guys those are the basics of cultists emulator I'm gonna be releasing some more guides on this game which will be covering more advanced strategies and subjects if you found this guide helpful hit that thumbs up button comment and subscribe until next time have a good one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shady Wags
Views: 47,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cultist simulator, cultist simulator gameplay, cultist simulator walkthrough, cultist simulator game, cultist simulator guide, cultist simulator trailer, cultist simulator review, cultist simulator let's play, lets play cultist simulator, cultist simulator rites, cultist simulator ep 1, cultist simulator tutorial, cultist simulator ending, cultist simulator part 1, cultist simulator letsplay, cultist simulator lp
Id: lXbD59eNDWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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