Let's Play ARMS - Max Brass Arcade Mode

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get over here what's up everybody the green scorpion here and welcome to another episode of let's play arms featuring the arcade mode and today we're actually gonna have some fun because we're going to be playing as max brass today screw you and your gelatinous crap from last episode helix oh man I'm still not over that I really am NOT but we're not here to focus on that today today we're playing as this handsome dude max brass now as I said in the last episode um I I think I remember mentioning it in the last episode did I or was that a fit or was that a take that I took out well either way I remember mentioning it in kid cobras at least I think but as you guys may know we've been playing on five difficulty up until now starting with max brass and for these next five characters we're going to be playing on difficulty 6 this time because now that we're gonna be on difficulty 6 another we're gonna be gaining access to another boss fight later down the line now I'm gonna be honest I'm not sure how well this is going to go because level 6 gets pretty darn hard I've done it before but it gets pretty darn difficult and we'll see how this plays out with max brass so wish me luck here goes this arms Grand Prix is gonna be different folks cuz this time we're broadcasting live from our reigning champs regional tour but don't worry your pal Biff is still here to provide the scintillating commentary you know and love as I'm sure you know by now the reigning champ is our arms league commissioner max brass ever since he ascended to the top spot he's been waiting for a challenger who could take his place but his impatience got the best of him and he's taking matters into his own hands what a go-getter will anyone out there be able to ask the champ let's find out the arms Grand Prix is about to start the dudes 52 goodness gracious max brass looking good and we're starting with spring man yeah from what I understand he always starts with spring man match one bobbin weave it's max brass this is the bounce of spring man if you think he looks hot just wait until you get a taste of his toasters those flaming fist pack a powerful punch and it's a guaranteed knockdown if one connects I don't know you might want to ask for his money back after he takes on max brass and his muscles alright then so here we go max brass has access to the nades as in napalm grenades we got the Roasters which are basically the equivalent of the toasters and we got the KaBlam errs I think what I'm gonna do for the most part is I'm gonna have the left arm with the roaster and the right arm with the nades so we'll see how this plays out let's do this and of course max brass whole thing whoa okay yeah just got to get used to this again max prices whole thing is that is that super armor alright yeah I got a can't be too uh I can't be too yeah because he like this is difficulty yes whoa-ho this is difficulty six it's not gonna be easy whoa okay there we go okay whoa Wow okay yeah I can tell the difference already [Music] Wow okay yeah you can tell the difficulty gets insane once you get past five and six so okay yeah there we go there we go okay power up okay power up here we go all right there we go we got the knockdown power up again whoa okay yeah the winds got the winds guaranteed knockdown so there we go beautiful all right there we go here we go okay all right yeah I just got a just got to get used to max brass because his his super armor does take time to charge I can't just like choose when and if to uh I can't do it carelessly that's the thing yes there we go the explosion got him out of it beautiful power up okay yeah a grab does get past it so got to be careful there beautiful powerup beautiful oof nice grab nice grab go for the grab mmm power up oh good one good one and go for the grab and that's it yeah baby way to go max grass yeah I'm having way more fun with this dude than I did with Hilux oh this is gonna be good all right yeah max Bryce is really really fun I like the fact that like kind of the lore changes when you play us in because he's they like the champion so instead of like you know it being a normal Grand Prix it's basically his run at it challenging challenging people at his own pace match to stay pumped it's max brass versus the Raman bomb amid man has signature arms our dragons but get this her left arm actually turns into a dragon when charged and then dragon arm can hold a continuous charge so watch out what who needs a scaly dragon home when you've got pythons like bees get her commish oh man I love the fact that Biff highly respects the Commissioner or Amex brass as it were all right Oh yep can't really do much against that there we go okay power are up yeah take advantage of the explosion radius beautiful there we go there we go power up beautiful beautiful poof nice nice power up there we go there we go nice nice catching them with the explosion power up yeah those heavy arms dude dude he gets really puffed when like his size is insane when he's like powered up oh gosh that's gonna hurt okay that's fine that's fine that's fine we we got past it oh oh jeez yep okay okay not bad not bad okay harmony power up got the grab boom - whoo nice you lose oh yeah max brass is fun max presses a lot of fun I'm really liking this arming mechanic all right power up all right she got the dragon power up so be careful there oof that's hot beautiful beautiful powerup yeah that didn't work out too well yeah there we go huh that was my bad beautiful gotta got the explosion off to power up you know what this what kind of reminds me of and I'll see if I can pull it off with a super oh nice the explosion got her beautiful beautiful if I can get a punish hustle drew yeah all right max brass yeah he's kind of he's very much all my ish not gonna lie I kind of like this a lot all right here we go me son goal match three building muscle let's switch it up and play some skill shot you play by smashing targets as they fly by the more targets you can destroy in a row the more points you can score your opponent will be smashing targets too so watch out for incoming punches whoever racks up the highest score before time runs out wins okay let's see what you got alright then we're gonna stick with this cuz these are pretty relatively fast arms yeah baby get out of here beautiful beautiful get out of here you pitiful there we go all right next brass I love it I love it let's keep it up mmm pump that I mmm brawn versus brawn here we go match for keep flexing its max brass this is the grim creeper master mummy we know he can recover health while guarding but what other secrets mighty have who cares oh man max brass has got nothing I had so far as I know um do you want to tell us something there Beth power up oh no no no power up because he's gonna hit me him otherwise there we go there we go yeah he's got flaming arms too so like if I get hit I'm gonna get knocked down despite the super armor okay got the grab boom power up beautiful there we go hmm yep that fire is gonna hit me down no matter what beautiful there we go keep it up max grass well dude he gets freaking huge like it's actually kind of intimidating just how big this dude is oh there we go okay got the knockdown block it up oh okay he blow he broke one of my arms so that's fine save the super for the next round there we go beautiful beautiful all right all right yo I'm enjoying this round I'm but I'm really enjoying this run max grass is fun all right oof good head good head good head I couldn't punish I couldn't punish the one thing but that's fine okay he's doing a really good job of winning my punches hmm he might oh no oh man he recovered all of his help with that he's got a major lead on me now Oh comeback mechanic here we go but again it doesn't really matter much when he's got like those flame arms there we go all right caught him hitting something ah I couldn't hit him before me before he hit mine beautiful max brass yeah that's a really good thing about max grasses ability to she gains permanent super armor and permanent charge when he's at low health it's just like spring man's mechanic which is interesting all righty all righty so far so good I was actually a little worried that this is bright that this run was not gonna go all too well considering my first round with spring man but this is get this is one match five halfway there it's max brass this is the student a stealth ninja some folks fancy themselves ninjas but have no credentials I born and Jarra went to ninja school but no amount of book-learning will make him as buff as the brass teach him a lesson commish you little bias there Beth like Perillo but hey I think he's allowed to he like he even what even with him being the one like running the rounds he is still the champion all things considered so so I understand like maybe like there is at least some bias coming from this okay there we go got him on the explosion whoa yeah that's one thing that Jarrah has is that like really good graph okay got him on the explosion beautiful power up yeah he's just gonna stand there beautiful beautiful beautiful keep this up keep this up oh okay nice and I said nice head power up get the grab boom it wasn't a full super but I managed to get him I really liked his voice - it's just like you lose all right let's keep this up he's got his full meter so I gotta be careful power up okay just gains him distance just game this in distance Megan wasted beautiful got'em okay get some meter beautiful yeah use that super armor yeah not bad not bad not bad whoof not bad not bad he's bobbing and weaving like crazy right now power up there we go there we go yeah he doesn't have a traditional traditional block so he can't really do much about that one whoa all right yeah gain distance power up beautiful beautiful there we go there we go oh yeah that that explosion can still hurt me got to be careful about that power up yeah no I'm realizing that ninja can't really block against the rapid fire rush that the boxing glove styled arms allow so there we go so far so good have I lost a round other than against spring man because if that's the case that I'm kind of disappointed in myself for not restarting so I can try and fight spring Tron either way Mechanica I'm okay with fighting mechanika on bball match six pressing on let's change it up and play some b-ball the rules are simple hit the ball over the net oh and the ball will explode after a bit so watch out for that first two five points wins now get out there and show and show some hustle alright yep we're gonna we're just gonna stick with the e with this arm combination because I like this arm combination Oh No hmm okay that didn't work that might do it no come on there we go okay got it got it let's just try not to make this a a draw oh come on are you kidding me oh that was lame I did get caught in the corner so I suppose I shouldn't have been leaning on the same strategy since I happen actually wonder how like ah come on nuts there we go got it use her own use her own set no I got a little panic bear geez okay one time I had to restart or do a rematch is because of freaking bball stick with fighting smacks brass that's too good at oh Lola pop here we go match seven shred the competition it's max brass versus the sucker punch of Lola pop years of years as a street performer have honed this clans ability to bounce around and confuse our opponents but what's perfect comedic timing compared to perfectly massive punches um you'd be surprised especially with that clap back of hers that could spell disaster for me here we go power up beautiful got the knockdown yeah like that mmm okay got it power up kind of be careful gotta be careful got to be careful ah she got past that nice powerup oh man yeah I can't just throw my punches willy-nilly because like because of how that clap back works okay Lola pops proving to be the challenge right now get over here whoa nice grab hmm okay there we go there we go okay okay here we go [Music] okay managed together there we go there we go that was a little close yeah her her clap back has actually been the one that's giving me problems and now she has double clap back oh boy all right here we go power up mmm way up like that oh wait or her clap X explosive oh wow oh wow okay okay hold the pop calm down a bit power up I love this music too there we go okay oh man okay got the grab boom keep it keep the power up oh oh I think that yeah that explosion was gonna get me that was really bad on my part okay not bad clap not bad clap clap back now clap back um Lola pop all right yeah that that clap back is really giving me issues and I just realized that it's not her clap back exploding it the fact that my want mine made is explosive so I gotta be careful there okay there we go got her on the explosion [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful power up there we go power up I'm surprised you didn't attempt to block that but I'm not gonna complain there we go okay get her away from me a little bit got her there we go okay Oh careful there oof hmm not bad not bad you are giving me a fine challenge Lola pop and I appreciate that oh geez that that's not gonna be enough to kill me is it okay no it's not there we go and I ain't broke her arm and the explosion takes her down way to go max brass I'm sorry Lola pop dude yeah like I see why this guy's I see the reason why this guy's really good is because of that super armor mechanic and just his arms are really good because like they're heavily damaging but they're also quick all right oh this she might prove a bit of an issue because of her airspeed match eight feel the burn it's max brass this is the Aris ribbon girl don't sleep while she's jumping around no air - dive-bomb inch one air - sigh bomb and she's up in your face will acrobatics be enough to face the pure muscle or will the Commish bring her back down to earth surprised I was able to keep up with all that text alright here we go power up there we go beautiful beautiful use that super Armour to your advantage max brass there we go there we go power up ooh that explosion okay careful beautiful okay keep the power up oh that electricity okay good ooh yeah he does say that's hot whenever he gets hit by a flame attack it seems oh no I still might be able to win I have a kid I have a comeback mechanic here we go goodgoodgood oh oh okay that was good that was really good well done ribbon girl very well done all right let's keep it up this is fun this is fun I'm having a lot I'm a really good time right now let's keep this up beautiful beautiful there we go power up I try to avoid it and then block but that didn't work okay that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine who she is really giving me a run for my money right now [Music] Wow okay she got hit by that bomb so that might that hopefully might make make up for the situation oof okay she didn't get the full combo so oh no the electricity okay okay well done ribbon girl well done ah I was really afraid of her using that super nuts alright alright shake it off let's try it again Wow okay you have ribbon girls proving to be the to be the difficult one Here I am at level six but I imagine that part of what makes ribbon Girl good against max brass is that air speed that she has so I got to take that into account nope oh man oh wow yeah I'm having trouble here level six difficulty man imagine the difficulty once we get to level seven that's gonna be torturous there we go okay okay [Applause] hmm at least I get to listen to this awesome music there we go got the explosion off [Music] yeah okay I'm still quite ahead so there we go there we go use a super armor beautiful there we go ah yeah that electricity though fully charged it's gonna mess me up really okay power up ah that fire there we go god er oh man that that took a little bit that took a little bit of effort but I got it and I have a super for the next round see if I can pull it off though oh wow she starts off with a grab great there we go keep the power up there we go [Music] yeah she also has a set of arms that are able to deal with max brass pretty effectively because most most if not all of them like take out super armor in some way okay power up there we go okay I think I got our number now yes okay okay yes there we go there we go power up yes there we go there we go yeah baby there we go oh man that took some effort ribbon girl jeez yeah was that much eight or was that the semi [ __ ] no this is the semi-final oh geez we still got a whole thing to get through against twin town oh boy match match nine defend your title it's max Braz versus the silver screen Queen twin tale of all the major media outlets from around the world are here to cover her fight they've even got the they even got crane cameras I just hope they're getting this in high-def cuz it'd be a shame to lose even one pixel of those muscles I think we got the camera on the wrong dudes here Biff here we go whoo that Bora is gonna be a problem there we go okay okay there we go power up there we go good power up again hmm not bad not bad not bad ah there we go power up yeah that wasn't very good ah that's gonna hit me full-on geez that did a lot of damage uh-huh fortunately get hit by that good powerup oh no oh no it wasn't enough I managed to get that one last thing out but it wasn't enough nuts all right let's keep it up she's going double chillies now [Music] nope all right good power up there we go yeah that's the thing about that that's the thing about max grass that I personally as a player and not used to is playing a bruiser because he's very much a bruiser he can like the whole point of him with that super armor mechanic is that he takes that he can take on some damage and then dish it back out but the trades often make it so that they take more damage and he does that's the whole thing with this and I gotta I gotta remember that all right there we go I shouldn't be able to beat this without having to use the super and I can stay for the next round there we go bingo got it there we go okay just got to play a little more defensively can't get too aggressive here we go [Music] yeah oh geez okay okay lock good [Music] there we go oh wow we both knock each other down okay trying to force her to send out a punch so that I can use a super with proper timing mind you there we go she's doing a really good job defending herself from mine from my attacks there we go got the knockdown all right she's got her super as well I got to be careful there okay good I got the explosion okay good good power up good and that should do it baby yeah sorry about that girl but I gotta move on yeah I'm really enjoying max grass a lot I really like his mechanic whoo all right here we go uh hello Oh so yeah that just happened so there was a doppelganger but this is what happens when you're at level 6 or higher ladies and gentlemen say hello to dr. coil [Music] what just happened folks it's ok stay calm stay calm I can't believe it the Commish was not that cold but wait I'm looking at max pres right now I knew it this guy's no Max brass well I guess he is a max brass but not B max brass that regional tour business sound did sound pretty fishy luckily dr. coils here to take care of business time for the fake Commissioner to get a whooping from the lab from the real director of arms labs so we're playing as a suburb the imposter are we or huh what's going on here well either way we're fighting dr. coil now and she's tough here goes she has she's got a couple of really heavy arms that like are really good for her head-on fights also she floats oh I got the knockdown okay that's fine that's fine that's fine also this music is rocking I love dr. coils theme all right get the super off get some health back power up beautiful beautiful [Music] this is proving tough this is proving tough there we go there we go beautiful beautiful if we can get the super off yes yeah baby way to go max brass got that one punch out just before she hit her super beautiful beautiful let's keep it up bring it on dr. coil that's right she can grow us she can grow another set of arms just like just like a headlock yeah dr. coil has quite a few gimmicks like she can turn invisible like she can float she is easily one of the more complex characters but in the most straightforward way possible it's actually kind of interesting there we go okay power up beautiful beautiful keep up that pressure wha block it excellent we're doing good we're doing good we're doing good power up yes power up again lovely lovely here we go here we go here we go didn't get it but that's fine that's fine I can still win this ah nice one nice one yeah baby ha ha way to go max brass yeah oh man I love I I love dr. coils fight I love dr. coils theme I love fighting dr. coil she is unbelievably fun to play against and probably just as much fun to play as so let's see what happens and just like that dr. coil has been defeated I almost feel bad for her poor thing can barely stand uh that's not headlock is it could the doc have summit in here no she wouldn't dare oh she dare oh she dare then again she hasn't always displayed sound judgment when it comes to arms either way doesn't look like the Grand Prix is over just yet folks oh my lord let you like love it look at that design here's the thing we've been fighting headlock when max brass got taken over but this is different dr. coil is refusing to admit defeat I've got a bad feeling about this people it's not a stretch to say that the docs devoted half her life to studying on she's totally obsessed her pet projects helix headlock spring tron the potty crash program were all a part of a research but research for what to become the ultimate arms champion even if she has to use headlock to do it good luck mask brass even an imposter is better than a mad scientist ladies and gents if you're not packaging but if you're not panicking now be a good time all righty then here we go yeah headlock actually becomes a lot harder now that she's now that he's actually attached to dr. coil instead of instead of max brass this is not gonna be easy here we go okay there we go here we go because now he floats he can use like more powerful arms homeboy like look at this nonsense got it got it and you can hear dr. coils theme mixing with a headlocks name now nope okay avoid that good oh boy oh boy okay good can I get a super honor beautiful beautiful powerup okay that hurts yeah power up yeah baby way to go max brass all right there we go there we go Wow I actually managed to get this oh boy I might have head lock down pat but at the same time this head lock is a lot more is a lot different than then the head lock were used to fighting up until now okay yeah you are not pulling that super up I got your number headlock yep use a super armored power up here we go here we go yes powerup yes got the super off thanks to the super armor here we go I think we can do this yes max grass for the win number war that's how we do it people yeah ladies and gents thought the coils down again even in a headlock stage she couldn't pull out the win but what's going on here ask the light is bleiben doc are you okay yeah I never knew you could just pick that thing pick up that thing off with the bed yeah whoa now come on don't take your frustration out in your own creation huh well now why is she going no it's the Commish hey come and show me here what can I say the guy knows how to make an entrance though you should probably learn how to stick the lid there who cares this is max brass people he never fails to impress looks like things are finally quieting down so let's get this show on the road that was fun oh my god max brass is awesome look alive people the award ceremony is about to begin let's take a look at the final results I'd say we did pretty darn well wouldn't you say now that's a score was celebrating could a new arms imagine being on missed I'm an old one though I guess I'm the imposter in this case it's weird get ready to go crazy and the winner of the arms Grand Prix and your new Grand Champion the Commish max brass I knew you were the real Commissioner love congratulations so which one are we here as another arms Grand Prix draws to a close I'd like to thank all the competitors and the fans at home see you next time folks so are we the real Commissioner or are we not someone help me out here well either way that was fun as heck so yeah there we go not only were we able to beat level six with max brass there you guys have it that's what happens when you when you fight in this difficulty is you fight dr. coil instead look at that he just has a collection of championship belts apparently and the guy always remembers to drink his milk oh boy that was fun thank you guys so much for watching this episode of let's play arms featuring the arcade mode so that was our first look at level 6 difficulty where we fight dr. coil instead and she takes on headlock or puts on headlock I guess you could say but that's gonna be the situation from here on out so in the next episode we're going to be tackling than the level 6 Grand Prix with one of my favorites in this game Lola pop I'm pretty sure a lot of people are actually kind of surprised by the fact that I love this girl like I actually think Lola pop is amazing because yeah like Lola pop um was my main as I mentioned before along with spring man ribbon girl and twin tell though honestly I might add kid Cobra and meccanica to that roster I like MinMin I do but she doesn't quite jell with me this girl managed to win me over this kid managed to win me over and not gonna lie max brass is a lot of fun I don't see myself Manning him anytime soon but yeah but next on the next episode it's clown time see you guys then
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 2,793
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: n5TjExyUeIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 16sec (3196 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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