Let's Play ARMS - Min Min Arcade Mode

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get over here how's going everybody the green scorpion here and welcome to another episode of arms featuring the grand prix arcade mode and today we are finally going to be playing as everyone's favorite girl in this game min min yeah i love the fact that like i've been seeing in the comments a lot of people are very excited for this episode um fair warning guys though i'm not the best with men men um i am unfamiliar with her for the most part i'm not entirely sure how her gimmick works i know she has the kick and someone in the comments of the last episode informed me that her left arm i believe it was turns into a dragon if you charge it up no matter what arm you have i think um i could be wrong i'm gonna experiment a little with her see how things play out but yeah we'll see how we can do this i understand her gimmick but it's actually executing it that's good that might be an issue we'll see i do admit though midman is really really cool but we'll get more into that as we go let's do this i'm gonna get hungry after this one i swear i haven't had lunch yet so i'm probably gonna enjoy myself a nice meal later live from the ramen bowl the heat the flavor the zing of the arms grand prix is upon us and who else would be here to share in this action-packed event but your buddy biff she's got speed she's got skills she's got flavor you guessed it folks here comes min man a member of ramen royalty min-min comes to us from the famed nintendo turtle house what do you think will the arms championship build soon be hanging on its broad splattered walls well we're about to find out you heard me the um's grand prix is about to start i love the fact that all the ladies apparently have unimportant or something like that or no comment in terms of their weight alright so we're starting out against lollipop match one fire it up it's min men versus the sucker puncher lollipop today lola will be using fun chuck an arm that sends competition spinning wow that sounds like the kind of thing min will get a kick out of too maybe but okay is she actually using double double shield huh alright so yeah i think uh for this one i'm mostly going to be sticking with ramram and dragon um [Music] yeah i know i'm guessing megawatt does electric ram ram i have no idea to be honest i'm pretty sure dragon's fire so we'll see how this plays out [Music] get over here okay so good start i'm actually curious do those shields uh block the dragon i'll have to experiment with that but let's see oh that hit you come on get over here i don't know how it's how effective double shield is i don't imagine it's that effective there we go oh that's cool i never realized you could hit the gong get over here boom was that a perfect oh my god okay maybe i'm decent with min-min but at the same time this is only the first level uh so let's not get too excited okay she's using uh the uh whatever those tri things oh this stampers that's interesting ow okay remember to use the kick oh i couldn't block her out of it okay remember to use my blocks too ah ow get over here boom there we go oh okay i'm getting it oh jesus ow don't huh did i do it properly i didn't see a dragon oh nice dodge ow all right and boom okay no joke she has one of the coolest grab animations in the game that's for sure oh by the way um speaking of grabs someone brought up something very important uh in a previous episode so yeah as we watch this uh awesome outro but uh okay so the numbers that show up during a combo does not show the damage of each individual hit it's actually the accumulation of all so speaking of which uh master mummy does have the strongest grab in the game because um ninjas only does 190 total it's minion versus the grim creeper master mummy this this clobbering corpse is hungry for just about everything but above all he craves victory time for mid men to take the wraps off and knock this monster out all right let's do it so yeah actually it is true um master mummy does have oh ramram's fire oh i see so she uses a fire on all ass in in those two arms so i guess uh whoa okay remember to use a backhand uh remember to use backdash oh is he gonna get hit there no he didn't wow can you block those or is that just something master mummy can do ugh okay gotta remember go back go back no you don't boom there we go there it is awesome sorry master mummy um but yeah what i was saying before um so yeah apparently yeah master mummy does indeed have the strongest grab in the game um i believe only um rivaled by headlock okay he's actually using uh double fist uh double megaton best this time ah now stop that don't hmm okay i'm clearly doing something wrong here ah ow oh wow okay i did not play that well at all i think i'm trying a little too hard to uh to make take advantage of midman's uh uh traits so i gotta i gotta be a little more careful here whoa bs that hit me all right fine ow oh that's really cool the ramram keeps them juggled so that i can hit him with a dragon uh during the uh during the super oh freaking trampoline messed me up gotcha and got you again okay just block just block just block don't try to don't try anything fancy beautiful there we go all right i'm starting to get it i'm starting to get it but i'm a little worried that i might not get it and get it all in time yeah i'm starting to see the appeal but again um midman's gimmick just takes strict timing from what i can tell match three bowl them over let's switch it up and play some skill shot you play by smashing targets as they fly by the more targets you can destroy in a row the more points you can score your opponent will be smashing targets too so watch out for incoming punches whoever racks up the highest score before time runs out wins all right let's see what you got all right i think i am going to switch to the megawatt for this one see how that plays out what there we go okay huh okay cool i'm starting to get it that's really cool that you can curve the fire shot from the from the dragon dominated okay that was actually really good practice too because like that allowed me to get a little more used to how her arms work all right cool cool cool cool cool i think that's the best word you can use to describe midman is just cool all right here we go match four heating up it's mid men versus the clockwork cops bite and bach they keep the piece here on busta beach the sea breeze helps wind up their gears so they never have to take a break i don't think that's how it works i isn't sand supposed to like clog up gears but anyway semantics here we go [Music] get over here okay let's get uh bark out of the way there we go wow okay okay beautiful all right yeah it seems that midman when she uses the dragon is really good for taking down bark and getting him out of the way so actually yeah aside from the uh aside from the lack of uh elements because she only has access to fire and electricity um she definitely has a good set of arms uh for her play style that's for sure okay get him out of the way there we go get out of here ouch okay that hurt beautiful all right okay i'm yeah the i guess the appeal of min min is exactly kind of the appeal of what i do normally in these kinds of games and it's evasion um she has a really good way of getting around arms not just in her gimmick but also her aerial mobility she's got a sort of like she's got a quicker dash compared to most others like it lags a little bit but it's actually kind of cool it's min-min versus the scrapyard scrapper mechanica can you believe she built her soup from scratch using old spare parts don't let a noodle get to you mid-men use yours to take her down i'm getting some seriously bad vibes from here um that being said because i'm using two firearms this might be easier than uh what i had to go through when i was playing as master mummy then again get over here boom there we go okay awesome awesome [Music] ow okay i managed to get her at least there ah ow okay she didn't get me fully so that's fine and that should be it no not yet okay still need a little more ow oh i thought that i thought i was gonna get her okay i'm getting careless i'm getting careless i have no issues timing mechanica out at all okay okay that was a lot harder than i was expecting um well i knew this was gonna be difficult okay do those do does that fire breath have a uh have a range limit there we go okay ah that's super armor i couldn't knock her out of it ah really gotcha okay ah one two three boom are you kidding me that did 470 damage that wasn't even the full combo what the heck okay she's using double hammers now okay there we go oh you know what i'm seeing the dragon now so does that increase the power of her of the arm or something okay get out of the air you hmm wow what i got a perfect against mechanica huh i can't complain am i just getting better as i go through each of these characters or is min-men just this good maybe both huh match six don't overdo it let's mix it up and play some hoops it's b-ball with a twist you gotta throw your opponent into the basket dunker toss something close for two points or drain them from behind the ark for three first of ten points wins now get in there and show a little pip and you'll stay alright i think i'm going to switch to uh the megawatts here [Music] there we go oh hey wait a second i thought punches were supposed to beat grass is that gonna get in yes it does awesome ah so is that though good shot good shot but there and boom oh is that going to work how about that dude it's actually now that i see it it's actually really cool how uh one of how that left arm actually turned into a dragon it's like dragon scales i'm getting a little excited did i was i just sleeping on min men like seriously though i'm definitely starting to see the appeal speaking of cool characters match 7 now we're cooking it's mid men this is the student of stealth ninjara some folks fancy themselves ninjas but have no credentials albo and ninjara went to ninja school but no amount of study can prepare a fighter to face noodles go for the win men men i mean not sound logic but i guess it kind of makes sense here we go actually now that i think about it is it more optimal to um put the dragon on the left arm i think i'm going to try that next round and see if that changes the effects of some or something because now i'm curious okay yeah i swear that has a that has a reach limit oof okay good stuff good stuff ninjara one two three boom okay you guys saw how that just fades through him right ow [Music] there we go okay okay oh that hurts got him from two angles beautiful man that's just a straight up laser okay you know what yeah let's try this let's switch to the chakram or the ram ram sorry did i say i said chocolate last round let's switch the ram ram to the to the right and the dragon to the left see how that affects it hmm i swear it's mainly it's mainly a buff okay i'm gonna get in close ah that was a mistake but that's fine wow oh i tried to dash back good stuff ninja good stuff there we go beautiful oh that yeah that's gonna get me there we go that wasn't very successful but let's see ah i may have to time that again but he's getting he's catching up gotcha beautiful all right all right so yeah does turning the drag turning her left arm into a dragon just increase the power or does it or does it like bring up some additional effects not entirely sure i can't tell i think i am going to uh let's switch back to the ram ram on the uh or should i hmm you know what nah i'm gonna go with this but i'm gonna go with this set match eight ready to boil it's min min versus the silver screen queen twinter she actually owns this movie theater how cool is that talk about swank as you can see near the entrance she even got gold statues of herself a little narcissistic but who knows i just realized that the uh that the uh that the pedestrians in the background have twin towel wigs that's kind of cool honestly all right here we go what i like about twintel however is that like the lore ex like for what you can call the lure of arms anyway uh like she definitely puts in the work like she's not just some celebrity who is like oh you know like cash in on the fame or whatnot she actually puts in the work so admittedly that's part of the reason why i think she's really sick uh speaking of which uh she's using double uh chili's all right the question is does her aura slow down the beams i doubt it ah she managed to block there we go all right hmm interesting i don't think it does got a block there we go okay no it the dragon goes past her aura interesting and very useful [Music] there we go got here oh okay not bad i don't think she's gonna be able to catch up though let's time her out beautiful all right yeah i i think i'm going to stick with this set this is working she's using parasol and thunderbird now ow got her boom [Music] okay there we go oh no i dash forward by a mistake but that's okay i didn't get hit by that full one that aura geez there we go got her got her oh man i didn't get the cop i didn't get the second beam that's fine there we go okay and boom i would have gone for the timeout but honestly i was pretty safe like i don't unless she had like a uh unless she landed a super in time she was not going to win that round all right yeah that's the caveat with twintel is that because she's so defensive her offensive options are not quite as potent as some other characters um but again i like that kind of fighter her semi-final is against helix interesting match 9 check please it's min-min vs the man of mystery helix this lab is pretty creepy but that hasn't stopped these fans from showing up it's no mystery how much they care about arms all right uh huh it's always an it's always an interesting experience fighting against uh fighting against helix his theme is sick though just saying gotcha as long as you know what you're doing you can get past those shields okay he didn't get caught by that there we go okay charge up okay there we go ouch ah i didn't time that right okay hmm that didn't quite work as well as i'd hoped but i still got some damage ow okay gotta remember dash backwards dash backwards ow okay so that does electric damage good to know oh he got past it oh no that might kill me that might kill me okay no not yet can i bring this back i don't think so especially with him bobbing and weaving like that goodness [Music] oh wow time and ko are you kidding me helix damn well so much for that let's try it again yeah helix is a really interesting character oh yeah that's right he can use ice dragon ow okay charge up dragon there we go okay now we're cooking okay get some meter oh geez okay just gonna go ahead and block beautiful one two three boom oh wow i got him i am surprised i was able to block in time i'm gonna save my meter until next round ah come on here we go beautiful one more hit oh wow hmm i don't want to get complacent he's catching up wow he just stood there and took that man you are a weird character helix all right let's see if i can get an early super yup okay couldn't get the full combo but that's fine early damage is early damage beautiful oh that's gonna hurt ow ow there we go beautiful way to go min-min maximum concentration all right yeah you know what you guys got me i'm starting notice i'm starting to see the appeal of mid men alright so here we are at the final the arms grand prix grand finale is here at last listen to that crowd the fans are fired up it's mid men versus the commish max brass the setting sun is casting its light upon these fighters as is to say yes this is it a girl from the robin shop gets a shot at the top spot one win to go mid-man all right here we go yeah i love the fact that like suns like i love the fact that this stage has a sunset and it's basically like yeah this is uh this has a sense of finality here we go charge up yeah he can charge up for with the armor too now beautiful charge up for dragon beautiful ah he has one of the stronger grabs too with 170. oh no his mind his beating mine out damn it i reactivated our supers at the same time okay that wasn't good at all there we go [Music] jeez geez i could barely even keep up with what was going on there damn it whoa okay i didn't even see his arm come in from behind that hammer cool i think that's the first time max brass actually beat me dang it all right let's try this again damn it okay well it seems that max brass is proving to be the obstacle now cool damn it oh my gosh why is max brass the one number one uh i guess that's the reason okay nice grab but i might be able to take him out with the super if i can catch him off guard oh no [Applause] when did max brass become so good like where was this difficulty in the previous run-throughs oh my god [Applause] damn it i got something i guess yeah that's game [Applause] how long have i been at this jeez oh my god i'm actually this is does he counter minmin for some reason or something like that because i'm curious now you guys saw that right he punched me out of that graph but not in the traditional way uh i think this round's a watch i'm not gonna be able to beat him here oh man i need to calm down i need i really need to calm down what is it what is max brass's like deal right now like all of a sudden he's really good i had no trouble with him in previous rounds what's different here hey i actually managed to get a super finally food okay oh wow he jumped over that like a professional finally okay that's around jesus and i still gotta fight headlock after this uh i'm starting i started seeing the appeal of midnin beforehand now i'm not so sure anymore ah dang it motherfighter hey he didn't get the full combo but still that hurt got him here we go there we go okay might this be the round not if i mess it up got him oh finally jeez and i still gotta fight headlock man that was frustrating when did max brass get so good can it be has someone finally taken down the max brass ladies and gents today what up in the sky what is that thing [Applause] it's climbed onto max's head commish somebody help him oh dear i'm not looking forward to this now oh i think this guy's looking for a fight who's gonna take care of this creep hopefully me but given my performance just now something tells me i'm in for some even for an even greater sense of frustration headlock what a turn of offense victory was all but assured but now there's a potty crasher to deal with i'm still wrapping my head around this but it looks like we're in for a treat come on min-min use your noodle and find a way to cook this cook wow really alright here goes all right good start okay there we go oh come on okay okay for some reason being aggressive against him is working then again i'm also really low on hp and that's gonna hit me isn't it jesus that does so much damage i'm using the super if only to get him out of here okay i got something that actually may have put me back but who knows uh oh if i can get a grab oh my god it worked that was [ __ ] are you kidding me [Music] wow i feel right goodness i got something there okay okay couldn't get all three of them well nope dodge there we go now ah okay there's a problem i can't get all three of them with uh with midman's kick there we go okay i gotta use the super to uh i gotta use the super to confirm it okay okay hopefully i can build enough meter for another one but he's got his super i gotta watch out for that yeah [Music] there we go nope okay good whoa whoa whoa whoa what hit me did that super just hit me ah damn it okay why is being aggressive suddenly working oh that might hit him no you do not okay i at least got past headlock in a rather unorthodox method but you know what i'll take it oh man i'm exhausted not because i headlock but because of freaking max brass yes that creep is down for the count hold on i just received some intel during a routine experiment at arms laboratory what that light it's everywhere is max gonna be okay [Music] eh and there it goes it's gone what was that thing where'd it come from and will it be back i wonder think i'd look good in the mask i've been kind of in a rut lately style wise but never mind that how's max doing why was i even worried look at that brass beast that's our commish he's flexing like nothing happened at least he's a good sport about it anyway now that that's over let's get back to a regularly scheduled program look alive people the awards ceremony is about to begin let's take a look at the final results you know what i'm a pr i'm pretty proud of those two perfects uh max brass though that that was the that was the difficult that was the difficulty point oh goodness gracious but either way we did it get ready to go crazy the winner of the arms grand prix and your new grand champion the ramen bomber min man the belt is headed home to the noodle house congratulations as another arms grand prix draws to a close i'd like to thank all the competitors and the fans at home see you next time folks hopefully with less suck oh man that was bad i mean i'm glad i beat headlock on the first try but i'm still kind of reeling from my fight against max brass but still there we go that was the ramen bomber min-min and yeah i can definitely see the appeal but i'm legit curious right now does does max brass counter her or something i have no clue damn man man you really are cool i i will grant everyone that midman is a legitimately cool character like not just in design but also just in concept alrighty so on that note thank you guys for joining me in the next episode we are going to take on the grand prix once more but uh as one of my least favorite characters in the game i i am not looking forward to playing arcade modus mechanica like i like her enough but i just don't enjoy playing her like i i guess i had a similar situation when i was going up with master mommy but master mummy i actually legit like i don't like this girl i really don't uh but we gotta do it so next time on let's play arms we're gonna be playing as mechanica see y'all then tired and hungry i'm gonna make some ramen
Channel: The Green Scorpion
Views: 2,836
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Id: L0kWcJBw6vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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