Let's Make Mulberry Wine with Whole Fruit from our Backyard

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2021 was a good year for mulberries So today we're going to make Mulberry wine using our mulberries from our mulberry trees and as you can see these were frozen and as you can also see these bags really don't hold anything in because wow did the liquid just get everywhere they were frozen we let them sit out for a while they're still kind of really cold so nothing got spoiled in any way but the freezing process does break up the cell walls really nicely and we have we don't actually know how much we have we will weigh it once we get it into the fermenter let's do that okay so we're just gonna weigh the little big mouth fermenter just throw it on there four pounds 15.6 ounces guess what I'm calling that five pounds and there's gonna be like the bag and stuff like that so it's all good now we have that base weight I can turn this off turn that off and we're just going to use the fermenter because there's too much stuff there's a lot of ways that you can do this all right you can take this fruit as is dump it all into the fermenter add some yeast and go and you're good to go you can put it into a bag and do it that way we are actually going to use a food meal today and a bag look at us being fancy everything here was sanitized in the red bucket of sanitization the one-handed thing today and I'm just gonna throw that bag in there oh hold on one more thing okay one other thing that I'd like to do is I have these fermentation weights it's just a piece of glass I'm sure durica can put a link to these um I'm gonna put it in the bottom of the bag that way hopefully it'll keep it under the level of the liquid as we go um hopefully now some people have critique us on our technique of tying the bag weeing the bag all the things about the bag and guess what it's not as an exact science here you're just trying to weigh a bag yeah you're just tying it down I mean we've tried having it so that the weight would be on top and guess what it just slides and balls to the bottom anyway because gravity is a thing gravity it's a [ __ ] who's bringing it down all right so yeah it like fits perfectly it really does it was amazing we're gonna have a link to the food meal too I think they're a wonderful addition to your kitchen we love the food um we actually did a video on them they're on that's on another panel um so I have this semi-frozen mashed Berry that I'm just going to start scooping into the food mill and the whole point is see those there's stems and stuff we don't want the stems and stuff so I'm just going to put some of those in there it's still kind of Frozen there's a lot of ice here but that's all right and then begin the process of Milling is this really necessary no but it it shows tedium and makes it look like we're really working hard to make this wine what it actually does is it breaks up the fruit just a little bit more gets some of the juices out are you getting it all over you a little bit how are you getting it all over you because it's it's hitting the bag and then the bag is absorbing yeah okay well we'll figure that out but I'm gonna go through all this stuff and then we'll see you once that part is done so about 45 seconds in we made an executive decision that the whole grinding up using the food mill is a waste of freaking time so instead we're just gonna scoop off what we had here right into this what's going on on the bottom oh there's all that stuff on the bottom yeah because we were like hey don't we actually like want the pulp and everything yeah yeah we're Frozen so I was like like an hour and a half at time and batteries and card memory things on the computer and Sanity and probably not get into an argument over it today and we're just gonna put it all in because oh my God this would just take forever and you might get a slight extra extraction but not that much different if we were using fresh berries then absolutely I would say go ahead and do this but our berries have what's the word masticated yes so well during the freezing process that they're mushed already so this is highly unnecessary so let me put this in the sink I'll be right back some other considerations that you might want to consider um normally you would want to use Camden tablets if you're using like a fresh fruit or you didn't know the source these came from our backyard and they were frozen in suspended animation for over a year they are from 2020 well about a year actually so they are totally frozen I would say at this point they are pretty well safe okay now if you wanted to you totally could do the Camden tablet thing we have them we have yet to use them that's the interesting thing we got them because of doing more of the fresh fruit stuff and we have yet to actually uh actually use them yet this bag leaks really bad I have to figure out how to get this in there every Berry counts this is a collect your packet moment bag number two this one shouldn't be leaking yeah it's just been sitting wow all right she obviously hasn't been leaking because let's build the juice and you go get in your home you too good for your home and now the juice which is probably a little bit of water from being frozen as well as you know actual juice I have to say that was so much easier than using the food though yeah that was that was a lot easier okay and now I'm just gonna oh boy that is heavy I'm going to twist this bag twist the top because the bag doesn't twist anymore I'm going to tie it in a knot somebody's going to tell me I'm doing it wrong it's okay because you know what there's a million ways to do it it's all right and then wow it's really cold too I'm gonna flip the whole thing over so the nuts on the bottom now I'm going to go wash my hands you can tape and take the bowl too um and the ladle and special spatula be right back so we want to get a weight on this now and then we can subtract the four pounds 15 ounces to know about how much we put in in berries 11 pounds 11.4 ounces so that means seven pounds wow really that doesn't seem right seven pounds 4.2 ounces of berries but I'm going to say that four ounces is bag oh and the weight how much does the weight the glass weight oh so let me write this down [Laughter] we can get another one we can weigh that and find out I have a new glass weight this has not been sanitized 5.9 ounces Matt's getting difficult here people I hate doing it in ounces in Gramps this would have been so much easier so you know what I'm gonna do I'm going to convert it all to grams and then I'll tell you the others so let's see okay so it is 2893 grams of fruit and bag I'm not weighing the bag separate sorry so 2893.2 that is 6.37 pounds foreign math than I really wanted to do for this particular but that's good to know because the next thing I want to do is actually figure out how much sugars we have added so I know how much extra sugar I need to add to get it to a reasonable gravity to make a reasonable one no a thing that we know about berries in general and even though this is a multi-lobed thing degree word that I can't remember at this moment they have very little sugar so they're not going to bring a lot to the party to be fermented so we're going to want to add a fermentable sugar along to this to get to that of the ABV range that we were looking for matter of fact there's 36.3 grams of sugar I just Googled that used Google food that is how I found that out 36.3 grams of sugar in a pound of mulberries so if we have a grand total of 6.37 pounds of mulberries that means 36.3 times 6.37 gives us 231.2 I'm just going to say 231 gives us 231 grams of sugar right which is like about a half pound so if I divide that by 454 right some numbers down here say more math again you know divided by 454. it's about half it is almost exactly half it's 0.509 of a pound so that means 0.046 times 0.509 because 0.046 would be a pound of sugar in here okay A pound of sugar in a gallon would give me 0.046 specific gravity if this doesn't make any sense at all we have videos explaining more of this but I'd be working with roughly half of that giving me 0.023 for my specific gravity now people have asked how do you get 1.023 from .023 okay it's because the 0.023 is more dense than water so when we add water or if you have water water would be 1.000 which is completely neutral so anything that we add that sugars that way is going to be more dense so you add those together 1 plus .023 gives you 1.023 so that's approximately our starting gravity with just a gallon of filled to a gallon of water with the juices and sugars that are in here we won't know how much sugars are going to come out because well they're berries and they're still kind of whole so some of those sugars will come out but not a lot but 1.023 pretty low that's that's not where I want to be I want to add about 75 points or 0.075 to that so let's say I want a 1.100 starting gravity minus 1.023 gives me 0.077 like I just said divide that by .046 and I get 1.67 pounds of sugar really really simple so like one and two-thirds pounds of sugar is what we need to add to this Brew see clear as mud okay so we're going to add our 1.67 pounds of sugar into this now we just want to get that on there and we're going to tear it out here we go this is the hard part I actually used 1.75 pounds of sugar you know why I couldn't justify keeping like a tablespoon of sugar so okay I have a pack of sugar sugar okay 1.75 pounds of sugar that's 1.76 now to calculate our approximate OG on this we need to know two things 1.76 pounds of sugar times 0.046 right because that's what sugar does plus 0.023 that means our actual original gravity somewhere around 1.103 not really a problem okay that will give us somewhere in the 13 to 14 percent range for alcohol Next Step water just going to add some I'm not going to add it all yet this is warm water because the berries are still cold and we need to dissolve all that Sugar now which is going to be problematic I'm probably going to end up with more than a gallon in this but it's okay because when we remove everything we'll have less than a gallon okay I'm gonna do the sturry stiry thing badly just to mix this all up there is a high probability that we will not be completely successful in getting all the sugar mixed in that's okay if you watched our dump Mead test you will see that they'll get it the yeast that is the yeast will find it go get the sugar you'll get it too that was honey this is berries but it and sugar it should be the same thing yeah but I think just swirl it around like this like I'm doing a decentish decanish job now if we knew exactly how much water we were going to add we could have done a simple syrup and that way we wouldn't have to worry about stirring it with that but we didn't know how much exactly water we needed to add so right that plus where's the fun in that I mean you know here's the thing you might say oh well you could have done this you could have that and you're right there's a lot of ways that we could have done this it might have been more precise or more accurate however we're trying to show a simple way to do it that the average person can do at home so even though there was quite a bit of math it was kind of necessary to understand okay and because if you know those Concepts you can do this with anything with all the ingredients that you end up using this is just an example of how to do this if you had blueberries same basic concept strawberries raspberries blackberries all the same idea they're all roughly the same sugar content you might have to look it up to be sure but they're going to be within a couple of points to the point that they're basically the same okay now some of those other berries may have a lot of larger percentage of pectin and if that's the case then you will want to add pectic enzyme that is something we want to talk about mulberries are not known for having a lot of pectin they're actually a lower pectin fruit so we're not going to worry about adding a pectic enzyme to this could we possibly get more juice out of them if we do that maybe but I'm not all that worried about it I don't I don't really think it's going to be beneficial plus it keeps it a little bit simpler to not do it okay some things we are going to add though if you want to you can totally add a cup of tea and that is something that we've done in many many instances but since we did a test of wine tannin versus tea and we found them to be quite similar except that the wine tannin was actually a little easier to use and more uh consistent from batch to batch I'm going to go with the wine tin it says quarter teaspoon to a half teaspoon per gallon so I'm going to go with half teaspoon in this case because we're making roughly a gallon and I know that I want it to be a little bit tannic this is going to be like a dry red wine maybe unless we decide to sweeten it later I don't know we haven't we haven't made up our minds yet you know we're making Mulberry wine here and it's it's a work in progress and I'm going to mix that up okay another ingredient that we're going to add is fermaid o and a little tiny bit of water this is about two grams of fermato and it's just it's a good idea okay we used to promote the idea of not using yeast nutrients and while not okay they're not a hundred percent absolutely necessary for it to actually make a fermentation that's true but if you want it to be efficient and work well and maybe not produce all flavors and you know work in a more efficient manner then honestly it's just so simple if you can't get them you can boil up a little bit of bread yeast and use that but fermato is my favorite I don't really like to add some of the other stuff but fermato is really really cool so a little bit of fermato the oh and for made O is for organic so that's why it's one of our preferred methods now and this particular case because we did keep all of the parts of the Mulberry the Skins the seeds seeds the stems everything everything is in that bag there might be there might be enough nitrogen it's what is the it's nitrogen but there's the specific term yeah yeast assumable nitrogen right and so I didn't do the mathematics and the calculations to find out and I do know that two grams of fermato while it has some more it it's not very likely to overdo the nutrients so not really a big deal I am however trying to get some of the air out of this bag so it'll stay under the liquid um yeah I am going to add some more water there now I know this is a 1.4 gallon fermenter so to not dilute it too much I don't want to go too far too far right there those extra four drops that was necessary and now it's just bend the bag around until it goes under the see there's an air bubble it's it's the men's swim trunk issue yeah it really is the pockets yeah it looks like things are happening that aren't okay if this doesn't go under I'm just gonna have to do the swirl every couple of days uh I don't want to get too into that because I have one more thing to add to this still so that would be our yeast and we actually went through all of these that we have available to us right now in this house to try to select one that we thought would benefit this Brew the best and so what we're looking for is something that's going to work really well with a fruit wine and particularly a dark fruit wine because we really appreciate that color and that was what led us to our yeast selection this is Premier classique by red star and it was a half package so I'm hoping this East is still viable because I did do my patented fold method on it so it should be okay but it's been sitting in there for probably several months in the refrigerator so oh yeah in the fridge it was refrigerated this was cold this preserves the colors of fruit wines but it's also really good for making like a nice earthy red so that's kind of what we're going for here because mulberries have a little bit of that earthy flavor adding the tannins in there gave it a little bit more of an earthy style thing and um what am I going to do now back your packet yeah there's there's extra stuck East in this one today there we go at least like 2700 more yeast just came out I don't know I just guessed I didn't count them I don't know but I can look it up really quickly and find out um I want to say it's at least 15. a thing this is a personal pet peeve of both Brian's and mine difficult is to just Mark the yeast Tolerance on the packets I mean that would be that would be fun for home Brewers yeah it really would I don't know why they don't but none of them do yeah it's almost like there's a Union against it or something uh 15 yeah okay so we're fine because given the amount of sugars that I believe we have in here and the way everything's gone I I'm betting you we go to 13 or 14 which means this should produce a nice dry wine when it's totally fermented out and at that point we can decide what to do with it if we decide to go further oh I almost got you know what it was a little bit of air pockets are going to come out I'm okay with that yeah I'm fine when it starts for a minute it's going to create more yeah so there's no reason to drive yourself crazy about it let me go get the lid airlock be right back something you might have noticed that we didn't do we're not going to be taking an original gravity reading because I'm estimating the original gravity in this case there's really almost no way to know for sure how much of those sugars are going to come out so I'm going to take an estimated reading I didn't do that on purpose because you were talking and I didn't want to take noise okay all right so let me just write down my estimated gravity here 1.104 estimated gravity and then I have my note now on my Note I just have 6.37 pounds of mulberries half teaspoon of wine tan and half packet of Premier classic yeast two grams of tomato 1.76 pounds of sugar 1.104 original gravity do you want to put on there there's an estimated division of gravity estimated because if I put a little bit a little bit water in there or I put a little bit more less water in there it might affect that Gravity by as much as 20 or 30 points even and that's the thing some people have been getting really like antsy about exactly how much alcohol they're making and I kind of wanted to show it's a little more down-home country style even though there was a lot of math involved I wanted to show you that it's not really all that important um if this is you know 1.100 or 1.120 or 1.080 it's going to produce somewhere in the 10 to 15 percent wine range you know for alcohol and any of that is totally acceptable the important number is the second one when it's done because that'll tell you if it's done so as long as I know I didn't overdo the yeast I didn't give it way too much sugar did it at 20 30 points doesn't even really make that much difference especially since we intend for this to go dry and then we're going to alter to taste as we need to but what are we going to do now okay that's it probably for at least two weeks because this started out wow it's really cold so it may not even start up for a couple of days because it is that cold but our house stays about 75 degrees even though it's been a little cooler lately so it might even be cooler than that and we'll be back to show you once it starts to slow down on fermentation all right it's been about two weeks airlock activity has definitely slowed down let's give it its first check getting the lid off is the first step how low can you go oh it's a case of is it 990 or not it's 992. every time this happens you can say it's done right well maybe what if it went to 990. two points it might not seem like much but it is still fermentation so you know just better safe than sorry we're gonna put this back for another week maybe it won't even be quite a week but one thing it's really kind of bothering me this bag making me wonder if we should remove the bag or not um well looking at the liquid itself plus that reading I'm thinking it's extracted a lot yeah and it would probably be fine just to remove the bag uh the only concern then would be stop fussing with it I'm hydrating well if are we removing the bag or no I don't think so okay I wanted to but I think it's okay it's just always you know you worry about mold and stuff like that there is no science of mold that's not why he was concerned it's just the top portion of the bag that was picking out water yeah was or liquid mildly concerning yeah but there was there's no absolutely no sign that's what I was doing I was pushing it around and checking to see if anything looked untoward nothing was untoward okay what I'm gonna do with it now we're gonna let it sit it's in a week okay it's been eight days since we took our last reading why eight well because we didn't get to it in seven that's why chicken inside smells like wine Let's uh pull the bag out of here now people ask all the time how long should you leave the fruit in that's largely up to you you can leave it in longer if you really want to just be aware that there is a certain point at which it's really not doing much for you anymore um where you're not really going to get any more out of it right now I want to get it out of here just because I don't want to have potential issues with uh mold let me go wash my hands probably should have done the reading before I took that out of there but it's easier once that comes out 0.992 perfect cool let me take a note so since that is our second reading of the same number we can safely say that fermentation is done and it's low enough below 1.00 that we know there's really not much left to ferment so it's safe to Rack this at this point but because we're getting ready to put this into what's called conditioning phase in our case some people call it secondary though fermentation is done so there shouldn't be any more fermentation we do want to get like a little taste first to see what it's like to second to see if it's lacking anything important that we can add at this stage of the game now this is Young it was started uh literally 19 days ago so this is not even three weeks old definitely has a little bit of that new wine Funk The Taste is not bad though there's a there's a funk there's a funk it doesn't it's not in the taste though at least not as strongly in The Taste it's not like it's spoiled or anything it's not like that at all just has an unusual like earthy Aroma yeah but other than that it's not bad no for almost three weeks old and totally dry yeah um you know what though do we want to throw a French Oak in here I think some wood might might work we have many kinds of wood should I consult the uh the Oracle of wood I think we should okay um let's rack this first then I will consult the wood oracles okay so we're gonna put this into I think a wide mouth because yeah it's pretty low it's pretty low all right we're gonna rack that and be back with you afterwards for those of you curious this is the wood Oracle Derek I thought that I was going to call Ken from Barrel char wood Gardens I don't bother him with the little stuff like that although he might actually be helpful so let's just figure out what we want to do we have the old classic standby French French Oak we have Birch sugar maple this one's been used already people ask us all the time how many times you can use them I don't really know I would say two three at most I don't know that I'd go any more than three this one is like a heavy Char I think there was a test one he was working on um this is also the same kind of thing I don't know if you guys are supposed to have seen those or not French Oak medium plus toast see this smells really nice smell that this is how we do this we just go through and we we smell the ones that we we have and remember what we just tasted it's very similar to this but that one is used I think so it was in it was in a meter right okay so that's the winner so far we know there's amberana but I think that might be a little stronger I'd only use Miranda for this one I don't think I want Birch so it's probably either the um French Oak oh these are all French Oak medium plus toast that's what you like that's our favorite one so we seem to have a lot of it although here's European Chestnut medium toast that's nice too yeah I can go for that something we haven't used we have a lot of French Oak apparently but we really like friendship we really like the French Oak but you know what today I think let's go with the European Chestnut all right so what I have here is a Pyrex filled with boiling water and what you want to do is get it in there and soak it for about five minutes or so we'll uh clean up while that happens and we're gonna wait five minutes for that to kind of sterilize and get rid of some of the excess tannins [Music] five minutes has passed take out the wood put wood into fermenter notice the coloration of the water see that's some of the tannins leeching out it just makes it work a little bit better plus it sanitizes it a little bit gets rid of anything that might be living on the surface of the wood and when you just put the lid on like she did put a new airlock on it and put on our notes what do we do with it now we better sit this is conditioning phase okay this was a a little bit milky like it had some Haze to it there's still some solids suspended but it's only a couple weeks old that's fine that's why we wanted to put the wood in it now so typically we would let this sit until we felt that it cleared or didn't clear to whatever our expectations were but because we have added wood and we haven't used this particular wood before I think we did in the test we're probably going to want to take intermediate samplings of this a week maybe two to start because you never know how quickly that wood is going to infuse into your Brew now if you keep your vessel in a warmer temperature then yes it is going to infuse quickly if you keep it in a colder temperature then it's going to take its time but it's still a good idea because sometimes when it goes past that point yeah it's a little too much so by the way if anyone sees this airlock activity and thinks that it's still fermenting it's just degassing it's degassing and there also could be a little bit of temperature difference because very minor but very high yeah it's probably just degassing so anyway this is going to sit for probably a week maybe two weeks and we'll be back to show you what it looks like then okay it's been three weeks why has it been three weeks well we were sick and you know life gets in the way but that's probably a good thing because I tend to rush it when there's Oak involved and I might say oh well it's good enough let's let's just do it and again no three weeks I think is about right these are large chunks of wood I I think we're good so what we're going to do today is we're going to Rack this and then give it a taste see what we think you know bracking as always we're going to use an auto siphon we're going to put the source on top of the table we're going to put the destination under the table and we're going to put the hose in the destination are you ready I believe so go about halfway give it a few pumps to get it going and then butterfly after racking due to using our pitcher with the raised letters get yours in the description below sorry it just sounds cheesy when you say that but I have to do it every once in a while we know we have about three liters here but that means four bottles to most of the world we're gonna do a tasting why don't we do that tasting Brian and I had a little pow-wow and we were trying to re reset our mind thought about what we want from this tasting and what we want from this tasting is to reach a level of perfection that has yet to come except for a couple times but we want to make it as perfect as possible right so this is a mulberry wine so those words give me a preconception of what I want this experience to be I am a mulberry fanatic as a Trader that I share with Brian probably not as fanatic as I am but he does have a deer place close to his heart for the Mulberry so I want that Punchy tartness that I get from mulberries but it should be sweet too but it needs to have a little bit of sweetness and because we oat this and I'm getting that Aroma even from here without me even sticking my nose in there I know I want an addition of that the new vanilla creamy like like a mulberry creamsicle or something I don't know on the color it's like Pinot Noir it's beautiful it is gorgeous it makes my very deep red it's almost like purple yeah it's almost a purple really um the smell it almost smells like a Pinot Noir it really does it has that deep richness to it the oaking really made a difference I think it really elevated this significantly all right so let's see if the flavor now this is very dry 0.992 if I was in the mood for a dry wine with really nice mouth feel this is what I would go to it has more sweetness than you'd think he's playing a really nice in my mouth as my dad to quote my dad it is making my mouth happy yeah because it's so tactile it's so delightfully tactile it's making me wonder if I want to add sweetness but we had this discussion yeah we were just talking about this so many times we've we've stopped short before we got it to something that we really really liked meaning like we could have added more sweetness we could have added something you know like why did we stop at a seven and a half was it not sweet enough well what if it was sweeter would it have been a nine this is one of those Brews though I don't know which way to go this is so hard because if you sweeten this you might lose some yeah well you know what we can do we can sweeten one glass and find out if we like okay I I can this is a good a good good uh what's the c word compromise c word careful with that it's a family show all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna pour another sample here it's pretty hefty sample because I have to mix this in now if we do sweetness we will be adding sugar to taste but I just want to add a little sugar to this directly and see if we like it now there's one big caveat if we end up adding sugar well now we have to back sweeten could we use erythritol I don't want to use with the top see she doesn't we found that erythritol wasn't quite as nice of a flavor as the sugar was so that's why we're hesitant to use it we have a six pound bag of it we just are hesitant to use it I think this has a strong enough flavor to actually make up for that but I'm gonna go with what she said and try some sugar be right back so while I was getting the sugar Derek was making the statement that she's not sure if adding sugar is going to improve this or not and that's kind of where I'm at too I know we just sort of said that and something we came to is this does not taste like a home brew wine this tastes like a fine wine this tastes like a very expensive fine wine um in a good way there is a specific Pinot Noir that I had with my mom on her birthday at The Melting Pot and I can't find it anymore I don't even remember what it was but it was really good and this this is invoking that memory oh so whether it tastes the same or not because that was many years ago I have no idea I have here uh let's go with a little bit less probably half a teaspoon or less of sugar I'm just gonna dump that right in there I feel like I'm ruining it you know and what's your estimated volume of your beverage because we have to a couple ounces I mean we're gonna we're gonna I'm not gonna do that we're gonna estimate oh we're just gonna keep this is this is a theoretical proof of concept yeah we're just going to keep putting sugar until it tastes good that's what we do by the way Chopsticks wonderful for stirrers that was my go-to stirrer for my cocktails until Mike and kelly got me a lovely set of stirrers and I'll link those in the description below in case you're curious because they'll make fabulous holiday gifts just making sure I get it all yeah he's trying to make sure that the sugar is Thoroughly dissolved into the liquid because otherwise you're not going to get the full essence of the speaking effect to your Brew okay smells the same do we need a comparison and I don't know okay I'm still undecided well you know sweet equals yummy so there's that but I'm not getting so much of the really rich it seems to have taken down the complexity fine wine aspect yeah I might have over sweetened it it's like hey I'm sweet now that's why I wanted to have a comparison all right have the comparison we're just gonna drink this pitcher and not have anything to bottle probably she almost just poured it all over my lap so I mean I like this it doesn't work going back and forth now because this tastes it tastes flat you know compared to the sweet one where I know it's not flat it's just because your tongue is like oh happy sweet and I was like yeah okay let me ask you this is this is now our new point of contention or comparison will you drink this the way it is or is it going to sit on the shelf for three years and never get touched I would pair this with all the foods okay all it takes is for one of us to say they'll drink it I much almost oh three for wine like products to pair with food I really enjoyed up here and we make a lot of Mead and cider and other things and I can't categorize all the information in my head as to oh that's the one that'll go well with chili the only one I could remember that was the Caps camel I got chili capsicum out the rest of them I'm like I just can't remember and so when you ask us in the comments oh which was was the lemons yeah I don't remember and it's frustrating and it's just a thing so I look for wine and then I take a little little snork little taster and I'm like yeah that'll be good with spaghetti all right so see here's my take on this I could drink it sweet or dry I would probably prefer the sweet one but probably not as sweet as I made it here's the thing when I sweetened it it actually started to taste more like my sweet red wine yeah it was it was it was nice more generic much more like a like a table wine right thing where this seems like it's elevated and aged yeah thoughtfully created that's interesting product let me get the sugar out yeah but at the time of drinking if you were like you know what this isn't working for me I want it to be sweet guess what as long as you have sugar you can make it sweet right then and there in your glass so all right so we're at the point where we would put a score on this now because that's what we do can you give me the water well she rinses out her mouth I poured another sample because we got to give this a score because of course we're just going to bottle this and it's going to go on the Shelf one of them will go away for a year one of them go away for two years I have a feeling in a year this is going to be really something special this is the one thing that we talked about though is are we settling for it being dry or is this really the preferred way I think by sweetening it and seeing the difference that helps because it cheapened it when I sweetened it I'd almost want it to be like halfway between the two but it's almost not worth it because there wasn't that much sweetness there there is a thing that is happening in this and I want to see if you notice it the thing that's happening we tend to have now this isn't a mead this is a wine so maybe that's part of the solution or the reasoning for it but many of our home brews have a little tinge of unpleasant bitterness in the end uh but I think it's typically the meats which we know is inherent of fermenting I don't really get it here I'm not getting it here but I'm I'm getting something different at the end that I'm finding very pleasing it's the dryness yeah and I think it's Titanic little oomph at the end a little final note like if your conductor the no something I don't know that I did yet it's not in my notes Here is let's calculate the ABV of this okay by the way to calculate ABV you use original gravity minus final gravity times 135 some people use 131.25 we have videos explaining why I use 135 just to say above 10 it's a little bit more accurate because it's a sliding scale ethanol changes the whole thing so nothing is truly 100 accurate don't get crazy uh so we started out with 1.104 we ended at 0.992 means we went through 112 points of gravity times 135 this is 15 so what you're probably tasting in this one and this is why I wanted to do that sure is ethanol that's that little bit of almost a sweet sort of sourish bitter that's the easiest way to describe ethanol it's like a sweet sour butter thing which has combined with the poking with the tannins and to create a really nice it's like a really nice and I think that's what we're tasting making it feel like a fine wine is that Oak maturation and then when you sweetened it it kind of neutralized that out so you weren't really getting that yeah this is like 20 notes and then when you when I sweetened it it took it down to like three notes yeah it literally just smoothed it all out yeah there's going to be nothing left I need more for science my thinking is I would drink this like I would have a small glass of this with like a spaghetti or a red sauce pasta dish lasagna something like that um I might even have this with pizza believe it or not I think this works with pizza it might even work with chili barbecue barbecue well barbecue not as much because barbecue is generally sweet and this being so dry I think it would it would the contrast would be far too much for me I mean some people might really like it I'm Korean barbecue okay I just I couldn't do this with something sweet it would have to be something Savory I think but I like this and I'm a little surprised because right after having that talk about oh if it's not sweet enough we're going to sweeten it this is about as dry as anything we've ever made like this is probably the driest thing we've ever made do you have a number and you didn't need to you need to take a similar set I I need just that last little bit of a sip okay our scoring system goes from one through ten one being crap probably gonna dump it out 10 means it's like the best you have 11 means it's better than the best you have and probably the best thing you're going to make all year we only have a couple of 11s by the way I think like three between one and ten is varying levels of ick to ah I'm gonna copyright that statement and make a t-shirt because I just like it one two three nine yeah I have to give it a nine I am not a super big red wine dry red wine Drinker okay this ranks up there with any of the best dry red wines that I have liked yeah that's good because it's not just like oh I'm overly tannic and dry and there's nothing to me no there's fruitiness there's almost even like a hint of citrus in here for some reason there's so many things going on and then to have that final little tannic bump at the end it's just like oh this mouth feels very viscous um going through the the journey it comes in almost sweet right away then you get the tartness of the Mulberry the fruitiness is still there so it kind of cuts that tartness down just a little bit making it taste more like a Grape Wine than a mulberry wine much much more than I expected and then the rich mouth feel on the on the Finish it's long and it's just keeps coming back as you exhale keeps coming back and it's that like vanillin Oak with the fruity hints oh it's just really it's fantastic that's why it's a nine yeah what would I do to make this a 10 I have no idea but this isn't really my thing right so that's why I can't go to attend because my enjoyment level is not a 10 on this right and I agree with that uh however I am really looking to enjoy this with food I'm looking forward to this in one year now what are we going to do next this is just gonna go into bottles we're going to store it away at room temperature for a year we do have a video on how to bottle so we're not going to bore you with all of those details instead we're just going to say thanks for watching have a great day bye foreign
Channel: City Steading Brews
Views: 35,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mulberry wine, fruit wine, berry wine, homemade wine, how to make mulberry wine, mulberry wine recipe, how to make wine, easy wine recipe, mulberry recipes, wine made from mulberries, mulberry wine homemade, mulberry wine making, mulberry wine recipe 1 gallon, mulberry wine making kit, fruit wine making at home, wine making, wine making for beginners, blackberry wine
Id: Q399ILXhU18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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