Let's Look at Every 5-Star Sega Genesis Game

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these are the five star games for the Sega Genesis is this a little too much all right fine just trying something new I have all these other pairs of glasses laying around now we already covered the one star Genesis games and I was asking for people to submit their five star games so not including every game listed this is a pretty good list of them these are the five star games for the Sega Genesis courtesy of your suggestions agree or disagree as always let me know in the comments Michael kazowski said Bob is a five-star game is it a five-star game I mean it's good we could look at Bob for a little moment because it's really a game that not a lot of people talk about maybe you rented this back in the day but it's it's a decent platform it's a run and Gun Style game has a cartoony element like when something dies they explode you yourself have little character cartoony animations that happen like if you run into a wall or certain things you say or something like that you do have a limited amount of bullets but you can pick up new weapons along the way you also have your re-ammo Remo as they call it to give yourself a little added boost there I think it's a totally decent game I don't know if I'd give it five stars but again who am I the judge every game is a five-star game in someone's eyes Bob b-o-b check it out for the Sega Genesis pretty cool [Music] Zach gamus said Bonanza brothers and Bonanza Brothers is a game I will never get sick of talking about I absolutely love this game well it reminds me a lot of Keystone Capers for the Atari 2600 which I played a ton of in this game you know kind of similar a little similar uh you play the bad guys not a whole lot of games where you actually play as the bad guys here uh you play as the robbers in this game as the as the security guys are trying to stop you and as you go through two players simultaneous I'm only showing the one player mode right now you just have to you know do what you can to get through the stages pick up the items take care of the other guys while they're in their way and once you have all the items per stage then you make an escape to the rooftops and move on to the next stage absolutely love this game I might actually give this game a five star too because it's that perfect yeah I mean pretty limited for its time for what you could do but that's all you need and I still come back and play this game sometimes Stan's the test of time for sure Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse one of those games that may be more nostalgic than five star but it's a super super good game and I I think I'd break it very high myself too the Disney games are typically good I've mentioned this before you know never mind Fantasia for the Genesis but the Disney games are typically pretty well done as far as the colors as far as the music as far as the sound as far as the controls and this is also Sega Genesis that's known for really gritty sounds you know tight controls things like that or you know just the controls feel a little different on the Sega Genesis you know what I mean castle of Illusions super fun and it provides I mean it's a little simple a little bit on the easy side a little on the simple side but it's also a Mickey Mouse game so you kind of expect that you're there to play it you're just there to have fun style games I always want to keep playing it because I always want to see what the next level is what's the next level's theme yeah this game has a lot of that going on [Music] I think Castlevania Bloodlines should be in that five-star rating because it plays more like a Castlevania sequel than Castlevania 4 did for the Super Nintendo I'm not saying Super Castlevania 4 for Super Nintendo is better than Castlevania Bloodlines but this game looks and feels more like the other typical Castlevania games that makes sense Super Castlevania 4 that was like Tech demo Super Nintendo here's what you can do it's great game I love I why am I talking about the Super Nintendo one I should be talking about the Genesis one Castlevania bloodlines on the Sega Genesis you can choose from two different characters can't do that in the Super Nintendo one and both of them have different strengths and weaknesses you know like one of them can do like a double jump backflip uh you know one of them as a whip they can swim in different directions the other one has a lance that might be a little bit more reach you know fun to play through both and a lot of great I mean it's Castlevania fun to see the next level fun to see the next stage trying to see who the boss is gonna be fun the music love the music to this game it's castlemania and for the most part 2D Castlevania games can never go wrong golden ax2 um not surprising it's on this list well not for me because I'm the one who made the list uh but golden ax one is the staple it's the standard it's the one that you grew up with golden ax2 took all the things that made the first one awesome and made it even more awesome it just plays better it plays more smoothly it plays more refined uh you know I don't want to say golden ax walked so golden ax 2 could run nothing like that um but it just it just plays better yes I'm more nostalgic for the first one of course I am but this one is just a better game overall same type of gameplay more of the same you can ride the enemies you can slash the guys you can do some attack that you know hits in front of you and then hits behind you and when it comes to Magic I like the fact that you can fill up your magic meter and then you can choose how much magic you want to use so you can use your magic now and then save a little bit for later on or just use it all at once and have a more powerful spell that was one that I really really liked about uh golden ax too it's just a great game yo just like there are so many EA Games on the one star list there's also a ton of EA Games on the five star list and haunting starring poltergey is a five-star game it's a game that's unique it's original it's still fun to play today and still fun to show people who maybe didn't play it back in the day what this game's all about I would love a new version of this game I'd love it if they did that the idea is you're trying to scare this family out of the home by possessing items around each room that they're in until they get scared enough to just freak out and run out the front door and then they move on to a new house then you follow them to the new house and then you just keep on doing that over and over again it's fun just to see what items will possess and how they become possessed when you possess those items I didn't see this listed on one of the comments so I added this game for me I'm saying this game's a five-star game rocket night Adventures I think 100 deserves to be on this list because this was a game on the Sega Genesis not on the Super Nintendo and it was so good one of the few games in existence for any console for any generation that you play it for three seconds and you already know it's awesome you play it for three seconds and you already know okay this game has it it has everything you want it has you know the cartoony Graphics type controls looks fun the music's great it's Konami back when Konami wasn't doing pachinka machines yes and it's just a fun game to play through to have fun with I mean yeah you're like an opossum or whatever but you have your rocket pack too and the rocket Pack's gonna help you either boost through enemies or boost over walls and stuff like that it just it just has everything you want in a fun video game makes for a great rental you don't even need to own it if you own it great but it's just one of those games that you can just rent when you want to play it and it turned out great for the Sega Genesis perfect [Music] and speaking of Konami I'm trying to beat Konami of Japan in subscribers by the end of the year so make sure you're subscribed please hit that subscribe button and let's see if you and I together can take down Konami for what they did to our great games and going Pachinko that's not fair when the cinematics look like this on a Sega Genesis you know you're in for a treat and there's several people who mentioned flashback should be a five-star game and I'm not one to disagree no they also had flashback for the Super Nintendo it ran way too slow it was sluggish didn't work the Genesis one is the optimal way to play flashback or it was back then I mean they have it on switch and stuff like that now it was unique because it put like animation and gameplay and there's a story in it too uh you know over convenience if that makes sense like the controls aren't very intuitive they think Prince of Persia Prince of Persia was the first type of game like this that I was like oh wow look at this but you have to like jump at the right time you have to do certain things at the same certain time but just looks cool and this was that I mean yeah we had out of this world or Another World depending on where you're from before that uh but this game was just super cool for its time too and yeah I mean I'll add it to this list why not should be on this list any of these type of games where you can shoot a bullet but you don't see the bullet you just know it it's shot it's kind of that I thought that was super cool it was a good idea then you have gun star Heroes where you see all the bullets in fact I mean treasure is known for that treasure is known for having so much animation on screen and no slowdown well maybe a little slow down there are certain parts of this game not very many where there might be like a touch of slowdown or a skipped frame of Animation but honestly not a lot this game is insane you choose which weapon you want to go with you choose what stage you want to start with and you just keep on shooting these weapons you can pick up more weapons along the way and either combine them to come up with a new kind of gun or just keep one or then go back to the other one depending on if you want a stronger shot or like these homing shots or something like that Gunstar Heroes has a lot going on for itself and this is a quintessential you're playing this game you gotta Sega Genesis man I hope you're playing this game buddy yeah it just looks cool looks fun I love it yeah and two player as well so you know contrast two player this game's two player there you go Pisces Havoc from Data East was a game that kind of flew under a lot of Radars for some reason especially for being a Data East Style game uh make no qualms about it this is their answer to Sonic the Hedgehog on a system that already has Sonic the Hedgehog it would make sense if they released this on say the Super Nintendo and not on the Genesis but they released it on the Genesis and I'm totally okay with that because you've already played Sonic now you can play this it's not like you're running super fast it's not that part of the Sonic it's just the the what the wise levels uh the checkpoints and is how everything is kind of set up and everything and your button you have three buttons they're all jump and it's just kind of a neat game so high sees Havoc yeah I might put this as a five-star game itself too Kelly's Island mentioned kid chameleon again I'm more nostalgic for it than I am liking it but there's a lot of people who really really love this game so whom again who am I to say maybe it is a five star game maybe it should be it belongs on this list a lot of people talk about this game when they talk about the Sega Genesis they're like oh remember remember kid chameleon of course I remember kid chameleon absolutely this game is longer than it needs to be um I didn't beat this game until much later when I had like a Game Genie and typed in like the infinite lives or whatever it's like 80 levels longer it's like it's something ridiculous but the fun of the game is that you can find these helmets that will give you a new power a new ability uh whether it be to jump higher whether it be to you know shoot things or slash your sword or something and also it just gives you extra hit points too so you find these helmets everywhere in this game and that makes half the fun for the exploration of this game the levels are nice and big but they're not too big and again there's plenty of them so kid chameleon absolutely should be on this list as a five-star game foreign landstalker was mentioned a few times and I'm happy to add land stalker to this list has that isometric view which gives it a new perspective of a lot of things it just looks cool and it has that kind of Zelda exploration but again instead of it being just the typical overhead it's the isometric overhead which sometimes doesn't work in my favor because there's not a lot of shadow in this game so I don't know if the block is right next to me or if it's like down and to the left if that makes sense sometimes when you're when you're exploring but they they figured it out pretty well so you you kind of get the gist on where something is it's not too bad it's not too bad of this game I'm just showing you the very very first little bit of this game because it takes a while to actually finally get into it and I capture all my own footage when I can so but landstalker absolutely five star game foreign white also mentioned Moonwalker and yeah I mean again I'm more nostalgic for this than a five star but I think this could be a five-star game because it's one of those games that is still kind of fun to go back to sometimes at the time it was kind of fun because you're playing as Michael Jackson Moonwalker was huge uh smooth criminal the music video was on MTV all the time everyone trying to do that lean that that he does in the video this was kind of the Michael Jackson look for a little bit and um you know taking it to the next level becoming in media with I mean he's always been in media with Captain EO and now video games and stuff like that we go around and you find all the Annie's in this game and that's where you can move on to the next stage of course the best part of Michael Jackson's Moonwalker was uh using your magical ability to get everyone together who's on screen and have them dance and that's like the you know the weapon crash attack if you will I mean the best best part of this game are the mid stage cut scene vocals there you go each if these were stages and then like the areas were worlds each world has a different Michael Jackson song you can sing along with while you're playing the game so you know when you talk about Sega Genesis it's hard not to talk about Michael Jackson's Moonwalker [Music] power Monger says Fargo retro I'm not really familiar with power bonger oh it's one of these type of games well I'm glad you think it's a five-star game Road Rash 2 Road Rash 2 man when this game came out trust me this was like the best game ever this was the game where you're like oh my God have you played this game have you seen this game have you heard of this game because it's a racing game this was new for its time it's a racing game that features an attack you can actually attack the other guys to knock them down a peg absolutely I'm all for it and this is the second one obviously because we had a Road West one but Road Rash 2 just played better in every way I love the fact I didn't like the fact but talking about how they made the game I love the fact that when you crash your car it doesn't just go straight back to the road you actually have to run back and grab your motorcycle and not get hit by the other people and then hop back on and then start going again and don't worry the other enemies have to do that too which means that they see the other enemy running back to the motorcycle you better run them over come on now Road Rash two I it's it's still silly fun I love it [Music] Sonic 2 and how smart of Sega this is something that people need to do today when programming video games and they should have done this this whole time but so smart of Sega to make a second player in PC but you can if you'd like pick up the second controller and control them to give the controller to your little brother your little sister your mom your dad it doesn't matter who you're Sonic you're player one your son you're not giving up your control you're not player two your player one your Sonic your little brother your little sister their player too they can play as Tails Tails can pick up coins for you Tails can die a billion times doesn't matter they'll come right back Tails has infinite lives infinite health doesn't matter how smart is that my God and the bonus stages were super fun too the bonus stages were way better than that weird kind of you know rotating screeny whatever the thing was [Music] two could run so Shinobi three no I'm getting ahead of myself here you know what revenge is Shinobi return to Shinobi no revenge of Shinobi was was absolutely wonderful I love love love that game um and I just like this game better Shadow Dancer is really good too I really like Shadow Dancer to me Shadow Dancer was almost like a Side Story of Shinobi but yeah this Shinobi three here uh was so excellent it was like it was the Shinobi thing and it was like Shinobi was like Sega staple for a while with the other Shinobi game that came out on the Saturn um I would love them to bring back Shinobi as a 2d game I know there have been another Shinobi games and stuff like that too but like Castlevania went 3D and then said no you know what we're gonna go back to 2D because that's what works I would love it if Shinobi would come back as a 2d game and it could there have been several games there's been a whole lot of games along the way these Indie titles that are Shinobi like that I'm playing that I'm buying I would love a Shinobi IP in the meantime I don't mind playing these other rip-offs because they're actually Island but please bring back Shinobi I'll take it [Music] Spider-Man versus a five star game and yeah I'm really nostalgic for this game too there was like four maybe five I think there was like four games for the Sega Genesis proper that were Spider-Man games and this was the first one and this was kind of cool because it you know it's like this not the Sinister sticks but you know the enemies the bosses were of course other Spider-Man things and uh the policemen attack you because again like going back to the comics and everything you're not the most liked person by well I mean I guess you get a little bit out with the movies too you know that the people on the street know who you are but the authorities still like a little you know I don't know uh but it made it so you could like you know you could a platformer like this but you can crawl the ceilings crawl on the walls on the side swirl you can crawl up the buildings and stuff like that and you do have a limited amount of web fluid which makes sense because in the comics and like everything that's not Toby McGuire you have to create your own web fluid that's why you're taking pictures for the Daily Bugle so you can earn money to buy more stuff to make more web fluid and stuff like that so you can't just use it all the time but definitely use it when you need to more nostalgic than 5 star but I I don't mind it being on the five star list absolutely it's still I still like playing this today just playing this a little bit this is the first time I played this in years capturing this footage which is why it sucks so bad at most of these games just playing this a little bit it makes me want to play it again I think I'll pop it in for the Sega CD I'll probably do that this weekend [Music] straight to rage too e yep streets Rage 2 5 star game 100 [Applause] X-Men man uh X-Men was red hot X-Men was the hot comic from Marvel at the time uh the cartoon was everywhere everybody loved Gambit the guys wanted to be Gambit the girls wanted to be with Gambit and you can play as Gambit in this one yeah you can also play as the other characters too and it was nice because again if you were familiar with the comics even if you didn't even read the comics we could even throw that aside too never mind the comics let's just get to a point where we said you know what people don't even read Comics anymore they just watch the cartoons the movies weren't out yet but we know we know X-Men from the cartoons that's fine this game gives you enough of that to say okay yeah I get it I know who these characters are enough and yeah there's gonna be more comic reference than cartoon reference in this game but it worked out fine I like the fact you can change players mid game and you also have a couple of other players that will help you as needed uh when you're going through this game um just to just to help you out uh when you need so it's nice that you can kind of flip back and forth and you know choose someone here choose someone there super super fun game and the mind-blowing thank you Edina the mind-blowing when you have to physically reset your Genesis to reset the quote system insanely mind-blowing for the time and if you're talking about X-Men you gotta also bring up X-Men 2. again thank you at annunziada when the game starts you're already playing there's no Sega logo there's no title screen as soon as the game starts you are in game and you better start moving because you're in the middle of a game now uh you have psylocke in this one you also added beast in this one uh the controls are more responsive the controls are just better the storyline I mean I still like the storyline better in the first one just because it's Magneto you know but this one has a cool thing going on for itself and I don't want to spoil too much later on but then after you pass the first stage once you've gone all the way through the first stage then you get the Sega logo then you get the title screen and who does that well Sega did because ninten didn't I don't know of course I'm leaving games off this list what are they in the comments I did the one star Genesis games video and I'm doing a Genesis games that nobody really talks about video you can call them hidden gems you just column games that you rented no one ever then that seemed like a fever dream and no one ever talks about them and let me know what those are in the comments because that will be a video coming up very soon I don't know what do you think should I should I keep the glasses at least with his outfit right
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 109,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sega genesis, hidden gems, Best Genesis Games, 5-star genesis games
Id: 4D5_Ct_0wF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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