Let's kick Spring 2024 off right! John Deere 9620RX QXS15 Cummins water pump repair.

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are you okay little buddy I don't think you're okay oh boy it's water pump [Music] [Applause] time hey welcome back to ZK MasterTech today we're out on Farm we're working on a 9620r that RX I should say it's got four tracks um it went down water pump bearings failed to put threw the belts off engine got hot luckily the customer was able to get it here to the B lot so we can work on it and not have to go out in the muddy field because it rained quite a bit here lately so I'm running around trying to get some things caught up but actually this is like the first tractor that actually broke in the field for me for spring 24 so let's get into this water pump repair and I'm not really sure where this video is going to end up um not sure where we're going to all the places that we're going to go but uh it'll be an adventure either way so let's get into it all right so the wind is howling out here on the open Prairie so I got a little fuzzy thing over my mic so hopefully I'll be able to get some decent audio today I know it won't be perfect but it's the best I can do in these conditions so when I I got here we got shredded belts laying on the ground accessory drive belt off and the tensioner I took this off has a little boo boo right there it's a long way from its heart but I got a new one just in case so stay I want to stay anyway anyway we got a qsx 15 L cumins here on this big 620 horse tractor and the water pump just decided to uh completely grenades so um it's pretty easy to do um you just got to take the belts off and you take these bolts out and Pops right out so first thing we're going to do is get the coolant drain there is a a petcock under here um kind of where the lower radiator HS goes into the radiator and we'll drain the coolant down and then we'll hot Swap this water pump guess it's time to Tool up got my Matco big soft creeper so I can lay on the ground and get that coolant draining I think we're going to go with the 38 highspeed and well we're going to need that's a half inch Drive let's go 15 swivel and we're going to need a half inch drive ratchet for the belt tensioner should be all we need I don't know we'll see we'll start from there oh and some needle nose for the petcock all right we are draining whatever's left in the system now we can start taking some bolts out I don't think there was much coolant left in this I think it pretty much puked all of it out the water pump man that wind is vicious it isn't that the wind is blowing it's what the wind is blowing I already have these B loosened up from yesterday when I came and looked at it it was pouring down rain when I came to look at it got really wet that was a good time these all have 13 mm heads on them nope I lied 15 mm heads nope I'll add again they're 14 wh why all right 14 mm bolts man that high speed just blazes those bolts out are you going to of course ooh I got a new tool I want to try new Snap-on strikeable pry bar SL screwdriver you know it's straight um part number mp8 s10a 10 in sure see you are just not wanting to cooperate are you the 12in model I don't want you to just fall out come on can a guy ease it out oh she's she's coming uhoh uhoh we're missing parts and things oh man it's done for oh boy that's not good there's a chunk oh more chunks hit the ground chunk chunk and big chunk wow that's really nice okay man that thing grenad need a rag so yeah the impeller bearing I'm assuming the bearing went out and then you know the impeller went Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in this hole the hole seems to be okay think anything went up in there so here's a better look at this water pump see the bearings and seal and everything completely gone I was able to piece the impeller back together I just wanted to see you know how many chunks are we missing looks like it broke into four big chunks but uh this was laying outside of the engine but this little guy came out of the water pump housing and the little shaving here and there was a little bit of metal shaving in the outlet up in here I stuck my magnet up in there and got a little bit of shavings out of here not a lot but a little bit and that goes directly into your EGR cooler and then it goes straight into the block down there but the inside of the housing looks fine you know there's no serious battle wounds or anything inside of here so I hope it just kind of broke and quit spinning and didn't do any more damage but I don't feel anything feels all right all right so what's got me a little worried and concerned about this is you know you wouldn't think that the impeller breaking off that you would circulate much contaminants like plastic and metal in the cooling system but there was metal right up in here so that tells me the bearings and stuff failed and impeller was still turning and was able to um metal up to at least here so in order to properly fix this thing um we probably need to take that EGR cooler off and this water pump housing off and we just need to start looking in there there's a pipe right here has a slip joint that we can take off um this is the line going back to the the cab and the the the de tank so we'll probably take that off back flush through there and just see what all contaminants we can get out and we'll also be taking that thermostat out as well and back flushing the radiator all right so we don't have enough parts to pull off what I need to pull off so you know cuz there's a o-ring gasket in here and O-rings on this pipe and you know I've got some consumables I need to get you know thermostat and Gasket all that stuff so uh it's getting a little late in the day so I'm just going to go pack up and head back to the shop I got parts ordered for the next morning hopefully they come in the next morning and I'll see you guys then all right we're back it's a much better day today Sun's shining the birds are chirping and there's not much wind so there's a plus so the first thing this morning is I'm going to take this EGR cooler off and we're going to see how much stuff went into there um I think if there was a bunch of metal and plastic and stuff it would the C the EGR cooler probably would have caught most of it so we're going to go ahead and take that cooler off first and see what we got going on all right let's climb up the tracks of Doom see how many times I can slip off of these today so we're going to take the outlet pipe off here just two 10 mm screws holding that guy in long winded little sucker outlet pipe disconnected well those look fun to get off got this clamp already loose so we can take this little tin out here already loosen this that's off so we got some bolts across the top and got some nuts down here at the bottom you don't take these clamps off and in the the mounting plate off the EGR cooler you pull it with it all together those are in a good spot oh boy well those are going to be fun going to need a wobble extension swivel it's too fat fit in there all [Applause] right trip number three down the tracks of Doom can we get a gear inch X core 13 swivel extension in oh for the win didn't even have to use the wobble oh boy it's what I call winning right there one two oh boy that's a good one Mercy we're going to have to step up to aggression level number two another trip mid torque won't care it didn't care at all oh boy got myself in a pickle no that Bolt's going to be fun going back in oh mercy I got it stuck give a guy some room to work in here would you well I got it in there should come out but no for Pete's sake I don't know how I got it in there it I mean it just went right in now it will not come out once I back that bolt out I just really put myself into a pickle what I do with my 13 yep down there oh okay can a guy rescue his xcore gear inch 13 extension after I get all these other ones loose Maybe let me bring it in here this is what I'm dealing with and now it's stuck in there come on Engineers do better okay there's nothing really holding you on anymore of course long Matco quarter inch Flex head let's put her on swivel mode I just break it loose and then pull the ratchet out barely barely enough for oh man now I need a ratchet wrench it's really hard to hold yourself up on these tracks it's going to be a long day can you bit a wrench in here from the bottom negative going open in it just barely turns I mean I guess a guy could take this thing off that's a lot of stuff to take off no one wants to take seven more bolts out just to get one out that you already have Loose Gear inch flex cuz sometimes you just need all the swivel you can get leaking leaking a lot how how are you still holding coolant I have you drained why guess there's no avoiding that oh it's like that at that point where there's not enough resistance to make your ratchet wrench work but it's too much that you can't turn it with your fingers love that so then you got to hold your finger on the ratchet wrench to make it ratchet for peace sake finally God gosh that bolt is long winded now will you do things let my socket go there I'm sorry but I'll take a John Deere EGR cooler on a 135 any day over this one any day there's just nowhere to hold yourself up this pipe right here is just rocking my world cuz the Bottom's on studs you can't just go that way I need to go that way guess we're just going to have to take this water pump housing off great okay I got a nut right here on this power cable [Music] on guess we're going to test the limits of the new Maco quarter inch okay yeah uhoh I hope that bolts short of course not I mean why would it be short enough to come out without hitting the crank tamper oh man those are tight dang give her a little Tippy tap taparoo no what you got another bolt holding you in of course you do one you can't see oh I got [Music] movement I'm doing things yeah there of course I can't get it out because of this bracket [Music] give me pull this a little pipy out nothing fell out of it seems pretty clean there's some metal right there on my finger a little chunk of metal I think this line right here is going to fight me I can can just see it now all right we got flexibility tie there all right how about now [Music] ow can you squeak through here no bye that was the gasket what am I CAU on now what the this everything can't get out an angle where you can see what you're doing never get that back into place that is a tight bit I need 15 16 got get that to turn I need all the wheel room I can get this other turbo line is in my way and the wiring harness for the uh knock sensor in my way okay how about now no see I don't I didn't bring the gasket for this or return so I don't want to take that pipe off I didn't realize I was going to have to take that off I really just want to take these clamps off but if I I can't take those off you're not supposed to and if I put a new EGR cooler in there it's got to go in there with those on anyway so you kind of got to figure it [Music] out literally just everything is in your way everything Captain's Log next EGR cooler plan on taking all of the coolant and oil lines off the turbo and probably removing the nox sensor module down there in the the pipe going back to the heater core all right can we make it off the track without dying oh my goodness all right we got the EGR cooler off boy that was a good time I don't recommend it I've never had to take one of these off cuz I've never had one actually fail on a cins before so we're going to try back flushing try back flushing this just to see got any contaminants coming out yep we've got metal in it this kind of stuff I don't know if you can see that on camera but there is metal coming out of it the bottom of my Barrel's kind of shiny now great and the way that that cooler is I don't think you'd ever get it all flushed out all right well minus the flies in this Barrel this this Barrel was clean you can see all the fun little metal shiny I don't know if you can on camera but I can definitely see it there's one there you can just see the the shiny glitter in the bottom of it so it's not like super bad but let me show you the inside of this see what that looks like in there all those little tubes the coolant just runs that the exhaust runs through all those little tiny tubes and your coolant just runs around them and if there's a bunch of metal stuck in there it's going to be hard to get that all out and I don't I don't think it's worth flushing so I got a new EGR cooler here in the back so we're just going to put a new one of those on all right so the the good thing is that there's not any I didn't see any large chunks in the EGR cooler um even if there was I think they would have got trapped in it so I think all we're dealing now is little fine shavings um but I'm going to go ahead and take the the thermostat out and then we'll look at that and then we'll back flush down through the radiator and we'll come out my little drain hose there because that's the lowest point on the radiator and then I'm going to open up the heater valve in the roof and back flush on this line here try to get water squirted into there and back flush through there should come out in here and we'll just back flush that that and if we don't see a whole lot of metal shavings coming out we'll go ahead and go back together with a new thermostat new AGR cooler and water pump and uh I think it'll be all right let take this turbo pipe off [Applause] there's that Why'd You Come [Music] Apart get that guy loosened up so you have to take the bolts out of the AC compressor because it has to move over a little bit in order to get this thermostat cover off like that that one's really long that's why you got remove the AC compressor [Applause] all right there you go okay we got the thermostat cover here I see a little little piece right here oh lost but anyway try to pull this thermostat out I got the thermostat housing flushed out with some water there was a little uh bit of shiny flakes in there but not too bad didn't have any big chunks or anything so I got that all flushed out so we can just put a new thermostat in there and go back together with that but here we going to flush that cavity out right there and see what comes out the bottom right there all right see what I'm doing it's also coming out of the back of the block there where the EGR coer goes looks pretty clean there let's direct line inject it into here let's go [Music] all right so I turned the key on and I turned the heat on all the way so we'd open up the water valve for the heater core and then I hook my laptop up to it and um I forced the the the deaf um coolant valve open so whenever I back flush through this line it should be able to flush all the way back through the engine block of course the wind started to pick up I'm going use this little rubber adapter out of my vacuum pump kit to get a good [Music] seal yeah it's coming out of the back of the block first I don't see nothing shiny coming out that's a plus so this is backf Flushing all our components outside of the engine um your heater core your de tank header back comes back to the back of the head and back through the block and now we're coming out of the bottom of the block here I'm just going to flush that out real good for a little bit so we got just clean water coming out all right flushy [Music] flushy oh yeah it's getting a good flush well the good news is I didn't see any major chunks or I really could even tell if there's any find chunks coming out really as far as that water is rushing out but I I did my due diligence and flushed it out as good as we can um I probably would have went further into stuff if I started seeing more evidence of metal contamination but I think at this point we'll be all right to go back together all righty sports fans I think we got everything to go back together I hope fingers crossed so first thing we're going to do is get this thermostat housing back on here Siri I'm not talking to you I'm talking to them so we got a new thermostat in there just one thermostat on this big rig let's get the long bolts in there put on snug mode there 35 foot PBS check click the AC compressor on get in your hole okay now we can put the EGR cooler on well I guess we can put this andtake elbow on there's always time for lubricant I'll get the lubricant there's no time for lubricant there's always time for lubricant [Applause] there remember that had bolts hold it on back here we'll get those bolts in before we tighten the clamp so we'll never get the bolts [Music] in you got to make sure the clamp is under these stupid little tabs that's on good and [Music] tight all right so now I'm going to get that AGR cooler in and I think it's time for music and some time lapse go [Music] okay EGR cooler is installed let me tell you what you do not want to replace one of those unless you absolutely have to that is one of the worst EGR coolers I have ever put on on on a deer 135 not too bad I give it an A in serviceability Cummins 15 L I'm going to give it an F don't like it it's a good thing they don't go out very often that's the first one I've ever replaced and the cooler didn't fail it was water pump so it's a good thing they last and getting those bolts started underneath that exhaust manifold that's a good time I got new O-rings on there get all these bolts start started can I sneak this one in yes I can yes I can yes I can yes can't reach none of those MA ratchet time I tell you what I love this little guy I only get it out on special occasions cuz I don't like to get it dirty we might have to Elbow torque these they were tight though man were they tight and it's got the swivel lock I like the swivel lock it's a nice touch okay look up the torque on that 47 footp PBS Mercy 47 [Music] [Applause] [Music] water pump is torqued 47 ft-lbs I put a new tensioner on now I'm going to put the accessory dry belt and water pump belt on all right new belts are on so now all we got left is the fill with coolant and I'm going to use my transfer pump to get the job done it's Milwaukee transfer pump time oh yeah 10's helping me [Music] now now I got the cooling system filled and now I just got to put these two brackets on and the shields on here and then we'll start it up and run it and it's alive all right so I'm going to watch the uh the coolant temperature we're going to let it get up to operating temperature make sure thermostat's opening 1144 hours on this beast when the uh water pump decided to go we're going to watch that coolant temperature let it get up to should be about 180 3° that'll open and then it'll drop down to 180 181 it's getting close3 should be opening there it goes I was close I was one Dee one and a half degrees off I that's unacceptable look at that cool it down pretty quick didn't it all right well the tractor is up and running got all the shields back on don't have any coolant leaks it runs good it gets up to operating temperature the thermostat opens up everything seems to be working perfectly on it so that's going to wrap up this video I think we got enough content wrapped up I thought you know I might have had some more room to do another service call but this ended up being a project and a half so I'm just going to go ahead and wrap this video up if you please could hit the like button on this video that really helps me a lot subscribe to the channnel if you haven't subscribed already and comment below let me know how I'm doing and until next time keep that Green Iron moving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ZK MasterTech
Views: 69,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, 9620RX, cummins, qsx15, water pump, cooling system, snap on, milwaukee, gearwrench, matco tools, snap on tools, ag technician, tractor repair, stellar industries, stellar tmax
Id: d_1k3axywrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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