Let's Haul The Combines To Nebraska!!

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all right [Music] so today is load day this is Mom's combine dad has the 88 fired up he's better swinging around and then I'm probably not going to load it because that's kind of scary I'll unload it but loading it you have to get it really precise and Dad's really good at that so I'm gonna let Dad do that but this is Mom's combine I'm gonna whip it around and kind of get it lined up with the trailer that way Dad and I can put it on the trailer chain it down behind mom's combine we are going to have a hopper and then we'll get in my combine turn it around we'll get the Kenworth pulled around we're going to load my combine and put a header behind it so that's kind of what we're doing right now we actually finished cutting wheat a couple days ago I think it was two days ago maybe three I think it was more of two days ago in the meantime we have fixed a lot of things in between then if y'all have been watching the videos you all know that my feed accelerator belt was just about to explode so we fixed that in the meantime another thing is we blow it off all the combines uh there was a bunch of weed seeds that of course chaff weed straw you know all the basic stuff that would be on a combine after cutting wheat but there was Weeds everywhere so we blew off the combines we blew off the filters we blew off a whole lot of stuff another thing is the headers the sections were completely worn out after cutting all of the weeds it's actually insane how much wear the sections took while we were cutting all of the weeds here is Mom's sickle it was completely brand new until we came to Kansas and cut weeds another thing we did was we washed equipment mom's combine was probably the nastiest when she broke that rotor belt and it took that hydraulic hose line obviously it sprayed hydraulic fluid everywhere so it was pretty gross but Cody cleaned that and got that all nice we also cleaned every single other equipment so I say we Cody mainly did all of the cleaning Cody cleaned both Drapers mom's combine I did wash my combine I will admit Cody Cody did a better job at washing but we rebuilt mine and Mom sections mom's cutter was brand new when we got to Kansas and the wear on it was actually insane we've never seen anything like it I'm gonna get lined up behind this trailer uh that way Dad can load it and we should start loading things today okay mom's combine is ready to set sail nowhere to get mine ready wow look at that sweet red okay so I have the combine you know somewhat centered to drive right up the trailer uh but I'm gonna let Dad do that so we got it all chained down um and the windshield cover on dad's gonna back up to that header pull it around and then we're gonna hook it up to the back because I combine trailer to watch how we put this on okay that pretty much consists of our load day the only thing that's left is washing the three pickups and Cody and dad are currently doing that so that's kind of it for today um tomorrow we are leaving out to go to Nebraska uh where out in Nebraska I'm not going to give out specific towns but um I will give y'all North Nebraska basically right on the kind of the South Dakota and Nebraska line so that's kind of where we're going to be at kind of a long haul from we are in Western Kansas right now this video is going to consist of move day also so I'm gonna see y'all tomorrow dibs is a dibs is breathing in the microphone he's telling y'all good morning it is 6 35 A.M um everyone has all their stuff fired up ready to go we're checking chains tires all that before we hit the road [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] the odds we're thinking the front one on the combine trailer blew out the rubber went to the dolly and blew that one only bad thing about us blowing out a tire on the combine trailer and the dolly is we don't have an extra tire for the combine trailer worst case scenario if we can't find a tire the North's gonna unload the combine and just drive it the rest of the way um we can slowly take that trailer empty up to the town that we're going to be cutting at but Tire blowouts happen I don't know how many tires we have on the road today we are bound to blow out one I think last time we had a blowout on the header trailer everyone was so mad and thought that I wanted sympathy and that was definitely not the case I am specifically showing y'all that that all the scenarios that could happen on Harvest and this is one of them everyone blows out tires I don't care who you are or who your mom is you're gonna have Tire troubles I mean we're going from one end of the United States to the other you can haul oversized loads and not blow out a tire congratulations I don't know what you want me to say but this is part of it everyone has blowouts so I'll see y'all when we get to the closest town so we got a tire company to come out and up the tires the kid knew what he was doing he did that really quick I didn't catch the company name otherwise I would say thank you but I don't know who to think so [Music] um [Music] okay that was the first combine now we're gonna do the second combine okay I think we have well not currently but in about five minutes we will have everything unhooked and unloaded and we will be heading back south back to Kansas where we'll get about halfway tonight we'll have to get a motel or hotel whatever stay the night and then drive the rest of the way and then load the grain cart and pick up I believe what's left our campers grain cart and a hopper so so I will see y'all in Kansas okay it is the next day we have made it back to Kansas we probably got here an hour or so ago the only thing left on this second trip is campers in the grain cart and a hopper well we already hooked up the hopper so the only thing we have left is to load the grain cart so we're about to do that it was like perfectly in frame too the car loaded now I gotta chain and do Flags foreign [Music] [Music] cart and the 13. today we are moving the last load of our equipment to Nebraska as of right now we do have probably three four maybe five days if it rains of cutting and then we'll be headed so this is kind of a small trip if you will because we just spent almost a month in Kansas um the rain really delayed us then but what I'm trying to say is if it doesn't rain or you know a meteor hits the Earth or something it should take us probably four ish days I say ish because it could rain you know the wheat could be green you know we don't really know so I'm trying to say is we should be here for less than a week but we'll see but yeah that's kind of the update on things I'll see you all in Nebraska oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] we just got done setting up our campers and then we came out here and now we're gonna unload the grain cart Nebraska definitely has mosquitoes but we're gonna get this grain cart hooked back together we probably aren't going to cut wheat today but we'll be ready always better to be too high and too low you want gravity in your paper okay so I got the Jack down I'm gonna let this down that way I can unhook from this we're gonna go put this piece right the this piece right here on the drop deck now I gotta see if they work okay we're gonna leave the auger up because well it looks like it's better rain so I'm going to guess that we're not going to be cutting today your windshield wiper did not help I'm gonna guess that we're not going to be cutting today so that's gonna consist of our move day so thank you all for watching I'll see y'all maybe tomorrow I don't know when we're gonna start cutting so I'll keep you all updated but I'll see y'all some other time
Channel: HaydenOnHarvest
Views: 31,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3JgjQq2aTNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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