Finally Back To Cutting Wheat

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foreign stop there's visitors today so Dave thinks he has to bark at everyone dibs are you ready dibs come here dibs come here okay so we cut a pass like those right there um I actually got a sample dad's gonna take it to town mom and Cody's mom are right there and Cody's brother is through that window but I'm gonna have this I have this handheld sampler and while dad takes it to town I'm gonna see what this one says because we're not sure if our moisture correction is right that's why we're taking it to town I'm gonna see if this thing's right so for so for this to work you see this little lip right here has to be pushed out when you unscrew it and it's thin it won't work it's getting really tight to squeeze all that moisture so it's not sank 12-9 combine was saying like 15. I don't know of course you have to run a sample in the town this is a new camera so if it looks different sounds different that's why um but yeah it's been probably two weeks since we've cut which is outrageous I did not think that we would get here and it'd be two weeks before we can cut it has rained almost every single day the last video I think it was what did I say it was like 14 and a half I think um and ever since then it has rained every single day since that last video actually two days ago it's been two days since it's rained so we're out here trying it we tried it yesterday and it was 17 moisture hopefully it's drying out if not um but yeah we'll just see Dad right now is taking a sample to the elevator um we we've taken probably three or four samples trying to get our combines right we have to calibrate the moisture since this is spring wheat rather than winter wheat um I don't know why the moisture sampler is different on spring and winter um but yeah this is Cody's brother by the way dad said the moisture is 13. it has to be 13 and a half I think so we're going to cut a truckload it's not gonna last long just to get over here what is it well I just dropped off Mason Mason is Cody's Brother Cody's family came to visit him because they haven't seen him in like almost six months so they came out we didn't finish this field we're running in the moisture problems the elevator needs two loads of 13 and a half percent moisture wheat because we are the first spring week to go in the elevator so we left half of this field actually more than half of this field and we're gonna go change Fields really quick and hopefully find drier wheat that doesn't have weeds in them so so I was just cutting and I backed up because I'm I'm full um and that looks like my Center Draper belt cover if you don't know what that is especially just to protect my Center Draper belt uh we're gonna go check that out definitely my cover huh I have never seen it ever do that I mean it is folded up mingled I don't know I don't know what happened I have uh I have never seen a center Draper belt cover do that that's awesome maybe put it under the PTO that's not gonna ride is it so that's not gonna ride is it all you're gonna do is run it over uh I guess when you dump me just go get in the pickup and then come and pick it up I guess it's a long time I've never seen that happen we actually have ran without that door before um when you're cutting super low to the ground and your headers really flat pushed on that cover and stopped your Center Draper belt so we have ran with it not on there before so it's not that big of a deal although I'm sure that door is pretty extensive if you've never been to Nebraska and wonder what the terrain is like I don't know if you can see out in the distance all the uh the sand dunes or Sand Hills I guess you should call it um that's really all it is it's really like a Sandy it's sort of like a Sandy Hill like it's just like Rolling Hills of I guess grass really there's grass growing on the sand think of like the Sahara desert but with grass that's kind of like that's kind of what I picture Nebraska's like I don't know ever since I uploaded the first day of Nebraska we Harvest the next day it has rained almost every single day until two days ago of today so I think that puts us at like I don't know how many days it's been since I've uploaded that video it's been probably two weeks we've been rained out and it's rained every single day um with it raining for two weeks straight every single day there is consequences um to the wheat and the ground um one issue that we're running into is sprouted wheat um you know you have that much rainfall on your weeds it's going to start sprouting in the head we haven't seen that particularly on this Farm but the elevator that we're hauling to actually said that there has been a load that went in there was sprouted weed so we're kind of like looking for that and there's some other things that are way over my pay grade of what could be wrong with the wheat I just cut the wheat so I don't really know a lot about that so do y'all remember on my move day that I posted I told y'all that we were going to be here for like three or four days I'm just gonna stop saying that we're gonna go somewhere for three or four days because it always comes out to be we're gonna get there and we get rained out so for now on forever and ever I'm never going to say that we're gonna pull in somewhere and just because there's just going to be like a quick job because it never is a quick job whenever I say it's going to be a quick job so I'm just gonna stop sitting here also speaking of new cameras even though I was not just speaking about new cameras but I'm going to talk about new cameras not only did I get a new camera what you're looking at right now I also got Liz um this is a insta 360 X3 it's a 360 camera so no matter which way I hold it um it still can record you know whatever although I'm not going to use it for you know talking to I'll use that camera um but I specifically got this for time lapses um maybe like on move days or or field or even just putting all on the end of the header or maybe the bin extensions or something like that I could get like different shots with this camera so it's it's an action camera it's waterproof um it's supposedly really durable uh I'll test that out and get back to you all on that but yeah so we got this camera this camera that you're looking at and then my old camera so maybe in the future not in this video but maybe next one or the next one after that I don't really know but it's hopefully sometime in the near future I get some different perspectives to put in the videos so I'm really excited for that I would have brought my second camera or my old camera um today but I didn't know if it would cut today so I didn't really want to drag all that out here um and then drag it all back so maybe tomorrow maybe the next day I don't know we'll see this side of the field actually got hailed on um and it's probably making 15 emotional which is pretty sad also I don't know if I'm getting it all due to the fact of all the dog smears dish likes to chase flies and he touches his nose to the windows or if any bug jumps on the window uh he likes to chase it evidently it's super weird you can see the exact point of when it started being wet and now the moisture is up it's crazy what humidity can do mom is on my five back there and she's reading about 14-2 that's exactly what I'm reading but um this side of the field is way drier than that side of the field this is also the hailed outside so it's yielding a little less than that side what I'm trying to get at is maybe we can blend it off the only concerns that I'm having with blending off is this side is yielding less than that side we're headed east so the east side of the field got hailed on and then the West Side did it so the west side of the field is the good side it didn't get held on and it's wetter the East Side got held on but it's drier it's also making 20 bushel Less on the east side it's really hard to blend something off when the side that you want is a less quantity of the stuff that you don't want so I don't know we'll see if we can make it work or not so I talked to Dad and I kind of gave him a rundown on the moisture on half the fields or whatever uh we're just going to call it for tonight we don't want to push our luck and it'd be too wet so we do have half a cart though so if it is too wet we can cut tomorrow with dry and at least fill the cart half with dry if this is wet we don't know if it's wet or not humidity can't plant a toll on the moisture sampler not saying it's always right though but um we're gonna play our cards safely and call it for the night so mom's about to come park next to me right watch she's gonna Park cricket okay well she parked on the other side of me she's still gonna Park her kid though man I hate it when I'm right I am even with her header right now she's so crooked I always have to fix it there now we're straight if I had a dollar for every single time she parked her kid I would have to come to work but she's moving I fixed it and now she's moving and now she's messing it up I don't think I caught it on camera but she just moved I think that is gonna be it for today's video though um again this is a new camera so if I have microphone problems or you know image problems bear with me guys I'm trying to learn a new camera but that's gonna be it for today's video today it was kind of weird we jumped right into cutting rather than like servicing and all of that but tomorrow should be back to normal that's it for today's video thank you all for watching and I will see y'all tomorrow
Channel: HaydenOnHarvest
Views: 7,100
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Id: 2AaLHSvlTko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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