Let's Go! Dream Team II | 출발드림팀 II : [Korea-China dream Team, part 4 - Cage Soccer (2015.10.29)

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(Masan-dong soccer field, Gimpo-si) Hot passion! Thrilling victory! Oh, thrilling victory. You speak Korean. (A joint production with Shenzhen TV) Korea-China Dream Team! We have an important game today. It's cage soccer. Cage soccer. (A sport they can't concede, soccer!) (A fight of pride between Korean and Chinese stars) Go, Korea! (Korea is a leading soccer nation in Asia) Since we're talking about soccer, I'm already nervous. What for? You're not playing. Well, Korea and China played soccer for a long time. Until 2010, China never beat Korea in an A match. You're being too humble. Here are the seven stars for Korea! The group that made the Korean Wave popular. Super Junior! (Kang In, Super Junior) A top Korean Wave star. Eunhyuk of Super Junior! He acts, he sings, he's athletic. Jinwoon of 2AM! (Jinwoon, 2AM) Pretty faces that make girls cry, but wild with charm. INFINITE! He's a global bad boy now, B-BOMB! He rules the stage with talent, U-KWON! She loves soccer. She loves Korea. Yura of Girl's Day! Yura of Girl's Day! (The Korean Dream Team!) The Korea-China Dream Team is being aired in Korea and China. The Chinese version of "Let's Go Dream Team" aired on Shenzhen TV on the 19th. Here are the Chinese Dream Team members. (Appeared in the Chinese version of "Dad! Where Are We Going?") (He played the part of Zhuge Liang in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms") (Lu Yi) (Born in China, nurtured in Korea) (Zhoumi, Super Junior M) (A rising star in China) (Fan Shiqi) (Loved for their various roles) (Four masters of acting) (The Chinese Dream Team!) Hello, we're Super Junior! (Fluent) (Can Eunhyuk speak Chinese, too?) I'm Eunhyuk of Super Junior. (He speaks Chinese well?) (Interpreter) What? I don't understand. Just a minute, Eunhyuk. You said something just now. The interpreter isn't saying anything. You can't understand him? What? (Even the interpreter can't understand?) You must not be very good at Chinese. You should study a bit more. Say it again. (He tries again) Chinese is as easy as eating. Oh, Chinese is as easy as eating. Yes. (That's what he said?) (Eunhyuk sure eats in a difficult manner) Zhoumi, aren't you in the same group as Eunhyuk? I'm active with Super Junior. (Zhoumi is part of Super Junior M) You must be compatible then. Most of the members of Super Junior aren't very compatible. He's one of them. I'm sure you had expectations, but we're not that compatible. Will you turn your backs to each other? Turn your head. Let's see. On the count of three. One, two, three. They're not in sync. They're really not in sync. They're looking for each other. Let's try it again. One more time. One, two, three! Over here. Eunhyuk is over here. Right here. (They haven't been in sync for 10 years now) I'd like to see how Eunhyuk and Zhoumi are. Eunhyuk and Zhoumi? Let's do the same test. Zhoumi, you can speak Chinese? Were you Chinese? I'm Chinese. I thought he was from the Hanyang Jo clan. The Hanyang Jo clan... I thought he was Korean with the last name Jo. Let's see how much you are in sync. One, two, three. (They're in sync?) Where is he? Right here. Where is he? Right here. Oh, here. (I'll give you a ring, make me tall) How does it feel to play against a team member? I'm not worried. Why not? I never saw Zhoumi play sports. I never saw him do well on "Dream Team". I don't understand why he came on the show. I was surprised to see him, too. Zhoumi falls first. Zhoumi fell off first in round 3. (He's really terrible!) (Thanks to the women's unanimous vote) (He failed the Hainan Survival in the beginning) I didn't have a chance to show them I play sports. We're playing soccer today, so I can show Kang In and Eunhyuk. You didn't show us for 8 years. You suddenly want to show them after 8 years? You can't play soccer, right? That's not true. Are you good? I'm good. I have to say I'm good before I start. (He must not be good) (Eunhyuk and Zhoumi speaking in Chinese?) You're good at Chinese. Chinese is as easy as eating. You said that before. (Why does he keep talking about eating?) That's all he can say. (Brazen) Zhang Meng will cheer for the Chinese team. I can't wait to see this. Do you know the 'square dance'? No. Did you hear about it? (Square dance : A group dance the Chinese do in the morning at a park or a square) (She gets ready) (She's good) (From the wave) (To the crab leg dance) (It's easy and fun) (Zhang Meng's version of the square dance) (Yura does it, too) Yura! Yura! (Everyone, come to the square) (It's fun) (It's really addictive) (They warm up with it before the game) Hello, I'm the Dream Team commentator, Lee Byeongjin. We invited someone to make today's game fun. He's an expert commentator of soccer. I'm embarrassed. Han Junhui is joining me. Welcome. This is an international game. I thought I should come. He's an expert indeed. He doesn't have any notes. It's all in his head. A lot of fans came today. Hello, welcome. Whose fan are you? (Who are they cheering for?) Who? Kang In. They're all Kang In's fans. A lot of people came. We can't just let them go. We should do something. (Today's pre-game event, penalty shoot-out) (Each team chooses five players) (Charismatic leader, Lu Yi, sets the order) Yura is third. (Yura is the third kicker) From what I heard, if the third person misses, that person has to marry the oldest person on the team. Really? Who's the oldest? Me. Congratulations. When are you getting married? It depends on Yura's schedule. Go, Chinese team! Yeah, Korea! Here are the referees. Jo Yeongha and Kim Hyerim. The captains of each team, Jinwoon and Tian Lei. Tian Lei is first for the Chinese team. U-KWON will be the goalkeeper. It's important for the first kicker to get it in no matter what. If the first kicker misses, the chance for that team to win is low. That's right. Go, Tian Lei! The penalty shoot-out starts with Tian Lei. (Tian Lei's sword?) (Or U-KWON's shield?) (What is the result?) (Focus) The first kick. (Right to the goalkeeper) It went right to the goalkeeper. Right. U-KWON didn't move. He didn't predict and move. Tian Lei was the first kicker. He missed the shot. Jinwoon can kick comfortably. The Korean team will be at an advantage if he gets this in. (Jinwoon is the first kicker) Slowly. Slowly. Okay? It looks like it's his first time as a goalkeeper. Will he be able to block Jinwoon's kick? Jinwoon! It's strong! It's strong! They believed in Jinwoon. You were precise. I think it's really his first time as a goalkeeper. Yes. I got it in. I got it in. For the Dream Team... - Are you second? / - Yes. It's my turn. (Zhang Lunshou is the second kicker) You'll have to block, then kick. Let's go! (Is it a consecutive goal for Korea?) (Or will the Chinese team pursue?) He appeared in the Chinese version of "We Got Married" with sexy Christy Chung. The person you just mentioned is over there. (This is...) (She's known in Korean music videos, too) (Christy Chung is a world star) (She came to cheer for the Chinese team) How about a cheer like that before the kick? He must feel pressure. (What is the effect of the cheering?) (U-KWON, the next kicker, is the goalkeeper) There's the whistle. Zhang Lunshou. He passed to the bear. He passed to the bear. The cheering wasn't that good. It's alright. Oh... (It looks like he'll leave Korea right away) Why did you fail? I got nervous because Christy came. (My boyfriend is the best) U-KWON is the goalkeeper. It looks like he's going to kick with the gloves on. Many goalkeepers succeed with penalty shoot-outs. That's right. U-KWON, are you ready? Korea will be a great advantage if he scores. That's right. (Nervous) Yeah! (Go, U-KWON!) U-KWON. (Fan Shiqi blocked it) (He kicked it away with precision) He went for the corner. - It was a bit weak. / - The speed was weak. Fan Shiqi can block that. U-KWON failed. The score is still 1:0. The Chinese team has a little hope. Yes. The third kickers are Yura and Zhang Meng. They say the first, third and fifth kickers are important. Is that so? The women are kicking third. Yes. They went a bit forward. They want a lot forward. Yes. It's the goal area. If Zhang Meng scores, it will be a 1:1 tie. Yes, they can catch up. U-KWON is the goalkeeper again. Zhang Meng! (A powerful kick that surprises everyone) There is a difference in level. A huge difference. Zhang Meng is the best. It was the most powerful shot from the Chinese team. Right. That was an amazing shot. She qualifies to be the third kicker. She tied the score to 1:1. Yura quietly said something as soon as Zhang Meng scored. What did she say? I feel pressure. From what I heard, if the third person misses, that person has to marry the oldest person on the team. Who's the oldest? Me. (Zhang Meng scored) I feel pressure. Yura must feel a lot of pressure. Yes. She has to get it in no matter what. The Korean team has no leisure. Let's see how she kicks. (Kang In, I'll help you) She kicks. (A miracle from being desperate) She got the goalkeeper. She completely tricked Fan Shiqi. Yes. She made him shift his weight. Fan Shiqi wasn't going to go easy on her. That was an amazing kick. It's 2:1. The Chinese team needs a sure play. Yes. Fan Shiqi. Fan Shiqi. The goalkeeper will kick. He has to score to reverse. Yes. He has to score to reverse. Graze the goalkeeper. Yes, graze the goalkeeper. (Will Korea maintain a 1-point lead?) (Or will it be back to square one?) The course he'll aim for. What was that? (It hits the goalkeeper and goes in) That's really funny. (It wasn't easy to not block it) You're the best. What a skill. The opponent gave him a thumbs up. That's unbelievable. Brother. What skill will we see next? It's like the World Cup final. It's so dramatic. I think U-KWON is trying to make the game a bit fun. Sungjong, let's do this. Sungjong. Sungjong! Sungjong! Sungjong isn't that good, but he won't give up. Yeah! He screamed yeah. (Too bad) He kicked the ball up too high. It was like golf. Good job. Gao Hao has to get it in no matter what. Gao Hao. (The fifth kick will decide) (Both players are nervous) Gao Hao. Shoot. (A good block) It was a good kick, but right to the goalkeeper. He kicked it well, but... It was in the goalkeeper's range of defense. It would have been better if the direction was different. Let's see how B-BOMB does. If B-BOMB... (If he scores, the Korean team wins) (It hits the goal post) He's not ordinary. Nobody hit the goal post. The sixth kickers. It's between Super Junior members. Zhoumi of Super Junior M. Zhoumi isn't good at sports. He's a card you throw away. The secret weapon always appears last. He must feel a lot of pressure. Right. He can't overcome that pressure. That is the most negative comment I ever heard while commentating. It's practical. Zhoumi. - See? / - You read players well. Yes. Zhoumi. It's time to get it in. Yes, Kang In. (Focus) See? Kang In, what was that? What are you doing? (The next kicker is important) (Zhoumi?) (Brazen to the end) It's going to be Lu Yi. Zhoumi almost kicked again. Everyone stopped him. They should. Lu Yi! Lu Yi! Zhoumi can't kick. Let's see Lu Yi kick. (A kick will decide the victory) (The kicker and goalkeeper are both nervous) He shoots right away. What was that? (U-KWON's mistake?) He shoots right away. What was that? It didn't go in. (Too bad) What a surprise. That's hard to do even on purpose. If the ball rotated the other way, it would have gone in. If this wasn't a penalty shoot-out, another player could have come and kicked it in. That's right. Next is a surprising player. His speed is so fast that his feet don't touch the ground when he walks. Eunhyuk! Eunhyuk will kick for the Dream Team. (Bold and confident) He's confident. Eunhyuk knows how to kick. Sure. (Anxious) (Will he end it?) (Resolved) This goal... Here goes. (All attention is on the ball) This goal... Here goes. (It went in) (It goes precisely in the left corner) The Dream Team wins the penalty shoot-out. (Korea wins the pre-game event) (Eunhyuk saves the team at a decisive moment) (The Korean team gives gifts to the fans) (The fans must be thirsty) (They give beverages and mask packs) (The Korea-China Dream Team with Korean and Chinese fans) (The main event begins now) The Korea-China Dream Team, part 4. Cage soccer. We'll go to the main event now. Please explain the rules of cage soccer for us. (Kang In's overhead kick) (I'm this good) We lock them in cages. Yes. Win no matter what. That's what this soccer game is like. The long end is 40m and the narrow end is 20m. The height is 6m. It's similar to futsal. The biggest difference is you can play from behind the goal, too. You can use the wall or the area behind the goal post. It's necessary for strategy. Five people will play from each team. That's a total of ten players. Four will go on offense and one will be the goalkeeper. There will be three quarters of 10 minutes each. (It's a foul if the goalkeeper holds the ball for over 4 seconds) The starting lineup will be important. Jinwoon and Eunhyuk won't be bad. Kang In plays soccer with his mouth. From his posture, he looks like the coach. We should go with speed. It isn't a formal field. We need agility more than fitness. Passing has to be really good. Reserve players. Who should stay out... I think I shouldn't play. Yeah? Okay. How can you agree just like that? It's not that. That's upsetting. It's not that. How can you tell me not to play? - Forget it. / - You have to go last. This isn't "Music Bank". You have to go last. Last? From the Chinese team, I think Fan Shiqi will be the goalkeeper. He has sense. The starting lineup has been decided. The Chinese players might be a bit unfamiliar with soccer, but they have good physical conditions. We'll have to see how they do. You criticized Zhoumi earlier. He won't be playing. Yes. That's good. Is it a good decision? Yes, it's the best decision. Zhoumi and Zhang Meng are about the same. The first goal is important. 10 minutes can be short or long. (Nervous) It begins. The first quarter. Right away. (As soon as they start!) How can this be? Jinwoon just kicked it and it went in. (How can this be?) It went in. As soon as they started, he scored a goal. The first shot led to a goal. Yes. It was planned. Eunhyuk and Jinwoon were in sync. (Right before they started) Go for it. Is it possible to shoot from here? What about futsal? You can't in futsal. Is it alright to touch the ball, then kick? Yes, that's alright. (What are they talking about?) (A perfect plan) The first kick led to a goal. After kicking, Jinwoon went to the rear area. They have a plan. (Kick off) How will the Chinese team do? (Attacking from the side) They can use the fence in the back. (B-BOMB covers him) The first goal was too easy. They have to run a lot. (China goes on offense again) Jinwoon kicks it away. It's a super save. Was that a shoot or a pass? (A through pass that's ahead of our time) What will Sungjong do? It shows he never played soccer before. The goalkeeper kicks a long pass. Shoot! (Sungjong defends by chance) (I did well, right?) (You're awesome) (While Sungjong lets down his guard) (They lost the ball) (A counterattack by China) China goes on offense. Nice! China goes on offense. Nice! No! What happened? No way. Goal! 1 : 1. Lu Yi scores for a tie. Lu Yi tied. He gave a nice ceremony, too. The pass from the right was very good. Yes. The Chinese team made a mistake by kicking a direct shot, but the next offensive strategy was alright. Yes. They allowed a goal in 16 seconds, but made up for it in a minute. Yes. Yeah! They should use that wall well. If you use it well, it will be 2:1. Like just now. - Eunhyuk. / - It went across. The goalkeeper blocked it! (Fan Shiqi blocked it) The Chinese team is too good. It looks like the Chinese team is fitter. A physical fight. Oh, a physical fight. (A burst of rage) The referees are watching. What happened? What was that? (A hooligan enters) He entered the cage. They reconciled. They reconciled and he left. This is a bit... Are you okay? I'm okay. Kang In, come over here. The player outside the cage receives a warning. Sure. A player outside the cage can even be kicked out of the game. (I'm not afraid of the referee!) What did I do wrong? (The referee takes a card out) That's a yellow card! - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. / - He apologized. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. He went in to apologize. Kang In is being told to come in. That's two yellow cards. He has to leave for 2 minutes. He's outside the cage anyway. I had no intention of playing for 2 minutes anyway. (Good job, referee) It should be accumulated. Jinwoon and B-BOMB. B-BOMB saw Eunhyuk. The other side. (U-KWON covers) U-KWON is the goalkeeper. That almost went in. It hit his back, but he caught it. What a surprise. Jinwoon. B-BOMB is waiting for a chance. Not bad. It's alright to hit the ceiling. (A heel pass!) (But it's a miss) The other side. - A shoulder pass. / - It connects. He turns. There aren't any offsides in cage soccer. No. It's killing the players. (The Chinese team continues to attack) He could shoot. Good. Shoot! A goal to reverse. Good. Shoot! A goal to reverse. Tian Lei. A goal to reverse. He made a good decision. A reversing goal by Tian Lei. He pretended to shoot, but dribbled. That was a good decision. China reverses at 6 minutes 6 seconds. The Chinese team has the flow. Yeah! Judging from this, it looks like the penalty shoot-out was a strategy. They're doing very well. The Korean team allowed a reversal. The other side. It's cut off. Shoot! Oh... (Korea 2:2 China) It went it. A kick by B-BOMB. That was great. That was really awesome. A tie by B-BOMB. That's amazing. 6 minutes 47 seconds. He tied in 39 seconds. He succeeded a kick with a difficult posture. 2:2. What an exciting game. Good. Nice individual skills. China... They're using the cage well. A chance! No! A chance! (It's blocked!) A chance! (He threw his body to block it) (He maintains a tie) U-KWON defended that well. (U-KWON, you're awesome) He threw himself. 2 minutes left in the 1st quarter. He threw his body and blocked it. The Chinese players aren't very familiar with the rules of soccer. They're playing with their strength. Yes. Oh, Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk! It went in! Eunhyuk! It went in! It went in! He pierced through Fan Shiqi's defense. Eunhyuk scores to reverse again. (The Korean team reverses) (In charge of the ceremony) Eunhyuk's third shot. 3:2. It's reversed again. They should try to shoot quickly. The Chinese team's strategy will be to end the 1st quarter 3:3. The Chinese team is stronger than we expected them to be. He passes to the back. Stay close. I'll go. A long pass. Good! (A crisis) U-KWON missed it. That wasn't very neat. There's no need to block him. There isn't an angle. He passed. He passed. The ball went through. Shoot! (It's blocked) That surprised me. Shoot! That was close. Forward. Forward. Eunhyuk. He takes his time. He wants to end with a lead. Jinwoon, behind you! Jinwoon is on the other side. (A heel pass!) It's a chance! A good chance. (It missed slightly) It's a chance! A good chance. He missed. (With Jinwoon's shot, it ends) - It ends. / - It's neat. They scored 5 goals in 10 minutes. Yes. It's hectic. That's about a goal every 2 minutes. Will they switch players? Cage soccer can be exhausting. Kang In and Zhoumi have to play, too. If I was on the bench, I wouldn't play. It looks like it's exhausting. Who wants to go in later? We'll use our hidden card. No... I was kicked out without even playing. I'm going to play. Finally! - Who will leave? / - Who will leave? B-BOMB. Sungjong, you got nervous, right? I thought I would leave. You're an ace. Sungjong is good. You're an ace. Let's see how each team cheers. A cheer by the women. (The Chinese team goes first) (It gets hot just like that) (The goddess of the continent is on fire!) I'll lend you a player. (Pouring oil on fire) (Unbelievable) (Zhang Meng, the goddess of the continent) (Unlimited idol, Sungjong) (They're in sync, what energy!) (Betrayed) Yura's cheer. Do you want to see it? Yes! (Yura's time begins) We're near a mountain. She can't get sunburn on her legs. This is sun spray that even kills mosquitoes. I should spray it on her legs. Okay. (Yura is precious) (She's ready to cheer) (The first on "Dream Team") (A body with insurance) (Girls' Day is in) Wow, refreshing. (Yura unites everyone) (She calls for goals) (The goddess of victory) (They receive a full upgrade to play) (Let's go) (No) How cute. (A crisis is coming) Stop the music. We're done. (I'll protect the goddess) (Changmyeong, you're the best!) (A surprise attack pretending to be a fan) (How dare you?) (I'm a fan, too) (The Chinese team protects her) (She can defend herself) What do they need in the 2nd quarter? Eunhyuk's individual skills are playing a big part. When there is room, B-BOMB or Sungjong should go on offense. They should for a mid distance shot. (Cage soccer, 2nd quarter) (Zhang Lunshou, Fan Shiqi, Lu Yi, Tian Lei, Gao Hao) (Jinwoon, Eunhyuk, Kang In, U-KWON, Sungjong) We received the lineup list. The player you criticized, Zhoumi, isn't playing in this quarter either. That's right. The 2nd quarter begins. It starts right away. Jinwoon did the same thing again. It's the same thing. The Chinese team won't fall for it twice. Jinwoon again. Jinwoon. To Kang In in the center. Jinwoon goes to the side. (Kang In goes the other way) Kang In passes it back. That was an unnecessary back pass. Kang In doesn't have a sense of the game yet. This has to be taken care of well. (Fan Shiqi grabs the ball!) It took 4 seconds to pass. He violated the 4-second rule. (The goalkeeper can't hold the ball for more than 4 seconds) He violated the 4-second rule. Is it an indirect freekick? With the five people standing in a line, there's no room. Right. It's an indirect kick, so they have to pass once. That's right. (He passes to Sungjong) - Pass. / - Kick it. He can kick it now. It hits the goalkeeper. It hit someone who was facing forward. It hit Fan Shiqi in the face. He's acting as if it's alright. What is this? Like a jump ball in basketball. It's a drop ball. A drop ball. The game continues. (Eunhyuk steals the ball) Eunhyuk is fast and skilled. Eunhyuk! From the right... There's a fierce physical struggle. Jinwoon is on the other side. The ball goes to the center. It's cut off. They read the play. Now... Is this a shoot? He went for a shoot. It's not over yet. They go on. (It hits the goal post!) Too bad. The Chinese team is defending well. He's conscious of the 4-second rule. He throws it quickly. This time. It got through. There's someone on the other side. (A perfect chance) There's someone on the other side. The pass is too strong. There wasn't any defense from the Korean team. Eunhyuk and Jinwoon were both far away. - The other side. / - He blocks it. Again, shoot! 5 minutes left. It has to be passed quickly. 4 seconds. The ball hit his leg. Yes. The pass is getting longer. (The Chinese team continues to attack) Tian Lei is a problem. Pass! (It goes past him) (What is the result?) It went in. It went in. (Korea 3:3 China) When the Chinese team scores, Tian Lei is always on the side. Yes. If the ball gets to the center, they score a goal. Tian Lei makes the score 3:3. (But...) It looks like he's injured a bit. Tian Lei needs some rest. Zhoumi will go in for him. It's a loss for the Chinese team. Zhoumi will have to play. He opens the cage. He enters the cage. Go, Zhoumi! Everyone is sweating a lot. Zhoumi who looks refreshed goes in. (Kick off) That was a good comment. He has to play that much harder. He shoots directly. The passing and footwork... That was good defense. Fan Shiqi defended that well. Kang In, shoot! That hit his hand. He couldn't help it. We could clearly see it. It's a good chance. Korea could reverse. Four players... It looks like the bathroom. (Flush) It looks like the bathroom. It's a bathroom wall. It looks like the bathroom at a glance. It didn't go in. Good. It went over. It has to be passed with stability. - Eunhyuk has a chance. / - Eunhyuk! Shoot! Shoot! - Eunhyuk has a chance. / - Eunhyuk! (The goalkeeper blocks it) (You're awesome, Fan Shiqi!) Fan Shiqi is good with his legs. He blocked several goals. Yes. Jinwoon, shoot! He blocks it again. He blocked Eunhyuk and Jinwoon's shots. Two powerful shots from both sides. He blocked them both. (20 seconds left) It goes over again. Who got it in? (Jinwoon? / U-KWON?) Another surprise attack. Fan Shiqi couldn't predict that. The quarter was almost over. With 6 seconds left, the Dream Team reverses. There will be one more chance to shoot. Once. Once. Good defense. Eunhyuk blocked it with his body. The 2nd quarter ends. U-KWON's assist for Jinwoon's goal. The Korean team took the lead again. That's right. I'll have to stay out. I'm not tired. They already know I'm the ace. They're guarding me too much. (Rough defense) (Kang In is exhausted) They found out. I can't run. (Tian Lei didn't recover yet) We have to play for Tian Lei. (Cage soccer, 3rd quarter) (U-KWON, Eunhyuk, Sungjong, B-BOMB, Jinwoon) (Gao Hao, Zhoumi, Lu Yi, Zhang Lunshou, Fan Shiqi) It's 4:3. It's the last quarter now. The first goal will be important. Yes. (Good luck, everyone) Tian Lei is cheering now. Zhoumi has to play in the 3rd quarter. Gao Hao. They have to tie quickly. U-KWON threw it looking at Jinwoon. (Overhead centering!) That's a good pass. Zhoumi. (Everyone waited for this) (Zhoumi's activities begin) That was a play I don't understand. How can he do that? He doesn't have the hand of god. (Zhoumi will lead the Korean team to a victory) (He has a kind hand) (You are recognized for having a kind hand) (Unbelievable) Put it between his legs. That's where the foul was committed. This is really... He didn't kick it strong. When the wall disperses, they're going for the next play. It goes over. Jinwoon brings it. It's a chance! Jinwoon brings it. It's a chance! It's a chance! Again. U-KWON did a great job. Good. Chance! U-KWON blocked it again. There's nobody there. Eunhyuk is on the other side. They went to defense quickly. They didn't make good of the chance. They're faster than the 2nd quarter. They're doing their best. (To the end just like that) It went to Gao Hao. Zhoumi should go up. It's better to make a mistake in the front than on defense. Zhoumi is blocking U-KWON's view. It goes right over. (Korea 5 : 3 China) As soon as you said it went over, they scored a goal. Jinwoon is doing well as the ace. That was very neat. The score is 5:3. (It's open in the back) (Let's go!) 5 : 3. Oh? They responded right away. (Korea 5:4 China) They responded right away. That changes things. That changes things. Gao Hao. I was writing 5 : 3, but a fourth goal was made. Jinwoon achieved a hat trick. I thought the Korean team had the flow, but the Chinese team scored right away. Gao Hao scored just now. (Kick off) The Chinese team is attacking quickly now. (Zhoumi hesitates) (Eunhyuk blocks it) It's a fight of one goal. It went over. Gao Hao. The other side. Sungjong kicked it away. Jinwoon... He's doing well in the 3rd quarter. Jinwoon is energetic as if it's the 1st quarter. That's right. Eunhyuk's individual skill. The two of them are doing everything. B-BOMB is supporting. (The back space!) - Defense... / - B-BOMB! (He misses) Eunhyuk. Good. Good. Eunhyuk. Good. Good. This is... (What great dribbling) (Korea 6 : 4 China) That was a great shot from a difficult angle. Eunhyuk makes the score 6:4. That was Eunhyuk's one-man show. There are over 6 minutes left. Jinwoon and Eunhyuk have greater power. They are double aces. (The ball goes to Zhoumi) Jinwoon is at the front line. Zhoumi tried to do something. He shouldn't. They should switch. (Zhoumi loves Korea) He should try it though. Zhoumi touched it with his hand again. He should be kicked out. I think Zhang Meng would be better. Thank you. Zhoumi... (The Dream Team leased the other team's area) Directly! (Zhoumi blocked it) That was a meaningful play by Zhoumi. He defended it without even knowing it. He didn't intend it. He blocked a valid shot. It hit him. Zhoumi. If he just passes it forward... A second meaningful play. (Is it an own goal?) (It hits the goal post!) It grazes the goal post. The Chinese players are gathered. Jinwoon could shoot right away. Here... (A pass miss) Jinwoon, shoot! (Korea 7:4 China) (Jinwoon scores) (Kang In does the ceremony) Shoot, shoot, shoot. Jinwoon does the shooting. He has the most powerful shoot. He scored 4 goals. He's scoring a lot. (Kick off) (3 minutes left) The score is 7 : 4. The Chinese team is losing. A good offensive play... The Dream Team can play stably. Zhoumi, shoot! U-KWON is continuing to block well. Shoot! Shoot! (He blocks it again!) A third time. (Even the goal post) This time, the goal post blocks it. They surprised me. I'm surprised. That made me more nervous than the World Cup. Three super saves. I don't think he intended that last save. He blocked it very well. It's a long pass. He passed to the opponent. (It's a chance for Lu Yi) Lu Yi. Lu Yi is exhausted. (He doesn't give up) Gao Hao is... It's not as precise now. Since Tian Lei left, Gao Hao is the most hopeful player. Yes. (It's getting more and more fierce) There are fierce physical struggles. That's Sungjong. They shake hands. It's nice to see. They're all playing fair. Yes. (The game continues) (An eagle shot?) (It fails) It almost hit U-KWON's back and went in. It wasn't in the line. No. They don't have much luck. The Chinese team. (A pass over his height) He puts it up. Sungjong joins offense. He's exhausted. (10 seconds left) (Confusion in the Chinese area) Jinwoon is full of energy. (The game ends) (The Korean Dream Team wins) (Next week...) (Muscle queens) (They're back) (More powerful) (Hotter) (Watch out for your heart rate) (The obstacle course) (Their dangerous challenge) (It's hotter) (It's fiercer) (Who will be the greatest muscle queen?) (They have nice bodies) (They can dance) (They're hot) (They're coming next week) ("I'm Sorry" / Park Boram)
Views: 653,585
Rating: 4.9353347 out of 5
Keywords: KBS, KBSWorld, Korea, 실시간, 인기, 동영상, 한국, 엔터테인먼트, Entertainment, English, subtitle, TV, Full, HD, 영어자막, 자막, 드림팀, let's go dream team, dream team, survivor, sport, sports, 운동, 체육, 출발 드림팀, 서바이벌, 예능, 이창명, 김병진, dream, guest, star, idol, Super, Hero, exercise, physical education, Training, 体育, 體育, running, 달리기, yt:cc=on, 슈퍼주니어, 은혁, 강인, 걸스데이, 유라, 2AM, 진운, 블락비
Id: rpLTSxm9Sd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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