Cool Kiz on the Block | 우리동네 예체능 – Cool Kiz vs. the Global Team (2015.08.11)

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The Cool Kiz swim team isn't quiet anymore. Viewer ratings are rising. Nice, nice. It's the Cool Kiz swim team, but actually, it's the Cool Kiz Yuri team. As soon as Yuri appeared... Yuri, Yuri, Yuri. Thank you for watching, viewers. I'm the mermaid of this area. Me. Bye, Hani. There are flags of all nations. What is the meaning of that? The 1st Cool Kiz World Swimming Competition? The Cool Kiz 1st. What is that? The FINA World Swimming Championships is being held in Russia from July 24 to August 9. So, we're going to have the Cool Kiz World Swimming Competition. (A world swimming competition...) (Swimmers from all nations?) (We're entering an international competition?) We will begin the 1st Cool Kiz World Swimming Competition. Here are the swimmers. (Foreigners?) Canada, Julien Kang. There he is. There he is. Hey, bro! Jinju Kang. My bro. France, Fabien Corbineau and Robin Deiana. Robin is really good. Oh, no. Japan, Otani Ryohei. Japan has many good swimmers, too. China, Wang Jackson. Jackson, do you know how to swim? Belgium, Julian Quintart. (He cycled recently!) It's been a while. (An Australian flag in the hand) Australia, Sam Hammington. Is Sam the only Australian? He's always representing Australia. (Seven nations including Korea) I'm already exhausted. Hello. You gained weight. Who is going to say hello for the global team? Kim Gapsu in the middle. Aren't you Kim Gapsu? Oh, Otani Ryohei. I thought he was Kim Gapsu. "Roaring Currents". I loved that movie. He was so bright. - Is it your first time meeting? / - Yes. Julien Kang, say hello. Hello, we love swimming. We're the global team. (Welcome) Cool Kiz. Cool foreign kiz! We'll get you! (He was like an NBA player) (He is very athletic) (Julien Kang, Canada) (Recognized by the Cool Kiz) (Former French Taekwondo team, Fabian) (Skills proven at the swimming audition) (Medalist of French swimming competitions, Robin) (Two warm men from France) (Japanese actor who loves Korean movies) (Man who fought for Joseon in "Roaring Currents") (Otani Ryohei, Japan) (Chinese member of GOT7, Jackson) (New MC of "The Music Trend") (Wang Jackson, China) (He showed a great fighting spirit in cycling) Belgian power! (Julian Quintart, Belgium) (More comfortable in water than on land) (Sam Hammington, Australia) It's the Cool Kiz World Swimming Competition. Canada. France. Japan, China, Belgium. Australia and New Zealand. What are you talking about? They're two different countries. Australia, but... He's not wrong. Depending on today's result, my nationality could change. If it's good, I'll represent Australia. If it's bad, I'll represent New Zealand. My father was from New Zealand. I was born in New Zealand. The two flags are similar. Just erase this star here. Then make the other stars red. I'll hold it like this. If I'm last place, change it to New Zealand. When we had the audition, he came as an Australian swimmer. He was last place. It's an aftereffect. I can't attend any Australian events. (A funny, but sad reality) I embarrassed my country. All the Australians around me left. Australia and France had a confrontation. Robin... I don't know any French swimmers. They're good at soccer, but swimming... I think many French people would have watched. Sam said French people couldn't swim well. Seorae Village was upset. I went there yesterday. I wasn't even admitted. They stopped me. I was banned. Sam is prohibited from entering. He can't go to France or to Australian events. He can't even go to Seorae Village. Julien did well on the Cool Kiz team. He played basketball well and Taekwondo, too. He proved himself on "Real Man". I didn't learn swimming skills. I swam at a canyon with my friends. - Where? / - Canyon. Canyon. I misunderstood. You can't swear. Canyon! Canyon! Just a minute. Yuri, you can't laugh. She can't stop laughing. A canyon. A canyon. (Everyone is having fun) Be careful. Sam looks envious. When people laugh, he gets anxious. What exactly is a canyon? A river with a waterfall. Think of it as a valley. You can jump off a cliff and swim. You didn't take formal lessons. You just played at a canyon? Yes. I practiced with my friends. It was more with strength, not skills. My nickname is shark. I splash a lot of water. You're powerful. He's a shark. He causes a wake. It will look nice. He will relieve our stress. Relieve stress with Canadian swimming skills. Next, a gentleman from France. Fabian. He didn't do as well in Taekwondo. No. He went against me. That's a dark past. You went against Julien. You almost died. (With the reputation of French Taekwondo) (He fought well) (It only left pain) It's a painful past. Why? I injured my leg 2 weeks before that. I couldn't do the basic kicks. Taekwondo experts criticized me a lot after the show aired. Whenever he does something, he says something happened 2 weeks ago. He always says that. Something always happens 2 weeks before. Were you there? I didn't get much sleep 2 weeks ago. I was injured practicing yesterday. I was injured. I'm not in good condition. Again. Viewers, Robin. You like him and know him well. He auditioned for the swim team. (He made it to the final) They finish. Sunghoon is 1st place, Syeonu is 2nd place. Robin and Kang Jiseop. You were upset? It was too bad. What was so bad? I injured my shoulder... We're all injured. You were upset. If you went again, could you beat Sunghoon? Yes. I got a coach since then. I practiced for a month. I'll get revenge today. We practiced a lot yesterday. You can have high expectations. Your shoulder hurts. But my shoulder hurts a bit. I don't know what to do. France is funny. You had the boiler on last night? Yes, to keep it warm. (Being warm is best when the shoulder hurts) I told you. Backwards like this. Welcome, Robin! (See how Robin gets revenge) Otani Ryohei, you've been active in Korea for quite a long time? Yes, 9-10 years. You know. Coffee and doughnut. Oh, right. (A commercial everyone remembers) (He was as sweet as a doughnut) Are you good at sports? I'm think I'm pretty athletic. I played volleyball from elementary school to college. - Until college? / - Yes. Why did you quit? Were you injured? My physical conditions... I'm a bit short. I'm in a club. I've been playing for 10 years. Do you want to see a spike? Hyeongdon, receive. Pass and receive. Attention. Bow! Hello. Is it a competition? Do well. Hit it hard? Hard, hard. As hard as possible. Gently. It won't hurt. Here goes. (He throws it up) (Wham) (A powerful spike) (If he didn't dodge it, it would have hit him) (Surprised) - I'm sorry. / - It almost killed him. I think he's going to get mad. I didn't know he was that good. (Instead of Cheongsimhwan...) (He intakes sugar) (A powerful spike demonstration) I wanted to hit him. He's surprised and stressed. I'm really surprised. What power! Welcome, Otani Ryohei! You're good at volleyball. What about swimming? Swimming is mandatory in school in Japan. Three classes a week. Do you have a nickname? Japan, so eel. (Wriggling) Don't look down on eel. It's a high-class food. Not strong, but firm. Freshwater eel or saltwater eel? - Conger eel. / - Conger eel. Saltwater eel. The conger eel is big. You can't catch it. It's really strong. You can't catch it. (I'll show you the power of a conger eel) Jackson! - Hi. / - Hi. Boast about yourself. Do I have to? Yes. Do you have a sword? Use this. He was on the junior fencing team. Some of you might not know that. It wasn't the junior team, it was the national team. I was a medalist. What competition? The Asian Junior Competition, 1st place. Why didn't you continue? I thought I'd become a great singer. You were a rising fencing star. Why did you quit? I love music. I came to be a great singer. That's it. (He sounds like he regrets it) You're popular. You're doing well. I am? Boast about your song. I'm a singer. I'm Jackson. A song you sing best. I rap. Rap. Okay. I rap. Rap. Okay. How about a freestyle rap? I can't. (He doesn't rap without preparation) You said you're good. Are you good at swimming? I can swim a bit. How well? I learned from my father. We had a pool at our house. Don't lie. You mean a bathtub. Everyone has a pool at their house. Didn't you? (A rich Chinese family) We had one. It was my father's, not mine. - The pool? / - Yes. He pushed me in the pool when I was ten and just told me to swim. I did it to survive. I'm more surprised about the pool. Okay. Julian. We cycled together recently. You miss the Cool Kiz, don't you? I don't understand why Sean is still here. I heard he's terrible at swimming. I understood why he was on the cycling team. I was 2nd place in the KOM section. (A rough uphill, the KOM section) (He did his best) (But he lost to Sean) If it wasn't for him, I'd be 1st place. (Nobody could beat Sean) I was 2nd place in the KOM section. Swimming is the only way to beat him. He's a man of steel. Steel won't float. It sinks. Right. I'll get him as a Belgian fish. Julian, you already won. (His fighting spirit rises) It's not the 'King of the Mountain'. It's the 'King of the Sea' today. Do you accept his challenge? I will for now. Say something. Julian. I wore this the whole time. I'll take it off today. Watch out. Ironman vs. fish. Fish vs. Ironman. Watch the fight of pride in a little bit. Julian. (The Belgian swimmer wants revenge) The Cool Kiz vs. the global team. The global team vs. the Cool Kiz. We'll have the 1st World Swimming Competition! (They check their skills) We practiced in a 25m lane. It's a 50m lane today. The starting board is higher than before. Let's see Julien Kang's skills. Get ready. (Will he be as good as he looks?) (Start) (He swims through the water) He didn't go underwater for long. (Fine canyon swimming!) (He goes forward like a white shark) (From freestyle to the breast stroke) (The white shark charges) (He's good) (His breast stroke is a bit slow) It looks a bit slow, but he's fast. He's good. He has a good build. He has nice muscles, so he pulls the water. (The last spurt) (Julien finishes 50m) He's good. He has a good build. (He's pretty good) He pulls the water. (He looks tired) He really pulls the water. Come on up. (Julien showed us canyon swimming) Shall we go right to Japan? A conger eel that was a volleyball player. Give us a demonstration. (Go, conger eel) We'll have to have him as our ace if we play volleyball. (A demonstration by Ryohei) (How well will he swim?) (Start) (The form is a bit strange) His goggles? His goggles came off. (His goggles came off when he dove in) (The conger eel just takes them off) (He dove in well) (Even if his goggles stop him, he just goes on) His goggles came off. (The goggles sink) His cap came off, too. (In a daze) (A freestyle spike) (It looks like he's doing a spike) (Wake up, conger eel) (I should swim) (Kicking like a girl) (The back stroke and the breast stroke) Is your swim suit still on? (Of course...) (Ryohei finishes 50m with difficulty) (This is exhausting) Sports hit hop. Jackson of GOT7 representing China. Don't have high expectations. His upper body will surprise you. His upper body will surprise you. (I'm Wang Jackson) (Strong legs from fencing) (How well does a person who had a pool at home swim?) (Start) (It's scary, one more time) He's an entertainer. (Start again) (Why did he hesitate?) (It was all an act) (The dive surprised him) (A bold start) (He turns on his motor right away) He's good. He lied about not being good. He's good. He's the best. He's fast. (What speed) (Explosive strokes) (Everyone swims this much, right?) He's the best so far. (Stable posture and great speed) (Perfect breast stroke, too) He's good. He's better than I thought. (Full of leisure) (He easily finishes 50m) (He even does slapstick comedy) He's an entertainer. He wants to do slapstick comedy. Julian, stand up. We did cycling right before this. He did his best, but he couldn't beat Sean. He's thirsty for a win. He couldn't quench his thirst. He wanted to make up for that. He challenged Sean. Right. Before you show us, how about a competition? I was going to pretend I'm not good. If I show you I'm good, he won't do well. It's a pre-event before the main event. Julian vs. Sean! (A fight of pride between Julian and Sean) The winner of the KOM section received a polka dot jersey. The winner of this will receive a polka dot swimming cap. (The winner gets a KOS swimming cap!) (The production crew had it made) A polka dot swimming cap. Wow. (Polka dot is good) (The big match of pride) (Sean of the Cool Kiz vs. Julian of the global team) It's the big match before the main competition. It's the 50m freestyle. Lane 1, the cycling ace. He's going to recover his pride. Sean. (Sean has to recover his pride) (Sean, please win) Lane 2, no more 2nd place. The pride of Belgian swimming, Julian. Get ready. Get ready. They started. They started at the same time. (Julian spurts from the start) Julian is taking the lead. (He'll win.) (Gloomy) Sean is full of leisure. He's good at long-distance swimming. He's familiar with long distances. (Fast / Slow) Julian is about 5m away from the finishing point. Sean has a long way to go. The winner is practically decided. Julian isn't finishing and waits for Sean. He's going to tease him. Sean doesn't know this. He's continuing a humiliating race. Julian finishes. Sean finishes soon after. (Did I lose again?) (Triumphant) (Bold) We'll have the time soon. (Julian wins the big match!) (Sean lost again) (He was last place in the intermediate class) (He even lost to Hodong, a beginner) Do well in the beginners' class. I was going to pretend I'm not good. Julian finishes. Sean finishes soon after. What will Sean do? We have the official time. Julian finished in 42.28 seconds. Sean finished in 57.78 seconds. Sean, congratulate him. Even if you didn't win. Belgians swim well even if they can't swim. (He has a grudge) I let him win this time, but... Anyway, congratulations. You let him win this time, but you'll get him before all this is over? Right! Charming. Wear the cap. (Julian receives the KOS cap) It's pretty. It's exciting. (He can't hold back and he dives in) (Freestyle of rage) (Julian is diligent about broadcasting) Sean feels teased now. Keep it clean. I'll get it before all this is over. Okay. I'll wear it well. (The fight of pride is over) Take a 15-minute break. We'll see you in a bit. I didn't think Sean would lose. Really. I thought he would win for sure. They should go again. (The members leave one by one) (One person can't leave) (Sean remains and practices) (There is no time for despair) (I’ll make everyone who challenges kneel) (The man of steel doesn't die, he just practices) (The site of the competition in Paju) (It's time for the main competition) (What is this for?) (Everyone gathers) (Just trust me) (Whatever it is, let's heat it up) The 1st Cool Kiz World Swimming Competition. Everyone is really tense, so the coach prepared a warmup contest. What is it? Before you do the main event, you should relax a bit. It's a chance to check each other out. It's a tug-of-war game. Two people will tie the rope to their waists. They will swim in the opposite direction. It's like tug-of-war. See that flag over there? The person to grab the flag first wins. If our ace goes first, who will swim from the global team? Julien Kang, come on! Julien. Julien Kang, come on! Julien. Julien Kang, come on! Julien. I'll give it a shot. The aces go as soon as they start. (The big match from the start?) Do you want to see the aces? Yes! Do you want that? Yes! - Are you ready? / - Are you ready? How helpful is this tug-of-war game? We can see how strong their backs are and also how powerful their kicks are. Do you actually train like this? Yes, we do. - Really? / - Yes. It's tied to the starting board. How far does the person swim? We're having a warmup game. If you use a rope like this and do tug-of-war, it helps enhance your swimming skills. Sunghoon will go for the Cool Kiz. From the global team, the Canadian shark. He has great power. Julien Kang! Attention. Julien. Bow to the viewers. Face each other. Attention. Bow. Shake hands. Face each other and bow. You can't walk. - Okay? / - Understood. Turn your backs to each other. Turn your backs. They'll feel the back muscles. (They feel each other) I feel something wriggling. You can't walk. You have to swim. Yuri will cheer for you. She'll cheer for Sunghoon. We don't have anyone. Yuri will cheer for him. Here goes. He's older, right? I'm much older. Call him oppa. Sunghoon. Good luck! Yeah! Fabian. - Fabian. / - Fabian. Go, Julien! Go, Julien! (Upset) Thanks. Go, Julien! Thanks. Get ready. Which cheering had an effect? Turn your backs to each other. Your backs have to touch. Your backs have to touch. What? Touch your backs. Get ready. (The first tug-of-war match) (Sunghoon vs. Julien Kang) One. (Please win) One. (Skill or power?) One. (Get ready) Two, three! (Go!) (They race off) (Sunghoon / Julien) (Sunghoon charges forward) (A werewolf?) (It's not use) (I'm the king in water) (No way) (I'm amphibious) (It's really close) (Julien / Sunghoon) (Sunghoon takes the lead in the early spurt) (Julien pulls with power) (The prey is right ahead) (The werewolf is really excited) (With great instincts) (Sunghoon is pulled a bit) (He does his best to survive) No, no. (Yuri... I'm sorry) (Julien succeeds in getting the flag) (The hunt is over) (Dragged along) (The Cool Kiz ace was humiliated) (Oh, no) (With the power of a beast) (The global team gets a big catch) (Grrr!) You can't stand. His feet touched. Disqualified! Someone suddenly pulled. Disqualified! (They don't care, they celebrate) You're disqualified. Why? Your feet touched the floor. Did your feet touch the floor? Not at all. His feet touched the floor. Did you get up in the middle? Did you get up or not? You didn't say that. One at a time. What? You didn't say that before we started. I said you can only swim. You didn't say that. You just said to grab it. It's basic that your feet don't touch. We didn't know. You can't get up in the middle. Did you really get up? (Let's see) (Ugh...) (He got up and jumped) (He succeeded in grabbing the flag) Did you really get up? I can't help it because I'm tall. No, that's not allowed. You didn't tell us. Stop pretending you can't understand. Not at all. (They go again) That was amazing. This is fun. Sunghoon, you're our ace. Yuri cheered for you. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! If Sunghoon loses, it's Yuri's fault. Oppa, go, go, go! (His fighting spirit rapidly rises) Oh, boy. What? It's not fair. Kim Gapsu is pretty. Who? Kim Gapsu is pretty. He's more like Kim Gapsun. Cheer for him. Kim Gapsun. Ryohei. Who? Cheer for him. Julien. Yes! Show them. Is that it? Do it as feminine as you can. I have a mustache. It doesn't matter. We'll cover it. We'll give you long hair, too. Go. Julien, go, oppa. (It just makes him mad) Ready. Backs to each other. One. Go! (Who will be the winner?) (Yeah, oppa) (No, our oppa) Get ready. One. One. Hurry up! One, two, three! (Start) One, two, three! (I'm going to win this time) (I'll win for sure this time) (Sunghoon / Julien) (Sunghoon charges) (Julien transforms into a werewolf) (Sunghoon is faster than before) (He's almost there) (But...) (What?) (Julien advances with power) (Unbelievable!) (The werewolf doesn't get exhausted) (He can't hold it) (Sunghoon is dragged along again) (With overwhelming power) (Julien suppresses him) (Ugh...) (Scared) (Humiliated twice in a row) Don't make your muscles budge. It's scary. (Come on!) (It's scary) That was a great match. Julien wins! He's no match for you, right? He's a machine. I thought something was tied to me. He's not human. Next. The genius of our team. Hyeongdon vs. Sam! (Shoo) (Whee) (The Poseidons of each team) The Australian whale. The Australian whale. What? A seal, seal. Attention. Shake hands. (The last tug-of-war match) I'm suddenly reminded of my mother. Go, Sam! (Who will win?) Are you putting Australia's reputation on the line? I'll go with New Zealand this time. The reputation of your father's country. His father's blood. - One, two, three! / - Go, Hyeongdon! (Start) (It ends as soon as they start) (The seal wins just like that) (He didn't even start) No, no. (Floating in the distance) (The Korean Poseidon is dragged along) (Humiliated in the shortest time) (Oh, boy) (He's surprised himself) (Floating) (The global team won easily) That was pathetic. You were suddenly dragged along. (Like brown seaweed caught on a line) You try it. I won't do it. Coach, come here. Coach Yu. We can't be sure he'll win. He's a professional swimmer. This isn't about technique. There is a difference in weight, but... He's on the national team. With the reputation of Australian swimming. What? I'll go without any nationality this time. With your individual reputation. I'll just put my name on the line. I'll put Itaewon on the line, too. He lives in Itaewon. Coach Yu, with the reputation of the national team? Yes. He holds a new Korean record. What? He holds a new Korean record. Really? Go, coach Yu! Backs to each other. Get ready. Yuri, cheer for coach Yu. Go, coach Yu. (Nice) Pork belly. That's amazing. (They get fake pork belly) (So happy) Pork belly vs. Yuri. Yuri vs. pork belly. (He sees food and wants to win) (He's the Itaewon seal) (Come on) (Pork belly vs. Yuri) One, two, three! (Who is the winner?) One, two, three! (I'm going to eat it) (Yuri) (Come on) (Charge) (The Itaewon seal is surprised) (Oh!) (Coach Yu arrives just like that) (I won) (It ends in 5 seconds!) (He tries to enter illegally) What? What are you doing? You can't do that. (Leave when we ask nicely!) Julien Kang, come on! I'm tired. That was our strategy. It was our strategy. I knew it. (The main event begins) Let's talk about who would be good. Freestyle? Freestyle. Minhyeok. We didn't see him swim. You could beat them. Make sure your goggles and cap don't come off. Use adhesives. Do that. I'm confident. Let's use adhesives. Right here. (He started with goggles) What? How frustrating. Use adhesives. Minhyeok, the air is important. Are you comfortable? Freestyle is good. Really. The start is the key. If I can start, I'm confident. What about the butterfly? Sunghoon. He has a great record. What about the breast stroke? I want Sean and Jisuk to go. (Sean went to the beginners' class) We haven't seen him yet, so Sean. What about the back stroke? (Yuri no matter what) (Minhyeok - freestyle / Yuri - back stroke / Sunghoon - butterfly / Sean - breast stroke) (Julian - freestyle / Fabian - back stroke / Robin - Butterfly / Julien - breast stroke) The first event is the freestyle. Minhyeok against Julian. Both have good records. Minhyeok's fastest time is 42 seconds. Julian's best time is also 42 seconds. If they both swam 42 seconds, what factor will be important? The start and finishing touch. The first event, the 50m freestyle. Lane 1, Minhyeok of the Cool Kiz. (Lane 1, Minhyeok) (Go, Minhyeok!) Yeah! Yeah! (The global team cheers) Minhyeok. Minhyeok. (Not our team?) Lane 2, Julian from the global team. (Lane 2, Julian) Let's win! Let's win! (It's important to win the first round) Here they go. (Julian is on the rise) The key is the start. If I can start, I'm confident. (Step or be stepped on?) Get set. They started. They started. Good dive. (Julian missed a beat) (Stroke of rage) The start is important, but Julian was a bit late. He caught up right away though. (Minhyeok dove in a beat faster) (He swims with the power of polka dots) Wow, he's fast. He caught up. Okay, Julian. Allez, Julian. (What is the secret to Julian's swimming?) His goggles came off. He can't see. He's swimming fast. (Julian takes the lead) (He's about half way) No. We were told to take 25m slowly. In the end. (Minhyeok goes right in the middle) (Julian goes sideways) This way! This way! He's tired. Minhyeok seems slow, but there isn't much of a difference. What will happen in the end? He can't see without goggles. He'll get tired. (Minhyeok catches up little by little) (Lane 2, Julian / Lane 1, Minhyeok) It's a close fight. Julian has a bit of a lead. They only have about 5m left. Julian and Minhyeok. Who will be the first winner? (The swim team is excited) (Nervous) They only have about 5m left. Julien and Minhyeok. Who will be the first winner? (Well?) They only have about 5m left. Julian and Minhyeok. Who will be the first winner? Julian and Minhyeok. Julian finishes first. (Julian is really on the rise) (A global high five) (Minhyeok did well in catching up) (It wasn't much of a difference, right?) This much. (It's too bad because he did his best) Minhyeok started fast. Julian was behind. His goggles fell off, so he swam like crazy. He won the touch fight. We have the official times. Julian, 43.83 seconds. Minhyeok, 44.57 seconds. Good job. You did well. Did you save your energy in the beginning? I did, but I didn't have energy left. You started late. I thought there would be beeps. (Cool Kiz 0:100 Global Team) The back stroke. We'll start the second round. Beautiful Yuri! (Yuri, party time) (My eyes are lucky) Who is the ace of the back stroke for the global team? Beautiful Fabian. Get ready to scream. Bow. Shake hands. She's so pretty. What is your resolution? I'm a Girls' Generation fan. I might not swim well. (Is that so?) Yuri and Fabian will go next. (Heart pounding, Fabian appears) Don't look. Why? I don't want to look. Oppa, good luck. No, no. Oppa, good luck. No, no. You're not here. I'll think of you as Sam. Another chance like this won't come. What will I do? I decided. (I'll win even if she's Girls' Generation) (Is it alright to beat Girls' Generation?) (There's something Fabian missed) (Yuri is an intermediate swimmer) The second event is the 50m back stroke. Lane 1, Yuri of the cool Kiz. (Lane 1, Yuri) (The mermaid is the best) Lane 2, Fabian of the global team. (The global team cheers with excitement) It's the only match between opposite genders. Yuri and Fabian. Fabian and Yuri. (Yuri the woman vs. Fabian the man) Get set. They started. They started. (Fabian wriggles along) Fabian has a slight lead. He has a dolphin kick. (Fabian takes a slight lead) Fabian is leading a bit. He is using a difficult skill. He started with a dolphin kick. He took the lead with that. We don't know. Yuri, signals. (Don't invade the center line) (She does her best to catch up) Hurry up. Faster! Hurry. You're half way. (They pass the half way point) After 30m, Fabian glanced at Yuri. It would be nice if Yuri could kick. They have about 5m left. (What is the end of Fabian's drama?) They have about 5m left. Fabian is in the lead with leisure. Fabian finishes first. The global team wins again. (Yuri does her best) Yuri did well, too. Too bad. You mentioned a dolphin kick. What is that? A movement underwater after the start. It helps to go forward smoothly. Fabian use the dolphin kick. He went a long way with that. Yes. (Fabian did well with the back stroke) Yuri, 51.75 seconds. That's not a bad record. Fabian, 45.52 seconds. Congratulations. (Fabian wins the back stroke event) (Next is the 50m breast stroke) The Cool Kiz and the global team. It's between two men with great bodies. They start. (They start similarly) Julien is going forward just like that. (Julien the fast hare / Sean the slow tortoise) (In the story, the tortoise wins) (In reality, Julien the rabbit, wins) (The tortoise did his best) (Sean vs. Julien, the global team won) Coach Choi doesn't look that happy. We have to show the result of our training. We need a reversal victory. (Hyeongdon and Jisuk are really tense) The global team is in the lead. Let's hope for a great performance. The ace of our team, Sunghoon! (Sunghoon is good at the butterfly) There is only once person who can do the butterfly on our team. Robin! (Robin over flower) (They met once before) They started. Robin is fast. (Robin / Sunghoon) He finishes. Sunghoon is 1st place. Robin and Jiseop. I practiced a lot. I'll show you how much I improved. (Sunghoon, come on) (Why can't Sunghoon lose) Julian and Minhyeok. Julian finishes first. Fabian finishes first. The global team won again. Sean is catching up. Julien got a late boost, but he finishes first. (Jisuk, Hodong and Hyeongdon didn't swim yet) (If Sunghoon loses, it's over) The relay members, get ready. Ah... (He's great) It's no resolution. I'll just swim. You'll win just like that. (A fight of pride) Warm up, Jisuk. Put on your cap and goggles. Let's go! The Cool Kiz lost three in a row. They're in a bind. If they lose here, there won't be a relay. Sunghoon has to win to do the relay. Sunghoon and Robin will go next. (Robin can't lose either) The fourth event is the 50m butterfly. Lane 1, Sunghoon of the Cool Kiz. Sunghoon, we won't cheer out loud. Lane 2, Robin of the global team. (Lane 2, Robin) (End it here!) (If Sunghoon loses, the Cool Kiz lose) (Robin doesn't want to lose again) (Neither can concede) Get set. They started. Robin had a faster start. (Robin has a fast start) (Robin / Sunghoon) Robin is fast. Robin had a faster start. But Sunghoon takes the lead. (The other team is surprised) (Sunghoon's head doesn't come out) The gap is widening. (Sunghoon swims really fast) (It's amazing) He swam underwater. (Mouth gaping) (Different speed from before) (Robin is in a hurry) He should breathe a bit, but Robin's head is in the water. (The gap is even wider) Slow down a bit now. Energy. Faster, faster. Faster. Robin. Go faster. (The flippant pig tuna appears) Go away. (Sunghoon finishes) (The best ace of the Cool Kiz ever) (Admitted) Sunghoon breathed once. (Robin arrives) (Good job, Robin Hood) Sunghoon won the 50m butterfly. The Cool Kiz can do the relay now. Wow, 27 seconds. (1 second faster than before) Robin's time is 34.49 seconds. That's 2nd place though. Sunghoon of the Cool Kiz. 27.12 seconds. That's not much of a difference from the Korean record. You might get a ticket to Brazil. (Robin is upset) (The victory will be decided with the relay) The Cool Kiz and the global team. The relay event will be held. They start. Minhyeok had a bit of a faster start. Minhyeok has a bit of a lead. Jisuk and Sam go next. Sam increases speed and reverses. Yeah! Yeah! If the gap widens like this, the Cool Kiz will have a hard time winning. Hyeongdon is a bit exhausted. Hodong started now. Sean is the sixth swimmer. Robin is the last swimmer. If he finishes, it's over. (Sunghoon does his best to the end) (The Cool Kiz finish a bit late) The global team wins. The Cool Kiz reduced their time by 1 second. They improved a bit. They're faster than last week. Their speed is improving. Hodong's technique is stable now. I didn't like swimming that much. I'm starting to like the water. (The Cool Kiz are growing) (The big match will take place) Seven countries are competing. The 1st Cool Kiz World Swimming Competition. The last competition takes place. Lane 1, Julien Kang of Canada. Lane 2, Sunghoon of Korea. (Go, Korea!) Lane 3, Robin Deiana of France. Lane 4, Julian Quintart of Belgium. (My polka dot cap) Lane 5, Fabian Corbineau of France. Lane 6, Otani Ryohei of Japan. Lane 7, Wang Jackson of China. Lane 8, Sam Hammington of Australia. (It's as tense as the Olympics) Get set. Get set. They start. Julien didn't hear the starting signal. He didn't hear it. They start. (The eight swimmers swim fast) Julien started late. (The audience is nervous, too) (Sunghoon and Robin take the lead) (A late start) Sunghoon in lane 2 and Robin in lane 3. The two of them are in the lead. Sunghoon in lane 2 and Robin in lane 3. The two of them are in the lead. (It makes your palms sweat) Oh, Robin is really fast. (Sunghoon and Robin are in the lead) The others. Lane 4 to lane 8 are a bit behind. Julien had a late start, but he's catching up well. Julien makes a spurt. (What a wake) (The Canadian white shark pursues) Wow, Julien is really fast. Wow! (It's between Sunghoon and Robin) Sunghoon in lane 2 and Robin in lane 3. (It's a fight of pride) (Sunghoon's last spurt) With 5m left. Sunghoon finishes with leisure. Robin is 2nd place. (Sunghoon in lane 1 finishes first) Robin is 2nd place. (Robin in lane 3 is 2nd place) (Too bad) Julien is 3rd place. Fabian in lane 5. Jackson in lane 7. Lane 4, 6, and 8. Julian, Otani and Sam finish. Here are the official times. Sunghoon, 25.53 seconds. That's a great record. Robin is 2nd place with 29.50 seconds. Julien Kang is 3rd place with 32.84 seconds. Sunghoon is a former swimmer indeed. Yes. (Overwhelming speed of a former swimmer) Julien had a late start. Despite that, he caught up well. Julien has a lot of muscles. He fell behind a bit in the end. The gold medal goes to Sunghoon. The silver medal, Robin of France. The bronze medal, Julien Kang. (It was a dynamic competition) (Thanks to everyone for doing their best) (Next week...) Who will save the Cool Kiz after two losses? Come on out! What? (What is this intensive response?) (A sculptured look) (Fine body, Lee Jaeyun) Today's opponent, come on out! (Who is today's opponent?) Hello, mother. Welcome. The 3-generation team of Namyangju! Yeah! Yeah! (The world of victory) (They are growing each week) (But we want a victory) (There is no opponent that can't be beaten) (For a miracle) (Go beyond limits) (The Cool Kiz kept losing) (They have to be one) (Will the Cool Kiz be able to achieve a first victory?) ("It's Summer" / 2BiC)
Views: 1,524,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KBS, KBSWorld, Korea, 실시간, 인기, 동영상, 한국, 엔터테인먼트, Entertainment, English, subtitle, TV, Full, HD, 영어자막, 자막, Cool, kids, kiz, kidz, block, 우리, 예체능, 영어, 영자막, English subtitle, translate, translation, exercise, sports, match, Korean sports, game, 강호동, kang ho-dong, Cool Kiz On The Block, idol, 아이돌, Our Neighborhood Arts And Physical Education, Jeong Hyeongdon, 정형돈, Seo Jisuk, Sean, Yuri, Sunghoon, 션, 유리, 성훈, yt:cc=on, 민혁, 잭슨, 줄리엔강, 파비앙
Id: 6OpDVXqKen8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 41sec (4481 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2015
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