Let's Go! Dream Team II | 출발드림팀 II : Korea-China Dream Team, part 1 (2015.10.08)

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(Gyeongin Arabaetgil, Gimpo Culture Square) Hot passion! Thrilling victory! Korea-China Dream Team! (300th episode special, Korea-China Dream Team) (To make today's event better) (Stars from Korea and China) (Dream Team's first national competition) (The Korea-China Dream Team begins now) (Lianlian) This is going to be great. Lianlian, hello. Hello, hello. Say hello. This is a joint production with Shenzhen TV. I'm the MC, Lianlian. Hello. Let me introduce the Korean guests. This person is an original Korean Wave star. Dream Team started 17 years ago. This person debuted 17 years ago, too. A long-lasting idol. Jun Jin of SHINHWA! (He's back with a new album) (A legend of first generation idols) (Jun Jin of SHINHWA) - Nichkhun of 2PM! / - Chansung! (Hot guys who shook up Asia) (Two men you want) (Nichkhun and Chansung of 2PM) Jo Kwon of 2AM! And Jinwoon! (Vocal power beyond idols) (Jo Kwon and Jinwoon of 2AM) (A rising icon of the Korean Wave) (An athletic god born from Dream Team) (Dongjun of ZE:A) Original Korean Wave goddess, Chaeyeon. (An unchanging sexy icon) (Chaeyeon) Hani of EXID! (Targeted men's hearts with "Up & Down") (I'll rule in 2015) (Hani of EXID) (Nichkhun, Dongjun, Jun Jin, Jo Kwon, Jinwoon, Chansung, Chaeyeon, Hani) A joint production with Shenzhen TV. Korea-China Dream Team! (July 22, 2015, Incheon International Airport) (People who shook up China are here) (They can act, they can entertain) (They even have a great sense of fashion) (The talented elite members of China) (The Chinese Dream Team enters Korea) (July 23, 2015, press conference) (Amidst much interest by the mass media) (The Korean team and Chinese team meet) (Who are they?) (The captain of the Chinese Dream Team) (An original idol who is called a god) (A top class actor) Lu Yi! (Lu Yi) (Appeared in the Chinese version of "Dad! Where Are We Going?") (He is a fool when it comes to his daughter) (He played the part of Zhuge Liang in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms") and showed great charisma) (He has 22.6 million followers on the SNS) (Lu Yi) (He has a lot of fans in Korea) (Singer and screen actor) (He appeared in the Chinese version of "We Got Married") (Fu Xinbo) (An actor with strong eyes) (Handsome actor of historic dramas) (Yan Yikuan) (A beautiful actress who advanced in Hollywood) (She even ate invigorating food for Dream Team) (Jiang Mengjie) (They excited China with various roles) (National actors who are loved) (Four masters of acting) (Lu Yi, Zhang Zhehan, Fu Xinbo, Wei Qianxiang, Yan Yikuan, Guo Jingfei, Chen Xinyu, Jiang Mengjie) (Welcome) It looks like you're standing in order of age. It's in order of looks. Oh, looks. (They're reorganizing the line) (Lianlian has to go home?) What's wrong with all of you? (The Chinese continent is cold) There could be athletes who are pretending to be celebrities. We have to find out if anyone disqualifies. - We... / - Still? (Abundant) (Not a celebrity's stomach) Our Dream Team consists of celebrities. The youngest is Hani. Hani. Hani. (This feeling...) (He didn't feel it in China) (Heart pounding) Do you know her? You're very pretty. Stop changing your eyes. You keep having different looks. You look different from when you shook my hand. I'm sorry. Give me another chance. (Agh!) (Full of other intentions) (An MC alert) Okay. That's a warning. Hani, who do you think isn't a celebrity? Who do you think? Wei Qianxiang. He looks like a soccer player. (He looks like an athlete) Can you do what Hani does? ("Up & Down" by EXID) (A dance that captivated the nation) (A wave that isn't easy) (Diligent) (He learns from Hani) (The hot "Up & Down" dance) (It's hard) He's an athlete. Try it. Up and down. (Full of feeling) (He feels the beat) (His pelvis shakes) (Nunchucks appear!) (They move to the beat) (Even a dance becomes martial arts) (It's hard to prove I'm a celebrity) Pick who you think will be the weakest. (He thinks) (Who does the Chinese team think to be the weakest?) Jo Kwon. Should he prove he's a celebrity? (He shows the essence of being a celebrity) Show them. You should show them. Here goes. (The advent of 'flippant Kwon') (Focus) (I'm a celebrity) (Culture shock) (For Korean celebrities) (This is basic) (Embarrassed) (His lower body is a super star) (Confused) Stop. Stop. That's enough. They're shocked. The Chinese team will show something different. Ballet! (Jiang Mengjie majored in ballet) (Arabaetgil turns into a performance area) How pretty. She's good. The lines are pretty. (She made everyone happy) (Jiang Mengjie's Chinese ballet) Mengjie, is there someone who you'd like to hold you up from the Korean team? (Is it me?) Who is the strongest? Choose. Chansung. Show us. (Jiang Mengjie demonstrates) She wants you to hold her like that. (He lifts her) They look good together. (A ballet couple that looks good) Chansung is good. Okay, let's begin the competition! (The Korea-China Dream Team begins) The pride of each nation is on the line. It's the obstacle course. The Korea-China hero story. 'Save the Beauty'. Stage 1. 'Roc Punch Bag Jump'. The roc is a legendary bird of China. Hold the roc punch bag and jump. Then cross lotus leaves. Stage 2. 'Log Tunnel'. Pass through a log tunnel rotating in water. Stage 3. 'Revolving Wooden Bridge'. Hold the hanging vines and cross the revolving bridge. Stage 4. 'Fight Shaolin Experts'. Dodge the Shaolin experts on the bridge. Cross over stepping on the turtles. Stage 5. 'Final Cliff Jump'. Ride the swing down. Grab the rope and pass the cliff with a waterfall. Press the buzzer to finish. While the hero does the obstacle course, the beauty has to hang on a rope. If it goes over 2 minutes 30 seconds or if the beauty falls, the challenger fails. The winning team is the team with the person to have the best record. Korea vs. China. Which team will win? As a pre-game event, you will do the obstacle course as a relay. The rule is very simple. One person will do one stage. We will begin the pre-game event. The Korean Dream Team will go first. Stage 1. Nichkhun will go. Stage 2, Jo Kwon. Stage 3, Jinwoon. Stage 4, Chansung. Stage 5, Dongjun. Get ready. (The first challenge is tense) Go! (He starts) He started stage 1. (How will the Dream Team do?) He started. Nichkhun slides down. Will he land or go back? He goes back. It slides back quickly. He waits calmly and lands on the lotus leaf. The distance is pretty far. He finished and touches Kwon. Stage 2, Jo Kwon. He's small and fast. Good. Without any hesitation. (He's good) Without any hesitation. Good. He passes stage 2. Stage 3. Jinwoon is waiting. He volunteered to do stage 3. Be careful! Hurry up! Grab the hose above. (Is he going to fail like this?) Grab the hose. If you're in danger, you can grab the hose. Jinwoon slips. He's maintaining his balance well. It's the other way now. He's almost at the end. He looks like Tarzan. (Tarzan?) (Even a lion would love him) Good. Jinwoon passes stage 3. (The speed isn't bad) Stage 4, Chansung. He's a yes man. Left, right, zig-zag. Good. Oh! That's fortunate. Good. He finished without any problems. Finally, stage 5. (One stage left) Sit on the swing. Dongjun! Good! He grabbed the rope! Good! Sliding! Dongjun! He finishes! 1 minute 31.25 seconds. That's good. 1 minute 31.25 seconds. Then we won't fall in the water. Now for the five Chinese challengers. Stage 1, Lu Yi. Stage 2, Yan Yikuan. Stage 3, Wei Qianxiang. Stage 4, Fu Xinbo. Stage 5, Zhang Zhehan. Good luck to everyone. (Go, Chinese team!) (They're nervous since it's their first time) (How well will they do?) (Go!) The Chinese team challenges. Lu Yi will do stage 1. What's important in stage 1 is to succeed at landing right away. Oh, his feet didn't touch. (He succeeded on his second attempt) Lu Yi finished. Stage 2, Yan Yikuan (Yan Yikuan runs) (He slips) (Even stage 2 isn't easy) Let's see how fast Yan Yikuan is. (A speed that's hard to follow) He's having a bit of difficulty. If you can't overcome this rotation, you can't go fast. Don't worry about the time. He passes stage 2 with difficulty. Stage 3. Stage 3, Wei Qianxiang. Yeah! Cross the revolving bridge. When necessary, grab the rope. (Worried) The obstacle course isn't easy for the Chinese team. Wei Qianxiang. Let's look at the time. 1 minute 10 seconds. Stay calm. Stage 3 isn't easy. He might do well later, but he's using up the most time so far. (He crosses over and grabs the rope) (Hang in there!) He's relying on the rope too much. (He dives in) He fails stage 3. But the relay goes on. Let's go to stage 4. (Stage 4, Fu Xinbo) He's fast. Fu Xinbo! Fu Xinbo. Good! (The Chinese Dream Team is happy now) The jump timing is important in stage 5. He succeeded in grabbing the rope. (The waterfall) Okay, sliding. He succeeds. (The Chinese Dream Team finishes) (Say something to Wei Qianxiang) Even if mistakes are made, I'll do well in the main event. Dream Team was strong. The Korean Dream Team has experience. They beat the Chinese team by far and won the pre-game event. Both teams tried out the obstacle course. It's time for the main event. The rain is falling harder. The main event begins. What will be the result? There are two beauties on each team. If you don't like the hero, just fall in the water. (You couldn't do that unless you hated him) Just go in. Just a minute. If I don't like the beauty, can I fall in? Of course. Why are you getting up? Chaeyeon, why are you so nervous? I thought he was talking about me. No, that's not true. Mengjie, if you were on the Korean team, who would you want to do this with? Everyone, come out. Everyone. She'll choose. - I'm confident. / - Jun Jin, come out. The captain has to come out, too. I'm confident. You're confident. It's been a long time. (Agonizing) (Nervous) (Of course, it's me!) Jiang Mengjie is popular in China. (Dongjun?) Jiang Mengjie is popular in China. (A surprise attack) Wow, Dongjun! (Shock) (Dongjun lost his energy) His hand is this big! (It's a good thing it's not me) (You have a big hand) I thought I was being abducted. (Unbelievable) Make them nervous. (Jiang Mengjie's choice) (She knows how to do entertainment) (The ballerino, Chansung?) (No) (Nervous) Nichkhun! Why did you use me? I'm sorry. Hani, I'll save you. Are we a folding screen? What was that? Are we a folding screen? (I'm sorry) Let's begin the main event. Okay. Here is the first from the Korean team. He was just chosen. Nichkhun! The princess he has to save is Hani! The Chinese opponent is... Fu Xinbo! Chen Xinyu! The main event begins now. Korea and China. China and Korea. Dream Team's first A match ever. The first challenger is Nichkhun. (It won't be easy because it's raining) It must be really slippery. It's raining. The conditions are difficult. But I think Nichkhun will do a good job. Get ready. Go! He has to save Hani in 2 minutes 30 seconds. He started. The clock is running and Hani... Yeah! No! No! He missed the timing to land. He doesn't want to fall. He looks like a cicada on an old tree. He has to increase his speed a bit. He used about 20 seconds in stage 1. Stage 2. Nichkhun. He's doing well. Good. He's racing forward. He's almost at the exit. Now... Wow, he's fast. Stage 3. It's wet, so it will be slippery. He has to use the rope well. It's slippery, but he's doing his best to save Hani. He's using a lot of time in stage 3, too. Hey! Hey! The bridge can't understand, but he's yelling at the bridge. Grab it. Grab it. Good. He's good. He has plenty of time. He has 1 minute 20 seconds left. He's almost at the end of stage 3. Good. He goes to stage 4. It took him 1 minute 20 seconds. That was slightly dangerous. It's slippery, so you can't let your guard down. Nichkhun is going to save Hani. He has about 1 minute left. He almost lost his balance. That's the last turtle. He gets on the swing. (Is he going to fail here?) (A huge crisis) His posture isn't good. His posture isn't good right now. He has to move to grab the rope. Will the beauty fall in? He got it. He's alright. He's hanging in there. Hani doesn't know what to do. There is still time left. He came down. He finished. Fortunately, he saved Hani. He succeeds. (That's amazing) Hani, he did his best for you. Say something to him. You're the best! Nichkhun succeeds. Fu Xinbo is getting ready now. Chen Xinyu waits to be saved by him. Please give them a round of applause. Fu Xinbo will go now. He starts. He's hanging at the top. He slides down. He's playing it safe. It isn't the final round. I think his goal is to finish. He goes to stage 2. The log is rotating. (Explosive speed) Wow! He's fast. He's really fast. Fu Xinbo is fast. He's quick. He's fast. He's already out. Go, Xinbo! This is the stage that was difficult. Fu Xinbo. Slowly, slowly. You're great! He's very stable and he has speed. Fu Xinbo! (He amazingly keeps moving) (He passes stage 3) (The Chinese team is up in spirit) Stage 4. He was fast in stage 4. He's fast once again. He's fast. The time is 1 minute 11 seconds. That's a great record. (Yeah!) (He got up just like that) Good! (He passes the waterfall) He slides down. Fu Xinbo finishes. 1 minute 32.90 seconds. (He reduced Nichkhun's time by 30 seconds) (Mixed feelings) (He finished without getting stuck once) (The time was 1 minute 32.90 seconds!) (Fu Xinbo is the savior of the Chinese team) The Chinese team didn't do well in the pre-game. But they have Fu Xinbo. He reduced Nichkhun's time by 30 seconds. He is currently 1st place with 1 minute 32.90 seconds. (The Korean team is in danger) Who will break Fu Xinbo's record? I'm next. I'm so nervous. You did well earlier. Just do the same. (Please) Jinwoon, come on out. Let me ask you a question before we start. Will you be disappointed if I make you fall in? I won't be disappointed no matter what the result. Don't get stressed. It doesn't matter. (The Chinese team is warm) I'm going to be disappointed. It will be hard for you to broadcast. I feel sorry for you. He can do it comfortably. She's going to be disappointed. It's silent pressure. Jinwoon will challenge. Every time he did the obstacle course, he failed in stage 1. Will he break that jinx? Get ready. Jinwoon. Go! (He starts) (He starts modestly) He always failed stage 1. Will he fail on the lotus leaf again? Is he going back? He's nervous. His butt looks really pretty. Will he land? He did. He succeeded stage 1. Chaeyeon can relax a bit. Will he pass stage 2? It's rotating. He's going sideways, but he's fast. He looks like a newlywed bride. He turned once. Good. He finished without any problems. Stage 3. He could use the rope. (Oh, my god!) He could use the rope. But he doesn't. He looks comfortable. He changes direction. Good. He's almost at the end of stage 3. (He's good) Stage 4. Stage 4 is easy. (20 seconds left) Jinwoon, zig-zag. Good. (He dodges the obstacles) He's alright. The turtles are turning, too. He has to focus on landing. Now for stage 5. Like Chunhyang on a swing. It's beautiful. Jump! (Well?) The water falls! He grabs the rope. He avoided the waterfall. Chaeyeon is hanging in there. (He finishes) (He succeeds in saving the beauty) 1 minute 49.04 seconds. He succeeds. (He didn't break the record) (But he saved Chaeyeon) She's grateful. Have you ever been so grateful to a junior? No, never. "Dream Team" is a fine show. Yes. Jinwoon, you're my fate. (You're my destiny) (I'm happy I didn't fall in) Date! He wants to be the captain of the team. Wei Qianxiang is next. (Wei Qianxiang challenges) Go, Qianxiang! (Yeah!) (He starts) He has to do well to be the captain. Stage 1. (It's alright!) (He waits for the 2nd attempt) (Please...) That will make it hard for him to be the captain. He goes to stage 2. He's trying to make up for stage 1. He's increasing his speed a bit. Jiang Mengjie is watching from the other side. (Not happy) He enters stage 3. He's exhausted a lot. Come on! (Careful) Stage 3. (No!) Stage 3 isn't an easy stage. The Chinese challengers don't have experience. They're using a lot of time in stage 3. (The Korean team is nervous watching) We have to do that, too. The time is nearing 2 minutes. Jiang Mengjie is waiting on the other side. Wei Qianxiang has to hang in there. He spent almost a minute... Ah... He fails. Jiang Mengjie goes in, too. (The beauty goes in the water) (Too bad) (The first to be eliminated) (The beauty is soaked) (Hani is about to go) Your legs shake. It's really scary. (Stop scaring me) Next is Jo Kwon. I trust you. You should do that. Yeah! (One with "Up & Down") Guo Jingfei has a nice body, but Jo Kwon is thin. You can't look down on me. - Sure. / - I'm fast. You saw me in the tunnel, right? Yes. High speed. I trust Kwon. He's good at everything. He's good at everything, so you trust him. I'll do my best. Jo Kwon is getting ready. Yeah, Kwon! Stage 1 scares me. He's saying he's nervous. The more he says that, the more nervous Hani is getting. Get ready. Yeah! Yeah! Go! He's feeling pressure. Stage 1. He's hanging on in a cute way. He comes down slowly. He's clutching on tight. Will he fall? (Does he land in one try?) (Come back home) He's going back a lot. You have to land. If not, you'll go back up. You have to land. Will he land on the lotus leaf? He landed. (A stable landing!) Good! (He goes right to stage 2) He's optimized for stage 2. Wow, he's really good. He's optimized for stage 2. He passed stage 2 with the fastest time. (Unbelievable) I think the record could be broken. It's the first time he's doing stage 3. It's hard to do if you get scared. He moves on. He turns the other way. (Hani is surprised) He turns the other way. He's fast! Good. (He passes halfway just like that) One log. The last log. Kwon passes stage 3. Good. Awesome! Stage 4 isn't hard for him. He has to keep moving zig-zag. Good. He's increasing his speed. He seems a bit more familiar with the obstacles. He's doing alright. He goes to stage 5. The time is 1 minute 45 seconds. Kwon is the best! This is important. He has to grab the rope. The water is falling. - He got hit. / - Good. He runs and grabs the rope. He slides down. Kwon succeeds. (He succeeds in saving Hani!) This seems like the first time you finished. I'm so proud of myself. (Overwhelmed) You were great. Hani, he tried so hard. Don't you have a gift for him? Like a lucky dance. You can't just let him go. (Flippant Kwon + "Up & Down") (They're in sync) Guo Jingfei will go next. Go! Yeah, Jingfei! Guo Jingfei. Stage 1. (He lands in one try) (The real one appears) Guo Jingfei. Stage 2. He's not slowing down in stage 2. He's going on powerfully. He's charging forward. Guo Jingfei is well known in China for comical acting. (Don't do entertainment here) He's very sincere right now. (Amazing speed) (Hurray!) Lightly. He's very... He sits... Oh... He lost his grip and failed. (The beauty goes in) (Unbelievable!) I won. I could do well if I had another chance. There's no chance. Just apologize to the beauty. (The Chinese team is always optimistic) Good job. After six challengers, Fu Xinbo of China is still 1st place. Only two people from each team are left. Will Chansung and Dongjun overcome the Great Wall of China? Chansung is next from the Dream Team. (Chansung was a winner before!) Chansung. Hello. (Yeah!) It was boring to watch, right? I'm the yes man. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, success. That's how it will go. Stage 1. Yes! Stage 2. Yes! Stage 3. Yes! Stage 4. Yes! Stage 5. Yes! Everybody! Yes! Even us, yes! From our team, Yan Yikuan. Yan Yikuan. He's amazing. Who will he save? Come on out. (Will you be saving me?) I can't choose. Raise your hand. I'd rather do it with Mengjie. (You said to raise hands) The positive energy of 2PM. Chansung. I'll do well. Yeah! Hani will wait for Chansung. Hani and Chansung. Get ready. Go! (He starts) He's calm. Good. The speed is good. He comes down. Good landing. Yeah! (A winner's class) Chansung won the obstacle course before. Nice! Shall we see his speed in stage 2? (Overcome the rotation and go forward!) Good. He's on his knees. (There is no pause) How can he be so fast on his knees? He was the fastest so far. He passed stage 2 with the fastest time. Very good. Stage 3. The logs are turning. He's alright. The conditions are the same for everyone. It's raining a lot. It's slippery. (He goes forward calmly) He's almost at the end of stage 3. The last one. (Surprised) (No!) (Will he fail?) He's coming back. Did someone call? (Not me) He passed stage 3. Now for stage 4. It shows that Fu Xinbo's record is great. (Chansung is the hope of Dream Team!) He's halfway through. He passes stage 4 easily. The last stage. (Come on!) Stage 5. 1 minute 29 seconds. 1 minute 30 seconds. Hurry. There's no need to wait. Jump high. He got hit well. Good. All the water hit him. Chansung. (Sliding) He slides down and succeeds. 1 minute 45.89 seconds. (Chansung's time is 1 minute 45.89 seconds) (They thought it was fast) (But Fu Xinbo's time was amazing!) Next is Yan Yikuan from the Chinese team. Yan Yikuan. Go! It's their first time, but they're doing well. He comes down. Stage 1. Yan Yikuan. He played basketball, soccer and other sports using balls. (He lands with leisure!) (Huh?) (He escapes a crisis) Stage 1. He's not being greedy. (The focus is to finish and save the beauty) He's going slowly and doing well. Stage 2. Yan Yikuan. (The rotation got to him) People like Jo Kwon do stage 2 better than people with muscular bodies. Stage 2. Yan Yikuan. (He passes stage 2) (Please...) (The goal is to finish) He's going on with leisure. (He's challenging with leisure) (Jump?) He misses the rope again. Yan Yikuan. (Too bad) (The beauty goes in) Stage 3 is really hard. Mengjie, sorry for making you go in. Your beauties are falling in too much. Chaeyeon and Hani didn't fall in yet. Lend us one. We'll get her in the water. We can't do that. The 1st place record. The Chinese team holds that record. (Fu Xinbo, 1 minute 32.90 seconds) Our captain, Jun Jin. Is your goal to avoid going in? Or is it to be 1st place? My goal was to avoid going in. Is that so? But it's not pleasant to lose 1st place. We have Dongjun left. Is he a hidden card? He is. I think the record will be broken. Dongjun, come on out. Yeah, Dongjun! (The next generation ace, save Dream Team!) Lu Yi remains from the Chinese team. Zhang Zhehan, too. Zhang Zhehan. One of them has to come out. We'll send Zhang Zhehan. (The ace of the Chinese team, Zhang Zhehan) Good. Dongjun. Dongjun, who will you save? I'll save Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon, come on out. Chen Xinyu. (What do you expect the time to be?) 1 minute 26 seconds. 1 minute 26 seconds? 1 minute 26 seconds. 1 minute 20 seconds. 1 minute 20 seconds! - 1 minute 15 seconds! / - 1 minute 15 seconds! 1 minute 15 seconds! (I can't lose) 1 minute 14 seconds. 1 minute 14 seconds! 1 minute 14 seconds. You win! Let's see what Dongjun's record will be. Dream Team will go first. Dongjun and Chaeyeon, go. Yeah! (It starts now) See what record Dongjun sets. Have high expectations. Dongjun, go! Dongjun started stage 1. (He shakes left and right) He has to land right away. Good. (Unbelievable!) His cap came off. Oh, he fast! Oh! Dongjun! He's so fast. (No way) Wow, he's really fast. (Is he really a celebrity?) (It's really unbelievable) He races through stage 2. (Is this a dream?) Will we see speed in stage 3, too? No! What? Will we see speed in stage 3, too? You have to slow down in stage 3. He's not going forward. He reduced time in stage 2, so it's alright. He let go of the rope. He's balancing. He has a lot of experience. Is it better to use the rope or not? What about Dongjun's decision? Please, please. You can do it! Stage 4. Zig-zag. He's increasing speed here, too. 1 minute 3 seconds. He's nearing the record of 1 minute 32.90 seconds. (He passes stage 4) Calmly. 1 minute 14 seconds. Good. If no mistakes are made... Dongjun! Good! Good! 1 minute 20 seconds. Dongjun slides down and sets a new record. 1 minute 25.81 seconds! (Dongjun's time is 1 minute 25.81 seconds) (Dongjun did it!) (He's an ace indeed) That's amazing. You could have finished in 1 minute 10 seconds. But stage 3... It must be upsetting. You regret it, right? I was about 20 seconds late. (A fatal mistake in stage 3) (He overcame it with animal instincts) 1 minute 25.81 seconds. You succeed! (Dongjun sets a new record) Finally, Fu Xinbo's record was broken. (The next generation ace, Dongjun) (He was overwhelming) Dongjun reduced the time by 7 seconds. He succeeded with 1 minute 25.81 seconds. The ace of the Chinese team, Zhang Zhehan, is the only one who remains. Which team will win? The last challenger of China. Zhang Zhehan. Go! He connects to the landing as he comes down. (He landed) (Surprised) Good. Zhang Zhehan. He's increasing speed, too. He has to think about Dongjun's lap time. He's a bit late, but... (Yeah!) Zhang Zhehan. Stage 3. (How will the ace do?) The Chinese team had difficulty with stage 3. Even Zhang Zhehan... It's not that easy. It's not that easy. (Nice!) He passes stage 3. Stage 4. 50 seconds. Stage 4. Zhang Zhehan. He moves rhythmically and finishes stage 4. He goes to stage 5. He's close to Dongjun's record. (The stage of fate) Zhang Zhehan. He grabbed the rope and climbed up. (It's going to be a great record!) He has to press the buzzer. Zhang Zhehan! The order changes again. 1 minute 19.13 seconds! (He broke Dongjun's record) He broke that record. You could break it if you went again. (A touching reversal) How do you feel? I'm excited. I didn't expect such a record. I just wanted to finish. The result of the group competition. The Chinese team wins! The individual competition remains. The 1:1 competition between the aces. Dongjun vs. Zhang Zhehan. Choose your beauty. Let's have the captains be the beauties. I accept. Captain, come on out. (Jun Jin the beauty) This is going to be a great fight. Dongjun has to set a good record and wait for the Chinese record. The captain waits for Dongjun. Korea-China Dream Team. For Korea and China to become one. For China and Korea to become one. Get ready. Go! I think he'll run from the start. Dongjun. He comes down slowly. His landing is good. Dongjun's engine starts now. Stage 2. Good. He turned once. He got up again. Good. He's almost done. He goes right to stage 3. (Nervous) He has to save time. He has to beat his own record. This is... Good! Wow. The time is 42 seconds. Stage 4. He's at stage 4 at 45 seconds. Slowly, slowly. Good. He shouldn't slip. He arrives at stage 5 at 57 seconds. Stage 5. He grabbed the rope. He avoided the waterfall. Dongjun slides down! 1 minute 9.25 seconds! He finished before 1 minute 10 seconds. Jun Jin, you're saved. Yeah, Dongjun! (Unbelievable) (The next generation ace came alive) Good job! Unbelievable! The Chinese team must feel pressure. It's alright, it's alright. Relax, relax. Dongjun did everything to save Jun Jin. Dongjun, Jun Jin is crying. He's crying. (Hug) Do you know how nervous I was? Save me! Be careful. (He relied on Dongjun) You should cry. Jun Jin, say something. Thank you so much. Dongjun. Thank you. I finished before 1 minute 10 seconds. Yeah! Zhang Zhehan will go now. Will he beat 1 minute 9.25 seconds? Let us know when you're ready. (Will the captain beauty go in the water?) The fate of the team is up to Zhang Zhehan. He starts! Zhang Zhehan. (He already showed his skills) Dongjun broke Zhang Zhehan's record. (What speed) He's good. Zhang Zhehan challenges Dongjun's record again. Stage 2. He's very fast. Zhang Zhehan. (Upgraded Zhang Zhehan) He paused a moment. The time is 20 seconds. It's close to Dongjun's record. Stage 3. How well is the speed managed? 34 seconds. Good. Zhang Zhehan steps back. He has to leaves stage 3. The time is 45 seconds. Stage 4. There's no time. Zhang Zhehan dropped a sneaker. Fortunately, it's not affecting his game. 59.19 seconds! Now... (The last jump!) He misses the rope! (The beauty(?) goes in) (Too bad) (Dongjun wins the individual event) (They went beyond borders) (To commemorate a touching victory) (Both teams go in the water) (The Chinese team won the group event) (Dongjun won the individual event) (Their friendships will last forever) To create a society that does its best for (Promising great competition for 4 weeks) a victory and knows how to accept the result. "Let's Go Dream Team"! (Part 1 was just a preview!) A joint production with Shenzhen TV. Korea-China Dream Team. Jun Jin. Nichkhun. Sandeul. (Part 2 is a national sport) (It's a badminton competition) Korean superstars and the Chinese Dream Team. Four weeks of special competition. (Of course, there's individual talent) (A surprising lower body) (Surprising skills) (Have high expectations for next week) (And...) (Super Junior) (INFINITE) (Girl's Day) (All the athletic idols) (It's cage soccer) (Will the Korean Team overcome the Great Wall of China?) (H.O.T) (2AM) (Block B) (From dancing) (To obstacles) (Avenge for the obstacle course) It's coming soon. ("Love Again" / Lim Changjung)
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Keywords: KBS, KBSWorld, Korea, 실시간, 인기, 동영상, 한국, 엔터테인먼트, Entertainment, English, subtitle, TV, Full, HD, 영어자막, 자막, 드림팀, let's go dream team, dream team, survivor, sport, sports, 운동, 체육, 출발 드림팀, 서바이벌, 예능, 이창명, 김병진, dream, guest, star, idol, Super, Hero, exercise, physical education, Training, 体育, 體育, running, 달리기, yt:cc=on, 전진, 하니, 진운, 조권, 닉쿤, 찬성, 동준, 채연, 루이, 푸신보, 장멍지에, 워이치엔샹, 장저한, 이앤이콴, 천신위, 궈징페이
Id: Go08ixDzsI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2015
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