Lethal Company but we can only INVERSE TELEPORT (Fire Exit MIMICS Enabled!) - Duo Ironman Challenge

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Larry and I finally tried the inverse teleporter Iron Man challenge where we go to each Moon once and in order and can only enter the facility using the inverse teleporter we also spiced things up by adding mimics to the game because we figured why not we've been wanting to do this challenge for a while and now that both warps and bread have put out their guides on how to navigate Interiors without getting lost we figured now is a better time than ever after sending the quickest warm-up round of our careers and ignoring a few broken rules we ended up going the distance on our first real try which was pretty neat considering how horrible our first round went Larry has already shared his perspective of this run on his channel so if you haven't checked that out or subscribed to him yet then please do so before watching this video we have a lot more Iron Man content in store for you all so I hope you stick around for those by keeping up with our daily uploads but that's all I have for this intro let's get into the video we're going to get the pro flashlights and we're going to try to Telly grab them so what do you do do you just grab them at the last second yep you grab them on the frame that you get teleported okay yeah we'll just try yeah I've done it once that was actually one of my one of my very first lethal Company videos too I I put a clip of of me tele grabbing bottles through the port teleporter oh that's sick I don't even know if they patched out or anything but I think it's worth a try works both ways too so you can do it when you inverse teleport out and then also when you get teleported back in so that why that's why the teleporter is there so we can practice that also if you really wanted to all right I'm going to beam this up let's do it all right good luck brother oh damn it I I was so close wait is this a real one you're dead already oh I forgot we had mimics on too it looked real to me dude I forgot I was like oh we already found it dude I got teleported over a pit what the hell all right well this is a great s huh all right that was experimentation everybody all right let's restart I think that's an easiest restart right yes yeah let's okay let's just restart got outplayed so hard actually that's hilarious let's try that again yes okay I'm not even sure what was different with that mimic actually I didn't I didn't look all that hard maybe it was something with the light cuz the color was fine the text was fine I don't think there there's any difference the only way to tell is if you hit it usually there's visual differences unless I have perfect mimics on there's like six different visual uh differences usually oh I didn't even know that yeah I'm not going to tell you then because I think you you should you could be able to to take a look at them yeah I think I'll I'll be able to deduce it's probably they spell fire exit wrong or something or like the door is a is a handle instead of a push or some crap like that I thought I knew all of them but I guess I don't that's pretty sick then okay yeah I thought it was like you just had to hit it and it's identical to all other fire exit if you turn on the you can enable perfect mimics to where that's the only difference difference like and you can't tell visually but no there there's differences oh okay I'm going hit this all right all right I missed it by a pixel last time oh too early too early for sure okay or they patch it out I don't know um dead end over there his experimentation o got a big room is it all I got though o wait I'd like to oh wait hold on okay so this is towards main entrance I I forgot that we just watched that oh or not what okay I might have to rewatch Bread's video did it open left or right or if it opens forwards me okay I don't remember you going to go watch the perspective of someone who remembers go watch Larry's video I'm sure he does where's that l jaxel oh another another two-handed item that's cool we'll just go this way commit all the way to the end of this big room first I'm sure there's something this way such as dead end what about over here hello he I found a Larry and the loot room just kind of need a key okay well flar still oh wait but there's a red light here so I think I think a fire exit is a foot I'm not entir I I actually don't think that means there's actually a fire exit I might have just gaslit myself into thinking that but I'm actually just going to continue going that way cuz it seems like it's one of the few ways I got to go I already checked all yeah all the way down was already a trap or not a trap but um okay yeah okay only towards Larry this is all the de hello hey you're close to the you're close to the entrance oh word I think it's just you have to meet me over here okay yeah cuz everywhere else I went is a dead end so far oh I okay well he said the entrance so I'm going to go towards his voice and when was the last time I just walked around holding loot yeah I guess I didn't have to carry it oh Jesus Christ what is that uh snare flea I'm dead probably yeah actually I don't know how to get to okay um well he he got me oh you're dead yeah low stamina good look actually he sounds like he has the oh want to clutch up on this one wait just clip out right you see that I'm insane he's so back I'm going to say that in every video from now on oh I guess he doesn't have to clip out all right I don't really need the key but uh well actually the keys I also want to see hold on I want to see really quick sorry Austin but I I want to see what the normal Fire EX it looks like so I have a frame of reference okay and also to see if there's any items immediately whoa I don't know about the second part vicinity I will say that the key is pretty useful on this run because if you sometimes if you teleport without a key and you just get actually so fun hey having funing is like I mean I know what I'm getting into when I enter a building oh this is the real one okay yeah okay so I was here so door handle the big Parts on the right it's caged the light I don't know I don't know what other differences there could be but there was another fire exit like over here let hope I don't get a snare Fleet or nothing I'm going to look at the other fire exit really quick dang this guy taking notes uh over here here well the SN F was all the way near Austin so I think I'm okay okay yeah this is the other fire exit that I saw what difference is there uh hope the loot B doesn't hurt me oh there's eyeball in the light is it the the border around this cage excuse you man I'm doing something yeah the the light's [Applause] different H see I think that might be it I think there's like a little border right there y that difference is get mad at me actually I don't know last time I ran into a snare Fleet it actually got oh wa I can just go man got mad at me even though I wasn't even carrying anything so I don't know how that activates I thought it was when you're holding stuff sometimes when you touch a hoarding bug too it'll piss it off but I don't think we're going to find too much else I'll Stand but this is kind of close to 150 and I'm happy with that on experimentation yep that's that's definitely cool we got two people so it's not like I have to squeeze every single item out of these levels mhm mhm thinking like an aqu infrastructure I can get his body I guess huh yeah even though it won't save anything other than for concept not that that matters we have $10 well actually might save us a dollar eight objects it's fine we'll leave the key can be a fun object object for the inverse teleporter if you're able to bring it through it can prevent you from getting soft locked but I think I take the flashlight every time or try to at least I saw the difference well I'm not going to tell you what it is though not yet not yet okay all right I think we can teleport right away cuz I didn't oh no I can't press the button yet oh wait no there it is uh look at the glass yeah oh I feel like oh hey that's a little awkward I I I was close I felt yeah me too pattered or cookie mold pan keep pickles okay so we're going away from the main entrance I think how can you tell oh well because the door opens this way so this is towards I believe right uh for for the factory it's whether or not the door is on the left side or the right side I think right oh but that that means which way no no no that's Mansion man I thought it was both well it's both I guess but I think you might be okay cuz uh the what's it called The Mansion one I remembered by the door handle left side right side but I think it was consistent actually but the when I had on the last map I had a door that opened uh wait where's that door for reference um let's just find another one yeah oh turn this off well I was at the main entrance and all of them kept opening towards the entrance so I don't know okay oh it's because on the last map I had one that opened toward Direction and it just led me to the back room room dead end oh but yeah oh whoa following you oh it's locked okay don't die I have a key oh it's open now okay okay there's a fire right here yes this is fake as hell fake as hell he says I'm pretty sure oh I see oh wait no I don't see I I think it's because the real fire exits never have these beams like interact with it oh jeez oh brother okay I'm going to jump well he he it looks like he's chilling right there there's another Fire EX here here I don't have a key though and there's a jar pickles in there oh is it locked oh he just took a key oh man I can't tell if that one's real or not did he take a key what's he standing on other than business I don't know he did not like that he just closed that door on him what he's just blocking our way I don't even see the key that he picked up oh boy no no no no I gave it to you I'm giving you my items why I took the key I took the key okay a no I'm taking this oh it's real let's go okay oh wow okay well we can't go back in cuz we got to go back through the torter wait we can't go back in no dude it's Inver teleporter Ally oh wait then I'm cheating well I mean I I didn't know that was a rule we allowed that one for last time because you were just checking for the fire exit you didn't gather any extra scrap because of it uh okay well I okay well just do it from this point onward okay I'm going to cut I'm going to cut out the part where I don't know about it so so that people don't invalidate our run if we make it I don't think it's that big a deal okay yeah cuz look we got pickles got a hairbrush and then I'm we're going back in for sure right yeah all right round two I trying to get this flashlight no oh right under the snare free and it's right here wait I'm right by the exit though oh oh oh oh no I'm dead oh I'm sorry oh he's so close oh but it's right where the hoarding bug is going to kill him oh dang oh man oh I guess inverse teleporter is hard huh I guess so well let's see if we can finish first quod on Val at least wait we kept our flashlights yeah cuz the flashlights were on the on the ship the whole time you only lose the store items if they if they're not on the ship all right well we got regular vow at least all righty wait I can't see the it didn't oh hello hello I got pushed off the the flashlight part oh I got a laser pointer though I got something egg beater too de end okay well if we get this this is huge locked of course it is we're getting crazy loot rooms here just need to actually need a way to get in okay locked again oh hello you would haveen to have a key would you nope all right well we can come back to this cuz I feel like I'm going to want to come back here eventually from this side oh wait dude I think I'm stuck oh really uh there's no key over here oh no okay I'll try to get you out okay oh wait this is where I spawned in from so it's not this way it is one of the dangers of the teleporter if you find a fuse box just turn that off oh okay I I have the fuse box I'll just go do that okay if I can remember where it is but I do have it there you go oh it's dead end okay well can't say I didn't try I just walk in circles I guess until I find a key yeah yeah unless I missed one I don't know I guess no harm in looking when you don't have that much area to cover yeah I'm going to oh I'm going to get trapped in with a bracket watch that would be so sick mhm oh God I okay well spider's here no I'm I'm out of stamina you uhoh I should have waited for the stamina to oh my God okay maybe we reset I think I think we reset I think we restart start for sure Goose egging pretty hard right now what does that mean we're failing pretty hard at this oh yeah we yeah oh I was so confident too okay hold on I'm taking the time to look at the video really quick we just got to dial in oh no you gave a tldr of it hold on okay yeah if the door opens away from you you're going towards the main if it opens towards you going away okay I'm just going to count that that one door as a fluke then yeah all right I really hope they didn't patch this out and that we're just it's just been a skill issue I mean mine is absolutely a skill issue I'm pressing it after we take off all right after we get teleported so it doesn't help that it's a different timing than the regular teleport oh I got it I oh wait wait I had it in my hand oh it's right here in my hand but it okay it's in my hand but my inventory is stuck what also how the hell do we keep getting next to each other do you see this do you see is it no I don't what about now hello hello oh okay okay well I I got it but I it it messed up my inventory so you're going to have oh wait I'm not even going to be able to exit cuz I can't interact with anything oh that sucks okay well here's minut entrance all right well I'm I'm just going to be your snare fle uh guard I guess you have a shield okay sounds good and then when you inverse teleport back in I'm just going to have to find you when you teleport oh I was so excited cuz I have the flashlight in my hand right now but it's just not doing anything dang so should we even try it or what happen or when you go back to the ship just teleport me back to the ship and see if it makes me drop it okay yeah yeah but no rush on the way back mhm I'm just going to walk crouched because at least people can see that I have it in my hand I can't even turn it on it's messed up that sucks yeah we maybe we shouldn't do it then if it's just going to get stuck yeah dang I wonder if the flashlight is still there or if it got duped I oh I don't know is this apparatus no maybe if I apparatus clip I'll uh no there's no way it fixes from an apparatus clip I know feels like I'm being taken on a field trip yeah through the factory this is like your first time playing lethal company you know what to do I can't even interact with this if I wanted to but this is fake what okay here's my reason for why I think it's fake because this metal bar is going through the top I don't think the like the real fire exit would collide with the environment like that really actually that's not entirely true is it I don't know if that's true cuz I've seen like real Fire EX it's be stuck in like bookcases yeah exactly okay well I don't know it's a real convincing mimic if I could interact with it too I'd be able to check out some other boxes but I usually don't see weird stuff like that on the factory fire exits oh that bunker spider's locked in there that's good get rolled oh that that means we have like no enemies on the map yeah we ain't got no Ops someone's going to someone's going to get inverse teleported into that room it's going to be funny oh God uh in the last run you said that Keys might not be that useful or that there's no point in bringing the key back but the key could be an interesting item to teleport in with in case you get soft locked behind a locked door mhm I think this one's fake also dude I'm not seeing the difference well this one it's more just like if it if real fire exits collide with the envir or not I just don't think they [Music] do yeah maybe not but I guess someone can confirm that with us I that's not like a real way that you're supposed to be able to tell the difference but I mean right yeah I'm pretty sure that's that was the indicator for me on the last one that I went through or the very first one on day one it was colliding yeah got it oh okay when I Sprint you can see my um my flashlight too flashlight you can't you can't drop it or nothing nope it's just glued to my hand I became one with it and I ran out of battery soon after it just stays on no it's just not I it just never have the option oh okay well I guess it'll take these three hours for now can and then can you teleport me when you get there yeah cool yeah I want to see what happens when I when he teleports me because normally teleporting makes you drop the item maybe I'll drop this invisible item and it'll reset my inventory just out here troubleshooting stuff you know maybe I don't grab the flashlight no more I definitely got the timing down on that one unless there's another frame where grabbing the flashlight makes it stuck to you oh no we'll see back at the ship now 70 inventory got a decent amount more I would try to grab this but I can't grab any flashlight still here and I can grab it okay uh yeah I can't interact with anything so after this we'll have to we'll have to reset or I'll have to reset the lobby again oh okay I guess teling is not a thing to go for then yeah okay well it's already 4:00 there's not too many items near the or it's actually six mhm I mean you can go in again and then wor case scenario I'll just have to wait till for it to be midnight or you send it early as soon as you die okay yeah cuz we only have 70 on the ship right now I think we can get more than that all right I'll just say good luck sir all right then oh we can't even change the I should have had him change the TV first all right well I guess go watch Larry's Point of View if you want to see what happens here I'm just going to um I'm going to go secure a coffee real quick we'll just look this way cuz that's going to be where Larry comes from all right I'll be right back all right let's see where Larry's at oh nope still can't still can't see oh hey came back just in time got a key that's all we found right there's nothing else yeah there is like bottles but then I'd have to invers teleport in again oh I was going to say you won't I won't dude I want to go to the bathroom so oh fair enough yeah I just use that break to go grab a coffee real quick oh nice 101 of 283 not bad considering considering that they took me out I can't even reroute the ship right now all right I can I can touch things again it makes me want to not Telly grab stuff yeah I'm good on that if we ever get teleported back though I'm going to try to tell grab a scrap item at least yes yeah cuz that that one that one worked in the video I never actually properly inverse teleported something so maybe it just doesn't work that way it might still work the other way okay let's go let's good you m up all right well now I can just focus on Dancing instead of hello no way right next to each other let's go God there's a mod to where you can just inverse teleport with your friends like that or inverse teleport to oh God okay there's an but that it's not a mod that I installed for this oh but I I didn't want us to be oh I almost have walked off are you serious there's a magnifying glass I feel like it would be better oh gift too we we going to manipulate this for a cash register or what when we make it actually let's try it when we make it to end I okay or we can we can at least just uh manipulate it onur like pull up the Assurance table and see how it works mhm yeah in case we don't make it to end yeah through natural okay yeah so now both of these doors are pointing in opposite ways yeah so maybe it's not as consistent as yeah I'm going to believe the Mansion one still works though CU that looked consistent as hell yeah so this ially should be towards the main entrance yes okay engine I'll at least bring it down oh it's a dead end yep oh what the hell okay so yeah that that's just debunked then yeah at least for the factory mhm so Factory interior you're screwed that was the whole reason why we did this that to test out this new like cool thing oh man now we have to play regularly oh there's the main entrance right over there but that's the opposite direction of the door opening what okay I'm going to drop this out by the front door so that way we don't leave right away or so when we leave we have like closer to a full inventory yeah I don't have a full inventory yet me neither I just need one more it okay well at least now we just navigate normally now that we have an entrance to navigate from yeah walking into this like a psychopath yeah that is just debmed I don't know what to say yeah okay well this is not it's on the other side I'll go in case there's a land mine or a turret all right I got it there's a key nice that's like the most RPG thing ever solve this m puzzle and you get a key yeah see look this is look at where this door's pointing this is away from the main entrance yeah yeah and there's one right next to the main entrance that points look uh this one you you rewatched the video right before this no I just looked at your tldr that you said okay well I might have gotten the tldr wrong but okay maybe it's the opposite maybe yeah actually that would make sense and we're going to get flamed in the comments does it check out no uhoh Missin information on the internet information a not not again not again um oh my God it's consistent no wait no it's not no it's not no it's not this door is still messed up what's this then this means we're going the right way right but look these like this this would be towards the main entrance right so yeah yeah that's what I mean so yeah this is this is also weird but it's mostly consistent yeah I remember it being like whether or not it opened left or right though like for factory okay we just have to watch the damn video yeah we'll just we'll just watch it again do we go this way I don't think so so okay well there might be something behind the turret I haven't looked behind the turret yet oh over here this what is this okay I was so confused stop hey oh a locker too and then you just need two items right yeah well not a two-handed item I might two items yeah no but it's cuz I saw this engine right here that's why I said that oh I do have a key this V type engine is worth more than the other one oh wait there's a big Bo right here perfect wait but this one opens the wrong way yeah so this would go towards the okay yeah I don't even know dude I don't know at this point all right watch the [Music] turret run behind it yeah to see if there's anything oh God no there's nothing there is nothing there a wall behind it okay I think we huged the left didn't we um I just kind of ran like a madman okay well we can left hug back now this is pretty linear I think we can find our way back yeah I can hear the main entrance the main entrance makes a sound yeah don't you you hear it listen well oh the fan up top yeah okay um you have you have all your one-handed items yes okay I mean one of mine's a key but I mean I think that's okay yeah that might be oh we're on Assurance that's right [ __ ] I thought we were on experimentation D me too okay I'm going to go the safe away I think actually I don't know if this is safer I have a two-handed item also the worm can absolutely get me under the pipe too so maybe this wasn't as safe as I thought we're going to try and manipulate it cuz we haven't done that yet yeah yeah manipulation tactics oh there's a beehive underneath our ship but I don't know if we're allowed to collect it what do you mean we're not allowed to I we an inverse teleport to get it no okay we should get it you should get it I don't see why not we'll get it at the end the 55 yeah let's not die because of the 55 okay wait do do we want to wait till Rand try to manipulate these or do you want to try test one now we should test one but okay where did I I posted that that gift box manipulation but it used like coordinates yeah so can you pull up coordinates on like a net or something oh dude in the console we would have to figure out a way to do some coordinates do we want to do that now or do we want to try to get more Loot on insurance first I think one of us should inverse and I'll stay I'll look I'll look into this one of us should inverse and I'll stay okay I'll inverse dude it's cool all right whatever oh a key oh a turret oh a loot buug hello where am I okay this is clearly an area that we haven't looked at yet and of course it's locked okay I'm going have to run through a hoarding bug and a [Applause] turret nope okay oh wow the apparatus hello okay I need a way to kill you though at least he's okay he's on the console watching over me though thank you oh fire exit locked again oh no okay I'm going to flashbang this dude h [Applause] thank you no I will oh D it a sorry no you're you're good I I I tried uh tell grabbing the item but I didn't position myself in time there's a dog outside he that's one way to do it yep I had my editing keybinds on so I had to like change it real quick oh no there was another beehive oh they're only worth 55 on this map all there's two worms and a dog and there's going to be bees in the ship so I think it's fine yeah dude that's how I've been collecting the bees on experimentation and Assurance because I just haven't gotten the bee PAAD correct on these Maps oh cuzz if I do it this if I put them in the same spot as I do on Val and March with the same timing they just go rampant so I think it's like a little different did you find anything out about the coordinates there's no videos on it damn I'm not trial and erroring this [ __ ] well maybe if we get if we get more if we get more gift boxes maybe we can afford it I'd imagine it works like coordinates similar to Minecraft is there like a a coordinate mod [Music] um I guess but then that would just be like you know not used in vanilla runs or anything it would be useful for a vanilla run just by doing it before you attempt the vanilla run so that way you know where to go after or where to do it later cuz you really only need to know where the most valuable object is and really if you're going for high quota runs you really only need to know where the cash register coordinate is like there's no reason to do the other ones right yeah I don't think I there's nothing okay we'll try to save the gift box for when we go to Ren then okay yeah all we got to do is survive Val and offense and then we'll go to Ren okay but that was foggy oh dude I flashbanged a hoarding bug inside oh you did yeah imagine if I got Bracken immediately that would been so sick wow okay Larry's over that way hello it's um I'm still GNA keep trying this door strategy I haven't given up on it completely cuz maybe it'll get me somewhere oh hey it actually got me to the main entrance he I got the main entrance over here I got the main entrance oh nice yeah 90% of the time the door Strat works 100% of the time oh you heard that one okay hey let's go oh jar pickles wait that's pretty good pickles and a clown horn let's lit okay looks like the only direction is the direction I came from put that there oh God okay hold on I'm taking the pickles with me though that's cool now let's go go back to the ship is foggy oh and then we'll see if Larry's still alive when we get back kind of don't want to leave this early but I mean it was kind of an unfortunate SN F encounter probably well one of the more fortunate ones that I could have gotten but kind of wish I could have stayed a little bit longer and gotten a bit more loot all right let's see if he's alive okay he's alive but what did he scan huh oh I scanned okay well Larry's going to be in there for a minute so let's go real fire hello how do you tell the difference I oh hello I came back wait what real so I don't know you what I have a full inventory including a chemical jug chemical oh let me go to you then that's pretty good I want to secure this to go all the way over here I'm at a staircase oh okay I didn't go all the way over then damn give me a sec oh wait maybe this is a dead end you can't even get to me oh really yeah I don't think you can get to me how how's it a dead end no there's no way to get from that area oh oh balls okay oh cuz the power door damn I wonder if he's just going to take it then oh wait yeah okay the security door damn I'm going to see if my I'm going to go see if my fire exit's real there's a door up there I can go up that way yeah oh hey okay I'll show you where I went okay cool and there's another fire exit right here too yeah let me let's check this I don't this one does not look real to me because the uh the light is off center it's off center yeah it's like a little slightly to the right M okay let's go take a look at the one that you're at yeah which way did I go was it this way yeah okay I have a yield sign that's why I'm like slow as hell oh well perfect then you just hit it oh okay yeah oh wait wrong way hold on I should have hit the other one then I didn't even yeah didn't even think about that what the heck got the most broken item in the game yeah [Music] literally I'm glad I said something though no it's this way Jesus we went every way but the way supposed to it's not that way we came from here what the hell it's down I think oh no h wait which way is it oh yeah yeah it's this way okay oh something's spawning this one oh there's a big bolt right here too okay that's oh it it flipped me off W okay that it's it's fake how did it Flip Flip you off when I when I whack it the hand that you used to grabb it uh flipped me off what that's so funny you want you want to you want to see for yourself no [ __ ] you no well you can you can hit it twice you can hit it twice for free I don't think I don't think so I don't know I think it's on the third one where it kills you I'm not taking that chance fair enough not with the full inventory yeah okay well let's go whack the one that I was near yeah and then if that if that one's fake then we're in trouble cuz we're on Val yeah I got you oh no you got it oh God I'm so slow it's out running me there's a loot bug behind us yeah we're fine okay well this one's real oh uhoh now we have to go back on foggy we just pray that there's no no giant mhm I just hate that they can see you through the fog mhm well if one of us has to die I think it should be me my oh God damn it my inventory is not as good as yours okay I can't we can just go up this way yeah ship is this way yep okay I got the scan now I'm convinced that I can see better when I can Crouch just because I can see the floor better yeah dude Nico Nico trips balls whenever I say that he's like dude you can't see better when you crouch I'm like I absolutely can cuz I can get a bearing where I'm at see the floor better but yeah but having like even seeing the floor is like a huge thing you know mhm if you recognize the floor then you're good okay perfect there's the Giant now okay cool so what what time is it 7:33 you want to just send one more just because it's first quota yeah just one of us yeah want go this this time okay cool it's my least favorite map too perfect we can at least watch him here oh wow entrance what enemy was that is that a thumper oh snare flee I can just teleport him help ball all right um yeah yep all right we're going to just pretend that I didn't just try that right now I have not done that in so long so my timing is way way off oh got a loot room but there's no loot in there yeah I tried teleporting him onto the inverse teleporter but did it a little too late how many items do we even have left four objects okay oh okay well there's an exit that's the real one oh wait never mind I guess I can't read the monitor all that well it is a door though if you want to go watch this perspective go watch Larry's video should be up now pretty sure Larry's going be putting this up sooner than I will another snare fle I'll just teleport him when we take off pretty sure he'll be fine that way and then that way if he finds something he'll have an opportunity to bring an item with him okay he's about to pick up an item right now right oh he says teleport okay dang I tried oh that would have been sick all right one more time [ __ ] it since I can teleport you in okay all right oh what what is that it was just a a loot bug it's okay we can go yeah well definitely definitely decent Hall yeah 739 uh is not bad for the first three moons mhm I'm worried about offense though low key that one is going to be rough especially since tele grabbing doesn't exactly work mhm if we could tell grab like a shovel in then it's not as bad anymore but yeah to rely on stop signs yeah it would be real nice if we got one mhm we full selling uh yeah besides the uh the gift boxes I guess minimum quoda be damned yeah minimum quoda finder is getting really mad at me it's like what are you doing bro this is not optimal keeps do a notification every time like I think you got the minimum already I almost want to take the keys off the ship just so they don't give us an inaccurate read well actually doesn't really matter that much we're not we're not trying to sell two quota so we're trying to oversell yeah all right well I guess now if anyone wants to try this inverse teleporter run just don't bother buying items cuz you can't even T grab them reliably no point I wonder if you tell grabbed a scrap item though if it would collect on the ship while you're holding it still I mean it it would still I think it's still worth going for that at least cuz worst case scenario you just leave and reset mhm okay so we're at about 800 right now I think yeah 8001 dang that's really good actually we're pretty pretty solid yeah and then if we can manip to get the cash registers that would be even better mhm but I don't know if we can yeah we'll just guess I think we should stand in like the corner things like I were if I were to grab this stand in the corner and open it and see what I get stand in like this corner so that way it's like consistent every time yeah you know what I yeah one's going to be the test and the second one's going to be our actual attempt to get a cash register you know that makes sense okay but if we get more gifts we'll have more test points to work with all right yeah this door just leads to the back rooms what okay unless I go this way hello I'm still using the door strategy cuz at least it gives me some direction yeah okay oh the main yeah okay well it worked this time okay so see 50% of the time it works all the time oh and there's another six a gift is really good okay but then this one just opens away from the main entrance okay which which one this one that I just went to oh no wait that's correct right that is correct yeah yeah okay whatever this is why I do challenge runs and not guides yeah I'm not built for GS all right the type engine but Austin you're you're supposed to know everything okay no but for real shout out to those guys making the guides bread bread and warps we actually learned so much even if even if we don't get it right every time yeah all right cool um well that's that's one full inventory at the front right yeah but it's tattered Metal Sheets yeah oh okay this one's a dead end over here oh CL woo magnifying glass wow okay locks door oh wait there's a key up front right oh got a yield sign that's big bunker spider on aggro oh nice uh no not not aggro okay there oh there's a thumper okay here wait you take this you'll kill [Music] okay oh the spider's in here with us now oh i' rather fight the thumper first okay he's above us which way the exit I'm just not this way this way okay oh okay oh he's at the main entrance huh no oh he's right here kind of let's go Larry this is definitely a good good inventory to bring back okay well do you want to bring the yield sign or do you want to leave it in here in case I mean if it's here then there's oh for enemies yeah yeah cuz it's only worth 20 right that one how much is that worth oh yeah it's only 20 okay you do you want me to just take this inventory back I can take the gift yeah I'll uh and take the magnifying glass I I have the magnifying glass clown horn gift and engine okay yeah well I will uh Venture forth then okay oh it's flooded too I almost forgot yeah this is a really good inventory to take back did he exit I don't think he did but Larry's way better at killing stuff so wanted him to kill the thumper I mean last time I tried killing a thumper was with Nico and we died 2v one is pretty embarrassing actually might have to uh polish up my combat actually last thing I last thing I fought was a spider I fought a spider this run and I died so I think I lost my yield sign privileges to that I yielded the yield sign to Larry who did not fumble in our time of need okay now we invers teleport back in hopefully we don't land on the spider let's go oh wow I'm right oh Jesus oh well this is this is a real this is a real uh fire exit right here and it can clip okay oh wow I think the way to tell is like the light to me looks like it's off center to the right how do you know it's a real one oh you whacked it huh well I hit it yeah oh there's two yield signs sick yeah okay off center to the right it's nice and I think the other one we saw the light that we hit the light was like smaller M sometimes there's an eye inside the light too to indicate that it's fake like a little like Circle the light ones are the ones that get me the most like I I just don't fully know those ones M but something I know I think I think one of them doesn't it say like press e to die or something like that yeah okay I don't know if it says e to die but uh it doesn't say exit yeah or whatever it normally says you want to just set that down here oh this is like the middle ground yeah sure I don't oh there's a main entrance oh okay but we should go through the exit it's safer true well I mean it's still daytime we're we're still good mhm but oh at the end huh yeah where was damn it I wasn't paying attention I was just following you uh the right wall okay wait that's not what I did oh by the lock door yeah another Thumper I got a thumper over here [Music] wait this isn't where the exit was anyway I think it was behind the locked door the fire exit or the thumper the thumper oh the fire exit is not down here right no M it's behind this door okay well as long as it's on the other side I guess we're [Music] okay yeah we hooked the right to get back to fire exit okay look at this right hugger oh oh I'm crtical now damn okay um maybe send me back with an inventory yeah but also don't die you know yeah because we have a lot I mean main entrance is back this way I'll just grab the Ted Metal Sheets and I think we go okay you want I'll wait then okay I yeah oh wait there's a coil head oh okay there's also a thumper I'm just going to go I'm just going to go with you I think it's not worth the extra tattered metal sheet no and it's already seven okay a dog under us that was good yeah I don't the co head has been kind of weird lately for me though it sounds like they get like spawned inside walls cuz I'll hear their footsteps but then they won't come to me all they haven't been seeing coil heads at all no I haven't heard their footsteps at all oh they are quiet until you see them but guess they yeah yeah I'm walking all the way around by the way onto the yeah me too I can't afford to drop I'll die what the [ __ ] do I have the wrong keybinds on again I thought I switched it oh your Crouch man yeah what all right ready yeah huh okay I guess my I guess my key is not working what whatever I guess I'll have to I'll have to do the Larry pick and Crouch run with my pinky you know someone figured it out I was actually so shocked he heard uh you talking about you know how I was a freak for press for pressing control and this guy was like I bet this I bet this [ __ ] plays Warframe or something and then he goes on to my channel and sees the warframe video and I was like dude that makes so much sense do you know how many times Warframe players have to press control it's literally like more than you have to like shoot your weapon I think like you you press control for everything like for your movement for your slide attacks and like The Meta has always been like not to like go on a crazy rant about Warframe but they they like redid the movement at one point and so even before the movement redo you would still spam Crouch because the melee meta was to spam Crouch and swing to do like a spin attack so yes I think that's where I get it from probably hell yeah that shout out to that guy for figuring that out yeah I I was actually shocked I was like oh my God it makes so much sense before we go to rent I'm I'm going to see where this cash register is supposed to be wait is there more than one okay wait there's more than one oh the cash register has a set value of 138 also there's actually one for each one so floor bottom bn/ on filing cabin second bunk third bunk and top bunk what like you would have to go inside of it and you'd have to like we could also try right here in this corner and see where that is and then make an educated guest based on this mhm oh I see what you're saying but what I don't understand oh cuz that's a y position too damn yeah cuz you can you can do one of these oh dang how are you supposed to set such a specific y coordinate I think we just send one right here and then see where that goes yeah unless the y coordinate is still like maybe the Z is going up I don't know this might be a little bit harder to do than I thought we might not be able to figure it out on this one down okay for those who are confused we're looking at a spreadsheet of all the diff there's a bunch of different coordinates and you can open a gift box on certain coordinates to get a specific item depending on the moon so on Ren you can guar there's a CH there's a possibility to guarant guarantee a cash register if you stand at the correct spot when you open the gift box so that's what we're trying to do yeah I'm just going to flash it on screen real quick yeah same wait hold on let me put a marker on my recording yeah so we're trying to land on these coordinates right here we have 10 different locations where we can get a cash register so hopefully we just hit one of them yeah hopefully we hit one we can try it in a bunch of different Corners I think the corners are just going to be the best our best bet and if anything if we hit the Corners well at least have a point of reference for next time too mhm so we'll open one in this corner and then maybe like see like oh it's a laser pointer this is a decent Corner yeah Corners that are always going to be there this one maybe one right here in the terminal and then maybe one right here in the file cabinet yeah but do we want do we want different Y coordinates though maybe one right here this could be a cool one oh this is one right here what the heck I don't even know you could do this is it consistent oh yeah H okay maybe not wait I'm kind of crazy cuz I did this oops how did how the hell did I do that oh okay you just walked I'm doing some new tech right here oh okay well okay let's open a gift right here but not right now when we go when we land on run yeah yeah yeah okay you open that one I'll open this one and then we'll open one on the locker I guess okay imagine we get the cash register that would be HP wa wait we're we're on March we're on March we're on March wait why' you get to run it's March next oh oops okay we do run first dude I got my maps mixed up oh okay oh my God walls okay metal sheet how about this one oh okay well we'll think about that later damn well okay well we're we're cheating again I mean we can save and just go back okay now we're here we're committing to this so can we'll go to March after this it's not that big a deal I don't think oh hey hello got a comedy mask and a soda can I think this might be the right way you think so yeah had a door told me this direction okay thought in a dream I'm not sure if I had a way to go oh wait no there's a door over this way that I didn't check yet I haven't had a door yet like to open so I've had no orientation mhm got the breaker right here is there any benefit to turning off the breaker on the Mansion not on this there's nothing up here okay okay well that's this is a dead end then no or yeah oh coil head straight ahead okay uh this is a dead end on this way okay are you looking yeah I'm holding them right now okay this is a dead end we have to go towards the flood okay sounds good do you have a key or no no okay uh oh is this is this the locked door right here yeah okay um this is where I spawned there's a staircase here let me check it really quick okay oh the lock door okay yeah it's behind the lock door there's two doors that you can go through okay but this is a dead end [Music] too this is also a right uh right handled door I thought it was the left handled ones that make it to the main entrance yeah that's a dead end so you are right okay and then oh uh yeah there's two Co I have two coil heads now okay uh come here that door run with me left left this way this way okay hey dead end okay Jesus uh here uh I'll move them real quick yeah I'm looking away okay okay this is a dead end room too right yes okay I'm looking yep I'm just holding this since I'm only walking anyway yeah give me a sec this opens away okay what the door on the left door's on the right so we don't want to go this way okay oh that fancy lamps was worth more um there's a big open space this way I'm trying to find a door we can use for reference uh-oh not cracker oh I'm not moving my hands off oh we're chill we're chilling you but just don't get kicked yeah I'm walking closer to the coil heads for now oh there's something else spawning in yep it's going to spawn in with me too no I got kicked Austin just got rened I think oh man no I got kicked dang you got this this will this will be a crazy clip just got to hit it now oh there's a third qu head that's what it is that's not cool man wait get it get it in the thumbnail at least there it is Jesus that sucks dude okay I'm going to funnel them all through here it's not a fourth no no no that's the third oh my God all right guys wait is that it right there that I was looking or is that a kitchen relax well the good thing is that there's no mines on this map this is a lot there can very low chance of mines on this map oh it isn't no door there oh hey finally oh no wait that it has he has to well he can at least get them stuck in here watch some tell me somehow boys come on in oh really gohe head fan [Music] club is that not just the main area okay it is let's go yes sir now you just have to get this Dismount proper yes sir wait hold on I need to do this right you guys are so annoying why did you have to do it like that he's trying to line them up so he can look at them while he opens the door does this work let's go there you go okay Giants that way damn all right okay yeah he's on the other side of the mountain hopefully he stays there too uh an underrated Tech uhoh oh underrated tech for dealing with the giant here is going in the house also now that they leave you alone but yeah that's kind of a tough Patrol route I think he's going to go one by one wow really the giant really decided to stand right in between that that's crazy yeah see lar Larry using this as a means to recoup some stamina and he should be good now only thing that'll kill him now is a sandworm or if there happens to be a mimic hiding in the ship which would be very is alive let's go let's go we're still out here let's go I'm out of here dude let's go tort his body hey let's go that's sick let's go it's still alive yes sir sick sick sick let's go let's go dude clutched up when I saw three coil heads I was like dude okay Larry you just got to make it out you got to clip regardless but it'll be so legendary if you actually just made it too I got kicked by The Nutcracker I thought the third qu head got you I'll trying to reposition myself so I can see the vent also in case it was something that like a Bracken or a coil head or anything that I needed in my vision but yeah we might actually go the distance I mean kind out of order but who cares just very slightly out of order if anything it was a hindrance to us that we went out of order so if anything we made the challenge a little bit harder okay now let's go to March we have enough to go to Dy already too as long as we don't die in the [ __ ] yeah if we don't die all right we have four or three fire exits so all right let's see oh hello Oho again okay I got a locked door according to the door Strat oh wait there's fire there's there's one here yeah um this one is real I'm pretty certain yeah okay wa we don't have to test that theory just yet yeah no point cuz then we'd have to go all the way back to the ship mhm I just don't like how it has the bar going through it but but the last one had a bar going oh you're right it did huh yeah okay playing with the mimics mod makes you really observant of what fire exit should and shouldn't be or should and shouldn't look like oh there's a key right here perfect yes there's a locked door with an open with a door opening towards it back there but we can keep looking first I got another s and a key this a dead end right I can't yeah I think that's a dead end I got the key though oh another oh that's a fake one it's I think the the sign looks small the the light I [Music] mean damn that one looks real to me really yeah maybe it is our odds are pretty good of getting a real getting a real one you know yeah okay yeah it's about as expected time there's like an okay every time there's like an elbow like that there's like a really high chance it's a dead end mhm yeah open this one maybe uh that looks like a dead end too that one yeah not compared to the other one no but I dropped the bottles right in front of it that's annoying okay I got it uh yeah there there's a locked door somewhere around here back where I spawn also oh be typ was it down here I think it was down here oh oh yeah [Music] okay nothing there nothing over there okay this one yeah is it this yeah loot room nice well this is opening away from where we need to go but still oh it is yeah oh damn you're right it could be wrong there's a chance yeah 50/50 mhm it could lead us to a correct fire exit ooh a stop sign okay that's huge oh nice so we can test the stops or the the ones that we've encountered whoa why was it so dark another dead end too oh no oh this is real oh and a clown horn and a robot I think I might just secure these hey Larry Larry I got a real fire exit over here what I got a real fire exit over here with the clown horn and a robot okay I I can bring a full inventory back yeah go that way the one with the clown horn and robot's real got it I'll be back sir all right got some normal C going on here do I risk going in here there's usually nothing under here whatever we're committed we're already here let's see what we can see as a result if anything oh okay there's actually quite a bit under here it's probably where I'm going to get the apparatus maybe if I had to guess the map's like putting the apparatus back here sometimes likees being funny like that get some keys might as well something spawning in with me not sure what it's going to be a Bracken watch what oh hello hey there's a spider here I heard it oh oh Jesus I almost died Bracken oh Bracken okay oh that scared me oh the spider aggroed on me for some reason you got it nice oh I got bit yikes a that's okay there's a bracket now okay I thought so we're at like we're kind of deep in the loot room area isn't this the main entrance yeah this is the main entrance oh what okay sick let's just not get Bracken now yeah K I have a stop sign and two keys locker room here nice another stop sign nice if only I watched the how to kill a Bracken video I have but damn I'm not good at it I'm guessing you just hit him once and then start sprinting backwards you can like circle around him a little bit but it's like in an oval shape L shaped I just saw it's actually pretty cool cuz you can kind of you can force a Bracken to come from One Direction which is kind of nice okay I'll have to watch the video before it's it yeah you also have to you only have to hit him three times too yeah okay we should get one more item for me at least to have a full inventory yeah how many items do you have I only have the stop sign I have two keys but that's not really anything okay so we got four items now but whatever have someone with a stop sign yeah 110 it's only like 130 oh God hello okay I just scared the Bracken any everything's this way huh yeah I don't know how long we should stay here I think I think we're good huh we can we can afford to go to Dy already yeah a th also we yeah we got the main entrance too damn okay yeah that's at least I think that's a 300 you think so I mean two clown horns a robot stop sign three stop sign oh wait oh that's right I forgot you did a you did a second trip I forgot okay yeah we're we're a lot more chill than I thought yeah we're chilling totally forgot that this was your second trip already mhm also we should stop bringing keys back to the ship these are definitely throwing off our numbers a little bit I mean there's no point anything yeah okay we just leave then yeah okay so that puts us at a th000 oh yeah and then we'll get overtime too oh damn okay yeah we're we're we're a lot more chilled than I thought 379 is pretty good yeah that's pretty damn good I don't know if we oversell though why is that just ju uh so we can make the last quarter but do we make enough to go to Titan cuz we need we need enough to go to D first this would guarantee that we have enough to go to Titan so long as we don't die and then the second second qua should or the third qua shouldn't be that high anyway yeah it's true we would just have to survive Titan though yeah let's land on here and then let's do some math okay 787 + 231 is uh8 so yeah we would be a little bit short of going to Titan so we should just s we should just sell yeah we should just sell everything cuz then we would have to if we if we held on the stuff in case we died on D then we would still have to sell it 50% so it's no different from dying on Dy 11:32 dang we actually have to make stuff on dine and so wait do we right no no oh because we're going to get the overtime bonus we could literally skip D if we needed to but we're not skiing yeah not this time oh wow we do have enough bonus yeah yeah we have enough for Dy and Titan that's kind of wild Let's uh let me see how much scrap we need to complete this quota 375 divid 77 488 488 okay yeah we definitely don't skip done we yeah we have to get it done just be on your a game that's all cuz this is this might be rough no we need we need to sell a little bit cuz we're at 647 we need to sell a little bit to get to Titan oh yeah how did we both get that math wrong 1247 that's clearly not enough for 600 700 it's ye oh right okay I was thinking 1,200 in my mind me too is what we needed same okay a game regardless even more aame all righty let's do it oh my God it almost killed me are you serious hello it almost spawned me on top of a mine bro huh it spawned me on top of a mine basically I was talking I'm grateful that I didn't SP uhoh oh hey but I got a crazy inventory though I just got to live imagine imagine if I died there Jesus that would have been a joke oh I got the main entrance I got the entrance over here Larry main entrance Larry main entrance over here oh h no I'm just securing this and then helping the boy out the brass bell even oh but there's a turret I'm securing this this is a really good inventory that brass bell might have been better but I think I might just have to rely on Larry getting back and maybe I can help him with the turrets and stuff too wow okay so the door Strat for sure works on the mansion that's how I was able to find the main entrance so consistently too I can't believe I was able to outrun that turret too though so many mines and turrets compared to to Rand did not like to see that I wasn't even in there for that long and I saw like three turrets and five or six landmines like that's [Music] ridiculous okay I might just stay here and help him get out I know that there's some some crazy turret action going on and as long as we don't die like that was pretty that's a pretty good inventory and then we can most likely get a similar inventory on Titan makes it back with a full inventory then we're really really good let me make sure okay no we don't I was going to try to protect myself from um I'm going to show him that we're here lots of Mines okay I think this is no this isn't where I was at he's currently left hugging the wall as well man he must have been in like a much deeper part of the Mansion than me also the door is opening that way too that's kind of troll oh but there's there it is oh wait no that's where I was wonder if he's just not checking there because it's because of the turret or if it doesn't connect let's see okay that that's just a mine perfect if he he just needs to go in there yes perfect perfect cuz this is where I was at that's where I spawned in and he should see the doors that door's open what's that enemy oh he's out let's go oh that's huge got 284 on the ship yeah and then we're just safe now I'm sure he has like a crazy inventory cuz he had so many choices there's no way his inventory is not nuts and I don't even think we have to risk it I think we're good I think we just go to Titan we do have to sell one of these items to go there but n let's go I'm I'm so glad you stayed I I wouldn't have been against it if you went in I understand for the content but at the same time we could just we're going to beat it yeah beating it better content than than me going back in there here dude I brought almost 300 on my inventory I'm like dude if Larry brings even anything similar to that then we're chilling dude the lamp I okay I had a gift box I saw your brass bell next to the mine um the if you went out the main entrance uh the gift box was or no yeah the gift box I opened it it was a lamp worth 150 and then I had an air horn a clown horn and a magnifying glass dude that that brass bell wasn't even what I brought back that was just there it was just there yeah that's crazy dude I kept thinking I was going the wrong way the doors were opening towards towards dead ends right no no no the doors were like it were they were going out towards the main entrance I thought I was going the wrong way I was like scw I'll just go deeper where the Mansion was uh I do the left handle right handle thing so if the if the handle's on the left then that means it's towards the main entrance and if it's on the right it means it's deeper into the Manion yeah cuz that that's like and that one's very consistent okay then I was then I was following the trend correctly yeah that cuz that one I for that's how I found it so fast got I went through like three doors I'm like dude I've got the main entrance already I like oh I'm good let let me just go back and handle turrets for Larry cuz I already I saw like three turrets it's on my way there and I wasn't even in there for that long dude that was huge actually so thank you for doing that got you people don't get to see me on the terminal all that often so I'm like let me get some terminal content terminal content all right uh we go to the company building to sell one dude we could technically land leave and um and make it but we obviously we're obviously going in at least once we got to we got to like we can we can say like we get the honorary dub cuz we could we could just like we could just land leave but I don't really want to I feel like we have to go in yeah we have to go in but just know that we could have that doesn't mean we will die yeah okay we got to sell 106 right cuz it's buying at 50% oh 53% hold on so 53 divid .53 we only need to sell 100 exactly 4556 is pretty close that's 101 yeah that's good 475 in the ship okay wait so we actually do have to go in huh okay yeah we do right oh wait no but we're going to be selling stuff right here too let's see what the actual number is here 5 so 375 - 53 ided 77 yeah we only need 418 okay yeah um then I'm I'm putting that we won in the title for sure we did like if we wanted to win we would just land and leave and do quota but that but yeah this is we'll we'll consider this our Victory lap cuz going to Titan with this inverse teleporter would be sick mhm okay as long now the go we don't even pick anything up we just try to make it out Titan has no weather also so everything is going for us here all righty let's see let's go no way I got an apparatus clip Oh I thought oh that would have been so sick if I got one okay now we just leave locked door damn it hello laser pointer I'm going pick this up at least give me a little bit of light nothing here that would have been so hype if I got an apparatus clip but I might actually just be stuck yo soft lock to oh no oh balls okay no Larry I'm soft Larry I need help no way I'm locked behind the door I wonder if taking the apparatus would help him at all oh it's all up to you brother I'm going to keep looking for a key at least cuz maybe I missed something don't want to lose because I didn't look hard enough there's no other clip that I can do that I know of I could just die and watch him instead there's a land mine here but in case any enemies decide to aggro on me instead I'll stay alive but I don't even I don't know if there's any vents for them to spawn in from okay I'm going to take this I'm going to put it by the door this might help him maybe cuz what if he's stuck too it might have unstuck him well the fate of our run is in Larry's hands so if you want to go see how this ends go check out Larry's Point of View while I try to go figure out another clip real play is to stand over here and wait for Larry to come save [Applause] me oh there's battery life on this oh he collected something all right I'm going to spin let's go let's go I found a fire exit and I gambled cuz there was a thumper I dude I was I was soft locked behind the locked door so I couldn't it was all up to you anyway okay well well that rubber ducky is good enough so I think that's it right yes sir let's get out of here let's hope our math isn't wrong no way there's no way the rubber ducky look at look at how much it's worth this is going to be the difference let's not even that's that's that's the victory ducky but the heck you stay with us insane dude four out of 1405 you have never seen that amount ever collected on Titan on Titan yeah that's hilarious you have never heard someone say good enough with four yeah I think I'm I think I'm good if they want more they're going to have to pay me any more they're going to have to subscribe to shirt 113 on YouTube let's go let's go all right let's pray n we're good but then again we've said that so many times so we see let's go let's go okay we have a we have a predicament though if we sell the ducky we hit 420 no no don't s all right Victory lap on Titan we can't even afford to go back oh wa wait do we have to buy it again yeah we'd have to buy it again yeah dang all right Victory lap on whatever we can afford I guess okay the free moons uh offense offense okay fair enough I'm down wa wait why did it go to the next quota because we met it oh just because you meet it yep it automatically puts you in oh wow I don't know that I thought we had like an extra day in theot oh I get roasted every day for that on my Titan only video cuz I sold on day two thinking go like oh no I'm going to get roasted for this no well do you still want to do the Victory lap or do you just want to call it there since we I still want to what do you still want to do the Victory lap or do you want to call it there oh yeah okay cool let's do it I I don't change nothing all right oh damn it okay let's go apparatus room again do I get the clip this time no this is much like the last time also I think something spawned in with me too let's just try to get to the oh wait there's main entrance right there what the oh no that might not be the main entrance I think this is a loot room locked locked you're locked uh I don't think so on okay I have to go through Steam I see oh I have a locked door towards you so I'm going to go try to find a key oh what the Yeah I'm locked okay I'll go try to find a key new Mission save Larry all right let's find Larry a key wait am I soft locked also no way hello hey I might be locked also but we'll see okay it's not fully confirmed that I'm locked yet cuz I think I have some other ways to go so wait no I'm locked also that's hilarious okay well at least grab this see if that changes anything for him yeah I didn't clip okay yeah I'm I'm locked also so did that help you at all huh did did taking the apparatus help you at all no okay then we then we're then we loot we're suck this is it this is the end of the video all right well well GG yeah GG first try just kidding yeah right yeah all right well that's it for the inverse teleporter run you want more from me and Larry well then just subscribe to both of our channels because we'll be putting up more stuff but yeah yes sir any last words um oops wrong one
Channel: Sheff Austin
Views: 29,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tJ3G_wA334w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 32sec (6032 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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