Let’s Find Out! | Tim Sheets

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this past week must be defined it must be answered with god's truth demonic visuals or demonic messaging it must be forbidden but it also must be resisted and you do that with truth our minds need cleanse from demon imaging and from demonic messaging and it needs to be set on the word of god we must discern our times what does this past week tell us thomas aquinas 13th century famous italian priest philosopher theologian and writer makes this statement he who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral why because anger looks to the good of justice and if you can live amid injustice without anger you are immoral as well as the unjust you can be angry and you can sin not anger at injustice is righteous anger it is not loving to wink at injustice it is loving to resist it we are in a war for this nation it is not a natural war that we fight with guns and knives or violence no certainly don't want that ours is a call to spiritual warfare it's a call to cultural and ideological battles it's it's a war against government tyranny and societal tyranny it's a call to speak truth to power abusive power lying power the eclipse the ecclesiast call or that is the real church's call is is a call to stand and raise our voice and make a sold out stand against evil our call is to make a it's to with dogged determination use weapons that god has given to us that are mighty through him to pulling down of strongholds our call is to rise partnering with with our god to stop corruption as heroes of our faith have shown us down through centuries time after time with great courage and as some of our parents or grandparents or great-grandparents showed us there is a stand there is a time when you stand against injustice and you change things last monday evening when the news broke that the federal bureau of fake investigations raided president trump's home a shameful act of bullying never done before i couldn't help but think of some things the lord said to us just the day before on sunday morning here last sunday morning that those in authority in government departments were going to begin to start to panic they're going to start doing some crazy things and expose their motives even further in sheer desperation we saw they're going to start lashing out but it will result in revealing more of their own wickedness it will result in exposing evil and though they are too desert deceived to know it their dictatorship type actions their communistic tactics of being bouncers for demon thinking leaders the gestapo for ideological fools has just been exposed further they are trying to cover up their actions their fraud their lies as though they can somehow compete against god who has promised i will pull the covers off of you i will bury your plans i will write with my own finger vanquished as jesus said in matthew 15 and verse 14 concerning arrogant authority among pharisees in other words among self-righteous bigots they are blind but if the blind lead the blind both fall in the ditch there are arrogant self-righteous bigots that are going to lead other blind self-righteous bigots right into the ditch and it doesn't matter whether or not they believe it what matters is jesus said it when fools lead fools wrecks happen a wreck is going to happen they're too blind to see they have just tipped a domino and it will be tipped against the next one and so on the serpent's head is coming off when i heard about the raid on president trump's home immediately a passage of scripture came to mind concerning ahab and his wife jezebel and their confrontation with a prophet of the lord named elijah i want to read a part of that today elijah and king ahab met on a road out in the countryside i'll read it from the message bible first kings 18 and 17 it will be up here the moment ahab saw elijah he said so it's you old troublemaker it's not i who has caused trouble in israel said elijah but you and your government you've dumped god's ways and commands to run off after the local gods the baals we've been hearing a lot about bail in government here's what i want you to do assemble everyone in israel at mount carmel and make sure that the special pets of jezebel the 450 prophets of the local gods the baals and the 400 prophets of the goddess asherahs are there so they have summoned everyone in israel particularly the prophets to mount carmel elijah channel challenge the people how long are you going to sit on the fence i feel like shouting that really loud how long if god is the real god follow him if if baal if it's baal follow him make up your minds nobody said a word nobody made a move then elijah said let the baal prophets bring up two oxen let them pick one butcher it and lay it out on an altar on firewood but don't ignite it i'll take the other ox cut it up lay it on the on the wood but neither will i light the fire then you pray to your gods and i'll pray to my god the god who answers with fire will prove to be god he will be he will prove to be in fact god all the people agreed good plan let's do it elijah told the prophet the baal prophets choose your ox and prepare it you go first you're the majority then pray to your god but don't light the fire so they took the ox he had given them prepared it for the altar and then prayed to baal they prayed all morning long oh baal answer us but nothing happened not so much as a whisper of a of a breeze the bail followers today are going to find the same thing they don't have answers desperate they jumped up and stomped on on the altar that they had made by noon elijah started making fun of them taunting call a little louder he is god after all maybe he's deaf maybe he's off meditating somewhere or other or maybe he's gotten involved in a project or maybe he's on vacation you don't suppose he's overslept do you and it needs to be waked up they prayed louder and louder cutting themselves with swords and knives a ritual common to them until they were covered with blood this went on until well past noon they used every religious trick and strategy they knew time out you mean bail followers would would use tricky strategies there's a precedent to make something happen on the altar but nothing happened not so much as a whisper not a flicker of a response then elijah told the people enough of that it's my turn i feel that i feel as the ecclesiaster it's our turn gather around and they gathered and then put the altar back together for by now it was in ruins elijah took 12 stones one for each of the tribes of jacob the same jacob to whom god had said from now on your name is israel and of course the number 12 in scripture always references or refers to government so notice that he built god's government altar that's what it's literally saying he rebuilt the government altar of god i feel like that's what to be ecclesias been doing for years now we've been building the altar of god's government again he built the stones into the altar in honor of god then elijah dug a fairly wide trench around the altar he laid firewood on the altar cut up the ox put it on the wood and said fill four buckets with water and drench both the ox and the firewood then he said do it again and they did then he said well do it a third time and they did it the third time the altar was drenched and the trench was filled with water when it was time for the sacrifice to be offered elijah the prophet came up and prayed o god god of abraham isaac and israel make it known right now that you are god in israel that i am your servant and that i'm doing what i am doing under your orders answer me o god answer me and reveal to this people that you are god i don't feel that's very far off it's about to happen again the true god and that you are giving these people another chance to repent notice that god dealing with authority of baal the baal government was about giving the people a chance to repent interesting immediately the fire of god fell and burned up the offering the wood the stones the dirt and even the water in the trench all the people saw it happen and fell on their face in old worship exclaiming god is the true god yahweh is the true god elijah told them then grab the baal prophets don't let one of them get away they grabbed them elijah had them taken down to the book keshon and they massacred the lot it was over enough was enough the bail workers supporting jezebel government were taken out so we see that god has cleaned governments of baal's influence before as we saw last week i believe he's going to do it again there's a remnant remember the song i'll spare you today but remember the song god will do it again and again he's the same god today as he always have been yesterday today now forever he's always the same there's no reason to doubt god will do it again the next day after that that raid on trump's home and please 30 people showing it up at your house early morning with ar-15s unannounced is not a visit it's a raid fake news has that wrong a national prophet called me who had heard my message last sunday morning and he said i want to give you a confirmation to daniel chapter 5 the part where belshazzar was desecrating god's things and a thousand of his authorities his noblemen those in department heads around him were also desecrating the things of the lord and suddenly god's hand appeared and wrote on the wall god was saying that's enough that's enough and of course we prophesied last week that's enough to those in our nation desecrating god's ways but he said i've had several dreams the last few months and in most of them the same angel appears in the dream he said the angel identified himself in the dream as the one who guards the justice gate he said this angel has a purple glow or radiance about them well of course that was significant to me because i've seen those angels many many times most of the time when i see them they are wearing a purple sash but i've seen them all so many times with a purple type radiance or hue around them purple is defining because it's also a government it refers to governments and government color remember kings wear purple and fine linen it's a government color actually remember last week belshazzar said to daniel interpret this and i'll put a purple robe on you and you can be third in command you can be in government daniel didn't take the bait he said you can keep it but holy spirit taught me many years ago that these angels are government angels it's one of the first divisions of angel armies he ever showed me they helped christ's kingdom government on the earth and they help assist the ecclesiast governmental type decrees they help them come to pass there's a there's been at least one of these government angels in every service we have had here this year that changed a little bit last week something was added i'll talk about that next week but i have no doubt they are present to hear and help execute an assignment on the earth it's one of the reasons angels attend ecclesias their meetings or prayer meetings remember psalms 103 verse 20 angels hearken to they respond to they act on the words of god the ecclesia or we the heirs decree or they act on prayers prayed that are aligned with god's word or his will my prophet friend said this angel had a purple hue or radiance about him and a couple of weeks ago which would have been before daniel 5 last sunday morning he said this angel guarding the justice gate came to me in a dream and this time the angel gave him a message from almighty god saying god says or the mighty one says to those in authority or that are defying him or god yahweh says the angel said yahweh says enough is enough proclaiming to the earth realm enough is enough or that's enough that's exactly what i felt last monday when the breaking news came they are trying to influence a third straight election and i do believe that you can't trust christians you can't trust the walmart shoppers you can't you can't trust the flyover states we must control the election and i felt that righteous indignation rise that's enough that's enough and i couldn't help but think of the the decrees that we spoke last sunday morning the day before or the day after this happened abuse your power go ahead and abuse it some more abuse and expose the two-tiered justice system but i decree what god decrees i said it yesterday morning i'll say it again tonight and i'm going to keep saying it your day of reckoning is at hand the hand of god is going to interrupt your party you've got to go your desecration of laws and statutes against god's word will not stand unopposed we will oppose it go ahead and think you can compete with god go ahead and challenge this remnant with jezebel government your hand of besmirchment that is very arrogant and godless go ahead and show it but the remnant is going to engage and with god's help we're going to win an avalanche is coming files are about to be opened you're going to be replaced you will be exposed and the king is going to stomp the head of leviathan slithering through government departments slithering through government buildings slithering through the authority offices of some who are posing god your days are numbered they're numbered dominoes will fall enough's enough there's a kingdom that is amping up like i've never seen the kingdom of god is amping up like i've never seen before and this country so that christ's purpose on the earth can be accomplished is going to be reborn yes it fell but it's going to rise it's going to reconnect the covenant roots this past wednesday afternoon as i was preparing and praying into all of this i heard holy spirit or heard the lord say this the ecclesia must partner with holy spirit allowing him to lead in an aggressive battle plan that ends in great deliverance great reversals and great victories to begin the discipling of the nations of course that's matthew 29 and verse 19. we are told to go disciple nations not just people we must embrace that assignment and we must do it now because in many ways our nation and our way of life depends on us embracing that in that assignment clearly doctrines of demons are now prevalent in our land anti-christ culture is now being actively promoted christians are being persecuted christian values are being vilified the church is described by some politicians mayors governors congressmen or women senators as as non-essential some have even called us terrorists far right wing nationalists you're starting to hear that a lot a lot far right wing nationalists that must be censored we have been called by many in the news media and even government leaders we have been called threats to democracy no we are we are patriots we are patriots who are a threat to lunacy [Applause] we are a threat to insanity the war against christ's kingdom and its ecclesia is real and it's intensifying but but we're not without hope we are not without strength far from it we have everything that we need to prevail we we have everything we need to overcome we have everything we need to turn this nation in our world around and i believe that the glorious ecclesia is rising just as god's word says it will to do exactly that but obviously to do that we've got to do it god's way we must follow the the patterns of scripture we must follow the words the principles of new testament christianity because sadly as we have seen over and over again nominal which means in name only nominal church nominal pablum shallow humanistic so-called christianity promoted by scared leaders will not work it is in fact part of the problem where in the book does it say we're to run from our adversaries give me one scripture where in the book does it say we are to be silent give me one scripture where does it say we're to compromise where in the book does it say we must bow our knees to anyone except our great god where in the book are we told to fear and cowered down to the challenge of our faith never one time ecclesia by definition is a raising of the voice by definition it's a visible stand without a compromise by definition it's strong in the lord and in the power of his might by definition it rises up in faith to bring clarity and proper definition into culture not blend in with it certainly not agree with it we're being challenged by an in-your-face attack of hell to be real christians rather than religious pacifists who are trembling in fear from loud mouth devils we are being challenged to courageously and boldly stand for what we believe there's a remnant that has heard the defiance long enough there's there's a gideon's 300 that say we're going to go get it back they've heard good called evil long enough they've called evil called good long enough there's a remnant that is willing to rise up and do it god's way there's there's a remnant who are hearing words like moses declared who's on the lord's side there's a remnant agreeing with words like elijah decreed we're not submitting to baal we will not bow we will let the god who answers by fire be god there's a remnant that are hearing the apostles and the prophets declaring behold their threatenings and grant that boldness would be upon us to speak the name of jesus and the words that jesus gives to us and give us signs and wonders there's a rising remnant a true ecclesia that is not going to halt between two opinions if baal's god then serve him if jehovah's god then serve him i mean let's find out let's find out let's find out who the real god is let's find out if he is a figment of our imagination or not jesus said hell's government will not prevail let's find out if he's big enough to back that up i mean i'm okay with it i'm confident that he can but let's find out god says i i will watch over my word to perform it he either will or he won't let's find out let's see if he's got what it takes to perform what he said i'm fine with that let's do it let's find out if hell can beat our god let's find out if if lucifer is smarter than almighty god let's find out if if christ always causes us to triumph or not i'm supremely confident that he can but i'm okay with finding out let's find out if the name of jesus is greater than any other name let's find out let's answer the challenge of the reprobate cherub and his kingdom let's find out if the name of our king is greater than anything they can name let's find out if there's still power in the name of jesus i'm not of doubtful mind i believe it but i'm okay with finding out let's find out if there is power in the blood of the lamb or not let's let's find out if there's wonder working power in the blood of the land let's find out if the cross gives awesome deliverance spirit soul and body let's find out if hell's fallen angels are more powerful than ours let's find out let's find out if lucifer is more powerful than michael or gabriel let's find out i mean who's on the lord's side in this nation we might as well find out who's on the lord's side in our world let's find out are we heirs of god and joint heirs of christ or not whose side are you on time to settle that it's time to settle the question once and for all am i a christian in name only or am i a real one am i a religious compromiser or a real believer am i a humanist am i a pacifist am i a socialist am i a communist am i a fascist am i a hireling shepherd or one empowered by the holy ghost to be a watchman on this planet am i a pervert who wants to teach children other option or orientation concerning their sex am i a murderer who wants to kill babies and give blood to baal or am i a christian who stands for what god says i mean let's find out i'm a christian am i a christian who stands for the codes of god and his conduct on the earth am i one who stands for his ways one who stands for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just in the kingdom of god but also in america whose side are you on let's find out is christianity essential or not what say ye it's time to settle some things this is a great moment this is a great moment it's time to settle some things it's time to choose this day who you serve elijah didn't back down though completely outnumbered he heard from god he made his stand and god showed up we most certainly must hear what holy spirit is saying to the church right now we must discern our times we cannot back down the lord told us several weeks ago that we are in a war season and we will be in that war season especially through the mid-term elections and he said to us an agitated spirit realm will stir violence in the natural and the spiritual realms in other words the followers of baal are going to increase their actions seeking to protect their power seeking to protect their rule seeking to intimidate seeking to scare and silence those who resist them in any way seeking to muzzle dissenting voices again this was clearly seen last monday when the federal bureau of injustice the department of injustice invaded the residence of president trump it was the police state of political tyranny firing a shot across the bow you better back down you better back off and as has been said many times this week if you've been paying attention if they can do that shameful disgusting act against a former president what can they do to common ordinary people for sure we better stop it now it was designed to intimidate it was designed to silence and once again it was done to influence an election the third one in a row it comes on the heels of an announcement of the hiring of 87 000 irs agents who are these agents going to target well we already know some you know they they say they won't do this but remember on remember the the scripture says only fools trust liars you see that's heart harsh no that's true the irs has been weaponized to threaten in silence before during the obama biden regime remember they threatened christians and they took their ability to do business away from them locked even some of them up who knew mom and pop bakeries were terrorists churches were audited conservative voices five-fold ministries found the agents on their doorsteps those who believe in freedom the tea party members they were harassed by the irs by the thousands we see right before our eyes third world dictatorship type demon government it attempts to use fear to hold on to power clearly intimidation and fear are being seen in front of our eyes now i want to read you part of a prophetic word through chuck pierce at a conference 10 years ago that he gave right here in this pulpit admittedly i even when he said it i said oh come on chuck you know i don't see how in the world this could ever be but i prayed into it i don't know how many times i've read it and prayed about it many many times i've pondered it just had to keep putting it on the shelf made no sense to me that's why you've got to go back over prophetic words you've got to read it again it makes no sense well put it on the shelf and then go read it again pray over it again keep doing it keep doing it that's the way that's the way this one was for me for 10 years have made a lick of sense to me and then suddenly in a day it all made sense it connected to its moment i saw no way this is a part of my assignment or this church's this ecclesiastic assignment for years prophet chuck pierce the the lord would say the wind has shifted tonight in middletown ohio this is 10 years ago may 10 years ago in the midst of this nation there is a movement of wind in the tops of the mulberry bushes the trees are beginning to speak now at middletown the lord is saying i am coming to release and to relieve you of the burden you've been carrying and ten years ago we were carrying a big one it was tough i say as the wind blows my people will come from behind and overtake the enemy who has captured the last 10 decades of this nation i say go back 10 decades from this place in this nation and you will see how the enemy captured plans that i ordained to happen i say where my people were held captives or captive one way to be ruled i say you are coming out from under that captivity now listen close i say hear the sound that is coming in a revolt that will change the tax structure of this nation says the lord for i say the tax structure of this nation will now attempt to raise its head to rule in an unlawful way and just as i caused king hezek uzziah to die when he raised his head i will destroy that that tries to rule my church in days ahead wow we must engage standing for what god says why so god can destroy what raises its head the prophecy says to control us some kind of movement a a tax revolt of some sort is coming to reverse evil structures the ecclesia obviously is called to forbid this structure we must stand against it we gotta vote against it we've got to fight it we've got to raise our voice as god changes controlling structures in the nation we've got to be engaged so god can change evil structures i mean this is incredible god is announcing you can win make your stand i'll remove controlling strategies when hear it hear it when the evil strategy is implemented make your stand say no fight it with your spiritual weapons prayer faith decrees worship warfare and i will change the structure meant to control you wow you can't make this up you say well that took 10 years well abraham's promise took 24. clearly evil is now raising its head it's being implemented through the weaponizing of federal departments they are they are the tactics of desperate panic filled positions of authority who see the handwriting on the wall what they don't understand is christ jesus has not been building a nursery he hasn't been building a church that is intimidated by fools he's been building a church that will prevail against authorities of hell no we won't be silent we believe our god is going to do what he said he's going to do we believe your days are numbered no weapon you form against us can prosper this is going to blow up in your face this will backfire in historic proportions you just tipped a domino and there's going they're going to keep falling you're going to lose your powers you're going to be replaced the avalanche is coming we will not be intimidated in fact the opposite is going to happen the ecclesia decrees in the name of king jesus your treacherous strategies will backfire we declare backfire backfire backfire the kingdom of god declares backfire i'm hearing it all over this country from apostles to prophets their networks intercessors saints backfire misfire u-turns boomerangs battering ram angels are knocking the props of baal out from under you ecclesia response teams will look you in the eye not with with both the eye of the tiger and the eye of the lion of the tribe of judah king jesus who promised you can't have this nation you can't have it you can't have it the king said you can't have it it's my nation you're finished you will not affect this election controlling abusive strategies will be removed and your power will be given to others the ecclesias of king jesus all over this nation and world are are now rising to be who he defined them to be we're scared of our own shadows we we don't fear demons we don't fear feckless government no he told us i'm putting steel in the backbone of my ecclesia it's time for the world to see that backbone jesus defined his church as a voting body don't hear that much it's one of the things or the definitions of ecclesia it's one of its very meanings we have to show up and we have to vote some say well my you know my little old vote doesn't mean anything stop thinking like devils that's the way they think by using the word ecclesia to define his church jesus shows the importance of each believer's vote it's actually a part of their calling he defines it very clearly your vote it's a statement of your faith it prophesies what what you believe don't vote your faith is passive it reveals your character and your ideology it puts you in agreement with other like-minded people which enables that group to have what they agree on matthew 18 19 says it's a part of a corporate agreement that god honors it reveals the focus of of your life are you willing to be involved or not it's a calling of jesus to his heirs vote vote for the principles of my kingdom vote against anything that is against my kingdom it is also an obedience test do you believe do you believe what jesus said or not actually that should be number one it doesn't matter the rest of them doesn't really matter if he said do it that ought to be good enough do it it's time to do it we must vote in numbers never seen before and we must vote to replace evil leaders we cannot be intimidated no the real church must make it stand leading others following behind us or maybe even with us it's time to boldly show who's on the lord's side i believe this is our moment to show whose side we're on and it is the moment when god shows up with fire amen we are going to make the same decrees that we made at the end of last sunday morning why because it needs to be restated again in the face of demonic messaging in jesus name break the darkness lord break the darkness break it send the light send the light bring the supernatural light break diabolical structures we're not fair-weather christians we will stand with you we agree this is your nation it's yours god it's yours it's yours it's yours it's yours change change it the supernatural power of god rise in this nation rise up through your leaders lord of the bold and eclisse unintimidated grant boldness fill this house with boldness [Music] though this ecclesia was boneless to say what you said gives boldness to never compromise [Music] you are god answer with fire [Music] show us who the real god is may be seen in front of the entire world who the real god is [Music] days are numbered [Music] let righteous rulers rise [Music] shut the mouths of the prophets of baal shut them down we believe your word we believe hallelujah [Music] i want to make the decrees that we made last week you probably have downloaded them or you can they're online but there's something about those words going forth at some point i'm going to dc and i'm going to stand and i'm going to make this decree when god tells me i'll do it but there's something about it because see when you say things it starts to resonate in your heart and it activates your faith [Music] in other words we're going to say the same thing we said last sunday even though the shenanigans have been pulled in between the times our faith is consistent amen put them up if you would as i go along [Music] in the name of king jesus [Music] day of reckoning come we decree those who have desecrated our covenants with god must go [Music] we decree those who call evil good or good evil you must go you can't rule over us those who compete with god disregarding his words saying their ways are better you must go in jesus name you will utterly and completely fail you will be replaced [Music] those who desecrate what is holy what is sacred you must go [Music] those who distort the identity of who god is you must go we forbid your rule over us you will be replaced we decree those who have polluted the nation with baal's doctrines be anathema become detested and replaced we decree those weighed on god's scales and found wanting you must go the kingdom of heaven is against you the angels of heaven are against you we forbid you to do business among us your influence will evaporate from you we decree that what was stolen from god's house and god's people must be returned and those who stole it cannot lead us we decree anyone who god says doesn't measure up must go we forbid your rule we decree god will snatch power from baal leaders and give it to whom he chooses we decree those who toasted bail in departments and systems all over this nation will now see the writing on the wall enough enough enough the hand of god will now interrupt your party we decree babbling confusion and panic is going is coming to bail sleeves we decree dominoes will fall files will be found and opened exposing evil and avalanche christ himself starts is coming knees are about to knock as their wickedness is exposed we decree america will reconnect to its covenant roots they will produce righteousness that exalts a nation again we decree america [Music] hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 69,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, prophetic summit, angels and decrees, prophetic word, pray for america, the hub, oc, oasis, apostle tim sheets, prayer and decrees, prophetic words
Id: jUkzWvUxIoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 27sec (3267 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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