Let’s Build a Cottagecore Home - Sims 3

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hey everyone welcome back to my cozy penguin Channel where we always play Sims 3 or building it or something something Sims 3 you can expect it um I'm Nessie penguin and we're in the beautiful countryside town of Riverview it's one of my favorites it's actually free to download so if you haven't got this world in your game it's well worth it it's very very beautiful with all the fields and it definitely gives you sort of a farming Community Vibe but I absolutely love this um and today I'm actually making a cottage because funnily enough it's just as soon as we get into sort of the Autumn season or even the spring season like for both of them it really hits me I just love Cottage core um and cottage core obviously it's like a sort of love for everything really cutesy cottagey kind of a little bit rustic um a little bit I don't know sort of people would think of fairies and all of that stuff um but I just like the thought of someone living kind of a a more simple life like and then they've got clutter as well because they've just accumulated things like maybe people go to car boots or they've got things from them like you know heirlooms and stuff but basically Cottage core is quite maximalist there isn't really stuff in cupboards and if there is the cupboards are full like everything's kind of on display you've got pots and pans everywhere and yeah I just think it's so cute such a cozy house so right now I'm just making a kind of Dormer so um no Sims are actually going to go into this level of the house it's purely just to look like a really kind of simple extra level on top with a window that kind of thing like I to heightened ceiling but it was just a little bit too high so what I did was the um constrain floor elevation sheet and if you go back a little bit and pause it you'll be able to see the cheat on screen um and it basically just means that you can kind of re-level the house it's a little bit fiddly with stairs and then sometimes when you sort of um edit the walls it can go a little bit Haywire but um usually you can figure it out after a little bit of testing and then I always go back in and turn that sheet off just because any of the changes you make you don't necessarily want that much freedom in the leveling so it can also mess up like you know the rest of the build so I've decided not to keep it on and I only really wanted to do it for this little thing and so this window was super cute it was actually I think from The Sims resource because I don't believe any any of the actual normal windows that come with even the expansion packs for Sims 3 or the base game and would technically fit well in that spot so um I will be using some CC throughout um actually probably a lot of CC I think so just uh bear with me on that because I think it's kind of necessary sometimes when you want to achieve a certain look obviously you know for just playing a game um and all of that stuff it isn't necessary at all but if you just like me just really want to get a really specific look happening and I find it can help so yeah there will be quite a bit of CC in this build but what I have done um is I have uploaded this creation to The Sims 3 website so you can use the download link in the description below so that actually doesn't include any CC just because for the purposes of putting it on the site it really will not let me I don't know if it lets people normally they use CC but it doesn't let me um so I have to sort of replace it with things that look similar give you a similar feel uh the the whole shell of the build will still be the same um but yeah it's just in case you want a similar like looking thing in your game that it will be an option um but yeah and I kind of sometimes like going back and changing it to non-cc because then I realize oh I didn't really maybe need it it's like you know there was quite a few Alternatives that just come with the regular Sims or The Sims store things uh yeah so the replacement stuff does still contain um stuff from The Sims 3 store and I'm I'm really not trying to necessarily encourage people to spend their money from the the store because I think there's like lots of free really really nice CC out there if you do want to like expand your selection of items in the game um if not obviously the expansion packs have a lot of things I think you know there is some really gorgeous builds out there that even like some of them just the base game builds alone people are so talented so really it's just a case of what you do with it but yeah I definitely have a mixture of a lot of the store content a lot of the CC that I've downloaded over the years um and then all the stuff from probably nearly every expansion pack and stuff pack um and I I don't really try to restrict myself and you know in the future I could I could just do you know a seasons and base game build or something like that just to challenge myself to a new level but I quite like the freedom of using just anything just going for it you know thinking of a theme for a house and then just going for that so now we're coming to the Landscaping I do often find Landscaping to be a bit tricky and I was thinking the other day of doing a landscaping tutorial just because um even though it is is tricky um I've been doing it for many years so I might have like you know some tricks and tips that maybe people have like you know not necessarily seen so that might be coming in the future so for now I kind of had a very very clear vision of what I wanted to do so this is just going to be like floral Central um yeah this person is gonna be mad about you know flowers and just kind of in a way keeping it kind of like wild looking as well um and I think this Cottage would be like just amazing for or either a fairy Sim or even like a witch Sim that's like really into plants and stuff um so yeah this is like all turning out just as a love and then um I've also used a lot of the Sims 4 to Sims 3 um CC and I think I got that from around thesims3.com um and I really love that obviously Sims 4 does have some very nice items and I just like to incorporate some of them in the game not all of them because obviously Sims 4 is a different style of Graphics so um sometimes I want to like you know not avoid everything but just certain things that are a little bit too Sims 4 looking because then it kind of you know doesn't make your Sims 3 game look a bit weird so yeah there's a there's quite a lot of that in the plants but I think they look really nice um I will change a little bit of the Landscaping um towards the end just because um sometimes once you start putting things in um it starts to look a bit cluttered or just like not not in the right places um so yeah um it might change a little bit but I think the whole thing is it's trial and error most of the time so even when you think you know what you want to do you've got this image in mind um just putting it down sometimes makes you think ah right it doesn't work in game as well as I pictured um so you can just improvise and that's what I do like all the time um but I think it does help to have some sort of idea before you go into it just so that you can kind of like have a consistent look or theme and so that's what what I find but obviously you know everyone's got different methods and stuff so um yeah and this is like really cute basically what I'm doing is I'm sectioning the room because it's quite a open plan and but I want to sort of give the entryway like its own little moment um and then for the rest of it I want it to still look quite rustic that's why I've gone with like the stone and the wood and stuff like that and then I'm also gonna pick um a sort of floral pattern and it's like you know just cute cottagey wallpaper sort of thing so yeah but the the tones at the moment are all still pretty neutral so why I'm doing that is because then I can um place things that are more colorful and like I said at the start it's going to have quite a lot of clutter so um not making the sort of walls and stuff too uh bright or colorful means that you give the items more of their space and they can sort of stand out and and look really nice oh and I downloaded this adorable bottle of milk from around the Sims 3 and honestly that just makes me think I'm a grandma and Grandad like they still have a Milkman service and I just think that's so cute I mean I could never do it like realistically because I've got to go into the office and stuff I couldn't just leave a bottle of milk on the like you know on the south side of the road but um like for mine and Grandad they're so used to it and like it's just yeah I just love that I I usually put them sort of things like dotted around the kitchen but I thought oh like what if that was on the porch like oh I love it I just I'll stop going on about the milk now but I loved it so much um so um that sort of coat rack like I don't know the the hooks with the bag and the cap and stuff in the apron and that is from The Sims 3 store I think it was from the like nature pack but that is actually one of my favorite items I I think I genuinely put it in nearly every Sims 3 house like mainly just because it is quite cute for an entryway like um you know it's just realistic that you'd have somewhere to like hang your coat and stuff in a bag um but you can obviously use the color wheel and just kind of make it look exactly how you want and I yeah really loved that for a little spot for that so um yeah I'm really really loving this sort of cluttered mix of uh items for the entryway and you know I've got that little bench there with the boots and you could picture like your little maybe your little witch Sim like putting a little boots on before she goes out the door I just yeah so cute and I use The Gingham sort of pattern as well on that little um sort of seat stall thing um and I I just think like gingham and things like them sort of pan checks and all that sort of thing in my like cutesy colors are very cottagey so yeah I absolutely loved that um and now I'm already getting obsessed with cluttering so I'm already like you know starting on the kitchen even though that was like not the plan because I saw pots and pans I was like yep get them all on the walls I absolutely love it so yeah and and for most of those I had to use the move objects cheat and I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing but I don't actually like to have the move objects cheat on when I'm building um I think it's because I always have it in mind that I'm going to use the houses I'm gonna actually like have my Sims live in them and like using the move objects cheek can just make things like just have rooting issues and stuff so uh you know and then you'll get your Sims a wave in their arms I can't get past anything so yeah I think I prefer not to if I can help it but there's just certain times when I think there's certain times you can use it and the Sims will still be able to go past it um like I just put them chairs close to the fireplace your Sims will still be able to walk as long as there is like just enough room um but yeah the uh the move object is cheap for me I have a kind of like a love-hate relationship I especially despise how most of the time it makes the windows and the doors sort of go inside the walls and I don't know if that's just a me thing but like I really would rather not have to go back round and click them all just so that they're not all weird so and I don't know if anyone's got like a trip to stop that happening but like it just always happens to me like so I just yeah tend to keep it off um and then the other little thing that I tend to do that I'm not sure if a lot of people like or do but I use the grid when I'm building um like I don't use it all the time and actually when I'm filming I try to remember to turn it off because I know how much it frustrates some people um and I only know that because I've seen comments and on stuff before like oh God how can you build with the grid well I'm just yeah that way inclined I'm afraid I'm a gritty girl so um yeah I think it's just like I think I don't know I feel like there's more of a structure to it even though I won't necessarily stay in the lines because I hold alt a lot um which um lets you kind of have more freedom of sort of turning circles and where to actually place things it doesn't have to sort of snap to the grid positions and so that's a handy tip if you didn't know that one um but yeah I I you know have loved that tip ever since I found that one out um so here because I know that this is going to be a very small kitchen area I'm kind of gonna put in in a sort of an island but not a big island so this one was great this is like a cc a little countertop but yeah I'm using it as an island space because I think that sort of thing is in Cottages you know and they're kind of usually made of like a Butcher's Block type of material like you know where you technically it's like made out the same stuff as a cutting board effectively um that sort of thing so I think that's really cute and it looks like you could have potentially bought it from like a car boot sale you know years ago it wasn't used how it's being used now and I think that's actually kind of a big part of cottage core that like a lot of the items in houses like this have a history like they used to be used for something else which I think is really cool so um yeah if there's any objects like that that kind of just looks mismatched and just like thrown in there that that's kind of why that's that's just the style like how it is so um yeah and I'm I'm absolutely loving these sort of baby pink counters I'm seeing a lot of this like pink being used at the moment it's a very like you know daring color but it looks so cute um and then when I just moved the little Jam job cabinet thing which I was I was planning on like making it look like a built into the uh counters um I had to get rid of it because I remembered I didn't put a fridge and I didn't have any of the space for the fridge so that was quite regrettable um but then I put in these little cabinets and they kind of finish the look off they make it look quite nice and cute and kind of what I was going for with that little Jam Jar thing which um that is a really nice object actually that that Jam Jar um cabinet that I had was from I think it was from the bakery set that you can get off The Sims three store so um yeah it's definitely I mean that Bakery set is great for cluster items like you get a pie a bag of flour a set of books um it was probably one of the best really if you're not into downloading CC like that is genuinely a pack from The Sims 3 website that I can um definitely recommend so um yeah but because I've got lots of CC I'm just throwing stuff in here obviously putting my mug of tea down because uh yeah this every single build has to reflect my love for tea so um yeah that's definitely in there um and yeah I just mess with stuff when I'm trying to do Calista because there's like a right and a wrong way to do it because I have downloaded that much stuff that like I have like a billion things which would fit on the wall and could look really cute and fit the theme but it's still a really small space and I still kind of want at least one countertop to be a prep area really um because you know you do need that in Sims otherwise the second that gets me out of the fridge in fact I don't even know if they can get stuff out the fridge if there's nowhere for them to put stuff I think they might just put it on the floor and complain so yeah I definitely didn't want that so I left the one near like in between sink and the oven spare um and then I put that little uh plate shelf from I want to say Supernatural um up there as well because that's just like another like touch of antiquiness and you know collecting mismatched plates over the years so I absolutely loved that but yeah when I'm cluttering I'm always at risk of overdoing it so oh there's that bag of flour I just mentioned from the bakery set I just yeah I must use that almost in every single build as well I think nearly all Sims as they get like hooked on certain little items that you'll kind of see throughout every single build and yet every single build is pretty different so um it's yeah it just it's just one of those things that you latch on to things that you just like oh my God this just has to be in this build and that is one of them so um I definitely wanted to put some like little curtains in here just because um it's yeah still kind of a cottagey thing to have like something like that but yeah I really like them they are actually some CC curtains but I think they fit nicely because it is kind of annoying when the person's cut into the counters which you can't really help especially if you don't have CC like every single curtain pretty much that I'm aware of will do that um so it's just like a bit of an oversight from EA that bit but um yeah I don't know if they're the curtains in Sims 4 are the same like I literally played Sims 4 for I don't know I don't even think I've got like more than four hours in that game whereas this I can't even tell you how many thousands of hours I've got so um yeah a bit of a difference um so when it comes to Sims 4 I have a serious lack of knowledge um but yeah you'll have to let me know if the the curtains in Sims 4 also cut into counters because that would just amuse me to think that you know all them years later they didn't learn from that issue but it's just one of them things isn't it I guess like all games have limitations and um you know I can definitely forgive Sims 3 for just having a little bit of curse and clippage now to decorate this bit I've gone into the pets folder just to add those sort of little quirky touches I love those little cat plates and these frames with the dog pictures in and I think you know most Cottages I I feel like people have pets like you know they either have cats or like I did kind of in the back of my mind I wanted to put like a bird cage somewhere in this house but it was just a little bit too small and I guess if I didn't have all the clutter in the um entryway that could potentially have had a bird cage so just an idea if you also like playing with pets in the game um I think there is like space to put them but you just have to you know put them wear something else currently is I guess so just swap it out um but also like this desk if you didn't really want a desk you could probably fit like a bird cage or something there instead so there's a there are options but I quite like my Sims having a desk I think it's more handy than having to constantly go to the library to use a computer or something and plus I love using that CC typewriter thing I I feel like I got that from Sims 3 rookie Source I think um but yeah it's just like so much nicer because when you have made kind of a an old-timey rustic um sort of house you don't necessarily want a brand new Apple Mac in there or whatever it you know I mean everyone like you know moves on with the times then you could still live in a really like old-fashioned house but have modern technology like there's nothing wrong with that but I just think for the look like if you're really really committing to a look a hundred percent like you might just need to like download something to really fit what you were kind of going for um so yeah I I do love stuff like the typewriter thing I really like the main reason I started downloading CC was just put items I genuinely couldn't get from a pack or something like that um you know I think they were like the main things that led me down the path of CC because uh like that little sewing bowl and all of that stuff and baskets there just wasn't like the Clutter that um you know you can't get that from the the base game and the the expansions and stuff they really didn't kind of accommodate that kind of stuff they just you know maybe like those candles I've put in the bookcase they came with the base game but there's just there's very few items so I much prefer like a bigger variety um so now I'm just gonna like redo the the wallpaper and just redecorate this room um again I'm going floral floral floral um and um yeah it's just gonna be kind of cutesy um I didn't want it to be like too bright again like I say I quite like to go for more of a neutral tone for the wallpaper um so yeah I kind of went with the sort of green look for this um not typically a huge fan of green but um yeah there's certain Shades that I I do really like I think that's kind of like you know a more calming green um and I definitely think like when I think of cottages I definitely think of like Meadows and nature so incorporating those sorts of colors I think was the right way to go with this um but yeah let me know what you think and you know I was daring enough to make the typewriter Pink as well there's a there's a very Pink theme going on here I don't know you'll have to let me know if you like it or you can't stand it um you know I guess like at the moment in time when I'm recording this uh there's a massive thing about Barbie but that honestly was not what drove the pink it was because uh yeah it's just it's just been around a lot lately I think before the Barbie movie like people were starting to sort of paint their front doors pink and you know do pink kitchens and stuff just just to get like I guess be a bit different and you know brighten it up because pink is a very cheery color um you know certain tones of pink can be quite cold I guess a little bit but um yeah I still think it's like quite a happy color so I think that's why I've used it a lot um and what I kind of have realized is I've definitely gone with more spring tones for this house whereas when I originally thought oh yeah I'm really in the mood to make a cottage core something house I just really want to make that um I was actually like more focusing on Autumn um and you know if that I should have used more tones of like uh darker woods and oranges and Amber's and all of that um just to sort of I guess like reflect all like the colors of the trees and Autumn and all of that to make it feel more cozy but this is definitely still very cheery I do like this as an alternative and I really like how this Arrangement sort of turned out with the tall dresser on one side and then the little tiny stall on the other but then with the matching lamps because again you've got the new with the old and I think that's like you know like I say it's some sort of history with things um some sort of you know uh looking in you know antique shops or card boots for random treasures and things like that I just really love that and also if you do enjoy this sort of build um Speed Build or decorating or any of that um please let me know what you think like I want to know what you would have done differently you know and I also want to know if you want me to try and make another Cottage core sort of thing like um maybe like I should do an Autumn on like because I said that this turns out a bit more Springtime and maybe I should do that um and especially since we are going into Autumn it's it's probably more topical isn't it so um yeah but like I do I do feel like this is definitely a cute Cottage that I would use in game but it might be quite nice to have your neighbors have a cottage quite nearby which is just the like because they are kind of the opposite theme really so I think that could look really really cute and so now I'm just moving on to the bathroom I won't spend too much time on it it is like my least um favorite room to decorate just because it's kind of a bit of a basic room isn't it you know so um I guess I'm just gonna kind of pick out some items that are a little bit more rustic um but like not in a a gross way if that makes any sense like you'd still want to use like a clean bathroom but yeah at the same time the items I'm wanting to pick have a bit more character so um I really like the CC kind of like wicker basket um counters although I think I'm just gonna I'm still gonna make them into wooden counters um but they are very cute like that as well I mean wicker again is like such a cottagey material so um it isn't necessarily really bad choice at all but um yeah it's just that there might be a better option and I really wanted to use this little um like starfish towel thing that it just did not fit on the walls like it is such a small room um and yeah I just ended up like giving up and like removing it but um yeah I guess there's like probably I probably could have put a bit more clutter in this room uh but yeah like I say I kind of just wanted to do some bits quite quite quickly with it um and yeah I quite like that um Sims 4 to Sims 3 hanging plant there I use that quite a lot as well um and just yeah putting in a couple of extra final touches as well and I think I got that CC lemon tree from um Tumblr I think it was part of like a laundry set or something randomly but it's like one of my favorite CC pan it's just really cute and I just want to like fill out the space a little bit more with a few more like pots of flowers and stuff because again that's kind of what I associate Cottage core with like you know just um flowers and nature and all of that stuff and so now I'm just gonna do go back to the Landscaping because as you can see the outside definitely needs some work um I feel really happy with the inside um and yeah let me know what you think of it anyway like um I think I I do like doing small builds but I don't tend to do them um so it was quite nice that I literally had that focus in mind this time and because sometimes I feel like I almost bite off more than I can chew like you know my speed builds even this one's long and the whole point is it's a speed build it's meant to be quick but mine are just never that quick so I'm very sorry I think I probably put too many details or I'm just too slow doing it and you know even on speed 1000 or whatever it's still like not quick enough so I'm really sorry and if you have like made it all this way like I really really appreciate it um so um yeah like honestly you know the fact that some films are probably not this long um yeah I'm really sorry I'm gonna try like and cut them down a little bit or let me know in the comments if you're actually quite happy with the length of them but I also don't want people like switching off halfway you know and yeah just losing interest because it's just taking too long um but yeah with this uh Landscaping I'm not sure if I go a little bit over the top um but I put in a few of like the mushrooms and like I say like what I was going for with this is like a very nurtured Garden but also kind of wild um so you can see where people like planted things originally very intentionally like it doesn't look like there's not so much like weeds in there but it's just the fact that the plants that are there they have like literally had the space to just do whatever they're gonna do um so yeah it's like a little bit you know overgrown maybe a bit more than most people would have but I kind of like that um you know I think I think it still looks really quite tidy the way I've done it um but also yeah like I say the plants just look like they've been giving them space to do whatever they're gonna do so I do like that look um and and I'm not even sure if I'm like a hundred percent with the choice to make like more of a border with the fencing and the different types of hedging um but yeah that's what I've gone for because it's a fairly big lot like I've built this on a 40 times 30 lot um so there's quite a lot of space to like you know build more of stuff on it than what is here and you know expand the house and stuff um but yeah instead of giving it kind of this smaller boundary with the fencing um so yeah I don't know if that you know necessarily worked but it kind of just started like at the front of the house with the picket fence because I just really wanted a pink picket fence again more pink like I just you know once you put that in you can't just like have that floating doing the thing so I had to build the rest of it and I didn't want to do the picket friends all the way around it because that to me just does doesn't seem like anyone would have that um but I mean you know from where I live literally no one no real no houses near me have Picket Fences we just I just don't live in that sort of place um so you know I think in fact most places like by me don't have any fencing in the front at least at all so um yeah that's like unusual anyway but I like it for the builds I just think it just like creates the space in which like that's where your families live that's the front garden that's the back Garden it's quite defined that way um so yeah and again like having some like edges gives you room to do stuff like this like put little garden patches in because um you know it's just like a defined Corner then to sort of fill out um but that's just like what I like to do like there's no right way no wrong way but um I just think it kind of looks quite nice that way and now I'm just giving it that sort of rustic um sort of back porch I guess um like patio but yeah I think it's more of a deck I think that's what I would cast it as um but yeah again pink chairs so sorry if you hate the color pink there is a lot of pink um I actually forgot I actually did this much pink but it still looks cute it's like from every angle there is a little bit of pink showing but like it's not too much in one space like I think it's kind of spread out but it I think sometimes it builds and in just in decorating in general it's kind of nice to have that flow of something that connects every room every space whether it's like a color or a material or a theme or something like that um you know I think if you go into someone's house in real life for example and you you're in their living room and it's like black and you know really like giving that sort of Moody Vibe and then you walk into the kitchen and it's done in white and it's all bright it can be a bit jarring because it's just a little bit too different like I think it's just nice to have things that complement each room um but that's like just personal taste like you know obviously some people like things to be different and have lots and lots of variety um I mean places uh well spaces and rooms that I feel like you can definitely burst out for the norm are things like kids rooms because you can do like you know a dinosaur theme or something it doesn't mean your living room is also dinosaur themed you know you can have that as a totally different Zone and it kind of like makes sense because the second like YIFY kid walked into that room that is like their space it doesn't match the rest of the house it's kind of intentional for them M and I think that's really nice whereas I feel like it's more nice to have a kind of common theme from like you know the living room to the dining room and stuff like that because I think that just makes the space feel more intentional and more and more calm in a way I guess because if like your living room uses a lot of tones of like oranges and Grays and stuff like that and then you know you kind of Follow that through into the dining room and it's not necessarily the same exact colors but they're in like the same sort of tones I think that always looks really nice um sorry I'm totally going off topic here so getting back to the landscaping again I'm cluttering it um I got those little really cute CC bird houses and I think they just look so so nice there um and like the barrel of flowers and now I'm just putting like an outdoor rug just to Define that like dining area so yeah I am thinking that we're nearly done um again like thanks if you've watched all the way to here also kind of sorry to ask but I am just like a small Channel um and if you did like this video or if you just want to see every time I do create another video which isn't as often as I'd like but you know if you want my uh my channel to pop up once I've done another build or something please consider subscribing and I will see you in the next one thanks a lot take care bye [Music] thank you
Channel: NessiePenguin
Views: 4,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cottage sims 3, sims 3, sims speed build, ts3, sims 3 speed build, sims 3 build, sims 3 home, sims house, sims 3 spring, sims cottagecore, cottagecore sims 3, cottage core sims, cottage build sims, sims 3 reno, sims 3 decorate, the sims 3, sims3 build, sims spring house, sims small house
Id: 80GvGFlcXkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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