Book of Revelation Chapter 7 Explained (144000 Sealed!)

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[Music] hello everyone this is masood ramandi from perfected by blood ministries and i'm happy to be with you with another session from the revelation of jesus christ chapter by chapter studying of the book of revelation if this is your first time in this channel i invite you to consider subscribing because you will be able to actually get notifications anytime we release a new video or also join us for our live bible studies on the book of hebrews every wednesday nights at 8pm eastern standard times also if you haven't gotten our free book on how to understand the bible you can simply go to for what's that sign up and then uh just put your name and uh email address and we're gonna send you this ebook okay so uh we are in chapter seven of the book of revelation we have covered the first six chapters and if you haven't watched them please go back and do so because without that you won't be able to follow along and understand what the rest of uh the book of revelation is all about as we have covered this over and over uh the first verse of this book speaks of what this book is all about it is the revelation of jesus christ chapter seven uh likewise uh is revelation of jesus christ is part of the revelation of jesus christ and just as verse two of chapter one says that everything in this book is signified meaning uh illustrated by using signs chapter 7 is no exception it's the same way so um now i'm going to actually read a few verses from this chapter because i understand that not many are familiar with the scriptures of of the book of revelation just as they are with the rest of the new testament uh but then i want you to pay attention that we may have uh an understanding concerning uh basically certain terminologies in the bible and in order to go deeper in order to understand what the spirit says we have to go beyond carnal understanding we have to go beyond what we we have been taught we have to go beyond what has been revealed in the past you have to step into something that was not heard not seen not entered into the heart of man and the only way to do that is to pay attention to what the spirit says so it's not only reading of what we are about to read but also hearing what the spirit says concerning this so the spirit has basically a language which is sign language and all throughout the bible since genesis 1 1 toward the basically end of the bible revelation 22 verse 21 everything uh has a much deeper deeper meaning that mankind has uh focused on so when we come to chapter seven uh what we read is a story which is called the ceiling of uh basically the 144 000 um number of the children of israel and any time that we hear these words israel and tribes of israel and 12 tribes of israel uh we tend to go towards a certain direction we tend to believe that this is about uh the jewish nation of israel in middle east this is about maybe something in future um and this is where we get stuck because this is where we uh basically once again uh show favoritism where god does not then um basically we we we bring division and we don't understand that everything that is in this book is about christ and then it becomes about every single person that is a creation of god and christ is the one who says you were a creation but i'm making you a new creation that fallen mind that you inherited from your forefathers i'm going to take it and replace it with my own mind which is the mind of christ chapter 7 of revelation is all about this now it starts by saying something about uh the four wins uh basically the four winds to be blowing on the earth now let me just read it actually so you can follow along and then we can get into some of these terminologies look at verse one it says after these things i saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding the four uh winds of the earth that the vein should not blow on the earth on the sea or on any tree then i saw another angel ascending uh from the east having the seal of the living god and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels uh to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea saying do not harm the earth the sea the trees till we have sealed the servants of our god on their foreheads and i heard the number of those who were sealed 144 000 of all the tribes of the children of israel's were sealed and it goes on in verse five six seven and eight to say of every one of these twelve tribes twelve thousands versus so twelve multiplied by twelve thousand comes to hundred forty four thousand but who are they who are the 44 000 and what is this story of the four angels having the four uh winds of the earth uh and holding back not allowing them to be blown on the earth until the servants of our god are sealed and then it says they were sealed so what is this a story all about okay in order to in order to understand what this means we have to put away everything that we have known because again once again i know that the name israel anytime it's heard it's basically related to the jewish nation in the middle east and even all the messages of in basically the book of revelation are directed toward that nation when where it has nothing to do with that the book of revelation is revelation of jesus christ period and revelation of jesus christ means the unveiling of jesus christ now where is jesus christ that he needs to be revealed in heaven no not at all let me just read for you so actually you can understand what i am talking about let's go to 2nd corinthians 13. look at verse 5 it says examine yourself as to whether you are in the faith test yourselves do you not know you yourselves that jesus christ is in you okay so jesus christ is not in heaven it's not in a far basically flat planet it's not in a geographic place it's not even in a created heaven jesus christ is in you okay so when he's being revealed he's being revealed in you that means uh there is um there is there has come a time that what was written in the book of colossians by paul needs to be finding its own fulfillment in every one of us and this is it chapter 1 verse 26 27 everybody knows everybody is familiar with this that the mystery that was hidden for ages and generations now god has revealed that uh to us which is um basically the riches of this in among the gentiles is christ in you the hope of glory okay christ in you the hope of glory but chapter 3 says okay since you died with christ remember that now your life is hidden also with christ in god where when christ appears or manifests you shall appear with him in glory okay so christ you knew the hope of glory chapter one of colossians you appearing with christ in glory chapter 3 what happened did we go somewhere no same group of people on planet earth one the the initiation of their experience is just to know there is christ in them but the end of that to be christ revealed in them the initiation would be just to have a revelation that christ in means the hope of glories the hope of god's weight in me is the hope of basically me being filled with god chapter 3 is you actually already being filled with the fullness of god that's the story moving from chapter one to chapter three so when now we say chapter seven has to do again with part of the mystery of the revelation of jesus christ the theme of the book of revelation then we have to understand how i mean this is related to the revelation of jesus christ first of all what is this thing about 144 000 let me just show you this actually on uh the screen okay so we all of us know the story of uh israel the nation of israel uh according to basically this is uh first corinthian 10 uh paul a jewish person actually tells us that everything that was written about this uh jewish nation was simply okay and a pro okay everything was an example for us let me just quickly show you first corinthians chapter 10 in verse look at verse actually all of this is good but let me actually read from verse one it says moreover brethren i do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea all were baptized into moses in the cloud in the sea all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink for they all drank of that spiritual rock which followed them which was and that was uh that rock was christ but with most of them god was not pleased for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness now these things became for became our examples these things became our example these things became our example what does that mean the story of the children of israel is just an example it's done it had a beginning which was when uh isaac was born and it had an end when solomon actually inherited all that was promised and that's when the corruption came we've covered this before i'm not going to go through this but what was promised to abraham was fulfilled in the time of solomon to abraham god promised that i will give to your seed a land and they inherited and done okay and all of that is now an example for you and for me why because their story started from a land called egypt and god came to moses and he said i want to redeem my people from this land from that moment on you need to see everything in christ okay you have to see everything that started from that point onward in christ you have to see all the plagues that happened in egypt the sacrificial lamb the doorpost that received the blood the sea that they went through and they were baptized wilderness all the manna that came the cloud that followed them the fire that was with them uh the dream basically the spiritual drink that says they drank the water that they drank all the way to basically joshua going before them to the land to david destroying all the enemies to solomon sitting on the throne every one of those things must be seen in christ otherwise you're left only with a religion without any path forward you just say i'm christian i believe in jesus and you have no clue that your first initiation to the revelation of christ in you was just the beginning and because of not actually preaching the truth about what is the rest we end up like them going around in our own wilderness uh not entering into the promised land not inheriting what was promised to us and all die just like they did now i want to say what this story is all about um we are in chapter seven of the book of revelation and we are in seal number six okay but uh rose covered this in the last session that uh chapter six is all about the first five seals that are being loosed chapter six is about the sixth seal um in fact actually it's the continuation to the sixth seal now uh let me actually uh i need to show you some scriptures otherwise it's hard to actually say what i want to say uh so chapter seven um is the story of the 144 000 being seen this story is the story of as i said the story starts from egypt seal number one um is the beginning of a certain redemption which was about redemption from egypt okay please follow along with me in fact let me just maybe it's better to draw this and let me just put this on the screen okay great so we have a let me just draw this one okay these are the story of the seals which are seven seals by the way okay so we have uh seal number one number two number three number four number five number six uh and number seven so here we have one two three four five six and seven okay and when seven ends here we have the beginning of the trumpets that's uh seal number seven so where are we right now we are actually here we are in seal number six and this is where we are reading the story of 144 000 uh children of israel okay so this is very important if you're able to follow with me uh this story uh shows us something very very very profound let me just change this to black uh anything that you see until here in the book of revelation the first four seals i don't have time to actually talk about this in details uh that's why actually we have a course called revelation of jesus christ if you're interested just check descriptions there is a link to sign up you can actually read about what this is all about in uh basically our page and then uh join us you know for um for a few weeks and see actually what's happening but this is the first four or the story of sorry the story of what happened in egypt and these two [Music] are the story of wilderness and here onward is the story of promised land okay so he said israel was an example paul said israel was an example now the revelation of jesus christ which is about jesus christ being revealed in you has come to this place to seal number six already uh where we are as we if we say we are moving with what is happening in these chapters we are experiencing them now we are experiencing the story of life in wilderness so that tells me that i have to go to old testament and find this story somewhere what was this a story of sealing of the children of israel and who are they why not the whole nation being sealed okay uh before moving forward uh before actually taking you i'm going to take you to numbers uh two and clearly show you what this is all about let me show you what the scripture says about israel this is in galatians chapter six we can quickly read it actually yeah galatians chapter six uh look at verse 12 it says as many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh these would compel you to be circumcised only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of christ for not even those who are circumcised keep the law but they desire to have you circumcise that they may boast in your flesh now paul is speaking of a group of people that they are obviously their background is jewish they are israelites they are from the physical natural nation of israel and he says they are actually against the cross of christ and he says dave boasting is in keeping the law they're boasting is in showing have a good showing in the flesh they're both things and about what we can do and what we have done and what we must do and they put the same yoke on other people too and he says just one example is circumcision they compel other people to actually circumcise so you see that there is a nation that everything in them is fleshly and the time has come that people would understand that they all meant something in the past because they were going to bear witness of what was going to come in christ they were a shadow of what was to come they were not the reality they were not the truth they were just an example so not the truth has come but they're rejecting what the truth is saying in christ and in verse 14 says but god forbid that i should boast except in the cross of our lord jesus christ by whom the world has been crucified to me and i to the world for in christ jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything meaning not jewish being a jewish has any value not being a gentile has any value but a new creation okay so the only thing that matters is new creation it's not being a jew or being israelite according to a jew or a gentile according to flesh but only new creation verse 16 and as many as walk according to this rule which is no jew no gentile understanding only the new creation as many as what according to this rule peace and mercy be upon them and upon the israel of god the word and should be even okay that's how in the greek you should read it so it says peace and mercy mercy uh be upon uh the israel of god okay he just said the israel jewish nation those who are according to the jew they're still boasting in the flesh and he says i'm doing everything to cut an opportunity from them to actually show themselves uh or have a good showing in the flesh there are a couple of other scriptures that i don't have to cover this so he can't be possibly speaking of that nation when he says peace be upon the israel of god he just said who the israel of god is he says anyone who accord walks according to this rule is the israel of god what was that the new creation so what is the story the new creation is the israel of god because israel was not supposed to be i mean we have nothing against israel but we have everything for christ what we are trying to say is there is nothing no advantage in being a jew no advantage in being a gentile there is nothing left for any nation according to their forefathers or ancestry or whatever was in the past all things have come to in christ and in christ all the families of the earth shall be blessed doesn't matter if you're a jew or if you are a gentile if you are a son of abraham according to flesh or if you are the son of abraham according to faith everyone must be in christ so according to this uh he says that the israel of god is uh a new creation so therefore out of israel who came to twelve tribes uh means the twelve tribes that come out of the new creation or to put this actually in a better understanding all the mystery of the twelve tribes the twelve sons of um israel reveals the mystery of sonship okay reveals the mystery of new creation because the same people that were eventually in the land of promise inheriting everything according to the old they were a few years back slaves in egypt so now it's the same story we who were slaves to sin in egypt now not only we are being freed from sin but actually we are going to rule in life so not sin to death but actually reigning unto life that's the mystery of christ so we are being set free from egypt so you see actually let me just uh switch to the screen so you can see this so there is a story of our life in egypt there is a story in wilderness there is a story in promised land this is the story of new creation now it says that in wilderness there is something called 144 000 ceiling now why this and how i mean uh this happens and what is the old testament background for this story this is where i need you to take you to uh numbers chapter two where they came out of egypt please follow with me on the screen as i say look at the screen and uh follow with me on what i want to actually say so they came out of egypt they entered into promised land revelation tells us the first four seals the story of egypt on now the story of wilderness and in end of this story is uh seal number six which is the 144 000 uh basically ceiling so look at chapter two of the book of numbers to see what was happening in wilderness this is when they came out of egypt they were i mean a multitude of people a couple of million people and god said now anytime that from now on everything is going to about going to be about a tabernacle around which you camp and you stay here until i say get up and go so now here he gives the instruction on what to do look at chapter 2 verse 1 and the lord spoke to moses and aaron saying uh every one of the children of israel shall come by his own standard beside the emblems of his father's house they shall camp some distance from the tabernacle of meeting okay let me actually change this have a new picture okay so he says there is something called a tabernacle okay let's use letter t this is tabernacle and he says there are um what do we have we have 12 tribes and it says they own half they each have their own standard and emblem which is basically the uh the sign and the flag so he says this is how they're going to be camping the way they camp is actually around this tabernacle i hope you can see this okay so but now let's see um how he says this is going to be done it says on some distance from the tabernacle verse 3 on the east side toward the rising of the sun those of the standards of the forces with judah shall camp okay first let me say if this is the east this would be the west and this is the north and this is the south so he says judah would be here so i put j for judah and then he says uh something about i mean one of them who will be their leaders verse four and his army was numbered at uh 74 600 those who camped next to him shall be the tribe of isaac izakar and uh nathan the son of zua shall be the leader of the children of izakaya and his army was numbered at this number then comes the tribe of zebiallon okay so he says zabiolan in verse seven and isakar uh they all actually they also are on this side so i'm going to put that here for zabiolan and who was the other one is a car so i here and then he continues to actually say now there are so these are the three tribes on the east side and then he gives us who are the tree that are basically on the west side and who are the tree that are on the south and who are the uh basically uh other three tribes that are on the north side so three plus three plus three plus three uh and then here you see uh all the 12 tribes and uh now now the only basically the uh important thing is that not everyone of these people were gathered or chosen to be part of the army because all the numbers that i read for you is about army now um what it means is okay first of all what is happening here is this that god is forming an army from the children of israel now remember revelation chapter seven in that story it says of each tribe twelve thousand were sealed okay you put these two together you understand that god is forming an army the language of army in the new testament in jesus christ is kingdom okay so the 144 000 are the the ones that represent the kingdom of god forming in wilderness getting prepared to blow the trumpets to go into the land of uh promise and to destroy the enemies of the land and to inherit that land i hope you see this okay so the story of 144 000 children of israel being sealed by the seal of the living god on their forehead in revelation chapter 7 is about the formation of the kingdom of god inside of his people and the 144 thousand represents simply that portion of the kingdom not everyone is part of the army not that i mean god chooses someone it's to say who is actually this is the revelation of jesus christ by the way this is not a literal thing that is going to be happening this is happening as we speak in you and in me it's been happening for 2000 years and those who have been able to see the progression of this redemption out of egypt into wilderness with all the details not just simply say yes i was in uh egypt now i'm in wilderness i'm going to promise land no once we see that every one of those things were examples we actually begin to step into these realities and experientially understand where i am and what do i need to overcome and that's what you see in the book of revelation so um now let's go back to the book of uh revelation there is much to say actually about this uh picture uh there is much to be said about what pictures actually are coming out of this there is a uh detailed teaching on this it's even hard to cover it in one session um this picture is actually what you see in chapter four uh of the book of revelation eventually ever actually the throne of god the tabernacle of god is there the throne of god is there and everybody is around the throne and you see four living creatures and the 24 elders all of those come out of this one picture that i gave you but i mean that's not the purpose of today's message i just wanted to show you that the story of 144 000 uh what is that story actually in fact let me just the only thing that i need to say here is this um let me just change my color okay so you're saying 144 000. this number is simply 12 multiplied by 12 by 1000 okay the this um number 12 uh if you look at the old testament the first time that this is used is the story of the 12 sons of jacob and they are the ones that were mentioned uh as basically they are the ones that eventually form the kingdom of israel and they represent government they represent kingdom that's why even when you come to the new testament you see jesus having 12 disciples so the kingdom the government is represented by number 12. now um so this is actually about tribes and then or the kingdom in tribes and the 12 also represents in each of these again the totality the the fullness of the kingdom so 12 multiplied by 12 and number 1000 is simply the one day of the lord okay because uh symbolically speaking again peter says in first corinthians chapter uh in second peter chapter three says with the lord one day is a thousand years so a thousand year uh or number thousand represents a thousand years which is one day of the lord so this is about eventually 144 000 is god reigning in and through his people i'm going to actually put it here so you can read for or actually in the day of the lord now what does that mean in a day that you are co-working with him it's not a literal name and literal day again it's the day of the lord when uh darkness is past you you have the light of the lord you see you understand you have an illumination you have a lightning you have revelation and in that the fullness of the work of god in that one day uh is through the working of his kingdom in you which is in the holy spirit so this is about the working of the spirit of god actually in his people to create a people for himself that can be a kingdom of god on earth okay i think can be said more clear than this now it says before this ceiling happens i heard something and this is what it says after verse chapter seven verse one it says uh i saw the four angels standing at the four corner of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the that the wind should not blow on earth or on the sea or on any tree uh and verse three says saying do not harm the earth the sea uh all the trees till we have sealed the servants of our god on their foreheads okay let me actually first tell you what the forehead is look at chapter 22 verse 4 it says they shall see his face and his name shall be on their forehead okay i just gave you what the seal is the seal on the forehead is the name of the father on the 144 000 children of israel he said this is new creation now what is this representing it says the same people that came out of egypt uh that were slave in their mind they were slaves they come out they come into wilderness yet they they don't have the the mind of a son they don't have that assurance and this is where the working of god works so they can actually be sealed by this name they can understand they are sons they can understand they are no longer slaves they can understand they are heirs of god they can have that assurance and they can enter into the promised land where god said go i have given it to you and not to be uh ignorant of this command like the children of israel the physical the natural children of israel who went into the promised land came back with a bad report and they said we can't go and possess this land because there are enemies and we can so that should not be our story our story should be to actually remain uh obedient to the seal of god by which we are sealed now the one who seals us it says let me just show you who he is uh verse 2 says then i saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living god okay so he says the one who um the one who had the seal of god is the one who rose or he ascended from the east the word east is actually the rising of the sun so it so basically it says the one who has the seal is from is from the rising of the sun now again symbolically you can go to check mark 16 and other gospels it says uh before the rising of the sun they went to the tomb and they saw that the body was not there why because jesus was ascended out of the earth jesus was resurrected from the dead so the one who has the seal of god it says he is from uh the rising of the sun which is by the way the east and um the first tribe that i read for you in numbers chapter 2 was the tribe of judah the tribe of judah it says actually on the rising of the sun on the side of the rising of the sun numbers chapter 2 uh should be the tribe of judah camping around the tabernacle all symbolism okay none of these things have a literal fulfillment these are to understand what this story is it says uh the one that is from the tribe of judah can basically seal now why the tribe of judah because if you remember i mean we've covered this in uh two sessions ago that chapter five speaks of a uh basically one sitting on the throne and there was a scroll on the right hand of the throne and nobody was able to uh lose its seal or to break the seals and to read it and people were crying and somebody said one of the elders says do not cry for the lion of the tribe of judah has overcome to take the scroll to break its seals and to read it basically so the one this basically simply says the firstborn son of god jesus christ who rose from the dead is the one who can actually seal you with the name of the father on your forehead let me show you hebrews chapter 2 hebrews chapter 2 it says in verse 10 for it was fitting for him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons to glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect true sufferings for both he who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one for which reason he is not ashamed to call them brethren saying i will declare your name to my brethren okay so the name of the father is being declared to the many sons that must be coming to glory through the firstborn son of god raised from the dead this is the angel that rose from the rising of the sun one of the trouble of judah and now the reason i mean uh tribe of judah because jesus was according to the tribe of judah according to the flesh it has no other significance so uh now what what is all this trying to say let me take you to this declaration of the name of the father by jesus to his brethren which is you and me and see something very very very profound this is the last words of jesus before his crucifixion and obviously resurrection chapter 17 of john verse 25 o righteous father the world has not known you but i have known you and these have known you that you have sent me and i have declared to them your name okay what is the purpose of it and will declare it that the love with which you loved me may be in them and i in them okay so the name on the forehead is the name of the father which makes you a son so in wilderness which is basically a in between land between egypt and promised land between slavery and lordship between uh not having anything to be in the air of all things there is that season called wilderness in wilderness it says when the the angel grows then the seal came okay what does that represent uh when jesus rose he said wait until the promise of my father comes upon you and then in the book of acts chapter two they were all in with one accord in the upper room uh suddenly uh there was a sound as over right basically mighty wind okay came upon them and they were all filled with the holy spirit it says now the four winds of the earth where hold were told to be held back to the angels were told to actually hold it back so that they were first sealed on their forehead okay what is this story trying to say the story is this why why do you bring wind on the earth why i mean what happens when a wind comes on the earth first of all it says it will hurt the earth and the sea and the trees now what is that representing the and which earth and sea and trees by the way because we have in chapter 21 we have a new earth so what is the earth that is experiencing uh this wind well it's the old earth now what does that represent i mean in simple language it's your humanity uh the the wind that comes uh first of all it's actually the thing that is going to change things it's going to perhaps uproot some trees it's going to reorganize something on in the on the sea and um basically on earth it says this can't be done unless first they are sealed with the basically the seal of the father what does that mean no judgment must be done except they are first sealed by the name of the father as sons and they know what the father speaks they're not going to take it carnally they're not going to look at it in flesh they're not going to be afraid of this they're going to see every word that is being spoken from their father is to bring newness in every area so they can put away the old okay that's simply what it means so it says in order for you to take the judgment of god which is judgment simply means a separation a division god having an opinion god showing you what is the truth and i think it's in isaiah that isaiah says when your judgment are on the earth the children of men will learn righteousness okay so the judgment is not a judgment unto death a judgment unto condemnation it's a judgment on to righteousness it's a judgment that shows you what the truth is about you it's a judgment to come into your mind your forehead by the way and to help you to recognize that you are sons and if your sons your heirs heirs of god and joint heirs with christ okay so the story of chapter seven is about those who are going toward maturity toward perfection they know there is something more than just being born again they know there is something more than uh just you know receiving some gifts they know there is something more than just being able to heal the sick and stuff like that those who know there is something called promised land a land that is flowing with milk and honey a land that is that does not have any enemy a land that is without enemies and even the last enemy is not there death a land without death allowed with god's blessing a land a land which now takes us back all the way to the symbology of the garden of eden a land that was directly fed by the river uh of god that was flowing from eden that's us being receiving the spirit of god that goes and is departing into four strings and the four streams go into the four directions of our earth which is what we read actually in chapter four so your depth your heart your width your length can be touched by the spirit of god so your humanity can be touched by divinity your uh basically carnality can be replaced by the divine nature of god so in your thoughts in the in your lower thoughts in your higher thoughts in everything you can experience all becoming old and new to replace it this is the story of basically the ceiling now why this is important what happens i mean why the ceiling is happening because it's clear i mean we are told in a clear language what this represents let's look at uh chapter 30 chapter 4 of the book of ephesians in verse 30. it says and do not grieve the holy spirit of god by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption your ceiling is for the day of redemption that means you can never experience redemption without first being actually sealed by the holy spirit how does the holy spirit seal you by the name of the father where on the forehead now what is forehead representing mind so it's the name of the father in your mind what does that mean so that you can understand your son so what does that mean to have the mind of the sun what is the mind of the sun the mind of christ okay so the story of being sealed with the mind of christ is what we see in chapter seven of the book of revelation it's about me being sealed by a mind of by the mind of christ so i can experience after that redemption which is the glorious truth which are we which we are going to see in the rest especially in the bulls uh in chapter 15 16 onward that's where actually you begin to see redemption finding its fulfillment experientially in god's people so there are people that are actually being sealed by this mind so you can move you can continue you can be led by the spirit of god as sons of god they can leave egypt behind they can go into the promised land and every action that they take in this spiritual path is by the direction of the spirit of sonship that is inside of them so uh in fact uh let me just read it once again for you it says and do not grieve the holy spirit of god by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption let's look at another verse chapter 1 of the book of ephesians it says in verse 13 in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed you were sealed with the holy spirit of promise who is the guarantee of your inheritance a promised land until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory okay so he says there there is going to be a praise to his glory why because the glory is going to be revealed through you or in you and god will be glorified in you just as god was glorified in jesus christ while he was on earth so he says now for that that happens when there is something called the redemption of purchased possession and it says redemption of purchased possession comes after you have a guarantee of your inheritance so your inheritance is redemption and he says the holy spirit is the guarantee when he actually seals you with the mind of christ so that mind that son that sonship mindset in you guarantees that you will have a redemption now let's go even a couple of books backwards to the book of romans and see what this redemption eventually is all about chapter eight of the book of redemption sorry book of romans in verse 23 not only that but we also who have the first fruit of the spirit which is the guarantee even we ourselves grown within ourselves eagerly waiting for the adoption which is the redemption of our body not soul not spirit body the redemption of your body is that for which you were sealed with the mind of sonship because chapter eight of the book of romans is all about sonship in fact in verse um verse 29 uh it says for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren okay so the um the story is this that god says in the book of revelation there is a past that i'm showing you there is a mystery that was in the old testament and i'm bringing light into that mystery i'm showing that in a clear language what is that story about in christ for you it starts from basically god it starts from his kingdom it starts from his throne and that's why chapter four is all about the throne and then uh this redemption is all about a scroll that needs to be actually on loose and rose covered this that's chapter uh basically five and six and then it says when that began to be uh the seals began to be open there is a couple of more steps until the inheritance that is written in this scroll can be embraced and that inheritance is the redemption of the purchase possession which is the redemption of your body now it says be for that to happen you must be sealed by the holy spirit of promise holy spirit of promise is actually the spirit of jesus christ so when jesus christ was rose again peter said this that you see this feeling of the spirit is uh in chapter 3 of the book of acts it says what you see is actually jesus being glorified being received to the right hand of god and received the holy spirit and pouring him out okay so when jesus the angel from the rising of the sun arose he had the seal of god and he came to seal us and that means by the power of the holy spirit to put a new mind in us the mind of christ now that causes us to experience couple of things which is the first thing about that is look at first corinthians chapter 2 uh uh 16 says for who has known the mind of the lord that he might instruct him but we have the mind of christ so this is end of chapter 2. i just read this here to say that there is something about the mind of christ i'm going to go backward and say what that mind of christ is all about so who has the mind of christ you i if you are being baptized by the holy spirit then you have the mind of christ so why this is important because verse 12 says but we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit of who is from god that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by god sounds like promised land sounds like god has given you redemption sounds like god has said i have told you get up from this land from wilderness and you have wasted time enough time here get up and cross over this jordan river and inherit the land that i have promised you so verse 13. these things we also speak in words which man's not with not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the holy spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual so he's trying to say guys anything that i teach has nothing to do in flesh it's not about you know an a physical place it's not about a physical river it's not about a physical well it's not about a physical city or a physical nation or a physical temple or a physical priest or a physical it's not physical they are spiritual so he says you want to understand what god has given you get into the spirit get into the mind of christ understand how did jesus treat sabbath how did jesus treat sacrifices how did jesus treat i don't know every alter washings and stuff like that wasn't it that he came to actually show us teach us they all represented something but now the truth has come i mean i came the scriptures were about me and i came so why are you going back and looking backward anyways verse 14 but the natural man does not receive the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness to him for he um nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned this is very very important they are spiritually discerned if there is debate in the body of christ about these things it's because they go about actually giving their own doctrines about what the book of revelation is all about without a spiritual discernment of what actually the holy spirit teaches so that's why we have uh the fights over the book of revelation it's not anything that we are saying it's about whether the tribulation is going to be the rapture is going to be before tribulation or during tribulation or after tribulation okay they don't see any other option why because they don't look at it spiritually they basically they read the book of revelation and they everything that they see uh is received through the natural man not the spiritual man and he says in order for this to happen look at verse 15 but he who is spiritual judges all things yet he himself is rightly judged by no one so he says although he can be judged by others but not rightly he's not discerned rightly but it says who as it was written who has known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of christ so no longer the old testament you know language of who can know no we can know we have the mind of christ and we can we can know what's the next step we can understand uh it's not about you know anymore and nobody knows nobody understands no we know that's why the revelation of jesus christ has given us the only reason we don't know because we don't spend time on seeking the truth and asking the holy spirit and looking for spiritual understanding we have already believed what uh to to believe what is the scripture is all about and there is nothing left but when we settle that it's not what i have known there is something more than the spirit can begin to show that us so uh that's actually part of chapter seven it's not all about that and it's not all the scriptures that i wanted to talk about because we can't cover that obviously in one session but the purpose of this uh series is not to actually go verse by verse word by word say everything what every sign represents that you're doing in a separate online course the purpose of this uh is to actually give you some overall views of what the book is all about so you can begin to see every chapter and then you can go and read it for yourself you can open the bible you can ask the holy spirit to be with you get a concordance get into i don't know some software's blue leather bible or something check the greeks don't trust translations and doesn't matter which translation there is no perfect translation uh get into put them all together uh get into greek get into hebrew and check it for yourself and see if uh the spirit uh basically in you bears witness with the truth that you are uh receiving so uh that's about it for today uh we're going to get into chapter um eight of the book of revelation um and uh we have uh several more chapters and it's exciting because uh it's just one thing to go you know quickly over the entire book of revelation chapter by chapter because uh once you have that overall view once you see uh basically the glorious plan of redemption that what is the father's desire for you i mean what is this whole story of new heaven and new earth is this something i have to wait for is it something that is going to happen is it's going to be at a certain time or maybe it's about something that i it says the time has come the time is near the time is here read here and keep the awards and you will be blessed so if you have any question leave me leave a comment for me you can scroll down go to comment section and leave me a comment if you have a question about our membership you can email us even at contact perfected by and other than that god's grace be with you and we're gonna see you next week
Channel: Perfected By Blood
Views: 1,224
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: revelation 7 explained, revelation 6 and 7 explained, revelation chapter 6 explained, book of revelation explained, book of revelation explained chapter by chapter, book of revelation explained in detail, book of revelations explained, The book of revelation, the seven seals of revelation explained, book of revelation chapter 7 explained, revelation 7 bible study, revelation 7 explained verse by verse, 7 seals of revelation explained, who are 144 000 in revelation
Id: A-Wcft14j_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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